Electrophoresis is contraindicated for children. Electrophoresis: what is it, indications and contraindications for the use of modern techniques

Electrophoresis treatment is a physiotherapeutic ultrasound procedure performed under sinusoidally modulated currents (smt) of the external influence of an electric field. The therapeutic procedure (electrophoresis) is done with the aim of providing an additional local therapeutic effect in the area affected by the joints of the spine, for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system of a neurological or post-traumatic nature, for example, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, arthritis, after a joint injury, dislocation or after a fracture osteoarticular segments. Let's look at what electrophoresis is, what an electrophoresis apparatus is, what the technique is for conducting electrophoresis in a hospital setting, and we will also determine how electrophoresis can be performed on an adult and a child at home.

The basis of the therapeutic physiotherapeutic technique is the process of electrolytic dissociation, when medicinal substances enter the human body through the sweat and sebaceous glands in the form of positive and negative ions, evenly distributed in the cells of the body. The use of drugs for electrophoresis, coupled with sinusoidally modulated currents (smt), has many positive effects:

  • reducing the intensity of the body's inflammatory response;
  • reduction of swelling in the area of ​​pain localization;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes in the tissue structure;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in vessels;
  • stabilization of muscle tone;
  • normalization of metabolic functions of the body;
  • stimulation of the release of biologically active microelements;
  • activation of immunostimulating functions of the body.

The method of conducting physiotherapy with electrophoresis (iontophoresis) with the active administration of medicinal components allows the accumulation of valuable medicinal substances in the painful zone of the inflammation, which is sometimes unattainable with oral and/or injection therapy. The pharmacological solution has virtually no side effects on the body, since it bypasses the gastrointestinal vital organs.

Medicines for electrophoresis

Home electrophoresis or electrophoresis treatment in a hospital setting involves the use of those pharmacological groups that actively penetrate the skin and give the maximum therapeutic effect. The table of the main drugs used in electrophoresis is as follows.

Dosage forms administered via positive electrical ions:

Drug nameIndications for electrophoresisTherapeutic effect
Vitamin B1Radiculitis, rehabilitation after a fracture, spinal osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, arthritis, joint arthrosis, other neuralgic pathologiesNormalization of metabolic functions, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and analgesic effects
PentoxifyllineOcclusive lesions of peripheral arteries, pain in the calf muscles, spinal joints, with convulsionsImproving blood microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, reducing peripheral vascular resistance.
AtropineAll types of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, muscle spasms of the intervertebral zoneReducing smooth muscle tone, eliminating pain symptoms
CalciumRecovery after a fracture, hip dysplasia, spinal neuralgiaReplenishment of calcium deficiency in the articular cartilages of the spine, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antiallergic effects
LidazaElectrophoresis of the collar zone, diseases of the supporting osteoarticular systemReduces tissue swelling, slows down contracture formations
NovocaineConcomitant pain symptoms of neurological pathologiesThe indication of electrophoresis with novocaine is local anesthesia
DexamethasoneRheumatoid arthritis in the acute phaseImmunosuppressive, antishock, desensitizing and antitoxic effects
Magnesia (sodium sulfate)Stretching of the knee or elbow joints, cramps during gestosis, tachycardia, arterial hypertensionSedative, diuretic, anticonvulsant effect
KaripazimIntervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, arthritis and/or arthrosis of the jointsSoftening of cartilage tissue, scarring of fibers after a fracture, anti-inflammatory activity
MumiyoAll types of neurological pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the respiratory system, skin and genitourinary systemThe drug has many biologically active components, providing a complex therapeutic effect on the body.
PapaverineMuscle spasmsVasodilating effect, eliminating muscle spasms
EufillinIntervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other neurological conditions of the supporting system of the spinal columnImproving blood circulation, eliminating pain symptoms, reducing antispasmodics

Dosage forms administered via negative electrical ions:

