Address of psychiatric hospital 3. Department for the provision of paid services

DEAR Muscovites -residentsdistricts, attached to the Psychoneurological dispensaries - branches of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "PKB No. 4 DZM" "Psychiatric Hospital named after. V. A. Gilyarovsky"!

For ease of receiptmedical services provided only on a paid basis**, You can contact any of the branches, regardless of your registered address at your place of residence.

Addresses and telephone numbers of branches of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “PKB No. 4 DZM” “Psychiatric Hospital named after. V. A. Gilyarovsky":

If it is more convenient for you to contact a branch other than yours, we recommend that you make an appointment in advance by calling the reception of the branch you need at the telephone number indicated above. Following this recommendation will reduce the time it takes to see a psychiatrist*** and provide you with medical services.

ADMINISTRATION Branch of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “PKB No. 4 DZM” “Psychiatric Hospital named after. V. A. Gilyarovsky"

**- primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a psychiatrist on the personal initiative of citizens to exclude acute and chronic mental disorders;

Examination (psychiatric) by a psychiatrist during preliminary and periodic medical examinations of citizens in the branch (including state civil servants of the Russian Federation and municipal employees to exclude diseases that prevent entry into the state civil service of the Russian Federation or its passage);

Examination (psychiatric) by a psychiatrist confirming the absence of contraindications for working with the use of information constituting a state secret;

Examination by a psychiatrist to determine the presence of medical contraindications to driving;

Examination by a psychiatrist to determine the presence of medical contraindications to gun ownership;

Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a psychiatrist

***It is necessary to obtain medical information about you in advance at the branch to which the address of registration at the place of residence belongs in the manner established by paragraph 8 of part 4 of article 13 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation"

Schedule of paid services

Branch (PND 9), 8th st. Sokolinaya Gora, 28

Department for provision of paid services

Electroencephalography room