Before and after ear surgery. Simple at first glance, but complex to perform earlobe plastic surgery: all the intricacies of the procedure

The goal of otoplasty is to improve the appearance of the ears by correcting their shape. Ugly ears spoil even very attractive facial features, so their owners seek to resolve this issue by turning to a plastic surgeon. But the upcoming surgical intervention gives rise to fear of the operation and fears for the result.

The operation to correct the shape of the ears is a simple one and is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Otoplasty is performed quickly, and the recovery period is not too painful and complications arise very rarely. Ear correction is performed by experienced plastic surgeons in clinics equipped with modern instruments.

Whether to have otoplasty is a matter of personal choice. The indication for this procedure should be considered a person’s desire to make their ears more attractive. The ugly shape of the ears does not in any way affect the functionality of the hearing organ. It is important that a person makes a decision himself, and not under pressure from others. The exception is children, for whom parents make decisions.

Briefly about otoplasty:

  • a small number of contraindications;
  • simple preparatory procedures;
  • carried out under local anesthesia (anesthesia according to indications);
  • operation time from 30 minutes to 2 hours;
  • the ability to choose a correction method - scalpel or laser;
  • you can go home a few hours after the operation;
  • relatively easy recovery period;
  • wearing a bandage after surgery for no more than a week;
  • fixing the ears with a bandage at night - two months;
  • complete healing of the ear in six months;
  • low rate of complications and unsatisfactory results.

Ear surgery is performed in two ways: with a scalpel (traditional surgery) and with a laser (modern method).

Laser otoplasty differs positively from classical surgery. The laser minimizes injuries during the procedure, since when the laser beam cuts the tissue, coagulation occurs, and there is practically no blood. With this method of performing the operation, infectious contamination is excluded, which means there are no complications in the form of inflammation of soft tissues and cartilage. The recovery period after laser otoplasty is shorter and easier.

On forums, young mothers often discuss whether otoplasty should be performed on children and at what age it is better to contact a surgeon. Surgery to correct the auricle is performed for children from 6 years of age. By this time, the outer ear is fully formed and can be corrected surgically. School-age children often have problems with protruding ears, so doctors recommend surgery as early as possible.

The danger of pediatric otoplasty may be that it affects the nervous system too much. If the child is not psychologically prepared for temporary difficulties, he may experience severe stress during the operation and even depression during the recovery period. Another issue with pediatric otoplasty is that despite the auricle being formed by the age of 6, it can continue to grow and change its shape to its original form.

When asking whether ear surgery is dangerous, you should understand that this is a surgical procedure and it has risks of complications. In order to exclude side effects of the operation, the doctor refers the patient for examination by a therapist and an otolaryngologist. The patient also undergoes urine and blood tests to determine important factors in the body’s condition. Blood is taken for biochemical analysis, exclusion of hepatitis and HIV infection, determination of blood clotting and Rh factor.

The operation cannot be performed if the following abnormalities are found during examination:

  • inflammatory processes in the ear;
  • any infectious diseases;
  • high blood sugar;
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS.

Otoplasty has contraindications for a number of diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • malignant tumors;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ears and jaw.

Women do not undergo ear surgery while breastfeeding, pregnant or menstruating.

The danger of otoplasty may lie in the unsatisfactory appearance of the “new” ears. How aesthetically attractive the ears will be after the procedure largely depends on the mutual understanding between the surgeon and the patient.

The doctor models ear shape options using computer technology and demonstrates them to the client. If the second one is satisfied with the result, then one of the ear correction methods is selected.

This is the second important point, since out of more than 150 surgical techniques, the doctor must choose the optimal one. If everything is taken into account correctly at this stage, then the final result will be exactly what the patient wants to see.

The risk of complications after ear correction is possible if the patient does not follow the surgeon’s recommendations during the recovery period. If the rules are not followed, the seams may come apart, complications such as tissue infection and others may arise. Therefore, it is very important to properly care for your ears until complete recovery.

Failed otoplasty and complications

Complications after otoplasty are not common, but it can happen. Sometimes an operation does not go at all as planned, and as a result, all sorts of troubles arise. Some problems are eliminated with appropriate treatment, others - with repeated correction.

The reasons for unsuccessful otoplasty may be the following factors:

  • physiological characteristics of the patient’s tissues;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • insufficient disinfection of instruments;
  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction to drugs;
  • inexperience or mistakes of the surgeon;
  • improper ear care during the rehabilitation period.

