Thin legs at home. How to make your legs slender

Some women think that men's attention is attracted to their butt and chest, completely forgetting about their legs. But the beautiful legs of women catch the male gaze so much that others are ready to follow these legs all their lives. And many people ask the question: “How to make your legs beautiful?”

Most women do not wear a skirt, deciding that their legs are too thin, full or crooked. But God created women to wear skirts and dresses. It's simply a crime to wrap your legs under trousers and jeans. Any shortcoming of beautiful legs can be corrected!

Crooked legs. This disadvantage noticeable only if the woman stands straight, at attention, like a soldier. IN everyday life This doesn't happen. People are constantly on the move, so it is unlikely that anyone will notice the curvature of their legs. In reality, such a problem exists very rarely, most women simply made it up, and therefore there is nothing to solve here.

A very high heel will help make your legs beautiful. Misconception! Women who think their legs are crooked should definitely not wear high heels. Those with perfect legs look awkward in heels that are too high. It is better to choose a medium-length heel or platform that is comfortable to walk on and will highlight the graceful beauty of women's legs.

For girls, there is another problem that does not allow them to wear a skirt, and sometimes even feel ridiculous in trousers. This is the problem - skinny legs. Housewives with thin legs need to remember that sneakers and any bulky shoes should be excluded from their wardrobe.

You are advised to wear shoes that are petite and without any fancy details. Clothing should also not be wide; it is better to give preference to tighter clothes. Don't wear too much long skirts by selecting average length or knee-deep. Wide, flowing skirts are also not your option.

Specially designed physical exercise will help give your legs beautiful shape. The main thing is to know when to stop and don’t overdo your muscles. In any gym, a trainer will help you, although this can also be done at home.

Another problem is too full legs. But also this problem has a solution!
For girls who consider their legs to be full, it is necessary to forget about clothes that make them look fat. You shouldn't wear things that are too tight either. Your option is classic skirts just below the knee length. The wardrobe should consist of clothes in light, beige and bed shades. In physical activity are necessary strength exercises to burn extra calories. You need to seriously work on yourself to bring your legs into ideal condition.

There are different opinions about ideal legs. Some people believe that ideal female legs have a rounded cup, a medium-sized ankle, not over-pumped and not too thin. Others find the dimple inside the knee very sexy. Sometimes making your legs beautiful is not easy, but anything is possible. The main thing is to set a goal and do everything to achieve it. Good luck!

Male attention on par with woman's face, figure, bust invariably attract slender beautiful legs. But the leg muscles easily become overgrown with fat, which is quite difficult to get rid of. Many women on own experience We were convinced that this or that diet often allows you to lose weight in the stomach, chest, arms, but not in the hips or legs. , buttocks and legs allow you to make your legs slender without hiding their fullness with trousers or a long skirt.

Why exercise is necessary for slender legs

To make your legs slim and beautiful, and remove fat deposits, diet alone is not enough. Restricting your diet allows you to lose weight, but it doesn’t always look good.

In addition, it is often difficult to predict exactly how weight loss will go. It is determined by body type, various individual characteristics. Some people go on a diet to make their legs slender, but instead of reducing the volume of their thighs and legs, they lose weight.

Exercises for the legs allow you to give a more targeted load to the muscles, achieve the necessary slimness and beauty, and also correct other figure flaws.

You shouldn’t make the mistake of trying to make your legs slim by doing exercises on your hips or buttocks alone. You need to start by training the abdominal muscles. The fact is that these muscles are involved in performing a wide variety of physical exercises, including flexion and extension of the legs.

The quality and effectiveness of leg exercises depends on the strength of the abdominal press. Therefore, with undeveloped, weak abdominal muscles, it is very difficult to make legs slender and beautiful.

Exercises for office workers

Even with sedentary work, it’s easy to find a little time for simple exercises to slim your legs, strengthen your abdominal muscles, and improve your muscles. To perform them, you will need a stable chair or chair without wheels.

  • Extend your straightened legs at right angles to your body, perform several turns in one direction and the other.
  • Stand behind a chair, one hand on the back, while inhaling, lift the other up through the side, while simultaneously moving the same leg back. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat for the other side.
  • Perform the previous exercise, placing your leg to the side.

