How to understand the form of training. Part-time and part-time education - what is it?

Part-time and part-time education is also called “evening”. It is aimed primarily at students who combine study with work. Lectures, laboratory and practical classes at part-time and part-time departments of universities are held in evening time or on weekends. This implies that the student devotes a lot of time to independent work.

The full-time component is university-based classes that take place throughout the entire academic year. At the same time, “evening students” have fewer classes than those who study full-time and spend 5-6 days a week at the university. On average, part-time students study 3 days a week, sometimes more. The start time of classes is set with the expectation that students come to the university after a full day of work. As a rule, the first class in the part-time department begins between 18.30 and 19.00. Classes must end no later than ten in the evening.

Sometimes part-time departments practice weekend classes or “immersions,” when students are given weekend intensive courses several times a semester. But the most common mode is still studying on weekday evenings.

Extramural component – ​​homework, essays and tests which students complete independently and pass during the semester. The volume of material for “independent processing” can be quite serious. And if students full-time In order to master a course, sometimes it is enough to simply attend all classes; evening students usually have to do quite a lot of extra work - at home or in the library.

Evening students (like everyone else) take exams and tests during sessions that take place twice a year.

Is it possible to study part-time on a budget?

Many people believe that free higher education can only be obtained as a full-time student. This is a misconception: training is possible in any form of education, including part-time and part-time.

There are usually fewer free places in the evening department than in the daytime department, however, the passing score for the full-time budget is lower - after all, for the most part, students strive for the “classical” full-time course. Therefore, “” becomes a way out for applicants who have not obtained the points to qualify for full-time admission, but at the same time cannot afford to study on a contract basis.

How many years have you studied in the evening department at the institute?

Since the intensity of classes for “evening students” is lower than that of full-time students, their program for each semester is slightly less dense. Accordingly, it takes more time to master the entire volume of disciplines.

Therefore, in the evening department they usually study a little longer. If full-time students receive a bachelor's degree after 4 years of study at a university, then for evening students it usually takes 5 years. Sometimes the part-time program is designed for 9 semesters (4.5 years). The defense of diplomas in such cases takes place in winter.

How to combine work with study at the part-time department

Evening education in Soviet times was introduced precisely so that people had the opportunity to receive education “on the job.” And you can combine study with full-time work quite successfully, but subject to a number of conditions:

  • student's readiness for increased loads,

  • compatibility of work schedule with study schedule,

  • the employer's willingness to meet halfway.

A part-time student immediately goes to school after work, so the “work-school” day, starting in the morning, ends around 10 pm - and so on three days a week. In addition, on weekends you need to devote time to independently practicing the material, so there is very little time left to rest your strength.

At the same time, studying in the evening does not fit well with irregular working hours, a shift schedule or work in the evening. Of course, evening teachers are usually sympathetic to the problems of working students and are ready to “turn a blind eye” to tardiness or periodic absences. But at the same time regular visit classes are still considered the responsibility of the student, and large number omissions can lead to problems in the session.

By law, part-time students must be provided with additional paid leave to pass the exam, undergo practical training, prepare and defend thesis. If the employer is interested in his employees improving their educational level, there are no problems. But in many cases the need to take additional holidays becomes a fat “minus” that reduces the value of the employee. Therefore, evening students often agree that they will use their another vacation. Or they take the session “on the job,” asking to take a few hours off work to take an exam or test.

Disadvantages of full-time and part-time study at the institute

The main disadvantages of the evening form of education are obvious: when combining full-time work with study “without hack work,” students become very tired both mentally and physically. Lack of free time, lack of sleep - all this is exhausting and leads to absences, problems in school, lack of time for hobbies and personal life. At the same time stormy student life– both the “official” one, which takes place within the university, and the informal one, pass by evening students: work usually does not leave time for parties and casual communication with each other.

A significant disadvantage for young men is that full-time distance learning at a university does not give the right to a deferment from the army.

In addition, the university usually does not provide places in the dormitory for evening students from other cities, so the issue of housing has to be resolved independently.

A diploma of higher education obtained in a full-time or part-time department is usually rated somewhat lower - it is believed that the volume of knowledge of such students is less than that of full-time students. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that most graduates of the evening department already manage to gain full-fledged work experience in their specialty by the time they graduate. A specialist with experience is valued much higher on the labor market.

