Lung treatment in Israel. Treatment of bronchial adenoma in Israel: the safest and most effective

Lung surgery is a complex field that requires the highest qualifications of a doctor. Israeli surgeons have established themselves as world-class specialists, who are often invited for consultations on operations or to receive professional opinion doctors even from countries such as Germany, USA, Canada. Another advantage surgical treatment lung cancer in Israel is the application minimally invasive surgical techniques without opening the chest, through 2-3 incisions between the ribs. This significantly reduces the risk of complications and postoperative rehabilitation. Our doctors also know how to perform operations using liquid nitrogen, electricity, laser.

For the treatment of lung cancer with metastasis to late stages developed by specialists in Israel methods to improve the patient’s quality of life and extend its duration:

  • Laser therapy. To relieve symptoms of lung cancer, such as shortness of breath due to tracheal obstruction, laser beam for maximum tumor cauterization
  • Installation of pulmonary stents. Opens and enlarges interior space airways narrowed due to the spread of cancer in the lungs

The radiotherapy department at Assuta is one of the leading in the world, using the most advanced radiotherapy technologies such as IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy) using TrueBeam- the most modern linear accelerator in the world. In some cases, precise radiation therapy is even used instead of surgical intervention. Precision radiotherapy in Israel

Selecting suitable and modern drugs allows you to reduce and sometimes destroy the tumor and prevent its spread. Chemotherapy is used as independent method treatment of lung cancer, or in combination with other techniques. Gentle chemotherapy in Israel

This method intended for patients with small tumors. Under general anesthesia and MRI control, a device is inserted into the lungs using bronchoscopy Cryoprobe, which freezes the tumor.

Unfavorable environmental situation in the world, development large quantity viruses, mass promotion of smoking - all this affects the rapid growth of many diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract (bronchi, trachea).

Lung diagnostics in Israel

Pulmonology departments in Israel are equipped with the latest and most modern equipment, which allows for the most accurate diagnosis of patients, which includes:

  • X-ray methods- diffusion (carried out if emphysema or fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma is suspected), spirometry (to study bronchial asthma or COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung scanning (allows you to determine the state of blood flow and ventilation), from $70;
  • Bronchoscopy- invasive examination of the bronchi and trachea, which is carried out under local anesthesia using an endoscope. It is carried out if there is a suspicion of the formation of a malignant tumor, tuberculosis or the presence foreign objects. Also used to eliminate foreign body from the body, with a lung abscess or bronchiectasis, from $4000;
  • Biopsy- a painless procedure that is performed during bronchoscopy for further histological examination, from $1900;
  • Computed tomography- it is used to monitor the treatment of lung diseases, measure breathing volume or analyze lung density, $620;
  • Positron emission tomography- carried out to identify oncological diseases lungs and respiratory tract early stages their development or to monitor ongoing treatment, $1650;

Lung treatment in Israel

In the pulmonology departments the following is carried out:

  • treatment of COPD and chronic bronchitis;
  • , as well as bronchial asthma varying degrees severity (infectious-related, atypical);
  • treatment of inflammation of the larynx and lungs (pneumonia);
  • treatment of dyskinesia (disorder) of the trachea and large bronchi;
  • , from $20,000;
  • treatment of chronic respiratory infections etc.

Treatment of the lungs and respiratory tract in Israel is carried out using both conservative methods and the latest techniques. Regardless of the treatment method used, the doctors of the departments allow the patient to return normal breathing, as well as save him from attacks and exacerbations of the disease.

