Which stone is suitable for whom? Charms by date of birth

The old sages say: stones according to zodiac signs God has disposed, and divine actions are not subject to correction. Today's thinkers claim: without experience in communicating with minerals, it is impossible to determine stones by zodiac sign. Man is free in creativity and divine in possibilities. Whichever stone your soul attaches to is the talisman.

Where is the truth? In the dogmas illuminated by the discoveries of the ancient followers of Hermes Trismegistus, or in the innovative ideas of modern theologians? Practice shows: realities are always unexpected, unshakable dogmas are flexible, bold ideas never fully reflect all the features of the world order. according to zodiac signs are indeed distributed quite clearly and accurately - however, there is no rule without exceptions, and therefore a person’s desire is able to overcome a given predisposition.

Inexpensive jewelry has a pronounced ability to “adapt” to human specifics. Semi gems according to the zodiac sign are sometimes defined as possible, optional, recommended without urgency, denied without categoricality.

Such variability in orientation is explained by the completely terrestrial properties of minerals. Changes in chemical composition - and many are characterized by variable filling of crystals - are natural for most minerals on our planet. It is difficult to expect that the sum of different ingredients will always produce the same result. That’s why it turns out: a semi-precious talisman can help one person and not help another - while both of them were born under the same sign (just in different decades).

By distributing natural stones according to zodiac signs, we tried to accumulate the achievements of modern astrologers, lithotherapists, esotericists and magicians. Deep Research properties of jewelry and decorations are constantly being carried out. Old minerals disappear from circulation, new finds are introduced into use and - the spirit of the times! – artificially created materials.

The stones of the zodiac signs, without changing their basic position, over time expand or narrow the horizon of their possible impact. Scientists diligently monitor changes taking place in a dynamic world and consistently bring the information obtained to the masses.

By recommending stones to you according to your horoscope, we guarantee the accuracy of the published information and data. Remember, however, that the effectiveness of precious and semi-precious amulets depends not only on the correspondence of the stone to the sign, but also on the method of acquiring the jewelry, the period and “density” of communication with it, the synergy or antagonism of the forces inherent in various minerals in one product.

And most importantly. Not only the ability to walk on water, but also the ability to “redirect” the action of a stone depends on the depth of faith and obsession with an idea. Fall in love with a stone that is initially unsuitable for you, invest time and mental strength in shaping its activity, and you will definitely get the result that you expect and believe in.

Aries. (21.03-20.04)
Main stone Ruby

From March 21 to March 31- under the influence of Mars - especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love are born. Lucky stones: Agate, Amazonite, Hematite, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphirine, Carnelian, Hawkeye, Tiger's Eye, Jasper.

Born from April 1 to April 11- under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, and able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them. Lucky stones: Heliotrope, Pearl, Coral, Cat's Eye, Sardonyx, Amber.

Born from April 12 to April 20- under the influence of Venus - passionate and gentle natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts. Lucky stones: Diamond, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Zircon.

Taurus. (21.04–20.05)
Main stone Sapphire

Born from April 21 to May 1- under the influence of Mercury - have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Quartz, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from May 2 to May 11- under the influence of the Moon - dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Jadeite, Coral, Onyx, Opal, Sodalite, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from May 12 to May 20- under the influence of Saturn - unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Diamond, Beryl, Garnet, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Twins. (21.05–21.06)
Main stone Rauchtopaz

Born from May 21 to May 31 under the influence of Jupiter - they are intellectual, selfless, have good intuition, and a talent for art. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amazonite, Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Rhodonite, Quartz, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye.

Born from June 1 to June 10- under the influence of Mars - They are aggressive, sarcastic, anxious. Lucky stones: Pearl, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Amber.

Born from June 12 to June 20- under the influence of the Sun - They are uncontrollable, authoritative, unrestrained, vain and talkative. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Beryl, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Cancer. (22.06–22.07)
Main stone Emerald

Harmonious and satisfied with oneself Raku to maintain your positive qualities you need to wear a bracelet or pendant made of Agate, Pearl, Emerald, Cacholong, Selenite. For suspicious, indecisive and insecure Cancers, ring finger or at the level solar plexus It is good to wear Emerald, Malachite, Sapphire, Carnelian, Jasper.

Negative qualities of Cancers: greed, laziness, imbalance, arrogance, selfishness - are well smoothed out by the vibrations of iridescent minerals: Cacholong, Coral, Opal, Selenite, Chrysoprase. Talisman stones for Cancers, their magical allies: Rock Crystal, greenish-blue Aquamarine, Pearl, Emerald, Opal, Chrysoprase.