One of the common causes of complications after otoplasty is the individual characteristics of a person’s connective tissue and general health. In this case, the process of regeneration and healing of the ear is slower, which causes various problems, including infection of the ear tissue. This happens if the preliminary examination was incomplete or of poor quality.

The following factors are involved in the development of complications for this reason:

  • infectious diseases;
  • the presence of pathologies of internal organs;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • slow processes of cell regeneration (after 35 years);
  • impaired tissue regeneration (tendency to form keloid scars).

Failed otoplasty due to the surgeon’s fault is rare. Plastic surgery clinics have highly qualified specialists on their staff, since they are the ones who create its prestige. But it is still possible.

A plastic surgeon may make a mistake in the following cases:

  • choose the wrong surgical technique;
  • failure to place markings at the incision sites;
  • do not evaluate the result of correction at each stage of action;
  • failure to properly inform the patient about the rules for caring for the ears after surgery.

Complications after otoplasty often arise due to the patient’s fault. If a person knows that he has diseases for which ear surgery cannot be performed, but hides this, then adverse events may develop.


Failure to follow the rules prescribed by the doctor entails various consequences, including the separation of the auricle. Insufficient antiseptics can lead to infection of the ear.

For any operation, complications are divided into early and late. Early side effects appear in the first few days after the ear correction procedure. The most dangerous of them are hematoma and infectious infection.

Early complications

Hematoma is considered the most significant side effect of the operation. If the hematoma is not removed in time, it can lead to cartilage necrosis.

It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • swelling and cyanosis of the ear tissues;
  • bleeding from the wound;
  • throbbing pain.

If an infection gets to the operated area, this can lead to purulent inflammation of the tissues and cartilage (perichondritis). The infection can enter the middle ear and cause otitis media. In case of inflammatory processes, immediate therapy with antibacterial agents is recommended.

Tissue infection manifests itself as follows:

  • pronounced swelling;
  • redness of the ear tissue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the wound area.

Less severe side effects include bleeding, minor pain, and swelling. Analgesics are used for pain relief in the first days. Bleeding is stopped with the help of homostatic ointments and hemostatic drugs.

The swelling usually goes away on its own. But it is better to draw the attention of a doctor to this symptom, as it can be caused by an allergic reaction, inflammation or hematoma.

The rarest complication from otoplasty is ear separation.

This is possible in case of gross violation of the technique of performing the operation or non-compliance with the rules of ear care (the patient does not wear a bandage, wets the ear before removing the sutures, and so on).

Late complications

Late complications are considered to be negative consequences of the operation, which are observed several months after its implementation.

The most common of them are the following:

  • distortion of the auricle;
  • divergence of soft tissue in the place where the seam was laid;
  • rough scars after otoplasty;
  • asymmetrical placement of the ears.

Tissue divergence at seams called eruption. It occurs due to a violation of the suture technique, infectious infection, or too much tension in the cartilage tissue. If the ear retains its shape, then the soft tissues are sutured again. If the shape of the ears is disturbed, repeated correction is required.

Distortion of the auricle speaks of an incorrectly chosen correction technique. Incorrect measurements can lead to unsuccessful results. Distortion can also occur if the sutures are placed incorrectly.

Rough scars after otoplasty occur if the surgeon removes too much skin tissue. Scars can also appear as a result of the patient's connective tissue characteristics. Keloids, unlike scars, are pink, soft tissue. Special ointments are used to treat scars. Rough formations are excised surgically.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to visit the surgeon for an examination and inform him about all the features of ear healing. On forums, questions are often asked that are best addressed to a doctor, for example, the following:

  • After otoplasty, one ear sticks out - is this normal?

    If no more than 3 months have passed after the operation, then this situation may occur. This ear may be more damaged as a result of the correction. But this can also be an unsuccessful result of the operation. In this case, a second correction is made after six months.

  • Can I lose my hearing after otoplasty?

    Otoplasty is performed on the pinna of the outer ear and therefore does not affect hearing function in any way.

Otoplasty can help change the shape of the ear and correct its position. It can be used at any age, starting from six years. This operation is quite common and solves both congenital and acquired defects of the auditory organ.

What is otoplasty

This is a surgical intervention that affects cartilage and soft tissues to form the correct auricle. Most often, it is used to correct ear asymmetry or restore damaged earlobes.

Otoplasty allows you to change the position and shape of the cartilage, which causes the ear to return to its normal position. This is done in one operation, but some difficult cases may require repeated reshaping.

This type of surgery does not affect hearing in any way.

