About safety precautions for women and why it doesn't work. Original text of the American memo

Safety rules in a restaurant if you are alone:

If you are going somewhere in the evening, you need to have a clear idea of ​​how you will get back. Relying on a random taxi is inappropriate here.

. Many women initially take risks by wearing all their most valuable possessions. Of course, it's tempting to look impressive. But it will only be safe if you have a faithful defender next to you. The risk is lower if you go to a large company that is familiar to you.

. Enter the restaurant, look around carefully, remember where the phone is, where the security guard is. Sit with your back to the wall, not the exit, so as not to be caught off guard. Try not to huddle in a dim corner separated by a curtain. Yes, it’s more romantic here, but it’s also the most dangerous. A table near the cash register or near the counter is a hectic place, but it is also the safest for one person.
. When sitting at a table, do not hang your purse on the back of the chair; keep it on your lap or on the table, in plain sight. Don't be familiar with strangers. Be especially careful and discreet if you are alone.
. If you are being followed by too intrusive glances, even deliberately hurt while passing by, or if someone openly pesters you, do not hesitate: quickly pay the waiter and go home. All the same, in such an environment your evening will not be pleasant.
. It is a mistake to think that crimes that begin with a restaurant acquaintance are committed only by boors and hooligans. Many criminals first communicate in the most amiable manner, usually choosing single women who want to get to know each other. Making friends in a restaurant and then seeing them off home is a matter of extreme danger for both women and men.

. In restaurants, bars, pubs, cafes, hooliganism is committed by people who are excited, intoxicated, and allow themselves tactless gestures, obscene language, and insulting attitudes towards women. Often this is a pre-planned provocation, fights. Undoubtedly, normal person The weight is extremely infuriating. However, before you act, you need to assess the situation: do you have enough strength or are you relying on the help of others? It might be better to call the police and demand that the administration restore order. Under no circumstances agree to the offer to “go out and talk.” Such sweet communication can end tragically for you.

How to Avoid Sexual Violence

First of all, you need to remember simple tips.
. Beware of young people who are openly seeking close contact, who stand or sit too close to you, who keep their eyes on your legs or chest, or who touch you more intrusively than you would like or against your will. Rebuke him immediately, firmly and definitely.
. It’s better not to get involved with guys, teenagers leading a street lifestyle. They often push each other to commit sexual violence to prove their "manliness."
. Know that in a huge number In cases, your mere agreement to go to a restaurant is regarded by men as an undoubted sign that you understand where things are going and have nothing against it. Subsequent resistance, if it occurs, is perceived as a ritual game (“so that the girl does not feel ashamed”).
. If you are invited to an apartment, for example, under the pretext of “meeting your mother,” and you hear music there and see men, you should simply fly out the door. And don’t be shy about being careful. Any misunderstanding normal people They will understand and forgive.
. In a situation of sexual coercion, your reaction should be quick and unambiguous, without signs of hesitation. And there is no need to be afraid of noise or scandal, say, at a party - a few minutes of public embarrassment is better than the risk of rape. In general, in big company It is safe to go only with trusted friends, do not lose sight of each other and leave together. Typically, you can successfully avoid rape in one of three ways: run away, fight back, or call for help. These actions tell the rapist that you are resisting in earnest and not just for show, and can cool him off.

. Sometimes passive methods of resistance help: persuasion, attempts to awaken the conscience of the rapist, to make him feel sorry for him or to intimidate him (pretend to be crazy or hysterical, lose consciousness, say what you have venereal disease etc.).

In the memo to the American public organization“Women in the fight against the threat of rape” recommends trying to make the rapist feel disgusted. Distorted ugly face (simulation nervous tic), artificially induced vomiting on oneself, etc. - such methods have already saved many women from being attacked on the street. By the way, contrary to popular belief, in very few cases (only 7% of rapes) the attack occurs on the street.
. In conclusion, let us remind you that a super-short skirt, a tight-fitting blouse, bright makeup and provocative behavior are the most sure ways arouse the criminal's interest.

Physical training for women

According to police statistics, 95 rapes out of 100 are committed under a roof - in the entrance, in the elevator, in the victim’s apartment, etc. Attacks on the street are extremely rare - it is not at all convenient for a rapist to throw a victim into a puddle in the middle of the street in front of passers-by and under the windows of houses. Most often, street rapes occur in vacant lots, dark corners of parks and other similar places. Again, the conclusion is simple: never, even during the day, choose such a dangerous route.