According to ancient Arabic beliefs, a person wearing an Emerald cannot see scary dreams, the stone strengthens the heart, eliminates sorrows. According to ancient Russian legends,
it is a stone of wisdom, composure, hope. Emerald has the ability to see
into the future and break the evil spell.

Lion. (23.07–23.08)
Main stone Diamond

Born from July 23 to August 3- under the influence of Saturn - strong, mystical, ardent natures, not loving loneliness and coercion. Lucky stones: Aventurine, Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Jade, Obsidian, Carnelian, Sodalite, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from 4 to 12 August- under the influence of Jupiter - scrupulous and judicious natures, picky, loving arithmetic and ceremonies. Lucky stones: Jadeite, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Citrine, Amber.

Born from August 13 to August 23- under the influence of Mars - natures are strong, powerful, loving and worshiping power and command. Intelligence meets strength. Prosper and succeed in the army. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Peridot, Zircon.

Virgo. (24.08–23.09)
Main stone Jasper

Born from August 24 to September 2- under the influence of the Sun - have a sense of harmony, calmness and a tendency to sedentary life. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Agate, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Rock Crystal, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Jasper.

Born from September 3 to September 11- under the influence of Venus - secretive, shy, often monogamous. Lucky stones: Rutile Quartz (Hairy), Heliotrope, Jadeite, Pearl, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Citrine.

Born from September 12 to 23- under the influence of Mercury - modest and resourceful, sometimes lazy, often marrying late. Lucky stones: Diamond, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Chrysolite.

Scales. (24.09–23.10)
Main stone Aquamarine

Lucky and aesthetic Libra For those who have successfully arranged their lives, small translucent stones are well suited as a talisman: Rose Quartz, Coral, Light Agate, Chrysoprase.

Negative qualities of Libra: selfishness, envy, laziness, imbalance, arrogance, intrigue - are well smoothed out by the vibrations of orange and green minerals, as well as ocular minerals: Heliotrope, Cat's Eye and Tiger's Eye, Olivine, Rauchtopaz, Carnelian - large sizes, which should be worn on the ring finger, on the neck or on the wrist.

Talisman stones for Libra, their magical allies: green Aquamarine, Cacholong, Malachite, Jade, red, pink and green Tourmaline.

Corals - flowers of the sea, a favorite decoration since ancient times, which has always attracted the attention of true lovers of beauty.

Delicate and beautiful Coral is a symbol of happiness and immortality. Even in ancient times, they believed that Corals warded off troubles and illnesses. If Coral is worn on the index or ring finger right hand, it purifies the blood, helps control hatred, irritability, anger and envy. Coral teaches you to be wise, drives away depression, and ensures success with the opposite sex. It helps with travel, prevents disasters, especially those related to water, and protects against the evil eye. Coral absorbs the energy of Mars, and unrestrained and aggressive people should have it with them.

Scorpion. (24.10–22.11)
Main Stone Black Opal

Born from November 24 to November 2- under the influence of Mars - frustrated, capable of medicine, with the gift of healing people, insecure in youth and energetic in maturity. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Hematite, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Moonstone, Malachite, Carnelian, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from November 3 to 13- under the influence of the Sun - natures are strong and passionate, proactive, with willpower, noble and generous. Lucky stones: Amethyst, Turquoise, Jet, Coral, Opal, Sardonyx, Citrine, Amber.

Born from November 14 to 22- under the influence of Venus - frivolous, emotional and amorous, with artistic talent and strong passions. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Beryl, Heliodor, Garnet, Emerald, Topaz, Tourmaline, Black Star.

Sagittarius. (23.11–21.12)
Main stone Garnet

Born from November 23 to December 2- under the influence of Mercury - a courageous and independent nature, sensual with a strong spirit, fond of hunting and sports. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Jade, Quartz, Sapphirine, Hawk's Eye, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from December 3 to December 12- under the influence of the Moon - they have imagination and imagination, love long journeys, and have changeable moods. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Hairy, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from December 13 to 21- under the influence of Saturn - persistent, sensitive natures, loving luxury and gourmet, not having an aversion to food in general, retiring to satisfy their gastronomic needs. Lucky stones: Hyacinth, Garnet, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Peridot, Zircon, Black Star.

Capricorn. (22.12–20.01)
Main stone Topaz

Born from December 22 to January 2- under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic natures acquire wealth and success, but there is a risk of going broke. Lucky Stones: Agate, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Serpentine, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Quartz, Hawkeye, Sodalite, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from January 3 to January 13- under the influence of Mars - people who reek of domestic boredom, known for their bad influence on others. Lucky stones: Turquoise, Jet, Heliotrope, Jadeite, Cat's Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Charoite.

