Pomeranian Spitz - bear cub: care features, pros and cons of the breed. Types of dogs that look like teddy bears Large shaggy dog ​​that looks like a bear

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, many different breeds of dogs were developed, completely different from each other.

Increasingly, when getting a four-legged companion, the owner wants to have a pet with an original appearance. The dog world is replete with diversity; there are dogs that look like wolves, foxes and even bears.

Bear cubs of the dog world

There are a large number of dog breeds in the world that look like bear cubs. Among dog breeders, such “pet bears” are very popular.

There are large and miniature breeds, indoor and outdoor, gentle companions and serious guards. What all these dogs have in common is very thick fur and slightly clumsy movements that make them look like bear cubs. A novice dog breeder often does not know the names of dog breeds that look like bear cubs. There are several such breeds, we will look at the most popular of them.

A representative of this breed is a small dog that looks like a bear cub. A popular pet, ideal for keeping in an apartment, the Pomeranian Spitz has a compact size. The weight of the babies is no more than three kilograms, and their height is no higher than 23 cm. The Spitz has long hair that forms a beautiful collar on the neck, and fluffy pants on the limbs. Dogs come in different colors: white, black, sable, brown, cream, etc.

The coat requires careful care. It is necessary to comb your Spitz twice a week, using a regular comb and a slicker brush. The pet needs to be trimmed, in which case the dog’s resemblance to a bear can be made even greater. Haircuts are carried out at least once every 2 - 3 months.

The Spitz is easy to train, he is smart and quick-witted. The pet loves the attention of its owner and is always ready to frolic and play. A miniature dog can have a formidable temperament, but, of course, it cannot cause serious injuries to people. However, it is easy to tear clothes or leave marks of your small teeth. You need to raise a puppy from childhood, in which case the pet will grow up obedient and friendly to all family members.

Pomeranians would be a good choice for older people, for example. A cute bear cub will brighten up loneliness and give its owner love and affection. The canine age of a Pomeranian is 12 - 14 years.

Another indoor plush dog breed. The toy poodle is small in size, reaching no more than 28 cm in height.

The Poodle has a thick and wavy coat. The color can be different: red, black, white, chocolate, apricot or gray. Coat care involves daily brushing. If desired, the toy poodle can be trimmed. Thanks to a professional salon haircut, your dog will always look like a teddy bear.

A toy poodle can be safely owned by a family with children and other animals. Intelligence and intelligence allow the pet to quickly remember new commands. The tiny dog ​​will be a wonderful companion for the whole family.

The toy poodle can be called a long-liver. He will delight his owner for 15 - 18 years.

Chow chow

One of the oldest dog breeds. The name Chow Chow translates as “shaggy lion dog.” Representatives of this breed are quite large in size. The height of an adult dog is from 46 to 56 cm. Weight is from 20 to 32 kg.

The Chow Chow has thick and long hair. Thanks to the fluffy fur coat, frowning expression of the muzzle, slightly rounded ears and special body composition, the dog looks like a bear cub. The unusual dark blue tongue and black gums give the representatives of the breed a special charm.

There are several possible colors of the Chow Chow. They can be red, black, blue, cream and a rare color - cinnamon. It's easy to care for your dog's coat. It has self-cleaning properties and does not fall off. It is enough to brush your pet once a week. If the animal participates in exhibitions, it is trimmed.

Chow chow is a born guardian. Owning this serious bear requires an owner with a steady hand. You definitely need to show your leadership qualities, otherwise the dog will not obey the owner’s demands. If there are other animals in the family, then the chow chow needs to be taught from childhood to be tolerant of them. The dog is indifferent to children, but can cause harm to a small child. In the event that children behave inappropriately towards the Chow Chow, she will not tolerate their antics.

The dog will be an ideal pet for a calm, confident person who will be prepared for the fact that the Chow Chow rarely expresses its feelings and is reluctant to follow commands.

On average, representatives of the breed live 10 - 15 years.

Chow chow panda

This is not a separate breed of dog, but an ordinary chow chow, colored like a panda. Dogs of this color are very popular in China. This is not surprising, because having a pet that looks like a bamboo bear is the dream of many. The story of the chow chow panda began with the owner of one of the pet stores using a trick.