Treatment in Israel of the lungs and respiratory tract includes:

  • Photodynamic and laser photodestruction;
  • Cyber ​​knife is a non-invasive treatment method that is an alternative to surgery in the treatment of the lungs and airways, as well as in the treatment of lung cancer in Israel. The essence of treatment is the impact high dose beams of radiation to a sore spot or tumor.
  • Organ-preserving methods;
  • Endoscopic methods;
  • Videothoracoscopic methods;
  • Extracorporeal methods;

In first place among lung diseases is inflammation, the symptoms of which are manifested in a significant increase in body temperature, redness of the skin, shortness of breath, pain in the chest. Without timely treatment pneumonia is fraught with complications and is therefore very dangerous. Quite common diseases include pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema, benign and malignant tumor formations, metastases to the lungs cancerous tumors from other organs. IN separate group Experts identify vascular diseases: pulmonary hypertension(increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation) and pulmonary embolism (blood clots entering the arteries of the organ). The danger of any of these conditions is a strong argument in favor of coming to lung treatment in Israel. NewMed Center will provide the necessary range of organizational services.

Innovative methods of lung examination in Israel

Accurate diagnosis and correct assessment relationships pathological process in the lungs with general condition the patient is the guarantee effective therapy. Diagnostics and the price of lung treatment in Israel may include the following procedures:

  • X-ray, computed tomography

Detection of changes in tissue structure, compactions, hollow areas, accumulations of liquid or air.

  • Pleurography

X-ray examination of the condition pleural cavity using contrast agent, identification purulent pleurisy, pleurobronchial fistulas.

  • Spirometry

Measuring the amount of air in the lungs, the rate of exhalation, disturbances may be associated with restriction - a decrease in the elasticity of the lung tissue.

  • Sputum analysis

Bacteriological examination for suspected tuberculosis to identify Koch's bacillus.

  • D-dimer assay

Assessment of the level of thrombus formation marker, in particular in pulmonary embolism.

  • Pleural puncture

Taking a sample from a pathological accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity for subsequent laboratory testing.

  • Diagnostic thoracoscopy

Visual inspection of the lungs using an endoscopic device that is inserted into chest cavity through a small puncture.

The latest methods of lung treatment in Israel

As part of the implementation of pulmonology programs for foreign patients, NewMed Center widely uses spa resources of the Dead Sea. According to reviews of lung treatment in Israeli hospitals, staying at this resort speeds up rehabilitation.

In Israel, patients have access to unique pharmacological developments. If it is necessary to use invasive measures, preference is given to gentle techniques, laser and endoscopy are used. The cost of lung treatment in clinics may include the following procedures:

  • Laser therapy

For tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive disease.

  • Photodynamic therapy

For lung cancer at an early stage, respiratory failure, dysphagia.

  • Videothoracoscopy

To perform a lobectomy (removal of a lobe of the lung), and some other operations.

  • Radiosurgery

For inoperable malignant tumors.

  • Lung transplant

For enphysema, fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, oncology.

Doctors' answers to patients' questions

1. Is angiography used in lung diagnostics?

Yes, such a test can be prescribed if thromboembolism is suspected or during planning of surgery to remove a malignant tumor.

2. What is videothoracoscopy?

It's about endoscopic method examination of the pleural cavity or implementation surgical procedures within its limits. Tubular device with video camera and necessary surgical instruments are introduced into the anatomical cavity through miniature punctures. Videothoracoscopy is indicated for tumor formations, cancer metastases to the lung, pleurisy, spontaneous pneumothorax, penetrating chest wounds.

Quality of treatment is ensured high level equipment and qualifications of doctors!

In 35% of patients coming for lung cancer treatment in Israel, to the Top Ichilov clinic, it turns out that the diagnosis at home was made incorrectly.

Surgical treatment of lung oncology in Israel is carried out using organ-saving operations. Their goal is to maximize preserve healthy tissue lungs and prevent a deterioration in the patient’s quality of life.

As part of a team of specialists involved in the treatment of a patient who has applied for tumors in the lung, includes:

  • Professor I. Ben-Dov, Dr. I. Schwartz;
  • thoracic surgeon – Professor J. Paz;
  • oncologist-chemotherapist - Professor O. Merimsky and other specialists.