Born from January 14 to January 20- under the influence of the Sun - efficient, possess vitality, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency. Lucky stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Zircon, Black Star.

Aquarius. (21.01–19.02)
Main stone Turquoise

Born from January 21 to February 1- under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and refined in love. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Pearl, Serpentine, Jade, Obsidian, Sapphirine, Hawkeye, Jasper.

Born from February 2 to February 11- under the influence of Mercury - gentle, intelligent, a little vain, moral, and have a sense of humor. Lucky stones: Ametrine (citr. Amethyst), Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Onyx, Sardonyx, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Charoite, Amber.

Born from February 12 to February 20- under the influence of the Moon - natures are easily disappointed, reserved, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant. Lucky stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Zircon, Black Star.

Fish. (20.02–20.03)
Main stone Amethyst

Born from February 21 to March 1- under the influence of Saturn - capricious natures with unrealistic dreams, loving women, loneliness and change. Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amazonite, Amethyst, Bull's Eye, Hematite, Moonstone, Jade, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Blood Jasper.

Born from March 2 to March 11- under the influence of Jupiter - they love greatness and glory, are sensitive and vain, honest and solemn. Lucky Stones: Rutile Quartz (Hairy), Heliotrope, Pearl, Coral, Opal.

It is believed that depending on the time of birth of a person, different objects, phenomena and factors influence him different influence. Jewelry stones occupy a special place among them.

In the photo: Jewelry stones from the Gem Lovers collection for different zodiac signs

We've done great job and we provide material that has no analogues anywhere. This publication opens a series of articles that will become your guide to the world of precious stones for the formation of your personal unique collection.

Minerals and rocks accompany humanity from the very beginnings of its existence and are always close to man. The roots of knowledge and ideas about the influence of stones on human destiny and the connections between minerals and zodiac constellations go back to ancient times. These ideas were formed in various cultures, transformed and structured over time, wandered from mouth to mouth for thousands of years, the location of the stars underwent changes, and mineralogical knowledge improved. The names of minerals changed.

It is important to note that mineralogy as a science was formed about 200 years ago. Before this, stones of the same color, as a rule, had one name, for example, all known red stones (rubies, spinels, garnets) were called the word “lal”. Therefore, it is important to consider the possibility of errors in the interpretation of gems based on mineralogical varieties. In addition, since the time when lists of stones were compiled for various astrological interpretations, it was discovered huge amount new varieties and deposits. For example, kunzites, tanzanites, new varieties of garnet and many others.

We have analyzed a wealth of material on this issue and bring to your attention several approaches to the selection of gems based on astrological views on the time of a person’s birth:

  • ornamental and jewelry stones according to zodiac signs in the J. Stone classification;

Astrology data helps you navigate among the many jewelry stones, taking into account the time of birth, and make a wonderful gift for yourself and to a loved one, choose what suits him.

By collecting a collection for yourself, you create an individual selection of stones that are right for you, according to various astrological schools. Remember that zodiac stones are a series of recommended gems that have a beneficial effect on the one who wears them. It is generally accepted that the larger the stone, the greater its impact on humans. The best collection is the one that contains stones by birth month, by your birth planet and by zodiac sign.

Relationship between planets and gemstones

The classification of the correspondence of gems to your patron planet is interesting. You can determine your planet according to your zodiac sign using your horoscope. In the Middle Ages, alchemical ideas about the connection between the celestial bodies, planets and constellations included in the zodiac circle were formed.

Star of the sign Leo. Jewelry stones of the Sun - colorless (diamond), with yellow tint, chrysolite, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase. Special mention is made of zircon hyacinth and ruby.

Changeable and beautiful, therefore, jewelry stones of the zodiac sign Cancer, ruled by the Moon, these are primarily iridescent opals and moonstones. Also associated with this luminary are pearls, coral, beryl, and aquamarine.

In astrology - a male planet, named after the god of war Ares in Greek mythology(Mars from the Roman pantheon of gods). Zodiac signs are influenced by Mars Aries and Scorpio. It symbolizes determination, courage and physical strength. Red colored gemstones such as ruby ​​and red garnets are attributed to Mars.

Venus, the patroness of love, romance and passion, corresponds to the signs of the zodiac Taurus and Libra. The precious stones of the planet Venus are green, purple-red, blue: emerald, turquoise, blue, pink sapphires, padparadscha sapphire, zircon - hyacinth.

Symbolizes wealth, luxury, status, access to intimate knowledge. The Roman god Jupiter is considered the supreme deity and corresponds to Zeus in Greek culture.
If a person was born under the planet Jupiter (signs Sagittarius and Pisces), blue and purple stones, blue sapphire, blue spinel, amethyst, turquoise, blue and blue-violet tanzanites, blue tourmalines are suitable for him.

