What should a child ride in winter? Winter children's transport: sleds, ice skates, snow scooters, snow scooters

Everyone knows the great benefits fresh air has on the human body. Therefore, the more a child is outside, and the more active he is at this time, the more benefit will bring such a pastime. And a frosty and snowy winter is absolutely not a contraindication for long active walks. It seems that in the warm season it is much easier to provide active recreation for a child of any age. After all, for the summer you can buy gurneys, floor swings, gaming complexes, tricycles. For older children, electric cars, scooters, roller skates, two-wheeled bicycles and balance bikes will be useful. What about in winter? Remembering their own childhood, many will immediately remember sleds. But, as you know, progress does not stand still, and today children ride down the slides in winter not only on them. Let's take a closer look at what the kids are riding downhill in the winter now.

What do you ride downhill in winter?

When winter is generous with snow and frost, this provides an excellent opportunity for parents to provide an interesting, and most importantly useful walk for their children. In winter, you can go to the skating rink, or go down the hill, and depending on what you choose, it will be clear what you need to purchase:

Frosty air has a very beneficial effect on human health, both small and adult. Winter walk on fresh air will strengthen the immune system, provide healthy sleep, will improve your appetite and give you an unforgettable weekend with your family. The main thing is for joint family vacation the winter was fun and safe, it’s worth checking out what’s best for downhill skiing and how else you can spend time in the frosty winter.

Gorki- This is an inclined surface of natural or artificial origin. The sizes of mountains and slides for skiing are very diverse: from a slide on a playground 2 meters long, to mountains with relief terrain with tracks for sleds and snowmobiles and lifts (skiers also ride there). You need to choose a place for skiing depending on your age and level of training. There are also ice and snow slides. The snow slide is softer, you can roll down it more carefully. The ice slide is fast and hard, it accelerates the skater so much that you just have to hold on!

Step 2

What to ride down the hills on? Vehicles for mountain riding are very diverse. Sled(aka sleds), ice cubes all kinds of shapes and sizes, tubings, inflatable cheesecakes or bagels, snow scooters and various available means that can be used for skating (cardboard, linoleum, durable cellophane, plywood, etc. are used for this category). The most desperate ones roll right on their feet or on their fifth point.

Step 3

And it is also very important to prepare for skiing down the mountain. Choose slides that do not face the road or street where cars drive. The route along which you will ride should not be blocked by trees, bushes, street lighting poles or fences, otherwise, colliding with them, you can fly out of the saddle and get injured.

Step 4

Make sure your snowmobile is in good working order, controllable and comfortable, so that there are no parts sticking out of it that could get caught on the road during the descent. For reference: ice skates and tubing are the most uncontrollable means for sliding downhill, and therefore the most dangerous.
And it’s worth dressing up sportily if you decide to go for a good ride: shoes without heels, gloves or mittens, ski pants and a hat (it’s possible that you’ll fly off a snowdrift). If the slides are serious, then you can protect yourself with a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.

Step 5

If you come to a professional roller coaster, before you are allowed onto the track, you should be instructed on how to use the downhill skiing device and what track awaits you.
In any case, you need to sit on a sled, ice skate or tubing like you would on a chair, leaning back, bending your knees, and holding on to the steering wheel or handles. You should not ride while lying down, especially head first, or take a running jump; a bloodied nose will not look good on anyone. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, it is also difficult to control the process; in such a state you should not try the case.

Step 6

A little more sad stuff: typical injuries when sliding downhill - bruises, including the head, fractures of the ankle, elbow and wrist joints. Therefore, keep in mind everything that was said above.

Step 7

Well, now you know everything about sliding downhill! By the way, rolling down the hills became the progenitor of three Olympic events sports: bobsleigh, sleigh and skeleton.
So how are we doing with the snow in our yard? If complete order, get ready soon, because a fun, exciting and favorite activity awaits you - downhill skiing! Rosy cheeks, sparkle in your eyes and a great mood are guaranteed!