Perhaps the most common tactic of a rapist is to choose a victim on the street, walk him to her house, enter the entrance with her and attack her there. Two more private types of attack are practically variants of the first:
1) the rapist gets into the elevator with his victim (therefore women should not get into the elevator with strangers or strangers; if such a person enters the elevator on one of the intermediate floors, the woman should exit immediately);
2) the rapist accompanies the victim to the door of her apartment or waits for her in advance landing, and if the woman unlocks the door with her key (which most likely means no one is home), the rapist waits for her to open the door, then pushes her into the apartment and follows.

Safety rules:
1. If you are not a professional athlete, you should resort to self-defense only when you can count on someone else's help.
2. If you are being chased, change your route several times to make the criminal lose his way. Avoid being chased all the way home, especially if you live alone or in a deserted place. In this case, it is better to call your family or friends and ask them to meet you, or take a taxi.
3. When returning home late at night, do not stand in front of front door When looking for keys, it is better to have them at hand.
4. If there is an intercom at your entrance, do not let strangers or unfamiliar people in, sharply close the door in their face. If man walking to someone in your entrance, it won’t be very difficult for him to dial the number. Excessive caution in our time does not hurt, and a normal man will understand this.
5. Always walk on crowded streets.
6. Never enter your apartment if you suspect it has been broken into and there may be someone inside.
7. When returning from work or school, mark for yourself nearby places where you can get help, where you can hide: offices, shops that are open late, houses where people go to bed late.
8. Think about how you carry your car keys. Do you hold the keys in your dominant hand, with which you will protect yourself if something happens? Learn to open the car with your other hand (if you are right-handed - with your left, respectively, if you are left-handed - with your right).
9. When heading anywhere, don’t be too lazy to throw hairspray, deodorant into your purse, or, what will be even more effective, buy a can of pepper extract. A jet directed into the attacker's eyes causes shock. It is very important not to confuse the direction of the nozzle so as not to splash into your eyes.

If an attack occurred. A few tricks that can affect a man’s psychology:
1. If you hope for someone’s help, you need to gain time by offering the “aggressor” to eat or drink something, or to go to a place more suitable for carrying out his plans. You can also tell him about feeling unwell, menstruation, pregnancy, sexually transmitted or other contagious disease. We must try to evoke compassion or sympathy, remembering, however, that crying can cause a backlash. Pretend that you are complying with his demands, and when he relaxes, act mercilessly, sticking your fingers in his eyes or nose, hitting him with a knee in the groin, with your hand or elbow.
2. If the place is deserted and there is nowhere to run, and the enemy is strong or threatens with weapons, do not irritate him or insult him. Think about whether it is worth risking your life, because if there is no help to come from anywhere, and you yourself cannot cope with the rapist, your inept opposition may anger him.
3. Some rapists assume that the victim will at least somehow try to change the situation, for example, push away or beg for mercy. If you are in a place where people can appear at any moment, you can feign fainting, since by completely “fainting,” you deprive the criminal of the main pleasure and, moreover, gain time.
4. If the attack was committed at the entrance or near the house, and you know the residents of the nearest apartments by name, shout, addressing them by name: “Vasya, Petya, help - we are burning! Fire! Seryozha, call the firefighters, call the police!” Unfortunately, in our time, when people hear shouts of “Help, they’re robbing, killing,” people most often prefer not to intervene.
5. Rapists can expect anything, but not a violent rebuff and aggression from the victim, so you can try to turn the situation upside down, making the maniac feel that he is now going to become your victim, and not vice versa. Maniacs, as a rule, are cowardly men with a set of complexes, so if you play your role well, most likely he will run away from you with his heels sparkling. Seasoned criminals and murderers should be distinguished from this kind of rapists - this technique will anger them even more.
6. Try to fake nausea. Having played on the rapist's disgust, act quickly and ruthlessly.

Self-defense techniques:
Having decided to engage in battle, you should attack the enemy in such a way that after that he no longer poses any threat. Otherwise, having enraged the attacker with his attempts to resist, he will most likely simply begin to beat his victim, and without any allowance for belonging to the “weaker sex.”
1. Kicks to the groin. Grabbing the scrotum. Such a blow - best way force a man to let you go, because... he will reflexively lower his arms to protect his reproductive organs. However, it should be taken into account that in case of failure, this method of defense can enrage the enemy, so, having freed oneself from being captured, one must run away - and quickly.

