3 phalanges of the finger. Sergey Matveev Palmistry

Each finger, except the thumb, consists of three phalanges, and the thumb of two. These three phalanges are called basic, average And nail. The phalanges of the lower limb differ from the phalanges of the upper limb by being shorter. On the hand, the longest phalanx is the main phalanx of the third finger, and the thickest is the main phalanx of the thumb. Each phalanx is an elongated bone, having in the middle part (diaphysis) the shape of a semi-cylinder, the flat part of which faces the palmar side, and the convex part faces the back side. The terminal parts of the phalanx (epiphyses) bear articular surfaces.

In medicine, the following terms are used for the phalanges of the hand and foot:

  • proximal (main) phalanx (phalanx proximalis);
  • middle phalanx (phalanx media);
  • distal (nail) phalanx (phalanx distalis).

Other animals



The number of phalanges is also variable in amphibians. In most cases, in tailed amphibians (Urodela) the fingers have two phalanges, except for the fourth, which has three, and in tailless amphibians (Anura), the fifth finger also has three phalanges. The accessory fingers usually consist of one phalanx, although sometimes of two.

In a rodent Pedetes the so-called praepollex (prae - rudimentary, pollex - thumb) consists of two phalanges and bears a claw. If we take the first toe of amphibians to be the praepollex and praehallux (hallux is the big toe), then it also turns out to consist of two phalanges.


The given figures can be summarized in a table:

Groups of animals The number of phalanges on the fingers,
starting from the inner finger
on the hind legs on the forelimbs
Mammals most types 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
Human 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
Falconiformes - 2 2 1 -
Chicken - 2 2 1 -
Ducks - 2 2 1 -
Bustards - 2 2 1 -
Cassowaries - - 3 - -
Four-toed birds most types 2, 3, 4, 5 - 1 2 1 -
Petrel 1, 3, 4, 5
Nightjar 2, 3, 4, 4
Kiwi - - 3 - -
some of the swifts 2, 3, 3, 3
Three-toed birds most types 3, 4, 5 - 1 2 1 -
Two-toed birds most types 4, 5
American ostrich 4, 5 - 2 2 1 -
African ostrich 4, 5 - 2 3 2 -
Reptiles 2 3 4 5 3(4) 2 3 4 5 3(4)
Tailed amphibians 2(1) 2 3 3 2 2, 2, 3, 2
Tailless amphibians 2 2 3 4 3 2, 2, 3, 3

Write a review of the article "Phalange (anatomy)"


  • Phalanx (anatomy)- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

An excerpt characterizing the Phalanx (anatomy)

“Aren’t you ashamed,” he answered Princess Marya, blushing, to the expression of gratitude for her salvation (as she called his act), “every police officer would have done the same.” If only we had to fight with the peasants, we would not have allowed the enemy so far away,” he said, ashamed of something and trying to change the conversation. “I’m only happy that I had the opportunity to meet you.” Farewell, princess, I wish you happiness and consolation and wish to meet you under happier conditions. If you don't want to make me blush, please don't thank me.
But the princess, if she did not thank him in more words, thanked him with the whole expression of her face, beaming with gratitude and tenderness. She couldn't believe him, that she had nothing to thank him for. On the contrary, what was certain for her was that if he had not existed, she would probably have died from both the rebels and the French; that, in order to save her, he exposed himself to the most obvious and terrible dangers; and what was even more certain was that he was a man with a high and noble soul, who knew how to understand her situation and grief. His kind and honest eyes with tears appearing on them, while she herself, crying, talked to him about her loss, did not leave her imagination.
When she said goodbye to him and was left alone, Princess Marya suddenly felt tears in her eyes, and here, not for the first time, she was presented with a strange question: does she love him?
On the way further to Moscow, despite the fact that the princess’s situation was not happy, Dunyasha, who was riding with her in the carriage, more than once noticed that the princess, leaning out of the carriage window, was smiling joyfully and sadly at something.
“Well, what if I loved him? - thought Princess Marya.
Ashamed as she was to admit to herself that she was the first to love a man who, perhaps, would never love her, she consoled herself with the thought that no one would ever know this and that it would not be her fault if she remained without anyone for the rest of her life. speaking of loving the one she loved for the first and last time.
Sometimes she remembered his views, his participation, his words, and it seemed to her that happiness was not impossible. And then Dunyasha noticed that she was smiling and looking out the carriage window.
“And he had to come to Bogucharovo, and at that very moment! - thought Princess Marya. “And his sister should have refused Prince Andrei!” “And in all this, Princess Marya saw the will of Providence.
The impression made on Rostov by Princess Marya was very pleasant. When he remembered about her, he became cheerful, and when his comrades, having learned about his adventure in Bogucharovo, joked to him that, having gone for hay, he picked up one of the richest brides in Russia, Rostov became angry. He was angry precisely because the thought of marrying the meek Princess Marya, who was pleasant to him and with a huge fortune, came into his head more than once against his will. For himself personally, Nikolai could not wish for a better wife than Princess Marya: marrying her would make the countess - his mother - happy, and would improve his father’s affairs; and even - Nikolai felt it - would have made Princess Marya happy. But Sonya? And this word? And this is why Rostov got angry when they joked about Princess Bolkonskaya.

Having taken command of the armies, Kutuzov remembered Prince Andrei and sent him an order to come to the main apartment.
Prince Andrei arrived in Tsarevo Zaimishche on the very day and at the very time of the day when Kutuzov made the first review of the troops. Prince Andrei stopped in the village at the priest’s house, where the commander-in-chief’s carriage stood, and sat on a bench at the gate, waiting for His Serene Highness, as everyone now called Kutuzov. On the field outside the village one could hear either the sounds of regimental music or the roar of a huge number of voices shouting “hurray!” to the new commander-in-chief. Right there at the gate, ten steps from Prince Andrei, taking advantage of the prince’s absence and the beautiful weather, stood two orderlies, a courier and a butler. Blackish, overgrown with mustaches and sideburns, the little hussar lieutenant colonel rode up to the gate and, looking at Prince Andrei, asked: is His Serene Highness standing here and will he be there soon?
Prince Andrei said that he did not belong to the headquarters of His Serene Highness and was also a visitor. The hussar lieutenant colonel turned to the smart orderly, and the orderly of the commander-in-chief said to him with that special contempt with which the orderlies of the commander-in-chief speak to officers:
- What, my lord? It must be now. What do you want?
The hussar lieutenant colonel grinned into his mustache in the same tone as the orderly, got off his horse, gave it to the messenger and approached Bolkonsky, bowing slightly to him. Bolkonsky stood aside on the bench. The hussar lieutenant colonel sat down next to him.
– Are you also waiting for the commander-in-chief? - the hussar lieutenant colonel spoke. – Govog”yat, it’s accessible to everyone, thank God. Otherwise, there’s trouble with the sausage makers! It’s not until recently that Yeg “molov” settled in the Germans. Now, maybe it will be possible to speak in Russian. Otherwise, who knows what they were doing. Everyone retreated, everyone retreated. Have you done the hike? – he asked.

3. Identification and analysis of a person’s problem area using the fingers of the back of the hand

Having become familiar with the basics of the primary elements and their manifestations on the phalanges of the fingers, without which further development of the material is impossible, we will move on to a direct acquaintance with the techniques and methods for determining past, current and future events in a person’s life.