People rode in sleighs before the wheel first appeared. The ancient Slavic “san” meant “crawling”, and the sliding movement of carts was associated with a snake, which is where the name came from. Of course, sleighs were, first of all, transport in Rus'. Due to the poor condition of the roads, driving on them was much more convenient than on wheeled vehicles. More convenient and honorable. Noble boyars and the kings themselves with the princes rode out on sleighs, distinguished by their magnificent decoration.

The sleigh had special meaning during rituals - weddings and funerals. It was on sleighs on Maslenitsa that children, adults and old people rode from the mountains for fun.

The design of the sled has remained virtually unchanged for dozens of centuries. All sleds are designed according to the same principle - runners and a seat rigidly fastened together. At the beginning of the 20th century, attempts began to create sleighs with a mechanical engine. In 1908, the Russian engineer Kuzin equipped the sled with an aircraft engine. His first snowmobiles could reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. Throughout the 20th century, their design was constantly improved. In the 60s, another Russian designer, Tupolev, came up with an amphibious sled. Such a sled could not only drive on snow and ice, but also float on water.

Sleighs were used not only in northern countries, but also, for example, in ancient Egypt. There is a lot of evidence of this.

The most expensive sleds are sold in Switzerland. This exclusive sled handmade cost more than 7 thousand. e.

Would you like a sled for the summer?

And they came up with these. Slicers are the name of sleds that you can ride all year round. There are special grids with ice on their bottom. A trip on such a sleigh from a mountain in the heat will be more successful than in winter, because when high temperature Ice melts quickly, the bottom becomes covered with a slippery film of water, which allows you to develop good speed.

Snow scooter

Inventing devices for descending from mountains, humanity could not settle on any one option.

In front of you snow scooter- a hybrid of skis and sleds. In 1935, the first attempt was made to “transplant” the sled onto ski runners. This is how the first snow scooters appeared. Over time, they were equipped with a brake, steering wheel, suspension and even a motor.

Unlike classic sleds, the snow scooter is better controlled. But due to its seating position, this vehicle is not suitable for children.

ice cream

Snow scooters and sleds are used to ride down the snow slides. And for ice surfaces you need, logically, ice cubes. What inventions have not been used in this capacity? Historians and ethnographers can compose a whole study!

In some villages, old wicker baskets were taken out into the cold, poured with water so that they were covered with a thin layer of ice, and then, sitting in them, rolled down the mountains. In others, flat cakes of manure and hay were frozen. They say that such devices were very, very fast.

Thirdly, they used a box or piece of wood for rolling. And in Soviet times, kids rode with ice mountains right on their briefcases. Then the industry began to produce plastic ice caps in a wide variety of shapes. IN recent years ice mats made of polypropylene appeared. The thick foam material performs well on both icy and snowy slopes. As technology developed and spread, so did human ingenuity.

An ice sled is a simplified sled for downhill sledding. This activity has long been a favorite pastime for children. The children's ice skate was invented specifically for skating with ice slides and has undeniable advantages over sleds and other available means. Firstly, ice skates are light in weight and small in size compared to classic sleds or tubes. Secondly, there is now a wide range of ice cubes for children in stores different ages. This means you can find an ice cube according to your individual preferences: the desired shape, color, size and material. And, of course, the price of ice skates is several times lower than the cost of any sled.

There are two main types of ice floes: for skiing on icy hills and for skiing on snowy slopes. This is their most important and fundamental difference. The first type includes the simplest oval “ice pads” with one handle with a diameter of about 35 cm. They are considered the most dangerous despite the fact that they do not develop the highest speed. And all because the child’s legs are not protected from contact with the ice cover of the slide, and the baby can get various bruises. This model is ideal for riding on small, flat ice slides.

The second type includes “ice-plates” and “ice-troughs”. Such models can be either with one or two handles. They also most often have special recesses for the feet, which help children sit more comfortably and safely on the ice. They are the safest and, at the same time, the fastest. However, on icy slides they become extremely unpredictable in movement, which is why it is recommended to use them specifically for going down snowy slopes.

Nowadays, the range of ice cubes is so wide that everyone can choose what they want. The only thing general requirement when choosing an ice cube, it is a high-quality, frost-resistant, durable, environmentally friendly material.