Drug nameApplication of electrophoresisTherapeutic effect of the drug
Nicotinic acidVascular antispasmodic, trophic ulcers and/or non-healing wounds after joint fracturesVasodilating effect, improving main blood flow, relieving spasmodic tension from affected joints
IodineSkin inflammatory processes, infectious formation, restoration of damaged jointsElimination of the growth of pathogenic bacteria, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect
HeparinPost-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system, prevention of thrombosis, tissue restoration after injuries and bruisesAnti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, blood thinning, improvement of the main blood supply to blood vessels
HumisolArthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseasesAdaptogenic effect, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, increasing the overall resistance of systemic organs
AmpicillinInfectious lesions of osteoarticular segmentsBactericidal elimination of infectious pathogens

Indications and contraindications

Electrophoresis at home, or in a stationary medical physiotherapy office, can replace almost any type of physiotherapeutic treatment, which is why it is prescribed, recommended and done not only for adults, but also for children. However, instruments for electrophoresis are not currently widely used, and the reasons for the lack of interest in them are explained by several factors:

  • the unresponsiveness of the attending physician to this type of alternative treatment for neurological pathologies;
  • patients’ reluctance to burden themselves with frequent visits to the physiotherapeutic offices of their local clinics;
  • distrust of such procedures.

However, electrophoresis treats many diseases, for example:

  • diathesis in young children, except newborns and babies under 1 year of age;
  • helps with neurological disorders with a slight degree of severity;
  • removes pigment spots on the skin in various dermatological conditions;
  • restores muscle hyper- and hypotonicity;
  • best promotes the healing of burns;
  • massage and electrophoresis are often recommended for women to restore hormonal balance;
  • electrophoresis for children is very effective in the treatment of ENT diseases.

However, electrophoresis has an undeniable advantage over other types of physiotherapy in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal hernia, articular dysplasia, and so on.

Attention! Before doing electrophoresis, you need to consult a specialist who will indicate what is the best medicine to do electrophoresis with, and how to properly do the physiotherapy at home.

When using electrophoresis at home, you must remember that there are absolute and relative contraindications to electrophoresis treatment. This is especially important to consider when portable devices are used for home treatment.

An absolute contraindication for electrophoresis, for all patients without exception, is exacerbation of chronic conditions of vital organs.

Other absolute conditions include:

  • hemophilia (poor blood clotting);
  • It is not recommended to do electrophoresis at temperatures of 38º C and above;
  • oncological diseases or the presence in the body of various tumor-like neoplasms of unknown nature;
  • the presence in the body of pacemakers and other foreign bodies that support vital functions;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • clinical conditions of the cardiovascular, dermatological, genitourinary and endocrine systems;
  • open form of tuberculosis.

There is no clear answer to the question whether electrophoresis can be done during menstruation, however, most experts say no.

Relative contraindications include:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • patients with arterial hypertension.

Types and methods of home physiotherapy

The most popular portable tools for conducting electrophoresis at home are:

  • device "Elfor";
  • portable electrophoresis "Elfor Prof";
  • medical device "Potok-1".

Thanks to the Elfor device, physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out without leaving home. The operation of the Elfor medical device is based on the use of galvanic current, which concentrates medications in a specific localizing zone. The Elfor device is completely safe and does not cause side effects. The device is recommended for the treatment of elderly people, middle-aged patients and children. Indications for use:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • osteochondrosis and its complications;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs in women;
  • arthrosis, arthritis of the joints;
  • asthmatic pathologies, bronchopulmonary diseases and so on.

The Elfor hardware kit can be purchased at any pharmacy chain in the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Other portable treatment devices have similar therapeutic characteristics, differing only in pricing.