To attract customers, he painted several puppies black and white. People immediately bought up the little pandas, and the clumsy plush babies took the whole country by storm.

The dye is safe for the dog, but one dye job lasts about 6 weeks. Next, the owner himself decides whether to leave the chow chow with its natural coat color or turn the pet into a panda again.

Now the popular Chinese bear dog can be found in other countries, where people are happy to have this pet with an exotic coloring.


Dogs that look like teddy bears are in great demand. When getting such a pet, you should not rely only on its interesting appearance. It is important to evaluate your strengths and the conditions in which the dog is kept so that the pet bear cub feels comfortable and pleases the owner.

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There are large dogs like the Irish Wolfhound or the Deerhound - muscular and lean. You can immediately see from them that they are hunters and direct descendants of wolves. And there are giants, when you look at them it seems that a bear has found its way into their family tree. Moreover, in addition to an impressive build, nature also gave many of them a good-natured disposition. Therefore, if you have always dreamed of your own personal teddy bear, you should pay attention to our list.

Saint Bernard

Height: up to 90 cm.

Weight: on average up to 120 kg.

Characteristic: Saint Bernards are rescue dogs. This breed is native to the Swiss Alps, where they were used to rescue people injured in avalanches. The most famous St. Bernard, Barry, saved about 40 people during his short (only 12 years) life. Since then, in the monastery of St. Bernard, where the breed originates, at least one dog always bears his name.

  • Saint Bernards are also loved in movies. Perhaps the most famous examples are the Beethoven film series and the film adaptation of Stephen King's novel Cujo. In addition, St. Bernards have been featured in at least 6 film adaptations of Jack London's The Call of the Wild and as Nana in several versions of Peter Pan (despite the fact that in the original her breed was listed as a Newfoundland Landseer).

Tibetan Mastiff

Height: up to 83 cm.

Weight: up to 115 kg.

Characteristic: Smart, stubborn, independent, excellent guard, suspicious of strangers. Prefers a nocturnal lifestyle.

  • Some Tibetan mastiffs are known for the fact that future owners paid downright astronomical sums for them. For example, in 2011, a Chinese coal magnate purchased a puppy of this breed for 10 million yuan (about 99 million rubles). This is how the Tibetan Mastiff became the most expensive breed in the world.
  • Despite their impressive appearance and controversial reputation, not only horror films, but also cartoons are made about these dogs. Examples of this are "Tibetan Dog" and "Rock Dog".


Height: up to 76 cm.

Weight: up to 120 kg.

Characteristic: An ideal companion and no hunter, prone to independent decision-making, absolutely devoid of aggression towards people (however, he is capable of protecting - for example, he can easily knock down an attacker).

  • Newfoundlands are very curious and brave animals. Usually they are not afraid of unfamiliar places, fire, or loud sounds. Unlike many breeds, they tend to perceive travel on any type of transport (from a car to a tram) as an exciting journey.
  • This breed is ideal for families with children. Newfoundlands are usually very sociable, friendly and patient: even if the child is not very careful due to his age, the dog will not use his teeth without any mental problems. In winter, the dog can pull a sled, in summer - carry heavy bags and look after children on the water.
  • A trip to the river with a Newfoundland is unforgettable. He will look after not only “his” children, but also all the kids around, and at every opportunity this dog will try to “save” everyone who goes into the water where, in his opinion, it is too deep.


Height: up to 80 cm.

Weight: up to 77 kg.

Characteristic: Obedient, balanced, indifferent to loud sounds, friendly to children. An excellent swimmer and guard, but not aggressive towards those who do not pose a threat.

  • Leonbergers have the blood of St. Bernards and Newfoundlands with an admixture of Pyrenean mountain shepherd. The creator of the breed, the mayor of Leonberg, Heinrich Essig, wanted to breed a dog that would outwardly resemble the symbol of his city - the lion. And he succeeded: the characteristic “mane” became the calling card of this breed.


Height: up to 80 cm.

Weight: up to 68 kg.

Characteristic: He is calm, peaceful, has a developed rescuer instinct, but is also very self-confident and requires careful training. Needs long-term physical activity and communication.