Cheesecake tubes

When durable waterproof fabrics ceased to be a curiosity, they decided to use them to make inflatable ring. And now the new transport is ready - tubing or “cheesecake”, as people affectionately call him. Tube is an inflatable round chamber in a case with a reinforced bottom and handles. The camera case is made of durable material, and areas that experience maximum loads, additionally reinforced with nylon tape. A special coating minimizes friction with the surface when sliding, which allows you to develop high speed even on slopes with a small slope. The soft inflatable chamber itself softens the slide over uneven surfaces.

The first such vehicles date back to 1820. And today “cheesecakes” are recognized as the safest and convenient transport for skiing from the mountains.


Sleds, skis, ice skates, tubing... and among them a handsome snowmobile. You pressed the gas handle, and you were already rushing through the snowy expanses. But parents rightly ask the question: is this a children's toy?

A snowmobile is a rather demanding vehicle for the driver.

Firstly, an insulated suit and a closed helmet are required. A trip in sub-zero weather, even at low speed, results in piercing wind and snow in your eyes. Therefore, it is not recommended to approach a snowmobile without equipment.

Secondly, conquering obstacles with this device is not as easy as it seems at first glance. As long as you drive along a straight, knurled track, everything is wonderful. But as soon as the road goes up or down, turns sharply, or even ends completely, it immediately becomes difficult. Therefore, adults who have ridden a snowmobile at least once are unlikely to perceive it as childish look transport... And they will be wrong!

Snowmobiles for children are smaller in size and have less power in comparison with their “brothers”; they are very simple to operate. Their main feature is safety. Most models have the ability to limit speed and autonomously turn off the engine using a remote control. Some models also have a “safety cord” that allows you to stop the engine if a child accidentally falls out of the snowmobile.

Children's snowmobiles are very stable due to the wide distance between the skis. They are controlled using a steering wheel, usually heated and adjustable to the height of the child.

There are gasoline and electric snowmobiles.

Currently, gasoline snowmobiles are the most affordable ( the price of models varies greatly, ranging from 15-150 thousand rubles), which means they are the most popular. But in the future, with cheaper technologies, perhaps they will give way to their environmentally friendly electric “brothers”.

I don’t know about you, but I like more classic solutions. This vertical vacuum cleaner Kitfort KT-536-1 https://kitfort.ru/catalog/vertikalnyy-pylesos/17157/ fully satisfies any needs, and it is more convenient to use than a regular one. You need to buy and try this yourself; once you buy a vertical vacuum cleaner, you will probably never return to conventional models.

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And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast – especially under New Year, and even on freshly fallen snow! And we don’t just mean a car or a sled with skis. Rushing with the breeze into frost (if it comes, of course) can be much more interesting! In our material we present to you the top 5 most unusual snow skiing ideas.

TOP 5. Horse ride

One of the most affordable, but nevertheless interesting options is winter horseback riding. This includes both sledding and horse riding.

For such a holiday it is not necessary to acquire your own stable. There are plenty of equestrian tourist centers in the Moscow region: for example, the Ataman complex in the village of Vaulino or the Outpost horse ranch in Isavintsy. There you can not only rent horses, but also get riding lessons from experienced instructors.

Let's face it: horseback riding isn't cheap. An hour-long horseback ride will cost you one and a half thousand rubles, and a sleigh ride will cost you two and a half. Private traders charge less, but their service is not the same, and you need to agree on the event in advance. So, if you want to guess new year holidays, you need to call today.

TOP-4. On a cable behind a car

Entertainment for real extreme sports enthusiasts! Not everyone will dare to race on a sled or monoski after a runaway car, although the thirst for adrenaline can be quenched in this way for a couple of years to come.

For the attraction you will need a car, an adequate driver, a piece of cable and, in fact, the “flying vehicle” itself. Most often it is a strong sled, although, as we have already mentioned, it can be a monoski or even an ordinary wooden pallet. The main rule here is the safety of the riders. So let’s remember:
Under no circumstances should you drive on the roadway or any other place where you might encounter another vehicle. A well-frozen pond should be considered the best testing ground in this matter. And the site is flat, and visibility is 360 degrees.
The length of the cable must be at least ten meters. In case of a sudden stop, the rider needs a sufficient distance for braking.
Feel free to wear all the protection you have, including a mask. When you're ziplining, it's useful to see exactly where you're going.
AND last rule this time for the driver. If you hear ice cracking under the wheels, do not stop under any circumstances! Increase your speed (but without fanaticism - you have a passenger overboard) and take the shortest route to the shore.

