Crimea mountain ayu dag. Mount Bear in Crimea: a trip to the volcano

Bear Mountain (Ayu-Dag in Tatar) is located in Crimea, and is a natural border between the villages of Partenit and Gurzuf.

Its height is 570.8 m; at 2 - 2.5 km it extended out into the sea.
The total length of the massif to the northwest is 2.4 km, and the area is about 4 km².
For every Soviet, now and Russian citizen, it is connected with the main children’s (pioneer) camp of the country “Artek”.

Photos of Bear Mountain:

Origin of the mountain and its name

Scientists have determined that Ayu-Dag was formed as a result of a fault earth's crust and the introduction of magma there 150 million years ago, and it itself is nothing more than a “failed volcano.” Geologists have discovered 18 types of minerals here.

There are different versions regarding the name. In addition to the Crimean Tatar variant “ayu” - “bear” and “dag” - “mountain”, as evidenced by the largest researcher of Crimea, academician P.I. Keplen, back in the first half of the 19th century. The Tatars called the mountain Biyuk-Castel, which means “Great Fortress”, then the first word may not be “bear”, but transformed from the Greek “aya”, that is, “holy”.

This is interesting:
On Italian nautical charts of the Renaissance, the mountain is designated "camelio" - "camel". And in ancient literary works On a marine theme (periplaus) it is called “Cape Ram's Horn”. However, the most likely version can be considered the ancient Greek name Partenion, which is confirmed by the presence of the modern village of Partenit at the foot of the mountain.

Natural features

The vegetation on the slopes and top of Ayu-Dag is represented mainly by shiblyak forest, characteristic of the northern Mediterranean. This type of vegetation is represented by drought-resistant deciduous trees and shrubs. Low trees (up to 4 meters):

  • — two types of oaks (downy and sessile);
  • - hornbeam, maple and ash;
  • - hawthorn;
  • - pear, dogwood and rosehip bushes;
  • - two varieties of rowan
  • - paliurus (holding the thorn tree of Christ).

There are also relict representatives of the flora:

  • - junipers;
  • - strawberry;
  • - pistachio.

Scientists have identified 577 plant species, of which 44 representatives are included in the Red Book.

The animal world inhabiting Ayu-Dag is also rich. In addition to mammals, which is

    - foxes;
  • - stone martens;
  • - hares and badgers;
  • - hedgehogs and others;

There are many birds. There are nests of seagulls on the cliffs, and there are also cormorants, and in the forests there are many owls, woodpeckers, and blackbirds. There are snakes, snakes, and lizards. 16 species of fauna are included in the Red Book.

Ayu-Dag has been a state reserve since 1974. Special routes are organized throughout its territory for those interested in biology, geology, and history.

A little history

Archaeologists have found artifacts confirming that the mountain was inhabited. Objects made by humans more than 12,000 years ago have been discovered here. The remains of a settlement were found (perhaps the Tauri lived here), dating back to the 6th - 4th centuries. BC Later, the territory of the mountain was under the jurisdiction of the ancient Bosporan kingdom. There are archaeological sites from the Middle Ages. In the 8th century A monastery was built in honor of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The monastery was a large fortified structure, the creator of which was John of Gotha.

Gothic Orthodox diocese existed on the peninsula since the 8th century. almost until the end of the 18th century. Named after the ancient Germans who invaded the peninsula in the 3rd century. and converted to Christianity. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia with the permission of Catherine II, fleeing the oppression of Muslims, the diocese moved to the Azov region, and in 1786 it joined the Slavic diocese.

The remains of the main basilica of the monastery and a memorial sign in honor of St. John are located in the village of Partenit. In addition to the monastery, there were settlements on Ayu-Dag, which, like the monastery, ceased to exist at the beginning of the 16th century. According to some scientists, the reason for this was the Ottoman conquest, while others are inclined to believe that major earthquake 1423 led to the disappearance of water.

Video review:

Legends of the mountain and modern esotericism

Residents of Crimea love to tell legends about their peninsula. Each significant object has one or more explanations for its appearance. Of course, Bear Mountain is surrounded by many myths. One of them says that he is evil huge bear destroyed everything on the peninsula, but one day he got tired and fell down to the sea to get drunk. At that moment the gods turned him to stone.

Romantic natures are closer and clearer than history about love. And there are such people too. For example, there is a legend about a girl who was found as a tiny child and raised by the bears who lived here. When the girl grew up, she found a wounded sailor washed ashore and, of course, cured him and fell in love with him. When the lovers decided to escape by boat, the bears began to drink water in order to bring the boat closer, but the others were distracted, and only the leader remained by the sea, turning into a mountain.

They also talk about the daughter of the Greek king Agamenon, Iphigenia. She served here as a priestess in the temple of Artemis, which stood on the site of the mountain. Her mission was to make sacrifices to the gods. And the victims were captured sailors. The girl, understandably, suffered. The goddess taught her the language of animals, and Iphigenia became friends with big bear. One day they brought her to her as a sacrifice. sibling. Of course, Iphigenia organized a joint escape with her brother. The bear, not finding his friend in place, lay down by the sea and is still peering into the distance.