There are various ways of introducing drugs into the human body using sinusoidally modulated current (SMC):

  • Electrophoresis with bischofite is the introduction into the body of the biochemical components of a natural mineral containing a large number of natural components: salt, bromine, calcium, copper, iodine, iron and other components. By having a trophic and absorbable effect on the body, bischofite improves blood supply and nutrition in the tissue fibers of the joints, making pain symptoms more moderate.
  • Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone is a physiotherapeutic procedure that allows you to inhibit autoimmune and allergic reactions in the body. Hydrocortisone reduces intense joint pain, relieves inflammation and swelling in the affected areas. The most effective use of physiotherapy is for joint diseases of the knees, intercostal neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and neuritis of the facial nerve.
  • Electrophoresis with neuromidin promotes impulse stimulation along the nerve fibers of the articular elements, has a beneficial effect on neuromuscular and interneuronal synapses of the central nervous system and its peripheral areas.

The duration of a one-time physiotherapy session is selected individually, depending on the clinical symptoms, severity and severity of neurological or other pathology. On average, the duration of treatment with household electrophoresis is 15-20 minutes, and the general course of physiotherapy is no more than 10-15 procedures. After a 60-day break and examination of the patient’s condition by a consulting doctor, the physiotherapeutic course of home treatment can be continued.

Physiotherapy technique

Electrophoresis, or iontophoresis, does not involve various types of gels, ointments and other lubricating components during a treatment session. All you need to do is prepare saline solution, medicine and treatment device.

The algorithm for performing the home procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepare saline solution to wet two pads. Liquid temperature – 37-39º C.
  2. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to assemble the electrical circuit of the device, as indicated in the instructions for use.
  3. Pharmacological drugs are poured through a disposable syringe onto one of the pads, which acts as a positive ion.
  4. A similar procedure is performed with another gasket, in this case, a negative ion.
  5. Red or black electrodes are inserted into the pads. Compliance with polarity is mandatory.
  6. By placing pads on the affected areas, the power supply of the electrical appliance is turned on.
  7. The current level is determined by the sensitivity of the patient.
  8. During the procedure, the current is gradually increased so that the patient feels a slight tingling sensation in the treatment area.

Depending on the treatment area, wetting pads may look different, for example, in the form of an ionic collar for the treatment of the cervical spine and/or knee joints, in the form of an ionic belt for the treatment of the lumbosacral region and lower back, in the form rectangular or square pads for treating the back and chest area. Also, for the treatment of feet and/or hands, special tanks for saline solution are used, with the help of which galvanic electrophoresis, or galvanization, is carried out.

If you carry out electrophoresis at home, following a certain sequence of actions specified in the instructions for the device, this will not cause side effects.

What is electrophoresis?

Medicinal electrophoresis is a combination of the effect on the human body of electrical currents and medicinal substances administered with their help. When using this method, a high healing effect is observed that a specific medicinal substance has on the body. The intensity of this effect depends on the degree of mobility of the drug in the electromagnetic field, the method and area of ​​its administration, as well as on the amount of the incoming drug.

Under the influence of current, medicinal solutions disintegrate into ions, after which they form hydrophilic charged complexes. If biological tissues occur on the path of dispersed particles, medicinal ions penetrate into their very thickness, where they exert their healing effect. Such treatment methods are practically harmless, so doctors often prescribe electrophoresis even for pregnant women. There are also no contraindications for children; moreover, these procedures very well help cope with the residual effects of colds. Therefore, pediatricians often recommend electrophoresis as a restorative therapy.

Indications for the use of electrophoresis

1. For the treatment of bronchitis, electrophoresis with calcium is prescribed, which allows for a direct effect of a high concentration of the drug on the site of inflammation.

2. For arthrosis and osteochondrosis, electrophoresis with novocaine is performed as an anesthetic. In this case, an anode is installed on the area of ​​​​increased pain, under which a special gauze pad is placed, soaked in a 0.5% solution of novocaine hydrochloride. In case of intense pain, this procedure must be carried out twice a day for 20 minutes for two weeks.

3. For acne, furunculosis and skin cancer, electrophoresis with copper is prescribed, since it is this substance that gives an antitumor effect.

4. Electrophoresis with lidase (in combination with collagenase) will help to cope with keloid scars at an early stage: the procedure will reduce not only the volume of such formations, but also stop their further growth.