  • Stand behind a chair, palms on the back. Squat while maintaining balance with straightened arms.
  • While sitting, perform alternating movements up and down with straightened legs, imitating scissors.

Exercises for slim legs

It is better to practice outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Starting with small quantity repetitions (4-5) should be gradually increased.

  • Sit on the floor, legs straight, feet slightly apart. Bring your feet together and tense your muscles, hold in this position.
  • The starting position is the same. Pull the toes of your feet away from you towards the floor, then towards you.
  • Sit on the floor, legs straight, arms supporting the body from behind. Bend your legs and lift them off the floor, pull your knees to your chin, clasp your hands under your hips.

  • From a sitting position on the floor, without kneeling, take a standing position without using your hands.
  • Sit down 15-20 times (as you inhale, the body moves down, and as you exhale, move up).
  • Jump every 15-20 times.
  • Lie on your back, arms along your body, palms on the floor near your pelvis. Perform foot movements as if riding a bicycle.
  • Lie on your back, arms along your body, palms resting on the floor. Raise your straightened legs vertically up, then spread them out to the sides, pause, and then return your straightened legs to the floor.
  • The starting position is the same. Raise your straightened legs above the floor at an angle of 30 and turn them into one. Then in the other direction along an imaginary axis passing between the legs.
  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, palms clasped at the back of your head. Walk on your toes around the room for 5 minutes.
  • The starting position is the same. Raise your right leg bent at the knee so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, fix the position for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. Repeat for the other side.
  • The starting position is the same, but stand on your toes. Jump, trying to land on your toes and without bending your knees.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with your left foot, straightening your right foot resting on the floor with your toe. To make your legs slender, perform several springing movements, then take the starting position. Repeat for the other leg.
  • Stand up straight, palms on your waist, place a 3-5 cm high board under the base of your toes. Raise your body on your toes.
  • Lie on your stomach, arms along your body. Tighten your buttocks and raise your straightened left leg as high as possible. Repeat for the other side.

  • Get on all fours. Straighten your left leg so that the thigh and shin are parallel to the floor and at the same time pull the straightened right hand forward, feel the stretch in your back. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the other leg and arm.

How to quickly make your legs slim

If the body is sufficiently trained and the goal is to quickly lose weight in the legs, you should use the following recommendations:

  • Give the leg muscles intense exercise once a week physical activity, to the point of extreme fatigue.
  • After one day, run a hundred meters at the highest possible speed, 5-6 times.
  • After another couple of days, during training, perform as many jumps as possible (through a jump rope, bench, etc.)

In a month and a half, your legs will become noticeably slimmer.

Modified: 12/15/2018

A slim and athletic figure is the dream of almost every girl. And you don’t have to go to an expensive gym, because you can work on yourself at home. All you need is 20 minutes a day and irresistible desire be better.

We have put together a set of exercises for you that will help tighten the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and legs. So let's get started!

Exercise No. 1. Tilts

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Now lean down, not forgetting about your posture.
  • Bend over until your torso is parallel to the floor. At the same time, do not forget to slightly bend your knees. Then return to the starting position. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

Advice: Always focus on the fact that you are not pulling your body up using your back muscles. This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. The back muscles keep the body in a straight position, and the gluteal muscles lift it.

Exercise No. 2. Squat

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  • As you inhale, begin to squat, moving your butt back, as if you were trying to sit on an invisible chair. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position. It is advisable to perform 4-5 approaches 10-12 times.

Advice: Squat as deeply as possible (the lower you go, the more your buttock muscles will work). Make sure your back remains straight and your knees do not protrude beyond your toes.

Exercise No. 3. Jump squats

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back.
  • The squat is done while inhaling. Lower yourself until parallel to the floor. You can go a little lower, the main thing is to watch your feelings.
  • As you exhale, you need to make a powerful jump up, pushing off with your full feet. Try to jump as high as possible, your hips should “spring” as much as possible.
  • Once your feet have fully touched the floor, squat down again. Repeat squat jumps 4 sets of 12 times.

Advice: It is especially important to control your landing: try to plant both feet on the floor at the same time. You should land on slightly bent legs (as softly as possible) and immediately go back into another squat.

