Why your eyes itch: folk signs and superstitions. Why does the left, right eye, or both eyes itch at once by day of the week: folk signs and superstitions

People have a wide variety of signs. Each of them carries great meaning and, to a certain extent, predicts the future. Even the body's reactions are perceived as something significant. For example, every person, at least once in his life, has had an itching left hand, they say that this is a sign of money. But why the right eye itches is less known.

Physiological reasons

When wondering why the eye itches, you first need to pay attention to the physiological causes of this process. Among the physiological factors for the formation of itching, the following are distinguished:

Basic signs

It is believed that the eyes can give a person signals about his future. That's why, If your right eye itches, you should refer to a number of signs:

  1. A date with a young man is expected in the near future . This meeting can bring significant changes in life. There is almost a 100% chance that the omen is true if the itching appears on Saturday. After all, Saturday is the day for falling in love. The sign brings love in all its senses.
  2. Sadness and tears. In this case, it is recommended not to commit rash acts and not enter into rash transactions. This sign will most likely come true if the itching appears on Tuesday.
  3. A spontaneous meeting or a desired event. This could be your dream job offer.

By day of the week

Regarding what the left eye itches on Wednesday, this may foreshadow a long-awaited date, which in the future may develop into great love and end in a wedding. If you don’t have a soulmate, then you should close your eyes, go to the window and mentally imagine the road that is on the way to your loved one. These actions will speed up the meeting with your soulmate. Itching on Friday indicates a pleasant and long-awaited meeting with a loved one. On this day, all couples in love are recommended to try to build a trusting relationship.

As for why your left eye itches on Thursday, this is an omen of great disappointments and tears.

Regarding why the left eye itches on Sunday, this foreshadows monetary gain. It can be expressed in the form of a small bonus, a salary increase, or the return of an old debt. The money will come on its own, don’t wait for it.

If your eye (even the corner of it) is itchy on Tuesday, then trouble will come knocking on your house. Can't do without shed tears and serious grievances. But you can ward off trouble with the help of a small ritual: you need to close your eyes, cross your eyelid three times, and then wash yourself thoroughly with running water.

Friday is the best day of the week, because it is a guide to the long-awaited weekend.

Regarding what it means, if your right eye itches on this day, this indicates that a monetary find awaits you in the near future, perhaps it will be a large bonus.

Monday is the first day of work, so people don't like it and consider it the hardest. If the right eyeball itches on this day, this means that in the near future there will be reconciliation with loved ones, all quarrels will be dispelled, and relationships will be much better than before. They say that this particular day promises changes in life that will bring a sea of ​​emotions.

If a person's eye itches, this can give a hint about what they should expect in the near future. In order for the meaning of the sign to be accurate and true, it is necessary to pay attention to whether one eye or both eyes are itching. It is important to take into account details such as the day of the week and time of day when the itching sensation began. The interpretation of the sign may vary depending on who has the desire to scratch their eyes: a woman or a man.

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    General interpretations

    There are different interpretations of the sign about why one eye or both eyes are itching.

    Right eye:

    • to reconciliation after a quarrel with a loved one;
    • to tears of delight or joy;
    • for a pleasant date with your other half;
    • to receive good news;
    • for a man, the omen promises a meeting with an old friend;
    • if the right eye itches on the way, this indicates that one of the relatives is thinking about the person;
    • itching indicates nervous tension of a shy person if he finds himself in an awkward situation.

    Left eye:

    • to perform hard and monotonous work;
    • the sign indicates the presence of envious people and gossips in a person’s immediate environment;
    • a sign of health and energy problems;
    • to tears and disappointment due to an unpleasant event;
    • to separation from a loved one or a long trip.

    Both eyes itch:

    • a symbol of possible betrayal by loved ones;
    • if itching in the eyes occurs during rain, this promises big trouble;
    • If a person's eyes itch before he goes to bed, he should expect to meet an old friend.