  • By hand. With a cupped palm, the side surface of the fist from the side of the thumb, in the same way as hitting with a knife from the bottom up, if the enemy is facing you. If the enemy is behind you, holding you by the throat or hair, hit the attacker with all your might in an arc down and back with the edge of your palm or the base of your fist, and if there is a significant difference in height, with your elbow. Another option: pretend that you yourself are not averse to having fun with a maniac, and when the rapist exposes the genital organ, strongly squeeze the scrotum with your hand, pulling it towards yourself or forcefully twisting it towards yourself and to the side.
  • With your foot. If the opponent is clearly taller and a swing is possible, strike with all your strength in the groin from the bottom up, while at the same time using your hands to pull him down by his clothes or shoulders. If you are about the same height, squat down, bending your knees, moving your pelvis back, and then straightening up sharply, strike. The blow must come from below.

2. Poking a pinch into the chest cavity. Place the fingers of your dominant hand in a pinch (all fingers together, fingertips touching each other) and poke firmly into the chest cavity from top to bottom or bottom to top (depending on the height of the offender) at an angle of 45 degrees. This technique causes severe cough, watery eyes, sometimes bleeding from the throat and fainting. The blow is used if the enemy's throat is open. Also, a sharp poke into any part of the face with a pinch can cause bleeding or pain shock.
3. Strike with the little finger and the edge of the palm upper lip or nose. This technique is easy to disguise. Place your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm, as if begging for mercy. This gesture should not alert the criminal. Now slowly move your fingers right hand to the base of the left palm. Thumb The left hand covers the little finger of the right. With a quickdraw, strike the opponent's upper lip or nose with the little finger pressed against the other four fingers and the edge of the palm. The movement itself is as if you are brushing dirt from one palm to the other. A blow usually causes a painful shock.
4. A blow to the ears. Cup both palms and forcefully hit the opponent's ears. Causes a painful shock, sometimes rupture of the eardrum. If it doesn’t work, grab the enemy’s ears with both hands and use a screw-like movement - sideways, towards you, down - twist the criminal’s head until he is on the floor.
5. Hit to the leg. If you are wearing shoes or boots with a heel, even a very small one, this will do next appointment. Slightly raising the toe of the foot, forcefully deliver a trampling blow with the heel on the instep of the opponent’s foot (you can also hit the toes). It is unlikely that the rapist will be able to stand on this leg within the next half hour. If your shoes have a strong, not very elongated toe, they can hit you in the lower third opponent's shins.
6. Poking in the eyes. Thumbs both hands are stuck into the eyes of the rapist (you should strive to stick them inside the eye socket right up to the membrane between the large and index finger), and the remaining fingers cling to the corner lower jaw the enemy is slightly below the ears and presses towards the movement thumbs. The enemy is almost guaranteed to be out of commission for several minutes, or even hours (however, he may remain blind for life - but this is his problem, the law will definitely be on the woman’s side). If for some reason you cannot cope with the enemy, you can, without letting go of his face from your hands, hit him with all your might against the wall, if there is one behind his back.
7. Knocking down the choke hold. If the enemy is facing you and squeezes his throat to loosen his grip, blows to the eyes, nose, and throat of the criminal will help. Then, simultaneously use your shoulder and forearm (if the opponent is holding you with his left hand, then you need to knock him down with your left shoulder) lean on the attacker’s hand, knock down the grip from top to bottom.
8. Knocking the grip off the hand. If, when trying to escape, the criminal managed to grab your hand, take a step forward and hang on your hand, as if hanging on your hand, shift your body weight to the front standing leg, and with the second, kick the pursuer in the thigh. Deliver another blow, turning around, backhanding the face with a relaxed hand.
9. Women's kick. Let's practice first. Take an ordinary glove in your hand and, turning slightly sideways, sharply throw it forward. In this case, the elbow will go first, and then, from the bottom up, the hand. The throw will turn out to be with a draw, with a whip. The movement is reminiscent of hitting a closed racket in table tennis. The hand and forearm fly in a given direction absolutely relaxed. The blow can be delivered as back side palms and fingertips, as well as the edge of the palm.

Remember, while the enemy is still breathing, while he is moving, you cannot let your guard down! Even a knocked out enemy who is unable to rise from the ground cannot turn his back!