Exercise No. 4. Bulgarian squat

  • Stand with your back to a chair (armchair, sofa).
  • Place one leg on the chair and take a step forward with the other. Keeping your back straight, squat down until your thigh is parallel to the floor. The working leg is the center of gravity and bends 90 degrees, the non-working leg is relaxed. We also transfer the load to the heel.
  • Return to the starting position. Do 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps on each leg.

Advice: It's important to take a big step in this exercise to take the pressure off the front of your thighs and onto your butt. The knee should not go beyond the line of the toes during a squat.

Exercise No. 5. Plie squats

  • Place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn your toes at a 45-degree angle.
  • Keeping your back straight, slowly squat down, and then just as slowly return to your original position. In addition to the buttocks, this exercise trains the internal thigh muscles, which are very weak in most girls.
  • Perform 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Advice: Make sure that your knees do not protrude beyond your toes and are directed along the line of your feet, and your back remains straight. And don’t forget: to pump up your buttocks, you need to squat as deeply as possible.

Exercise No. 6. Lunges

  • Stand straight, place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width.
  • Step forward and squat until your thigh is parallel to the floor. At the same time, the shoulders are straightened and the arms are lowered. Performed in steps along the room, using both legs. The working leg (the one in front) is the center of gravity and bends 90 degrees.
  • Stand up, pushing with your heel and carrying back leg forward (now this one is working).
  • Perform 4-5 sets of 20 of these steps.

Advice: Make sure your back remains straight and does not lean forward. This exercise involves not only the muscles of the buttocks, but also the front surface of the thigh.

Exercise No. 7. Swing back on the floor

  • While kneeling, place your palms on the floor.
  • Bend your leg and lift it up as much as possible, return to the original position. Use weights as additional load. So 4-5 sets of 30-40 repetitions.

Advice: While performing this exercise, pause at the top point, trying to contract the muscles as much as possible.

Exercise No. 8. Gluteal bridge

  • Lying on the floor, bend your legs and place them shoulder-width apart.
  • In this position, raise and lower your pelvis. To make the exercise more difficult, you can extend one leg or put something heavy on your hips. Perform the exercise 4-5 sets of 25-30 repetitions.

Advice: As you rise, pause at the top point, trying to squeeze your buttocks as much as possible.

Exercise No. 9. Burpee

  • Starting position: standing, arms along the body. Perform a full squat, placing your center of gravity on your toes.
  • Take a lying position, and then return to a full squat and jump to the starting position.
  • Perform 3–4 approaches per maximum quantity repetitions.

Advice: In order to achieve best result, perform the exercise as quickly as possible (without pauses) and correctly. Important aspect: Monitor your well-being. If your heart starts to “jump out”, you feel nausea or other unpleasant symptoms- the exercise should be stopped.

The main steps on the path to slim, healthy and beautiful legs: water, food, sports, healthy image life, massage, water treatments and positive attitude

Women's beauty is so multifaceted that it is difficult to find words to describe all its sides.

To feel beautiful , it is important for every woman to have luxurious hair, long eyelashes, thin waist, flat stomach, smooth skin. The list can be endless. But this list will definitely include one important item - slender legs. This is one of the strongest female trump cards, without which we feel disarmed, ugly, and inferior. Although happiness does not lie in slender legs, whatever one may say, they give us self-confidence, make us attractive and cheerful.

Only the path to slender and healthy legs is strewn with sharp stones and thorny thorns. Schoolgirls want to wear high heels as early as possible, but many young ladies simply don’t take them off. Problems with blood vessels, cellulite, stretch marks - many women sooner or later face one or another problem, and all of them are faithful companions sedentary work, poor nutrition and drinking, stress, injuries, chemical medications, bad habits, hormonal disorders, environmental degradation and the same high heels.

There are so many attacks around us that without understanding the danger they pose, we cannot be healthy. Negative Impact environment inevitably leads to health problems, and one of the first to suffer is the legs. In humans overweight– his legs suffer, he is friends with a cigarette – his legs suffer, he has problems with circulatory system– legs suffer. That is why together we will look for the keys to the health, slimness and beauty of women’s legs, we will try to combine them and use them in everyday life to preserve and enhance the beauty that nature has given us.

