Signs and superstitions for baptism on January 19. Other Epiphany signs

Epiphany, like any religious holiday, is celebrated not only by believers. Many people on this day just go “for company” to swim in the ice hole, cover festive table and stock up on holy water.

And as usually happens, people bring to every religious holiday folk traditions. Various signs appear that people trust, and which they perform exactly as church ceremonies. All these traditions take root over time and become inseparable from each other. What signs exist for Epiphany on January 19, what you can do and what you can’t do, let’s look at it.

At Epiphany, you can and should perform all the religious rituals of this holiday: go to church, stand for the service, plunge into the ice hole three times, draw holy water and set the festive table.

In addition, you can pray all day and ask for something good. If a titmouse knocks on the window on Epiphany, then it is also necessary to pray for those who have already passed away.

Every housewife on the eve of Epiphany has the right to draw small crosses with chalk above the windows and doors in the house. It is believed that such a ritual can protect the home from harm.

And at Epiphany you can sprinkle the house with just brought holy water. This can ward off evil spirits.

Epiphany is a holiday that should help people become spiritually enriched, forget all the bad things, wash away their sins and be imbued with strength for the whole year. Every person should remember how important he is to believers and respect their feelings.

Therefore, on January 19, you should under no circumstances think about bad things, much less quarrel and wish harm on someone. In addition, it is believed that if during a conflict a person holds holy water in his hands, then it immediately loses its magical properties.

Also, on this holiday you should not be greedy. We need to share food and, of course, holy water. You can’t take too much of it, you can’t push while standing in line for water, it is believed that this will bring trouble to a person.

In addition, on Epiphany it is forbidden to guess - there was plenty of time to carry out such rituals before, Christmastide lasted from January 6 to 18, so on the evening before the 19th you need to hide all the objects with which magical rituals were performed. After Baptism, you can’t guess either.

You cannot get drunk on Epiphany. Since this is a great holiday, you can drink a glass of wine, but you should not abuse alcohol.

Is it possible to do physical labor on Epiphany?

Many housewives are probably wondering whether it is possible to clean on January 19th. No, you can’t, because on religious holidays it is strictly forbidden to work and engage in physical labor.

Is it possible to clean on January 18 before Epiphany - it is possible if the hostess did not have time to prepare the apartment for the holiday, but only in the first half of the day - in the evening you need to pray, go to church and fast.

It is also worth remembering that you can only do laundry until January 18th. And then on Epiphany and for two more days after the holiday, you cannot wash things. Previously women Those who wanted to wash their clothes in the river where the ice hole was cut had to wait until two weeks had passed after the holiday.

Signs for Epiphany

There are several other interesting Epiphany signs. For example, residents of villages and villages claim that chickens should not be fed on Epiphany. A popular legend says that if you feed poultry on this day, in the summer they will ruin the beds and destroy the seedlings.

Also, people who have a vegetable garden believe in another superstition: if you water a poorly growing tree with holy water, it will begin to bear fruit next fall.

Another good sign is to baptize a child on this holiday. It is believed that thanks to this he will be happy and grow up healthy.

People also believe that on Epiphany it is necessary to monitor the weather, because it determines what the whole year will be like: warm or cold, rainy or dry.

To find out what weather will prevail in the summer, you need to leave the house in the morning and look at the sky. If the sky is clear and the frost stings your cheeks, it means the summer will be dry. And if the weather is cloudy, then there will be a lot of rain in the summer, which means you can expect a good harvest in the fall.

You can also tell whether the harvest will be rich by the number of stars in the sky. If there are a lot of them, it means that this year you will be able to eat plenty of fruits, berries and legumes.

Here is a list of basic things you can and cannot do at Epiphany. It is believed that if you spend this holiday peacefully, observing all traditions, then you can be sure that all a year will pass Fine.