  • The name of the breed comes from the name of the artist Edwin Henry Landseer, who depicted such a dog in his painting “A Worthy Member of Human Society.” It is believed that the painting depicts a white and black Newfoundland who saved 23 people in his life, for which he was rewarded with a medal and a lifetime supply of food in his “retirement.” The success of the painting was so great that it gave rise to a fashion for such dogs and contributed to the development of a new breed, which was later named after the artist.

Pyrenean mountain dog

Height: up to 80 cm.

Weight: up to 60 kg.

Characteristic: An intelligent dog bred for situations that require independent decision-making. She vitally needs space, a lot of work and movement.

  • This breed is distinguished by a special, unique muzzle expression. There is even a special expression - “Pyrenean look”. In the breed standard it is described as follows: “The eyes are small, almond-shaped, thick brown, set slightly obliquely, with an intelligent and contemplative expression. The look is soft, thoughtful and expressive.”

Bernese Mountain Dog

Height: up to 70 cm.

Weight: up to 55 kg.

Characteristic: Friendly, good-natured, sanguine, non-aggressive, but fearless in a critical situation.

  • Bernese Mountain Dogs are not only known as herding dogs. One of the traditional images that comes to mind in connection with this breed is a dog harnessed to a small cart. And all because the shepherds who used Sennenhunds to protect their herds appreciated their strength and balanced character and often harnessed these dogs to transport cans of milk and heads of cheese.

Moscow watchdog

Height: from 69 cm.

Weight: up to 90 kg.

Characteristic: Self-confident, balanced, selflessly devoted to the owner and the whole family, and does not show unmotivated aggression. This is one of the most intelligent breeds among guard dogs.

  • The Moscow Watchdog took the best qualities from its two parent breeds. From the Caucasian Shepherd she inherited sculpted muscles, strong bones and excellent security and watchdog qualities. From the St. Bernard - size, balanced disposition and independence, allowing it to be used as a companion.

Puppies of certain breeds look more like clumsy honey lovers than dogs, but their popularity does not suffer because of this.

  1. Newfoundland A large, long-haired breed with brown or black coloring. Staining is rarely allowed, but this is by no means considered “dirt” of the breed. A thick undercoat and webbed toes are the hallmarks of a dog as large as a bear. Read also:
  2. Akita (Akita Inu). It is under the care of the Japanese canine organization for the preservation and protection of the country's original national breeds. The largest Spitz breed was bred as hunters. The location of the hair on the muzzle and the rounded shape of the eyes give puppies and adults of this breed a resemblance to bear cubs.
  3. Alaskan Malamute. One of the oldest species, bred by the Eskimos for harness work. The dog's wolf roots are expressed in rare barking, which is why they, like Siberian huskies, primarily growl. But despite this, in appearance these formidable cuties are more reminiscent of bears.
  4. Chow-chow. “Shaggy Lions” are watchdog companions related to the Spitz. One of the first primitive breeds
    evolution of wolves, but due to their short body and thick undercoat with long hair, they are more similar to teddy bears.
  5. Pomeranian Spitz. A decorative breed with a muzzle strongly reminiscent of a bear cub, but the small body of the Spitz breaks this association. This breed is often confused with the German Spitz, but their differences are quite significant.
  6. Poodle. A fluffy dog ​​with curly hair not only looks, but sometimes even behaves like a clumsy bear cub. Puppies of this breed are especially similar to them if they are not cut.
  7. Goldendoodle. It is so called due to its unusual coat, which was obtained by crossing a poodle with a golden retriever.
  8. Samoyed. The white dog, thanks to its resemblance to a cute bear cub, has recently begun to rise in the popularity ratings among dogs as pets.
  9. Tibetan Mastiff. The largest dog in the world is very similar to a bear, not only in appearance, but also in the fact that behind its cute appearance hides a formidable beast.
  10. Caucasian Shepherd. It is far from a small dog, but incredibly similar to a huge teddy bear. Even because of this similarity, the formidable guard looks far from cute.
  11. Akita, German Shepherd and Corgi mix. A breed bred specifically to give the puppy a bear-like face. Metis changes a little with age - it outgrows and becomes more like a shepherd dog.
  12. A cross between a Keeshond and an American Eskimo dog. They are handsome, seeming truly plush, their fur grows so unusually. The button eyes are barely visible in the fluffy undercoat, which makes this breed extremely amazing and cute.