This video will tell you what otoplasty is:


The action of otoplasty is aimed at changing the location of the ear itself, restoring or correcting the shape of the lobe and the inner curl of the ear apparatus. It is used to restore the auricle or eardrum.


There are two types of this plastic, each of them is used for specific purposes:

  • Aesthetic– they resort to it most often. It helps correct the shape and position of the ears, which look unsightly from an aesthetic point of view. With its help you can even correct the shape of your ears. According to statistics, about 95% of cases relate to this type of plastic surgery. It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The patient can go home an hour after the procedure.
  • Reconstructive has a longer rehabilitation period, as it solves complex problems of restoring the ears after burns, injuries and abnormal development of the auditory organ. It can be performed under general anesthesia.

Otoplasty involves making incisions that are sutured with special threads. There are options for using regular surgical sutures, which will need to be removed one week after surgery or application. It not only breaks down on its own within a year to the state of L lactic acid, but also has a rejuvenating effect.

Depending on the technique used to perform otoplasty, there are three types:

  1. – it is carried out using a scalpel. This is a labor-intensive but effective technique, the emphasis is on the skill of the doctor, although it is more traumatic than other methods. There may be visible scars at the incision site.
  2. – modern technology that has great advantages over traditional solutions to ear problems, but is more expensive. After exposure to the laser, a smooth cut line is formed, the cartilage becomes plastic when heated, and it is possible to carry out more subtle processing. The laser promotes instant coagulation of cut vessels and minimal bleeding is observed during the operation.
  3. Radio wave- the newest method of otoplasty, there is not much information about it yet, so information about the exact results and consequences is difficult to find. The operation with its help assumes that the dissection of soft tissue occurs when exposed to a radio wave beam. It has a bactericidal and hemostatic effect; these properties accelerate wound healing and reduce the rehabilitation period after surgery. Subsequently, there is practically no scar at the incision site, and all possible deviations are tolerated much easier by the patient.

The characteristics of the described types and methods of otoplasty are general; it cannot be said with confidence that everything will go exactly as described; everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient, or rather his body as a whole.

Photos before and after

Where to get ear plastic surgery

In medical centers and plastic surgery clinics that have been operating for decades and have experienced specialists in this field. Any surgical intervention, even one as simple as otoplasty, entails certain consequences; in order to prevent deviations and complications, it is better to consult with the doctor of the chosen clinic about the condition of the equipment used for the operation, and familiarize yourself with the results of previous ear corrections.

Each clinic has archives with photos of patients, where you can see the condition of the ears before and after plastic surgery. It is also necessary to look through forums and reviews about the doctor’s competence, and decide on the optimal method of otoplasty for yourself.

The surgeon will tell you how otoplasty is done in the video below:

Is it worth doing?

It is not for nothing that they say that children are very cruel, they do not have much life experience and cannot understand that with one phrase or constant ridicule they can hurt another of their peers or instill in him complexes for the rest of his life. In particular, this often happens due to non-standard appearance. Many children with protruding ears suffer precisely from this and feel inferior, although in another country their special ear shape would be admired. The main reason why parents decide to undergo otoplasty is their desire to avoid ridicule from their children's peers and to strengthen the child's self-esteem.

In addition, modern techniques help transform your image in a short time without serious complications or consequences. Laser otoplasty is performed without blood loss, quickly and unnoticed, without the formation of scars. After the scalpel they may remain, but they are performed in such a place that they are practically invisible.

The only condition for a positive result is your own correct attitude. At first after otoplasty, but after a week it can only be worn at night, and no one around you will even guess about such nuances of the operation.

On vacation, and an adult only needs a week's vacation to return with new ears.

Otoplasty at home

Prominent ears can be cured in infants from the first days of birth. The cartilage tissue of a child up to six months is still too weak and is in the process of formation, so parents should buy a special silicone mold, insert it into the child’s ear every day and bandage his head with a bandage.

After six months of constantly wearing such a device, the child’s ears will take the desired position. This method is not suitable for adults; without surgical intervention, all efforts will be in vain, even if a result appears after certain techniques, it will not last long.


Popular questions

After reading a lot of information about otoplasty and its consequences, a person still has various doubts and questions, the most common of which are listed below.