First, let's define what slender beautiful legs are: is there some kind of standard or the beauty of legs is that they do not correspond to the notorious 90?

What you need to strive for can be described as follows: elastic, toned, moderately trained legs, without unwanted hairs, with healthy skin color and an even tan, well-groomed and with a pedicure. And since health and beauty are inseparable, there is no doubt that healthy feet starts from the inside. Therefore, the path to healthy and slender legs begins with getting rid of bad habits, cleansing and balanced nutrition. This is where you should start, and along the way you should add another irreplaceable element – ​​sport. The beauty of women's legs rests on these four pillars. If you ignore them, any other efforts will only give a temporary effect. Although other procedures should not be neglected, because only in combination will all efforts bring generous results.

Beauty is work, painstaking and daily. After hard training, which actually does not require any Herculean efforts, your legs will definitely acquire the desired shape. You need to do the exercises three times a week. This is the minimum program. Every day is a maximum program. It all depends on how quickly you want to get the desired result. The main thing is that it is fun. Fatigue and muscle pain will be a sign that you have overdone it. Although in order to exchange long robes for short dresses, you can persist.

At the very beginning, I would like to note that naturally ideal legs are a very rare phenomenon. In most cases, beautiful legs are the result of well-planned, serious efforts. Well, shall we get started?

Keys to health, slimness and beauty of women's legs

Give your legs definition, strengthen them, make them more toned, improve the shape of your legs - strength training will help you realize all these plans.

1. If your legs are thin, you need to pump them up. Most best way To do this, sign up for a gym and work out 2-3 times a week, focusing on exercises for the leg muscles. Dancing, aerobics, water aerobics are auxiliary activities. It is enough to carry them out 1-2 times a week to improve the shape of your legs.

The nutritional plan is very important. An hour after training you need to eat. It should be easy protein food: fish, eggs, cottage cheese.

2. If your legs are full , and the task is to make them slimmer, reduce the volume of the legs and hips, add grace, make the silhouette of the legs thinner, this issue must be approached with extreme caution. The most important thing in in this case– change your diet. The bottom line is that if your diet remains the same, the excess fat will turn into muscle, but the volume will not go away. Therefore, there is no need to immediately go to the gym.

Step 1 – drink plenty of fluids

It's worth starting with normalization aquatic environment: drink a lot of water, from 1.5 liters per day - the more, the better. This will help remove salts and toxins from the body, improve blood circulation, and speed up metabolism. By the way, this is where all women who strive for slimness should start. Due to insufficient drinking, many people’s blood looks like a stagnant swamp: red blood cells are stuck together in columns of coins, sluggish, barely moving, white blood cells are inactive. All this means that the immune system does not work, poisons are not eliminated. Every cell, like a fish in an aquarium, needs water. There is no doubt that a person will have health problems if he does not drink water.

Step 2 – get rid of bad habits

Needs to be removed harmful products: with a long shelf life, dangerous, carcinogenic E-additives, artificial colors, as well as alcohol, tobacco.

Don't wear high heels every day. If you sit at work all day, take something to change your shoes with. You don't need to torture your feet all day long. If you have to walk a lot, choose comfortable shoes. Health is more valuable than image, dress code, fashion or the desire to appear taller and slimmer.

Step 3 – healthy eating

The real friends of slender legs are lean meat, seafood, fermented milk products, fruits, berries, vegetables - fresh and boiled, vegetable soups, green vegetable salads with olive oil. Wholemeal bread with bran, porridge, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese, and eggs are allowed.

Make desserts from fruits, berries with honey and nuts. It's better than high-calorie cakes and sweets.

You will have to give up fried foods, flour, sausages, and salty cheeses, and reduce your salt and sugar intake. Particular attention should be paid to ginger and green tea, spinach, celery, carrots, citrus fruits, watermelon, cherries, cucumbers, zucchini, all types of cabbage, including sauerkraut.

Say “yes” to: a full breakfast and lunch, a glass of warm water half an hour before meals, plenty of fluids, salads from raw vegetables, fruit desserts, berries.

Say no: late dinner, large portions of food and coffee, convenience foods, fast food, sweet soda, canned juices.