There are hundreds of dog breeds, each with their own unique appearance and personality. You probably think that many breeds have nothing in common.

In fact, all dogs descended from the same common ancestors - wolves. And while dogs often look nothing like wild animals, some breeds bear striking similarities to other animals!

1. Shiba Inu

The popular Japanese breed Shiba Inu is widely known for its resemblance to a fox. Although the breed comes in several colors, red and white Shiba Inus are most similar to furry foxes. This is a very independent breed that sometimes acts more like a cat than a dog.

2. Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier has a truly unique appearance, and is primarily known for this. This breed looks more like a sheep or lamb than a dog. These terriers were originally bred to hunt small rodents in mines, but today they are used in a variety of sports. Bedlington Terriers have a soft coat and a fairly gentle temperament compared to other terriers. But, nevertheless, these are still energetic and intelligent dogs that will fit perfectly into the life of an active owner.

3. Swedish Vallhund

The Swedish Vallhund is a rare breed of herding dog today, with a beautiful gray coat and short legs. Used as livestock herders, these short-legged dogs are very hardy and will tirelessly follow their owner on walks. Their appearance is in many ways reminiscent of the gray fox - pointed ears, thick fur, medium size and energetic character. Swedish Vallhunds excel in a variety of sporting competitions, and with an average lifespan of 14 years or more, they are considered the longest-lived breed in the canine world.

4. Small lion dog

The lion dog, even based on its name, rightfully occupies a place on our list. Although they do not look much like real lions with regular coats, their common unique grooming style makes them very similar to big cats. This is a rare breed today that is social, friendly and energetic. She will be a great companion for those looking for a small, active dog.

5. Brussels Griffon

Small Belgian dogs don't look like wild animals, but they are famous for being very similar to Ewoks, a race from Star Wars! This fictional race resembles teddy bears, and the Wirehaired Brussels Griffon has been compared in parts to them. This small breed has a strong, stocky build and lively personality, and is suitable for people of almost all ages.

6. American Eskimo Dog

The American Eskimo Dog or Eskimo Spitz is a small breed of dog that is sometimes difficult even for a professional to distinguish from a snow-white fox. This beautiful and pleasant-looking dog has high intelligence and a relatively high life expectancy of 15 years or more.

7. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a relatively young breed that was originally bred as a guard dog. This breed is a cross between German Shepherds and Carpathian wolves. Because of this, dogs look very much like a wolf in appearance. The Czechoslovatian Wolfdog is intelligent and playful, making it an excellent companion for active families and owners.

8. Great Dane

This German Mastiff is known for its size and appearance. A powerful working breed that was used to hunt deer, bears and other large wild animals. The Great Dane is one of the tallest dog breeds. The tallest Great Dane, with a height of 111.8 cm at the withers, set a world height record for dogs! Because of their size, these gentle giants often look more like small horses than dogs. Beautiful and powerful animals, they are almost as beautiful as many horses.

9. Chow Chow

The Chinese Chow Chow breed looks more like a bear than a dog, especially with its super dense and thick coat. This ancient breed was originally used for guarding, and today it still retains many of the traits of a guard dog. Without proper training and socialization, they can become aloof and aggressive, which is why Chow Chows require an experienced owner. However, they are loyal to their family and anyone they consider friends.

10. Shikoku

The Japanese Shikoku dog is also nicknamed the Japanese Wolfhound. It's a really fitting nickname since the dog looks a lot like a wolf. The Shikoku was originally used to hunt wild boar and deer, making it a strong and energetic dog. They are less independent than most other Japanese breeds and will make excellent companions for families who can provide them with plenty of exercise.

Dogs, having a large number of breeds, have succeeded most in terms of similarity in appearance, size or character to other animals.

To one degree or another, all dogs are similar to their closest relative, the wolf. In addition, there are dog breeds that resemble bears, foxes or even horses. Especially funny and interesting are dogs that look like bear cubs.

Little bear in the house

There are several breeds of dogs that look like a bear cub, but their differences are not that fundamental. The most important thing is their similarity in behavior and character. They are all extremely beautiful and sweet, kind and brave, loyal and gentle.