(embodiment ancient Greek god Chronos), and also governs the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Dark and black stones are suitable for Saturn, and blue, gray-blue, stones with asterism effect, spinel, aquamarine are suitable for Uranus. These also include blue lapis lazuli, blue zircon and blue tourmaline.

Ornamental and jewelry stones in the J. Stone classification

There are many lists of gems according to zodiac signs, they come from different sources. The most widely used classification by amateurs is the one highlighted by Jasper Stone. This classification includes both semi-precious and precious stones. Ornamental ones are more often used to make pyramids, bowls, figurines, balls and figurines.

  • Aquarius - aquamarine, garnet, amethyst, ametrine, rose and black quartz, zircon, obsidian, chrysoprase.
  • Pisces - demantoid, tsavorite, aquamarine, moonstone, coral, opals, peridot.
  • Aries - diamond, zircon, rock crystal, kyanite.
  • Taurus - alexandrite, amazonite, agate, turquoise, white cacholong opal, malachite, chrysocolla.
  • Gemini - amethyst, ametrines, beryl group, morganite, cat's and tiger's eyes, obsidian, agate, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, citrine, charoite.
  • Cancer - emerald, pearl, chrysoberyl, aquamarine, tsavorite, moonstone, hematite.
  • Leo - ruby, tourmalines, uvarovite, spinel, amber, verdelite, rock crystal, obsidian.
  • Virgo - rock crystal, jadeite, cat's eye, jade, carnelian.
  • Scales- aquamarine, malachite, amethyst, jade, rhodochrosite, rubellite.
  • Scorpio - alexandrite, apatite, garnet, topaz, kunzite, morganite.
  • Sagittarius - alexandrite, sapphire, tourmalines, uvarovite, chalcedony, chrysocolla, topaz, verdelite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, red garnets.
  • Capricorn - tourmaline group, garnet, chrysocolla, smoky quartz.

Gemstone by month of birth

It is also a popular opinion that when choosing a talisman you should focus on your month of birth. Aristotle wrote about this. There are many options for matching gems by month of birth, depending on the traditions and characteristics of different cultures.

The International Colored Stone Association (ICA) has published on its website a list of gems recommended for those born in different months, and separately mention talismans that bring good luck. This list contains modern and traditional options.

January, both according to modern and traditional classification, corresponds to a group of pomegranates; it unites a significant number of varieties, differing in chemical composition and structural features: from bright orange spessartine garnet to emerald green demantoid garnet.

Amethyst is a talisman for those born in February, its cold purple from very light to rich, with a reddish sheen, it really suits frosty February perfectly. Amethyst is considered the most valuable variety of the quartz group.

Those born in March are recommended to wear aquamarine, a noble variety of blue and greenish tint from the beryl group. According to the traditional system of birthstones, March corresponds to heliotrope, and the talisman of the month is considered

Magical talismans and amulets were used in ancient times, and their relevance remains in our time; many stones can not only decorate the owner’s necklace or ring, but also become a faithful companion and amulet for him, protecting against diseases or the evil eye.

But there are several rules thanks to which you can choose exactly your stone, because when choosing the “wrong” magical power It may simply not work. For example, the most reliable talisman is one given to a person from the heart. If you went to a store with natural stones and bought one that you liked only externally, then it is unlikely to be of any use, because the stone must be chosen intuitively, without using visual evaluation. The most simple method will hold the mineral in your palm and just listen to your inner voice, which will give you good advice. For a stone to truly become “yours,” you need to accept it only with positive emotions.

You can also choose a stone according to the time of birth, for example, stones of warm and red shades are suitable for summer people, while winter people should pay attention to cold tones. But it is believed that the most in an efficient way It is considered to be a comparison of a particular stone with a zodiac sign.

How to find out your birthstone - Aries

Aries is the most fire sign. People born in March-April are endowed with activity and determination to accept even difficult decisions. They are also complex in character and love to argue even when they are wrong.
Rubies, sapphires, amethysts and diamonds are perfect for Aries. A ruby ​​will help you become a respected person in society, and a diamond will help smooth out harsh character traits. Aries, who work in the intellectual sphere, should choose sapphire, and amethyst will help win any business.

How to find out your birthstone - Taurus

Taurus is a leisurely and hard-working sign. An emerald will be an ideal amulet for Taurus; this stone will dilute everyday life and bring a feeling of happiness and joy. Turquoise and sapphire are also suitable as a talisman.