On January 19, all Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most important holidays for believers - Epiphany. According to the canons of faith, it was on this day that Jesus Christ was baptized in the rivers of the Jordan and was marked by the Lord as his beloved son. Therefore, both popular beliefs and the official church claim that water on January 19 acquires special miraculous properties, and the Higher powers on this day rejoice at the Baptism of the Lord and are favorable to people’s requests. Therefore, our ancestors came up with traditions, signs, conspiracies and rituals with the help of which you can enlist the support of the Light Forces for the whole year, and also developed a whole system of fortune telling in Epiphany evening. Moreover, fortune telling on January 19 is considered one of the most accurate, and making wishes on this day is in an effective way make your dream come true. Here we will talk about the most effective baptismal rites and fortune telling, and also figure out why the Orthodox call Baptism the Epiphany.

Why do the Orthodox call the holiday of Epiphany the Epiphany?

According to the Bible, at the moment when John the Baptist baptized Christ and Jesus emerged from the water, a dove descended from the sky to the Savior of mankind, and then the voice of God sounded, saying: “ This is my beloved son, in him is my favor" Jesus was God's messenger to people, which is why the day on which the Lord communicated his will is called Epiphany.

Another reason why the Baptism of the Lord is called the Epiphany is the fact that, according to Christian belief, at the moment of Christ’s baptism the entire Holy Trinity was revealed to people: God, who announced his will from heaven, the Son, sent by him to earth and baptized in the river, and Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

Enlightenment is another name for Epiphany

According to Christian canons, the holiday of January 19 is called not only the Epiphany and Epiphany, but also the Enlightenment. There are two versions why Baptism is called Enlightenment. Perhaps this name was invented by the first Christians, who believe that on the day of Christ’s baptism, God gave people a chance to emerge from darkness into light, giving them enlightenment with true faith.

Historians are of the opinion that the inhabitants of Byzantium were the first to call Baptism the Enlightenment, since in this stronghold of Christianity there was a tradition of lighting bonfires and torches on the streets of the city on the night of January 19th.

Epiphany: signs, traditions, making wishes

Epiphany is the final holiday of the winter holidays, beginning on January 7th. Moreover, Christians need to celebrate Epiphany for 2 days - not only January 19, but also January 18. On January 18, all Christians must fast, and for dinner the housewife should prepare “hungry kutya” - kutya made from rice, millet and honey. All family members should eat this kutya, and the leftovers of the dish should be given to pets before January 19th. And of course, on Epiphany, all believers must visit the church, stand for the service and draw holy water.

But besides church rules and dogmas on how to celebrate Epiphany, there are also folk customs what to do on Epiphany - signs, traditions, making wishes and even fortune telling for love and the future. Our ancestors always paid attention to what the weather was like at Epiphany, because it was believed that from it it was possible to determine what the whole event would be like. next year. And the most accurate baptismal signs are:

  • If the morning of January 19 was warm and cloudy, the year will be fruitful
  • If at Epiphany the trees are heavily covered with frost or it's snowing, will spoil the grain well
  • Severe frost on Epiphany means drought in the summer.

Traditionally, on Epiphany, women were forbidden to carry water until one of the male family members brought holy water into the house. Also, folk traditions recommend drawing with wax or soot on the night of January 18-19 church candle crosses on windows and doors to receive protection from the Light Forces.

How to make wishes for Epiphany correctly

Since it was believed that good spirits especially favor people on Epiphany, on this day both women and men made their deepest wishes and asked for help and blessings from God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. To make a wish on Epiphany, you don’t need to follow any complex ritual or perform a long ceremony - just go outside on Epiphany night and, raising your eyes to the sky, whisper your request. The main thing is that this request is kind and comes from the bottom of the heart.