Advantages of evening study at university

Some students choose part-time education because it is more accessible than full-time education:

  • passing scores for the budget are lower,

  • when studying on a contract basis, prices for evening training are more affordable “points”,

  • enrollment takes place later, so you can apply for part-time studies if the applicant does not pass the competition for full-time studies,

  • the opportunity to work while studying allows you to pay for training in your “dream profession.”

For many young people, evening education becomes a step towards independence and independence from their families. Full-time students are usually supported by their parents during their studies, and they continue to be considered “children,” while combining work and study gives them the opportunity to build their own lives.

From the point of view of the relationship between the full-time and part-time components, evening study is a good compromise between the full-time form, when the student spends all day long at the university, and the “correspondence” course, when he is essentially left to his own devices:

  • you can independently plan the pace of homework completion,

  • systematic attendance at classes does not allow you to “start” your studies,

  • there is an opportunity to consult live with teachers on complex issues,

  • active work and good attendance during the semester often makes it possible to receive tests and exams “automatically,” unloading the session;

  • The attitude towards “evening parties” is usually quite loyal, teachers tend to meet halfway.

An obvious plus evening training– opportunity to start your career early. Even in their first years, students often work in entry-level positions in their chosen field, and have the opportunity to grow professionally in parallel with their studies. And, if relations with the employer are built within the framework of labor legislation, then the “vechernik” can enjoy an extensive package of benefits:

  • paid vacations during sessions (40 days per year, for senior students - 50),

  • four months of vacation to prepare and defend a diploma and pass the state exam,

  • in the last 10 months of study, the work week is reduced by 7 hours (these hours are paid at 50%).

After graduating from school, almost all graduates think about continuing their studies at a higher educational institution. At least, this is what the majority does, which nevertheless strives for better life, a good job with a decent salary. When choosing a candidate for a certain position, employers first of all pay attention to his diploma. And having decent knowledge significantly increases your chances of getting a prestigious position.

How to decide on the form of training?

There are such forms of education as full-time (daytime), part-time (evening), correspondence and distance learning. In order to select the form that will allow you to obtain the necessary amount of knowledge and at the same time give required quantity free time, you should carefully study the nuances of all four methods.

Full-time education involves the student's full dedication to the educational process. Classes are typically held five or six days a week. They are divided into theoretical and practical. In theory classes, called lectures, students listen to a topic. The material is then secured using the solution practical problems, execution laboratory work at seminars.

The part-time/part-time form of study provides the student with the opportunity to combine work and study. In most universities, classes are held in the evenings weekdays and on weekends. The number of academic hours is usually no more than 16. This is quite enough to obtain high-quality knowledge if you diligently attend classes.

The correspondence course has a completely different approach to the educational process. Students meet twice a year. Over the course of several weeks, a large amount of material is proofread, after which exams are taken. Distance learning involves learning via the Internet. All assignments are sent by email.

Full-time training - what is it like?

This form of training has a number of advantages over other ways of obtaining higher education. Firstly, full-time education implies sufficient quantity practical classes, which allows you to timely identify gaps in knowledge of the subject and eliminate them before the exams. In addition, constant communication with students, including senior students, and teachers makes it possible to find a person who will improve a certain subject if such a need arises.

Secondly, full-time education provides a number of social benefits. On a budgetary basis, students who successfully pass the session are entitled to receive a scholarship in the next semester. In case of excellent results, an increased scholarship is paid. A student card entitles you to discounted travel in many types public transport. A full-time student has free access to the university library. Nonresidents are provided with a place in the hostel. During their training, young men are exempt from conscription into the army. This is what full-time education means.

Advantages of evening uniform

What are they? The form of part-time study is suitable for students who wish to combine educational process and work. This way of acquiring knowledge gives a person great freedom. The same cannot be said about the case if full-time education is chosen.

If there is a job in the specialty, the student has the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thereby improving their qualifications. By studying in the evening department, young people gain independence in terms of the ability to pay for their education themselves. Employers are willing to give a position to someone who can combine work with training.

This form is not suitable for family people. Work during the day, evenings and weekends at the university, and there is no time left for family. In this case, it is advisable to choose the correspondence form.

Briefly about correspondence and distance learning

As a rule, those who study by correspondence are people who already have permanent place work, and
They need education to advance in their careers. This form is also suitable
young people from other cities who, for whatever reason, cannot leave their place of residence for a long time.