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Lung cancer screening program in Top Ikhilov

In the photo: surgical department of the Ikhilov clinic

First day – Initial examination patient

On initial appointment the patient is examined and consulted, taking an anamnesis in Hebrew, preparation of medical documents, issuing referrals for tests and instrumental studies Dr. I. Molchanov. Fabric samples on glass and/or paraffin blocks immediately transferred to the laboratory for revision.

*The patient must bring with him to Israel medical document, identifying the slides/blocks.

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Second day – Diagnostic procedures

Laboratory studies are carried out to determine the function internal organs, identifying the disease and staging accurate diagnosis. With the help of a medical coordinator-translator, the patient undergoes the following tests:

  • Detailed clinical and biochemical tests blood.
  • Urinalysis.
  • Blood test for tumor markers.
  • PET-CT.

Third day - Prescription of the treatment protocol

Summing up the results of the survey and drawing up a plan cancer treatment in Israel carried out by specialist doctors:

  • oncologist-chemotherapist - Professor O. Merimsky.
  • thoracic surgeon-oncologist - Professor J. Paz;
  • Radiation oncologist - Dr. D. Maciejewski;

The final consultation with Dr. I. Molchanov is devoted to summing up the results of the examination and issuing prescriptions according to the treatment protocol.

Day four - Beginning of treatment according to the protocol of Professor Merimsky

Cost of the lung cancer diagnostic program in Israel: $3345.

How to get to a lung cancer diagnosis in Top Ikhilov?

  1. Call Top Ichilov right now at Russian number+7-495-7773802 (your call will be automatically and free of charge transferred to a Russian-speaking doctor-consultant in Israel).
  2. Or fill out this form

How does lung cancer treatment in Israel differ from treatment in the CIS countries?

  1. Accurate diagnosis. In 35% of patients diagnosed with lung oncology who come to Israel from the CIS countries, the diagnosis is not confirmed. This happens for the following reasons:
    • Available the neoplasm is benign and is subject to a completely different treatment in Israel.
    • The neoplasm is malignant, but type cancer cells was determined incorrectly, which led to the erroneous prescription of chemotherapy drugs.
    • In some cases, the material on the basis of which the diagnosis was made in the CIS countries is mistakenly taken from another patient.
    • The stage and extent of cancer has been incorrectly determined.
  2. Use of PET-CT for diagnosing lung cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) combined with computed tomography(KT), in Israel he is a private diagnostic procedure, used everywhere. With the help of PET-CT it is possible to recognize malignant tumor still at the stage of its formation. This method also allows you to detect metastases and determine their location.
  3. Treatment based on genetic mutations. In Israel, lung cancer is tested for mutations in EGFR genes, KRAS , ALK . This allows you to select biological drugs that are effective against tumors. of this type. Biological treatment more effective and has fewer side effects than chemotherapy.
  4. Individual approach to treatment. In the treatment of lung cancer Israeli doctor can deviate from one treatment protocol and combine several protocols, taking into account the characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease.
  5. Consultations with doctors all over the world. When making important decisions, an Israeli specialist usually consults with colleagues, including doctors of related specialties. If necessary, he can seek advice from doctors from other Western countries.

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Treatment of lung cancer in Israel

If you have been diagnosed with lung oncology", the doctor will determine the optimal therapeutic tactics, considering:

Surgery for lung cancer

Thoracic oncologist surgeon Top Ichilov Professor J. Paz uses the most modern and personalized lung surgery techniques, including minimally invasive surgical interventions.

Like all things, operations for lung cancer are most successful when performed by specialists with extensive experience in this field.

Surgery is rarely used for treatment small cell lung cancer because this type of cancer spreads quickly to other organs and tissues and is not often found in early stages when the process is limited to the lungs.

The most common types of operations in the treatment of lung cancer at the Top Ichilov Medical Center:

  • Wedge resection— deleting a sector lung tissue with a tumor.
  • Lobectomy - removal of a lobe of the lung affected by cancer.
  • Segmentectomy or segmental resection- removal of the segment or part of the lobe in which the cancer is located.
  • Pneumonectomy - removal of the entire lung.
  • Resection of part of the bronchus.