How to find out your birthstone - Gemini

Geminis are inquisitive and witty; agate is perfect for this zodiac sign, as it will give the owner good intuition and help convince people. Chrysoprase will relieve bad mood, and beryl will help you find true love.

How to find out your birthstone - Cancer

Cancer is a mysterious and sensitive sign, which is suitable for stones such as moonstone and emerald. Moonstone will be an excellent ally for the sign protected by the moon and will help to avoid adversity and difficulties, and emerald will relieve depression.

How to recognize your birthstone - Leo

Leo is a bright and independent zodiac sign, which is suitable for amber, alexandrite, ruby, topaz, and peridot. Peridot will help restore peace of mind, and ruby ​​will help people in power.

How to find out your stone - Virgo

Virgo is a picky and hardworking sign. For Virgo, carnelian, jasper, olivine, and jade will be excellent companions. The last stone is recommended for people involved in sports - it will help avoid injuries, and carnelian will help avoid betrayal from loved ones. Jasper will help attract health and money.

How to find out your birthstone – Libra

Libra is a harmonious and artistic sign. For people born between September 24 and October 23, stones such as diamond, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and opal are perfect. Beryl and diamond will bring success in business and work, while lapis lazuli will make the owner more harmonious and calm, and opal will make the owner lucky.

How to find out your birthstone - Scorpio

Scorpio is a mysterious and emotional sign. For Scorpios, amulets with the following stones will be excellent allies: corals, topaz, aquamarines and garnets. Coral will protect against bad mood and negative impact. Aquamarine will help you become luckier, and you can attract capital with the help of garnet.

How to find out your birthstone - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is optimistic and freedom-loving; the best stones for this zodiac sign are sapphire, turquoise, amethyst and peridot. Turquoise will help you find family happiness and also ensure career growth, and chrysolite will help strengthen your immune system and protect you from nightmares in your sleep.

How to find out your birthstone - Capricorn

Capricorn is a reliable and patient zodiac sign. Capricorn stones are ruby, garnet, onyx, malachite, opal. If Capricorn lacks vital energy, then opal will come to the rescue, while onyx will endow the owner with excellent insight and wisdom in all matters.

How to find out your birthstone - Aquarius

Aquarius is friendly and sociable. The following stones are suitable for Aquarius: garnet, amethyst, zircon and sapphire. Pomegranate will help restore harmony in the family and in relationships with your loved one, and will also help restore health. Zircon will help improve your memory, and sapphire will help attract money.

How to find out your birthstone - Pisces

Pisces is an impressionable and changeable sign. They will become for fish excellent helpers stones such as amethyst, pearl, peridot and jasper. Pearls will bring stability to Pisces in love, and amethyst will protect against bad habits. Jasper will become a guardian against poverty, shame and depression.

Choosing your stone is not difficult, the main thing is to follow your heart and listen to your inner voice. If you think that you simply cannot imagine your life without this or that stone, then it is truly yours!

This article discusses in detail the question of which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign. Natural stones serve as amulets, talismans and amulets for their sign. Following fashion without taking these subtleties into account can harm yourself.

To figure out which stone suits which zodiac sign, let's pay attention to the colors of the seasons. After all, harmony is important in everything. Spring signs should avoid the autumn palette, summer signs should not use the frosty tones of winter, etc. Now let's look at each sign separately.

Ornamental, semi-precious and precious stones by zodiac sign


Spring has come into its own, so all the delicate shades of green (turquoise, hairy quartz, amazonite, uvarovite, emerald), the spring sun (citrine, pyrite, sapphire, heliodor), transparent clean air (rock crystal and diamond), and the colors of the elements are appropriate Fire (pyrope, ruby, fire opal, coral, carnelian).


The element of Earth has left its mark. Taurus is suitable for stones that originate deep in the bowels of the earth. So, the following are suitable for this zodiac constellation: agate, carnelian, amazonite, opal, lapis lazuli, diamond, sapphire, turquoise, onyx, emerald, jasper, chalcedony.


Carefree Geminis are urged to be prudent the following minerals: amethyst, pyrite, rock crystal, yellow diamond, almandine, pearl, sapphire, agate, emerald.

Dreamy and vulnerable Cancers They will protect and will not give offense: aquamarine, emerald, pearls, beryl, uvarovite, jadeite, lapis lazuli and malachite.

The following will help Leo to calm vanity and pride, to be a leader and manage people, to distinguish flattery from a sincere compliment: diamond, amber, heliodor, hairy quartz, malachite, carnelian, opal, emerald, chrysolite.


