I dreamed of a broken wristwatch. Why do you dream of a broken wristwatch? If a woman found a wristwatch in her dream, this can be interpreted in different interpretations

Mostly broken wrist watch The dream book considers it an unfavorable symbol, a harbinger of troubles and defeats. There are other interpretations of what an unpleasant incident means in a dream. What you see in a dream serves as a warning about losses that may be avoided in reality if you take safety measures. There are also more positive forecasts in interpretations.

Miller's dream book is wary of any time-keeping devices. If you happen to see them malfunctioning, this is definitely an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed of a broken wristwatch, the well-being of one of the dreamer’s important life areas is at risk. What should you pay attention to? close attention, will be prompted by minor details that appeared in the dream.

Important events can wait

If you happen to break your favorite accessory in a dream on the eve of an important event, English dream book portends an extremely unfavorable outcome. The most significant aspect of life for the dreamer is under threat. For example, why dream of breaking glass on the eve of a wedding? It is very likely that the celebration will not take place or family life will not work out in the future.

This is not the only explanation for what happens in dreams on the eve of important events. If a businessman dreams of the symbol before signing a promising contract, there is a high probability of becoming a victim of fraud. As a result, you can not only go bankrupt, but also get a prison sentence on unfair charges.

Predictions for girls

If a girl dreamed about how she happened to break her lover’s gift, she should look into the Women’s Dream Book. It contains an explanation of why such an unfortunate incident occurs in dreams. Unfortunately, such a symbol may appear in a dream shortly before separation.

The French dream book is more optimistic. According to him, only those who are waiting for a new love can see a broken wristwatch in a dream.

Take care of your property

It’s interesting to know what it means to dream in which a deliberately expensive accessory was damaged. The Wanderer's Dream Book offers a literal interpretation: in real life significant material losses threaten.

The negative meaning is confirmed if the dreamer is financially dependent on older relatives or in-laws. In this case, the plot means that financial problems will arise for them.

When you happen to see a wristwatch deliberately broken in a dream, the interpretation of the dream becomes ambiguous. The plot speaks of dissatisfaction with life and the desire to change something. At the same time, there is a risk of breaking things. Various dream books promise:

  • A slippery shameful situation;
  • Unpleasant compromising connections;
  • Divorce, termination of relationships on one’s own initiative;
  • Health problems for elderly relatives will fall on the shoulders of the sleeping person;
  • The likelihood of exchanging an awl for soap, disappointment in innovations.

Depending on the plot, a clock in a dream can either rush the sleeper to do something or keep him from making a hasty decision or action.

A dream in which a wristwatch is present always has something to do with the sleeper himself, with something that concerns him.

Receiving a wristwatch as a gift in a dream is an opportunity to realize your own potential in reality at someone else’s expense.

If you didn’t like the wristwatch you received as a gift, it didn’t match your taste or style, you will be forced to do something that in reality you don’t have a heart for, however, it will later turn out that it brought you considerable benefit.

Every now and then looking at the watch on your hand in a dream, not understanding why you are doing this and why you need to know the time, means losing a good chance in the area of ​​interest to you.

The striking of a clock in a dream foretells trouble.

Breaking a wristwatch is a signal of carelessness and poor life orientation.

A gold watch symbolizes a successful endeavor, a great start.

To find them is to catch them in reality, an extremely rare chance of luck.

To dream that different clocks show different times means unfair accusations or life uncertainty. You should make sure that what you are doing is correct and legal.

If you were given a watch in a dream, it means that in life you will receive help or an impetus for some actions, new beginnings. If you are given a wristwatch, this can also warn of an attempt to interfere in reality with your personal life and even turn it in a different direction. Pay attention to the personality of the donor and the feelings experienced; did you like the watch you received as a gift? Have you ever found yourself having to wear something you don't like?

If you dreamed of stealing a watch, in real life someone abuses you in the most unceremonious way, taking away your time intended for something else.

If you happen to steal a watch from someone, the same can be said about you. There is a person in your environment to whom you are simply disturbing.

Pay attention to the readings of the watch dial, try to remember the numbers indicated by the minute and hour hand. To decipher them, refer to the appropriate interpretation.