The technique of identifying the problem area using the fingers of the back of the hand is the basis of this article, since it most fully helps to identify and understand the causes of problems that prevent a person from putting into practice his ideas, goals, talents and abilities.
Vedic palmistry explains this by saying that the backs of our fingers show current events, the color of the phalanges of which changes depending on the connection with the outside world, in contrast to the lines on the palm itself, which determine the main milestones of a person’s destiny. In relation to this technique, the fingers point directly at the very problem area in a person’s activity, and the color of each phalanx individually determines the root cause of emerging problems in this area, identifying and removing which can help a person avoid future failures.

The third section will consist of two main topics: the manifestation of the primary elements and energies of the planets on the phalanges of the fingers of the back of the hand, and the identification and analysis of the problem area on the fingers based on the primary elements already discussed. But before moving on to considering these techniques, I will remind you of the main characteristics of the primary elements, which, for ease of further use, are summarized in the table below:

3.1. Manifestation of the primary elements of the universe and the energy of the planets on the phalanges of the fingers of the back of the hand

The primary elements of the Universe and their derivatives - the energies of the planets - are present on any phalanx of the back of the hand.
They can appear either simultaneously, coloring, for example, the first, second or third phalanges in the uniform color of a certain primary element, or vice versa, each primary element can be present independently on any of the 12 phalanges of the four fingers and 2 phalanges of the thumb.

Since in the second case, the interpretation of the primary elements present in the areas of human activity will be difficult, Vedic palmists developed a system of dividing the phalanges into zones of responsibility, with the help of which the problem area is identified in three main areas: BASE-MEANS-GOAL

Figures 21 show photographs of the hands of people with “favorable” primary elements on the phalanges of the fingers. In the first picture there is the primary element water in the “Base” zone, indicating that a person will have success in all his endeavors.
Water in the “Goal” zone will tell you that this person sets himself obviously achievable goals that will lead him to profit and income, fully ensuring the material claims of the owner of the hand.

In the second example, the same areas of responsibility are loaded with the primary element earth, which indicates stability and stability in social and financial situation. Since the fingers in both cases are loaded with the same type of energies of the primary elements, and are manifested in the same areas of responsibility, the cardinal difference in the interpretations will be that in the first example the person will strive to realize himself more materially, “selling” his skills , abilities and skills, deriving good income from such activities.
The person in the second example will value stability in the family and stability in the social position, which he will always strive for, while having small material desires and claims.

And now, after familiarizing ourselves with simple examples, let’s move on to considering more complex cases in which areas of responsibility are loaded with various primary elements and energies of the most negative planets, which greatly influence a person, calling for a change in their usual way of life.

Figure 22 shows, perhaps, one of the most interesting photographs in terms of the manifestation of negative energies - the back of the fingers of a drug addict with 10 years of experience.

As you can see, on all phalanges the girl has negative energies of the most “sinister” planets - Rahu and Ketu, in their most unfriendly manifestation.
The presence of pure energy of Ketu in the “Base” and “Means” zones indicates that a person, through his actions, creates obstacles on the path of life, as a result of which he plunges himself into poverty, receiving all kinds of deprivations, which result in a loss of interest in life and a feeling of hopelessness. In the “Goal” zone, on the contrary, there is a mixture of the primary element of earth and the energy of Rahu, which in combination is also unfavorable, since the earth calls for stability, and Rahu spoils all its favorable properties, rooting “rahanized” ideas in the human mind. Ultimately, this mixture gives a desire for stability in engaging in ungodly activities, which will be expressed in our case in the further use of narcotic and alcohol-containing substances.

Based on this, we can say with confidence that as long as the phalanges in the “Goal” zone are covered with the energy of Rahu, a person will not be able to give up his addictions, since he sees in them the purpose and meaning of his life.

Figure 23 is also interesting for consideration, but from the position of manifestation on the first phalanges of the most limiting planet and the complex interaction of various primary elements on the third phalanges of the fingers.
The presence of Saturn’s energy in the “Goal” zone indicates that a person is limited in his goals and is experiencing deep mental suffering. But, despite this, such an effect is ultimately quite favorable, since it brings the mind into a state of turning inward, to analyzing one’s actions and desires, which helps to focus on the activities of the soul and stimulates the desire for spiritual improvement.

In the “Base” zone on the third phalanges of the fingers you see the presence of various primary elements, which indicate that a person, despite the need and deprivation in the psycho-emotional plane, is trying to find himself and succeed in life.

From the above figure it is clear that the energy of Saturn is mixed with the primary element air on the second and third phalanges of the middle finger, indicating that the most fateful and at the same time the most limiting impact will be directed to a person’s career activity. Due to the fact that the “Base” phalanx of the middle finger is loaded with these energies, we can say that the owner of the hand is currently not allowed to improve his career position, since the primary element air in combination with the energy of Saturn leads to a loss in determining material desires , and temporarily blocks a person’s abilities and capabilities, which are reflected by the same energies on the phalanx of the “Means”.

Familiarization with the manifestations of other energies present on the phalanges of the fingers in the “Base” zone is impossible without considering the following topic, which will teach you to identify problem areas of activity with the help of your fingers and, with the help of the primary elements present on the phalanges, interpret them, finding the root causes that lead to the data problems.

3.2. Identification of the problematic area of ​​human activity using the fingers of the back of the hand and its analysis based on the primary elements present on the phalanges

Before we begin to consider this technique, it is necessary to remember what each finger of our hand is responsible for.

According to Vedic concept finger of Jupiter is responsible for education, as well as for the wisdom acquired through this knowledge, understanding of the purpose and meaning of life.
Finger of Saturn is responsible for a person’s career activities.
Apollo's finger, being responsible for a person’s social status and social position, has some other meanings. So for a woman, on the passive hand, the ring finger symbolizes the father, and on the active hand, the husband. For a man, the same finger on the passive hand symbolizes a father or brother, and on the active hand, it symbolizes the boss, on whom his social position will depend.
Mercury Finger responsible for communications and children.
A thumb- for feelings, love and relationships in marriage.

The technique for determining the problem area, as unusual as it may sound for palmists, is based on sensations.
In order to identify the problem area that worries a person, it is necessary to examine all the fingers of the hand, including the thumb, and find the weakest finger on the hand, which is noticeable and gives a feeling of emptiness, porosity, dryness or weakness.

After this, it is necessary to correlate the problematic finger with the area of ​​activity for which it is responsible, and analyze the primary elements and energies of the planets on it, which will indicate the causes of the problems that arise.

In view of the fact that it is initially somewhat difficult to look for weakened, dry, porous or damaged fingers using this technique, for visualization and comparison I provided a standard - harmoniously developed fingers, which are located in the second photograph of Figure 24. Using it and comparing with those problematic With the fingers that will be placed below, you will eventually understand this technique and will easily see the problem present in human activity.

Well, now let’s begin to consider special cases and use practical examples to analyze the problems that each of the five weakened fingers creates separately.

Problems in the field of activity of Jupiter

In order to correctly assess which of the fingers in the photographs of Figure 25 are the weakest on your hands, try to compare these pictures with the harmoniously developed fingers of Figure 24.

Using the method of comparative analysis of all fingers, it is clear that in the first photograph of Figure 25, the Jupiter finger is the weakest, it creates a feeling of a certain detachment, emptiness and “cloggedness”, and in the second picture it is failed, and in its “Base” it has a porous structure.
Therefore, in relation to this technique of reading information, we can say with confidence that these people currently have problems with the area of ​​​​activity for which Jupiter is responsible.
But, since the planet Jupiter, manifested in the finger, carries many meanings that can be interpreted differently depending on the signs of the hand, to facilitate the search for interpretations, the Vedic system is used, which reports that Jupiter is responsible for obtaining knowledge, education in in general and wisdom, as the final understanding of life and its meaning.

After the most problematic finger on the hand has been found, the next step in applying this technique will be to determine the primary elements and energies of the planets on it, which will answer one of the main questions - what ultimately caused the problems that arose?