A sign of purity and purity, an autumn sign, the element of Earth. Autumn colors, woody tones. Peace and quiet and gossip, pure love and devotion in the family to Virgo is guaranteed by: agate, jasper, coral, rock crystal, opal, malachite, rhodonite, ruby, epidote, amber.


This Air sign craves peace all its life. Libras sometimes lack prudence and constancy; they often follow the lead of their desires and whims. The following will help them maintain prudence, find peace and good luck: amethyst, labradorite, citrine, rock crystal, diamond, sapphire, jasper.


The element of Water, the sign of late autumn, the constellation of fatal passions. Here, strong and dangerous stones of dark tones are appropriate as nowhere else: hematite, corals, black pearls, labradorite, ruby, hairy quartz, opal.


Strength of spirit, control over emotions and determination - the following almandine, corals, obsidian, ruby, pyrope, jasper, lapis lazuli, epidote will help Sagittarius achieve all this.


A very self-sufficient sign of the Earth element, which, however, lacks the ability to bring things started to completion. Strong stones of dark tones and stones of the fire element are suitable: hematite, serpentine, labradorite, black pearl, malachite, onyx, uvarovite.


Speaking about which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign, it should be noted that none of the minerals can do much harm to Aquarius. Although the fiery representatives of fossils are not particularly suitable for him. Amethyst, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, pearls, jade, jadeite, obsidian, chrysoprase, chrysolite, chalcedony, topaz, sapphire, hematite, opal will help to energize this winter sign of the element of Air, protect it from slander and gossip, and develop its abilities and intuition. citrine, pyrite, emerald, malachite.


The following will help protect touchy Pisces, the sign of the Water element, and also help them meet and keep their love: aquamarine, pearls, emerald, moonstone, topaz, peridote, epidote, opal.


You should take into account which stone is suitable for which zodiac sign, since unsuitable minerals can harm many signs. Also, beware of minerals given by people you don’t trust. Stolen stones can greatly ruin your life. Zodiac signs, whose representatives are evil, mercantile and cruel, will also not see anything good from these natural amulets. Be kind and merciful, then Nature itself in pieces of minerals will help you and protect you!

Since ancient times, humanity has believed in the miraculous power of natural minerals. Our ancestors were sure that the amulet stone helps in healing diseases, brings prosperity and prosperity, inspires and guides the one who wears it. However, not just any stone can be kept with you. You must select a talisman either by date of birth or according to your zodiac sign. Only then will the mineral perfectly adapt to the energy of the person wearing it and perform its protective functions.

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    How to choose your talisman?

    Only precious (rarely found in nature) can serve as a talisman.) and semi-precious (mined in large quantities ) stones. They are also called gems (for the variety of colors), minerals (based on their structure), natural or natural stones (since they are mined from the depths of the earth).

    Such stones have a special energy that can adapt to the owner’s biorhythms. The maximum power of a talisman is manifested when a person believes in its power. A correctly chosen amulet will be able to:

    • protect from the evil eye and negative energy;
    • improve health;
    • help in arranging your personal life;
    • bring good luck and wealth to the house;
    • give strength and energy.

    The amulet stone needs energy recharge, because it gives a lot of power to its owner. It is recommended to saturate the talisman with the energy of the earth by placing it in a flower pot for a while.

    Selection rules

    There are quite a lot of criteria for choosing a talisman stone, but the most in an effective way The selection of a talisman according to the zodiac sign is considered. In addition, when choosing an amulet you should adhere to some recommendations:

    1. 1. Try to feel “your” stone from several proposed options. Esotericists believe that the right amulet will make itself known. A person will feel the warmth emanating from a correctly selected stone, or, conversely, coldness if the amulet is not suitable.
    2. 2. Never buy jewelry from pawn shops, especially if it is intended to become an amulet. Jewelry that was owned by someone else may retain the negative energy of the previous owner.
    3. 3. Having received a stone as a gift and decided to make it a talisman, you need to inspect the surface for chips, cracks or stains. If such deficiencies are found, you must immediately remove it from your home. Natural minerals with damaged integrity often serve as accumulators of negative energy.

    The best amulets are stones passed down by inheritance, as well as those given by loved ones.

    Charms by date of birth

    Astrologers are sure that the number of birth plays a significant role in a person’s life. It determines character life path And personal qualities. The talisman stone is also identified by date of birth. To do this, you need to make simple calculations and find out the essence of the number:

    1. 1. Write down the day, month and year of your birth in a row on a piece of paper (for example: 04/01/1984).
    2. 2. Add them up: 1+4+1+9+8+4=27.
    3. 3. Since the essence of the number must consist of one digit from 1 to 9, the resulting number must also be added: 2+7=9. The essence of the number is 9.