Dog breeds that look like a bear cub are Spitz, Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Samoyed and some others. They captivate with their devotion and tenderness and fascinate with their unique beauty. These lap dogs are distinguished by their docile nature and ease of training.

Pomeranian Spitz

Many users of the social network Facebook are familiar with the Pomeranian named Boo, who already has more than one and a half million friends around the world. The dog's owner constantly pets photographs of her in different outfits and in different moods. Boo appearance looks like a teddy bear not only due to its breed, but also because of the characteristic shape of the haircut.

Key Features:

    miniature size and weight, reaching a maximum of three kilograms;

    height at the withers up to twenty-two centimeters;

    beautiful two-layer coat with a dense soft undercoat and hard, long outer fur;

    shaggy tail curving along the back;

    beautiful little muzzle and triangular ears;

    Colors characteristic of this breed: brown, white, orange, black, sandy cream, sable, red, bicolor;

    fluffy and thick wool;

    Very energetic, smart and quick-witted.


A dog that looks like a bear cub easy to train and loves to work in a team. The main problem for owners who keep such a dog is its habit of reacting to everything with a loud, barking bark. Therefore, when raising a Spitz, it is necessary to include the “Quiet!” command.

For those who prefer peace of mind, another problem may arise - restlessness and increased activity orange True, this is more than compensated for by his perky, cheerful character and friendliness. The dog owner will definitely never be bored! She is ready to frolic and play all day long.

During a walk in rainy weather, your beloved pet turns into a dirty and wet ball of fur. To prevent this, it is better to walk your Spitz in a special waterproof overall.

Pomeranians are fearless. They attack everyone who crosses the threshold of your home. Because of his delusions of grandeur Pomeranians seem like menacing giants, which are much larger in size than any enemy. This should also be taken into account when raising them, otherwise guests will leave with torn trousers.

In order for your pet to be calmer, you need to exercise it and walk it more often.


  1. The long, thick coat of Pomeranians should be brushed two to three times a week. During molting, this should be done more often. What makes caring for the fur easier is that it never gets tangled.
  2. Spitz dogs need their nails trimmed from time to time. This procedure requires knowledge of the structure of the claw. If the pulp is accidentally touched during cutting, it should be disinfect with streptocide powder or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Wash the little “bear cubs” once every three months or as needed. After the shower, the orange should be wiped with a towel and dried with a hairdryer.
  4. It should be borne in mind that the Spitz's neck is surrounded by a fluffy collar. Therefore, in order not to damage the beautiful coat, it is better to walk it not on a metal chain, but on a thin leather collar.
  5. Dogs of this breed have very weak teeth. Therefore every day It is recommended to clean your mouth with toothpaste for dogs to exclude periodontal disease.
  6. The large eyes of oranges are wiped with a swab soaked in boiled water.
  7. Spitz can go to the toilet both on the street and at home in a tray (like cats).


The feeding regime for oranges must be strictly adhered to. They should be fed meat products, cereals, eggs, and milk. Puppies are fed three to four times a day. Adult dogs should be fed no more than twice a day. Do it preferably after a walk while giving food in small portions. Since dogs of this breed are prone to obesity, it is better to underfeed them than to overfeed them.

This dog, which looks so much like a bear cub, has excellent immunity. It has only a few health problems that are typical for all dogs of dwarf breeds. It is very important for Pomeranians to be dewormed and vaccinated on time. Necessary Be sure to follow your diet pet, and under no circumstances feed it sweets. In this case, the dog will live a long time, delighting its owner every day.

Small dog breeds are the most popular among others.
The pet's small height and light weight allow you to take it with you on a trip or visit, and its sweet, good-natured disposition will not be an obstacle to communicating with strangers and animals.
They look very cute and harmless, but sometimes they simply cannot be away from their owners and are very worried.

The favorite of aristocrats, the Italian greyhound and photo

Small, slender, graceful dogs, similar to a fawn, are the most famous decorative breed. Italian Greyhounds could be seen in noble estates and metropolitan salons: graceful animals were very popular.

Energetic, playful, gentle pets quickly learn commands, love attention and suffer in the absence of the owner. They can be aggressive towards strangers.

