Diseases from a psychological point of view. Human diseases and their psychological prerequisites

Psychosomatics has long been known as a science that indicates the relationship between the state of mind and body. The table of diseases, compiled based on the books of Liz Burbo, Louise Hay and Carol Ritberger, will help you better understand the psychological background of your diseases and take the path to recovery.

Throughout human history, great physicians, healers, shamans, alchemists, and hermeneuts have viewed the state of health from a metaphysical perspective. They all believed that the healing process must begin with healing the soul, gradually moving on to the physical problems of the body. Socrates also stated the following: “You cannot treat the eyes without the head, the head without the body, and the body without the soul.” Hippocrates wrote that healing the body must begin with eliminating the causes that prevent the patient’s soul from performing its Divine work. Ancient healers were unanimous in the opinion that any physical illness arises as a result of a person’s disconnection from his spiritual nature. They were confident that only after the sick person's unnatural behavior and wrong thoughts were eliminated would the sick person's physical body be able to return to its natural state of balance and health.

Almost every great healer compiled his own tables, using the example of which he showed that the mind, soul and body must necessarily work in tandem. Healing people means making every effort to free the human soul, allowing it to fulfill its true tasks. Each person has an energy shell that is located above the physical body. The human body is so sensitive to thoughts that arise that if they are unhealthy, then it immediately begins to protect the owner, causing disunity between the physical and spiritual aspects human life. Such a gap is a disease, so any problem always makes itself felt not only in the physical, but also in the energy body.

These two bodies (energy and physical) are twins that mutually influence each other. Therefore, healing should not be equated with treatment. These are completely different concepts. Treatment works exclusively at the level of the physical body, and healing treats a person at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

The impact of psychological problems on physical health

Until recently, all diseases were divided into physical and mental. But in the middle of the last century, Dr. F. Alexander identified a third class of diseases - psychosomatic. Since then, psychosomatics has been treating and successfully treating bodily illnesses that are caused by psychological causes. At first it was the “classic seven” of diseases, which included myocardial infarction, stomach ulcer, bronchial asthma, colitis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus. But today psychosomatics works with any somatic disorders caused by mental causes.

Psychosomatics as a science is based on the following statements:

Psychosomatics shows that there is a deep relationship between diseases and our thoughts, between emotions and ideas, between beliefs and subconscious beliefs. She looks at how all these things affect the human soul, mind and, of course, body. The task of this science is to teach people to find in themselves the true causes of their diseases, carefully hidden behind psychological masks. Psychosomatic tables help eliminate bodily problems, releasing the healing qualities of the soul.

Why do we get sick?

Our illnesses always reflect how successfully our body, soul and mind interact.
Psychosomatics gives an answer to the question of how the human body responds to emerging internal and external influences, whether it can adapt to them, adapt to them. Any illness indicates to a person that there is something in his words, actions, thoughts and very way of life that prevents him from being his true self. It is this discrepancy that causes a disruption in the normal process of interaction between soul, mind and body.

Psychosomatics is based on the belief that the hidden purpose of any disease is to send a person an alarming signal that he urgently needs to change something in himself if he wants to be healthy. Psychosomatics tells people: change negative and limiting thoughts that prevent your body from developing and create an illusory perception of yourself. Pain forces us to think about what thoughts lead to incorrect attitudes. But it is precisely wrong attitudes that lead a person to wrong actions, decisions and actions.

The disease also forces us to radically change our lifestyle and reconsider habits that threaten the physical condition of the body. She points out the urgent need to conduct a sober re-evaluation of relationships with people around us, as well as to end relationships that destroy us emotionally. Sometimes illness helps us finally learn to express rather than suppress our strong emotions. And this is wonderful, because psychosomatics just says that the suppression of any emotions deals an instant blow to our immune and nervous system!

Illness manifests itself in our body in many different ways: sudden acute attacks, long somatic pain,
muscle tension or other obvious symptoms. But no matter how it manifests itself, psychosomatics gives a person a clear understanding of the need to do something with their soul, mind and body.

Another purpose of any disease is to increase a person’s level of awareness of his physical needs. She always pays attention to what is happening in our body. True, such signals are not always noticed immediately. For example, when under stress, a person often forgets about the most basic physiological needs, such as sleep and proper nutrition. And then his body begins to gradually strengthen its message, the symptoms become more and more pronounced. It will do this until the person deals with the existing problem; this is precisely the positive role of the disease.

Who is at risk for psychosomatic problems?

Psychosomatics claims that any disease reflects the quality of a person’s thoughts. Our thinking determines who we are, who we want to be, how we feel in the world around us, and how healthy we want to be. Everything around us is a reflection of our thoughts: decisions, actions and words, how we interact with people around us, every life situation, event or unexpected experience. A sudden illness means that a person’s thoughts have entered into a struggle with the unspoken needs of his soul and body.

It often happens that the thoughts that control our behavior and determine our choices reflect the ideas of other people, and not our own opinions. Therefore, psychosomatics believes that our habits, formed patterns of behavior, as well as the person’s lifestyle itself also lead to physical diseases. Modern people They eat hot dogs on the run, stay up late on the Internet, and then take sleeping pills to get at least a couple of hours of restful night sleep. The thoughts of modern women are focused on how to remain forever slim and young. This forces them to constantly go on a variety of diets and go under a scalpel. plastic surgeon. Drug addiction and alcoholism have become almost the norm in our society, although even a child knows how much they shorten life. Our brain has become so dependent on chemistry that at the first opportunity we grab tranquilizers or antidepressants. Smokers continue to puff on cigarettes, although they are well aware that this causes irreparable harm to their health...

Why do people behave this way? Because human nature is such that it is always easier for him to do nothing at all than to change something in himself. So it turns out that our health directly depends on our habits. Meanwhile, recent studies have shown that behavioral patterns play a huge role in a person’s predisposition to the most various ailments, in particular to such as depression, asthma, various cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders and even oncology.

Here are the behavioral patterns that people who are prone to serious somatic illnesses have:

  • Inability to cope with stress;
  • Constantly immersed in one's personal problems;
  • A feeling of anxiety and a terrifying “premonition” that something bad will happen soon;
  • Pessimism and negative worldview;
  • The desire for total control of your life and the lives of those around you;
  • Inability to give and receive love to people, as well as lack of self-love;
  • Lack of joy and sense of humor;
  • Setting unrealistic goals;
  • Perceiving life's problems as obstacles rather than opportunities to change;
  • Internal prohibition on things that improve the quality of everyday life;
  • Ignoring bodily needs (for example, lack of normal nutrition and lack of time for rest);
  • Poor adaptability;
  • Concern with other people's opinions;
  • The inability to speak openly about your emotional experiences and demand what is necessary;
  • Inability to maintain normal boundaries in interpersonal communication;
  • Lack of meaning in life, periodic attacks of deep depression;
  • Resistance to any changes, unwillingness to part with the past;
  • Lack of belief that stress can destroy the body and cause physical illness.

Of course, any of us can recognize ourselves in any of these points. It is important to understand that the above behavioral traits determine our susceptibility to disease only when they manifest themselves over a long period of time.

Psychological causes of somatic diseases

Psychosomatics identifies 4 main types of diseases:

  1. Mental illness: the mind knows that there is a malfunction somewhere in the body, but cannot understand what it is;
  2. Physical illness: a person develops an easily identifiable illness that is clearly identified by symptoms or clinical test results;
  3. Psychological illness: Illness is perceived as a disruption in the proper functioning of the mind-body connection. It reflects the influence of thinking on the physical body;
  4. Psychospiritual illness: Illness is a global transpersonal crisis of the mind, soul and body. In this case, it is necessary to explore how problems in work and personal relationships affect health and overall well-being.

Today at free access There are many books by various authors, after reading which you can begin to work on healing your body. As a rule, such books are equipped with detailed tables, which describe diseases and their psychological causes in detail, and also suggest ways to work through their painful conditions. We present to your attention a summary table of the three most famous healing authors who are widely known to everyone who is interested in their health. These are the founder of the self-help movement Louise Hay, the outstanding psychologist Liz Burbo and the intuitionist Carol Ritberger. These amazing women know firsthand what serious illness and low self-esteem are. They managed to heal themselves, and now with the help of their tables they help other people heal.

Summary psychosomatic table

Disease or conditionLiz BurboLouise HayCarol Rietberger
Allergy (any of the allergic reactions)Allergies are a way of attracting attention to oneself, especially in cases where it is accompanied by difficulty breathing. Such a disease symbolizes internal contradiction. An allergy occurs when one part of the personality strives for something, and the other part suppresses this need:
  • Disgust towards a person or situation;

  • Poor adaptation to the world;

  • Strong dependence on others;

  • Desire to impress;

  • Allergy as a reaction to insult;

  • Allergy as a defense against someone or something;

  • Love for someone with the simultaneous fear of one’s dependence on this person;

  • Incorrect parental settings.

Louise Hay assured that there is great way get rid of allergies forever. Just ask the question: “Who do you hate?” and you will find the reason for your allergies.

Allergies occur when a person denies his own strength. You can forget about allergies if you believe that all your thoughts and actions are truly correct and necessary.

Allergies are one of the diseases associated with fear. This is how the body reacts to an internal or external stimulus that causes strong emotions. Allergies occur when you experience strong fear for yourself or your loved ones, as well as during strong resentment or anger.
Arthrosis, arthritisThis is what joint problems indicate:
  • Internal uncertainty, fatigue, indecision and refusal to act;

  • Anger and hidden anger: towards other people (arthrosis) or towards oneself (arthritis);

  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for your mistakes. Instead, the patient prefers to blame others;

  • Feeling of unfair treatment.

Joints symbolize movement. Osteoarthritis or arthritis signals that you need to change the direction in which you are currently moving.Joint problems indicate acute dissatisfaction with life, yourself, relationships, your body or health:
  • The patient is torn between his own needs and the demands of others;

  • Passive-aggressive behavior;

  • Emotional vulnerability;

  • Disappointment in life;

  • Hidden resentment or intense anger that is not allowed to come out.