If you dreamed of a clock according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

In general, a watch seen in a dream is a call for self-control and a reminder of fast current time.

I dream of a watch on my hand significant event V personal life.

Towers - something significant is coming in the life of society. Most likely - a negative meaning.

I dream about buying a watch as advice to distribute your time more wisely, introduce a routine or make a plan so as not to mark time and not return to the same thing several times.

Winding the clock ahead of the time at which you need to wake up or do something - such a dream suggests that you are used to playing it safe in everything, thereby creating inconvenience for yourself. Live more simply.

A gold watch in a dream is a sign that a fruitful period is coming or a time that you will remember as the best in your life.

You also dream of a gold watch as a reminder that time is precious and you take it lightly.

If you happen to find a watch in a dream, a period of active, vigorous activity begins; if you try, you can successfully start new project, master new look activities.

If a young woman found a watch in a dream unmarried girl- this is a reminder that time in terms of organizing her personal life does not work for her.

Seen in a dream electronic watch- you are too conservative. What you spend time doing the old fashioned way can be done much faster and more productively using modern technology.

If you dreamed about a broken watch - you will waste your time on something.

If you received a wristwatch as a gift, you will receive help in some matter, a hint or advice. In any case, this will greatly advance your business or get it off the ground.

If you dreamed that they were giving you a gold watch, this help or advice would be truly invaluable to you.

Steal them - such a dream says that you will steal someone’s time or idea, use the results of other people’s work.

If your watch was stolen from you in a dream, you yourself will suffer through someone else’s fault. If you are doing creative activity, you may become a victim of plagiarism.

Dreaming of repairing watches represents an attempt to systematize or improve something in your life.

The meaning of sleep clock - Hasse's dream book

A gold watch is dreamed of as a sign of the value of the time allotted to a person for earthly life.

Find them in a dream - good sign, promising successful use of the presented opportunity.

If the sleeper found a watch lying in a hidden place, hard to reach place(in the grass, hollow tree, etc.), then he will be able to take advantage of a chance, the probability of which was very low.

A watch on your hand symbolizes changes in your personal life.

If they were broken or damaged, these changes will be of a negative nature.

Buying a wristwatch in a dream means good changes. You can expect favorable life period, a new beginning, the implementation of your plans - everything that will turn your destiny for the better.

A dream in which you happened to buy a gold wristwatch is especially favorable.

But if you came to a watch store and couldn’t find anything for yourself, in reality you will make a mistake in choosing.

If you dreamed that your wristwatch stopped, you will get into trouble. If you do not take the dream into account and do not exercise caution, death may overtake you.

If the wall cuckoo clock stops, one of your family members may die.

Dreaming of broken glass in a watch that continues to run is an indication that you are overdramatizing what is happening. Life goes on took its course, it didn’t stop, and your current troubles will soon be forgotten.

If you dreamed that you were given a wristwatch, you will spend an unforgettable time thanks to the person who gave you this gift.

If you didn't like the watch you were given, you will appreciate this person and what he does for you much later.

A dream in which a dead man gives you a watch suggests that you should be grateful to him for something and pay off this lifetime debt with prayers for him.

Why do you dream about watches - esoteric dream book

Your own wrist or pocket watch, which is in good condition, dreams of coordinated actions, successful work and the positive changes occurring against this background.

If you dreamed that your watch stopped or started going wrong - everything will go wrong and may even end tragically.

Expensive wristwatches in a dream remind us of how precious our time is, and it is in at the moment you have the opportunity to do something towards future prosperity.

Seeing an hourglass in a dream is an indication that you may be late to do something. You put something off for too long, or perhaps you simply forgot about it.

A tower clock dreams of impending danger. This may concern not only you, but also the people around you and even an entire locality.

Breaking a watch in a dream means a missed opportunity; someone else will take your place.

Hearing the chimes in a dream is a stern warning, danger, a fateful moment in the life of the country, which will invariably be reflected in your personal destiny.

Wall clock stopped or broke down - such a dream warns that trouble may come to your home.

If you dream that in your apartment all the clocks are at different times, then there will be discord in the family, divergence of interests, and a breakdown in mutual understanding.

