A pile of snow. Why do you dream about an ice slide?

IN real life A children's slide is associated with entertainment, and high mountains in nature are an obstacle. Also in a dream: if the dreamer’s emotions were positive, the vision can only be interpreted in a positive way. If the slide appeared suddenly and blocked the dreamer’s path, you should prepare for difficulties that you will have to overcome on your own. The interpretation may differ if close people participated in the dream.

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    Basic values

    Riding down a hill in a dream, having fun, means possible difficulties in business, obstacles. These problems will have to be solved on your own, without the help of loved ones. The mountain is a symbol of the plans of strangers who can influence the course of the dreamer’s affairs. If it opens in a dream mountain landscape, a person must be prepared for the fact that the worst will come in his life easy period, requiring some effort.

    The dream also gives clues about the dreamer’s current situation. If he stands at the top and is preparing to descend, he will get worse financial situation and reputation. This deterioration is not critical, the situation can be corrected, but you will have to make an effort. If the dreamer looks down from the top, he adequately assesses possible risks future enterprises and is ready to take responsibility for the implementation risky plans.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    What was the slide like?

    Depending on what the descent looked like, the interpretation of the dream may vary. If the dreamer was just about to go down, but something stopped him, this is a symbol that in his life he has a trusted person whom he can rely on in solving serious issues.

    High, vast peaks are a symbol of the dreamer's excessive ambition. He should adequately assess his capabilities and not take on tasks that he is not able to complete. Low slides may indicate low self-esteem. This is also a symbol that the dreamer is significantly exaggerating the seriousness of current problems - they can be solved easier and faster than he thinks.

    Snowy, icy

    Descending from an ice slide means that the dreamer's current position is unstable and does not depend on him. The situation will develop by inertia, especially if in a dream he was descending on his feet. If, having moved down from the top, he again began to rise up and slide, this means that in real life the problems cannot be solved without the help of more strong people. If the dreamer managed to climb with the help of an icebreaker, his problems will be solved, and he will cope with them on his own. A dream in which ice is sprinkled with salt, sand, or rises by grasping tree branches takes on the same meaning.

    Descent from high mountain skiing in winter warns the dreamer that he needs to change his business tactics. Some of the decisions he makes make his position precarious. Imminent events in life will lead to large-scale changes that you will have to adapt to.

    If the dreamer went down on skates, this is interpreted as his self-confidence, the ability to make decisions both for himself and for his loved ones, confidently bearing responsibility for them. A cheerful sledding trip with friends symbolizes the desire for relaxation and friendly meetings. The dream is a sign that the dreamer pays little attention to both family and childhood friends.

    A snow-capped mountain symbolizes good health, and descending from it symbolizes career growth or a change of job. If the snow prevents you from moving, your colleagues or friends are jealous.

    Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books


    A mountain on which trees grow symbolizes problems in personal relationships. An invisible wall grows between the dreamer and his soulmate, which will only push the lovers further away every day.

    If, while going down the hill, the dreamer collects flowers, this means that in the near future a kaleidoscope of events and emotions awaits him - happy news will be replaced by sad ones. Picking mushrooms on the descent means illness if the mushrooms are dark and rotten, but big profits if the mushrooms are white and large.


    Going down a children's slide in a dream indicates that the dreamer is still a child at heart and is not ready to take responsibility for important decisions. He needs help from family or friends. The dream of a small children's attraction means that the dreamer's problems are greatly exaggerated by him and in reality do not pose any difficulty.

    High children's slides, from which the dreamer descends with a group of friends, dream of meeting these people. There will be a reason to visit the places where you spent your childhood. The dream also means that the dreamer’s relatives need his attention.

    Roller coaster

    Dreaming of going down a roller coaster represents a risky undertaking that will inspire the dreamer. If you are careful, your idea can turn into fame, profit, and respect in the eyes of others.

    Riding an attraction with a group of friends or relatives is deciphered in the dream book as an opportunity to open a profitable family business. If we act together, our plan will bring stability and prosperity.


    Water is a symbol women's health. If you dream of descending from a steep water mountain, you should pay attention to the condition reproductive system. A successful descent is interpreted as an opportunity to have healthy children in the future. If the dreamer already has children, such a dream should be interpreted as impending strong emotions and a fun time.

    If the water in which they descended was warm, the dream predicts health, family well-being, and success in business. Cold water- a symbol of difficulties on the way to the goal, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Riding in a water park is interpreted as a waste of time; the dreamer will be distracted by little things and deviate from the given path. This will prevent you from achieving what you want in the near future.