If you take ziplining seriously, a festive mood is guaranteed.

TOP-3. Dog sled

For centuries, in the conditions of the Far North, the dog sled was the only vehicle. Today it has been completely forgotten, and sleds are used only for sporting purposes. But the idea of ​​riding such a sled, and even on New Year’s Eve, is quite attractive! Even if instead of a pack you have only one, but strong dog, you can arrange a holiday for at least your child.

The only problem is the Eskimo sleigh itself. They ask for them like they would for a used car, which not everyone can afford.

Fortunately, just to ride, you don’t need professional equipment, and simple sleds can be made on your own, and in two to three hours. For these purposes you will need old skis, a sled, a two-three meter piece of wooden beam and a handle from gardening tools. Even if you have to buy all this, it will be inexpensive.

As you can see, there is no special need to explain the installation technology; everything is intuitive.

You will only have to dwell on a few nuances.
Firstly, the skis must be secured parallel to each other; for this, the distance between them is carefully measured before installation.
Secondly, all bolts or screws with which you will attach anything to the skis must be screwed in from the side of the sliding plane and must be hidden in secret places.

A few hours in the workshop and you can harness it. Just don't attach the lines directly to the collar. There are special dog sleds for this, which can be easily found at a pet store.

TOP-2. Winter windsurfing

If you can’t get out to the sea in the summer, but you’ve dreamed of sailing all your life, winter is exactly the time of year when you can do it. After all, a flat snow-covered field is in no way inferior to the surface of the sea. The only thing you may have problems with is inventory. The sail itself can be purchased at the store, but there will be problems with the board. You will have to make it yourself.

There are two types of board. These are two- and three-skids. The latter is more friendly for beginners, and therefore we will tell you about its production in more detail.

To work, you will need two pairs of cross-country skis, a fine metal mesh and a thick-walled aluminum tube with a diameter of about two to three centimeters (you can take it from an old folding bed).

Make the center ski first.

Attach auxiliary skis to it using aluminum tubes; they should not be located parallel, but at an angle of 25° to the horizon. This is the most crucial moment. In order not to mess up here, the aluminum parts need to be bent in advance, and one pattern at a time.

Insert spacers (from the same tubes) between the fasteners and cover the resulting skeleton with a metal mesh.

In fact, the triski is ready, you just need to screw the leg loops and the hinge mount for the mast to the metal frame. The first can be made of leather or metal covered with fabric, while the second part is sold in the store.

In a good wind, you can reach speeds of over 50 km/h on such a triski, so don’t forget about protective equipment. Well, now set the sail and let's go for a ride!

TOP-1. Snowkiting

And yet, despite all the advantages of the sail, he is content with only second place in our “hit parade” of New Year's sailing. We call snowkiting the undisputed leader.

If you don’t know, a kite is a huge kite that is used instead of a sail. True, such a drive has an order of magnitude stronger traction, which allows you to use not only flat terrain, but also steep climbs for riding. But you can get special pleasure not so much from speed as from jumping. Ten-second flights are the norm here.

One problem, unlike summer kiting, if you fail, you will have to fall not into the water, but onto the frozen ground, because this type of entertainment is the most high percentage injuries. Flying a “kite” without a helmet and elbow pads is out of the question.

In addition to protective equipment, you will need the kite itself, it is sold in areas ranging from one (training) to three meters, as well as a trapeze and a snowboard. Although, if you decide to do without freestyle, regular skis will do.

All equipment is not cheap, but can be rented. Thus, the cost of daily rental of a kite is only 500-600 rubles, while you can buy it only for 25-40 thousand. Not only is it really not difficult to control a “kite,” but Google will also find one and a half to two dozen kite schools right in the Moscow region at your first request.

Well, are you ready to get your portion of New Year's adrenaline?..