Those who do not have the opportunity to attend an educational institution, but want to receive a decent education, receive knowledge remotely. For example, for people with disabilities this option is the perfect way gain quality knowledge.

Transition from one form to another

Switching from full-time to part-time or part-time is usually no problem. If, due to certain circumstances, it is necessary to change the form of training, then this
can be done after the end of the session.

When switching to paid basis There shouldn't be any difficulties. But if you want to take a few budget places, you will have to work hard. Most often, correspondence groups have already been formed, and places on a budgetary basis are taken first. If there are no such places, you should wait until the next session and leave a request for transfer. Some students may be expelled after passing the exams, in which case there is a chance of getting into their place if their academic performance is excellent and there are no problems with discipline.

It is worth noting that the transition to full-time uniform from other departments is carried out in extremely rare cases.

Disadvantages of different forms of training

The main disadvantage of the full-time course is its cost. Compared to other methods of learning, it is significantly higher. Increasingly, applicants choose correspondence courses precisely because of financial insolvency.

The difficulties of the correspondence form consist in the large amount of information that needs to be absorbed during short term. Another common problem occurs when working on private organization. Such enterprises may not pay student leave.

The full-time and part-time form of training combines the advantages of both departments. Perhaps its only drawback is the catastrophic lack of time when combining work and study, since classes begin after six in the evening, and many work until five. And the students leave after nine in the evening.

To choose the optimal form of higher education, an applicant must correctly prioritize the quality of knowledge, the opportunity to work, the amount of free time and the cost of training.

With full-time study, you will visit the educational institution almost every day. In case of correspondence, attend only classes during the orientation session (usually 1-2 weeks each semester) and take exams. In person correspondence form Involves attending classes in the evenings and on weekends.

It would seem that everything is simple - here is the answer to your question. But that's not true. The differences are not only in the frequency and timing of attendance - the form of study affects your diploma, educational program and employment prospects.

What is face-to-face training?

Full-time education (also known as classical, daytime) is a natural continuation of school classes, involving classes from 8 a.m. until midday (or until the evening, depending on the educational program) and long-term personal contact with teachers. Students of technical schools and colleges study from 2 to 4 years. University students - 4 years (bachelor), 5 years (specialist), 6 years (master) or more when entering graduate school, residency and internship.

Distinctive features of the full-time form:

  • day visit, presupposing the inability to work;
  • extensive educational programs;
  • personal contact with the teacher;
  • duration – at least 4 years;
  • attending lectures and seminars, completing internships.

Students studying full-time immediately receive “bonuses” in the form of a scholarship, a deferment from the army, a dormitory, benefits for purchasing travel tickets and other benefits. If we talk about the scholarship, it is provided only to full-time students and can be standard (paid for good academic performance), increased (for excellent students) and social (for students in need of social assistance).

The amount of knowledge that full-time students receive within the walls of universities is a priori greater than in full-time and part-time forms of study. Methodically attending lectures, seminars and practices make the educational process more comfortable.

At the same time, it is extremely difficult to enroll full-time in a number of educational institutions, for example, in the case of in-demand specialties. Especially if we're talking about about budget places. Be prepared for high passing scores and tough competition (sometimes up to 300 applicants per place).

What is distance learning

Correspondence form is educational model, combining daytime and self-study theories. Students study 70% of theoretical material outside the walls of universities. According to standards vocational training training is carried out according to the same programs as in full-time education. Twice a year, students attend orientation sessions (readings), which usually last 1-2 weeks. After about six months, exams take place.

Key characteristics of the correspondence form:

  • Minimum time at university - you can work.
  • 70% of the material must be mastered independently.
  • There is no scholarship or deferment from the army.
  • Minimal personal contact with teachers.
  • Duration – 6 years.

At the same time, you can study in absentia and according to an accelerated program (on the basis of higher, less often secondary vocational education). In this case, the period is shorter - from 3 years, depending on the specialty and specific programs educational institution. The competition is low, the cost of the semester is lower than full-time. However, some specialties are not available. It's not just lawyers who are banned: you won't be able to become, for example, a doctor or a pilot.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor for preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school English language, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school English language of the new generation. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online University modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective workouts, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Part-time learning is like

Evening or part-time form– this is an opportunity to work and study at the same time, without visiting the university in the morning and daytime. The schedule is individual for different educational institutions and specialties. Classes can start at 6-7 pm and take place daily or on pre-agreed days.