AsthmaThis disease turns out to be a real excuse for why a person is not as strong as he would like:
  • A person wants a lot from life, takes more than he really needs, and gives with difficulty;

  • Asthma as a reflection of the desire to look stronger;

  • Inability to adequately assess real abilities and potential capabilities;

  • The desire for everything to be the way you want, and when it doesn’t work out - subconsciously attracting attention to yourself.

Asthma symbolizes fear of life. The asthmatic is convinced that he does not even have the right to breathe on his own. The most common metaphysical causes of this disease:
  • Repressed self-love;

  • Suppressing your true feelings;

  • Inability to live for oneself;

  • Highly developed conscience;

  • Parenting based on overprotection or total control (a common cause of asthma in children and adolescents).

Asthma signals a tendency toward anxiety. Asthmatic sufferer constant anxiety, is afraid that something bad will definitely happen to him soon. He either constantly worries about the future or grinds on past negative events. Why does it occur?
  • Suppression of your real emotions and inability to express your needs;

  • Strong dependence and resentment in close relationships (the feeling that the partner is “suffocating”);

  • Expectation that other people will make the decision because one’s own choice is perceived as wrong;

  • A strong feeling of guilt, because a person thinks that all the troubles are because of him.

InsomniaThe main cause of insomnia is lack of trust in your own thoughts and decisions.Insomnia manifests itself as excessive emotionality and anxiety.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Everything seems wrong to a person; he always lacks something, for example, time or money.

  • Extreme workload and tension in everyday life;

  • Unstable life in constant stress. Such a person does not know how to rest.

Insomnia is associated with issues of trust, and it is more likely to be a lack of trust in oneself than in others.

Three main fears that cause insomnia:

  • 1Fear, which is directly related to the need for survival (lack of protection, safety);

  • The fear that a person experiences of future events and the unknown (lack of control);

  • Fear of abandonment or abandonment (lack of love);

BronchitisThis lung disease indicates that the patient needs to take his life simpler and easier. You shouldn’t get so emotional about all conflicts.A nervous atmosphere and constant conflicts in the family lead to bronchitis. Children who often suffer from bronchitis are acutely affected by their parents’ scolding.Here are the most common causes of bronchitis:
  • Long-term lack of freedom in emotional relationships;

  • Prohibition of any type of activity;

  • Impossibility of self-realization.

Hair loss (baldness)Hair begins to fall out when experiencing severe loss and fear of loss:
  • Feeling of complete helplessness in the situation;

  • Such despair that a person is literally ready to “tear out all his hair”;

  • Blaming yourself for making a bad decision that later led to loss or loss.

Hair loss occurs in those who worry excessively about their financial condition or pay attention to what people around them will say.Acute stress associated with both erroneous decisions and the actions of others that cannot be influenced.
SinusitisBreath symbolizes life, so a stuffy nose indicates a clear inability to live fully and joyfully.Nasal congestion indicates that its owner cannot stand a certain person, situation or thing.This disease also occurs in those who suppress true feelings because they do not want to suffer or feel the suffering of a loved one.
GastritisThis disease causes the experience of intense anger without the ability to express it.Gastritis is caused by prolonged uncertainty and a feeling of doom.Gastritis indicates strong emotional overload in relationships with others. Think about who you can’t “digest” so much?
HaemorrhoidsHemorrhoids develop as a result of experiencing constant fear and emotional stress, which one does not want to discuss or show. This disease manifests itself in those who constantly force themselves to do something, for example, in the material sphere. For example, the patient forces himself to do what he doesn’t want or goes to a job he doesn’t like.This disease is caused by several reasons:
  • Fear of not being able to make it in a certain time;

  • Strong anger, not fully experienced in the past;

  • Intense fear of separation;

  • Painful feelings towards someone or something.

Hemorrhoids show some uncleanliness of the soul. How often do you indulge in “unclean” thoughts or actions?
HerpesThere are several types of this disease.

Oral herpes is caused by the following reasons:

  • Condemnation of all members of the opposite sex based on negative experiences of personal communication;

  • A certain person or situation is disgusting;

  • Herpes as a way to avoid kissing because close person angered or humiliated you;

  • Holding back angry words. Anger seems to “hang” on the lips.

Genital herpes is caused by the following reasons:
  • Mental pain due to a wrong attitude towards one’s own sex life. We need to reconsider our attitude towards sex and stop suppressing sexual needs;

  • Creative stagnation. Creativity and sex are interconnected in the most direct way.

Oral herpes occurs as a result of condemnation, slander, swearing and “whining in everyday life.”

Herpes occurs on the upper lip - a person experiences similar feelings towards others.

Herpes on the lower lip is self-humiliation.

Causes of herpes of all types:
  • Existence in constant disappointment and dissatisfaction;

  • Constant petty control over everything (tasks, people, yourself, etc.);

  • Rage at being deprived of support or money;

  • Criticism and merciless attitude towards oneself up to self-destructive behavior.

HeadacheThe head reflects a person’s self-esteem and his attitude towards himself. Pain in the head (especially in the back of the head) indicates that a person is “beating” himself with low self-esteem and reproaches:
  • Attributing all sorts of shortcomings to oneself,

  • Blaming yourself for stupidity;

  • Making excessive demands on yourself:

  • Constantly underestimating yourself;

  • Self-deprecation.

Headaches are common to people who do not believe in their capabilities and strength:
  • As a consequence of overly strict upbringing in childhood;

  • Poor adaptation to the outside world;

  • Excessive self-criticism;

  • Intense fear experienced in the past.

Headache is a consequence of rejection of oneself or a situation that cannot be changed, but cannot be eliminated. Headaches also occur when they try to manipulate a person, but he subconsciously resists it.
  • Sore throat accompanied by difficulty breathing – lack of clear aspirations in life;

  • Feeling pressured - someone is forcing you to say or do something. Feeling as if someone is “holding you by the throat”;

  • A sore throat that occurs when swallowing is a very strong emotion or unwillingness to accept a new person, situation or idea. Ask yourself: “What life situation can I just not swallow?”

Throat problems indicate that a person considers himself a victim and takes the position of “poor and unfortunate”;Sore throat that prevents you from talking - fear of expressing your feelings in person.

This pain also signals that the person is under a lot of pressure from other people.

DepressionMetaphysical causes of depression:
  • An irresistible desire to express love and be loved;

  • Withdrawal due to betrayal or disappointment;

  • Reluctance to participate in the life process;

  • Life is perceived as too difficult, too hard, or not worth the effort.

  • Inner emptiness;

  • Inability to show emotions correctly.

This psychological state indicates that a person refuses to control what is happening. He simply reacts to situations rather than managing his life's journey. Stop believing that everything is against you and that real life is not as good as it is made out to be.A depressed person is convinced that people and life in general do not live up to his expectations. He feels like he has no one to turn to for emotional support. He feels lonely and considers himself a victim of circumstances.
StomachAny stomach disease is associated with an inability to truly accept certain people or situations. What is so “not to your taste?” Why do you feel such hostility or fear?Stomach problems indicate resistance to new ideas. The patient does not want or does not know how to adapt to the people around him and situations that do not correspond to his lifestyle, plans and habits.A sick stomach also indicates a strong internal criticality, which prevents you from listening to the signals of your intuition.
TeethThe condition of the teeth demonstrates how a person “chews” emerging circumstances, thoughts and ideas. Sick teeth occur in indecisive and anxious people who are unable to draw conclusions from life situations. Dental problems also symbolize everyday helplessness and the inability to “snap back” and stand up for oneself.Healthy teeth represent good decisions. Any problems with teeth show prolonged indecision and the inability to introspect when making decisions.Any dental diseases are the result of committed evil, aggression or simply bad thoughts:
  • Teeth begin to ache if a person wishes harm to someone;

  • Caries is a person’s low energy level due to “slagging”.

StrokeA stroke is caused by a long alternation of strong emotional ups and downs:
  • A person experiences mixed feelings: he feels at the top of the world, then at its bottom;

  • Constant negative thoughts that distort the perception of the world.

  • The feeling that the world is dangerous, and a stroke is a failed attempt to control it;

  • Secretiveness of character and suppression of one’s feelings;

  • Explosive character;

  • Fixation on the problem, not on its solution.

Stroke is caused by severe anxiety, irritability and distrust of people:
  • Assertive and domineering character;

  • Fear of the unknown;

  • The need to control everything;

  • Fear for survival;

  • Reaction to betrayal.

CoughA cough indicates emotional problems within a person:
  • Severe internal irritability;

  • Strong self-criticism.

A cough reflects a desire to tell everyone around: “Listen to me! Pay attention to me!

A cough also indicates that the body is undergoing a process of energy “shedding” or significant changes in emotional state are occurring.

Main causes of cough:
  • A sudden cough is a powerful blow to pride;

  • Persistent periodic cough – fear of communication.

IntestinesDiseases small intestine: Inability to perceive things that may be useful in everyday life. Clinging to small details instead of approaching the situation globally. Stop making an elephant out of a small fly!

Diseases of the large intestine: clinging to unnecessary, outdated beliefs or thoughts (with constipation), rejection of useful ideas (with diarrhea). Expressed life contradictions that a person cannot digest.

The intestines indicate strong self-criticism, perfectionism and, as a result, unfulfilled expectations:
  • Irritation in any situation, refusal to see the positive side in it;

  • Big ambitions that rarely come true;

  • A person constantly criticizes himself, but has difficulty “digesting” changes.

Gut problems indicate stress and chronic anxiety:
  • Nervousness and anxiety.

  • Fear of defeat;

  • The desire to control everything;

  • Hiding your thoughts and feelings.

  • Fear of action, power, force;

  • Fear of aggressive actions of other people or inappropriate situations.

Bleeding from the noseNose bleeds when a person feels annoyed or sad. This is a kind of manifestation emotional stress. Nosebleeds occur when a person wants to cry, but does not allow himself to do so.

A single case of nosebleeds indicates a loss of interest in current activities. Blood from the nose serves as a reason to stop such activities.

Nosebleeds are associated with unfulfilled needs:
  • A huge need for recognition or a feeling that you are not being noticed;

  • Lack of partner's love;

  • Nosebleeds in children are an unfulfilled need for parental love.