An unnaturally large clock in a dream suggests that you lack the willpower and spirit to bring at least some semblance of order and self-control into your life.

If you received a watch as a gift in a dream, fate will be merciful to you, but you should not waste time so as not to lose Fortune’s favor.

If they are given by a loved one, you will go through life together.

You dream of a dead man and he gives you a watch - during his lifetime he did something, the fruits of which you will be able to take advantage of under a successful set of circumstances.

Buying a watch in a dream means achieving happiness with your own hands and labor. You won’t get anything in life for nothing, but you won’t miss yours.

If in a dream you tried to repair a watch, we can talk about the action of the maternal matrix, which strives to restore mechanical repeatability.

In some cases, dreaming of a broken watch indicates mental instability, obsessive-compulsive disorder, the presence of an irreversible program in the operation of the deviation monitor.

Why do you dream about watches, Longo’s dream book

If you dreamed of a watch on your hand, expect quick changes.

If they were expensive, the kind that you cannot afford in real life, something joyful, very good will happen in your personal life.

An old wristwatch is dreamed of as a reminder of something undone, for example, an unpaid debt.

Finding such a clock in a dream is a hint that the solution to the issue that worries you at the moment can be found in your own past, since something similar has already happened to you.

If a woman dreams that she has found a watch, she should pay more attention in reality to her own appearance and state of health, because both of them will very soon begin to give her not the most pleasant sensations.

Buying a wristwatch or choosing them in a store in a dream means admitting old mistakes, revising principles and routines, and putting current affairs in order.

If you were given a watch in a dream, someone will pay the necessary attention, help you with something, or just have a pleasant time with you.

A dream in which a woman sees a man’s watch on her hand suggests that she has a masculine mentality and is quite capable of achieving a lot on her own, but partly this is what repels the stronger sex from her.

Women's watches male hand indicate to the dreamer that he is used to being guided in his real life by feelings, although for a man it would be more logical to listen to the voice of reason.

Clock, English dream book

You dream of a beautiful watch on your hand as evidence that you devote a lot of time to hobbies and fun, and also devote a lot of effort and money in reality to furnishing yourself with beautiful things. To some extent, this comes at the expense of everything else.

To receive a wristwatch as a gift - such a dream promises you another chance to achieve what you want. If you recognize the person who gave them to you, somehow this will happen thanks to this person.

If you dreamed that your wristwatch broke, you will suffer a loss.

Selling watches in a dream means a long-awaited vacation that you have earned.

Starting it up means routine, monotonous work.

Buying a watch for your home - such a dream promises a peaceful and harmonious family life.

Choose a wristwatch - your self-esteem will increase, and there will be reasons for this.

It's unfortunate to dream of a watch without a dial.

Why do you dream of a watch - a modern dream book

Finding a wristwatch in a dream is a warning that your life can hardly be called orderly and stable. It's time to wake up and pull yourself together.

If a sleeping person finds a watch that turns out to be faulty, in the coming days you should not make life-changing decisions or go on long journeys.

Losing hours in a dream is an undignified or simply meaningless activity.

I dreamed that they started looking for them - you will fight with bad habit. How successful depends on the search results.

Buy a watch as a gift - such a dream plot suggests that you will try to re-educate someone or warn someone against erroneous behavior.

Trying on a watch in a store in a dream is a reason to look at what is happening differently, from a different angle. Perhaps this will change something in your life for the better.

Break - to nervous breakdown, emotional shock.

Any objects, any events can appear to a person in a dream. The main thing is to correctly interpret the dream. Why do you dream of a wristwatch? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch - basic interpretation

The clock counts down the time a person has left to live. And it runs inexorably. Dream books say that if you dreamed of a watch, it is important to remember everything, even the most insignificant details of the dream:

Where did the clock come from in the dream?

Whose watch do you see in your dream?

Were they in good working order?

Can you hear the clock hands running;

What emotions visited you during sleep;

Who else was present in your dream.

By interpreting the dream in its entirety, you guarantee yourself a clear prediction of future events. In some cases, past events may appear in a dream. In this case, it is worth taking an even closer look at all the details of the dream. You will most likely find a lot of interesting things in them.