  • How long do otoplasty results last? The result after such a surgical intervention does not have an expiration date; it lasts a lifetime.
  • When can you wash your hair after otoplasty? Before the operation, you should thoroughly wash your hair with your favorite shampoo, since complete hair washing is permissible only a week after otoplasty. Three days after correcting the ears, when you change the bandage again, you can wash your hair with regular warm water without using detergents. Then after 7-10 days you can wash your hair with baby shampoo.
  • Is it possible to have otoplasty during pregnancy? Since both local and general anesthesia are used to anesthetize the process, this can negatively affect the child. Otoplasty also cannot be performed during menstruation.
  • Is it possible to repair a hole in an earlobe that is too large? After wearing a heavy earring for a long time, not only the earlobe stretches, but also the hole itself into which the jewelry is inserted. It is quite possible to eliminate these aesthetic defects using otoplasty. Excess tissue is removed from the inside of the ear by excision, this allows you to avoid visible scars and carefully restore the earlobe.
  • ? Their probability of occurrence according to health information data is only 1%. They can manifest themselves against the background of incorrect actions of the patient in the ear, among them are: loss of ear sensitivity, suture separation, suppuration, return of the ear shape to its original position due to deformation.
  • How long do my ears hurt after surgery? A maximum of three days; in severe cases, pain can last a week.
  • Are the seams noticeable? They are located on the fold behind the ear, most often there is one incision, and it has a thin mark, after healing of which you need to look closely to notice this stripe.

You will find even more useful information about otoplasty in the video below:

In childhood, not everyone pays attention to the ears being too small or large, or even their absence. But in adult life, this cosmetic flaw becomes a real problem. The ridicule of others, psychological discomfort and difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex create complexes and interfere with enjoying life. Only ear plastic surgery can save you in such a situation. The procedure can transform your appearance, restore attractiveness and get rid of many complexes.

For what ear abnormalities do plastic surgeons seek help?

Otoplasty is an operation to correct the appearance of the ears. The main goal of the intervention is to restore the natural position, size and anatomical orientation of the hearing organ.

The normal length of the adult ear from the lobe to the helix reaches 6 cm, the width is 3–3.5 cm. The angle between the plane of the cartilage and the head is about 30%.

The operation is especially popular among people with congenital defects of the outer part of the ear:

  • protrusion of elastic cartilage or protrusion;
  • asymmetry;
  • too large and small ear;
  • curl deformation.

In this case, the deficiency can be either unilateral or bilateral.

The aesthetic procedure is carried out when there is a visible defect in the lobe that has arisen due to wearing massive earrings, stretch marks for piercings, all kinds of plugs and “tunnels”. In this case, only soft tissue is excised, without involving cartilaginous structures.

In addition to purely cosmetic problems, otoplasty also solves more serious medical problems, up to the complete reconstruction of a missing or severed ear. With this correction, an extender is used, followed by the formation of a frame and covering it with skin. The technique allows you to very accurately reproduce the contours of a normal shell.

In some cases, the patient needs to change the location of the ears relative to the face or restore the missing part after an injury.

Classification of plastic surgeries

Otoplasty is usually divided into aesthetic and reconstructive. The first option of intervention is performed at the request of the patient. This also includes such a controversial procedure as the creation of “elf ears”.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is carried out only for medical reasons and helps restore partially or completely lost auricle. This is a more complex and radical type of intervention.

Surgery to correct the shape of the ears can vary in complexity. In plastic surgery, it is customary to distinguish three stages of deformation, on which the level of intervention depends:

  • I degree is manifested by subtle disturbances in the relief of the ears. For correction, it is enough to remove excess cartilage tissue;
  • II degree is expressed by a visually noticeable smoothness of the curl and a deep distance of the auricle from the head. Provides for the formation of an antihelix fold.

Grade III is characterized by complete disruption of the anatomical structure of the hearing organ. The operation requires serious correction of cartilage tissue.

Types of ear plastic surgery according to the method of intervention

There are several types of otoplasty. An ancient and fairly common method of correction is surgery performed with a scalpel.

More modern varieties include laser ear surgery - the incisions are made with a CO2 laser, which significantly reduces the traumatic nature of the procedure and reduces the risk of complications.

One cannot help but recall another type of correction - endoscopic otoplasty. The only drawback of the procedure is the high price - the intervention costs about 100 thousand rubles. Why so expensive? The fact is that the manipulation requires not only intricate work, but also the use of special equipment - an endoscope.


The scalpel type of intervention has been practiced for a very long time and is considered not only traditional, but also the cheapest method of ear correction. An intervention of average complexity takes 1.5 hours, is performed only under general anesthesia and requires postoperative hospitalization for 24 hours.