  • Height: 33-38 cm.
  • Weight: from 3 to 5 kg.
  • Color: plain.
  • Price: 20-26 thousand rubles.

Star of social events Yorkshire Terrier and prices

Dogs that have become popular thanks to glamor magazines and show business stars. The beautiful appearance of these dogs, similar to cute monkeys, covered with silk wool, captivates at first sight.

The Yorkshire Terrier is not a pampered creature at all; these dogs are active, temperamental and stubborn, that is, they are true representatives of the terrier group. He loves active games and walks, and also tends to dominate in the family.

  • Height: up to 28 cm.
  • Weight: from 900 gr. Up to 3.1 kg.
  • Color: steel in various shades with lighter hair on the belly and paws.
  • Price: from 16 to 37 thousand rubles.

Fat Pug doesn't go well together

Strong and compact, pugs look like aliens, as noted in the comedy “Men in Black”. These good-natured short-haired hulks are always in a great mood, and their dark, bulging eyes on a round, folded head look serenely at the world.

The only thing that can spoil a good mood is being forced to go on a diet, which little gluttons can hardly tolerate. Pugs are excellent companions: calm, non-aggressive, silent.

  • Height: 24-36 cm.
  • Weight: 7-10 kg.
  • Color: Pure black, beige or fawn colors have a dark mask.
  • Price: 15-30 thousand rubles.

Cheerful Continental Toy Spaniel or Papillon

The Butterfly Dog, this is how the Toy Spaniel was aptly nicknamed by its owners for its spectacular appearance and cheerful character. Dogs of this breed have excellent health and appetite, and usually do not cause trouble to the owner.

The only drawback of this playful dog can be considered excessive timidity in puppyhood, which the Papillon eventually outgrows.

  • Height: 19-28 cm.
  • Weight: 3.9-5 kg.
  • Color: spots of chocolate, red or black on a general white background are located chaotically.
  • Price: 25-30 thousand rubles.

Stubborn, tough West Highland White Terrier

Dogs of this small breed look like plush toys with their perky ears, bearded muzzle and energetic dark eyes. His snow-white, almost sparkling coat makes this robust fellow extremely attractive, and his cheerful, playful character makes him a real terrier.

The West Highland White Terrier needs a strict owner who is able not to succumb to the charming appearance of the baby, otherwise the West becomes a real domestic tyrant.

  • Height: 26-28 cm.
  • Weight: 8-10 kg.
  • Color: snow-white.
  • Price: 20-30 thousand rubles.

Graceful handsome Russian toy terrier

An elegant, small and graceful dog looks like a fawn: large, beautiful eyes, thin straight legs and shiny, short hair make the representatives of the breed simply irresistible. The Russian Toy is an energetic and active dog, distrustful of strangers and courageous. Training takes place with little difficulty, since the toy terrier is inclined to shirk classes, being distracted by the game or other important things.

From the first months, you should stop barking for no reason, which can become a habit.

  • Height: 18-25 cm.
  • Weight: 2.1-3.5 kg.
  • Color: brown, chocolate, black and tan.
  • Price: from 16 to 28 thousand rubles.

Fluffy Mexican lap dog Chihuahua

A very small, independent and obstinate dog, similar to a fennec fox, is a Chihuahua. The cute appearance of these kids and their special, huge self-esteem have won many hearts of true connoisseurs of this breed. Chihuahuas can be ideal pets, docile and respectful to the owner, but for this the owner must make a lot of effort.

Almost all Chihuahuas are independent and jealous, and only consistent, strict training can turn a naughty puppy into a sweet dog.

  • Height: from 15 to 23 cm.
  • Weight: 1.1-3 kg.
  • Color: Apricot, cream or fawn colors are most often present.
  • Price: 18-30 thousand rubles.

Dangerous aggressor French bulldog

Tightly built dogs with a hilarious facial expression and protruding, large ears are most similar to the Cheburashka. Short-haired dogs represent assertiveness and courage, but they are never the first to attack.


The Pomeranian Spitz is a decorative breed of miniature size. According to the standard, the weight of such dogs is from 2 to 3 kg, and the height at the withers should not exceed 22 cm. This is one of the smartest and quickest dog breeds - they can most often be seen at circus performances. They are easy to train and happily continue learning throughout their lives. In addition, Pomeranians work well in a team.