Blood is a symbol of joy. Nosebleeds are a way of expressing sadness and the need for love.

In the absence of recognition, joy leaves the body in the form of nosebleeds.

  • Excess excess weight protects against everyone who demands too much from a person, taking advantage of his inability to say “no” and his tendency to take on everything;

  • Feeling squeezed between loved ones and denying one’s own needs;

  • A subconscious reluctance to be attractive to people of the opposite sex because there is a fear of rejection or the inability to say “no.”

  • 4The desire to occupy a place in life that feels indecent or unhealthy.

What does it indicate? overweight? To a feeling of fear, a strong need for protection, as well as an unwillingness to feel mental pain. Feelings of helplessness or self-dislike. Food here acts as a suppressed desire for self-destruction.Excess weight depends on many factors, but usually a person suffering from obesity experiences a lot of troubles and humiliation even in childhood. As an adult, he is terrified of again finding himself in a shameful situation or putting others in such a situation. Food replaces spiritual emptiness.
  • Migraine as a feeling of guilt when trying to speak out against people who are significant to you. Man seems to live in the shadows;

  • Problems in sexual life, because a person suppresses his creativity.

Migraine is a disease of born perfectionists. A person tries to “buy” the love of others with good deeds. But at the same time, he is not ready to tolerate being led.This disease indicates excessive ambition, demandingness and self-criticism. Chronic migraine indicates sensitivity to criticism, anxiety, and a tendency to suppress emotions. Constant fear of abandonment or rejection.
Uterine fibroids
  • All gynecological problems related to the uterus should be perceived as violations of acceptance and lack of refuge. Uterine fibroids are a symbol of the fact that a woman subconsciously wants to have a child, but fear creates a physical block in her body;

  • Anger at myself for not being able to create good conditions for the birth of a child.

A woman with uterine fibroids constantly puts forward various ideas, not allowing them to fully mature. She may also blame herself for not being able to create a decent family home.Uterine fibroids can be seen as a kind of dump of anger, resentment, shame and disappointment directed at oneself:
  • She personifies all the old psychological traumas, as well as a feeling of abandonment, betrayal and low self-esteem.

  • Problems with feeling attractive and self-esteem.

  • A constant desire to prove something, trying to earn acceptance and respect.

Thrush (Candidiasis)This disease indicates worries about one’s own spiritual purity. Candidiasis is also a manifestation of experienced and suppressed anger directed at a sexual partner.Thrush symbolizes inner anger at oneself for making bad decisions.

The woman is pessimistic about life, and for her misfortunes she blames not herself, but other people. She feels helpless, irritated or angry.

Candidiasis is a reflection of emotional stress caused by problems in personal relationships, especially in relationships with the mother. The feeling that there is no support, respect and love. The attitude towards the world is manifested through bitterness and anger towards the whole world.
Runny nose, nasal congestion
  • A runny nose occurs when you are confused when faced with a difficult situation. The feeling that the situation is “attacking” the person; it may even seem to him that it “smells bad.” Nasal congestion can also symbolize intolerance to a certain person, thing or life situation;

  • A stuffy nose is an inability to enjoy life and suppression of one’s true feelings for fear of strong experiences.

The nose symbolizes acceptance of one's personality. Therefore, a runny nose is always a request for help, an internal cry of the body.A person can get a runny nose due to a subconscious calculation. For example, that they will leave you alone for fear of getting infected.

If problems with the nose in a confined space near other people - poor social adaptation.

OncologyOncology has many causes, but in most cases it is caused by resentment driven deep into oneself. Psychogenic cancer affects introverted monogamous people who experienced a joyless childhood. Such people are very sacrificial and often have a severe dependence on their partner or life circumstances (emotional, material or psychological). People around them characterize such people as very good and responsible.Oncological diseases occur in those people who put the emotional needs of others above their own. This type of behavior encourages martyrdom and is fueled by the fear of abandonment and rejection.Cancer is a disease of “good people”. The greatest predisposition to it is observed in three cases:
  • When suppressing your feelings and emotional desires;

  • When trying to avoid conflicts with all your might (even to your own detriment);

  • If you are unable to ask for the necessary help, since there is strong fear be a burden.

Poisoning (intoxication)Internal intoxication is a signal from the body that life is poisoned by unhealthy thoughts.

External intoxication - overexposure external influence or a suspicion that life is being “poisoned” by a certain person.

Intoxication indicates a persistent denial of any ideas, as well as fear of everything new.Poisoning shows that the body categorically does not accept the lifestyle that is being imposed on it.
LiverIn the liver, as in natural reservoir, anger suppressed over the years accumulates. Liver problems occur when you experience anger, disappointment and anxiety. The person does not know how to be flexible at all. He does not strive to adapt to situations because he is afraid of the consequences, afraid of losing what he has. Liver disorders indicate unconscious depression.Liver disease symbolizes resistance to any change and feelings such as intense anger, fear and hatred.The liver is a storehouse of strong feelings and anger.

A sick liver indicates self-deception and constant complaints:

  • Liver diseases are diagnosed in embittered and distrustful people, in those who believe that others are using them for their own purposes;

  • Intense fear of losing something (money, job, property or health);

  • Tendency to cynicism, suspicion, paranoia and prejudice.

Pancreas (pancreatitis)This illness occurs after strong feelings about a recent event or strong anger due to unfulfilled expectations.Pancreatitis is a consequence of excessive worry about your family.The pancreas is an organ of emotion, and problems with it indicate strong emotional tension.
  • Violation of mental and emotional balance. Lack of judgment or inability to make decisions aimed at meeting needs;

  • Pyelonephritis - a feeling of acute injustice;

  • Strong susceptibility to other people's influence;

  • Neglect of one's own interests.

Kidney disease indicates acute disappointment, constant criticism, and experience of failure. Acute pyelonephritis– a reaction to shame similar to that observed in young children. Inability to understand for yourself what is good and what is bad.Kidney diseases occur in vulnerable and emotional people who worry too much about their loved ones.

Feelings of inability or powerlessness in one's activities or interpersonal relationships.

Small of the back
  • Fear of poverty and experience of material disadvantage. Lower back pain indicates a subconscious desire to possess in order to feel confident;

  • The constant need to do everything on your own, to the limit of your capabilities;

  • Reluctance to ask for help from others, since refusal causes severe mental pain.

The lower back is directly related to the feeling of guilt. All the attention of such a person is constantly focused on what remains in the past. Pain in the lower back clearly signals to others: “I need to be left alone and alone!”Inability to show spirituality, strong fear associated with self-expression. Lack of finances and time, as well as the fear that is associated with survival.
ProstatitisThe prostate symbolizes the creative and constructive abilities of a man in the body. Diseases of this organ indicate a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness. Tired of life.Problems with the prostate indicate to a man that he should not try to control absolutely everything. The meaning of prostatitis is to get rid of everything old and create something new.A man who has prostatitis considers himself too self-sufficient and does not consider it necessary to rely on someone. He does not allow himself to show emotions, because they are perceived as weakness. The biggest shame for him is the inability to cope with responsibility and the inability to meet someone's expectations.
PimplesPimples on the face indicate excessive concern for other people's opinions. The inability to be yourself.

Pimples on the body indicate strong impatience, which is accompanied by mild irritability and hidden anger. The part of the body where they appear indicates the area of ​​​​life that causes such impatience.

Rashes on the face symbolize a person’s attitude towards the world, for example, disagreement with oneself or lack of self-love.Acne on the face appears when a person is afraid of “losing his face,” for example, of making a mistake in an important situation. His ideas about himself are harmful and incorrect. Teenagers often develop acne on their body and face when they go through a period of self-identification.
PsoriasisA person who has such a disease wants to “change his skin”, to completely change, because he experiences severe discomfort. He is afraid to admit his shortcomings, weaknesses and fears, to accept himself without shame or fear of rejection.Psoriasis reflects the fear of possible offense. This disease indicates a loss of self-acceptance and a refusal to take responsibility for the feelings experienced.Psoriasis is a reflection of self-hatred, mixed with pity. The inner conviction that everything is going wrong. Despair and an attempt to retire, avoidance of social contacts and strong self-pity.
Diabetes mellitusDiabetics are vulnerable and have many desires. They are worried that everyone “gets a piece of bread.” But they have inner envy if suddenly someone gets more than them. They have an intense mental activity, behind which hides hidden sadness and an unsatisfied need for tenderness and affection.

Diabetes mellitus in a child develops in the absence of parental understanding. He gets sick to get attention.

Diabetics live in the past, so they experience severe dissatisfaction with life, low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem.The feeling that the sweetness of life is constantly slipping away.

Psychological causes of diabetes are always associated with a feeling of lack of something: happiness, passion, joy, prosperity, hope or the ability to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Heart attackA person himself creates a heart attack, trying to get rid of the flow of emotions that deprive him of the joy of life. He is skeptical about everything and does not trust anyone. Fear of survival and fear of the unknown lead to a heart attack.The heart is the organ of joyful acceptance of the world. Excessive joy, as well as long-term suppressed and rejected manifestations of joy, lead to heart disease.Heart attacks occur in people who live under prolonged stress. They belong to behavioral type A: aggressive, excitable, demanding and dissatisfied. These people are constantly trying to control everything. They achieve success in life through intense battle, but inside they feel resentment and resentment for having to provide for their household.
TemperatureSuppressed anger.Suppressed rage and acute resentment.Frustration or feeling of energetic dirt.
CystitisThis disease always indicates big disappointment. It’s as if a person is burning from the inside by something that the people around him don’t notice. He does not understand what is happening well, so he acts very inconsistently. He expects too much from those close to him, so he is literally burned by inner anger.Cystitis reflects an anxious state, clinging to old ideas, anger and fear of gaining complete freedom.Cystitis is caused by resentment and self-isolation. The withdrawal and isolation that accompany this disease arise from the fear of receiving a new offense.
NeckNeck pain is a sign of limited internal flexibility. The neck hurts when a person does not want to perceive the situation realistically, because he is not able to control it. A stiff neck does not allow one to look around - accordingly, a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind his back. He simply pretends that the situation does not bother him, although in reality he is very worried.The neck symbolizes flexible thinking and the ability to see what is happening behind your back.