5. Euphylline electrophoresis for children is prescribed for muscle hypertonicity. This medicine promotes the rapid growth of cartilage tissue and improves blood circulation.

6. For gynecological diseases, unsuccessful pregnancies and frequent miscarriages, electrophoresis is performed using zinc.

7. Intervertebral hernia at an early stage is effectively eliminated by electrophoresis with caripazim, which has a softening effect, resulting in relaxation of the nerve and pain relief.

Application of electrophoresis in pediatrics

Electrophoresis for infants is prescribed for hypotonicity or hypertonicity of muscles, as well as musculoskeletal disorders. It is also used to reduce pain during various diseases. This procedure has shown itself quite well in the treatment of diathesis rashes in infants. Electrophoresis for older children is often prescribed for such diseases when the action of the medicine must be directed to the center of the inflammatory process. Often this treatment method is used after fractures of the upper and lower extremities, for acne, boils, bronchitis, and even for curvature of the spine. As a rule, treatment with electrophoresis is carried out in combination with drug therapy.

Medicinal electrophoresis is a combined physicochemical method of local exposure to direct electric current and drugs administered using current through electrodes and hydrophilic pads moistened with a solution of these agents and contact applied to the skin surface or mucous membranes of certain areas of the patient’s body.

Current density - 0.05-0.1 mA/cm2, voltage - 30-80 V. The list of drugs for electrophoresis, their percentage in the solution, as well as the polarity of their administration are determined by physical and chemical studies.

The features of the combined effect and the main clinical effects are due to the influence of direct current and the corresponding drug.

Electrophoresis involves introducing medicinal substances into tissues in the form of positively and negatively charged particles (ions) through intercellular gaps, ducts of sweat and sebaceous glands. The amount of administered medicinal substance is small (2-10% contained on the pad) and depends on the properties of the drugs, their concentration, current strength, duration of exposure, area of ​​the electrodes, and blood supply to the skin. The bulk of drugs settles in the epidermis, a small amount - in the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Deposition of medicinal substances in the skin ensures their long-term reflex or focal effect on the body (for a day or more). Against the background of direct current, the pharmacological activity of drugs increases, since they are introduced into tissues in ionic and chemically pure form. Direct current causes changes in the functional properties of tissues, increasing their sensitivity to drugs. The side effects of drugs are reduced because they enter the body in small quantities, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the concentration of the drug in the pathological focus increases and can be several times higher than that achieved with parenteral administration of drugs.

Medicinal substances are introduced into the body according to their polarity: positively charged particles (cations) - from the anode, negatively charged particles (anions) - from the cathode. The optimal solvent for drugs is distilled water, which provides the best electrolytic dissociation and high electrophoretic mobility of drugs. In addition to water, for water-insoluble and slightly soluble substances, ethyl alcohol and a universal solvent - dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide, DMSO), which is also a good carrier of medicinal substances, are used. For dissolution, 5, 10, 25 and 50% DMSO solutions are used.

Complex substances - proteins and amino acids - are amphoteric compounds that have an isoelectric point. Their electrophoresis is carried out from solutions whose pH differs from the isoelectric point of proteins and amino acids. As a solvent for complex substances, acidified (5-8 drops of 5% hydrochloric acid solution) or alkalized (5-8 drops of 5% sodium hydroxide solution) distilled water, as well as buffer solutions (acetate, phosphate buffer, etc.) are used. Due to the presence of a large number of mobile ions in the buffer solution, its use is limited; therefore, in practice, acidification or alkalization of aqueous solutions is more often used. When the solution is acidified, proteins and amino acids acquire a positive charge and are introduced from the positive pole; when alkalizing, they acquire a negative charge and are introduced from the negative pole.

Electrophoresis has found wide application in various fields of medicine. The method is used for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, hernias of any part of the spine, arthritis, inflammation of the ENT organs, gynecological diseases, etc. Side effects of electrophoresis in adults are rare, mainly in case of non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and in the case of an individual reaction for the drug.