    The meaning of the figure must be looked at in the table:

    Number Name Characteristic
    1 SapphireGives the wearer energy and determination. Is a love talisman - protects relationships from discord and quarrels
    2 CitrineClears the mind and points you on the right path. Gives impetus to making the right decision
    3 CoralMaintains health and protects from injury. Restores lost peace of mind
    4 EmeraldProtects negative people from the evil eye and bad thoughts. Creates powerful protection for its owner
    5 TurquoiseHarmonizes the relationship between its wearer and the surrounding world. Reconciles warring parties
    6 CornelianReveals creativity. Helps you achieve professional fulfillment
    7 DiamondAttracts good luck and prosperity to its owner. Helps in concluding deals and contracts
    8 RubyHelps improve relationships within the team and family
    9 RhinestoneHelps in solving problems. Clears the mind of unnecessary and painful thoughts

    In some cases, the amulet can be determined without taking into account the year of birth - only by the number of the month and day of the week on which the person was born.

    Talisman according to the date of the month:

    • 1, 10, 19, 28 - amethyst, opal, lapis lazuli, coral;
    • 2, 11, 20, 29 - carnelian, cat's eye, opal, hyacinth;
    • 3, 12, 21, 30 - aventurine, amber, sapphire;
    • 4, 13, 22, 31 - malachite, chrysolite, jasper;
    • 5, 14, 23 - turquoise, moonstone, garnet;
    • 6, 15, 24 - jasper, agate, pearls;
    • 7, 16, 25 - onyx, emerald, rock crystal;
    • 8, 17, 26 - diamond, turquoise, coral;
    • 9, 18, 27 - amber, tiger's eye, ruby.

    By day of the week:

    • Monday - any white stone;
    • Tuesday - blue, red and dark minerals;
    • environment - stones with a blue tint;
    • Thursday - purple stones;
    • Friday - a green mineral or stone interspersed with this color;
    • Saturday - all dark minerals;
    • Sunday - yellow stones.

    But this method, which does not fully take into account the date of birth, is considered by astrologers to be not entirely accurate and they advise looking for an amulet by calculating the essence of the number.

    Eastern sages divide gems into male and female. Stones with “yang” energy (for men) are designed to strengthen masculine qualities and have bright warm shades (amber). Stones with “yin” energy (for girls and women) emphasize attractiveness and grace. They should be cool tones (turquoise). Otherwise, the rules for choosing amulets for both girls and men are the same.

    Stones by zodiac sign

    Along with the date of birth, determining the talisman by zodiac sign is considered one of the most reliable methods for selecting a talisman stone. Astrologers are sure that any natural stone associated with space and has specific energy. Since, upon being born, a person acquires a zodiac connection, he must choose his talisman based on the horoscope.

    The horoscope of stones by zodiac sign is presented in the table:

    Sign Stones-amulets Characteristic
    AriesSerpentine, carnelian, jasper, garnet, amethyst, beryl, coralThey teach wisdom and generosity. Filming nervous tension. Have medicinal properties
    TaurusEmerald, malachite, chrysoprase, ruby, labradorite, moonstoneProtect from the evil eye and negative energy. Attract luck and finances
    TwinsRock crystal, alexandrite, sapphire, hawkeye, topazGives the wearer strength and self-confidence. Protects against rash and risky actions
    CancerAquamarine, obsidian, pearl, rhodonite, citrineProtect on the way. Bring longevity and prosperity. Creates powerful protection from envious people
    LionBull's eye, amber, peridot, serpentine, hematite, lapis lazuliHelps to establish contacts with other people. Replenish energy reserves
    VirgoChrysoprase, sapphire, sultanite, jade, jasperProtect the owner from the harmful effects of enemies. Improves family relationships
    ScalesTourmaline, olivine, amethyst, jet, apatiteHelp with work and career growth. Gives determination and self-confidence
    ScorpionGarnet, turquoise, coral, aventurine, tiger's eye, amethystContribute to strong relationships in the family. Increases attractiveness to the opposite sex
    SagittariusHyacinth, blue quartz, carbuncle, malachite, cat's eyeProtect from envy and intrigue. Promotes career growth and fulfillment in the profession
    CapricornCrystal, citrine, agate, onyx, serpentine, hematiteReplenish missing energy. Have medicinal properties
    AquariusJade, amethyst, turquoise, ruby, diamondStrengthen friendly relations. Increase self-esteem. Bring inspiration to creative people
    FishOpal, emerald, alexandrite, mother-of-pearl, pearlThey restore peace of mind and subdue anger. Protects from stress

    When choosing your talisman, you should trust your intuition. Even if a stone suits your horoscope, but does not evoke any feelings or even repel you, you should not buy it: this means that it is energetically incompatible with the biorhythms of the chooser.