Neck pain - reluctance to look different sides situations, strong stubbornness and lack of reasonable flexibility in behavior and thoughts.

Physical limitation in neck movements is stubbornness and indifference to the joys and sorrows of people.

Neck pain - a person often does the wrong thing, deliberately ignoring the existing situation. Such apparent indifference deprives one of flexibility.

Thyroid glandThe thyroid gland is directly related to a person’s strong-willed qualities and his ability to make informed decisions, that is, with the ability to build a life in accordance with his desires, developing individuality.Increase thyroid gland indicates that a person is choked by hidden anger and indignation; he literally has a lump in his throat.

Weak activity of the thyroid gland - fear of defending one’s interests and reluctance to talk about one’s own needs.

Feelings of inferiority and self-pity. The perception of oneself as being different from everyone else, the feeling of being a “black sheep.” Tendency to suppress emotions and secretive behavior.

By carefully studying this table, you can find the cause of your physical illness. If the opinions of three authors regarding the cause of a particular disease differ significantly, we recommend that you listen to your intuition. In any case, the main function of such tables is to teach a person to be aware of his thoughts and needs, to listen to the signals of his own body. Well, after that you can begin to heal yourself.

How can you heal yourself?

The word "healing" is derived from the word "whole." And whole always means healthy. How can you heal yourself? Imagine that your thoughts are your inner guide, and your feelings are a kind of barometer. Having identified the beliefs that led you to a particular disease, you will understand that each disease has its own special hidden meaning. Most importantly, it is important for you to believe that your soul has incredible healing potential.

Healing always begins with the soul. Its task is to make a person better than he was before his illness, restoring the “integrity” of the body. Our health is, first of all, the harmony of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components. Only by changing your worldview and lifestyle will you be on the path to health.

Health always begins with awareness of the problem and ends with change. First, a person needs to become aware of their habits and comfort zones, and then completely get rid of unhealthy behavior, even if it is accompanied by a feeling of security or helps to not stand out in the crowd. Health requires us to take active and constant independent care of our bodies.

The three main goals of healing are healthy self-image, healthy thoughts and healthy relationships. Let love and compassion, acceptance and approval, patience and tolerance into your soul. Free yourself from the past and start re-creating your life. Recovery is a long process that contains everything: laughter and tears, play and fun, and even childish spontaneity. Sometimes recovery is difficult and painful because our body will constantly pull us back to our usual way of living and thinking. But if you are persistent, you will soon be surprised at how rich your new life has become.

Recovery is a way of life, so let every day be healing!

Carol Rietberger's Model of Healing

Carol Rydberger, in her books on self-healing, wrote that any disease in our body does not arise without reason. She always points to energy accumulations negative emotions(in organs, glands and muscles), as well as on fears and attitudes (in the spine). It is very important to find the root cause of a physical illness and then eliminate it, which cannot be done without changing the way you think.

Carol Rietberger proposed 4 steps in her healing model which include assessment, lessons, action and release. These steps are easy to follow, applicable to any situation, and easy to understand. But the effect they have on a person is incredible. Try it yourself!

First step (Assessment). This step involves self-diagnosis, which focuses the person's attention on lifestyle. Make sure that you take care of your health and that your physical body does not suffer from stress. Assessment of intellectual state gives a person the opportunity to track the quality of his thoughts. Assessing your emotional state allows you to identify psychological wounds and see what fears correspond to them. Grade physical condition makes it possible to check the sensations of the body.

Second step (Lessons). Illness forces a person to think about why he thinks and acts the way he does. Through our illness, we learn more about our personality, as well as our deepest beliefs, fears, strengths, weaknesses, self-esteem and self-perception. Illness pushes us to change, explore our own capabilities and teach us
turn toxic situations into healing ones. Learn the lesson that your illness provides you!

Third step (Actions). At this stage, a person begins to put into practice what he realized at the lesson stage. We begin to directly improve our health and delight ourselves with changes in self-perception. A person frees himself from the bonds of the past and begins to act in the present!

Fourth step (Liberation). This stage teaches a person to live joyfully, without pain and suffering, which were caused by mental wounds. Having freed himself from errors of self-perception, a person begins to understand what he really is and realizes what he can achieve. Freeing ourselves from the past, we let go of everything unnecessary and create new thoughts, new behavior, new life and new needs of soul, mind and body.

Daily work on yourself

When psychosomatics becomes firmly established in your life, you will understand that it is not only a science, but also a way of life. Healing occurs all the time, and not only when sudden pain or illness frightens us, foreshadowing something terrible. If you want to enjoy the full healthy life, learn to coordinate external events with the needs of your soul. Let your thoughts reflect your true needs, not the desires and demands of other people. Only by organizing your thoughts will you create excellent health for yourself. To defeat the disease you need to look inside yourself and find unhealthy thoughts there. Even if you are absolutely healthy, for the purpose of prevention, periodically analyze everything you think about.

If a disease affects an organ, it is not just one part of the body that suffers, but the entire body. According to the generally accepted medical rule, it is not the disease that is treated, but the sick person. All diseases can be divided into somatic (physical), nervous and mental. They arise for various reasons and have characteristic symptoms. However, there is a theory that the development of any disease is influenced by a person’s emotional state, his way of thinking, and external psychological factors. The direction that studies the influence of the emotional and psychological sphere on physical health is called psychosomatics.

Classification of psychosomatic disorders

Psychosomatic medicine studies the relationship between a person’s psychological state and somatic disorders. This direction appeared in the 19th century. Psychosomatics includes reactions and disorders of a psychosomatic nature.

Psychosomatic reactions are conditions that are short-term in nature. They arise depending on the situation. Such phenomena include: blushing from shame, sweating during stress.

List of psychosomatic disorders:

  • conversion symptom - psychological disorders appear as a result of a nervous experience, do not affect the tissues and functions of organs (psychogenic blindness or deafness, lump in the throat, numbness of the extremities);
  • functional syndrome - a complex of symptoms that appears as a result of the physiological accompaniment of emotions, is characteristic of neuroses, leads to dysfunction of organs (migraine);
  • psychosomatosis - the body’s primary reaction to worries and experiences, manifested by impaired functioning of organs and tissue pathologies (hypertension, ulcers, asthma, hyperthyroidism, neurodermatitis, rheumatism, ulcerative colitis);
  • psychosomatic personality disorders - depend on the characteristics of the human psyche, behavior, moral attitudes (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction).

Psychosomatoses, characterized by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, were first described by the American psychoanalyst Franz Alexander. Diseases that appear as a result of psychosomatic disorders make up his famous Chicago Seven. However, scientists have supplemented this list with other diseases that appear against the background neurotic disorders. These include the following diseases: heart attack, cancer, sleep disorders, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, irritable bowel syndrome and others.

Psychological causes of diseases

According to the psychosomatic theory, various diseases arise as a result of destructive behavior, negative thinking, and negative emotions. Mental and physical illnesses originate from a person’s negative attitude towards others, life and himself. Under the influence of frequent stress, a person’s mental disorder occurs. Over time, such disorders take the form of severe systemic or organ diseases.

The catalysts for disease are the following negative emotions:

  • anger;
  • fear;
  • resentment;
  • jealousy;
  • guilt;
  • shame;
  • envy;
  • greed;
  • sadness.

Human feelings and emotions are carriers of energy. If it accumulates in the body for a long time without coming out, the individual experiences psychosomatic disorders. Energy directed in a destructive direction is the cause of illness. Open, talkative and overly emotional people get sick less. Closed individuals, accustomed to keeping all problems to themselves and not showing their true feelings to others,

In addition to negative emotions, other factors also affect people's health. Unresolved problems psychological nature are the source of many diseases.

Psychological causes of diseases:

  • intrapersonal conflict - a condition in which a person cannot find a balance between his desires and social attitudes;
  • the effect of suggestion - the individual’s way of thinking is influenced by the advice of parents, teachers, and others;
  • identification - a person imitating someone can absorb not only the character qualities of another individual, but also “become infected” with his diseases;
  • the use of turns of organic speech (headache, nausea from it) leads to physiological disorders;
  • psychotraumatic experience of the past - on a subconscious level, the individual develops phobias and mental disorders, the sources of which are unresolved childhood problems;
  • self-punishment - a person getting into difficult situation, cannot find a way out of it, he deliberately falls ill, because the sick are entitled to concessions.

According to Sigmund Freud's conversion psychoanalytic theory, mental disorders are influenced by conflicts between the conscious perception of real life and unconscious feelings. After all, the unconscious sphere, except positive emotions, keeps many fears. The unconscious mind influences dreams, automatic thinking, as well as human behavior. If this area of ​​the human psyche has a negative connotation, the individual develops mental disorders.

Many psychological problems come from the past. In early childhood, conflicts with parents influence the child’s psyche. Some are dictated by the child’s peculiar thinking and ignorance of the true causes of various phenomena. Even suppressing the hyperactivity of children can subsequently lead to psychosomatic problems in them.

If parents want their children to grow up healthy, they need to take care of their psyche. It is prohibited to show aggression or violence towards a child. You cannot distance yourself from your children, their needs, feelings and problems. A child who does not receive maternal warmth and care in early childhood is not able to build normal relationships with people and realize himself. Dissatisfaction with life leads to psychological and subsequently to physical illness.

There is a theory that any psychosomatic illness is a signal that a person is leading an incorrect lifestyle. The disease cannot be denied. It needs to be accepted and analyzed what actions or thoughts led to health problems.

There is some symbolism in human diseases. The psyche uses the body as a canvas, instead of paints it has illnesses. If a person is overcome by internal conflicts or external problems that he cannot resolve, then diseases of the organs or nervous system appear. The root cause of any disease is a negative psychological attitude and the influence of negative factors from the outside.

Predisposition to disease, body signals

Predisposition to various diseases is formed over a long period of time. Figuratively speaking, a disease is an energy clot formed from the consequences of stressful influences and a person’s internal state. Famous psychologist Mark Palchik highlighted points that indicate a predisposition to psychosomatic disorders in a given situation.