Today, inexplicable phenomena are also occurring in the Ayu-Dag region. Even the pioneers in Artek saw UFOs, strange clouds here, heard an underground hum reminiscent of the roar of engines, not to mention the fact that local residents and sailors constantly observe this. Divers found samples of unknown equipment at the bottom. There are enthusiasts who are inclined to assume the artificial origin of the mountain.

Real finds add to the mystery: rocks, discovered here are extremely rare for the peninsula, and recently discovered stone tools date back 800,000 years. And if this is not a mistake, then new historical discoveries are coming.

Esoteric phenomena include a relatively recent event. In 1941, the motor ship "Armenia" was killed by a fascist torpedo here. About 7,000 civilians and wounded soldiers were evacuated from Sevastopol on it. This is the worst maritime disaster in history. They are trying to explain it by the anomalous phenomena of the mountain, and archaeologists are looking for the remains of the ship at the bottom.

To go to the reserve, you need comfortable shoes with thick soles. You will need endurance and patience, as well as good physical shape.
Admission is paid!

How to get to Bear Mountain

You need to get to Gurzuf, from where bus No. 2 goes to the foot of the mountain. Or take the Simferopol - Sevastopol bus to the turn between Gurzuf and Partenit. Entrance from the territory of the Crimea sanatorium
It is more convenient to travel by car from Yalta.

Bear Mountain on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44° 33′ 25.89″ N 34° 20′ 10.72″ E Latitude/Longitude

The Crimean Peninsula has a very mild climate; the combination of mountains covered with coniferous forests and the sea gives a unique air that attracts many tourists every year. In addition, the peninsula has a long history and many attractions, most of which are shrouded in legends and beliefs, one of such places is Ayu-Dag, which in Crimean Tatar means Bear Mountain.

Locals often tell different stories about this place. There is a belief that a huge bear once lived on the peninsula; it roamed the earth and its weight formed ravines, mountains and lowlands. The bear destroyed everything in its path, as it was of incredible size. One day he decided to drink sea water and clung to the very edge, and drank so much and for so long that he angered the Sea God, who turned him into stone and left the bear lying on the shore of the Black Sea forever.

Romantic legend

The most popular legend is about love. They say that in ancient times, in the place where Yalta is now located, there lived a flock of giant bears. One day, the leader found a baby on the shore who miraculously survived a shipwreck, and left him to raise. Over time, it grew out of the child beautiful girl with a wonderful voice, she often sang her songs to the bears.

What does Bear Mountain look like?

One day, when the flock went hunting, on the shore the girl met a young and handsome young man who was seriously wounded, it turned out that he had been in captivity for a long time and by a lucky chance he managed to escape, but the long sea voyage deprived him of his last strength. The beauty was able to bring the guy back to life with her love and care. They talked a lot, he told her about different cities and countries, and she sang songs to him.

The young man recovered and the lovers decided to escape from the bears. When the animals went into the mountains to hunt, the young people got into a boat and sailed away from the peninsula. After returning, the leader, seeing that his favorite was gone, became furious and rushed to the shore. He saw a boat sailing away, then he fell down to the water and began to drink. sea ​​water, the rest of the animals followed his example. The boat began to be pulled towards the shore.

The girl was afraid that they would return her and began to sing, in the song she began to ask to let her go. She sang so beautifully that all the bears, having listened to her, stopped drinking water. Only the old leader continued to frantically draw water into himself. But his efforts were unsuccessful. Realizing that he could not return his pupil, he began to cry, from his tears the sea became salty, and the bear himself turned into stone from melancholy and remained lying on the seashore forever.

As you know, legends are invented by people. In fact, historians are inclined to believe that this is a failed volcano that was formed about 161 million years ago, that is, the mountain was formed from volcanic rock, which is now covered with clay and sand.

Where is

Bear Mountain is located in the south of the Crimean Peninsula, it separates Big Yalta and Big Alushta. To the east of it there is the urban-type settlement of Gurzuf and the well-known children's health camp“Artek”, and in the west is the ancient village of Patrenit. Its height is 577 meters, and the area of ​​the reserve is about 4 sq.m.

It will also be interesting to see what it looks like, find out where it is located, and how you can get to it yourself.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Bear Mountain is from Yalta or Alushta. Distance from Yalta to Partenit (nearest settlement to the mountain) about 24 km. They can be overcome by car, respectively, moving along the South Coast Highway until the turn to Artek, further along the road about 1.5 km to the entrance to the reserve. You can also get there by bus from central bus station, going towards Alushta and Simferopol or on the Yalta - Patrenit minibus. They all follow until the turn to “Atrek”, then you have to walk.