What does full-time and part-time study mean for a student:

  • you can combine study with work;
  • direct contact with the teacher is maintained;
  • studying the material methodically - lectures, seminars, practice;
  • no scholarship or deferment from the army;
  • Quite a large amount of material is mastered independently.

The duration depends on the specialty and educational program. This form is often used to obtain a second higher education on the basis of secondary vocational education - in this case the period is 3.5 years, in others - from 4 years. Students have a large number free time, and in comparison with correspondence students they prepare less on their own. At the same time, they are deprived of many benefits and advantages available to full-time workers.

What is the difference between full-time and distance learning?

Most often, students choose between them. Therefore, it is important to understand what full-time and part-time education means, what the prospects for education are and what you need to prepare for during admission. Above we defined both forms, now let’s try to understand their content and key features educational process. What's the difference:

Full-time– classic, daytime. Attendance is important here. Combining full-time study at a reputable university with work is incredibly difficult. At the same time, the educational process itself is more comfortable: you gradually master the material during lectures, consolidate it on practical exercises and during practice. Volume self-study minimum. In most cases, full-time graduates are more willing to hire, since their level of training is generally higher than that of part-time students.

Correspondence– this is the maximum of self-education. During the orientation sessions, teachers do not so much invest knowledge in you as set vectors. Based on their recommendations and given methods, you will have to prepare yourself.

The programs for full-time and part-time students are de facto the same, but objectively the teachers are more loyal, and passing exams is easier - in most cases, particularly stringent requirements are not imposed on part-time students; many control tests are formal and are taken remotely.

The difference between part-time and full-time study in theses:

  • Part-time students rarely attend university, while full-time students do so in a planned and methodical manner;
  • Absentee form does not give the right to a deferment from the army;
  • Paid full-time education is more expensive than distance learning;
  • Budget places are practically unavailable for correspondence students;
  • Only full-time students receive the scholarship;
  • The dormitory is primarily provided to full-time students, and to part-time students only if there are free places;
  • Part-time students can combine work and study, but it is extremely difficult for full-time students to do this;
  • It is easier to enroll in the part-time department than in the full-time department.

Some specialties are not available to correspondence students - in particular, you cannot study medicine and law.

The correspondence form gives maximum freedom. Frankly speaking, it is difficult to master the profession well in this case - too much material is given to independent study. You need to have phenomenal self-discipline to master the necessary theory and gain professional skills.

Pros and cons of each form of training

Some advantages and disadvantages are relative, because not everyone cares about the quality of knowledge, benefits, or the same contacts with teachers. Some people are able to organize their own time and study the theory on their own. Someone needs supervision from the teacher. Therefore, we compare the options according to key criteria.


Methodical, comfortable training;
scholarship, hostel, deferment from the army;
better employment prospects.

It is difficult to combine study and work;
high cost semester;
competition for admission.

Correspondence form

You can study and work at the same time;
minimum competition for admission;
easier to pass exams.

There is no scholarship, deferment from the army and hostel;
70% of the material has to be studied independently;
there is no methodical control on the part of teachers.

Part-time study

Flexible schedule – you can work;
there is personal contact with teachers;
studying the material step by step, methodically.

There is no deferment from the army, hostel, scholarship;
no other benefits (for example, travel and food);
There are practically no budget places.

It is important to note the principle of distribution of places in the hostel. Theoretically, correspondence students can also get it, but in practice it is extremely difficult to achieve this. The fact is that full-time students are settled first and usually there are no places left. Accordingly, for part-time and part-time students, the chance of getting a place in a dormitory is reduced to zero.

Which form of training to choose

Here it is important to set priorities and soberly assess your capabilities. If you want to combine permanent job with studies – full-time education is definitely not for you. If you want to concentrate on knowledge, have personal contact with teachers, and become a real professional, it will be almost impossible to do this with part-time and part-time education. How to understand what you really need? Let's look at examples.

In-person . Ideal for applicants who plan to devote themselves entirely to their studies. Of course, if the Unified State Exam scores are enough for admission to the budget, or the student will be able to pay for his education. Young people will attend school every day, with the exception of rare weekends. With good and excellent studies, full-time students receive a scholarship and numerous benefits, have additional benefits during employment. A deferment from the army will also be provided (until you complete your studies or are expelled from the university).