How to help your companion during a street robbery or fight.
1. They threaten you with a weapon. There are two bandits. One held a knife to your companion's throat. The biggest surprise for a criminal is having his weapon knocked out. Moreover, robbers do not expect serious resistance from a woman. The blow is delivered sharply, with a relaxed hand, to the point under wrist joint(where the pulse is felt). Next, apply the above techniques, and your companion also gets the opportunity to become the master of the situation.
2. A fight broke out. The bandits have forgotten about you. Once behind the enemy who is fighting with your companion, use the strap from your bag as a noose. Throw it around the enemy's neck and pull it down towards you using your body weight. At the same time, do not hold the bag with your hands, but the strap, because the weakest place is where the strap is attached to the bag. Another option. You are behind the enemy. Grab the strap and use the bag itself to strike. The stick principle is used here. Parallel to the floor (if the bag is heavy, even touching the floor), a sharp movement is made along a trajectory resembling a question mark. The bag entangles the opponent's supporting leg, you pull the strap towards you and the bandit falls. It is very important to grab the supporting leg and sharply pull it towards you.

It won't do any good if you just read this article and forget about it. You need to try all the techniques on yourself. Find it on yourself pain points and remember their location, and then with someone else, just practice the movements and remember them. Be careful.

The issue of personal safety concerns both men and women equally. However, the authors of self-defense recommendations often appeal to “the person in general,” as if forgetting that women differ significantly from men in their psychophysical characteristics.

Let’s immediately define our position: when talking about women’s self-defense, in most cases we do not set the task of teaching a woman to fight. The expression “weaker sex” is not just a figure of speech, but a fairly objective assessment. When training men, you can choose what to teach - mainly self-defense techniques or combat. Most women, including serious practitioners martial arts, are physically incapable of fighting - that is, fighting - with a man of equal mass (and, most likely, with one who is inferior in weight). This means that you should act on the principle of “stop aggression and run away.” In this case, suppression of aggression can mean anything: a stream of gas from a can, a rubber bullet, a stun gun, or a poke of fingers in the eyes. The main thing is to remember: it is important not to win by dancing on the torn body of the enemy, but to survive with minimal damage to yourself.

A way out of the “weak versus strong” situation was found a long time ago, when a person, to equalize the chances, first picked up a stick. When choosing a self-defense weapon, first try to answer 3 questions: about the degree of readiness (primarily psychological) of the student to use a particular weapon; about the accessibility and ease of its use; about the legality of wearing of this subject. Almost all self-defense means used by women are compact. Nevertheless, it is still worth learning to use long impact weapons, since objects of this category very often surround us in everyday life, and their effectiveness as a means of self-defense is very high. An ordinary stick and similar things (a long umbrella, a reinforcing rod) can effectively deprive the enemy of his combat capability without causing life-threatening injuries. At the same time, the technique of working with a stick is one of the easiest to learn and does not require special physical training. Most flexible items can be excluded due to the relative difficulty of their use. Familiarity with how to use them will be useful, but relying on them as the main means of self-defense is hardly worth it. Throwable objects are rather an effective auxiliary tool, a way to distract the enemy’s attention. Any thing thrown sharply at the face from a distance of a meter and a half makes it possible to immediately deliver an almost undetectable blow with the second hand or foot. From the remainder - short items impact and piercing-cutting action - we exclude almost everything specially manufactured or modified for combat: combat or hunting knife, brass knuckles, throwing arrows, nuntyaku... It’s also hardly worth carrying objects that are not weapons, but are clearly unnatural for a woman - rebar, a straight razor, a piece of glass, a long nail...

What's in the arsenal? Knives household appointments; “palm” weapon - a palm stick and its household analogues (fountain pen, pencil), a comb (preferably metal with a long and pointed handle), an awl, mobile phone, screwdriver, etc.; objects similar to a short stick: an umbrella, a thick magazine rolled into a tube; various aerosols; some flexible items such as a long-handled bag.

Impact items allow you to deprive an attacker of combat effectiveness without directly threatening his life. Thus, a plastic bottle half filled with liquid has a very powerful damaging effect; even a light blow to the head is quite capable of causing a serious concussion. If hitting the head is uncomfortable or scary, hitting the arm or leg (knee, shin) will also be very effective. In general, blows to the arms and legs with hard, heavy objects are unexpected and very painful, and most importantly, they open the way for damage to more important areas: the head, throat and genitals.