In addition, they are often removed during surgery lymph nodes for further microscopic study. This will help doctors decide whether to further treatment after surgery.

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Other types of surgical interventions

Sometimes surgery is necessary to correct problems caused by the lung cancer itself or complications of its treatment. In such cases the following may apply:

  • Laser surgery, to open respiratory tract.
  • Placement of intrabrachial stents, to keep the airways open.
  • Cryosurgery to freeze and destroy cancerous tissue.
  • Drainage placement to drain accumulated pleural fluid.

The treatment protocol for lung cancer often combines several methods - surgery and chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, and other combinations.

Chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be assigned:

  • before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor;
  • after surgery to destroy circulating cancer cells that may remain in the body.

Radiation therapy in the presence of a lung tumor

New methods radiation therapy and the skills of our doctors allow us to achieve maximum effect from cancer treatment, ensuring the concentration of rays in the tumor with the least damage to healthy cells.

Radiation therapy may be combined with chemotherapy and/or surgery.

The following methods are used to treat lung cancer in Israel:

  • 3D conformal radiation therapy. Combination of several beams of radiation coming from different sources, significantly reduce the radiation load on surrounding tissues, creating maximum effect at the design point.
  • Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). The method of irradiation before which the simulation is carried out (drawing three-dimensional model tumors) and irradiation is carried out taking into account the specific shape of the tumor.

Get treatment for lung cancer


Top Ichilov offers the most modern and. Chemotherapy is often the main treatment for non-small cell lung cancer or advanced cancer.

About 60 different chemotherapy drugs can be used for lung cancer. Their choice depends on the type of tumor, stage of the disease and other factors. The most commonly used drugs are cisplatin, docetaxel, gemcitabine, carboplatin, and vinorelbine.

At small cell cancer lung chemotherapy(in combination with radiotherapy) is used even in the early stages of the disease. In advanced stages of non-small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy is often the mainstay of treatment and significantly improves patient survival and quality of life.

At non-small cell cancer lungs, adjuvant chemotherapy is used after surgery to destroy tumor micrometastases. According to statistics, on Stages 2-3 cancer lung, such chemotherapy increases the 5-year survival rate of patients by 5%.

Neoadjuvant therapy applied before surgery. Its goal is to reduce the size of the tumor so that it is easier to remove.

Typically, the patient is prescribed a combination of several drugs, which are administered through a dropper or prescribed in tablet form. For lung cancer, intravenous drip administration of drugs is often performed. The drugs are administered in courses. After each course, a break is taken for 2-3 weeks to allow the patient’s body to recover. The dosage of drugs is selected individually for each patient.

Targeted therapy for lung cancer

Top Ichilov is one of several cancer centers in a country that is able to offer you targeted therapy as part of the treatment of certain types of lung cancer.

These innovative drugs stop the growth of cancer cells by interacting with specific proteins and receptors in blood vessels, supplying blood to the tumor.

Photodynamic therapy

Injected into the patient's body photosensitive chemical substance , which is absorbed by cancer cells more than healthy ones. The drug is activated by a laser, which destroys cancer cells.

This type of therapy is usually used for small tumors or to reduce cancer symptoms.

The clinic guarantees high quality lung cancer treatment, since the Top Ichilov Medical Center employs the best and most experienced specialists in Israel, true professionals who will do everything possible for your healing.

Review of lung cancer treatment in Israel from a patient from Krasnodar

How much does lung cancer treatment cost in Israel?

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If you have been diagnosed or suspect lung cancer, contact the clinic right now.

Contact Top Ichilov Medical Center

1) Call Top Ichilov right now on the Russian number +7-495-7773802 (your call will be automatically and free of charge transferred to a Russian-speaking doctor-consultant in Israel).

2) Or fill out this form. Our doctor will contact you within 2 hours.