Correspondence . Ideal for applicants who want to combine work with study, get a second higher education or improve their qualifications (for example, get a higher education based on their existing secondary vocational education). The cost of the semester is lower, the time spent visiting the university is limited to several weeks per year. It’s a pity that you can’t apply for a deferment from the army, a hostel or a scholarship.

Part-time . Suitable for applicants who plan to work, but at the same time want to get a full-fledged education. Flexible schedule combined with lectures, seminars and practice. The cost of the semester is lower than for full-time students. There are practically no budget places, as well as benefits available to full-time students. In this case, you will learn step by step, the process will be supervised by teachers.


Try to understand what you really want. Do you want to work and study at the same time? Choose a correspondence department. Do you want to master your profession as fully as possible and become good specialist, or are you afraid that you won’t be able to study the theoretical basis on your own? Make the choice to go full-time. Do you want to combine study and work without compromising the quality of your knowledge? Part-time study is best suited for you.

Hello guys! Part-time and part-time courses are also called evening courses. This kind of education became popular in the Soviet Union, when many people went to work during the day, and after a hard day they went to courses to receive secondary special education. Today, about 23% of students study part-time or part-time. By choosing evening classes, students can fit their studies around their work schedule. The part-time form has its advantages:

  • you can combine work and study;
  • visits take place according to a convenient schedule;
  • study leave is paid;
  • such training is more affordable;
  • the student is financially independent.

In addition, a full-time or part-time student can do an internship at his place of work, because many already work in the field in which they are receiving their education.

Child support until age 21 for full-time students

According to the law, if adults, that is, persons who have reached the age of 18 and are under the age of 21, are full-time students, parents pay alimony in their favor.

Parents themselves determine the form and procedure for paying child support to adult students. They can sign an agreement on the maintenance of their child, who is already 18 years old and is studying full-time in the system of general secondary, post-secondary, technical, vocational, or higher education.

If parents do not provide their adult children, who are studying full-time, with child support until they reach the age of 21, they can be collected through the court.

If there is no agreement on the payment of alimony, its recovery from a child receiving secondary, technical, vocational, post-secondary, higher education full-time under the age of 21 is carried out through the court in a fixed sum of money.

Part-time and part-time education at school

For full-time and part-time studies in secondary school The student is enrolled in school for the academic year. This form was borrowed from full-time classes by attending classes in person. But you can come to classes less often - 2-4 times a week. And from correspondence here - more voluminous homework and independent mastery of the material. You can not attend all subjects that are included in school timetable for full-time correspondence students. For example, labor skills and physical education are often skipped. The student and his parents independently choose individual subjects. But intermediate certification is carried out in all disciplines. Current grades received in classes and tests completed during the academic year are taken into account.

Part-time and part-time study at the university

For students, especially those who work, this form of education is good because classes take place in the evening or on weekends. Along with such a rather intense schedule and almost daily study, part-time and part-time students have to study a lot on their own.

Features of part-time and part-time education:

  • Classes are held at the university throughout the academic year, but there are fewer of them than for full-time students;
  • Couples bet on not working hours. Basically it is 18-19 hours.
  • The school day usually ends no later than ten in the evening.
  • By agreement with the teaching staff, classes can also be held on weekends.
  • Students do their homework, tests and essays independently throughout the academic year.

Difference between full-time and part-time study

Tests and exams in both forms of education are aimed at monitoring the student’s knowledge in a specific discipline. But there is still a generally accepted opinion that in the correspondence department, education is incomplete and of lower quality than that of full-time students. To successfully study by correspondence, you need to take the learning process seriously, have high level self-discipline. Then the correspondence student will be able to approach the level of knowledge of the full-time student.

Full-time students are completely absorbed in their studies and only in their senior years can they find a job (mainly after completing an internship). But among the correspondence students, on the contrary, the majority are working, so they cannot devote maximum effort and time to their studies.

Study leave during full-time study

Study leave is granted for the purpose of admission, mastering curricula, final and intermediate certification, thesis defense or dissertation work. According to the law, a break for educational purposes can be with or without earnings. The terms of payment depend on the purpose of the vacation.