Benefits of physical therapy

Electrophoresis is prescribed not only to adults, but also to newborns for the treatment of many pathological conditions. Its therapeutic effect is multifaceted:

  • analgesic effect;
  • inhibition of the inflammatory process;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Introducing drugs into the body using a physiotherapeutic method has a number of advantages compared to injections or oral administration. Pros of physiotherapy:

  • a concentration of the required substance is created at the injection site, with the formation of a “subcutaneous depot”;
  • local impact;
  • delivery of the drug in active form;
  • painless and non-invasive procedure.

The concept of allergy to electrophoresis is incorrect. Side effects such as redness, itching, and rash are the result of an allergic reaction to a specific medication. The risk of such complications can be reduced by carefully considering the absolute and relative contraindications to a specific procedure. Otherwise, the symptoms may worsen and the rash may itch. Without adequate therapy, the effect of electrotherapy will be negative.

During electrotherapy, there should be no abrasions, scratches, cuts, rashes, moles or birthmarks at the place where the pads come into contact with the medicine. If they are available, the physiotherapist will select the technique in such a way as to avoid impact on these areas.

Rules for electrotherapy

Before starting a course of therapy, you need to make sure that the patient is not allergic to the drug. In addition, it must withstand the effects of galvanic current well.
The essence of the method is to deliver the necessary medications through the skin, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. List of products approved for use during electrophoresis:

  • penicillin antibiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • lidocaine, novocaine;
  • chemicals (potassium, copper, iodine, zinc).

Depending on the lesion, electrophoresis is applied to the lumbar region, joint (leg, arm), and abdomen. If after electrophoresis the lower abdomen hurts, most likely the session was performed during an exacerbation of the disease. Red spots after electrophoresis indicate an allergic reaction to the drug.

For effective action, minimal concentrations of medicinal substances are sufficient. Solutions are prepared immediately before use. They can be stored for up to 7 days. Solution concentrations:

  • iodine, calcium, potassium – 1-10%;
  • copper, zinc – 0.1%;
  • Novocaine – 1g dissolved in 100 ml of 0.5% soda solution.

If the permissible values ​​are exceeded, a burn may occur after electrophoresis.

Indications for electrophoresis in newborns

Physiotherapy can be prescribed to a baby for musculoskeletal pathologies, neurological disorders, diseases of the digestive tract, stomatitis, birth injuries, to speed up rehabilitation after surgery. This technique is safer for the child’s health than drug injections. Depending on the localization of the pathological process and the place of attachment of the electrode, a rash after electrophoresis in an infant may appear on the neck, lower back, chest, and in the joint area.

To prevent irritation after electrophoresis, contraindications must be taken into account:

  • renal or heart failure;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • a history of allergies of any kind;
  • skin rashes;
  • acute infectious process.

Red spots after electrophoresis in a baby are a reaction of the skin. If they appear some time after the procedure, you should consult a doctor. In this case, the method of drug administration must be changed to another.

The choice of medication is influenced by the child's diagnosis. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • aminophylline for joint dysplasia, muscle hypertonicity;
  • calcium for fractures and frequent bleeding, gingivitis;
  • magnesia for the treatment of respiratory tract pathologies, pain syndrome and jaundice;
  • papaverine to eliminate spasms of various types;
  • dibazole for neurological disorders;
  • lidase in case of diseases of the organs of vision.

It is worth noting that the drug and its concentration are determined only by a doctor.

Pain after electrophoresis can occur with the interstitial method of administering the drug due to injections. During the procedure and after it, you need to monitor the child so that there are no unwanted reactions: rashes and irritations. You may also experience shortness of breath or a coughing fit. A side effect such as red spots sometimes occurs due to the child’s high mobility.

An allergic reaction to drugs can be immediate or appear over time. Its main symptoms are a rash in the form of blisters all over the body, hives, and increased heart rate. In this case, treatment is stopped.