Surgical plastic surgery has many advantages. Let's name the main ones:

  • using a scalpel you can not only correct the shape, but also restore the auricle if it is completely absent;
  • the result of manipulation in most cases lasts for life;
  • The procedure radically changes the appearance for the better.

Scalpel otoplasty can equally easily cope with the correction of children's, women's and men's ears.

Moreover, for representatives of the stronger sex, a surgical knife is sometimes the only possible way to correct serious ear deformities.


Some have a negative attitude towards the procedure, believing that during the operation the doctor sews the cartilage of the auricle to the head. Nothing like this is happening. However, surgical otoplasty has other, very real disadvantages:

  • pain of the operation;
  • bleeding during and sometimes after plastic surgery;
  • increased risk of complications;
  • long and strict rehabilitation period.

If there is a tendency to scarring, unsightly scars may remain after scalpel intervention.

Laser correction

A less traumatic type of ear plastic surgery. The operation is performed with a laser beam, which has a bactericidal effect.


The positive aspects of laser otoplasty are quite significant:

  • the light beam leaves a thin cut that heals quickly;
  • the procedure does not cause bleeding, since the vessels are cauterized at the same time;
  • Infectious complications and the formation of keloid scars are less common;
  • short recovery period.

The listed advantages make laser ear correction the best type of intervention, but in some cases its capabilities are significantly limited.


The low-traumatic procedure allows you to correct the irregular shape of the ears, i.e., solve an aesthetic problem. But in clinical practice it may not always be useful - using a laser beam it is impossible to restore an organ or return its missing part.

Ways to change the shape of your ears without surgery

Prominent ears are most often treated non-surgically. Such correction of the ears is possible only for newborns and infants at the age of 12 months, while the cartilage is soft and easily takes the given position. The technique is also applicable to children from 1 to 5 years old, but it does not always give the desired result.

To eliminate protruding ears in a child, special correctors are used. The device consists of soft silicone plates connected by a jumper. The sticky side of the pads is attached strictly parallel to the scalp and the surface of the cartilage.

Teenagers and adults with grade I protruding ears can use Otostik correctors or visually hide protruding ears with properly styled hair.

True, this option is unacceptable for men, so in their case the only way to look presentable is otoplasty.

Methods of ear correction using correction techniques

Modern plastic surgery includes more than 200 different techniques for correcting the ears, but in practice only three methods are most often used.

According to Furnas

The technique is usually used to eliminate protruding ears. During the operation, part of the cartilage is dissected and removed, with further fixation of the auricle with an interrupted suture.

The D. Furnas method is most effective for children, adolescents and women with soft, pliable cartilage tissue.

According to Mustard

J. Mustarde's technique is also used to eliminate protruding ears. With its help, an anatomically normal antihelix is ​​formed. Through the retroauricular approach, the cartilage is excised and the flat part of the ear is given a natural shape by applying several sutures.

According to Etenstrom-Stenstrom

The technique is similar to the Mustarde technique. The correct contour of the antihelix is ​​formed by applying several notches on its outer surface. Sutures are then placed over the incisions to hold the cartilage in position.

Features of otoplasty

Any plastic surgery is a complex and multi-stage process, where each stage has its own characteristics. An important distinguishing feature of otoplasty is the ability to perform the intervention at any age.

Indications for surgery

Ear correction, both medical and aesthetic, can relieve the patient of imperfections and many complexes, increase self-esteem and improve communication with others.

Indications for otoplasty:

  • protruding ears (protruding ears);
  • disproportions of the auricle, hypoplasia;
  • injuries, scars and wounds;
  • microtil (absence or underdevelopment of the external part of the hearing organ);
  • lobe defects.

In practice, ear surgery is most often used by people with pronounced protruding ears.

When is the best time to make a correction?

Plastic surgeons believe that the most optimal time for aesthetic correction is 6–7 years. It is at this age that the formation of cartilage ends. In addition, young children tolerate both the procedure itself and the postoperative period much easier. Soft ears heal faster and take the desired shape.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is indicated at any age. If necessary, correction can be carried out even for infants up to one year old, for example, to eliminate a rudimentary concha.

Taking tests and other preparatory activities

Before the operation, it is necessary to visit a plastic surgeon, who will visually assess the deficiency and suggest solutions. To do this, the doctor will model the new ears in 3D format and present the result to the patient for approval.

What tests need to be taken before otoplasty:

  • testing for the presence of HIV, hepatitis (HCV), syphilis (RW);
  • test for blood group and Rh factor;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • coagulogram.