If you see in a dream that the clock has stopped, such a dream foreshadows someone’s health problems and maybe even death. If you have an antique watch on your hand in a dream that you really like, it’s time for you to remember the most pleasant moments of the past and let it go.

If you see an old watch on your hand that has all turned yellow, perhaps even cracked, such a dream may promise you the appearance of someone from your family. past life. This person will stir up a storm of emotions in you and will not allow you to calmly perceive reality.

The dream book advises not to restore old connections, not to re-enter relationships with old loved ones, and not to try your luck with those you have refused. Your past not only weighs you down, it in every possible way prevents you from building your future.

If in a dream you are trying to determine the time using a watch that does not have a dial, you are in danger. Accidents and unpleasant events will simply haunt you at every step. If you suddenly feel sad and lonely, do not seek comfort from strangers- betrayal and betrayal are possible on their part.

If you clearly hear the sound of a watch on your hand, your life will be for a long time not defined. You will not be able to establish contacts, you will not be able to establish relationships with others. You will even have to understand internal reasons such troubles.

But it’s worth remembering how long you’ve heard the clock knock. If it never stops in a dream, then you should be prepared for protracted problems and obstacles. If it calms down by itself in a dream, the problems will recede, and you yourself will find the right decision in order to get rid of them.

If you have a dream in which you found someone’s wristwatch on your bed, someone is very jealous of your family happiness and the person will not rest until he destroys the family. The Dream Interpretation advises in the near future to limit the circle of your acquaintances and the circle of your admirers. If you even suspect who it might be, try to be cunning and not give the appearance that you are expecting a trick.

A dream in which you dream that someone else brought a wristwatch into your house and did not give it as a gift, but planted it - remember who it was. Perhaps you have to serious conversation with this person. The conversation will be difficult for you.

A dream in which you cannot find your wristwatch promises wasted time that you will not be able to recover. You will have to deny yourself many things for a long time in order to catch up. If you nevertheless found a watch in a dream, then the troubles will end; if you still haven’t found the watch, you will have to struggle for a long time with a combination of circumstances.

A dream in which robbers stole your watch promises a loss of your time on the troubles and problems of other people. The dream book advises helping only those who really need it. Perhaps you were too trusting and tried to help many to the detriment of own health, then the dream book advises you to stop such behavior, otherwise the result for you will be negative.

If you accidentally break your watch in a dream, but it only cracks and continues to run, such a dream promises you difficulty. You will be looking for opportunities for a long time to realize your plans and you will find them. If you yourself break your wristwatch in a dream and it cannot be repaired, such a dream promises you problems that you have brought upon yourself. You will also have to solve them yourself and you will be very bad at it.

If you dream that you found an old wristwatch on the road, you will have to participate in solving someone else's problems that in the past also affected you. A sense of duty will not allow you to refuse to help a person, but the dream book advises you to take this step, otherwise you will lose a lot.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that if you see a watch on your hand, you will receive gratitude for the work done. If they are made of pure gold, your work will be appreciated and they will turn to you for help more than once.

If a girl dreams that a man gives her a watch decorated with stones and other expensive accessories, such a dream foretells her a fiery romance with a fairly wealthy man.

A dream in which a man gave you an old or even broken watch means an unpleasant relationship, bad sex and a very difficult breakup with a person await you. The dream book advises to be prepared for this in advance and not to hope for an improvement in relations in the near future.

If a married couple dreams that the wristwatch has stopped, their relationship is also moving toward completion. They could have tried to preserve them for a long time, but everything has its time. And their time to live together is over. If partners dream that a new connection has arisen between them, that they have exchanged watches as a sign of this, it will be so in reality. They will truly give each other valuable moments of attention and love.

If a girl dreams that she is giving her lover a watch, this is a rather unfavorable sign. She will devote more time to the relationship than a man. At some point, she will get tired of this and end the relationship, but the partner will not be ready for this, because he believed that everything was in order and the partner was satisfied with everything.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the most important and valuable thing in a person’s life is time. If you manage it correctly, you can achieve a lot. If you spend it on regrets and fears, nothing will be achieved. If you dream that you have found a wristwatch and it is working properly, you will be given a chance to correct some situation from the past.