Types of medicinal physiotherapy

Electrophoresis with caripain is prescribed for the treatment of herniated intervertebral discs and spinal curvatures. The effect of the procedure is analgesic and anti-edematous. After completing a course of physiotherapy, the strength and elasticity of the intervertebral disc increases. The physiotherapy procedure is well tolerated and does not cause unwanted reactions.

To avoid negative consequences, during the first session the dosage should be minimal.


  • oncological formations;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • heart and kidney diseases.

Sometimes at the end of the procedure the patient may feel discomfort and pain; these phenomena are short-term and do not need to be treated. Electrophoresis should be performed at home with extreme caution. Prolonged pain after electrophoresis indicates intolerance to the drug.
Electrotherapy with dimexide is indicated for the following diseases:

  • pain syndrome due to osteochondrosis;
  • “pinched” nerves.

The procedure is used when traditional drug treatment is impossible due to peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. To avoid irritation after electrophoresis and other side effects, it is not performed in a number of cases:

  • if you are allergic to dimexide;
  • in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • for somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • in old age;
  • in the presence of wounds on the surface of the skin.

A low concentration of the substance (5-10%) ensures the safety of the physiotherapy procedure. According to patients, it is painless and side effects are extremely rare.

Physiotherapeutic treatment can be used as a primary or secondary procedure, depending on the indications for use. If your doctor has prescribed a course of electrophoresis, do not miss sessions and follow the recommendations to speed up your recovery.

Currently, a variety of methods are used in the treatment of various diseases. If earlier medicine was more based on drug therapy, now physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed. They help to cope with the disease faster. You need to know that physiotherapy includes many methods, one of which we will get to know in more detail. Let's consider what medicinal electrophoresis is, for what pathologies it is indicated and whether it has contraindications.

The essence of the treatment method

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure. During the session, the patient's body is exposed to electrical impulses in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.

Drug electrophoresis is also used to administer medications through the skin and mucous membranes. We can say that this method is complex, since there is simultaneous exposure to current and medication. Which drug to choose for the procedure, what the percentage and polarity of administration are, is determined only by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease.

The essence of electrophoresis is that drugs enter tissues in the form of charged particles through the intercellular spaces, ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result of exposure to electric current, the effectiveness of the drugs increases significantly, as tissue sensitivity increases.

All medications are administered taking into account their polarity; if they are cations, then they are introduced from the anode, and anions from the cathode. Distilled water is considered the best solvent, but for poorly soluble compounds, alcohol or Dimexide is used.

Drug electrophoresis

The mechanism of action of this procedure is that the drug in the form of ions enters the patient’s body through the pores and ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Cations and anions are retained on the skin under the electrode, and then gradually penetrate into the blood and lymph. Due to this gradual delivery, the effect of the drug on the body is long-lasting, which is one of the advantages of this method of therapy.

Drug electrophoresis is carried out using various devices, one of which is “Potok”. This device has been used in medicine for a long time; it is time-tested and reliable. It is possible to adjust during the procedure and also set the time. Currently, modern analogues of the device are produced that have digital indicators.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is not at all necessary to place electrodes on the diseased organ or administer large doses of drugs. Through physiotherapy, calcium, magnesium, and iodine ions are introduced to increase the reflex effect on the affected tissue.

Methods of electrophoresis

To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, methods of drug electrophoresis are constantly being developed and improved. The following are currently used:

  1. Prolonged galvanization. A low-intensity electric current is used, but the exposure time is long. The Krona battery is a source of current. The course of treatment procedures is usually 20-30 sessions. Electrophoresis is very calming and has an analgesic effect.
  2. Labile galvanization. During the procedure, one electrode is fixed motionless, and the second is in motion and moves at a speed of 3-5 cm per second along the surface of the skin. To eliminate current fluctuations, a stabilizing device is introduced into the device. The procedure well increases metabolism, improves blood supply to organs and tissues and neuromuscular conductivity.
  3. Interstitial electrophoresis. Carrying out the procedure of medicinal electrophoresis using this technique comes down to the introduction of a drug or mixture of substances through a cannula subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The medicine can be administered by stream or drip. Electrodes are applied across the lesion to increase the concentration of the drug. If the medicine is administered in a stream, then the current is turned on simultaneously, and when administered by drip, after administration.