Holiday of Epiphany: signs and fortune telling on January 19 on Epiphany evening

The holiday of Epiphany and signs and fortune-telling on Epiphany evening are inextricably linked in the popular consciousness. According to knowledgeable people, it is best to tell fortunes on Epiphany Eve and on the night of January 18-19. People have come up with many Epiphany fortune telling, with the help of which you can find out your future and prospects in any area of ​​life. And here are the most accurate and simple fortune telling, which are also suitable for residents of city apartments:

  • Fortune telling for the groom. This is fortune telling for girls who are being courted by several guys at once. The girl needs to take as many apples as she has admirers, and on each apple write the name of one of the suitors. Then you need to turn off the light, mix the apples and take a bite from each. The sweetest apple will be the one with the name of the most suitable candidate for husband.
  • Fortune telling for prosperity. This fortune telling is very simple. You need to take three plates and a coin, hold them in your hands, and then ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates. You cannot see where exactly the coin is hidden. Then you need to try to guess where exactly the coin is. If a fortuneteller finds a coin the first time, the year will be successful for him. financially; from the second time - you should not expect significant income, but there will be no losses either; from the third - material losses are likely.
  • Fortune telling for a prophetic dream. Before going to bed, on the night of Epiphany, you need to open the window and say into the darkness, “ Saint Samson, show me a holiday dream about the future».

Is it possible to guess on the Orthodox holiday of the Epiphany?

According to the canons of Christianity, it is impossible to tell fortunes either on Epiphany or on other days - this is a sin. However, people believed that the sin of fortune telling on Christmastide is washed away with the water holy on Epiphany, so from January 7 to 18 you can tell fortunes, the main thing is that on January 19 you must plunge into the ice hole.

Folk conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany (Epiphany)

And healers and ordinary people use conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany (Epiphany) to gain support higher powers and attract prosperity, happiness and love to your home. There are also a lot of baptismal conspiracies for health and for curing diseases.

Most Epiphany spells are pronounced over holy water. Moreover, it is not necessary to slander the water brought from the church - on January 19, any water collected from a well or natural spring is considered holy.

The most strong conspiracies the following are considered:

For your health: « Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and my soul and body hurt in sin. Heal, I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, our Eternal Father, Heavenly Son, my body from ailments, from dryness and aches, from blood and pain. Heal my soul from envy, hatred and malice. The heavens open on us sinners on this day. Lord Jesus Christ, please fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace. For the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!". The charmed water should be placed in a dark place and drunk a spoonful every day for a year.

For abundance: « Holy water came to the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will never know failure in anything!" The vessel with enchanted water should be taken one by one into all rooms of the house and sprinkled on the corners a small amount water.

For good luck: « The Lord was baptized in the Jordan - light appeared to the whole world. Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is also true that I have enough strength for everything. The Lord reigns and commands, the Lord helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" You should wash your face with enchanted water in the morning.

The effectiveness of rituals with Epiphany water

The fact that the water collected at the Baptism of the Lord, which is also called the Epiphany, has special properties, people knew centuries ago. Even though Orthodox priests do not support traditions, signs and rituals associated with holy water, knowledgeable people We are sure that making wishes and conspiracies really work for her. Therefore, for those who want to be happy and healthy throughout the next year, and also to wash away the sin of fortune-telling on Christmastide, it will be useful to draw and cast a spell on water on January 19 and drink a spoonful of it every day.

Epiphany 2017: the signs for this day are not particularly varied. Mostly among the people they were associated with the weather and the future harvest, as well as personal well-being. As for religious signs, they, of course, are directly related to water.

Celebrated on January 19th. This holiday is established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. Epiphany is one of the 12 most important Orthodox religious holidays of the year.

Religious signs: holy water

As noted above, the signs for Epiphany on January 19, what you can do and what you can’t do, related to religion, relate specifically to water. You cannot swear at the water while performing any rituals with Epiphany water You can’t even think about something bad.

Traditionally, on the night of January 18-19 or throughout the day of Epiphany, believers swim in the ice hole. Eat popular belief that swimming in such an ice hole can wash away all the sins that a person has committed during the year. Epiphany water is also attributed healing properties. She is able to heal not only the body, but also the soul. Moreover, treat not only on Epiphany, but throughout the year.

With help, which can be collected in the church on Christmas Eve or on Epiphany itself, a person can independently, without contacting church workers, consecrate his home. It is necessary to christen every corner of the home with a cross, while saying prayers to yourself. Water can be stored throughout the year in a tightly closed glass container. Best place for storage is located next to the icons. Many signs for Epiphany on January 19, when to wash, are associated with holy water. As for dipping into the ice hole, this can be done from midnight on Christmas Eve, as well as on Epiphany, a few days after.