    Talismans by month of birth

    Experienced esotericists advise, in addition to the natural mineral chosen according to the zodiac connection, to carry an amulet according to the month of birth. It will enhance the effect of the main amulet and help release its internal reserves.

    Stones by month:

    Month Name Characteristic
    JanuaryPomegranateHelps achieve success. Strengthens friendship
    FebruaryAmethystStrengthens masculinity. Helps achieve spiritual wisdom
    MarchAquamarineBrings peace. Improves health
    AprilDiamondProvides energy. Heals from illnesses
    MayEmeraldPromotes success in your personal life
    JunePearlStrengthens intuition. Gives inspiration
    JulyRubyIncreases passion in marital relationships
    AugustPeridotPossesses healing properties. Helps you find harmony with the world around you
    SeptemberNacrePreserves relationships between loved ones
    OctoberOpalPromotes spiritual maturity. Cures diseases
    NovemberTopazProtects against bad influences and negative energy
    DecemberTurquoiseStrengthens protective properties body. Helps achieve wisdom

    Amulets by name

    Astrologers believe that some stones are not only associated with a person zodiacally, but also respond to the sound of the name.

    The most common names and stones associated with them are presented in the table:

    Female names Stones Male names Stones
    VeronicaZirconValeryBlack Jasper
    Evgeniacat's eyeVladislavOnyx
    LilyRose quartzKonstantinNacre
    RaisaRose quartzStanislavOlivine

    Healing stones

    Many precious and semi-precious stones can be used for healing various diseases. IN medicinal purposes they are used without taking into account the date of birth and zodiac sign - in this case it is important to know what disease a particular gem cures.

    The table provides a list of the most common diseases and minerals that help cure them:

    Disease Healing stones
    Pathologies of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
    • Lapis lazuli, alexandrite, malachite, bloodstone, chrysoberyl, moonstone - against exhaustion of the nervous system;
    • topaz, alexandrite (in combination); corals, emerald (in the form of a necklace) - calm, have a beneficial effect on memory;
    • rock crystal, lapis lazuli, azurite, hyacinth, ruby, turquoise, ruby ​​- eliminate night fears;
    • corals, ruby, jadeite, cat's eye - against trembling in sleep;
    • amber, emerald - eliminate hysterical reactions;
    • jet, magnetite, malachite, sapphire, chrysoprase - relieve convulsive conditions;
    • sardonyx, rock crystal, sapphire - have a calming effect
    Headache, migrainesJade, amethyst, rauchtopaz, carnelian - applied to the eyelids and acupuncture points
    InsomniaChalcedony, amber, coral
    Mental problems
    • Sapphire, lapis lazuli, diamond, topaz, amber, cat's eye, pearls, corals, ruby ​​- against depression, exacerbations of schizophrenia;
    • malachite, pearls - alleviate melancholic conditions;
    • jasper, ruby ​​(epilepsy), the same - sapphire, moonstone, emerald, jet (fumigation during a seizure)
    Brain hemorrhage, paralysisAventurine, chrysoprase, serpentine, emerald
    AlcoholismMalachite, amber
    Hearing disordersJasper, selenite, topaz, amazonite, carnelian, malachite
    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
    • Serpentine, amber (strengthening the heart muscle);
    • agate, sapphire, heliodor, alexandrite - strengthening of blood vessels;
    • red jade, tiger eye, topaz - regulation of heartbeat
    Bronchial asthmaSapphire, amber, carnelian, rutile quartz (bronchitis), amethyst, mother-of-pearl
    RheumatismDiamond, jet, lapis lazuli, hematite
    BleedingChalcedony, hematite, garnet (nosebleed), jadeite, turquoise, amber, carnelian, chrysoprase, sardonyx, pearl
    Diseases of the liver, biliary tract
    • Agate, hyacinth, malachite, turquoise - against jaundice;
    • rock crystal, zircon, emerald, diamond - for pain in the liver
    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • Jasper, emerald - from painful sensations in the stomach, dysentery;
    • corals - against peptic ulcers;
    • aquamarine - heals chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
    • topaz - improves taste sensations
    Kidney diseases, bladder and urinary tract
    • Lapis lazuli, malachite, jadeite - for bladder stones;
    • hyacinth, rock crystal (kidney stones), corals, moonstone - against sexually transmitted diseases;
    • jet, hyacinth - for difficulty urinating
    BurnsAmethyst, chalcedony, quartz
    Wounds, ulcersMalachite, onyx, carnelian, coral, heliodor