    Interpretation according to time of day

    Even the ancient Slavs noticed a connection between scratching the eyes at certain times of the day and subsequent events in life. This made it possible to systematize the interpretation of signs:

    Times of Day



    Both eyes

    • If your eye itches before bed, this promises pleasant dreams and good rest.
    • Itching at dawn is a symbol of a successful solution to a long-standing issue. A person will have the opportunity to do this before dusk

    During the day you should expect negative news, disappointments

    You should beware of minor troubles from ill-wishers

    • To receive joyful, pleasant news, an unexpected gift during the day.
    • The sign promises a meeting with a loved one

    To unexpected news and big financial waste

    To disappointment and betrayal

    A favorable sign that indicates the correctness of the chosen path in life. You need to keep moving in the same direction

    The sign indicates a person’s moral and physical fatigue. However, you won’t be able to rest due to the large amount of work that needs to be completed soon.

    You may receive unpleasant news over the next day.

    To the beginning of a bright streak, receiving good news. A person will be able to establish relationships with loved ones, improve their financial situation, and find a common language with ill-wishers

    • One of these days you need to be prepared for the arrival of guests from afar.
    • The dream foreshadows important negotiations with business partners

    The sign promises obstacles in the implementation of the planned event

    The meaning of signs by day of the week

    The interpretation of the sign may vary depending on who has itchy eyes: a woman or a representative of the stronger sex.

    For girls and women

    You can clarify the interpretation of the sign if you take into account the day of the week on which your eyes itched:

    Day of the week



    Both eyes


    A date with a loved one can end in a breakup

    To the aggravation of the conflict situation, unjustified hopes, collapse of plans

    To disputes and conflicts with a loved one, close people, disappointment because of their actions

    To conflict with superiors, colleagues, distant relatives or neighbors. To avoid this, you need to pay attention to your words and actions.

    To a successful coincidence of circumstances or receiving good news from afar. For a girl, a folk sign promises a meeting with her future husband

    To minor conflicts and troubles

    An unfavorable sign that promises a break in relations with a loved one

    Towards reconciliation with an old enemy. If the left eye itches in the corner, this portends unexpected news.

    To conflicts with colleagues

    To a big scandal, which will be accompanied by tears and disappointment

    To a small misunderstanding with a person from close circle

    A positive sign that promises to receive good news or a romantic meeting with a loved one. If your eyes itch all day, at night a girl will be able to have a prophetic dream

    For several days, a person will be lucky in everything. It is necessary to use this moment to declare your love, establish contacts, and important business negotiations.

    There will be an opportunity to take a break from everyday life for a while.

    To meet soon with one of your family or friends

    To deterioration of material well-being. You should avoid expensive purchases for a while

    To receive a large profit, bonus or salary increase

    The sign foretells a meeting or acquaintance with a person who will help get rid of financial problems


    The sign foreshadows a woman’s fateful meeting with her future husband

    To meet relatives

    To an unexpected event that will change all a woman’s plans and her usual way of life

    For men

    The interpretation of signs for men deserves special attention:

    Day of the week

    Right eye

    Left eye

    Both eyes


    For the arrival of long-awaited guests. It could be an old friend or distant relatives

    The sign foretells the appearance in a man’s life of a worthy rival or business competitor

    The sign promises a calm and measured day

    To obtain large profits, material wealth and well-being

    You need to pay attention to your health

    Possible conflict with a colleague

    To receive a bonus or return an old debt

    To dismissal from work or an unpleasant conversation with superiors

    The sign portends success in all matters

    To a new romantic acquaintance

    To unexpected waste on a large scale

    To receive good news from afar

    For a wedding or new addition to the family

    To obstacles in a started business or an unsuccessful trip

    You should pay attention to your health

    Soon a man will meet his best friend whom he has not seen for a long time

    To a big scandal with a girl because of her cheating with her best friend

    For the arrival of relatives from afar


    To receive an unexpected gift or a wedding in the house

    The sign promises the birth of a healthy baby

    For a romantic date with your girlfriend

    How to avoid trouble?

    If a sign of itchy eyes portends something negative, you can use folk methods that will help prevent possible troubles:

    • Wash with spring water and read the “Our Father” three times.
    • Wash with holy water while reading a prayer, cross your eyes with your right hand and wipe with the edge of your clothes.
    • Scratch your left eye with your right hand and vice versa, then cross your eyelids three times.

    If you want to scratch your right eye, you should do it with the following spell: “For good news, for good luck.” If your left eye is bothering you, you need to scratch it, saying the words: “Keep me from bad news and misfortune.”

Predictions and omens are no less interesting to modern man than to his ancestors. Beliefs help him find out what fate has in store in the near or distant future. What does the sign mean if the right eye itches and how to interpret this superstition?