The patient should also undergo an ECG and fluorography. To obtain a written medical report on your health status, you must contact an otolaryngologist and therapist.

Anesthesia and its types

When performing ear surgery, two types of anesthesia are used: local and general.

In the first case, the patient is given an injection with a 0.5–1% lidocaine solution. For premedication, Midazolam is used orally or Stadol intramuscularly. Anesthesia is administered intravenously or using a mask.

When working with young children and adolescents, general anesthesia, usually inhalation, is mandatory. For adults, the requirements are different - modern surgeons increasingly insist on local anesthesia when performing minimally invasive procedures.

How is ear correction surgery performed?

Today, plastic surgeons use both suture and seamless methods.

In the classic, scalpel version, a retroauricular incision is made, through which part of the cartilage is removed, followed by the application of internal fixing sutures. If a non-absorbable material is used for this, over time the body may reject the threads and they will begin to come out.

At the end of the operation, a fixing bandage is applied to the ear and the patient is taken to the ward.

When using the closed method, all manipulations are carried out without cutting the skin. The surgeon, under local anesthesia, makes small punctures on the back surface of the ears, through which, using a sickle-shaped knife, he makes numerous incisions in the area of ​​the future antihelix.

There is no need for hospitalization in this case. After 2 hours, the patient is sent home, securing the shells with bandage tape.

Relapses after ear surgery are extremely rare. But if this still happens, the client needs repeated correction.

Rehabilitation and recovery

The first two days after surgery, the patient may feel discomfort and pain, which are tolerated quite easily. For a week you need to wear a bandage and visit the clinic to treat the wound. During the entire rehabilitation period, the ears should be protected from any influences that could injure or displace the still weak cartilage.

  • Do not wash your hair or wet your ears for two weeks;
  • for the same period it is necessary to exclude physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • for 2 months you cannot travel to countries with hot climates;
  • refuse to visit the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna for 30 days.

How to care for your ears? The patient is prohibited from removing the bandage or rubbing the wound himself. If you experience severe itching, you can gently scratch your ears through a bandage.

Full recovery after otoplasty occurs in 5–6 months.

Contraindications for surgery

Like any surgical intervention, ear correction has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • oncology or undergoing chemotherapy;
  • hepatitis and HIV infection;
  • hemophilia;
  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • some psychosomatic disorders.

It is not advisable for women to undergo otoplasty during their period. Menstruation increases the pain threshold and increases the risk of adverse reactions.

Complications and adverse effects after otoplasty

Ear surgery can be accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, some of which are completely normal for the postoperative period. Other consequences arise due to surgeon errors or non-compliance with rehabilitation rules.

All complications are divided into early, which appear within a month after plastic surgery, and late.

The first include:

  • saturation of the ear tissues with organic fluids due to a tightly applied bandage;
  • soreness;
  • edema;
  • hematomas and bruises;
  • infection;
  • allergic reaction to medical substances.

After poorly performed reconstructive surgery, auricular separation may occur. This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.

Late consequences include:

  • cutting seams;
  • tissue suppuration;
  • distortion of the auricle;
  • asymmetry;
  • keloid scars.

If sutures are placed incorrectly, a narrowing of the ear canal may occur, a disruption of the blood supply, followed by detachment of the skin from the ears.

What else you need to know about ear correction

Otoplasty is a complex and responsible procedure that requires a lot of experience from the surgeon. In addition, manipulation has many nuances that you should be aware of and take into account when preparing for the intervention.

Is otoplasty allowed during pregnancy?

No, under no circumstances. During this period, any stress is contraindicated for a woman, and surgery is extremely stressful. The procedure can affect the health of both the mother and the unborn baby. Even more problems will arise if severe complications develop that require antibiotics.

Leave the operation for later - all deficiencies can be eliminated after the end of lactation.

Does otoplasty affect hearing?

The manipulation does not affect the ability to hear in any way. The correction affects only the outer part of the organ, without reaching the middle ear and eardrum. In plastic surgery, otoplasty is considered one of the safest procedures.

When is repeat surgery allowed?

Secondary ear correction can only be performed 12 months after unsuccessful surgery. Such a long period is necessary for the ears to heal well and take their final shape.

Where to go if you need ear surgery

In a regular hospital, under the compulsory medical insurance policy, otoplasty cannot be performed, since the operation often solves only aesthetic problems and does not have absolute medical grounds.