Study leave is granted under the following conditions:

  • Accreditation of the university where the employed employee is studying.
  • A summons certificate, drawn up and approved strictly according to the form.
  • A certificate from the educational institution confirming the successful completion of the previous session.

The main advantages of full-time education

  • full student life: intense learning, free time with classmates, extracurricular activities, opportunities for self-realization, participation in holidays, competitions, rallies, conferences, KVN, etc.;
  • receiving scholarships for successful state-funded students;
  • the opportunity for nonresidents to live in a hostel for a reasonable fee;
  • new acquaintances that can be useful in independent adult life;
  • temporary exemption from military service.

The main disadvantages of full-time education

  • The teaching staff takes training and visits very seriously, and high demands are placed on the student. You have to study every day, and with a responsible approach to getting an education, there is little free time left.
  • If the university is located far from the parental home, then the graduate has to quickly grow up and learn to live an independent life.
  • The scholarship, if you can earn it, is small, and is not provided for on a paid form of education at all. Therefore, you have to live economically during your student years.
  • Due to repeated absences and poor academic performance, they may be expelled from the university.
  • On paid branch Pay can be high and increase several times during your studies.

The process of acquiring knowledge is constantly modified and simplified thanks to the introduction of new technologies. But some features of training, despite existing for many years, have not lost their viability. This is in to the fullest also applies to part-time and part-time education.

A synonym for part-time and part-time education is the term “evening education,” which shows the main time for conducting training sessions in this form. Their main difference from other forms is that they are held in the evening.

In the years Soviet power many people studied at evening school because they worked during the day, and there they received secondary education as part of the school curriculum. Another form of training that partially implemented in the evening, this is Rabfaki. At these workers' faculties, peasants and workers were trained to enter the institute.

Part-time now

Nowadays, many people who want to get their first education or additional specialty choose this form. Some are forced to enroll in the evening department because they have to earn money, however, the experience they gain only benefits them.

The part-time form combines characteristics of the other two forms.

She has common features with full-time (day) form:

  • the place of classes is an educational institution, training takes place throughout the entire academic year;
  • classes begin at approximately 18.00, which may coincide with the time of classes for full-time students, end no later than 22.00;
  • lectures and seminars are conducted by teachers of the educational institution;
  • tests and exams are held within the framework of the session within the educational institution;
  • Sometimes students are given classes on weekends.

The main feature of correspondence education in the evening form is considered to be a fairly substantial amount of tasks that students must master on their own: teachers give a course of lectures, conduct seminars to consolidate the material, and then students begin to work independently.

This requires them to have a responsible attitude, which yesterday’s schoolchildren do not always achieve. Certainly, teachers are ready to advise students on complex issues.

Often evening uniform education is chosen by adults who have life experience, you can meet men who have served in the army. Some professions exclude part-time forms: higher education medical education can only be obtained as a full-time student.

Part-time and part-time education is carried out not only in higher educational institutions (institutes, universities, academies), but also in secondary vocational educational institutions.

Its main goal is simultaneous education and work in this specialty, but not always specifically in this specialty - you can study in the evening to acquire additional knowledge. Some enterprises send their employees to universities to master new profession, they also pay for their studies.

The majority of part-time students study at their own expense - there are not enough budget places, but the competition for admission is lower. Those who were unable to enroll in full-time studies often come there; they have a schedule: work during the day, study in the evening. There is not always enough time to properly prepare for classes and exams - examination leave is not provided.

The duration of evening classes is always longer than daytime classes. It depends on the applicant’s education and most often ranges from 3 to 6 years.

Evening training programs are divided into three groups:

  • Master's degree – training lasts 2 years;
  • Bachelor's degree - study for 4 and a half years;
  • specialty - study lasts more than 5 years.

Advantages of full-time and part-time education

  • the ability to create an individual training schedule, many teachers do this when they allow students not to attend any classes, this is a common practice for students with disabilities;
  • simultaneous acquisition of knowledge and professional experience;
  • it takes less time to attend an educational institution than with full-time education;
  • A fairly wide circle of communication is formed.


Despite many obvious advantages, part-time education is not yet very popular in our country as an alternative to full-time education; approximately a fifth of all students study in it.

This due to many circumstances: many students day departments They also manage to work while studying and spend active leisure time in the evening. You can easily transfer to the full-time/correspondence form from other forms, and you can also switch from the evening form to other forms of study without any problems.