What are the signs if your right eye itches?

There are many common reasons why the right eye itches. There is a prophecy that promises tears.

The answer also depends on whether the person whose right eye itches is married. For those free from family ties, the event foreshadows a romantic date. And for those who have formalized their marriage, itching in the right eye predicts positive life changes.

This folk sign is also associated with the time of day. Does your right eye itch in the evening? This means that happiness is on the threshold. And the Universe sends a sign about the imminent end of the dark streak in fate. Morning itching of the right eye prophesies the arrival of good news, behind which there is the implementation of important events. Even in the morning, my right eye itches because all my plans for today will definitely come true. In the daytime, itching in the right eye portends pleasant events, and they will happen at the end of the day.

If your right eye itches, folk signs promise:

  • A love date in the form of a small affair or rendezvous.
  • Good luck and success in a matter that there were doubts about.
  • A word of caution - this will help you avoid disappointments and sorrows that arise in everyday life. So, a driver’s suddenly itchy right eye while driving can warn of a sharp turn or a dangerous section of the road.

In a general sense, the right eye itches is a sign of joy. And even if the itching in the right eye predicts tears, they will be joyful, because, despite the troubles, everything will end well. According to popular belief, if the right eye itches, joy will settle in the house for exciting reasons or because of a good mood. This is a meeting with a sincere comrade, an old friend, a relative, just a pleasant person. It is also possible that guests will arrive.

Interesting! At the same time, according to legend, the itchy right eye should not be touched. Then the one who has this itching eye will experience good luck, unexpected abundance, increased financial income, including from an unexpected source, and increased profits.

According to signs, the right eye itches for long-term changes: an increase in monthly salary at work and even the birth of a baby. Itching in the right eye portends changes for the better, but itching in the left eye portends negative news.

Why the right eye itches - interpretation by day of the week

What do folk signs indicate if the “right eye itches” on each day of the week?


This day prophesies for those whose right eye begins to itch, a quick reconciliation with a relative who is in a quarrel. Good relations with him will be restored and strengthened.

It promises a sign and the arrival of close and positive changes. Everything that begins on this day will lead to success and the appearance of many pleasant little things in life.


On the second day of the week, an itchy right eye predicts trouble. You may not believe it, but it is important to be careful and not make important plans on Tuesday.


In the middle of the week, an itchy right eye predicts a long and pleasant voyage. And don’t give up on traveling – it will become a turning point in your life.

Also, an itchy right eye on Wednesday foreshadows the arrival of a close relative. The meeting will be memorable and joyful.


If your right eye itches on the fourth day of the week, this predicts wild fun. According to legend, anything can be the cause of fun. But one thing is certain: on Thursday, people with an itchy right eye will be accompanied by laughter and joy.


Scratching the right eye on Friday predicts: a previously lost necessary thing will soon be revealed. Moreover, to your surprise, it will be found in an unimaginable place.


Saturday will soon bring love experiences to those whose right eye begins to itch. Married people will be able to reconsider their unhappy relationships. And for those who have not yet started a family, the sign prophesies the most beautiful and romantic rendezvous in their lives.


An itchy right eye on Sunday predicts the birth of a serious relationship. This is the case when there is a chance to hear a request for marriage.

Interesting! To make the sign inevitable, you should touch the itchy right eye with the fingers of your right palm, touch the shoulder on the right and say: “I’m waiting, waiting, I can’t wait, let happiness come, let sadness go.” And immediately cross himself three times.

On Sundays, the right eye begins to itch for a long-awaited meeting. And you should believe that the end of the upcoming rendezvous will be favorable. Scratching the right eye on this day also promises to meet the groom.

Interesting! A ritual will help to bring it closer; it should be performed immediately in front of the window. To do this, you should close your right eye and imagine your betrothed, not forgetting to peer into all the paths that open to your gaze. The ritual is accompanied by the utterance of the phrase: “I’m sitting by the window, waiting for a cute cat, I scratched my right eye - I’ve booked a date.”

Even if you scratch your right eye on Sunday, you should expect the fulfillment of a dream or unexpected good news.

It’s up to everyone to believe or not the signs from above. But the experience of our ancestors suggests that such signals tell us what to do in different situations and, perhaps, protect ourselves from trouble.