Piercing and cutting objects are also selected based on personal needs and capabilities. For example, objects with pronounced penetrating properties (screwdriver, awl, needle file) can be scratched, but the main way to use them is by poking. This means injuries are likely. internal organs, although the stopping effect from the use of such weapons is low (except for precise and deep blows to the heart and damage to the eyes, throat, and temples). That is, it is possible that the enemy will die from his wounds, but this will happen later, and in the current situation he may not feel that he is seriously wounded. The same applies to piercing-type knives, with a long, straight, narrow blade. Knives with a short (5-10 cm) blade are not for fatal damage; with such weapons it is most convenient to deliver cutting blows to the attacker’s face and short injections with a rotation of the blade in the wound, hitting muscles and ligaments. Working with such a blade is designed to produce a shock and pain effect. Blades with a pronounced cutting action are the most common. Yes, you can kill with such a knife - but the only area where hitting with a slashing blow almost definitely leads to death is the neck. Injury to large bodies can also be fatal. blood vessels limbs (shoulder, elbow, radial and femoral arteries), but in this case, providing basic first aid will save the wounded person’s life. At the same time, with such a wound, he will not be able to cause any significant harm to the victim. You can slash the attacker's back of the forearms, hands, face, forehead - the blood pouring into the eyes will significantly limit his capabilities, plus it will play a role psychological effect(after all, this is not usually expected from a “victim”).

The next question is: what is the degree of physical and psychological readiness of this woman to apply her existing knowledge in practice? The simplest test that gives at least an approximate idea of ​​the readiness to defend oneself is to imagine oneself in the appropriate situation, “live” and feel it with complete certainty. The goal is to evaluate your capabilities for at the moment, as well as natural inclinations, probable emotional reactions in a critical situation, and based on these approximate data, select individual tactics of behavior. It is combat tactics that determine the technical arsenal, and not the other way around.

In any case, during the training process, a woman will have to gradually accustom herself to the idea that harm to the attacker is inevitable - otherwise the training itself is meaningless. In addition to the readiness to use a weapon yourself, it is important to psychologically adapt to its appearance in the attacker’s hand - the very sight of a knife or club (even in the frail hand of an idiot, stunned by his own impudence) can paralyze an unaccustomed person. The results of a small survey of ordinary young women are eloquent. He showed that they are divided approximately in a 50:50 ratio into “reacting with inaction” and “reacting with action.” The former tend to reflexively freeze, hide, and wait out the “bad time.” Having seen a suspicious figure, they would prefer to run away, try to increase the distance, could turn around and go in the other direction, etc. They extremely poorly imagine themselves “fighting, hitting someone in the face.” Possible arsenal of techniques include a kick to the shin, “maybe the groin,” as well as purely feminine things like slapping, scratching and biting. In this regard, I would like to note the following: a competent, delivered slap in the face can be very weighty; you also need to scratch wisely; Elbow and knee strikes, as well as back kicks, are wonderful means of close combat that women are simply not aware of. And, of course, such a woman is unlikely to ever learn to actually block blows. “Reacting with action” resolutely refuse to deviate from their path, even if “someone looms” there, express their readiness to strike - but not preventively, but “in response to an attack” - as a possible goal for blows they readily call the groin. You could use a heavy object, such as a stone or a piece of brick picked up from the ground. It is characteristic that both categories of respondents refuse, even mentally, to arm themselves with a long rusty nail or with a piece of glass, attack the eyes, rip open the throat, stick a knife into the stomach (in general, people are initially afraid of a knife - both in strangers and in their own hands). No one thinks about such an almost obvious way to lengthen and strengthen your own arm, like a stick or a reinforcing rod. The majority agree that they could hit with a palm stick or its substitute, such as a fountain pen (after a leading question, since they have no idea about such a weapon). The idea of ​​a guaranteed non-fatal, but psychologically traumatic effect - to rip the attacker's forehead until it bleeds, cut the cheek, crush the kneecap, dislocate the wrist, break the fingers - is perceived as completely new, causes a short shock, but after some reflection it is quickly “assimilated by the body” of almost everyone young ladies surveyed. Many referred to the internal barrier - “you cannot hurt a living being!” The psychological weakness of a woman, instilled by traditional upbringing, most of all interferes with the ability to stand up for herself. So the problem psychological preparation women becomes particularly acute regardless of the model of her physical training - be it short course or extended training. The need to commit violence comes into conflict with internal attitudes, and the instructor’s task is to resolve this conflict or somehow circumvent it. For example, teach the creation of a subpersonality “for special occasions“, or, if a woman agrees to study long enough and systematically, rely on the natural change in the student’s own personality in the right direction. But changes must be for the good - we do not agree that cruelty should be cultivated as a character trait.