Mount Ayu-Dag on the map

From Alushta and Simferopol, you should also drive along the Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway until you turn to Artek. If you go by bus, then you need to choose the one that goes to Yalta or Gurzuf. You will also find out how to get to the Jur Jur waterfall by car, and where it is located.

In both cases (from Yalta and from Alushta) you can get there by trolleybus; the fare in this case will be lower, but the journey will take longer. Of course, you can get there by taxi, but it will not be the cheapest trip. But what Mount Koshka in Crimea looks like in the photo, and how you can get to it, information from this will help you understand

Climbing the mountain

You need to climb the mountain on foot. The entire path is marked with red markers and dots, but it is still possible to get lost here. The counselors of the Atrek camp, which is located right at the foot of Bear Mountain, say that children often run away for a walk on Bear Mountain and get lost. In such cases, they have to be looked for with rescuers. Therefore, it is best to take an excursion to the reserve.

On the video - how to climb to the top:

Visit in conjunction with a guided tour

The cheapest option would be to purchase an excursion to Partenit, since from here it will be completely pedestrian and costs about 500 rubles. On average, the excursion takes about 4-5 hours. But they are also organized from other cities (Yalta, Alushta, Gurzuf and others), in which case it will be a car - pedestrian, lasts about 7-8 hours and costs two, three times more.

As a rule, the ascent to the mountain begins from the territory of the Crimea sanatorium, which is adjacent to the reserve. You will have to walk about 7-8 km on an uneven surface. The road is quite difficult, you need to climb up the mountain along a rocky slope and carefully watch your step so as not to get caught in the roots of trees, and only after a long climb and gain in height is it possible to reach the flat top of the mountain. You can also visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea together.

One of most beautiful places peninsula are the Arpatian waterfalls, but how you can get there is described in great detail in this

In the video, where is Bear Mountain located in Crimea:

It offers a stunning view from a height of 577 m above sea level. Along the way there are ancient buildings - ruins, which indicate that the mountain was once inhabited, but people left these places long ago.

To attend the excursion you must have comfortable shoes, camera and water supply. Only if these conditions are met, the climb to Bear Mountain will be unforgettable.

You may also find out how to get to the Kazantip Nature Reserve.

Hi all! This year one of my friends went hiking Mount Ayu-Dag, and not out of nothing to do, but for a specific purpose. He wanted to find out: is there really something under Bear Mountain (translated into Russian) UFO base and is this true? artificial mountain(since it consists of rock from which no other mountain in this region is formed)?

It just so happens that this is the place in Crimea where unidentified flying objects are most often found. And at night, when the sounds of the city become inaudible, in the underwater caves of the mountain you can hear the sounds of some mechanisms working!..

Also see in the article a selection of videos about anomalies on Mount Ayu-Dag.

A very good video from a camera that was left in shooting mode for a day, pointed at Bear Mountain. Watch online Crimea. UFO near Mount Ayu-Dag!

I’ll say right away that he was unlucky to see or hear anything like that, but they met one local resident at the foot of the mountain, who confirmed that he had once seen a luminous object above Ayu-Dag. Also, my friend told me something. He spent the night with friends in that part of the mountain where no one was, on the other side of the houses and Artek. He himself was already asleep, because he was very tired, his friends were also tired from climbing the mountain, but one had not yet gone to bed, and in the morning he told how he clearly heard someone pass near their tent. I wonder who needed to climb to the very top of the mountain at night, where my friends took more than 4 hours to get there, for a walk?

This trip gave me the idea to collect all the available information about the meeting of people with a UFO in this particular place.

So let's begin.

About an interesting incident that happened in the fall 1976, Anatoly Tarasovich Tanygin-Tavrichesky from Sevastopol, a former sailor and research hydronaut of the USSR with extensive experience, told me. Auxiliary fleet vessel (supporting military operations Black Sea Fleet) “KIL-33” (measurement line ship) was sailing from the port of Poti, where sailors were searching for a military aircraft missing on the high seas, to Sevastopol: “The weather was stormy, and from Sukhumi to Cape Sarych we walked in complete fog. Abeam the port of Yalta, or more precisely, the Ayu-Dag Mountains. I'm on navigator's watch. The time is two o'clock in the morning. Suddenly on the screen radar station“Don”, a target appeared at a bearing of 210 degrees and a distance of 10 miles. Three minutes later I take a few more bearings, I see that the bearing does not change, which means the object is heading for a collision. I go out onto the bridge, there is silence, I can’t hear anything. The distance was reduced to two miles. I stop the car and reverse. I see in the fog, at an altitude of 50 meters above the water, the blurry outlines of a dark object in the form of a disk, a classic “plate” with a diameter of about thirty meters, which at high speed, completely silently flew along the bow of the ship towards Ayu-Dag. I call Captain Victor Djalo to the bridge. We discuss what we saw. I am recording in the ship’s log about the appearance of a UFO, according to the Instructions for the secret “Notice of the Mariner” received in 1976. I move forward and continue to monitor the object using the radar. The speed of the unidentified object was 160 knots, heading 12 degrees, it was flying towards Bear Mountain.”