People experience itching in their eyes and do not know that in this way fate sends important signs. To correctly interpret such a phenomenon, you need to know popular beliefs.

In the article:

Why the right eye itches - signs

Such itching is assessed in different ways. Some claim that this phenomenon portends a joyful event.

Others believe that unpleasant sensations arise if problems await a person. Pay attention to what day of the week your eye itches.

Many believe that if its name contains the letter “ R", good news, meeting good people, and an interesting journey await you. Otherwise, such a burning sensation foreshadows tears, losses and bad weather.

It's up to you to decide whether to believe in this sign or not. The main thing is not to attract negative energy and hope for the best. In this way, a person will protect himself from negative programs.

Itching in left eye

This phenomenon should be interpreted differently. If the name of the day of the week does not contain the letter “ R", many pleasant surprises await you. Most likely, a long-awaited meeting with a loved one will come.

But if unpleasant sensations appear on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday, in the near future expect grief, minor troubles, minor disagreements with loved ones and friends.

They can be avoided if a person shows more understanding towards loved ones and does not get hung up on conflict situations.

Other interpretations of the phenomenon

There are folk beliefs that allow this phenomenon to be interpreted differently. Our grandmothers believed that the left eye itches for good news, and the right eye for tears.

If you analyze the signs of other peoples of the world, you can determine that unpleasant sensations in the right eye do not always appear as a result of disappointment. Itching can be a harbinger of a date or a long-awaited meeting with a person you have not seen for a long time. Based on these beliefs, the left eye itches for profit, a successful investment, and fortune.

Interpretations of this sign are ambiguous. Most of them are mutually exclusive. To get more accurate predictions, look at other superstitions.

The right eye itches for a reason. In popular belief, this is a sign sent by fate. In order to correctly decipher the phenomenon, we will find out its interpretation in superstitions.

Signs about itching by day of the week

There is an opinion that if the name of the day when the eye itched contains the letter “P”, this warns of good events. If there is no letter “P”, it is a bad omen.

On Monday

Soon there will be a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time. If you have been arguing with someone lately, there is a chance to make peace.

Get news that will make you happy. There is a chance to improve relationships with relatives and restore harmony and understanding to the family. Try not to quarrel with anyone on this day.

What does it mean if your eye itches on Tuesday?

This is a warning - you need to be extremely careful. Joy or misery awaits - everything will depend on your actions. Postpone making important decisions, do not rush to give out important information. The more restrained you are, the better the week will be.

Wednesday - for travel

You'll be going on a trip soon. This could be a vacation, a business trip, a trip to visit relatives. Rest assured, the trip will bring only positive emotions, no matter where you go, you will feel good.

If the trip is related to work, try to give it your all, your career depends on it. If you are single, you will meet your soulmate while traveling. Some interpretations indicate a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time.

Signs for Thursday

Laughter, happiness, joy. It’s impossible to say what will provoke unbridled fun, but you can relax for a couple of days, nothing bad will happen. Don't be afraid to share positive emotions with other people. The more people you know you share your good mood with, the more goodness will come back.

Why does my right eye itch on Friday?

Warning: watch your step. You will soon find an important thing on the street or at home. Perhaps, which they themselves had previously lost. Signs warn that picking up things on the road is a bad sign. But you don't need to do this. You don’t even have to pick up the found item. Simply noticing it is enough to attract good luck.

Superstitions of the Sabbath

Get ready for emotional novels and love adventures.

  • A date is planned - it will be held at the highest level; the relationship that began on this day can develop into more than an ordinary hobby.
  • There are no plans, higher powers are warning you - a trip to a cozy restaurant with your loved one or a sudden meeting with someone who decides to ask you on a date is possible.


They promise signs for marriage; your eyes often itch on Sunday - you will soon walk down the aisle. For single people, it indicates a meeting with someone who will propose cohabitation or marriage in the future.

Both eyes itch

Both eyes itch - both signs will be relevant. True, it is impossible to say in what order events will occur.

By the way, interpreters of omens assure that if during the day you not only itched your eye, but also hit your elbow, or your palm constantly itched, such phenomena also need to be interpreted. In this case, all predictions will be relevant.

Itching in the right eye can warn of both good and not very favorable changes. Pay attention to what day of the week this happens and you can get a more detailed transcript.