How to behave if a meeting with a potential aggressor does occur? Here, in our opinion, two types of emotional response may be appropriate: frantic rage or calm, cold and detached self-confidence. Keep in mind that the attacker initially puts you in the position of a victim and, accordingly, expects you to “obediently play the role.” Your task (of course, if you were unable to avoid contact) is to disrupt his scenario with your actions. A sudden explosion of rage seems to change your roles, putting the attacker himself in the position of victim. Using rage, you destroy the degenerate who dared to dispose of someone else's life. Cold detachment represents the other extreme - you do not hate your opponent, you do not feel anger or fear towards him, and you certainly will not feel pity. Just calmly and casually remove the obstacle from your path. Moral obstacles are not very appropriate here either. The weak, defending himself from someone who is obviously stronger, has the full moral right to defend himself in any way of his choice.

Go to independent travel- the dream of many, and a considerable part of these enthusiasts are representatives of the fair sex. Unfortunately, women who go traveling alone are subject to close attention scammers, robbers and other bad people. In order for you to remember your trip with joyful moments and vivid impressions, and not problems and troubles, study the rules from our list.

Dress appropriately

Adequately - this is, firstly, in accordance with the rules and culture of the country you are traveling to. Secondly, do not wear overly revealing outfits. It is always worth remembering that your appearance attracts attention, and this attention should not be negative or aggressive. It is in your power and interests to avoid this.

Recently in Saudi Arabia The police detained a girl walking around the city in a miniskirt. The case caused a great stir, and opinions about the situation were divided. Some supported the prisoner, while others condemned her. No matter how you feel about the issues of equality, sexism and feminism, you need to understand that not everyone shares your views on them. Be careful and don't repeat that girl's mistake.

Don't wear expensive things

If you go exploring all the nooks and crannies of an unfamiliar city with a Louis Vuitton backpack on your back, this immediately lets thieves know that you have money and can profit from it. Leave expensive jewelry at home. Travel is not a fashion show, and you can do without all this. You won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone now, many people have it, but flashing it right and left is stupidity that could cost you the gadget itself.

Be careful

Keep an eye on your belongings when talking to strangers - you never know who will snatch your bag from your hands and at what moment. If the interlocutor seems suspicious to you, avoid contact with him by any means. Observe what is happening around you, do not stand in the crowd, otherwise it will be easy for attackers to figure out you and take you by surprise. If you are confused, go to any public place- cafe, shop, and gather your thoughts.

Don't tell the truth

There is no need to tell everyone that you are traveling alone, even if you are very proud of it. Do the opposite - tell the curious that you came with company. In many countries there are overly “loving” men who strive to whistle and ask for a phone number. It can save you from obsessive pestering wedding ring- wear any, even if you are not married.

Be confident in yourself

A person who does not get lost and behaves confidently is immediately visible. It is very important not to show that you are afraid of something or do not know how to behave in a given situation. A confused person is an excellent bait for attackers; do not give them any reason to draw attention to you.

Don't walk in deserted places

They may seem deserted only at first glance. If you didn’t see locals or tourists, this does not mean that an offender with bad intentions is not waiting for you there. Lost birds like you are welcome there! If you want to visit places far from noisy cities or take a walk late at night, it is better to find a company of people you trust.

Buy a gas canister

Yes, this is important and can help you in the event of an attack. Keep it in your pocket or somewhere you can get it quickly. The gas must be sprayed unexpectedly for the criminal. Try to get it right in the face, while holding your breath and closing your eyes. As soon as the attacker loosens his grip, break free and run.

Learn self-defense techniques

If the above rules did not work for you (or you ignored them), you just have to rely on your own strengths. In case of danger, potential rescuers may not hear you or notice you, so you need to know a few basic self-defense techniques. Search the Internet for instructions, watch a YouTube video, or take a couple of lessons from a trainer.