4th step – sport

Without this you won't get far. Strength training with moderate load and shaping in combination with modern dancing or aerobics are suitable. Muscles need to be strengthened, but not pumped. Task No. 1 is to get rid of unnecessary fat on the legs. It is contraindicated to work with heavy weights, as this can make your legs even thicker! Strength exercises in gym Can be combined with a treadmill or bicycle. Swimming is very useful in this case.

Important – you should not eat for three hours after class. At home, it is good to do regular squats or side squats on your knees, as well as a bicycle, scissors, walking on the floor on your buttocks, and lunges.

If your legs are very full, there are some nuances here. You need workouts aimed at burning fat. These are strength exercises, running, dancing, aerobics, exercise machines.

  1. Take a contrast shower, directing a stream of water to problem areas. After a shower, dry your feet well with a towel.
  2. Visit the sauna, take baths with sea ​​salt. Water procedures are always beneficial.
  3. Dedicate 2 hours a week to massage. It can be done with your hands, a washcloth, a special massager, or used for this purpose. vacuum jars. But do not forget to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. If, for example, the skin is prone to capillary mesh, there are some contraindications. It is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist. Use for massage almond oil, honey, coffee scrub.
  4. Before going to bed, lubricate your feet with a special refreshing foot cream and lie for half an hour with your feet raised up. This procedure has double benefits: it relieves fatigue and improves blood circulation.
  5. Be sure to buy olive, apricot or special oil against stretch marks. Rub it into problem areas every day. After all, we need not only slender, but also beautiful legs.
  6. Make friends with skipping rope, walking, steps. Forget the elevator.
  7. Walk barefoot on the grass more often.
  8. Choose your clothes correctly. Avoid pants with horizontal stripes and checkered patterns, with bright large details. Legs will appear slimmer in plain jeans, preferably brown or black, but you can also wear light ones, the main thing is to choose the right style.

Here we have found the keys to slim and healthy legs. This means giving up bad habits, drinking plenty of water, healthy food, physical exercise, massage, water procedures, well-chosen clothes. Now all that remains is to take advantage of this knowledge, put it into practice and get the long-awaited result.

There may be difficulties along the way. But they are everywhere. Be patient. Never give up. Just every day, as often as possible, imagine how the person will look in the mirror, how he will feel, how he will smile, how happy and satisfied he will be. The person in the mirror is you.

Every woman can become the owner of slender legs. We were born to be better every day, without comparing ourselves with others, but only with ourselves yesterday.

Doing nothing and indiscriminate eating lead to obesity and illness, and playing sports and healthy eating– to slimness and health. Always remember this and fight for your dreams!

Enjoy every day, thank for the changes in your appearance that you notice, achieve the best, most “slender” results!

Not everyone gets beautiful legs from nature. Someone like Demi Moore, in pursuit of perfection, takes radical measures - plastic surgery. It is known that her long-suffering knees have undergone several skin tightenings and liposuctions. The beauties of the East are not inferior to the Hollywood diva in their willingness to make any sacrifice for the sake of attractiveness: thousands of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese women decide to straighten and lengthen their legs surgically.

We suggest, if possible, to avoid extremes and use proven ways to make your legs slimmer. First, add several exercises from stars to your regular workouts, whose legs are recognized as the standard of sexuality. Secondly, adjust problem areas: chubby or sharp knees, full calves, large feet, etc. - with the help of well-chosen clothes and shoes. Thirdly, pamper yourself with home and salon treatments cosmetic procedures: massage, baths, wraps, contrast shower etc. And let the whole world be at your feet!

Make your legs slimmer: favorite exercises of stars

Hollywood trainer Tony Greco, “responsible” for the seductive forms of Nicole Scherzinger and January Jones, advises: “Before you start training for beautiful legs, adjust your diet. It should be balanced in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With each meal, it is advisable to eat a protein dish the size of the palm of your hand, two cups of green vegetables and a handful of nuts: almonds, macadamia or walnuts. If you really want something unhealthy but tasty, it’s better to indulge yourself before noon so that your body has time to process it by the evening.