To answer this question, let’s analyze the second photograph of the hand in Figure 25 and the separate footnote of Jupiter’s finger in the third photograph, where, for convenience, the primary elements present on it are described.
Based on the analysis of the primary elements on the finger, it is clear that the “Base” phalanx is loaded with the primary element air, the “Means” phalanx is loaded with the primary element earth, and the “Goal” phalanx is loaded with the primary element fire.
Knowing that the finger of Jupiter in the complex is responsible for education, and also having information about the meaning of the primary elements, we proceed to a practical interpretation of this situation.

The porosity of the structure of the “Base” phalanx and the primary element of air present on it will be decisive, since they will indicate that the main problem is that the education received earlier does not correspond not only to the material claims of a given person, but also to the knowledge that management demands of to this employee.
All this together carries with it a lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths, which will require involvement in mastering new material and mobilization of mental and psychological strength in order to meet accepted standards for working in a given company.

The primary element earth on the phalanx of “Means” tells us that the owner of the hand does not sit and wait “by the sea for weather”, but tries to develop and acquire the special knowledge and skills necessary for work.

The primary element fire on the “Goal” phalanx will tell you that the current situation does not suit the person, which causes great emotional suffering and internal anxiety.

In this example, we examined in great detail, step by step, the technique of identifying a problem area using a finger, so in the future, in order not to repeat myself, I will dwell only on the main points and nuances that will arise when analyzing certain fingers.
I also want you to understand, despite the fact that we are considering in detail one, the weakest finger on the hand, this does not mean at all that we do not need to take into account the remaining fingers and the primary elements present on them. According to the method described above, a weakened finger will be the root cause of “all troubles” and will negatively affect all areas of human life. As for this example, it is easy to notice from the primary elements present on the middle finger that problems in the sphere of Jupiter will be reflected in the sphere of activity of Saturn, that is, they will affect a person’s career.

Problems in Saturn's field of activity


From the photographs of people's hands shown in Figure 26, it is clear that the most problematic fingers are the Saturn fingers.
In the first photo, the middle finger in its middle and upper part is attracted to the ring finger, as if seeking support and stability in it, indicating that it is very difficult for a person to climb the career ladder, and the “unfavorable” primary elements present on this finger are even more aggravate the current situation, pointing to a failed career and vain expectations from it. But since people receive fingers with such inclinations by fate at birth, only “favorable” primary elements on these phalanges, such as water, earth or the energy of the Sun, can save such a situation in their career.
On women's hands, a similar tilt of the middle finger indicates that the owner of the hand is tired of making her way in life on her own, so she is looking for security, support and stability from her husband.

In the second photograph of Figure 26, it is easy to notice that the upper phalanx of the Saturn finger is, as it were, constricted at its base, arches back and deviates towards the ring finger, creating obstacles to the normal exit of energy from the finger. Due to the fact that the “Goal” phalanx is overtightened, we can say with confidence that the person does not see further prospects in work, since the blocked place creates a threat to the goal in career activity.
Such a person, while working, does not see his future, and this happened because on the remaining two phalanges of the finger there are the primary elements of air, indicating a low assessment of work and disappointment in this enterprise.

Problems in Apollo's area of ​​activity

Determining the true cause of problems in Apollo’s field of activity is, on the one hand, somewhat difficult, but on the other, quite interesting. This is explained by the multivariate interpretations carried by the most positive planet, the Sun, which in astrology and Vedic palmistry is responsible not only for human activity in society, social status, prosperity and leadership, but also for a number of specific meanings.
So, for a woman, for example, the ring finger on the passive hand symbolizes the father, and on the active hand, the husband. For a man, the same finger on the passive hand symbolizes a father or brother, and on the active hand, it symbolizes the boss, on whom his social position will depend.
Therefore, having such an extensive list of interpretations, it becomes obvious the correct selection of the desired meaning for each case separately, strictly depending on the hand with which the information is read and the client’s gender, which we will now examine in detail using two examples of Figure 27. Let’s consider the interpretation of the first case only from the position of social status, and secondly, from the position of relationships with the girl’s father and husband.

In the first picture, Apollo’s finger stands out for its weakness, porosity and “sinkiness” relative to the other fingers of this hand. Since the ring finger recedes into the background, as if hiding behind the other, stronger fingers, at the level of implementation it gives the girl dissatisfaction with her social status and the positions she occupies at work.
As a result, it turns out that no matter how well the girl worked, until now she has not been able to reveal all the talents and abilities inherent in her by nature, and for quite a long time she remained unnoticed and not properly appreciated by her superiors.

In the second example, the weakened finger of Apollo stands out, seeking support in the finger of Saturn. Even without knowing anything about the primary elements of the Universe and their manifestation on the hands, and guided only by classical palmistry, it becomes clear that such a combination of fingers indicates fatigue from the current circumstances and problems in the parental family, if the combination occurs on the passive hand, or problems with the husband - if the presence of exactly the same combination on the active hand.

Since in this case we are considering the girl’s passive hand and analyzing the situation that is developing in the parental family, the most revealing here will be the second phalanx of Apollo’s finger, loaded with the primary element of air mixed with the energy of Ketu. Knowing that the air gives emptiness, and the energy of Ketu gives all kinds of deprivations, then this combination in the complex is interpreted as the loss (death) of the father, which ultimately happened in the life of this girl. If only the primary element of air were present on the phalanx, not diluted with the energy of Ketu, then this combination would be interpreted as the father’s non-participation in the life and fate of the owner of the hand.

For a complete analysis and better understanding of the problems in Apollo’s field of activity based on the primary elements, let’s imagine that exactly the same combination with Apollo’s finger is present on the girl’s active hand.
As you already know, this finger on the active hand will symbolize the situation not in the parental family, but in your own family, in this case talking about the development of relations with your husband. Since a weakened ring finger indicates a present problem, a complete analysis of the primary elements that are present on this finger will help us figure out what exactly is happening in a girl’s life.
The primary element air on the “Base” phalanx indicates a problematic relationship with her husband, in which there is no harmony and mutual understanding. The air and energy of Ketu on the “Remedies” phalanx together lead to loss of money in the family and disappointment, despite all the girl’s attempts to stabilize and somehow strengthen the position of the family. The element of fire, although not clearly manifested on the “Target” phalanx, is nevertheless present on it, indicating that the girl is under constant emotional stress, which can lead to a nervous breakdown with all the ensuing consequences.

At the moment, the situation in the family is such that the girl is forced to treat her husband for alcohol addiction, which undoubtedly affects all areas of the relationship: in terms of material desires, lack of love, affection and care; in terms of funds - loss of money for periodic treatment in a drug treatment clinic; In terms of goals, there is always present emotional tension, as well as difficulties and fatigue from such a family life.

Problems in the field of activity of Mercury

The finger of Mercury in Vedic palmistry is responsible for all kinds of communications, communications, speech, intelligence, the ability to transmit and perceive information, and also controls the desire for education and scholarship.
Accordingly, a problematic or weakened little finger will have a complex effect on all these qualities, giving them a negative connotation and exaggerating its inherent positive properties.

In the examples given in Figure 28, I show photographs of problematic little fingers, but since you are already familiar with the technique of interpreting the primary elements, it will not be difficult for you to identify the reasons that arose in these people.

The only thing I would like to dwell on here is the presence of negative energies of the planets on the little fingers, since they are directly related to human speech and activity, therefore they can most psychologically hurt other people and cause them mental pain, which will not have the best effect and on the owner of the hand.