1991 An amazing phenomenon was observed in August 1991 in Crimea by a resident of Donetsk, Valentina Mikhailovna Tatulova, who was then working at the International children's center(MDC) “Artek”: “That evening, my friend and I were walking around the territory of the Morskoy camp. The children were preparing for a performance on the campfire site, sitting in long wooden seats arranged in an amphitheater. To the left you could see the outline of Mount Medved, and to the right they were performing in the sea two small islands of Adalary. It was already getting dark, the full moon had risen, and suddenly the children rushed to the sea shouting: “UFO! UFO!" Indeed, a ball of a golden hue sparkled above Adalar, *censored* resembling the Moon, but with a smaller diameter. Two paths were reflected on the water: silvery from the moon and golden from the ball-disk.... Every 10 minutes the ball disappeared, and then appeared in the same place. This lasted about an hour, and the children gradually lost interest in it. And at about 22.00 another ball appeared, below the first the balls began to turn on and off alternately, but at a greater interval. turned off, and stars with fiery tails began to fly out of the top one, like fireworks, disappearing at a short distance from the ball-disk. After a while, these stars began to fly back into the ball. And finally, two disks appeared again and at one moment. vertical position simultaneously turned over to a horizontal position. It was as if two eyes were looking at us. Here we felt some kind of fear, a trembling passed through our bodies from everything unnatural... The ball-eyes looked at us for half an hour, and then disappeared. And later the original ball-disk sparkled again. Tired of watching for a long time, I went to bed around midnight. The impression of what he saw was indelible.

Source: Vitaly Shelepov, “UFO: Operation Concealment”, “Top Secret”, N11 (126) for 1999.

Here's another fact: in the fall 2002, around September, a resident of Simferopol, Andrei Anatolyevich Trukhin, born in 1969, spent the night with another witness on Mount Kastel, and observed for about 23 hours (until midnight - possibly at 23:30-23:45) how to the east of Ayu -Daga, a brightly luminous object - a ball - rose from the sea and flew to the north. At first, the sea lit up with a yellow-orange light, the water glowed in circles: “We were stunned!” - said the eyewitness. the ball is yellow, closer to orange (it was most likely a plasma field around the device. The shape of the device itself could not have been spherical, but something else...). The movement was quite uniform. The observation was carried out for no more than 8-10 minutes. The object rose slowly from the sea, approximately abeam the Malyi Mayak.

1997, December 31. Shortly before midnight, Elena, a resident of Partenit, saw a bright, dazzling light shining through the windows (the area of ​​the so-called “Camus Houses” is practically the center of the village). Going out onto the balcony (4th floor), she saw a yellow-fire circle or ball, shining like expensive gold. The object initially stood still, then began to move. It was as if the whole ball was moving. The light was so bright that it hurt my eyes, especially during the flashes emanating from the object - it seemed like there was a plasma field around aircraft. A few minutes before the onset of 1998, the object disappeared.

Another UFO sighting near Ayu-Dag - 1998: « Late evening against the background of the lilac sky suddenly appeared bright star, which moved at incredibly high speed from the direction of Ayu-Dag to Mount Paragelmen. It was much larger and brighter than other stars, and it was precisely this, as well as the speed of its flight, that attracted our attention. “Diving” from top to bottom behind the mountain, she appeared a moment later in a different place and froze motionless. And then it swept across the sky again and, approaching the place where we were standing, suddenly changed course and disappeared... This is the second time in my life when I saw a so-called unidentified flying object. Moreover, more than one observed these phenomena both the first and the second time, so this cannot be called an optical illusion or hallucination. In addition, I know people who have also seen a UFO more than once...” Unfortunately, it is not indicated in the note exact date observations (Viktor Mekhontsev in the Crimean Newspaper, Yalta, August 26, 2000). Such observation details as: 1) the object froze motionless in place for some time; 2) a sudden change in trajectory - they say that it could not be the Shuttle, orbital station Mir, ISS or bright satellite...

1995, October. On a warm evening, a group of pioneers from Artek set off for the night from the MDC seaport on skiffs to the other side of Ayu-Dag, which is closer to Partenit - to the Panair beach. Late in the evening in the darkness, they suddenly saw five luminous objects (obviously not planes), flying in formation, which approached from the sea - to the “head” of Ayu-Dag and disappeared behind the mountain. It looks like the objects went straight inside the mountain! What he saw made an indelible impression (recorded from the words of the eyewitness’s brother, who works at the Artek Medical Center, directly in Artek).

Another message from Vladimir Saint from Yalta:

"What I want to tell you happened on August 19 or 20 1997... At that time I worked as an operator at the sewerage station of the Ai-Danil sanatorium, located near the seashore. From there it opens nice view to "Artek" and Ayu-Dag.