    Interpretation according to famous dream books

    Famous interpreters They attach key importance to slides in a dream. Interpretations of dreams from famous seers:

    • Miller's Dream Book. Going down the hill means troubles, problems, and the influence of ill-wishers.
    • Interpretation of Vanga. Such a dream foreshadows failure, shame, reproach, and the desire of colleagues to slander the dreamer.
    • According to Freud. Dissatisfaction with your relationship with your partner, desire for secret connections.
    • Home dream book. The dreamer is bored with monotonous life, he is bogged down by everyday routine and subconsciously wants bright sensations.
    • Dream book by Stuart Robinson. Carefree skating with friends is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer wants to live for his own pleasure, he gives too much to the people who surround him.

    Interpretation by days of the week

    Depending on the day of the week on which such a dream appeared, its meaning changes:

    • From Monday to Tuesday. The dream is a warning - changes are coming in all areas of life. They will want to slander the dreamer, but with due care this will not work.
    • From Tuesday to Wednesday. Such a dream gives clues about loved ones, relatives, and takes you to places of childhood. You should pay attention to your family and devote more time to them.
    • From Wednesday to Thursday. The dreamer expects a change in his financial situation and a promotion. He will be able to solve a difficult work situation that was preventing him from reaching his potential.
    • From Thursday to Friday. Dreams concern the love sphere, therefore they foreshadow difficulties in relationships with a loved one. He lacks attention and care from the dreamer.
    • From Friday to Saturday. Fateful night visions, symbolizing dramatic changes in fate, the opportunity to make a decision that will change the course of events not only for the sleeper, but also for those around him.
    • From Saturday to Sunday. Night visions act as clues about the inner potential of the sleeper. Skating in a dream from Saturday to Sunday is interpreted as a predisposition to potentially dangerous species activities, for example, extinguishing fires, rescuing drowning people. The dreamer is not engaged in the activities that were prepared for him by fate.
    • From Sunday to Monday. Dreaming about riding and descending on such a night will help you see what is preventing you from realizing your plans. IN in this case, the dreamer spends too much time idly, communicating with colleagues and friends. If he concentrates on the task, he will succeed.

    Regardless of the interpretation, one should accept the clues of fate as an opportunity to change the course of events. It is impossible to take interpretation for granted and inevitable - it is important to be able to use the tips received for your own purposes.

Dream interpretation ice slide

Which are the most vivid impressions Do you have memories of winter from your childhood? In addition to the New Year and gifts from Santa Claus, I immediately remember snow and the opportunity to ride down an ice slide.

How much delight and adrenaline you feel when you rush down the slope at high speed! This is in reality, but why do you dream about a slide?

What does this dream mean?

In general, a slide in night vision symbolizes obstacles. True, the interpretation will depend on the actions of the sleeping person, whether he will descend or rise, in what mood, the fact that the mountain was in front of him plays an important role.

Dream book predictions

I dreamed of ice

Although this article will mainly consider information regarding what an ice slide means in dreams, it is still worth considering general interpretations dream books.

It matters a lot whether you are going up or down the mountain.. It is not superfluous to clarify whether it is flat or steep. And, of course, with what emotions did you do this?

Miller's Dream Book

In a dream, a mountain appears before the sleeper - unforeseen events will arise that will confuse all plans. You just have to wait out a streak of bad luck, and soon everything will return to normal, the dream book promises.

According to the dream book, the hill you are climbing promises an opportunity to cope with difficulties. Miller believed that a sleeping person has enough knowledge to overcome future obstacles.

Go down - you create difficulties yourself. Even the most insignificant obstacle in your eyes becomes insurmountable and causes a storm of negative emotions.

Going downhill means that ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to annoy you, so you should be extremely careful and not trust everyone.

According to the dream book, an ice slide promises a fun time. The mountain is strewn with sand - you will have to forget about rest for a while, as you will have to do household chores.

If you don’t ride down the hill on a sled, you will be able to have a good rest and have fun without spending money. A “hare” holiday will not spoil your good mood at all.

Vanga's Dream Book

To be at the very top in a dream

Climbing to the top - good luck and happiness await a sleeping person. To make his dreams come true, he will only need a little effort.

Go down - colleagues are unfriendly. They will put a spoke in the wheels, slander, do everything to ruin the career of a sleeping person. You should always be on guard; if you are too lazy, you will lose your position.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What you might dream of about rolling down a hill means trouble in love, according to the dream book. The blame for the breakup will be entirely on you; your partner will get tired of tolerating a frivolous attitude towards himself.

Rolling down the ice with your loved one means you will soon separate. This will be a mutual decision without mutual accusations and insults, your feelings will become obsolete.

In a dream, you are afraid of the upcoming descent, and your partner is trying to persuade you to do it - unfortunately, you will not be together forever. You shouldn't keep this person.