And one more thing: exercises only on the legs will not bring the desired effect. You just need to combine them to burn fat and get fit with cardio exercises: exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike, regular running and cycling, jumping rope, etc. You need to train for an hour a day at least three times a week.”

Squats, swings, lunges, stretching (yoga, Pilates) are the favorite exercises of the stars to keep their legs in impeccable shape. Gwyneth Paltrow, under the supervision of personal trainer Tracy Anderson, performs a twenty-minute set of exercises for the legs and buttocks, including from 25 to 50 hip raises and the same number of swings and squats. According to Tracy, it is not forbidden, especially for beginners, to perform swings and squats while resting on a chair or door handle. The star trainer came up with this complex specifically for her ward when she was preparing for her role in the film “Iron Man” (2008).

Angelina Jolie and Gisele Bundchen prefer all types of exercise martial arts to match your temperament. Bündchen likes kung fu and capoeira, and Jolie, who does not consider herself a Hollywood sports fan, gives her all on the eve of filming. Jolie's trainer Simon Crane, also known at the "dream factory" as a stuntman and stunt coordinator, proudly says that Angie knows the basics of kickboxing, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), Krav Maga (Israeli hand-to-hand combat system) special forces). There is no doubt about the effectiveness of such active exercise, if there are no contraindications for health: Jolie and Bundchen are invariably included in the rating of stars with the most beautiful legs, and in February of this year, as we remember, right leg Angie even had her own microblog on Twitter, created by one of her fans.

Jessica Alba loves leg lifts, bends, crunches, and squats. She practices six times a week for an hour. Each workout consists of three sets, or approaches, cardio (ten minutes each), two sets circuit training and ten minutes of exercises to develop endurance and strength. After the birth of her second daughter, Haven, in August 2011, it was these exercises that helped the star quickly get into shape.

Blake Lively is a fan of working out with dumbbells. Her level of training allows her to train with a pair of equipment weighing from two to three and a half kilograms each. The Gossip Girl star does 20 squats, 10 lunges on the right and left legs, and 20 jumping jacks with dumbbells. Her trainer Bobby Strom, whom Lively, by the way, “borrowed” from her boyfriend Ryan Reynolds, advises: “Start training with minimal weights - no more than one kilogram. When performing squats, make sure that your knees do not go beyond your toes and keep your back straight. During lunges, keep your abs and back muscles tight to get the desired effect.”

What to do if there is no desire or opportunity to sculpt a figure in the gym? Stylists' advice will come to the rescue!

Make your legs slimmer: fashionable tricks

Not only fitness, but also properly selected clothes and shoes can help us “model” beautiful leg proportions. How to achieve this? Let’s listen to the advice of Irina Shchapova, fashion editor of the site: “Nature itself has endowed us with completely different proportions, but to correctly emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the figure is our job.

To make your legs perfectly straight, flesh-colored tights instead of dark ones, straight jeans with a slight flaring at the bottom and classic trousers with creases instead of skinny jeans, as well as midi skirts and pencil skirts with a fashionable length of 10 centimeters below the knee this season will help.

Plain shoes with a small wedge about 7 centimeters with thin straps or neat lacing around the foot can make your feet more graceful. Curvy girls are not recommended to wear shoes with platforms, narrow long toes, large buckles or wide straps, or with clasps around the ankle. If your calves are plump, you should not buy shoes with thin stiletto heels - choose something more stable with a wide heel or platform that is optimal for you in height.

Light-colored high-heeled shoes with a narrow (and in no case round) toe will help to visually lengthen your legs; this can be combined with nude tights. Another little trick for those who want to appear taller: buy shoes with heels and a small (sometimes even hidden) platform under the toes. Such shoes with a bottom with high waist(with shorts or a skirt) will give the effect of incredibly long legs. Please note that ankle boots or ankle boots in combination with skirts below mid-thigh, as well as high over-the-knee boots, visually shorten your legs.

Tall girls who can be proud of their long legs, very often have large size feet and have complexes about this. There are some tricks here: dark shoes with a round toe or with a contrasting toe will help visually make the foot look smaller.”

What exercises and stylish solutions do you use to make your legs sexier? Which star do you think deserves the title of having the most beautiful legs? Share your opinion - our comment competition is still in effect!