It was 11 pm. I went out to breathe fresh air. Suddenly, from the point where the nose of the “Bear” comes into contact with the water, at approximately an angle of 30 degrees. A beam of light hit the sky, as if it were a searchlight. The beam swayed slightly (it swayed, as if inviting attention to it), then smoothly shortened in length, “jumped” out of the water and took a position parallel to the sea surface towards Cape Martyan. It was no longer a beam, but an object glowing with the light of a neon lamp, 8-10 meters long and about a meter across. Around him there was a halo of the same light as the beam that originally shone from the water. It flew fast, like an airplane, but without a sound. Opposite me, he disappeared with a light pop. After some time, this object flew straight at me from the same point. I seemed frozen in place, but managed to see that it was already a pipe. The spectacle was somewhat reminiscent of what happens at night on the station platform, when a train is approaching and shining a spotlight. Only here the light was weaker, and I saw that it was a pipe. She didn’t reach me about fifty meters and turned towards the shore. I clearly saw the curve of the pipe, how it leveled out at speed and immediately went out, emitting a quiet pop. I observed the phenomenon until two o’clock in the morning, but it was no longer the same original art. Here the sea was illuminated by a lunar path, but the light of the beam spread across the water. And it came out as if from the nostrils of the “Bear”.

Tuesday, August 27 2002. Time - 22:27 - 22:32 Weather conditions - cloudless night sky. The place is the sky, north of the Ayu-Dag mountain. Observation point - Artek school. Observers - three cadets of the South Army Ministry of Internal Affairs (Shchenkov, Gorbatenko, Telichko) from one point, through an open window. Features of the UFO flight - the object was observed from the moment it hovered and was visible in the sky the size of 5 kopecks. Central part not visible. Lights glowed along the contour of the object; after one minute of observation, the opposite lights glowed brighter, and then the brightness of the light moved from one light source to another (as if a 6-volt light bulb was given 12). After 3 minutes the object began to move away, remaining in the same place. A plane was flying next to him, about 5 km away. from the object. Source: "Vadim Shchenkov" Database UFODS UFOs in Ukraine

Rumble under Mount Ayu-Dag!

Many people heard a roar coming from under the mountain. Everyone explains it differently. For some it is just a sea that produces low-frequency noise, for others it is geysers that are located at a very great distance from Bear Mountain, but I think that this is still a base. Here's what eyewitnesses say.

Sergei Nikolaevich was 13 at the time, it didn’t look like a prank! It seems that the mountain is humming not constantly, but periodically. If someone insists that something else is humming and is being transmitted underground many kilometers away to the Ayu-Dag region, then this is not serious: there are no large factories in that area, the Alushta-Yalta highway cannot hum so low-frequency, railway It’s also extremely far from there and beyond the Crimean Mountains...

I also consider the version that the 12-year-old pioneer from Artek was just buzzing in his head to be frivolous. Psychic Gennady Prokudin from Simferopol also spoke about the strange buzzing. Many people, including the pioneers of Artek, heard a mysterious hum from the depths of Mount Ayu-Daga. In particular, another witness, Fedor Shevchenko, 46 ​​years old, a resident of the Omsk region, was on vacation in Artek in 1976 and wrote the following: “In 1976, I went on an excursion with my squad to the Hot Stone on Ayu-Dag, there was a rumble inside I personally heard the mountains. There was some kind of legend, but there was no talk about UFOs. And as for the base under the mountain, everything is possible, since we don’t know anything about it in real life...”

More about strange hum reported: “...Everyone heard the rumble - the pioneer leader once commented on this rumble and told a legend about it. But I don’t remember what. And it was somewhere from 11 to 12 in the afternoon, when we walked from Hot Stone - we moved away, but not by much. I think they have already started to descend. What kind of noise was it? I think I’m deaf, someone said that they even felt the vibration of the mountain... I personally didn’t feel it. But even the stones seemed to have come off a little.” The mysterious buzzing from the depths of Ayu-Dag can hardly be caused by natural causes. Documentary evidence was also obtained about unidentified underwater objects (UNO) near Ayu-Dag. A sailor from Sevastopol, Nikolai Sadovnichy, witnessed that in the fall of 2006, from the Ukrainian Navy vessel “Balta”, not just anywhere, but at Cape Ayu-Dag, an underwater flying “saucer” was spotted. This happened during an expedition to search for the ship "Armenia", which sank during the Second World War. The Department of Underwater Heritage of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine confirmed that experts had indeed spotted a mysterious object off the coast of Crimea. Moreover, they even have a photo of this anomalous phenomenon!