Folk signs for Epiphany

Wedding days

Among the people, from Epiphany until Maslenitsa there was good time to play weddings. This is the time after the Nativity Fast and after Christmastide. Another good period for a wedding week is from September 14 to November 28.

People born on Christmastide

Those who were lucky enough to be born during the Christmastide period (from January 8 to January 18) were required to plunge into the ice hole at Epiphany after the moment of consecration of the water. It was believed that swimming was specifically for these people ice water will definitely bring health and happy life.

Wish come true

On the night of Christmas Eve before Epiphany, the heavens open to man, and God becomes closer. You can pray earnestly with the hope that God will hear your prayers and desires and will definitely come true.

For the harvest

If at night The baptism is underway snow, then the coming year will definitely be fruitful. If there are many stars in the sky, then in the summer there will be many berries in the forest, and bees will swarm well. If the sky is cloudy, then bread will be born in the spring. A clear sky predicts a lean year. If there is no frost on Epiphany and it rains, then the summer will be foggy, but there will be a lot of bread.

The peasants noticed that the warmth and thaw at Epiphany is good sign. Although, for this time, on the contrary, frosts are more typical. If the weather is clear and good, there will be an excellent pea harvest.

River floods

When Epiphany falls on the full moon, the rivers will overflow greatly next spring. If there is a snowstorm on this day, then you can expect a snowstorm on Maslenitsa. By the way, Maslenitsa week 2017 begins on February 16th.

For the weather

If it happened that at Epiphany severe frost(this is how it most often happens), and then this frost lasts for another seven days. Then the thaw will begin. Then there are frosts again, which will last for several days and you can already hope for the onset of the scales.

Other baptism signs:

If the weather is clear and cold on Epiphany, then the summer will be dry.

If the weather is clear and cold on Epiphany, then the summer will be dry.
Cloudy and fresh weather indicates a bountiful harvest.
A full month indicates that rivers will flood heavily in the spring.
Starry night points to dry summer, large number berries in the forests and generally a good harvest.
If the wind blows from the south, there will be a lot of thunderstorms in the summer.
Epiphany weather indicates what the weather will be like this December 2017.

Signs for Epiphany on January 19, what you can do and what you can’t do, not many people know. Basically, most people on this holiday swim in an ice hole and collect holy Epiphany water. However, it is worth thinking about what should not be done on such a significant day for many believers.

It is forbidden

For example, you should know that under no circumstances should you quarrel or swear. Because then a person will face troubles and disappointment all year, both in business and in family life.

When you collect holy baptismal water, you should not think about something bad, because everyone knows that water can absorb a lot.

Also, on such a significant day for many, try not to borrow anything, and also not to borrow anything. It is believed that the one who borrowed or took it will experience need all year.

Many people should note that after Baptism one should not guess. You can guess your fate and bring disaster upon yourself.

It was also previously forbidden to rinse clothes after Baptism in an ice hole or river. Because, as it was believed then, there would be less evil spirits in the river where people bathe.

What needs to be done on such an important day

First of all, the most important aspect at such a significant time for many Orthodox people The day is considered to be spraying all corners of the house with holy water. Because in this way you can get rid of evil spirits and evil spirits.

Be sure to drink plenty of Epiphany water, it can not only heal, but also cleanse your soul and thoughts from negativity. When diving into the ice hole, read the prayer and plunge headlong three times. On such a day, many housewives count tablecloths and towels. It is believed that then the house will be full, and the owners will not need anything.

Some young mothers try to baptize their child on this day. Such an important and significant day promises a healthy and happy life. There have always been a large number of signs, traditions and customs in Rus'. After all, they have all accumulated over the years, and their knowledge and observance helps many people not to make mistakes, but rather to heal from everything bad and unkind.

These are the main signs for Epiphany on January 19 for prosperity, weather and other important aspects of life for every person. We congratulate you on this great holiday and hope that all the signs speak only of a good future.