The standard allows for several colors characteristic of this breed: white, brown, sand-cream, black, red, sable, two-tone and even orange. The thick and fluffy coat of Spitz dogs requires daily care. It will need to be brushed frequently to prevent matting and matting. Otherwise, caring for these dogs is simple, as is keeping them. They eat little and, like cats, are able to do without walks, limiting themselves to the tray in order to relieve their natural needs.

The main problem for owners of Spitz dogs kept in apartments is their habit of reacting to everything with loud barking, which can cause serious disagreements with neighbors. Therefore, the education and training program must necessarily include the command “Quiet!” In addition to barking, for those who prefer peace, a problem may be the increased activity and restlessness of these dogs, which, however, is more than compensated for by their friendly, cheerful and perky character. If you get yourself such a dog as a companion, you will definitely not be bored - she is ready to play and frolic all day long, and she definitely needs a partner for games.

Sometimes it seems that Spitz dogs have built-in batteries inside them that never run out - the energy overflows them. A walk down the street in rainy weather will literally turn your furry pet into a wet ball of dirty fur, so it’s better to walk them in special waterproof overalls, in which they look especially hilarious.

Pomeranians are fearless and are ready to attack any stranger who crosses the threshold of your home. They really have delusions of grandeur, expressed in the fact that they seem to themselves to be formidable giants, significantly larger in size than any of their potential opponents. This should also be taken into account in the education program so that your guests do not leave you with torn trousers. The more often you exercise and walk your dog, the calmer he will be.

There are dog breeds that do well in apartment conditions. There are also those who need a much larger territory. To choose the right pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for keeping it.

If you want to get a fighting breed animal, you need to prepare for additional difficulties associated with caring for and raising such a dog. She will need a muzzle and other things necessary for safe walking. The owner must know the basics of training and be able to subjugate an animal with a strong will and character. It should be understood that fighting breeds are specially bred by man for fighting in duels. These are bull terriers, rottweilers, terriers, bulldogs, etc.

In urban environments, it is best to get a small dog that is friendly and has an innate ability to train and perform guard duty. This is a Staffordshire Terrier, Labrador, American Bulldog. A boxer, a giant schnauzer, or a cane corso are suitable for guarding an apartment.

Dog breeds for a private home

In a private farmstead or dacha there are no restrictions on choosing a dog. Since in this case its purpose is to protect the territory, it is recommended to have larger and smarter animals. The choice here is very large: Caucasian, German, East European Shepherds, Dobermans, Tibetan and Neapolitan Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Malinois, French Bouviers, Giant Schnauzers. These dogs are loyal, intelligent, and, if properly trained, quite aggressive towards strangers.

Each dog has its own character and unique appearance, by which one can determine whether it belongs to a particular breed. Chow chows and Pomeranians are the dream of, perhaps, any person who loves dogs. These are not only smart and loyal animals. These dogs, like real bear cubs, are designed to cause delight at least with their appearance.

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians are good-natured and friendly dogs, wonderful friends and obedient pets. If your family is expecting a new addition, you can safely buy a Pomeranian. This dog loves children very much and tolerates their pranks, but it does not tolerate rudeness. She needs patience, affection and at the same time strictness when raising.

Spitz dogs, although patient, have a subtle and sensitive psyche. They accurately determine the mood of the owner. Pomeranians will delight their owners with their intelligence and the pleasure with which they carry out commands and tricks.

Spitz love when all family members are together. However, the Spitz always has a favorite: he zealously serves his beloved owner and tries to please. Sometimes Spitz understand commands that are given by gestures or facial expressions. These dogs endlessly love movement: they like long walks and runs, Spitz love to play around in the snow and splash in the water. Spitz are long-lived, and their preferences and behavior do not change until old age.

The Pomeranian gets along well with other animals. They can easily travel, these dogs can even be transported in a bag - Spitz will take this calmly.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow breed is very reserved and has a sense of self-esteem. The character is moderate and calm, chow chows are not aggressive and docile. The dog becomes very attached to his owner, but even while waiting for him, he is patient: he will never whine desperately.