This is what N. Sadovnichy said in an interview with the newspaper “Facts”: “I was overcome by a feeling of the unreality of what was happening: I am sure that a UFO does not exist, nevertheless, here it is, on the screen...” - We were looking for the remains of the ship “Armenia” at the bottom of the sea, but we came across... an unidentified underwater object,” said Sergei Voronov, director of the Department of Underwater Heritage of Ukraine. - However, first things first. The death of the "Armenia", which occurred in 1941 as a result of an attack by a German torpedo bomber, became one of the largest maritime disasters, claiming the lives of about seven thousand people. By comparison, 1,513 passengers and sailors died on the Titanic. Last fall, from the Balta, we explored the waters off Cape Ayu-Dag, one of the probable crash sites of the Armenia. It was a joint expedition with the Russians. They provided equipment capable of scanning the bottom at great depths. She “sees” objects in the water column. And then, during one of my watches, a Russian engineer exclaimed: “We seem to have spotted a Ukrainian submarine!” I look at the screen, and there really is some object and a contrail coming from it, indicating that the mysterious submarine is moving (visually it resembles a trail in the sky from an airplane). I did not tell the Russian specialist that the only Ukrainian submarine “Zaporozhye” has not gone to sea for a long time. He only stated that this submarine has an unusual shape, it looks very much like a “flying saucer.” Actually, I don’t believe in UFOs and similar miracles, so I was overcome by a feeling of the unreality of what was happening. I'm sure nothing like this exists. I assumed it was a Russian submarine. Returning to Sevastopol, he told the officers of the Russian Black Sea Fleet he knew about the strange submarine. They unanimously declared: their submarines had not gone to sea for several months... (Only one submarine of Project 877, the Alrosa, remained on the move, and even that was at the pier!).

Have you experienced any unusual sensations? – asked the correspondent. – Perhaps the underwater saucer had an effect on you? - No. It was something else – fatigue, lack of sleep... That’s why I thought: “Didn’t we imagine an unidentified object?” We played back the recording of the bottom scanning and made sure that the device had indeed recorded some kind of “plate”. We began to figure out what was so special about this place. It turned out there were three mud volcanoes there. But there are quite a lot of them in the Black Sea... However, the fact is that the mud volcanoes in the Black Sea are located many kilometers away from Ayu-Dag, and a strange underwater object was detected and photographed from the screen on the device precisely near Bear Mountain!

Another person wrote about this: “...Believe it or not, in 2006, after a trip to Ayu-Dag, the time and dates on watches and mobile phones were rearranged. The time is an hour ago and the date of the previous day... There is one more point: everyone who went to Mishka small company or alone, felt someone's presence. More than once I caught myself thinking that someone was watching.”

The clouds around Ayu-Dag form and behave in a strange way.

Here is just one piece of evidence: “...Soon after our arrival in Gurzuf, people began to gather around the mountain. interesting looking cloud. Its size and density began to increase, and soon it formed a ring around the mountain, dividing it exactly in half and began to spin around it. After some time, the cloud grew to a size that covered the mountain from the middle to the very top. At the same time, it slowly rotated in a circle, and the rest of the sky was clear!” It is worth paying attention to two facts: 1. The rest of the sky remained clear. 2. The cloud slowly rotated in a circle.

Here's a recent video. Watch online Anomaly over Mount Ayu-Dag.

Another unusual phenomenon - strange hot air currents on Ayu-Dag with generally cool air and wind.

The same V. Bulgakov reports: “...In the afternoon of March 22 (2004) we moved to Mount Ayu-Dag, carried out reconnaissance on the ground, chose a place, and spent the rest of the time getting to it. Along a slope with falling rocks, we reached the back of Bear Mountain, to an area that can only be climbed by climbers with the appropriate equipment... As we descended, we felt hot gusts of air several times, although the air and wind were cool. We noted this unusual fact.”

Question: what are these strange hot gusts of wind on Ayu-Dag, given the general cool air and wind?! And this was in the month of March, when the stones could not get very hot from the sun! This is not summer, but early spring! It seems that periodically there is an artificial release from there - the removal of excess heat from the underground complex under the mountain - through some hidden holes or shafts.

Another confirmation message. Witness Tatyana (who regularly comes to Partenit) writes: “Guys, I’ve been vacationing in Partenit for 4 years in a row. Every year I rise to the very top! This year (in 2009) from the sanatorium entrance to Ayu-Dag we reached Cape Monastyrsky, and we walked along the lower path from the “energy” clearing. The beauty is indescribable! Break, extreme! Before reaching Cape Monastyrsky, we found another clearing. It is round, the earth is reddish in color, and, most surprisingly, not a single blade of grass grows! And next to the clearing there is some kind of well, like a sewer hatch, but you can’t see the bottom at all! Regarding the feeling that someone was watching you, I didn’t feel it. And the clock is there. But the inexplicable energy after descending from the mountain... It was always present! Five hours without stopping up and down, not a single muscle hurts, our legs carry themselves, and after the descent we are always either in nightclub, or by car to Yalta until late. And in the morning - get up at 6 am and go to the sea. The mountain is simply a miracle! So mesmerizing. I always ask the 13th floor to watch her.”

Questions: 1. Why doesn’t a single blade of grass grow in the clearing, and what is the strange round shape of the clearings? 2. What is this strange well nearby “like a sewer manhole”?

Questions, questions, questions... You can guess and think a lot here, because there are enough anomalies for one ALLEGEDLY ORDINARY mountain. It's up to you to decide what to believe and what not to believe.