Esoteric dream book

Just seeing a slide for children in a dream - the dream book considers this image in two ways:

  • you are young at heart, this one positive trait will stay with you forever;
  • you don’t want to perceive the reality around you, you don’t want to grow up or make responsible decisions.

Descending rapidly in a dream

Go down it - you want to return to the good old days. But, as you know, it is impossible to enter the same river twice.

Roller coasters from a psychological point of view

According to psychologists, the mountain symbolizes your real position in society. Standing at the top - you will find yourself in a situation from which only ingenuity and intuition will help you get out.

If you go down a hill, you feel dissatisfied with your partner. Sigmund Freud's dream book clarifies that your dissatisfaction is dictated by temporary insanity; you suddenly decided that you deserve better.

Take time and everything will fall into place, otherwise you may greatly regret breaking up with your loved one after the scales fall from your eyes.

Mountains made of ice and snow

According to the dream book, riding down a hill in a dream promises quick and drastic changes in your real life. Life can not only change dramatically, but also present you with a real adventure. You will be interested in participating in the case, although you will understand that this is a big risk.

If the ice slide in your dream was so steep that just looking at it took your breath away, it means that you are ready to take responsibility for everything that happens around you.

Experience the delight of descending in a dream

Roll down and feel delighted - in fact, you are a strong and resilient person who can endure many trials.

According to interpreters, going down a hill on a sled is a dream-indication. You are tired of gray everyday life, you need to unwind, experience new sensations, change the situation.

The ice on the slide is covered with snow - many unforgettable and happy events await you ahead.

Why do you dream about troubles?

If in a dream you tried to climb an ice slide, but you didn’t succeed, your feet constantly slipped or got stuck in the snow - take a break in real life. You have taken on too many responsibilities on your shoulders; you should think carefully about whether you could entrust them to other people.

Why do you dream about a hill if you managed to climb it? This means that no matter what difficulties come your way, you are able to overcome them. The main thing is not to forget that there is a reward waiting for you at the end.

Not only climb to the top yourself, but also help others - in reality, you have true friends who will lend their shoulder.

The dream of descending from a snowy mountain is poorly regarded by interpreters. Especially if you hit yourself painfully while sleeping. This means you should be careful with drinking alcohol, otherwise you risk seriously damaging your reputation.

Can’t drive normally because there are always bumps on the way? You will conflict with friends, and the reasons for the quarrels will be the most insignificant.

Going down somewhere in a dream means you will have to change your views on some things. To see people descending - be doubly careful for the next day or two. Riding on a train that is rushing downhill is a prediction of many works that will cause you anxiety.

Riding a bike down a hill means you should pay more attention to your health. Otherwise you will find serious illness. If in a dream you go downstairs and find yourself in a dungeon, it means that in reality you will receive pleasant impressions from a random trip to familiar places, which this time you will see with completely different eyes.

Seeing your friend somewhere far below in a dream is a harbinger that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old affections. Seeing birds descending from the sky foretells unusual events. Going down the chimney promises sadness. For a young girl, such a dream, among other things, means that she will do something out of the ordinary, which will cause bewilderment or indignation of others.

Going down a rope is a harbinger of disappointment in the brightest moments of your life. To see in a dream an elevator going down from which you have just exited means that in reality you miraculously managed to avoid danger or trouble in some matter.

Looking down from a bank or bridge onto a dirty muddy water– expect sad results from your most significant efforts. Seeing the mercury column of a thermometer going down in a dream means that soon the state of your affairs will begin to make you worry.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Looking down at someone means that you may make a wrong decision that will have a bad effect on your affairs.

Looking down on someone in a dream has a literal meaning and can mean arrogance or a clear advantage over a rival, or sometimes both.

Looking down from the window predicts obstacles in business. See interpretation: window.

Interpretation of dreams from

A hill in a dream is a symbol of small difficulties that accompany you in life. The slide is an omen of a series of small troubles that will not be too significant, but will fall on you one after another. If in a dream you climb up the slope of a small hill, it means that in reality you will be able to achieve your goals. On the contrary, if during the ascent you stumbled and begin to slide down, then in reality your main obstacle to achieving your goals will be human envy, anger and intrigue.

Hill in Miller's dream book

If in your dreams a slide appears in front of you, you should interpret this as an omen of obstacles that await you on the path to success. If you climb a hill in a dream, then in life you will be able to overcome all difficulties; if you go down, then even the most minor obstacles can become a serious obstacle to well-being. You should especially beware of envious people who are ready to take up arms against you at any moment.