The Moscow Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology is distinguished by its excellent service and quality of services provided. This is a multifunctional medicine clinic, which is rightfully considered the best today. Moreover, the institution often provides discounts on its services, and sometimes performs operations for free.

How much does ear correction cost?

Otoplasty is not considered an expensive procedure. The average cost of scalpel intervention is 50–75 thousand rubles. Laser plastic surgery will cost more - 60–80 thousand rubles for two ears.

Correction of the lobe (unilateral intervention) costs from 3 to 40 thousand rubles. Reconstruction of the auricle will cost 200 thousand rubles.

Let's sum it up

Today, aesthetic medicine has reached such heights that ear surgery has ceased to be a luxury. The operation can be performed by anyone at a very affordable price. In addition to improving your appearance, this safe and effective procedure will restore self-confidence and help you find personal happiness.

Changing the shape of the ears and their size is called otoplasty. The operation is very popular in plastic surgery. People with pronounced protruding ears need otoplasty, which becomes a reason for ridicule from others and subsequently develops into a huge complex.

The operation is performed in a reconstructive mode, eliminating acquired deformities.

  • pronounced protruding ears;
  • repeating the operation if the result is unsatisfactory;
  • with an increase in the angle of more than 30 degrees between the skull and the shell of the ear;
  • absence of the complete auricle or part thereof, as a result of acquired or congenital causes;
  • deviation in the shape of the ears;
  • correction of the earlobe, as a result of improper formation or damage.

It is advisable to perform surgical intervention to eliminate protruding ears at 6 years of age. It is during this period that the growth of the ears ends.


  • acute infections occurring in the body;
  • oncology;
  • abnormalities in blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases of the outer and inner ear;
  • during menstruation.

Types of otoplasty

There are two types of operations performed on the auricle:


The list of tests that must be taken before proceeding with otoplasty:

Operation methods

Today there are approximately 170 methods of performing manipulations on the outer ear. It all depends on the structure of the auricle.

The wound formed after the operation is sutured with absorbable threads. The last stage of otoplasty is the application of a special bandage, which the patient must wear for several days while the ear heals in its new position.

The operation lasts for one hour.

If non-absorbable sutures were used at the end of the operation, they are removed after 8-10 days. During this period, it is necessary to limit the entry of moisture into the wound. It is advisable to refrain from physical exercise for about three weeks.

Swelling after surgery and accompanying pain persist for a couple of weeks. They go away on their own or with the help of painkillers.


As after any surgical intervention, otoplasty carries a number of dangerous consequences. These include:


Otoplasty is an inexpensive operation, although price tags vary from clinic to clinic. Even the same cosmetology establishment can set minimum and maximum amounts, with a significant gap.

It’s worth understanding why prices for ear surgery differ so much and what influences this. First of all, everything depends on the professionalism of the doctor and his experience in this area.

Secondly, all operations performed on the ears can be divided into three types:

  1. Cheap. When only small defects are corrected that do not require manipulation of the cartilage plates. For example, correction of the earlobe, correction of the upper parts. The price for this type of operation does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Traditional. Used to correct the patient's protruding ears. Several times more expensive than the first category, but does not exceed 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Complex. Operations requiring large financial investments. Full or partial restoration of the auricle is performed. An example of this type of otoplasty is intervention for microtia. It takes place in four stages and can last for a couple of years.

The efforts of one surgeon in such operations are not enough; the presence of such specialists as an ENT specialist and a plastic surgeon is mandatory. Naturally, the cost of operations is very high.

In addition, no doctor can tell you the exact amount of how much a complete correction will cost. Approximate prices become known after several consultations and a full study of the patient’s problem.

Factors affecting the cost of surgery

Three cases in which the cost may change from the original indicator:

Otoplasty, performed by plastic surgeons, is an opportunity that allows one to get rid of an aesthetic problem that has tormented a person all his life in one day.

Even such a seemingly insignificant part of the body as the earlobe can spoil the overall impression of one’s appearance. It's good that there are ways to restore its normal shape and appearance. The most reliable is earlobe plastic surgery; it solves from the smallest problems in the form of slight asymmetry to serious reconstruction after severe injuries.

Read in this article

Indications for testing

The earlobe consists of skin and fatty tissue, which are easily subject to changes.
Several reasons may force the restoration of this part of the hearing organ:

  • Wearing tunnel earrings. The devices require that the hole for it be wide. Sometimes it can reach a diameter of more than 1 cm. And when interest in such jewelry disappears, a huge, conspicuous hole remains, and the lobe itself becomes deformed.