Watch online the alien base inside Ayu-Dag Mountain 1.

Watch online alien base inside Ayu-Dag Mountain 2.

It is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes, but also for its magical legends. Since ancient times, these fertile lands have attracted settlers. Each nationality brought its own customs and beliefs. Time passed.

Different stories intertwined and complemented each other. Natural objects covered in these stories became even more attractive to tourists. This article is dedicated to one of the coastline attractions south coast Crimea - Mount Ayu-Dag. This is one of the most recognizable silhouettes of the coast.

Various names

Bear Mountain, which is how the name is literally translated from the Turkic language, was not always called that way. For example, for some reason it reminded the ancient Greeks and they called it accordingly - Kriumetopon. But sailors in the Middle Ages saw a hump in the outline and marked it in their maps with the name Camel.

By the way, some scientists are inclined to an alternative translation of the name Ayu-Dag. No one argues that the word “dag” means “mountain”. But in relation to the first part of the name, the historian O. Dombrovsky allows the translation “holy” (in Greek “ayos”).

The beginning of a beautiful legend

A long time ago, the area where Mount Ayu-Dag rises today was chosen by a group wild bears. These were strong and smart animals. They made a living by raiding nearby human settlements. And when all the enemies went deeper into the island, the bears began to go on long trips and were absent for several days.

The leader was the strongest, oldest and wisest bear. He did not allow any people to set foot on his land. The old bear was convinced that people are the most dangerous and treacherous opponents, and no one in their neighborhood can feel safe.

But then one day, once again returning from a hike, the animals saw on the shore the wreckage of a ship, broken by a storm and thrown ashore. Among the piles of garbage, one of them discovered a bundle with a human child. The find was brought to the leader's court. Seeing the innocent child, the old bear took pity on the baby and decided to leave her in the pack.

Day after day, time passed, and the little girl gradually turned into a beautiful young girl. She lived happily among the bears, who looked after her with early childhood. Not seeing other people, the bear student gave all her love to the animals around her. They, in turn, perceived her as a full member of the pack.

Unexpected meeting

Once a girl was walking along the shore and saw a strange piece of wood brought by the surf. She came closer and inside (and it was not just a piece of wood, but a small boat) she found an unconscious man.

It was the first time she had seen someone so similar to her. He was a young man with handsome features. Realizing that a meeting with bears promised him certain death, the girl decided to save the young man and hid him in a cave.

Day after day, she secretly brought him food and treated his wounds. And the young man told her about his native land and the customs of the people. After some time, the young people realized that they fell in love with each other. Realizing that the bears would not just let them go, they began to plan their escape.


The young man was able to attach a small sail to the boat in which he had once been thrown ashore, and the lovers set a time for their escape. After waiting for the bears to go on their next raid, they pulled out the boat and swam away from the shore. But suddenly the animals returned.

Seeing the boat with his pet sailing out to sea, the old leader roared and rushed to the shore. But he quickly realized that he could no longer catch up with the ship. Then the wise beast lay down on the shore, pressed its muzzle to the sea itself and began to draw in water with its mouth. The rest of the animals did the same.

The resulting current began to drag the boat back to the shore faster and faster. And then the girl stood up to her full height and sang her most beautiful song. Having listened, the animals rose from the water, and the current immediately weakened. This is how the lovers managed to escape.

Only the old leader did not succumb to the enchanting voice. Blinded by anger, he remained lying on the shore near the water. The huge beast petrified and turned into a forest-covered mountain. This is how, according to legend, Bear Mountain appeared in Crimea. This is the story most often told to tourists.

But this Crimean mountain, the photo of which so closely resembles the silhouette of a lying bear, has other legends.

History dating back to ancient Greece

Everyone knows about the epic Trojan War. But few people remember that, going on this campaign, they sacrificed their own daughter Iphigenia to the gods. According to ancient Greek myths, this act marked the beginning of a chain of events, as a result of which Bear Mountain appeared in Crimea.

The story as told by the ancient Hellenes is full of drama and vivid characters. The story about Mount Ayu-Dag is no exception. The legend of its appearance is quite capable of serving as a motive for the best Hollywood film adaptations.

Victim Substitution

The goddess Artemis took pity on the innocent girl who was laid on the altar by her father, and last minute replaced the victim with a forest fallow deer. She took Iphigenia to her temple so that the girl could serve as a priestess there.

The majestic temple of Artemis stood on seashore where Mount Ayu-Dag is located today. The ancient Greeks called Crimea Taurida. This land in those days was inaccessible and harsh. covered her. And in these forests lived fierce wild boars and bears. Not a single traveler managed to violate the borders of their possessions with impunity.

The people living on the coast matched the inhabitants of the forest thicket. These inhospitable children of the harsh land knew neither mercy nor mercy. The Taurians were ruled by the one-eyed king Zarnak. He ordered his subjects to kill all foreign sailors whose ships could be carried to the coast of Tauris.