Influence psychological reasons on the development of diseases:

  1. Human body. If a person forgets about the needs of his body, he reminds him of himself. With the help of diseases, the body attracts attention to itself.
  2. Emotional state. Sometimes people can't put into words how they feel. However, its solution depends on the ability to correctly formulate the problem. The disease will recede if a person understands the cause of his experiences and verbally describes it.
  3. The meaning of values. If there are spiritual values ​​in a person’s life, he will not be afraid of illness. Internal devastation, lack of moral principles - initial stage development of diseases.
  4. Purpose and purpose. If a person understands why he lives, meaning appears in his life. Lack of goals leads to psychosomatic disorders.
  5. Human Constitution. There are 4 constitutional type individual: asthenics, athletics, picnics, dysplastics. Asthenics are most often exposed to psychosomatic disorders.
  6. Character. According to Lichko’s systematization accepted in psychology, there are 11 types of accentuations. A person's character is a risk factor for the development of psychosomatic disorders. Most often, representatives of the hysteroid and epileptoid types are ill.

There may be pain in various parts of the body. The fact is that life’s troubles and negative thoughts “hit” certain bodies. There is a relationship between a psycho-emotional problem and painful sensations in various parts of the body.

Psychological causes of pain or illness in different areas body:

  • in the head - due to stress, frequent nervous disorders;
  • in the neck - due to resentment, inability to describe one’s experiences;
  • in the stomach - due to financial problems;
  • in the chest - due to helplessness in a specific situation, imposing one’s desire on other people;
  • in the shoulders - as a result of pressure, making difficult decisions;
  • in the elbows - due to stubbornness;
  • in the hands - due to secrecy, inability to make friends;
  • in the back - due to financial difficulties, lack of help;
  • in the lower back - due to greed and obsession with money;
  • in the hands - due to dissatisfaction with the job, the current state of affairs;
  • in the knees - as a result of high conceit and selfishness;
  • in the ankles - due to dissatisfaction, inability to achieve what you want;
  • in the feet - as a result of despair, reluctance to move forward.

Table of causes of psychological illnesses

The first disease that psychologists studied was bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by increased sensitivity of the tracheobronchial tree to various stimuli. Asthma symptoms: cough, wheezing, shortness of breath. The disease is expressed by periodic attacks of suffocation. Occurs as a result of hereditary predisposition, inflammatory process in the respiratory organs. From a psychoanalytic point of view, asthma appears if a person constantly suppresses his emotions, for example, crying. With the help of screaming in childhood, babies attracted their mother's attention. In more mature age the lack of recognition and praise is signaled not by crying, but by illness, that is, asthma. A sick person is always surrounded by care. Asthma is a means of attracting attention.

Every organ human body“lives” in accordance with psychological attitudes and reacts to any emotional experiences. External or internal conflicts “detonate” in certain parts of the body. If the soul hurts, the disease affects some organ of the body. It all depends on what exactly a person cares about, what feelings he experiences, what he worries about. The dependence of diseases on the mental perception of the world was studied by the following psychologists: Louise Hay, V. Sinelnikov, V. Zhikarentsev, Lise Burbo.

Table of psychological causes of diseases:

Disease Cause Treatment
Acne Subconscious desire to push others away from you.Love yourself, develop your individual qualities, get rid of shyness.
Alcoholism Feelings of guilt, emptiness, uselessness of existence.Live in the present, appreciate every moment of life, love yourself with your shortcomings.
Allergy Touchiness, reluctance to communicate with certain people, fear of aggressive behavior from others.Believe that the world is a safe place, love people with all their shortcomings, and do not please others against your will.
Anemia A person has lost the meaning of life, he does not see joy in his existence.Have fun, enjoy life.
Arrhythmia Frequent mood changes, friendliness changes to anger, joy to sadness.Become constant, stop being irritated, treat your loved ones with love, give them your warmth.
Beli Sex does not give a woman a feeling of satisfaction; she considers it an unworthy thing.Change your attitude towards sex, enjoy intimacy.
Pregnancy (ectopic) The woman does not want a child, she is afraid to give birth to one.Postpone the birth of a child until later.
Infertility Fear of giving birth, dissatisfaction with your professional achievements.Overcome the fear of childbirth, love yourself, pay more attention to yourself, do not be afraid of life.
Insomnia Excessive emotionality, guilt, unresolved problems.Calm down, rid your thoughts of negativity, believe that tomorrow will be better, and all problems will be easily solved.
Pain (acute) A gnawing feeling of guilt or resentment.Forgive everyone, forget the past.
Warts A person considers himself ugly and is unsure of his future.Love yourself, believe in your strength.
Bronchitis There are frequent conflicts in the family, a lot of shouting, relatives do not pay attention to each other.Treats life with ease, does not demand too much from family, switches attention to your favorite activity.
Varicose veins The individual is in a situation that he hates. Life doesn't bring joy.Love life and enjoy all its manifestations.
Sexually transmitted diseases A person does not enjoy sex, despises sexual intercourse and his partner, and awaits punishment for his sins.Do not be ashamed of your sexuality, enjoy sexual intercourse without blaming yourself for it.
Hair (falling out) Loss of something valuable, worries about financial problems, feelings of guilt for failures in the past.Let go of the past, hope for a better future, don’t worry about failures and losses.
Hair (gray) Nervous environment, frequent stress.Calm down, divert your attention to another activity that brings peace.
Inflammation The body strives to recover from the conflict it has suffered.Thank your body for taking care of yourself.
Lice The individual allows others to live at his own expense, children suffer from the power of adults.Get rid of dependents, stop pretending, stand up for your rights.
Miscarriage Fear of life, the woman is not ready to become a mother.Stop being afraid of difficulties and calmly accept life.
Gases Excessive anxiety, fear.Calm down, don't worry about trifles.
Halitosis ( bad smell from the mouth) Dirty thoughts.Think more positively.
Gastritis Feelings, anger, sarcasm.Don’t harass others with ridicule, calm down, believe in yourself.
Haemorrhoids Individual for a long time lives in constant fear for the future, but hides it. He hates his past.Believe in yourself, don’t be greedy, let go of past grievances and failures.
Hepatitis The individual hates those around him and torments them with his bile.Love people, calm your nerves.
Herpes Holding back angry words.Speak out, change your attitude towards people, love them with all their flaws.
Hyperactivity Feeling pressure from other people, desire to get rid of addiction.Put your thoughts in order, love the situation you are in.
Headache The individual blames himself for failures, he has low self-esteem, he is afraid to act, to move forward.Accept yourself with all your shortcomings, become yourself, do not remake yourself to please others, do not try to understand complex things.
Dizziness Escape from reality into the world of fantasy, scattered thoughts, absent-mindedness, disorganization.Concentrate on one thing, set one goal, and go towards it.
Throat (pain) Inability to express one’s feelings, constantly pent-up anger, the individual is in an uncomfortable situation.Learn to express yourself correctly, speak and act as you want.
Flu Signals dissatisfaction with the current situation.Change the situation, environment or your attitude towards people.
Chest (pain) Dissatisfaction with the situation in the family, desire for intimacy, love, care from relatives.Set up good relationship in the family, love yourself.
Pressure (high) Strong emotionality interferes with life, frequent worries about the past, a huge burden of responsibility.Stop worrying about your loved ones, relax, don’t worry about an annoying problem, forget old grievances.
Depression An individual cannot get what he wants, life is meaningless. People suffer because of psychological traumas received in the past.Find the purpose of life, forgive and forget the past, enjoy every trifle, enjoy every moment of life.
Diabetes The desire to control everything, disappointment in life, sadness, unfulfilled plans, missed opportunities.Let go of the situation, relax, rest, increase self-esteem.
Diarrhea The individual too quickly rejects what may be useful to him. He is afraid of something, wants to run away from problems.Calm down, think things over, don’t rush to do things, believe in yourself.
Breathing (problems with it) Fear, self-doubt, thoughts of revenge.Forget old grievances, love yourself, do not be afraid of the future.
Stomach (digestive disorders) Negative thoughts, uncomfortable environment, unpleasant person.Change the situation and environment or change your attitude towards people.
Teeth (caries, pain) Resentment towards the past or your parents, inability to stand up for yourself or become an individual.Forgive the offenders, improve relationships with your father and mother, act decisively, set a goal and boldly go towards it.
Stroke A person does not want to change himself and the situation, he is inert, conflicts with family, hates enemies, and is very jealous.Calm down, forgive insults, love your family and yourself.
Heart attack The individual pays more attention to his career and money than to himself.Relax, get rid of negativity.
Infection The disease annoys a person who does not struggle with difficulties or reacts too painfully to other people’s reproaches.Do not react to the aggression of others, calmly perceive information about yourself.
Cough A person has a desire to shout loudly and attract attention. Or he wants to be alone.Speak up, change your attitude to the situation, take a break from others.
Coma The individual is afraid of death and life. He is not ready to part with those around him, but he is afraid of the unknown.Convince a person to return to his family, tell him that he is loved.
Bleeding Inability to enjoy life, prolonged suffering due to unresolved problems.Relax, rest, rid your brain of past grievances and negativity.
Lungs An individual cannot take a deep breath, something is preventing him from living and enjoying life, he is in a depressed state.Take active action, live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment.
Face A person’s face ages and sags if he is often offended by others, his thoughts are full of negativity.Think positively, forgive your offenders.
Bald The individual does not feel protected and is afraid of defeat.Believe in yourself, stop being afraid of people around you.
Menstruation (cycle disorder) A woman does not like her subordinate position, she strives to dominate, and is too emotional about failures.To love your feminine principle, your body and all the processes occurring in it.
Brain (concussion) The individual is in the grip of delusions.Change your way of thinking, get rid of erroneous behavior.
Wrinkles Bad thoughts.Think positively, enjoy every day.
Addiction Escape from problems, yourself and others.Love yourself, believe in your strength, look at the world in a new way, find a purpose in life.
Runny nose Dissatisfaction with life, despair bursting out. Need for love, attention.Develop as a person, don’t beat yourself up over trifles, don’t believe everything you hear.
Nervous breakdown Selfishness, inability to communicate with others.Open your soul, calm down, love people.
Accident An individual is not satisfied with life, but he cannot make a fateful decision and change it.Reconsider your life, understand yourself and your desires.
Neoplasms (tumors) Inability to get rid of old grievances.Forget the past, forgive your offenders.
Legs Fear of the future, lack of faith in one's strength.Believe in yourself, act actively, study and learn new things.
Fainting Unpleasant environment, desire to escape from reality.Get rid of everything that causes discomfort.
Obesity Fear of life, grievances from the past, inferiority complex.Love yourself, forgive your enemies, don’t be afraid of people and life.
Burn Burning thoughts, anger, irritation.Calm down, think positively.
Orgasm (inability to achieve) Inability to enjoy life, dislike for a partner.Love yourself and your partner, open your soul, get rid of complexes and tightness.
Edema A person does not like the situation in which he is, but he does not know how to change his life.Do as your heart tells you, do not restrain yourself and your emotions.
Poisoning An individual poisons his life with his own negative thoughts.Don't think about bad things, love yourself and others.
Pancreatitis Strong emotions, anger.Calm down, forgive the offenders.
Paralysis Fear of difficulties, desire to escape from problems, from familiar life.They are not afraid of difficulties, do not try to escape from the inevitable, and come to terms with the situation.
Fracture (bone) Lack of self-confidence, fear of being without support.Believe in yourself.
Low blood pressure Dejection, unwillingness to live, loss of strength, lack of faith in goodness.Set a goal, act actively, and are not afraid of difficulties.
Sweating An individual sweats a lot if he holds back his emotions and gets angry at himself and others.Forgive offenses, express your feelings in words.
Kidney stones Hidden anger, anger and hatred.Forgive everyone, love the world and everything that inhabits it.
Psoriasis Increased sensitivity, touchiness. A person cannot come to terms with the situation; he wants to change everything, even himself.Calm down, find good moments in your life, do not focus on grievances.
Cancer Strong resentment, consuming hatred, unforgettable grief.Forget the past, forgive everyone, enjoy life.
Rheumatoid arthritis Strictness towards oneself, inability to relax. It seems to a person that others underestimate him and do not give him what he deserves.Rest, get rid of anger, reconsider your life, change your occupation.
Suicide The individual sees the world in black terms and does not want to find a way out of a difficult situation.Love yourself, accept your imperfections, forgive offenders, find the meaning of life, move towards new goals, believe in the future.
Bruises Minor troubles.Treats others with love.
Tuberculosis Selfishness, cruel thoughts.Stop hating others, live in harmony with the world.
Ulcer Anger, emotionality, fear of problems.Calm down, love yourself, forgive offenders, enjoy life.