Thus, the presence of the primary element fire on any of the phalanxes will give caustic, angry and aggressive speech, which will be expressed in thoughts (fire on the “Goal” phalanx), words (fire on the “Means” phalanx) and actions (fire on the “Base” phalanx ), which will lead to the destruction of favorable relationships with others.

The presence of Rahu’s energy on the “Goal” phalanx will give an inability to tolerate accusations against oneself, which will lead to “rahanized” goals in a person’s mind.
Rahu on the “Means” phalanx will attract the desire to constantly argue, which will cause tactless and aggressive behavior, and Rahu on the “Base” phalanx will root in a person’s mind the idea that everything can be achieved through non-labor activities, dishonest labor, manipulating people around him.

Problems in the field of activity of Venus

Analysis of the thumb according to the primary elements of the Universe and the energies of the planets present on it is easiest when applying the above-described technique to it.
Since the thumb, from the point of view of Vedic palmistry, has only one meaning and is responsible for a person’s feelings, the primary elements that color the finger in one color or another indicate the attitude towards a marriage partner, love and the prospects for life together.


Figures 29 show photographs of the thumbs of different people with the various primary elements present on them, as well as with the energies that load the planets depending on the development of certain situations in love and relationships.
So in the first photograph of this picture, the entire thumb is loaded with the primary element air, which indicates that there is emptiness in the relationship at the present moment in time, and the owner of the finger does not see any prospects for their further continuation. But, despite the current situation, the girl will continue to restore the relationship, due to the fact that there are no “negative” energies on the finger that could lead to their end.

In the second picture, the finger is loaded with the primary element water, indicating that there is harmony, respect and mutual understanding in the relationship.

The third picture is one of the most negative, since it contains the energy of Saturn, bringing restrictions to existing relationships, and the energy of Rahu, bringing disagreements to family life. The interpretation is clear - the final destruction of relationships, through mutual struggle, claims and quarrels, leading to a breakdown in relationships and final divorce, which will leave mutual grievances, division of jointly acquired property and various kinds of claims against each other.

In the fourth picture, the finger is loaded with the primary element fire, which introduces various kinds of quarrels into joint relationships that arise due to the touchiness, aggressiveness and anger of the owner of the hand.

In the fifth picture, the thumb is loaded with the most positive energy - the energy of the Sun, which communicates the most sublime feeling on earth - the feeling of love and infatuation.

Assessing prospects for resolving the problem area

To determine the time frame of events when determining the problem area, it is necessary to remember the rule that says that the passive hand determines real events that are happening at the moment, and the active hand determines events that will occur in the future.

In relation to the technique described above, on both hands a comparison is made of the fingers responsible for the same types of activities: Jupiter is compared with Jupiter, Saturn with Saturn, Apollo with Apollo, Mercury with Mercury, and the thumb of the passive hand is compared with the thumb of the active hand. With the help of this comparison of fingers and the primary elements on them, it becomes clearly clear what will happen in the near future with the problem area that is currently causing concern to a person.

As an example, Figure 30 compares the passive and active hand of a young man who currently has problems in his career.
The passive hand, speaking about the present, has a weakened Saturn finger, with the primary elements of air and fire loaded on it on the “Base” and “Means” phalanges, which together leads to destruction and conflicts in the career through the fault of the owner of the hand.

In order to assess the prospects for career activity in the future, we look at the same finger of the active hand, which has become even weaker and is loaded mainly with the primary element of air. This combination indicates that a person may be left without work in the future, the cause of which was aggressive behavior and a negative attitude towards work in the present.

Also indicative in this situation is Apollo’s finger, which is responsible for social status, which, as can be seen in comparison with the passive hand, became weaker and began to seek support from the middle finger, helplessly leaning on it. In other words, a person will destroy his own destiny with his own hands, lose his job and lose a certain social status that he currently has.

4. Technique for determining the exact time of occurrence of events using the phalanges of the back of the hand

Studying this technique will allow you to accurately read information about events that occurred over the past year in a person’s life, and will occur over the next 12 months with an accuracy of 1-2 days before their occurrence.
The technique for obtaining this information is almost similar to the technique for determining the causes in a problem area and is also based on the primary elements of the Universe and the energies that the planets leave on our phalanges, but at its core it has some differences. The main difference is that when determining the problem area, the predominant color is determined into which the phalanges are loaded, whereas when determining the day of the event, all the energies present on the phalanges are taken into account, which are read in strict accordance with the time scales adopted for this technique.

To determine the day of an event based on the primary elements, palmists have developed two schemes for distributing time along the phalanges of the fingers, one of which allows you to divide the fingers into 12 months, and the second - the phalanges of the fingers into the number of days in a month. As a result, in order to determine an event, it is necessary to first identify the primary elements present on the phalanx, and then apply two time scales to all received energies, where with the help of the first we find out the month, and the second - the day of the event.
At the same time, do not forget that the passive hand will indicate the month and day of the past 12 months, relative to the present time, and the active hand will indicate the month and day of the future 12 months. When determining events that are occurring at the present moment in time, information can be read from both hands at once, since the phalanx of the passive hand will point simultaneously to the past and present, and the same phalanx of the active hand will point to the future.

For example, if the month of May is now underway, then in order to find out what event will happen on May 15, you can look simultaneously at the phalanx of May of the passive and active hand, interpreting events based on the expressiveness of the primary elements on them.

The scheme for dividing the phalanges of the fingers of both hands into months is based on the distribution of 24 months: 12 months of the past and 12 months of the next year, which are distributed in strict accordance with Figure 31.
With this division, the nail phalanges of the middle fingers will correspond to December, the second phalanges of the middle fingers will correspond to January, and the third phalanges of the middle fingers will correspond to February.
The nail phalanges of the index fingers are in March, the second phalanges of the index fingers are in April, the third phalanges of the index fingers are in May.
The nail phalanges of the ring fingers are in June, the second phalanges of the ring fingers are in July, the third phalanges of the ring fingers are in August.
The nail phalanges of the little fingers will correspond to September, the second phalanges of the little fingers will correspond to October, and the third phalanges of the little fingers will correspond to November.

The scheme for dividing the phalanges of the fingers into days is based on a uniform distribution along the phalanx of the number of days in a certain month, in which the beginning of the month will always be at the top, and its end at the bottom of the phalanx, as shown in the first photograph of Figure 32.

It is necessary to take into account that it is worth distributing days among phalanges based on their number in a month: in January, March, May, July, August, October and December - for 31 days; in April, June, September and November - for 30 days, and in February - for 28 (29) days, depending on the leap year.

Having familiarized ourselves with the theory of this method, let's now use the example of the fingers of the hand to analyze how the above-described dating is used and how events are read based on the primary elements and energies of the planets that are present on these fingers.

The photographs in Figure 32 show the index and middle fingers on the young man's passive hand. When dating is applied to them, it turns out that you and I will analyze the events that happened to this person over the course of six months, from December to May last year.
Having determined the primary elements and energies of the planets present on these fingers, and applying to them the dating of the division of the phalanges into days, we will obtain events that occurred on certain days of the months we are considering. The interpretation of these events will be based on the knowledge that we have already become acquainted with in the previous, third, section, when determining the reasons that prevent implementation in the problem area, but it is more labor-intensive, since it will require a description of each energy present on the phalanx.

In relation to the third photograph of Figure 32, where the days, primary elements and energies of the planets are described, it is clear that December will be the brightest and most eventful, since the largest amount of various types of energies is present on the phalanx of December.