If you dream that you found a watch and it is broken, your hopes for success in some business will not bear fruit. It's worth taking a closer look at where exactly you found them. If this is your home, such a dream foretells you many opportunities that you will miss because difficult situation in the house.

The dream book advises not to allow despondency and scandals in the house. If you do not listen to the advice and do not restore harmony and harmony in it, you will continue to be accompanied by troubles. If you find a broken watch at work, you may have to look for a new place.

If in a dream you are trying to fix a watch, such a dream promises you an attempt to restore balance and justice. You can safely start a new business if you managed to repair your wristwatch. Why do you dream of a wristwatch - something new? favorable period in your life. The dream book warns you against thoughtlessly using a favorable moment. You should be more attentive to the gifts of fate and take maximum benefit from them.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch according to other dream books?

The Wanderer’s dream book says that wearing a wristwatch in a dream is a new activity that will take up your time every day. If you don’t know what kind of activity this could be, you should take a closer look at the other details of the dream.

If in a dream you choose a wristwatch for a long time and cannot buy it, you will invent troubles for yourself and then courageously solve them. You will overcome difficulties with enthusiasm, not realizing that they could have been avoided.

Medea's dream book says that a stopped clock in a dream is a symbol of stopped time. There will be stagnation in your life, but you can foresee it now. You can still change everything. The dream book advises you not to stop there, not to stop planning, but to constantly change your goals, constantly strive for something. If in a dream a clock that has stopped starts moving again, such a dream means that you will be able to realize your lost opportunities in the past.

Numerological Dream Interpretation

To dream of a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out brightly- means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like.

If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of a wall clock point to one- this is a direct indication that you need to start taking action. People you met on last week, will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.

Seeing in a dream an electronic wall clock with a light on it- means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate environment and make an important discovery.

If you dream of an hourglass- this suggests that you will one way or another be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and folk holidays. All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trivial favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply lassoed into this matter and the entire organizational part was blamed on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: they respect you and want you to be in the thick of things.

For parents of schoolchildren, this dream- promises worries about your children and their school events. In 17 or 26 days they are planning some kind of holiday, and you will have to actively participate in it, whether you like it or not.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Watch- a symbol of inexorable time, a reminder that life passes. Symbol the period of life to which the marked time corresponds.

See a stopped clock- a sign of stagnation in life.

Clock without hands, broken clock- to be rejected by family and society.

Winding a watch in a dream- changes for the better.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, let down the watch on your hand- such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock- it means you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so that there is no doubt about his emotionality.

If you dreamed of a tower clock- this means that you have to learn some very important news, and long-awaited one at that.

Broken clock- a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to come to terms with some of your partner’s eccentricities, in your opinion, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

A watch like any other complex mechanism - are a symbol of the penis.

Eastern women's dream book

Wrist watch- a harbinger that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Hear the clock tick- a sign that your life will not get better for a long time.

Stopped clock- to death.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Looking at an old watch in a dream- a sign that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

Seeing a wall clock in a dream- means that in the future you will experience something that will radically change your life.

If you dreamed of a wristwatch- such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to implement your plans. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler who is now in power in your state will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects.

Telling time in a dream using a watch that has no dial- a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you.

Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream- evidence that someone close to you really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Quartz watch- you will be late for an important event.

Chess clock- you need to hurry up.

Children's dream book

Clock in a dream- count down the vital forces.

If you hear the clock ticking- it means you have to go through some kind of extreme situation, or your body is warning you about a developing internal disease.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Watch- need for precision. Reflection of the perception of time.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Wipe the watch with a cloth- this means you will live out your life in a foreign land.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Watch- to get rid of terrible danger.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Watch- you waste your life on trifles; if you see a broken watch- then this dream marks the end of your life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Have a pocket watch- settled family relationships; find- must be punctual; gold- close friends will rob you; not going- you are wasting your time; give- you deceive your heart; big striking clock- remember that time is money; smash- expect bad things; not established- the death of a distant friend.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Winding a watch in a dream- means the successful resolution of a difficult matter.

Hear the clock strike- portends that suspicion will fall on you of an offense that you have not committed, which can significantly undermine your prestige and authority.