Life is given to a person to enjoy all its manifestations, to love people, to enjoy every little thing. If a person becomes depressed, stops acting, hates others, he gets sick. The disease signals to the individual that he is acting and thinking incorrectly. If a person wants to recover, he needs to reconsider his principles, change his attitude towards people around him, forgive past grievances, and forget unpleasant moments from the past.

People suffer more not from the machinations of enemies, but from their own thoughts and wrong way of life. Even troubles happen at a moment when life does not bring any joy and a person consciously tunes himself to sorrow. If you live in harmony with the world around you, you can not be afraid of anything. No troubles can overcome a person if he is internally tuned to the positive.

Preventing a disease can be easier than curing it. If an individual does not know what went wrong in his life, why problems befell him, why he suddenly fell ill, he needs to seek help from an experienced psychologist-hypnologist

"IN healthy bodyhealthy mind!”, reads folk wisdom. However, all this is true exactly the opposite. Most diseases and illnesses arise precisely as a result of a person’s spiritual ill-health or psychological problems.
The table shows the probable causes of most “popular” human diseases.





Persistent thoughts about an insult or insult received


Conflicts and tensions in the family. Child feeling unwanted


Deep disappointment, a feeling of emptiness and futility (often due to the betrayal of the spouse). Dislike, self-hatred


Who annoys you so much? Who is so unbearable? Negation own strength


You can barely restrain yourself from being rude. This is due to the inability to express oneself


Fear of life. Lack of love and happiness. Feeling unwell. Relationships like “Yes, but...”


Inability to easily get rid of accumulated grievances, problems and garbage of the past


Fear. Blocking all the good stuff. Fear of living


Distrust of life. Loss of appetite is fear and self-defense; excessive appetite is fear and the need for external protection


Depression, melancholy, sadness, inability to enjoy life


Touchiness, irritability, self-blame, living with the feeling that you are not loved


Depression, fear of expressing feelings, fear of life


Constant resistance to everything. Refusal to see the good. Tension due to dullness


Fear of making serious decisions. Lack of purpose


Anger at your partner. The belief that it is impossible to influence the opposite sex


Fear. Guilt. Distrust of life


Anger combined with the belief that the only way out is violence

Alzheimer's disease
(senile dementia)

Anger, hopelessness, helplessness. Reluctance to accept the world as it is

Parkinson's disease

Fear and strong desire control everything and everyone




Manifestation of hatred


Conflict atmosphere in the family. Swearing and arguing. Rare calm

Bulimia(exacerbated feeling of hunger)

Hopelessness and fear. Self-hatred and a feverish desire to get rid of it

Varicose veins

Staying in a situation you hate. Bleakness. Doom. Feeling overwhelmed

Viral infections

Bitterness. Lack of joy in life

Vitiligo(piebald skin)

A feeling of complete alienation from everything. You are not on your team, you are an “alien”


Fear, rage, uncontrollable consciousness


Anger associated with an uncertain attitude towards life and inability to make decisions


Fear. Malice. Joy drowns in bad thoughts


Feeling of doom. Prolonged uncertainty. Fear of new things


Feelings weighed down by fear. Anger is in the past. Fear of not being on time


Fear of change. Resentment, hatred, anger


Suppressed bitterness. Tormented by angry words and fear of uttering them


Depressed by life's hardships

Eye diseases: astigmatism

Rejection of one's own "I". Fear of seeing yourself in your true light

Eye diseases: myopia

Fear of the future and resistance to change

Eye diseases: glaucoma

Overwhelm. Old grievances and unwillingness to forgive

Eye diseases: cataracts

The future is dark. Suffering from the Inability to Look Ahead with Joy

Eye diseases: strabismus

Fear of seeing the existing reality


Fear of everything that happens without your desire and participation


Intolerance, rejection, stubbornness


Underestimating yourself. Self-digging. Fears


Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Inability to stand up for yourself. Reluctance to change


Inertia, inflexibility, stubbornness. The past prevails over the present


Reaction to the negative mood of others and stereotypical negative attitudes


Tension, burdened by interrupted support and broken relationships


Feelings of guilt and terrible fear that you are not up to par. Feeling hopeless about everything


Strong disappointment and longing for something unfulfilled. There is nothing that brings joy


Concentrated fear and anger


Bias, one-sidedness

Gallstone disease

Pride. Curses. Bitterness. Heavy thoughts


Lack of opportunity for self-expression. Prohibitions. Vulnerability

Bad breath(stench)

Messy relationships, rude gossip, dirty thoughts, resentment of the past


Getting stuck in the past, unwillingness to part with the past and outdated

Unrealization. Feeling like a victim. Resentment towards life

Dental diseases

Indecision, fear of decision-making and fear of future changes

Dissatisfaction. Repentance. Desires that go against character. The desire to get out of the situation


Sexual tension, guilt. Social beliefs. Anger towards a partner. Mother's fear


Irritation, resentment, anger, frustration

Curvature of the spine

Fear of life. Lack of integrity. No firmness of conviction. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts


Based on Internet materials

Thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relationships with people, in our illnesses and general well-being.

This statement in lately surprises almost no one and finds many supporters. The thinkers and healers of antiquity shared the same opinion.

Psychosomatics is a science located at the intersection of medicine and psychology, believes that the connection between soul and body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior lead to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities in psychosomatics is Louise Hay, an American researcher of this problem. She experienced first-hand the mechanisms of disease occurrence.

She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which this woman dealt with in a few months. Such a successful cure was preceded by a long journey of reflection and analysis of one’s own life.

Louise Hay knew about the negative influence unresolved problems and unspoken grievances against any, even the strongest organism.

Louise Hay, who turned to psychosomatics, came to the conclusion that her illness arose as a result of her inability to let go of the situation, due to her beliefs in her own inferiority as a woman.

She chose affirmations as her beliefs - beliefs compiled according to special rules.

These affirmations, repeated over several months, made her a healthy person and a confident woman.

Louise Hay did not stop there, she decided to help other people and began to promote her experience.

Based on the results of her research, she compiled a table of the causes of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which draws a connection between the disease and emotional problems person.

Louise Hay table - what is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experiences a person has received. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these old beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and illnesses. Each incorrect setting leads to the appearance of a specific disease:

  • cancer is an old grudge;
  • thrush - subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
  • cystitis – containment of negative emotions;
  • allergy – reluctance to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
  • problems with the thyroid gland - dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after a person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that; it is sent to every person so that he thinks about its psychological causes. Louise Hay's table is intended to facilitate these searches.

Table of diseases Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where diseases are arranged in alphabetical order.
  2. On the right is the probable cause that led to the disease. This information should be read carefully and be sure to think and comprehend. Without such elaboration, you should not use this table.
  3. In the third column you need to find an affirmation that corresponds to the problem and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

The positive effect will not be long in coming - the established mental balance will lead to an improvement in health.


Probable Cause


In this book, Louise Hay writes that we create all diseases for ourselves, and we ourselves are able to treat them with our thoughts. Thoughts are material, this is no longer a secret to anyone. But it’s not enough to know that thoughts are material; you also need to learn how to constantly direct them in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, and try to always be positive.

With the help of the techniques and affirmations that the author of the book reveals to us, we can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that are firmly entrenched in our heads and prevent us from living calmly and happily, without illness.

What is the body telling us? Any disease serves as a signal of some kind of disorder in the body. How to learn to understand body language to always stay healthy?