Interpreting each energy separately, it is clear that from December 1 to 4, the energy of Saturn will introduce restrictions into a person’s life, which may result in failure to get what they want in various areas: in career, in love or in relationships.
During this period of time, no matter what a person does, no matter what actions he performs, he will not receive satisfaction from his activities.
The period from December 4 to December 9 will be somewhat easier, and the emerging element of air will contribute to the fuss associated with travel or business trips, which will also increase expenses, affecting material well-being.
The primary element of fire, present on the phalanx from December 9 to 11, will talk about quarrels and clarification of relationships with a partner, which will naturally lead to emptiness in the relationship from December 11 to 13, and will not affect the general psychological state of the owner of the hand in the best way.
The primary element of earth on the phalanx from December 13-15 will stabilize relationships in the family and strengthen the position of the work team, which will allow, albeit for a short time, a break from the troubles that have piled up.
In the future, the fire will again bring destruction to relations from December 15 to 17, which will then be replaced by longer-term stability and truce in relations until December 26.
From December 26 to December 31, a person will again face problems in relationships, which will be expressed in verbal attacks on his spouse. Analyzing the December phalanx, it is easy to notice that for the most part it is loaded with two primary elements - air and fire, which will bring emptiness into relationships and quarrels leading to their destruction through the fault of the owner of the hand.

The beginning of the next month, from January 1 to 4, is loaded with the negative energy of Ketu, which will lead to a feeling of hopelessness, obstacles in the development of harmonious family relationships, or will result in a minor illness during this time period.
From January 4 to January 24, the primary element of water is present on the phalanx, bringing unplanned profits associated with the return of debts or a bonus based on the results of the previous year. But since this primary element is distributed throughout almost the entire phalanx, the money will come gradually throughout the entire time period, and not just once, for example, on one of the dates of this month.

After profit, stability will come in family relationships and work, since during the period from January 24 to February 6, the primary element of earth is present on the phalanges.
From February 6 to 18, the energy of Ketu will bring a person a disease for which it will take a long time to be treated, and the primary element of air, present on the phalanx from February 18 to 28, will tell you that the treatment carried out will not completely restore the human body, as a result of which, during this period, You will have to spend additional money on purchasing expensive medications and appropriate treatment.

From March 1 to March 3, the primary element of water will again bring profit, but unlike January, the payment of money will be one-time, and will presumably take place on one of these dates.
From March 3 to March 12, the primary element of water mixes with the energy of the air, indicating that spending money will alternate with profit. In practice, this combination occurs when a person saves money for a long time to purchase some expensive thing and buys it, or takes money on credit from a bank, realizing that, despite receiving the money, they will still have to be returned with interest.

The primary element of air from March 12 to 14 will tell you about movements associated with a business trip, after which from March 14 to April 2 you will have to work hard and hard in order to follow all the instructions of your leadership.
Fulfilling these obligations in the quarry will result in an increase in material well-being, since the primary element of water will bring a well-deserved bonus in the period from April 2 to April 23.
From April 23 to May 5, you will have to work a lot again, and go on a business trip again from May 5 to 7, which will ultimately lead to a promotion in your career, as indicated by the energy of the Sun present on the phalanx from May 7 to 9.

The energy of the Sun is always interpreted positively and, depending on the situation on the phalanxes, it can indicate either a promotion in one’s career, or an emerging love or infatuation.
In the future, from May 9 to May 31, the primary element of air will give the person we are considering vanity and waste of money, which will result in going on a planned vacation or a long business trip.

Thus, having examined in some detail six months of a person’s life, you should understand how the primary elements and energies of the planets present on the phalanges work, as well as how they can be used to read information on events of the past, present and future with high accuracy. Despite the fact that in the above example I described the interpretation of the primary elements in relation to the life of a given person, you, nevertheless, must understand that the events I described are applicable only to this person, and in other hands these same primary elements may already carry a completely different event meaning.

In order to figure out how to interpret events with high accuracy in the hands of other people, I advise you to first, together with your clients, thoroughly analyze the events of the past using the example of 1-2 months, where you will understand what special attention is paid to and what priorities the data owners set in their lives hands
And only then, based on the information received, seeing various combinations of primary elements and taking into account situations with problem areas, you will be able to most accurately identify, predict and interpret past, present and future events.

5. Techniques for using primary elements and energies of the planets when answering questions on areas of interest to life

The study of this technique is of particular interest, since it is not only new and has not previously been described in any literature, but also unusual in its method of application, which makes it even more valuable for us palmists.

The practical application of the technique of answering questions of interest to a person allows using the phalanges of the fingers to obtain reliable information on almost all areas of life, including learning about parents, husbands, wives, bosses, children, brothers, sisters, etc. In addition, using this technique, you can read events that will happen in your clients’ own lives, as well as answer questions that interest us all: about money, career advancement, passing exams, love, and much, much more. .

This technique, like all the above-described methods of obtaining information, is based on the theory of primary elements and energies of the planets in their practical application to certain fingers of our hand, in strict accordance with the questions asked to clients.
At the same time, the technique of answering questions of interest is generalizing, since in it you will have to combine two previously studied techniques - the technique of identifying and analyzing the problem area and the technique of accurately determining events along the phalanges of the fingers of the back of the hand, in order to most fully and accurately answer to the questions asked of you.

The areas of life that interest a person can be divided into two main areas - information that the client wants to know about his activities (career, communications, social status, education, etc.) and information about the people who surround him (relatives, children, bosses, spouses, etc.).
Since we discussed the first direction of a person’s interests in great detail in the third section of this article, now we will also thoroughly analyze how to obtain information from the backs of the fingers about loved ones who interest your client.

There are two ways to read this information from the client’s hands.
The first method is quite crude, since it transmits general information to all relatives at once, without indicating the cause of the problems of a particular loved one.
The second method is the most accurate, since it allows you to view the person you are asking for in three main areas: in the area of ​​career activity, in the area of ​​means and in the area of ​​feelings.


The first method is based on the astrological distribution of planets among the phalanges of the fingers (Figure 18), which we briefly reviewed at the very end of the second section.
Therefore, knowing that each planet in the horoscope represents a separate personality, which is associated with a certain precious stone, consisting of the primary elements of the Universe, in Figure 33 I indicated the exact distribution of close relatives according to the ideas of Vedic astrologers.

Thus, based on this diagram, the two phalanges of the thumb and the nail phalanx of the middle finger, associated with Venus, will symbolize the spouse. The nail phalanges of the index and ring fingers, associated with Jupiter, will represent the boss. The second phalanx of the index finger, the nail of the middle finger and the third phalanx of the ring finger, associated with Mars, will represent the brother. The third phalanx of the index finger and the first phalanx of the little finger, associated with the Moon, will symbolize the mother. The second phalanx of the middle finger and the third phalanx of the little finger, associated with Saturn, will represent the elders and elderly (grandparents). The third phalanx of the middle finger and the second phalanx of the little finger, associated with Mercury, will symbolize the uncle. The second phalanx of the ring finger, associated with the Sun, will symbolize the father on the passive hand, and the husband on the active hand.

When analyzing the back of the hand, it is necessary to remember that the principle of “multi-story” interpretations is applicable to the primary elements and energies of the planets, as in classical palmistry.
This means that the same primary elements, when collecting information using the first method, can work simultaneously on several levels at once, transmitting information about the causes in the problem area, the exact time of occurrence of events, general information about relatives, as well as about human health. That is why this method of collecting information is called rough, since it does not give a complete picture of events, due to the fact that it analyzes the predominant color in which one or two phalanges of different fingers belonging to a certain relative are loaded.
For example, in order to determine what is happening with your client’s father at the present time, it is necessary to remove information about the primary element from the second phalanx of the ring finger of the passive hand, and in the case of the husband, from the second phalanx of the same finger of the active hand, as was demonstrated in the third section on the example of problems in the field of activity of Apollo.