Once in 2019, Christians who profess the Orthodox faith celebrate the great holiday of Epiphany. It is also called the Epiphany, since, according to legend, during the baptism of the Son of God, everyone who was present at the sacrament heard the voice of God, accepted the baptism of his Son, and the manifestation of the spirit of God took place in the form of a white dove.

Baptism has been celebrated since apostolic times. According to the surviving documentary evidence of Clement of Alexandria, before the feast of Epiphany, believers performed the ritual of a night vigil.

The significance of the holiday is that, according to the Gospel, on this day the baptism of thirty-year-old Jesus Christ took place in the waters of the Jordan.

This happened on January 6th according to the old style and January 19th according to the new style. There are special folk signs for Epiphany 2019, which good Orthodox Christians noticed a long time ago. Some of them promise happiness in the house, others - ruin and illness. It is important to keep a close eye on them for possible upcoming events.

Today, in 2019, thanks to the study of ancient sources, it has become known exactly how the rite of baptism of Jesus Christ took place. At that time, Saint John the Baptist accepted the responsibility to baptize worldly people so that their sins would be forgiven. The Savior was a man, so the duty of Jesus Christ was to accept this baptism and convert to Christianity in front of people, thereby setting a positive example.

Obedience to the new rite made Jesus Christ even more authoritative in the eyes of his disciples. The Son of the Lord started new faith, and traditions of the sacrament of baptism. Its meaning is that a person undergoes a second birth as a different hypostasis - a child of God, life in Christ.

The ritual provides for the need for three times immersion in water, which is a symbol of the death of Christ, and the emergence from the waters is his resurrection. On January 19, 2019, it is believed that water acquires special healing properties, which persist throughout the year.

The Feast of Epiphany marks the end of Christmastide. Despite the fact that according to Christian canons, folk superstitions have no force, but there are many signs for the Baptism of the Lord. Many beliefs come from the most pagan times.

Severe weather - to be harvest

Folk traditions mean celebrating the holiday of Epiphany from January 18 to 19, 2019. It is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. All household members sit at one table and eat Lenten dishes. The main dish on this day is “weeping kutia”.

There are the following folk superstitions that operate on this holiday:

  • Everyone hopes for severe weather on this day. If the frost at Epiphany is more severe than at Christmas, expect a good harvest;
  • But if the day on Epiphany is clear and too frosty, then expect dry weather in the summer;
  • A strong flood in the spring was expected if the water in the ice hole managed to reach the edges and splashes out onto the ice; the full moon also foreshadowed this;
  • Snow that will fly in large flakes portends an excellent harvest;
  • If a thaw occurs on this holiday, then the rest of the winter will also be warm, and this same sign also foretells that the harvest of grain will be darker than usual;
  • Heavy snowfalls and cloudy outside? This means the summer will be good;
  • People especially watched the color of the clouds at noon - if they turned blue, then there was no need to worry about the amount of harvest;
  • A blizzard on Epiphany foretells that similar weather is expected before the beginning of spring;
  • Your grandparents will probably still remember a couple of superstitions that they remember from childhood. Each village had its own beliefs, which people tried to strictly follow in order to find out what the year had in store for them.

Lying is not good

There are special folk superstitions that indicate what should not be done on a holiday. For example:

  • It is believed that one should not cut one’s hair on holy holidays, so as not to cut one’s hair off. It is also not recommended to do manicures or pedicures either with your own hands or with others. To avoid any negative consequences- make it a rule on Epiphany not to touch scissors at all;
  • Never handle sewing or knitting tools. Not only will the work not be successful, but you can also confuse your fate. Set aside any sewing, knitting, embroidery, etc. the next day. On sacred holidays nothing can be done;
  • It is recommended to either swim in the pond or take a shower before dawn, but don’t even think about taking a bath. The water should be untouched. In the evening you need to wash yourself again only in the shower;
  • Anyone who lies on the day of Epiphany will be punished with ulcers on the tongue, sore throat and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • And if you decide to use foul language and quarrel with someone, then this promises trouble at home and at work;
  • On the night of January 18, 2019 until noon next day In no case should marital intimacy be allowed, otherwise a break in the relationship may occur;
  • Also, you should not borrow money, since you will not only be in debt all year, but also pay off the debt - doubly.