In neurological practice, electrophoresis is used for many diseases of the nervous system. The following methods are used:

1. Vacuum electrophoresis. A special device EVAC-1 is used, which has a vacuum pump and cuvettes. During the procedure, the cuvettes are applied to the skin or mucous membrane, and the pad is impregnated with the drug. After a discharged pressure is created, the skin rises and comes into close contact with the drug. The duration of the procedure is only 5-10 minutes; 5-10 must be done per course, depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of his illness. This electrophoresis method allows for a larger amount of medication to be injected much deeper.

2. Microelectrophoresis. To carry out the procedure, use a cotton pad into which a wick soaked in the drug is inserted. An electrode is located on top to create contact between the metal tip and the cotton wool. The use of medicinal electrophoresis using this technique is often used for hypertension, sleep disorders, and pathologies of the nervous system.

3. Electrophonophoresis is a combination of ultrasound and electrophoresis. There is a special device that consists of an alternating current source that has a therapeutic effect, a sensor that converts ultrasound, a stabilized current source, an electric nozzle and an electrode. During the procedure, the electrode is fixed on the skin, the electric nozzle is filled with the drug, secured to the ultrasound sensor and connected to the other pole of the current source. The current strength increases gradually, and then the ultrasound turns on. The procedures are done daily, maybe every other day, for 10-15 minutes.

Methods of medicinal electrophoresis are different, but which one to use is decided by the attending physician.

Electrophoresis methods

In addition to various techniques, there are ways to use this procedure:

  1. Vannochkovy. The essence is that a medicinal solution is placed in a special container with built-in electrodes and a part of the patient’s body is immersed.
  2. Interstitial. The drug is administered intravenously or orally, and electrodes are placed on the affected area.
  3. The cavity method is used for diseases of the rectum or vagina. Medicine is injected inside and an electrode is applied, and a second electrode is attached to the outside of the body.

If drug electrophoresis is prescribed, it is important to know the algorithm, but it is also necessary to take into account that various factors can influence the absorption of the drug:

  • Location of the procedure.
  • Patient's age.
  • Duration of electrophoresis.
  • Dosage and concentration of the drug.
  • Electric current strength.
  • Ion charge and size.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient.

All this must be taken into account and the parameters adjusted in each case individually.

What are the advantages of electrophoresis

There are many physical therapy treatments, and each has its pros and cons. The advantages of drug electrophoresis are as follows:

  • During the procedure, a small amount of medication is injected.
  • Substances accumulate, which means that the procedure has a prolonged effect.
  • Medicines are administered in the most accessible form, in the form of ions.
  • A high local concentration is created without saturating the blood and lymph.
  • It is possible to inject medicinal substances into pathological sites, which is especially important when microcirculation is impaired.
  • The procedure is absolutely painless.
  • Side effects are very rare.
  • Medicines do not enter the gastrointestinal tract, which means they are not destroyed.
  • The medicinal substance is administered through intact skin, so special sterilization is not required.

Thus, we can say that this method of physiotherapy is not only effective, but also safe. But before doing medicinal electrophoresis, indications and contraindications must be studied.

In what cases is electrophoresis prescribed?

This physiotherapeutic procedure is prescribed quite often in the complex treatment of many neurological, gynecological, and surgical diseases. Pediatrics and dentistry cannot do without electrophoresis. Here is a list of some pathologies that can be successfully treated with this procedure:

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system, ranging from ordinary bronchitis to bronchial asthma and pneumonia.
  2. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and peptic ulcers, respond well to treatment.
  4. Electrophoresis is used in complex therapy of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. These include hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, etc.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Pathologies of the nervous system are practically impossible without this method of treatment. Migraines, neuroses, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, etc. are perfectly treated.
  7. The musculoskeletal system also responds well to electrophoresis. This procedure is often prescribed after fractures, for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and arthritis.
  8. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  9. Skin diseases.
  10. In the field of dentistry, electrophoresis is also not uncommon, for example, for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

As can be seen from the above list, the indications for medicinal electrophoresis are quite extensive.