To obtain the most complete information about loved ones, it is necessary to use the second method, which is traditionally considered more accurate. To use this technique, Vedic palmists slightly modified the previously studied scheme of dividing the phalanges into zones of responsibility (Figure 19), where some of the zones were adapted for the technique of answering questions of interest about loved ones.

Figure 34 shows a diagram of the distribution of areas of responsibility that must be used when applying the second method of answering questions about loved ones.

The third phalanges of the fingers in it are responsible for “WORK”, determining the attitude of the person being asked to work and career activities, as well as success and success in general.
The first phalanges are responsible for “FEELINGS”, indicating, depending on the primary elements and energies of the planets present on them, the activity of the senses and the attitude of the person being asked to close people.
The second phalanx in this scheme did not change their name and purpose.

As you have already noticed, in this case, not one phalanx is analyzed, as in the previously discussed method, but three at once, in three areas and areas of activity.
When applying the second method of answering questions about loved ones, it is necessary to take into account that each finger of the hand will no longer symbolize problem areas, but will denote close relatives. Thus, the index finger will be responsible for the mother or brother (sister), the middle finger for the uncle (aunt) or grandfather (grandmother), the ring finger for the father, husband or boss, and the little finger for the children.

When applied to the second method of removing information from your client’s hands, you look and analyze which primary elements will load his phalanges, depending on the connection of the person’s subtle energies with the people he is interested in.
According to Sergey Vladimirovich Serebryakov in his video lectures, if a client thinks about the person being asked, then the color of his phalanges will change, due to the fact that the client’s subtle body comes into contact with the subtle body of the person about whom information is being given. As a result of such actions, the client's phalanges will be loaded with the energy of this person, in strict accordance with his present activities, thoughts and prevailing emotions.

But in order for this technique to work, it is necessary to connect the subtle body of your client with the subtle body of another person, which is only possible with a good and high-quality connection at the level of our mind.
To do this, as a rule, the palmist is recommended to ask general questions about the person being asked or about a topic of interest to him, in order to make your client think about him as long as possible, which will ensure a better connection at the level of subtle energies.

It must be remembered that when working with women when applying this technique to them, there are certain nuances associated with their inability to focus on the same object for a long time, unlike men. Therefore, so that the mobile female mind does not jump from one object to another in a short period of time, it is necessary to fix their mind on the requested object for as long as possible, while asking a large number of questions so that her phalanges are most fully loaded with the energy of another person.

Subsequently, the diagram of Figure 34 is applied to the phalanges, which will be loaded with new primary elements and energies of the planets, on the basis of which events about the requested object are interpreted. Since in this case all the client’s fingers will be built to match the person (or object) he is interested in, the interpretation of events will be based on previously learned techniques, with the help of which the newly discovered information will be analyzed.
Also, when interpreting, it is necessary to remember about the distribution of time on the hands, where the passive hand will tell about events that are happening at the present moment in time, and the active hand will tell about future events.

In order for you to understand how the second method of obtaining information about loved ones is used in practice, I propose to analyze step by step the current situation in the family using the example of a girl’s hands, which are presented in Figures 35 and 36.

Before you start answering questions about loved ones, you need to give the person a little time to rest, which is necessary for the previous information that you worked with earlier to “get away” from your client’s hands.
Only after this can we move on to answering her next question, since the subtle body of her mind will be ready to connect with the subtle body of the person about whom she is interested.

As an example, let's answer a question that almost always interests the fair sex, and suppose that we were asked about what is currently happening in the client's family and what is the situation with her husband?
Having received the question and understood what forecasts she ultimately wants to hear from you, you can begin to use the technique described above. In order for her phalanges to most fully convey the necessary information and be loaded with the energy of her husband, as you already know, it is necessary to ask her several general questions about her husband, which will help connect both spouses on a subtle level.

The questions you ask about your husband can be as simple as: What is your husband's name? How old is he? What does he do? What food does he prefer? Does he like his job? Does he have a hobby? etc.
If you do everything correctly, you will see that the color of the fingers on her hand will change, as the phalanges will begin to adapt to her husband, displaying the situation in the family, but from the perspective of her husband’s perception of this situation. After all the fingers have adjusted to the husband and have been loaded with new primary elements, you can begin to answer the question asked.

Since the ring fingers of both hands are responsible for the husband, when using the second method of obtaining information, the primary elements on the finger responsible for the present are analyzed first, and then the ring finger of the future is analyzed.
Since the first phalanx of the ring finger of the passive hand, which is responsible for “Feelings,” is loaded primarily with two elements of the primary elements - fire and air, we can conclude that her husband is at the stage of sorting things out with someone, which will subsequently lead to their complete destruction.

The air on this phalanx also indicates that her husband does not see any further point in stabilizing the relationship and its further continuation. On the “Means” phalanx, the air will tell you that the husband is currently strapped for money, which also affects the owner of the hand through dissatisfaction with her current financial situation. The “Work” phalanx is loaded with the primary element of earth, reporting that the client’s husband has a stable job and a small income, which, however, does not satisfy both spouses.

As can be seen from the analysis of the finger responsible for the husband, on the phalanx of “Feelings” there is destructive energy that interferes with a peaceful life and causes anxiety to your client’s spouse.
When analyzing the remaining fingers of the passive hand, it is easy to notice that exactly the same negative destructive energies are present on the thumb of the passive hand, which is collectively responsible for wife, family, love and the development of relationships.
The final interpretation in this case will not be complicated, and will indicate that your client is currently having problems with her husband, since he does not see the point in continuing the previously established relationship and is trying with all his might to destroy it or divorce.

You don't have to be clairvoyant not to anticipate the following questions this woman will ask you: What will these quarrels lead to? Will I make peace with my husband? If so, how soon will the long-awaited reconciliation come? In order to answer the questions asked, it is necessary to look at what kind of primary elements are present on the thumb and ring finger of the active hand, which will tell about what will happen over the next 12 months with the feelings of her spouse.

Since the thumb of the active hand is loaded with the primary element air, we can conclude that feelings will cool down over time, anger, resentment and aggressiveness towards the spouse will fade into the background, but the relationship will be destroyed without the possibility of further restoration.
As for the spouse, in the future in the sphere of “Feelings” he will experience some calm and calm, due to the fact that the primary element of fire has left the nail phalanx of the ring finger, leaving mainly the primary element of earth, which will further stabilize his emotional sphere.
The second phalanx of the “Funds” sphere, loaded with the primary element of earth, will contribute to stabilization in the funds received, and the primary elements of air and earth, present on the “Work” phalanx, will tell you that a person will not be satisfied with relationships at work, despite the present stability in social status.

Knowing the history of this family, I can say with confidence that the primary element of earth on the second phalanx tells that the funds received from work will begin to satisfy her husband because after the divorce he will no longer have to spend money on maintaining the family, since all the money will go to satisfy only their own needs.
The primary elements of air and earth on the third phalanx indicate that, despite the divorce, the ex-spouses will still often have to clash, due to the fact that they work in the same organization, which will bring unnecessary fuss and worry to their work.

In the future, in order to answer the question of when the final discord in the relationship will occur, which will end in divorce through the court, it is necessary to analyze the phalanxes of the future, applying to them the technique of accurately determining the time of events. As can be seen from the analysis of the phalanxes of the active hand, only on one phalanx there are negative energies of Rahu and Saturn - just below the middle on the phalanx of January next year, indicating that in the period from January 18 to 24, either a trial is possible, or an event will occur that will put end of life together.