A purebred Chow Chow can be identified by its coat with a very thick undercoat, a black tongue, and a tail with long hair and a necessarily curved shape.

The Chow Chow is not a very good friend for a small child, as it will not indulge his pranks or entertain him. Although Chow Chow dogs are tolerant of children, and you should not expect an aggressive attitude towards their mischief. Chow Chows are highly susceptible to training, but will only do what they consider necessary.

In a family, a dog is loyal to only one person and will always fulfill his demands. If the owner tries to break the dog's devotion, most likely the chow chow will become withdrawn and act distant.

Caring for plush dogs

Despite their beautiful, fluffy coats, Chow Chows and Pomeranians do not require much grooming. Their fur is not prone to curling, so you can brush such dogs only once a week with a sparse brush. During the shedding period, dogs do not litter everything around with hair. The structure of the coat, especially that of the Chow Chow, is capable of self-cleaning. However, such dogs need to be cut a couple of times a year, and they should be washed before cutting.

There is an opinion that dogs are domesticated wolves. But the pets from this article are more similar to bears.

Bear-like dogs

Dogs with the appearance of a bear have charm and have always attracted the attention of breeders. Among these plush pets you can find dogs of all sizes: small, medium and large.

Large breed bear dogs

Large breed dogs are best suited for keeping in the yard of a private home. If young furry pets cause affection, then as they grow older they acquire a terrifying appearance.


The Newfoundland is a service dog with an easy-going character. The dog gets along well with children and other pets. Pets have high intelligence and intelligence.

The Newfoundland tolerates low temperatures well due to its thick undercoat.

The dog loves water very much, so in Russia it is often called a diver.


The Samoyed is a dog that looks like a polar bear. She gets along well with children and other pets. Does not tolerate loneliness well and is not suitable for keeping on a chain or in an enclosure.

The Samoyed easily adapts to any weather conditions

The Tibetan Mastiff is a guard dog with a luxurious mane. The pet is characterized by a fairly high degree of aggression. The Mastiff is willful, so it is best suited for an experienced dog owner.

The Tibetan Mastiff is quite good with children and pets.

Akita Inu

The Akita Inu is a Spitz-shaped Japanese dog known for its loyalty and reserve. It is friendly towards its owner and wary of strangers.

The Akita Inu dog breed became especially popular after the release of the series "Hachiko"

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Caucasian Wolfhound) is a guard and hunting dog. The pet has an explosive character and is always ready to defend its owner. Suitable for experienced dog owners only. The dog tolerates loneliness quite well.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog easily tolerates frost, so it feels comfortable in a booth or enclosure

The Alaskan Malamute is a working dog. The pet is willful and loves to dominate, so it needs an experienced owner. The Malamute is friendly and sociable. Treats dogs of other breeds well. He can't bark at all.

Alaskan Malamute can't bark

Medium size bear dogs

Medium-sized dogs are suitable for keeping in a city apartment.


A poodle is a dog that resembles a teddy bear. The pet has a friendly disposition and is not prone to aggression. The dog is very active and therefore needs frequent walks. Can be used as a hunting dog.

Poodle is a bad watchman

The Goldendoodle is a designer dog breed created by crossing a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. The Goldendoodle has a soft, easy-going personality. The pet is very friendly and not prone to aggression.

Goldendoodle - companion dog

The Chow Chow is a Chinese dog with a luxurious lion's mane. The dog has an independent and stubborn character, which can lead to problems with training. Shows aggression extremely rarely.

Chow Chow - a dog with a purple tongue

Pomeranian Spitz - a small bear dog

The Pomeranian is a small companion and watchdog dog. The ideal place to keep a pet is an apartment. The dog has a friendly disposition and needs active daily walks. A distinctive feature is a ringing bark.

The breed standard allows for 12 coat colors

We have a Pomeranian Spitz in our family. It is of particular interest to our three-year-old daughter. But since the pet has a very fragile constitution, we do not allow the child to pick up the puppy. After all, with one awkward movement, a baby can harm the health of a small dog.

Thick, shaggy coat is a distinctive feature of bear-like dogs. Caring for the fur of such a pet will be one of the main tasks of the owner.