Contraindications to the procedure

There is no treatment or procedure that is allowed for absolutely everyone. We have already looked at the indications for medicinal electrophoresis. And this method of therapy has contraindications. These include:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms anywhere in the body.
  • Presence of heart failure.
  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Any inflammatory process in the body is in the acute stage.
  • High body temperature.
  • Severe form of bronchial asthma.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.
  • Impaired sensitivity of the skin.
  • Presence of mechanical damage at the site where the medicinal pads are applied.
  • Electric current intolerance.
  • Allergy to a drug.
  • If electrodes are supposed to be applied to the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, then menstruation is a contraindication.

In any case, even if you think that you have no contraindications to the procedure, medicinal electrophoresis is possible only after consultation with a doctor. All nuances must be taken into account.

Therapeutic effects of electrophoresis

If medicinal electrophoresis is prescribed, any technique, in principle, will be of great benefit, since the procedure produces the following therapeutic effect:

  • Reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes.
  • Has an anti-edematous effect.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Eliminates spasm of muscle fibers.
  • Has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Activates the human immune system.

At the time of the procedure, the effect also depends on the dominant electrode. If this is the cathode, then:

  • There is an expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels.
  • Relaxation.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • The work of the endocrine glands is stabilized.
  • The production of biologically active substances is stimulated.

The positive electrode - the anode - has the following effects:

  • Helps remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Pain relief.
  • Removes inflammation.

There is no doubt about the benefits of such a procedure, but the main thing is that all contraindications are taken into account, otherwise it may lead to undesirable consequences.

Side effects of electrophoresis

If the procedure is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition and his disease, then medicinal electrophoresis rarely produces undesirable effects. Most often this is a drug that can cause burning, redness, rash and swelling. After the procedure is completed, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Some patients notice increased pain and a slight increase in body temperature after several sessions. Usually, by the end of the course of therapy, all sensations disappear without medical intervention.

Stages of the procedure

If a medicinal electrophoresis procedure is prescribed, the algorithm should be as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, the nurse or doctor must check that the device is working properly.
  2. View the doctor's prescriptions in the patient's card.
  3. Explain in detail, especially if a person is doing electrophoresis for the first time, what the sensations may be.
  4. Help the patient find a comfortable position.
  5. Make sure the integrity of the skin at the site where the pad is applied.
  6. Prepare pads appropriate for the application site and soak them in warm water.
  7. Apply them to the patient's body.
  8. A lead plate is placed on top, which will be connected by wire to the device.
  9. Calculate the current strength for the procedure.
  10. Check that the current intensity regulator is in the extreme left position.
  11. Connect the device to the network.
  12. Set the shunt switch to “5” if the patient is a child or the procedure is performed on the head, and “50” for adult patients and other parts of the body.
  13. Gradually increase the current to the required value.
  14. If the patient tolerates the procedure well, then he can be covered, but warned that if he experiences any unpleasant sensations, he should inform the nurse.
  15. Record the time of electrophoresis.
  16. After finishing, set the current regulator to position “0”.
  17. Disconnect the device from the network.
  18. Remove the electrodes from the patient's body and examine the skin for redness and irritation.
  19. Remind the patient when he should come for the next procedure.

Any nurse should know this execution algorithm.

Any physiotherapeutic procedures will provide significant assistance in complex therapy, but only when they are prescribed taking into account the pathology and individual characteristics of the patient, and are also performed with high quality, by a competent specialist. Do not neglect electrophoresis, this procedure will help you cope with the disease faster.