You are free to choose whether to believe in omens or not. The main thing to remember is that you cannot do bad things not only on church holidays, but also on any other day of 2019 and any other day.

Baptism is popularly called Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19; in 2018, this date falls on Friday. In Russia, this event is not considered a non-working day, although it is an official holiday.

The ancient and revered holiday of the Epiphany by all Christians is becoming one of the most anticipated events in everything church year. Everyone who has ever heard of this holiday knows about this holiday. Orthodox faith, which is why it is not surprising that even in modern world people continue to adhere to strict canons for celebrating this wonderful day.

Epiphany 2018: History of the holiday

This church holiday, has been celebrated exactly since Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River more than 2000 years ago. It is believed that after baptism itself, the holy spirit descended from heaven in the form of a white dove. Everyone heard the voice of God, which said: “You are My Beloved Son; I am well pleased with you!” Starting from this day, Jesus began his earthly mission, which ended, as everyone knows, with the resurrection, which became the progenitor of the Easter holiday. After baptism, Jesus Christ went into the desert, where he stayed for 40 days and nights, preparing himself to fulfill his sacred duty.

Epiphany 2018: Holiday traditions. Do's and Don'ts

Over time, the feast of the Epiphany has grown a huge amount traditions that are sacredly revered by people to this day. Perhaps the most significant of them is the ritual of swimming in an ice hole, the features of which should be known to everyone who wishes to perform this action. Before swimming, a hole is cut in the ice, which is usually called the Jordan in honor of the river in which Jesus was baptized. The priest dips the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, thereby consecrating this place for further ritual. You should plunge headlong three times, after which it is customary to read a prayer and get out of the water. It would seem, why expose your body to such stress on days when the Russian winter is especially fierce? However, swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is an ancient and wise tradition. It is believed that on this day, the water in natural sources acquire special properties: after bathing in such water, not only illnesses, illnesses, evil eyes are washed away, but also sins, of which a lot could have accumulated by this time...

  1. People with heart, nervous and nervous diseases should not enter the water. vascular system, as well as pregnant women and children. This applies especially to the latter, because in childhood The process of thermoregulation has not yet been formed, which is why children's body at risk of serious complications.
  2. You can't swim in drunk- because it is life-threatening!
  3. You can have a hearty meal before diving, but don’t overeat, and drink hot tea after.

If you follow all the rules, then this procedure on the Baptism of the Lord will definitely have a beneficial effect on your well-being: both physical and spiritual.

Epiphany 2018: Tradition of collecting Epiphany water

Of course, not everyone will be able to plunge into the ice hole on January 19, 2018, but at the same time, each of us will be able to collect holy Epiphany water for ourselves, and we will tell you how, where and when is best to collect Epiphany water.

It should be noted that the blessing of water in churches occurs on January 18th Epiphany Christmas Eve(after Divine Liturgy), and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. On these two days you can collect Epiphany holy water, and there is no difference when you collect it in the temple - January 18 or 19. If you decide to draw water from the tap, then accordingly best period for this, there will be a time period from 00:10 to 01:30, which falls on the night of January 18th to 19th, while water can also be collected later, throughout the entire 19th (before the 24th :00).

It is forbidden to quarrel and do bad things when holy water is in your hands.

Epiphany 2018: Signs

This holiday has many signs, both regarding everyday life and nature:

It is a bad omen to dilute consecrated water;

Starting from Christmas Eve, it is not recommended to lend money. Otherwise, the culprit may lack money for a year;

You cannot perceive a holiday only as entertainment to plunge into an ice hole;

A good sign for Epiphany is the completion of some task;

Any agreement on this day necessarily ends in success;

Nature at Epiphany also says a lot:

Heavy snowfall and dark clouds on Epiphany foretell a rich harvest in the fall;

Barking dogs at night is good news;

A cross painted on the doors can protect the house from evil spirits;

During the holidays, nothing can be taken out of the house, otherwise there will be material losses.