These unfortunates were intended to be sacrificed to the patroness of Tauris - Artemis. Therefore, every morning Iphigenia was forced to kill sailors at the altar of the goddess. The girl did not like this duty, but she could not change anything.

Gift of Artemis

The young princess, raised among the refined Hellenes, had nothing in common with the rude Taurians. Seeing how loneliness tormented her, Artemis taught her the language of animals.

Now Iphigenia began to often walk through the forest and communicate with its inhabitants. Wild animals did not harm gentle girl, and she found much needed consolation in their company.

Iphigenia had a particularly close friendship with the huge bear, the owner of this forest. One day she pulled out a hunter's arrow from him. Since then, the gigantic beast was ready to fulfill any desire of its savior. You could often see this strange couple, who had chosen a clearing to relax.

The girl hugged the bear and spoke tenderly to him, and with pleasure he became like a quiet pet.

Unexpected meeting

One day the Taurians captured Iphigenia’s brother Orestes. Fulfilling her role as a priestess, she was to slaughter him on the altar at dawn.

To save her brother, Iphigenia personally went to the ruler Zarnak and told him that the prisoner had been defiled. Before the sacrifice, it must be purified in the waters of the sea. The unsuspecting Zarnak gave the order to the soldiers to take Orestes to the sea. There Iphigenia sent the guards away, insisting that she must personally perform the purification ceremony.

As soon as the guards disappeared behind the nearest ledge, the brother and sister rushed into the water and swam to a ship hidden nearby. By the time the Taurians sensed something was wrong and rushed in pursuit, the fugitives were already far away.

The huge bear missed his friend for a long time. For days on end he lay on the shore, peering into the distance. Unable to bear the separation, the giant turned to stone and turned into Mount Ayu-Dag.

While vacationing in Partenit, not going to Mount Ayu-Dag would be an unforgivable mistake. Ayu-Dag is an amazing mountain in many respects. Many archaeological sites of deep antiquity are scattered throughout the mountain. You can still see the remains of the fortress wall and many buildings today. But Ayu-Dag is interesting in itself. The mountain is unique geologically. It is not a continuation or part Main ridge Crimean mountains, because it is made of a completely different stone. This stone is not a sedimentary rock such as limestone, sandstone or shale - the main components of the Crimean Mountains, but is a very strong, deep-seated igneous rock, which was given the name gabbro-diabase. Having discovered this striking difference, scientists have suggested that Ayu-Dag and a few similar dome-shaped mountains of the South Coast are extinct volcanoes.
For a long time This was considered so until the end of the 19th century. Russian scientist A.E. Lagorio explained the origin of the mountain differently. Ayu-Dag is not an “extinct” volcano, but rather a “failed” volcano. Molten magma, rising from the depths of the earth in this place, never came to the surface, but only raised the thickness of sedimentary rocks, solidifying in the form of a mountain. Scientists call this process a tricky word - intrusion, and the Ayu-Dag mountain itself - laccolith. Ayu-Dag is the largest laccolith in terms of volume on the South Coast, and the estimated age of its gabbro-diabase is estimated at 161 million years. Gabbro-diabase - beautiful and durable stone gray-green in color, especially effective after polishing. The stands on Red Square in Moscow are made from it, the Moscow River canal and the first stations of the Moscow metro are lined. The height of the mountain is about 570 m. Up to 20 different minerals have been discovered in the depths of Ayu-Dag. And if you are lucky, then you can become the owner of crystals of golden pyrite, black tourmaline, rare vesuvian and laumontite, and even deep purple amethyst.
Ayu-Dag - Bear Mountain, so named for its obvious resemblance to the formidable owner of the forests, from the side of Partenit and Gurzuf it is seen as an animal inclined towards the sea. If you look at Ayu-Dag from the sea, an unexpected picture of harsh rocks, ledges and cliffs, with capes and bays between them, opens before your eyes. The largest rocks are called Cape Monastyrsky, Akustani and Mussert, and the bays between them are Gyshir Liman and Panair. The easiest way to get there is by boat, taking it on boat station sanatorium. But you can also go by land, first by climbing the path that begins near the upper buildings of the Crimea sanatorium, to the observation deck, and then going down to the beaches, being careful and having a certain amount of training and endurance. The path leading to observation deck, is a very ancient road that existed here back in the days when people lived on the mountain. In some places on the sides you can see the remains of old masonry, which apparently protected the road from talus. Bear Mountain, by the way, has close relative. A small rock that rests directly on the beach at the end of the long coastline of the Crimea sanatorium is named Kuchuk-Ayu - Small Bear or, as it is affectionately called, Bear Cub. This is also a laccolith, only small - 25 m high and 70 m wide and it is also composed of gabbro-diabase. On this stone cape there are traces of a small fortification. According to the Russian historian L.P. Colli in the book “Italian colonies on the coast of the Black and Azov seas"(1915), this fortification once belonged to the Genoese.