What does full-time correspondence education mean? Advantages of evening study at university

What's happened part-time form training?

Part-time and part-time courses are also called evening courses. Evening education was popular during the Soviet period, when many people worked and studied at the same time. Only they received mostly secondary special education. Today, 23% of students study in evening classes.

Features of part-time education

Applying for evening uniform, a student can adjust his studies at the university to fit his work schedule. Almost 100% of young people who enroll in this form of education work. The part-time program has its advantages:

  • convenient visiting schedule;
  • the opportunity to combine work and study;
  • paid study leave;
  • affordable tuition fees;
  • financial independence of the student.

Students can do internships at their place of work. Many students are already working in the field in which they are studying.

Why is evening uniform unpopular?

Evening courses are not as popular as correspondence courses. Most working young people enroll in the correspondence course. It's easy to explain. Part-time and evening studies require a longer period of study than full-time study to obtain a diploma. In this case, the correspondence student must appear only at orientation sessions twice a year. But a student from the evening department needs to come to study on average 3 times a week.

Absenteeism is convenient because the student is free almost all the time, with the exception of those few weeks when he takes exams. And the evening student has to attend lectures regularly, otherwise he may be expelled.

Advantages of evening courses over correspondence courses

Evening education also has its advantages over correspondence courses. Having entered the evening, the student receives real consultations from teachers. A correspondence student has to engage in self-education - he looks for materials himself, makes notes, and organizes his time. If a correspondence student drops out of a course, it is almost certainly to blame for his lack of organization.

The evening student can listen to more lectures on the topic and ask questions to the teacher. The student can be given advice that will help him pass the exams successfully. In addition, study leave for evening students is also paid. Part-time students most often take vacation at their own expense. Although a lot depends on the organization in which the student works.

By choosing an evening course of study, a student loses nothing. This form is ideal for young people who doubt that they will be able to study independently, like correspondence students.

Both full-time and part-time courses academic year is divided into 2 parts (2 semesters), after which the student takes exams and tests in the disciplines studied. As a rule, this occurs in winter and summer (and summer session). In any form, exams and tests are taken personally by the teacher, but the learning process for “full-time” and “” students is very different.

Full-time education

Full-time education requires the direct personal presence of the student at lectures, seminars and practical classes, personal participation in other types of activities provided for curriculum University, college. As a rule, classes are held as scheduled, and it is not recommended to miss them.

Sometimes during the semester the program may provide for intermediate tests or other types of recording of student knowledge. This helps optimize the learning process and promotes systematic knowledge acquisition. In fact, the organization educational process, the mode of classes, the volume of mastering the material is regulated by the educational institution, and the student can only adapt to the proposed system to the best of his ability and ability.

Of course the system full-time training helps in the best possible way acquire knowledge. This is greatly facilitated by direct communication between the student and the teaching staff, which can go beyond the scope of the classroom.

As a rule, this form of education is chosen by school graduates and those young people who can afford not to work and devote all their time to studying. Of course, you can combine work and educational activities, but with full-time study it will still belong to studies.

Part-time study

In the correspondence course, the student independently organizes his educational process, actually engaging in self-study. The role of the educational institution comes down to the unique orientation of the student. In accordance with the curriculum, he is offered certain disciplines to study, given approximate limits within which these disciplines should be mastered, and recommended sources that can be used in the process of self-education.

Further training, its organization, and in many ways the content remain the responsibility of the student himself. He himself chooses the time for classes, determines the volumes educational material which he needs to learn in order to be successful.

Exams and tests, as in full-time study, allow you to control the student’s level of knowledge in certain disciplines during distance learning. The role of intermediate tests in correspondence courses can be played by written works (essays, coursework and tests), which the student must send to teachers during the semester or submit immediately before the start of the next session.

It is believed that education in the correspondence department is not as high-quality and complete as in full-time education. But when high level self-discipline, a serious approach to the learning process, a part-time student can approach a full-time student in terms of the level of his knowledge.

Correspondence courses are chosen by those who need to continue labor activity without interrupting your studies. This allows you to obtain additional knowledge and an educational diploma without compromising your financial situation and professional status.

Each of us has friends who received full-time education and those who were part-time students.

Is there a tangible difference expressed by significant differences between full-time and correspondence education? This article is devoted to this problem.

Full-time training- This classic type training, in which the student methodically attends lectures and seminars for an entire semester, at the end of which he takes sessional exams.

Correspondence studies– periodic. The student prepares himself using the materials given to him, then attends a course of lectures that are given over, for example, one month. The culmination of the semester for a part-time student is the exam. The final grade in full-time education can consist of both the sum of current grades and the exam score, or consist only of the grade obtained in the exam. In the case of distance learning, the most important thing is how the student will perform in the exam, because he prepared for it during the semester mainly on his own, doing occasional work and consulting with teachers. Correspondence education usually lasts less than full-time education, since shortened programs are provided for it, because large number Correspondence students receive a second education in this way. Typically, part-time courses are cheaper than full-time courses.

It is interesting that full-time education presupposes the availability of budget places and the payment of scholarships to state employees, while part-time education almost never does. Another difference between full-time and correspondence education is that correspondence education does not provide reasons for deferring military service. It is believed that some specialties, such as translation, for example, cannot be mastered by studying by correspondence, since studying foreign languages requires constant practice and honing of skills, which is why many universities do not have a correspondence department for language specialties.

In general, distance learning is convenient for those who do not have a large number free time due to work, family circumstances or health problems.

Less obvious differences between full-time and distance learning:

  • Full-time education is a standard form of education, which involves constant continuous study, and correspondence education is periodic;
  • Full-time education provides a deferment from the army, but correspondence education does not;
  • Full-time and correspondence education differ in the organization of the educational process within the semester;
  • Correspondence education allows people to engage in several types of activities in parallel, which is very difficult with full-time education;
  • Full-time students are many times more likely to study for free, but in general, distance learning is cheaper;
  • Some specialties, for example, medical or linguistic, are practically not represented in correspondence form.