15 Reviews

Pulmonology in Israel is medical direction, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. This serious pathologies, requiring correct treatment, since the processes occurring in the respiratory organs can become irreversible and threaten not only health, but also human life. Israeli pulmonology clinics united the best doctors world-class, who have extensive experience in combating diseases respiratory system. Diagnostic departments are equipped with ultra-modern equipment, and revolutionary techniques are used for treatment. All these factors contribute to achieving best result therapy.

Leading clinics in Israel

Diagnostic methods

A comprehensive examination is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. Israeli pulmonology clinics are equipped with ultra-modern diagnostic equipment, which allows you to get a complete picture of the disease, determine its stage, features, associated problems and complications. The patient's body's response to various methods medical influence.

In Israel, new diagnostic methods are constantly being developed that will help understand the most complex cases. To determine an accurate diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • Spirometry is a study during which various indicators are measured (volume, speed) respiratory process. The procedure is carried out if there is suspicion, for example, of asthma.
  • Study of the process of gas diffusion in the lungs. It is required in cases where symptoms indicate emphysema or fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma.
  • Lung scanning is a universal procedure that allows you to monitor the ventilation of the lungs, as well as the general condition of the blood flow.
  • Bronchoscopy. To perform bronchoscopy, special equipment is used - a bronchoscope. This is a minimally invasive and gentle method used both for diagnosing the disease and for its treatment.
  • Biopsy – histological examination, prescribed to double-check the diagnosis. Its main function is to detect cancer cells in the early stages.
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage is a measure designed to monitor infectious processes, inflammation, bleeding, occurrence malignant tumors in organs.
  • Pleural puncture. The procedure is carried out using an endoscope. This is a minimally invasive intervention that does not cause discomfort to the person. The device used in diagnostics is also used in the treatment of diseases.

Additional survey measures include:

  • digital fluorography;
  • X-ray examination;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

List of necessary diagnostic measures determined after an initial consultation. It outlines the complaints and symptoms on the basis of which the initial diagnosis is made. It is not always possible to immediately identify the problem. In such cases, innovative, high-precision equipment that is used in medical centers Israel. With its help, you can monitor even minimal changes in organs and tissues.

Leading Israeli pulmonologists

What diseases are treated in clinics?

Successful treatment of lungs in Israel is possible even in the most severe cases. Here nature itself helps patients. Dead Sea Resorts – perfect place for the treatment of respiratory pathologies. People come here for diseases such as:

Israeli doctors also specialize in treating the following ailments:

  • Airway hyperactivity.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Acute lung failure.
  • Benign and malignant formations.
  • Problems associated with infectious and inflammatory processes.
  • Other diseases (for example, cystic fibrosis).

Unique operations and procedures are performed here to help in the most hopeless cases. This became possible due to the fact that the Israeli medical industry is actively funded by the government. This factor allows you to purchase unique equipment and carry out operations using proprietary methods.

Innovative techniques used

The country is known widespread use advanced developments. Treatment of patients is carried out based on the results of the latest scientific research. Typically, therapy is complex and consists of several techniques.

This is just a small set of advanced technologies used in Israel. With the help of local specialists who implement the most complex scientific developments, thousands of people get a chance to normal life, as evidenced by reviews of pulmonology in Israel. Treatment becomes even more effective thanks to excellent medical care patients.

Treatment at the Top Assuta clinic

Oncogynecology at Top Assuta

Cost in Israeli pulmonology departments

Many patients choose Israeli clinics to treat pathologies of the respiratory system. Such popularity of this particular direction in medical tourism easy to explain a large number advantages, among which one of the main ones is prices in the Israeli Pulmonology Department. Here, leading world-class specialists advise, ultra-precise diagnostics are carried out, ultra-modern equipment is used, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently carry out research, advanced techniques are used to successfully combat a wide range of pulmonary diseases, in comfortable wards inpatient department patients feel at home. At the same time, thanks to government funding for this industry, medical centers offer high-quality services at an affordable cost. The prices in the clinics’ price lists are fixed and the same for both the local population and foreign patients.