The hole will not heal without intervention, therefore, you have to contact a plastic surgeon.

  • Wearing heavy earrings for a long time. Massive jewelry pulls fabrics down. As a result, the hole made for the earrings also increases. It becomes long, like an oblong cut. And it is already problematic to hide with decoration a feature that is perceived by some as a defect.
  • Injuries. More often these are ruptures that heal unevenly, with noticeable defects and disruption of the shape of part of the auricle.
  • Consequences of surgical facelift. One of them is moving the earlobe too close to the cheek, which does not look entirely natural. The deficiency occurs due to tissue tension, but it can also be corrected.
  • Age-related changes. They consist in the fact that the lobe becomes too elongated, flat and flabby due to thinning of the fat layer and aging of the skin. This feature shows age even with a youthful face and neck.
  • Carrying out otoplasty. If an operation is performed to eliminate protruding ears or improve the appearance of the hearing organ, the lobe also sometimes has to be changed. Otherwise, its shape and size may not fit into the overall appearance of the auricle.
  • Congenital defects of the lobe. It may look too massive against the background of a small ear or be forked.
  • Rough scars on the lobe. The problem can form after an injury if the patient did not see a doctor and the wound healed on its own.


Correction of the earlobe using plastic surgery will have to be postponed while the following health problems are present:

  • infections (from common colds to HIV);
  • diseases accompanied by deterioration of blood clotting;
  • inflammation in the earlobe or other areas of the auricle;
  • intolerance to certain medications;
  • severe forms of endocrine and cardiovascular diseases.

Plastic surgery is not performed on patients during their critical days or during pregnancy. In all cases, the risk to the general condition exceeds the benefits of the results of the operation.


With an intervention such as earlobe plastic surgery, the surgical technique varies. The choice depends on the deficiency being corrected. Sometimes, to correct age-related changes, it is enough to inject a special gel into the tissue. It will help fill them with moisture and enhance the growth of new cells. As a result, the earlobe will tighten and become more elastic.

To eliminate other defects, more serious manipulation is needed:

  • If a large hole from tunnels or heavy decorations interferes, the fabric along its contour is removed. The incision is sutured so that over time the scar becomes barely noticeable. And you can make a new puncture for the earring.
  • If there is a rough scar left from an injury, the scar is also excised. The incision is then sutured using special threads that will not cause new tissue hypertrophy during healing. To minimize this possibility, laser resurfacing is additionally prescribed.
  • When it is necessary to make the lobe smaller, the tissue is excised from the inside. A suture is also placed there, which will remain invisible to others.

Each intervention takes place using sterility and anesthesia. Anesthesia is most often local, but can also be general. After completing the main part of any type of plastic surgery, a patch is glued to the seam. The whole process lasts from 30 minutes to an hour.

Plastic surgery can be performed not only in the traditional way, but also using laser techniques. Radiation avoids bleeding, reduces surgery time and the likelihood of complications.

To learn how earlobe suturing is performed, watch this video:

Recovery period

Plastic surgery of the earlobe before and after provides noticeable favorable differences in the condition of this part of the organ, unless complications arise. You can avoid them if you behave correctly during the rehabilitation period. At first, the lobes will be swollen and painful, and bruises may appear. You will need to take painkillers and antibiotics for several days as prescribed by the surgeon. The stitches will be removed in 7 to 10 days. The patient himself needs:

  • Do not wash your hair for several days, do not go to the pool, try not to otherwise injure the operated area;
  • do not overheat (sauna and beach are prohibited) to prevent infection;
  • do not play sports;
  • avoid any mechanical impact on the earlobes;
  • Do not pierce your ears for at least 3 months.

Cost of correction

The price of earlobe plastic surgery cannot be low, despite the apparent simplicity of the intervention. This is painstaking work that requires highly qualified surgeons. Its cost also depends on:

  • type of defect;
  • scale of intervention;
  • the anesthesia used, other drugs and materials;
  • equipment used;
  • prestige of the clinic.

And yet it is quite accessible.

Correction of both lobes will cost 2 times more.

If there is an aesthetic need to operate on this part of the ear, it is worth having surgery. Plastic surgery will not only restore appearance. It will give you the opportunity to wear any hairstyle and not have complexes about your appearance.

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Sometimes only laser otoplasty can correct the shape of the ears. Of course, there are also negative aspects, including the cost of the procedure. In some cases, it is better to give preference to a surgical solution to the problem.