Despite the negative example I gave for consideration, you should understand how this technique works in practice and what special attention is paid when answering the questions that your potential clients will ask you. Since the technique is the same in its application, your main task at the initial stage will be the correct choice of the finger with which you will read information on the primary elements to answer questions of interest. In addition, you must clearly understand what each individual phalanx of the finger means and is responsible for in order to clearly answer the question posed.

To help you master this technique in practice, and at the end of the description of this section, I will give the main points that will help you hone the above technique.

If you are asked a question about a child, then you need to analyze the primary elements that are present on the phalanges of the little finger. If, for example, the primary element of air is present on the third phalanges, then your client’s child is unemployed or does not have a stable social position. If air is present on the second phalanx, then he lacks funds, or he is highly dependent financially on his parents. Air on the first phalanx will indicate that the child does not see himself in the future, so he needs to completely reconsider his attitude towards professional activity.

If you are asked a question about the mother, then you need to analyze the primary elements on the index finger, applying to it the diagram of the distribution of areas of responsibility presented in Figure 34.

If you are asked a question about the correctness of the chosen direction in your professional activity, then you need to look for the energy of the Sun on the phalanges of your fingers, which will indicate success in the chosen direction. At the same time, it is very important to clarify with the client what kind of success he is interested in: in career activities or in social status, which will affect the choice of the finger from which information will be read. If the client is interested in career success, then we look at the middle finger, and if in social status, then the ring finger, analyzing the primary elements according to the previously discussed diagram of Figure 19. For example, the energy of the Sun on the ring finger, regardless of the phalanx on which it is present, will indicate that that a person will become a leader and achieve success in the direction in which he is currently going.

If you are asked a question about money, then you need to analyze the primary elements present on the middle finger. If the primary elements of air are present in the “Base”, “Goal” or “Means” zones, then, despite all the throwing and hassle in trying to earn them, there will not be a lot of money. The determining factor in this case will be the second phalanx of the “Means” zone, which will indicate the final result in these desires and endeavors.

If you are asked a question about what will happen in one of the months of the next year, then to do this we analyze the phalanx of the active hand of the month that your client is interested in, applying to it the technique of accurately determining the time of events.

If you are asked a question about success in passing a future exam, then for this you need to analyze the primary elements in the “Means” zones, mainly on the index and middle fingers. If the primary element of air is present in the zone of these fingers, then the exam will be failed, and if this zone is loaded with the primary element of water or earth, the difficulties will be overcome and the exam will be successfully passed.

Indications. Purulent osteoarthritis of the coffin joint, necrosis of the terminal part of the deep flexor tendon of the finger, caries of the ungulate and navicular bones, purulent podotrochleitis. These diseases are a consequence of many complications in diseases of the hooves.

Fixation and anesthesia. The operation is performed on an animal fixed in a lateral recumbent position. The affected finger on the limb after the fall should be located on top, which greatly facilitates manipulation during surgery. To immobilize the animal, rompun, domosedan, aminazine and other means are used, as well as conduction anesthesia. For operations on the fingers (disarticulation, amputation), many different methods of conduction anesthesia have been proposed. This is caused by the variety of forms of the pathological process in the area of ​​the fingers, the duration of the process associated with the development of dense connective tissue and the spread of the inflammatory process to surrounding tissues.

A relatively simple method is often used, when a 1% solution of novocaine in a dose of 80-100 ml is injected circularly into the middle third of the metacarpus or metatarsus, layer-by-layer infiltrating the skin and all underlying tissues to the bone. Particular attention is paid to the supply of novocaine to the places of passage of the neurovascular bundles.

To obtain the desired anesthesia effect, one of the following methods is also used.

G. T. Shabrov's method. For the blockade, a 3% solution of novocaine is used, injecting it into four points, 10 ml into each. The solution is injected into the metatarsal area 5-7 cm below the carpal (tarsal) joint along the edges of the flexor and extensor tendons of the fingers. First, the novocaine solution is injected along the lateral edge of the extensor tendon, and then along the medial edge. On the volar (palmar) surface, novocaine solution is also injected along the lateral and medial edges of the finger flexor tendons. The solution is injected to a depth of 1-2 cm under the fascia.

Method of N. S. Ostrovsky and E. G. Baitubaev. It is based on the introduction of small amounts of novocaine between two hemostatic tourniquets, which ensures a high density of the drug and rapid achievement of the neurovascular bundles. To perform anesthesia, two hemostatic tourniquets are applied 3-5 cm above the level of the fetlock joint at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from one another. First, apply the lower tourniquet, and then the upper one. In the interval between the tourniquets, the hair at the injection sites is cut off, and the skin is treated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

Between the tourniquets at 3 points: on the middle of the lateral surface of the metacarpus (metatarsus) of the affected finger, and then on the middle of the dorsal and volar (plantar) surfaces, 3 ml of a 2% novocaine solution is injected. After 5-8 minutes, complete anesthesia of the affected (operated) finger and partial pain relief of the opposite finger occurs. For one anesthesia, 9-10 ml of a 2% novocaine solution is consumed.

Compressing and bleeding the blocked area between two hemostatic tourniquets, according to the authors, accelerates the loss of sensitivity and provides quick and reliable pain relief for the affected finger.

If the anesthesia methods described above can be successfully used for extensive chronic lesions of the finger area, then the methods proposed below are easily feasible only for limited lesions in the distal part of the finger.

Regnery method. The injection point is determined in the middle of the lateral and medial surfaces of the metacarpus (metatarsus) 1.5-2 cm above the level of the rudimentary fingers. From this point, the needle is directed subcutaneously to the dorsal and then to the volar surface and slightly downward, while simultaneously injecting 40-50 ml of a 4% novocaine solution on each side. A slightly larger portion of the solution is injected at the base of the vestigial finger and at the border with the dorsal surface. Additionally, it is recommended to inject another 10 ml of anesthetic into the interdigital space to a depth of 1.5-2 cm from the dorsal and volar (palmar) surfaces.

U. Tsirnak's method. A needle injection is made between the rudimentary fingers strictly in the middle, directing the needle from top to bottom at an angle of 45° to a depth of 1.5 cm, 10-15 ml of a 3% novocaine solution is injected. The second needle prick is determined in the middle of the dorsal surface of the affected finger, slightly below the fetlock joint, and another 10-15 ml of novocaine solution is injected subcutaneously.

Operation technique. After anesthesia and preparation of the surgical field, a hemostatic tourniquet is applied to the metacarpus (metatarsus) area and disarticulation of the third phalanx begins. A cutting line is marked on the horny capsule, 1 cm below the horny border in the toe and 3 cm below it in the heel of the hoof. The hoof is sawed along the intended line with a sheet or wire saw. Proximal to the cut line, the upper part of the coffin bone remains, which is removed after peeling off the base of the skin and cutting the ligaments and tendons. The cartilage of the coronoid and navicular bones is scraped out. The wound is irrigated with disinfectant solutions and a bandage is applied.

When performing this operation, A.F. Burdenyuk recommends making the cut slightly below the indicated distances from the horny border and isolating the remains of the coffin bone through the wound. In this case, the keratogenic tissues of the corolla are preserved to a greater extent, which contributes to the subsequent formation of the horny capsule.

Postoperative treatment. A moderate pressure bandage is applied over a regular bandage with ointment or emulsion, which is soaked on top with tar, grease, petroleum jelly and turpentine. The bandage is changed after 3-5 days. The wound closes in 30-45 days. If the border and corolla are preserved, the hoof horn grows in 6-8 months, which reaches the level of a healthy sole.

Proceed to inspect the phalanges of the fingers.