What does body language tell us?

With the help of various diseases and ailments, the body tells us about malfunctions that are caused by negative experiences.

Modern medicine has only now begun to listen to the ancient eastern secrets of healing, while in the East it has long been known that the soul and body are interconnected; they believe that a disease can be cured only when its cause is eliminated, and not the symptoms.

Psychosomatic¹ mutual influences, as well as psychosomatic diseases, are an objective reality. It is no coincidence that new definitions of the disease increasingly emphasize the role mental factor.

Psychosomatic medicine or psychosomatics- a branch of general medicine that studies bodily disorders and diseases that arise under the influence or with the participation of emotional stress, in particular mental influences experienced by a person in the past or present.

In some somatic diseases, the importance of the mental factor and mental stress is so great that these diseases can and should be classified as psychosomatic diseases.

How to find out the psychological cause of the disease and learn to understandbody language?

Based on body language and psychosomatic symptoms, it is possible to more accurately diagnose diseases, and therefore draw up a treatment plan. Below is a list of common diseases and the psychological reasons that cause them.

Negative experiences, fears, stress, suppressed feelings, complexes, subconscious blockages, etc., all this can cause the occurrence of certain diseases and conditions.

By overcoming them, a person can get rid of ailments and restore health.

Abscess (abscess)

The cause is disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge.


A child who has adenoids feels unwanted.


The cause of an allergy may be a denial of one’s own power or a protest against something that cannot be expressed.


Sore throat is provoked by abstaining from rude words, from the inability to express grievances, and the inability to express oneself.


Anemia is provoked by a lack of joy, fear of life, and belief in one’s own inadequacy.

Anorectal bleeding

The presence of blood in stool is caused by anger and frustration.


Apathy is associated with resistance to feelings, suppression of emotions, and fear.

Arterial problems

Problems with arteries are the result of an inability to enjoy life.


Arthritis occurs when a person feels unloved. This disease is also facilitated by criticism, resentment, inability to say “no,” and accusations of exploitation by others.

For such people, it is important to learn to say “no” when necessary. A person suffering from arthritis is always ready to attack, but suppresses this desire. Also, people susceptible to this disease often desire punishment, blame themselves and experience the state of a victim.


Asthma occurs in people who are “unable to breathe for their own good.” As a rule, such people feel depressed, hold back sobs, are afraid of life, and feel unwilling to be here.

A person with asthma feels like they have no right to breathe on their own. Asthmatic children are, as a rule, children with a highly developed conscience. They take the blame for everything.

Asthma also occurs when feelings of love are suppressed in the family. A child with asthma experiences fear of life and does not want to live anymore. Asthmatics express more negative emotions than others, they are more likely to be angry, offended, harbor anger and seek revenge compared to healthy people.

Also, lung problems can be caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, lack of living space, and suppressed sexual desires. Convulsive holding back of air indicates fear of frankness, sincerity, of the need to accept what new things bring every day.

Gaining trust in people is an important psychological component that contributes to the recovery of those who suffer from asthmatic diseases.


This disease is associated with resistance, tension, unshakable dullness, refusal to see the good.


This disease is caused by fear, distrust of life, guilt, flight from life, and reluctance to recognize its shadow sides.


Bronchitis is associated with a nervous and tense atmosphere in the family, accompanied by arguments and shouting.


Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is associated with anger at a partner, feelings of sexual guilt, self-punishment, and the belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex.

Varicose veins

This problem is associated with a long stay in a hated situation, disapproval, feeling overloaded and overwhelmed by work.

Autonomic dystonia

This disease manifests itself in infantility, low self-esteem, a tendency to doubt and self-blame.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes are associated with fear, rage, and an inflamed consciousness. Life brings anger and frustration.


See also "Runny nose".

It occurs with suppressed self-pity, a protracted situation of “everyone is against me” and the inability to cope with it.


See also "Stomach diseases".

Gastritis can provoke prolonged uncertainty, a feeling of doom, and irritation.


This disease is a consequence of the fear of not meeting the allotted time, anger in the past, fear of separation, burdened feelings, inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions.

Herpes simplex

Herpes is associated with a strong desire to do everything badly, with unspoken bitterness.


High blood pressure provokes self-confidence, and there is a direct connection between anxiety, impatience, suspicion and hypertension.

In addition, hypertension can be caused by a self-confident desire to take on an overwhelming load, to work without rest, the need to meet the expectations of others, to remain significant and respected in their person, and in connection with this, there is a repression of one’s own deepest feelings and needs. All this creates corresponding internal tension.

It is advisable for a hypertensive person to give up the pursuit of the opinions of people around him and learn to live and love people, first of all, in accordance with the deep needs of his own heart.

Emotion, not reactively expressed and deeply hidden, gradually destroys the body. Patients with high blood pressure suppress mainly emotions such as anger, hostility and rage.

Hypertension can be caused by situations that do not give a person the opportunity to successfully fight for recognition of his own personality by others. A person who is suppressed and ignored develops a feeling of constant dissatisfaction with himself, which finds no way out and forces him to “swallow resentment” every day.

Hypertensive patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory system. They suppress free expression of hostility towards other people out of a desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth they can be bullies, but as they get older they notice that they push people away with their vindictiveness and begin to suppress their emotions.


Low blood pressure is associated with despondency.



See also "Migraine".

Headaches are associated with underestimation of oneself, self-criticism, fear, and low resistance to even minor stress. Headaches occur when we feel inferior and humiliated. Once you forgive yourself, the headache will disappear by itself.

A person complaining of constant headaches is literally all psychological and physical pressure and tension. The usual state of the nervous system is to always be at the limit of its capabilities, and the first symptom of future illnesses is a headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients first teach them to relax.


See also "Sore throat"

Throat diseases are associated with an inability to stand up for oneself, suppressed anger, a crisis of creativity, and an unwillingness to change.

Throat problems arise from the feeling that we “don’t have the right”, from a feeling of our own inferiority. A sore throat is always an irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then in addition to the above symptoms, the person also experiences confusion.

The throat is also the area of ​​the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we most often develop throat problems.


Diseased gums are observed in people who are unable to carry out decisions, and such people also lack a clearly defined attitude towards life.


Diabetes is a longing for something unfulfilled, a strong need for control, deep grief. Such people believe that they have nothing pleasant left. Diabetes can also be caused by an inability to receive and process love.

A diabetic cannot tolerate affection and love, although he craves it. He unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that at a deep level he experiences a strong need for it.

Being in conflict with himself, in self-rejection, he is unable to accept love from others. Finding inner peace of mind, openness to accepting love and the ability to love is the beginning of recovery from illness.


Respiratory diseases are associated with the fear or refusal to breathe life fully. It also means that people do not recognize their right to occupy space or to exist at all. Breathing diseases are also associated with fear, resistance to change, and distrust of life.

Gallstone disease

This disease is associated with bitterness, heavy thoughts, curses, pride; Such people look for bad things and find them, scold someone.

Stomach diseases

Stomach diseases are associated with horror, fear of new things, and inability to assimilate new things. The stomach reacts sensitively to our problems, fears, hatred, aggressiveness and worries. Suppressing these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to oneself, an attempt to ignore and “forget” them instead of comprehending, realizing and resolving them can cause various gastric disorders.

Gastric functions are upset in people who react bashfully to their desire to receive help or to a manifestation of love from another person, a desire to lean on someone.

Also, stomach diseases can be associated with feelings of guilt due to the desire to take something by force from another. The reason why the gastric functions are so vulnerable to such conflicts is that food represents the first obvious gratification of the receptive-collective desire. In a child's mind, the desire to be loved and the desire to be fed are very deeply connected.

When, at a more mature age, the desire to receive help from another causes shame or shyness, then a person experiences an increased craving for food absorption. This craving stimulates gastric secretion, and chronic increased secretion can lead to the formation of ulcers.

Women's diseases

Women's diseases are associated with self-rejection, rejection of femininity, and the belief that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.

It is incredibly difficult to imagine that the Power that created the entire Universe is just an old man who sits on the clouds and... watches our genitals! And yet this is what many of us were taught when we were children. We have so many problems with sexuality because of our self-hatred and self-loathing. Genitals and sexuality are made for joy!

Bad breath

This is a sign of angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. Such people are hindered by the past, dirty relationships, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Body odor

Body odor is associated with fear, self-dislike, and fear of others.


This is a manifestation of reluctance to part with outdated thoughts, “getting stuck” in the past. Sometimes constipation is a sign of sarcasm. Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings, ideas and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with and cannot make room for new ones.


Dental disease is associated with prolonged indecision, an inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision-making. Also, dental diseases indicate a loss of the ability to confidently plunge into life, the presence of fear, instability of desires, uncertainty in achieving the chosen goal, and awareness of the “insurmountability” of life’s difficulties.


Itching is evidence that desires go against character. This is a sign of dissatisfaction, repentance, a desire to get out of the situation.


Heartburn is caused by fear. Also, excess gastric juice indicates repressed aggressiveness. Solving the problem at the psychosomatic level is associated with the transformation of the forces of suppressed aggression into the action of an active attitude towards life and circumstances.


Fear of not being up to par, sexual pressure, tension, guilt, social beliefs, anger at a partner, fear of the mother - all these are feelings that provoke impotence. It is also a fear associated with the accusation that a man cannot feed his family, cannot cope with work, does not know how to be a thrifty owner, that he is “not a real man.”

Infectious diseases

Weakness of the immune system is associated with irritation, anger, frustration, lack of joy in life, joy, bitterness. Any infection indicates an ongoing mental disorder. Weak resistance of the body can also be caused by dislike for oneself, low self-esteem, self-deception, self-betrayal, hopelessness, despondency, suicidal tendencies, and a contradiction between desires and deeds.

The immune system is associated with self-identification, the ability to distinguish “self” from “foreign”, and separate “I” from others.

Curvature of the spine

This is a trait of people who are unable to go with the flow of life. Also, curvature of the spine is associated with fear and attempts to retain outdated thoughts, with distrust of life, and lack of integrity of nature.