Alarm clock ringing- to positive changes in business.

Wrist watch- mean a successful career.

Watch on a chain- a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Wall clock- they say that you will suffer from the false slander of slanderers.

Gold watch- in reality they promise championship in an unspoken competition with stronger, but less successful rivals and competitors.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Winding the watch- boring, monotonous work.

If you dreamed that the clock was running forward- the dream speaks of your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.

If they fall behind- you have a long and stormy love affair ahead of you, complete sexual harmony with your new partner.

See the mechanism of a working clock- everything is fine with your health in perfect order. In the same case, if you dreamed of a broken, stopped watch, you can assume that in your sex life There were also some glitches.

Esoteric dream book

Put on a hand watch, see that it is working and running- To coordinated work; you use your time well.

Broken, stopped- problems with time, you don’t fit into its course. In this regard, you will always be late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing benefits.”

Lose, drop- you have missed time, and your place both in personal and in public life will be busy with others.

Wall mounted- a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, don't miss opportunities, don't ignore dangers.

The tower chimes are striking and ringing- To important events in the state, which will affect your life.

Hourglass - waste of time, waste of energy.

Ukrainian dream book

I dream of a clock that stands- this is for death; if the clock is running- changing life for the better.

I dream about the clock- there will be acquaintance; nice meeting.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Watch- change in life; remember the hour and minutes- year and month, or month and day of change.

Collection of dream books

Watch- passage of time. Time is ticking.

If in a dream you hear a tower clock striking- we need to take the current situation seriously

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A clock mechanism is a very useful thing and at the same time fragile. Breaking it, whether in a dream or in reality, does not bode well. Especially if the watch was given by a loved one. But it also happens that a broken watch promises the dreamer good luck, dream books suggest. Let's take a closer look at why we have dreams in which we were careless to damage the chronometer.

Briefly about the clock mechanism

You can, forgive the tautology, spend hours discussing why broken watches are dreamed of. But we won’t do this, but arm ourselves with dream books and find out about everything in a couple of minutes. So let's get started.

  • Seeing a broken watch in a dream is a sign of danger.
  • The watch was presented to a lover - to indicate separation from him.
  • In a fit of anger, you threw them to the ground - your incontinence will play a cruel joke on you.
  • Throwing an alarm clock at the wall means you won’t be able to avoid problems by turning a blind eye to them.

Gustav Miller's explanation

Miller's dream book positions any device in a dream for telling time, be it a clepsydra or a newfangled chronometer, as a harbinger of grief. And if in a dream you see a broken watch, then don’t expect anything good. The most correct thing to do in such cases is to focus your attention on the most important aspects life until the danger passes.

Numerology will tell you what to do...

Numerological dream books, when interpreting why a broken watch is dreamed of, recommend paying attention to the numbers on the dial. Here's what some of them might warn you about:

If you see “1” in a dream, you have exactly one month to put things in order. Hurry up! And if one is the only number on the dial, this means quarrels with loved ones if you do not pacify your temper.

"Five" symbolizes your cunning. Don't try to fool your friends, they will sense the falseness. But the number “8” means poor health.

Broken device as a warning of danger

If a girl dreamed that she broke her wristwatch, then she needs to check her health “on the feminine side.” Vanga's dream book recommends not putting off a visit to the gynecologist for too long.

The man broke his wrist chronometer? Why is this dreaming, will tell you Eastern dream book: you pay attention to a person who will betray you without a twinge of conscience. Breaking a wristwatch that does not belong to you in a dream means a quarrel with the owner of the accessory.

Break on purpose, or “Problems, go away!”

Did you dream that you threw your accessory on the floor and crushed the glass in it? This is a sign that you want to slow things down. Glass crushed in a dream is, as it were, a symbol of the destruction of the barrier separating you from luck, Tsvetkov’s dream book prophesies. And if you managed to crush not only the glass, but also the entire clock mechanism, then you will be able to avoid trouble.

The interpreter of Medea gives an interesting formulation to the vision in which you collected the broken watch. The interpretation of the dream goes something like this: those who dreamed that they were able to “put time together” are not afraid of any troubles. He can handle everything.