Hill in Vanga's dream book

A mountainous area stretching out in front of you in a dream marks a long journey or a short journey in the near future. This road will play vital role in your life. Climbing a low hill is a good omen; it predicts success for you, for which you just need to show a little patience and put in a lot of effort to avoid the difficulties that await you along the way. Going down a hill indicates that you are on life path slander, general censure, even shame await you, which will cause you a lot of suffering. Hope to overcome all difficulties and achieve what you want is symbolized by a building or tree growing on the top of a hill. If the building is dilapidated and the tree is withered, it means that your hopes for successful outcome not meant to be.

Hill in Freud's dream book

If in a dream you had a vision of yourself standing on the top of a small hill or hill, then in real life you should be careful: perhaps in the near future you will find yourself in an unenviable position, from which it will not be easy to get out, this will require all your wisdom and patience. If in a dream you were going down a hill, it means that subconsciously you are dissatisfied with the relationship with a loved one that you currently have. You underestimate what you have because you feel like you've squeezed everything you can out of the present and need to move on. Such a dream is a hint; it suggests that in fact your relationship is much deeper, that you have not yet exhausted even a tenth of the potential that lies in it. Therefore, you should stop focusing on the future and start feeling the present, developing relationships, learning to understand loved one and enjoy his company.

Interpreting why you dream of riding down a hill, the dream book hastens to dispel vain fears. Moving down an incline in a dream does not mean that you are actually rolling down. Often the symbol contains encrypted advice on how to more effectively organize your progress in the desired direction and reminds you of how much has already been achieved.

Miller's explanation

Miller's dream book explains in detail why serious entrepreneurs and businessmen dream of going downhill. In the near future, your everyday life will be brightened up with a creative upsurge. Innovative ideas, coupled with a great desire to implement them, will take you to a new level.

Enthusiasm will not bypass those who do not have their own business. Management will certainly note the dreamer’s achievements, and the reward will be a career or financial breakthrough.

Snowy peaks

The Birthday Dream Book provides a very interesting explanation of why one dreams of riding down a hill in winter. What you dreamed about means summing up the results and the beginning of a new stage in life.

In the Universal Dream Interpreter, winter rides symbolize some kind of risky undertaking. Despite the fact that the chances of success are quite high, the dreamer will have to worry a lot and scold himself for his irrepressible adventurism.

In winter, strong, self-confident people have to slide down from a snowy peak alone in a dream. If you happen to see yourself sliding down a snowy mountain in a company, cooperation and participation in collective projects will help you achieve your goal.

Beware of slippery!

Explanations in certain dream books about why you dream of riding down an ice slide sometimes completely contradict each other. Some interpreters see the path of least resistance in the symbol, while others see the danger of a slippery surface.

If you dreamed of a daring, virtuoso descent from an icy mountain, this means that now more than ever you need support. Isn't this a reason to contact friends you haven't seen for a long time?

When you happen to ride down a hill and see things in your path ice slope, Modern dream book promises that things will go surprisingly smoothly.

Safety rules

In some cases, predictions about why you dream of riding down a hill sound warning. The dream book will tell you what you should be wary of in real life.

  • If you dreamed of slipping, loose manners threaten to tarnish your reputation;
  • When you manage to get injured in a dream, in reality do not get carried away with alcohol;
  • If you had to ride down a bumpy slide, alienation and cooling of feelings are possible;
  • A suspiciously smooth descent actually foreshadows serious obstacles;
  • Did you see a frighteningly steep slope? In reality, your worries are groundless;
  • If rides in a dream delight you, there is joyful excitement ahead;
  • If you dreamed of sliding down, in reality do not let your emotions take over;
  • Those who are afraid of losing their reputation as conquerors of heights have to go downhill.

Headfirst into a waterfall

From the Psychoanalytic Dream Book you can find out why you dream of going down a water slide. You are on the verge of an important decision; your choice determines how your future life will turn out. If you dreamed of sliding down a watery hill, you should be more attentive to the signs of fate.

When you have to quickly ride down a water slide, it is strictly contraindicated to throw yourself headlong into the pool. Every step must be carefully verified.

If you were lucky enough to have fun in a water park, changes are coming in reality. Seeing strangers sliding down a slide in a water park and not taking part in the fun comes on the eve of hard, but well-paid work.

Rolling down a hill into water in a dream is an undesirable sign for politicians and big businessmen who value their authority.

Let's take a trip back to childhood?

If you dreamed of riding a roller coaster, Eastern dream book reminds us how many ups and downs we have recently had to overcome. Nice holiday It will come in very handy.

Sometimes in a dream, the whirlwind on American attractions symbolizes a break from reality. When riding a roller coaster, it is almost impossible to stay on the chosen course, since the route is constantly changing. If you find it difficult to make a decision, consult a trusted person.