The phalanges of the fingers are of particular value - both each taken individually and all together. In fact, they provide us with reliable clues to a person’s professional inclinations, and also speak about the most striking character traits.

Each finger has three segments. The lowest part, the one closest to the palm, is considered the third phalanx, the middle one is the second, and the upper one is the first.

The third phalanges are the longest

If the lower phalanx of each finger is the longest compared to the other two, special attention should be paid to this. These segments are associated with animal instincts and physical addictions. If they are dominant, their owner is predisposed to live in a world governed by physical needs. He has no intellectual inclinations, nor is he endowed with any spiritual values. He usually has a healthy and strong constitution, and nature itself has made him suitable for hard work. It can be found in all areas of our lives where physical strength and good physique are required. He is not very diligent and cannot hold any responsible position. His character usually corresponds to farm work or any type of work that does not require special qualifications. In a factory, office, or field, he may perform work that does not require a high degree of intelligence, but involves activities pertaining to physical endurance, the ability to withstand great stress, and a healthy constitution. He can also be seen in low-skilled jobs - truck driver, goods packer, garbage man, etc. He is hardworking, but needs sensitive guidance and directives. By doing measured, routine work, he can perform his duties quite well.

He enjoys physical comfort and usually has a voracious appetite. He enjoys gymnastics and outdoor life and usually finds hobbies that provide an outlet for his physical energy.

As he tends to exhibit herd mentality, he gets along well with his own kind and, according to his own standard of living and intelligence, he usually proves to be a good citizen, master and friend. Loves family life and home comfort, has difficulty experiencing loneliness.

Although he can often be rude and harsh in his manner, he can also be kind and have a great sense of humor. As long as his physical comfort is satisfied, he is happy.

The middle phalanges are the longest

If all the middle phalanges of the fingers are the longest, their owner, although inclined to enjoy normal physical comfort and good food, is engaged in activities that require a higher level of intelligence, training and education. His choice of work and social connections is predetermined by his intellectual approach to things. Fingers, the second phalanges are the longest, are usually found in professionals, businessmen, scientists, doctors, journalists, in fact, in a number of people who work primarily with their heads rather than with their hands.

One of the most interesting features of the owner of such fingers is that he is smart, active, highly trainable and inclined to study and gain new knowledge. He constantly adds something new to the already accumulated knowledge and experience in his specific field of activity.

His values ​​are equally healthy and constructive. He usually adheres to accepted standards of behavior both socially and professionally. He is receptive, observant and believes that he can create his own prestige, social status and earn material values. He can be a hard worker, although he does not devote all his time to work as such. He may love his home very much, be a family man and a useful and conscientious citizen.

The first phalanges are the longest

If the upper phalanges of all fingers are the longest, their owner is less inclined towards physical things. This is an indicator of idealism and an innate need for devotion to spiritual and moral things. Such a person is sensitive, metaphysically inclined and strives to comprehend some school of thought, philosophy, ethics or religion to which he can devote his entire existence.

Without being too practical, he is very smart and perceptive. He is not inclined to notice his own impracticality, and his ideals so absorb his personality that he often becomes a kind of symbol of a metaphysical and spiritual orientation. Such a person is excellently suited for missionary work or for such academic interests as may relate to moral philosophy or reform work.

He too often neglects physical comfort and, as a result, becomes isolated from society.

Even if he does not retire and continues to live in ordinary conditions, among the noise and bustle, he still lives like a hermit. However, he can have a profound effect on those with whom he interacts.

He does not give free rein to his appetite and can be rather indifferent to the delicacies on the table or to personal close relationships of an emotional nature. He will always strive for simplicity; he is usually ascetic in everything that concerns the physical needs of a person.

While not a very strong person physically, he tends to exhibit insufficient stamina and energy and often suffers from insufficient or improper nutrition. Very sensitive by nature, he is prone to nervous disorders. But with proper care, he can live long enough and maintain his health in perfect order.

Then you should familiarize yourself with the meaning

Rough skin is common among farmers, fishermen, construction workers, manual workers, carpenters, potters, mechanics and window cleaners. They hate overly formal situations and suppress their emotions. Such people need to be encouraged to tell stories about themselves.

The structure of the skin is determined by the back of the hand. Smooth skin makes all qualities softer, while rough skin enhances the animal nature in a person. If the skin is smooth, soft and tender, the person is refined, intelligent, and these qualities influence his actions. Too smooth skin makes a person appear pampered and carefree. When the skin is rough and tough, it indicates a lack of refinement and sensuality.

Skin of medium elasticity indicates sophistication without effeminacy and idealism. It indicates activity, energy and intellectual potential.

If the skin remains cold at normal air temperatures, the person is selfish and unfriendly.

Hot hands speak of impulsiveness, generosity and spontaneity.

Changes in skin texture and/or temperature may signal the onset of the disease.

Characteristics of the palms

The color of the palm reflects the mood and even the state of health of a person. At the same time, it must be remembered that the color of the palm and its perception when touched largely depend on the ambient temperature.

Palms that are pinkish, not too red, warm and elastic to the touch usually belong to the healthiest people. Such a person at the time of reading his hands has no problems with blood flow and feels absolutely calm.

The color of the palm may change dramatically. When a person is overwhelmed with anger, his palms become dark red, even purple. As a rule, very red palms can be observed in smokers.

White or pale (sometimes with a bluish tint) palms are often found in introverts who are focused on their inner world. If the hand feels pliable to the touch, this may be a sign of a rather timid nature. A hard and cold hand indicates a not very responsive soul or lack of energy.

Palms with a yellow tint are often found in suspicious individuals, pessimists or anxious people, but other marks may indicate that the yellow color reflects only a temporary state of a person. Additionally, it may be associated with certain medical conditions such as bile spills.


Cold palms reflect tension, self-doubt, fear, grief and general depression. A warm hand indicates a high level of self-esteem and optimism. Quite often, the temperature of the palms is associated with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which reflects the state of a person’s consciousness even in those moments when he tries to hide his emotions.


Touching the hand often provides insight into a person's temperament and personality. Most palmists consider fairly firm, elastic, warm hands to be the most harmonious. Plump and exceptionally plastic hands very often belong to people who are not accustomed to denying themselves anything, indulging their whims.

A warm, hard, bony hand usually belongs to people who are accustomed to hard work, generous. Smooth, full and warm hands distinguish calm, balanced people.

Typically, women's hand skin is thinner than men's, but this is not due to differences in the nature of work. Most men are born with deeper skin ridges and wider spaces between them, giving the skin a wavy, furrowed appearance. Both women and men have the same skin patterns, but some people are born with smoother hands.

The ridges of the skin contain sweat glands and pores, which is why some people experience sweaty hands when their temperature changes or their emotional state changes.

A strong grip demonstrates that a person has a sense of self-worth. A handshake that is too firm and quick can mean that the person's thoughts are preoccupied with other issues. If the handshake lasts too long, the person may be trying to impress but is feeling insecure.

Women who are engaged in business are advised to pay attention to the manner of shaking hands. A woman's hand is traditionally perceived as being a little more flaccid than a man's stiff palm. At the same time, a firm handshake indicates a person’s strength and energy (especially in cases where it is long enough and accompanied by eye to eye contact). The memory of the manner of exchanging handshakes is retained for a long time, as it is associated with the perception of the personality of a particular person. People with a firm handshake are perceived by others as brave and open to new experiences.

Palm shapes

The study of the various shapes of the hands (considered as a whole, from the base of the fingers to the wrist and from the edge of the palm to the thumb) is a kind of cornerstone of palmistry. In traditional palmistry, there are seven basic hand shapes, but modern palmists use four main categories corresponding to the main elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

End of introductory fragment.

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