In addition to the well-known full-time course, universities offer several more types of training, each of which is aimed at a particular group of students. Those, in turn, when choosing a suitable department for admission, are guided by either life circumstances, or interests and opportunities. Today we will talk about what forms of training are possible in addition to full-time (full-time/part-time/evening, part-time).

The full-time form implies a program designed for students to master when attending 5-6 times a week. Classes take place mainly in morning hours, but sometimes the university management draws up a schedule for the second shift. This often happens for several reasons:

  • the desire of the university to provide students with the opportunity to work part-time in the morning;
  • insufficient classroom fund;
  • Not sufficient quantity human resources (lack of teaching staff), etc.

The training program includes a theoretical course (lectures), which is supported by practical exercises(seminars) and independent work students (tests, coursework, reports, etc.). In their final years of study, students must receive practical knowledge, in order to reinforce the theory (the corresponding mark is given in addition to the diploma).

The duration of training can be 4 years (bachelor), 5 years (specialist) and another 2 years (master's degree).

Attention! If a graduate of a technical school/college enrolls for full-time study, the program for him is reduced to 3 years.

Some of the benefits of full-time education include:

  • excellent “baggage” of theoretical knowledge;
  • the opportunity to receive a deferment from military service;
  • opportunity for the student to participate in active life educational institution: competitions, olympiads, debates, celebrations, that is, speaking in simple words, the opportunity to fully realize your intellectual and creative potential;
  • opportunity to receive a scholarship (we are talking about free branch at the university).

Students day department can receive a scholarship

But everything is far from so smooth in reality. Of course, it should be understood that from a higher educational institution, but without experience, a university graduate will not be able to get a good starting position. And this, in principle, is a normal situation for the majority.

Part-time and part-time education

Quite often it is called evening work, since it gives the student the opportunity to study at a university and work at the same time. More often similar form training involves visiting an educational institution 3-4 times a week, that is, less often than with full-time education, but still quite often. Such a training schedule will be quite enough to not disrupt your work schedule and at the same time gain a sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge.

Part-time and part-time education - a dense theory course with subsequent confirmation by the student of the acquired knowledge (test session and exams). As for the duration of the training process, it leaves from 4.5 (bachelor) to 5.5 years (specialist) and an additional 2 years to obtain a master's qualification. For college/technical school graduates, the duration of training, as in the first case, is 3 years.

The most significant advantages of evening education include the opportunity to simultaneously obtain knowledge necessary for the future and earn money independently. In addition, a “freshly minted” specialist, for example, will already have some work experience behind him.

As for the minuses, this includes, perhaps, only the lack of opportunity to express oneself creatively during the period of study, participating in the life of the university, as well as the lack of a scholarship.

Attention! Please note that when studying in the evening department, a deferment from the army is not granted.

Correspondence form

Well, as for the correspondence course, everything is simplified as much as possible: the “lion’s” share of knowledge should be acquired by the student independently. The educational institution provides only the necessary theoretical minimum. Consolidation of acquired knowledge is carried out by conducting tests and, of course, the examination session.

Part-time study is suitable for those who work

As for the time frame, everything is quite “blurry” here, since each university interprets the concept of “correspondence course” in its own way. For example, many educational institutions conduct classes for the correspondence department once a week (weekday/weekend), and at the end of the theoretical course they reinforce it with a test/exam. This system is called “modular”.

Other universities provide distance learning classical method. IN in this case The “reading” of the lecture course is carried out immediately before the examination session.

Correspondence education is an ideal option for those who simply do not have the opportunity to attend a standard course of lectures.

That's basically all you need to know about various forms ah studying at universities. Good luck!

Admission to university: video

For convenience in higher educational institutions There are several different forms of training. The forms of training do not in any way affect the quality of knowledge. Today it is very important to have a document confirming graduation from a university. When applying for a job, a diploma can play an important, and sometimes main role.

This happens because any employer wants to see at his enterprise an employee who is capable of learning, who knows how to express his thoughts in literary language and is open to communication with colleagues at work. These qualities are most often possessed by people who have received higher education.

Full-time education

In variety existing forms Full-time training remains the most popular. This traditional form of education is widespread throughout the world. When choosing this particular method of learning, the student is required to attend lectures and seminars. At the end of each semester, the student's knowledge is tested through an exam.

Thus, a person is given the opportunity to completely immerse himself in the learning process. At the same time, the student can gain more knowledge and better consolidate it. However, not all students are ready to learn this way. Due to the lack of scholarships to live on, many students work part-time. Other forms of training have been invented especially for them.

Part-time and part-time education

Part-time and part-time education also has a second name - evening. It gives the student the opportunity to study without stopping work. In this case, classes take place in evening time or on weekends. The rest of the time the student can work. Leave to prepare for exams is not usually given. The exam most often also takes place outside of working hours. The disadvantage of this form of training is the lack of time to prepare for exams, sessions and to consolidate knowledge. In this case, you will not be able to concentrate on your studies. But employers really value students who studied while working.

One of the varieties of this form of training is a weekend group. It consists in the fact that students attend lectures on weekends. Most often, this type of training is chosen by mature family people who strive to obtain an education, but cannot attend classes in the evenings.

Part-time study

Here the emphasis is on independent study of the material. At the same time, in this case, elements of full-time education are used. The correspondence course itself is divided into two phases. They are separated in time. The first phase is self-study items. The second phase is passing the test and examination session. Exams are held twice a year - in winter and summer.

Distance learning

Distance learning involves teaching students remotely using the Internet.