This is a sign of constant “replaying” of previous grievances in the head, incorrect development.


Intestinal problems appear when there is a fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary. Irritated large intestine occurs in infantile people who have low self-esteem, a tendency to doubt and self-accusation, and experience anxiety.


Skin diseases are associated with anxiety, fear, “an old sediment in the soul,” a feeling of constant threat and fear of offense, and a refusal to take responsibility for one’s own feelings.


This is a sign of irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.


Colitis is associated with uncertainty, fear of letting something go, and unreliability.


Blood diseases symbolize a lack of joy, a lack of movement of thought. Blood diseases accompanied by high blood pressure are associated with unresolved long-standing emotional problems.

Blood diseases accompanied by low blood pressure, arise due to a lack of love in childhood, a defeatist mood: “Nothing will work out anyway.”

Bleeding gums

This is a sign of a lack of joy about the decisions you make in life.

Pulmonary diseases

Pulmonary diseases are associated with depression, sadness. The lungs are the ability to take and give life. Lung problems usually arise from our reluctance or fear of living life to the fullest, or because we believe that we do not have the right to live to the fullest. Those who smoke a lot usually deny life. They hide their feelings of inferiority behind a mask.


Diseases lymphatic system- this is a warning that you should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy.


This problem is associated with tightness, fear, and unrealized ideas.


Migraine is a hatred of compulsion, resistance to the course of life, sexual fears. Migraines occur in people who want to be perfect, as well as in those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.

Adrenal glands

Diseases of the adrenal glands are associated with a defeatist mood, an excess of destructive ideas, a disregard for oneself, a feeling of anxiety, acute emotional hunger, and anger directed at oneself.

Drug addiction, alcoholism

This is the result of a person being unable to cope with something. The reason may also be terrible fear, the desire to get away from everyone and everything, the reluctance to be “here”.

Runny nose

This is a request for help, internal crying, lack of recognition of one’s own worth.


A patient with neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, suppressed by parental restraint.


This problem is associated with animal fear, terror, restlessness, grumbling and complaining.


This disease is caused by too strong reaction to disappointments and failures, feeling like a worthless child doing everything wrong.

Nasopharyngeal discharge

These symptoms are based on internal tears, a feeling of victimhood.


Nosebleeds are characterized by the need for recognition, the desire for love.


This problem is associated with hypersensitivity; obesity often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive. Trust in yourself, in the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts - these are the ways to lose weight.

Obesity is also a manifestation of the tendency to protect ourselves from something. The feeling of inner emptiness often awakens the appetite. Overeating provides many people with a feeling of “gain,” but mental deficiency cannot be filled with food.

Lack of confidence in life and fear of life circumstances force a person to fill the spiritual emptiness with external means.


Numbness of the limbs is associated with the suppression of feelings associated with love and respect, the withering away of emotions.


This is a symptom of fear, an overly greedy attitude towards life.


Pancreatitis is characterized by rejection, anger and hopelessness: life seems to have lost its appeal.


Liver diseases are associated with anger, resistance to change, fear, anger, hatred, constant complaints, pickiness, and unexpressed resentment.


See also "Pulmonary diseases".

Pneumonia is caused by despair, fatigue from life, and emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.


Gout is a need to dominate, a manifestation of intolerance and anger.


Diarrhea is a manifestation of fear, refusal, “running away.”


Kidney disease is associated with criticism, disappointment, failure, shame, fear. Such a person reacts like a small child. These people constantly feel like they are being deceived and trampled upon. Such feelings and emotions lead to unhealthy chemical processes in the body.

Kidney stones

These are clots of undissolved anger. A person who has kidney stones hides a secret anger in his soul.


A cold, from a psychological point of view, is the occurrence of too many events at the same time. A cold occurs when there is a feeling of confusion, disorder, or minor grievances.


This disease is associated with hypocrisy, fear about money and the future.


Oncological diseases are associated with the retention of old grievances in the soul, an increasing feeling of hostility, and the preservation of feelings of hatred. Oncology is also associated with increasing remorse, with a great secret or grief that haunts and devours.

Cancer is a disease caused by deep, accumulated resentment that literally begins to eat away at the body. Something happens in childhood that undermines faith in life. This incident is never forgotten, and the person lives with a feeling of great self-pity. It is sometimes difficult for him to have a long, serious relationship.

Life for such a person consists of endless disappointments. A feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness prevails in his mind, and it is easy for him to blame others for his problems.

People with cancer are very self-critical, they are reliable people who can overcome difficulties, but they avoid conflict situations, suppressing your feelings.

Cancer patients are often the type of people who put the interests of others above their own, and it can be difficult for them to allow themselves to fulfill their own emotional needs without feeling guilty.

Multiple sclerosis

Rigidity of thinking, hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility, fear - all these are the causes of multiple sclerosis.


Rheumatism occurs due to a feeling of one’s own vulnerability, the need for love, chronic grief, and resentment. This is a disease acquired from constant criticism of oneself and others. The curse on such people is their desire to constantly be “perfect”, with any people, in any situation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The cause of this disease is an extremely critical attitude towards the manifestation of strength, a feeling that too much is being put on a person. During childhood, these patients exhibit a particular parenting style aimed at suppressing the expression of emotions with an emphasis on high moral principles.

It can be assumed that constantly, from childhood, suppressed inhibition of aggressive and sexual impulses, as well as the presence of an overdeveloped superego, forms a protective mental mechanism, which involves the conscious displacement of disturbing material (negative emotions, including anxiety, aggression) into the subconscious, which, in turn, contributes to the emergence and increase of anhedonia and depression.

The predominant ones in the psycho-emotional state are: anhedonia - a chronic deficiency of the feeling of pleasure, depression - a whole complex of sensations and feelings, of which for rheumatoid arthritis the most typical are low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, a feeling of constant tension, because the suppression mechanism prevents the free release of psychic energy, the growth of internal, hidden aggressiveness or hostility.

All these negative emotional states with prolonged existence they can cause dysfunction in the limbic system and other emotiogenic zones of the hypothalamus. Due to constantly suppressed psychomotor agitation There is tension in the periarticular muscles.


Mouth diseases are associated with bias, a closed mind, and an inability to perceive new thoughts.


Diseases of the cardiovascular system are associated with a feeling of pressure, emotional problems, a lack of joy, callousness, a belief in the need for tension, stress, an inappropriately high level of aspirations, a tendency to excessive intellectualization combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment, suppressed by feelings of anger.

The heart symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. When we don’t have love and joy in our lives, our heart literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, blood begins to flow more slowly, which gradually leads to anemia, vascular sclerosis, and heart attacks. Sometimes we sometimes get so entangled in the dramas of life that we create for ourselves that we do not even notice the joy that surrounds us.

Also, heart disease is associated with the mind's need for rest, fear of blame or feelings of loneliness. In addition, expelling all joy from the heart for the sake of money, career or something else leads to heart disorders.

Heart disease is a consequence of a lack of love and security, emotional isolation. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly encounter manifestations of cardiovascular diseases.

Ambitious, driven workaholics are more likely to experience stress and are at increased risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.

Finding contact with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly eases the burden of heart disease, and over time leads to partial or complete recovery.

Colon mucosa

A layer of outdated, confused thoughts about the past clogs the channels for removing waste, hence intestinal problems arise.


Lower back problems are associated with fears over money, lack of financial support, lack of moral support, and feelings of lack of love.

Pain in the middle part of the back is characterized by a feeling of guilt, attention to the past.


Convulsions occur due to tension, fear, the desire to grab onto something.

Dry eyes

Evil eyes - unwillingness to look at the world with love. Resentment, rancor, vindictiveness - all these are characteristic features of dry eyes.


Patients with thyrotoxicosis exhibit a deep-seated fear of death. Very often in such patients early age there has been psychological trauma, such as the loss of a loved one on whom they depended.

Such people, as a rule, try to compensate for the impulse of dependence by trying to grow up early - they strive to take care of someone themselves, instead of remaining in a dependent position themselves. Therefore, in patients who strive to achieve maturity as quickly as possible, the organ that secretes a secretion that accelerates metabolism becomes ill.


Tonsillitis occurs in people prone to fear. It is also a sign of suppressed emotions, stifled creativity, and a belief in one’s inability to speak up for oneself and seek satisfaction of one’s needs on one’s own.


This disease is associated with hopelessness, wastefulness due to selfishness, and a sense of ownership. Violent thoughts and revenge also contribute to the development of tuberculosis.

Acne, pimples

Acne and pimples appear as a result of disagreement with oneself, due to a lack of self-love.


Frigidity is associated with fear, aversion to pleasure, and the belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners can also cause frigidity.

Cellulite (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue)

This disease occurs as a result of accumulated anger and self-punishment.

Cystitis (bladder disease)

Cystitis is a consequence anxiety state, “clinging” to old ideas, fear of giving yourself freedom.


Neck diseases are caused by a reluctance to see other sides of an issue, stubbornness, and lack of flexibility.

Thyroid gland

Disruption of the thyroid gland is associated with humiliation, a feeling that life has attacked and led to a dead end.


This disease is a consequence of irreconcilable antagonism and mental breakdowns.


Enphysema occurs in people who are afraid to breathe life deeply and believe that they are unworthy of life.


An ulcer is a manifestation of fear, a strong belief in one’s inferiority.

We fear that we are not good enough for our parents, bosses, teachers, etc. A desire to please others and a lack of self-esteem is present in almost everyone who suffers from an ulcer. Also, such patients have a deep internal conflict between the desire for independence, which they highly value, and the need for protection, support and care, which has been inherent since childhood. These are people trying to prove to everyone that they are needed and irreplaceable.

Ulcers also often arise from envy. People with peptic ulcer disease are characterized by anxiety, irritability, increased efficiency and a heightened sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, touchiness, self-doubt, and at the same time they are characterized by increased demands on themselves and suspiciousness.

It has been noticed that these people strive to do much more than they really can. A typical tendency for them is to actively overcome difficulties combined with strong internal anxiety.

Andrey Tregubov

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine (psychosomatic medicine) and psychology that studies the influence psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases (