Clinic of neuroses, what is the fifth department? Department of Neuroses at the Korsakov Clinic

Really helped!

The wait for the first appointment is 2 weeks, then we still have to wait for hospitalization.

I thought for a very long time whether I should go to bed. I had panic attacks, VSD, IBS, trembling, dizziness, fears, anxiety, scary dreams and the whole bouquet. Now, a month after discharge, I want to definitely say that it’s worth going to bed! They helped me a lot there. Therefore, I am publishing this review on all the resources where I looked for reviews myself, in order to help those who are also in doubt make a decision. In order. For about 3 months I was tormented by my symptoms, I went to paid doctors, they prescribed something, it helped a little, but then it all came back. The symptoms were getting worse and I already felt like I was going crazy. I was scared to leave the house, I was afraid to faint and fall into a puddle where no one would save me. I’ve heard about the neurosis clinic for a long time and started Googling reviews. The reviews were very mixed. From “wow, they helped” to “horror, they made me hallucinate.” Imagine a person who is already afraid of everything, and now they are frightened by hallucinations. But I listened to myself and made an appointment, because lying at home was already unbearably bad, and my husband still didn’t understand what was happening and thought that I was suffering from garbage. I got an appointment with Kaledin. A pleasant young guy immediately reassured me that I had “ordinary neurosis”, that I was not dying, they had half the hospital with the same thing and would help me. I asked how I wanted to be treated, at home or in the hospital. To the question: “Which is better?”, he answered that usually families ask to go to the hospital to rest. I agreed. Hospitalization was scheduled after 5 days. I remember the first days in the hospital vaguely. I cried at receptions, telling how unhappy I was and how bad I felt. I ended up in the 6th department. Head of Pose, doctor - Krylov. The first impression is that everything is not as scary as I thought. Very nice and understanding doctors, nurses (special bow to Zemfira, she is the best!), double rooms, toilet and shower. I was prescribed pills, psychotherapy, massage, showers, group lectures. Bliss! God, why didn’t I want to go to bed here? To be fair, I’ll say that it’s so cool, apparently, only in the 6th department. […]. The situation where everyone understands you makes things much easier. If at home they looked at me like I was crazy, everyone here is just like you - they support me and you understand that you are not alone. The contingent is half pensioners, 30 percent people are about 40 years old, and 20 percent are young people under 30+. That is, at any age you can find a friend in misfortune and pour out your soul. The first few days they give you sleeping pills to calm you down. So you sleep a lot and feel a little stupid. Not a vegetable, no. Just sleepy and out of this world. But this is even good, because it blocks panic attacks. On the fourth day you start going for procedures. Your head is still a little stupid, but somehow you move automatically and are not afraid to fall - if anything happens, there are medical staff everywhere, they will help. A week later, side effects from the medications begin. Who has what? My arms and legs were twitching and my jaw was shaking. Not severe, not like a seizure, but overall unpleasant. […]. That is, yes, the drugs are strong, and many have side effects. But I’ll be honest - compared to what happened to me before the hospital, the side effects are minor and they are quite tolerable. If you can't wait, you have to wait it out. If it’s really bad, go to the doctor and change your pills. All! There is nothing fatal about this. We have all drank alcohol at one time or another and had too much alcohol at least once in our lives. Yes, it was bad. But they survived. Everything is tolerable. It's the same with pills. So don't be afraid! Closer to discharge (I’ve been in bed for 2 weeks now, not a month like before) the side effects were still there, and I began to think (like many there) that the doctors had chosen something wrong, that they didn’t care about me and generally wanted to cripple me . Now time has passed, and I understand that this is not so. It’s just that the body is just getting used to it, “sausaging” both physically and mentally. This is normal, and if tolerable, but overall it’s better than before - you just have to wait. When I was discharged I was crying - I was afraid and didn’t want to go home. A month later, what can I say. I'm happy that I lay there! Now I have completely restored my mobility, performance, and thinking. Panic attacks there was none. The symptoms of the disease disappeared completely. The anxiety has passed. The only thing is that sometimes my arms and legs still twitch. But this is only noticeable to me. This is becoming less and less every day, and soon, I hope, it will go away completely. I have to take the pills for another six months. After discharge I already went to paid doctor and adjusted the treatment. Because you should take the antidepressant that was prescribed, but the antipsychotic and tranquilizer can and should be adjusted - reduce the dose. I won’t write the names of all the tablets, because it varies from person to person, but Pantocalcin helped a lot with dizziness! In general, great heartfelt gratitude to the work of the clinic. Special thanks to doctors Pose and Krylov for their kindness and sympathy. Be healthy! Hooray!

Today's rhythm of life dictates conditions within which it is extremely difficult to maintain one's emotional and mental health. Constant pressure and concomitant dysfunction of the main organ systems lead to the development of various diseases and borderline conditions (for example, neuroses, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, migraines and others). How can you cope with acquired diseases of this nature? The neurosis clinic on Shabolovka can help (the address of the institution will be indicated below). However, before deciding on treatment at this Scientific and Practical Psychoneurological Center, it is important for each potential patient to analyze all available information about the institution in question. Why? He must have a good understanding of what he expects from the course of treatment, as well as what he will have to face during the course of therapy. This will help dispel all the potential patient’s anxieties and fears that invariably arise about patients suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders.

What is important to research before agreeing to treatment? You should understand the following nuances: in what cases can the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka help? How to get treatment in a hospital? Is it necessary to have registration in Moscow for this? Are there any contraindications, the presence of which may prevent the patient from becoming a patient of the medical institution in question? What do reviews tell you about the conditions in the clinic? You can find out the answers to all these questions by reading this article.

About the clinic

What is the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka? Reviews call it a leading medical institution Russian Federation, which specializes in the treatment of borderline mental illness. Today this institution is called the Scientific and Practical Psychoneurological Center named after Z. P. Solovyov. What diseases does the clinic specialize in treating? Among them are:

  • anorexia;
  • depression;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • panic attacks;
  • epilepsy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anxiety;
  • fears;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • emotional instability;
  • bulimia;
  • consequences of long-term brain injuries;
  • migraine.

The neurosis clinic on Shabolovka (reviews place special emphasis on this) has existed for more than a hundred years. During all this considerable time, significant experience has been accumulated, which allows us to effectively diagnose and successfully treat various types of disorders. What methods does the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka use? Reviews report that both traditional and proprietary innovative techniques are used, which are based on innovative scientific discoveries in the field of psychiatry.

Services are provided in a variety of formats: outpatient, inpatient, day hospital. Moreover, there is a group of citizens who can be served in the clinic in question under the state guarantee program for free provision medical care individual citizens. This project is territorial and applies to those who have permanent registration in the capital of the Russian Federation. The conditions under which such assistance is provided, as well as its volumes in to the fullest are determined federal standards. For all other residents of Russia, certain price lists apply, reflecting the cost of all services offered by the clinic.

There are a lot external factors, which create a critical load on the central nervous system every person, sometimes causing serious violations in its functioning. This includes an unbearably high pace of life, a colossal amount of heterogeneous information, and the inability to live in conditions that are natural for a particular individual. Often this has such a strong impact on a person’s psycho-emotional state that the results of this influence become obvious both to him and to those around him. The most wrong reaction would be to withdraw into oneself and, inactive, expect everything to end by itself. In such a situation, it is reasonable to seek qualified help. This is exactly what the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka can provide. Reviews cite the following advantages of this institution:

  • personal approach to each patient;
  • complex therapy of diseases;
  • modern equipment and diagnostic methods;
  • treatment in accordance with the highest global standards of medical care;
  • employees of the institution are qualified specialists, professionals in their field who have enormous work experience (among them: doctors of higher qualification category, candidates of medical sciences, professors, doctors of the first qualification category,

Doctor consultation

How can the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka help you? Reviews of doctors report that all specialists who are employees of the medical institution in question have sufficient qualifications and experience. So, the following doctors will be able to see you:

  • therapists;
  • urologists;
  • cardiologist;
  • immunologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • gynecologists;
  • neurologists;
  • allergist;
  • somnologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • gastroenterologists;
  • otolaryngologists.

How much will the consultations provided by the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka cost you? Reviews of doctors report that initial consultation will cost 1,300 rubles. At the same time, a repeat appointment will cost you 1,000 rubles.

Outpatient care

What is needed to start treatment at the Solovyov Scientific and Practical Psychoneurological Center (Moscow)? Neurosis Clinic on Shabolovka (reviews recommend paying attention to this special attention) accepts patients who have already visited the consultation and outpatient department. After the patient has completed all the documents at the registry, he should receive advice from the appropriate specialist. He tells the doctor about all the present symptoms, medical history and shows the results of previous examinations.

Sometimes auxiliary consultations of other specialists of the medical institution in question may be required (for example, an ENT doctor, a neurologist, a gynecologist, a therapist, and others). If the results of the examination allow the patient to become a patient of this psychoneurological center, then he will be able to choose the treatment format that is suitable for him (hospital, day hospital or outpatient treatment). If there are free places, hospitalization can be carried out directly on the same day. Day hospital involves treatment in the center during the day and overnight stay at home.


What services does the Neurosis Clinic on Shabolovka provide? Doctors can help in the following ways:

  • acupuncture;
  • psychoneurological assistance;
  • physical therapy;
  • day hospital;
  • hydrotherapy (pearl bath, Charcot shower, cedar barrel, hydromassage, iodine-bromine bath, pine bath, bischofite bath, sodium chloride bath, SPA capsule);
  • doctor's consultation.

All these services are available to patients of the medical institution in question as prescribed by a specialist. Among other things, in its arsenal, the neurosis clinic in Moscow on Shabolovka has a number of practical techniques that have proven their effectiveness with the successful results of their use. Among them are motor, psychotherapeutic, as well as physiotherapeutic and others. In essence, experts make the following classification of techniques:

Physiological (they are carried out according to neurohormonal and immune statuses patient, in parallel with the definition:

  • diet therapy (unloading);
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • motor (therapeutic gymnastics using exercise machines, aerobics, medicinal gymnastics, therapeutic relaxation gymnastics);
  • hyperbaric oxygenation;
  • physiotherapy (hydrothermal treatment, therapeutic solarium, therapeutic massage, magnetic therapy, therapeutic solarium, electrotherapy, capsule treatment, phototherapy, EHF EMR).

Psychotherapeutic (hypnotherapy, psychotherapeutic potentiation and mediation therapeutic measures, autogenic multi-stage training).

Sociotherapeutic (bibliotherapy, cultural therapy, poetry evenings, music therapy).

Psychological (transactional analysis, psychocorrection, mental gymnastics, psychodrama, relationship analysis).

Indications for treatment

In what cases can the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka help you? Treatment is carried out in the following areas:

  • depression;
  • epilepsy;
  • bulimia;
  • anorexia;
  • migraine;
  • panic attacks;
  • sleep disorder;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • anxieties and fears;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • the far-reaching consequences of long-term brain injuries;
  • emotional instability;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If you suffer from one of the diseases listed above, then in the medical institution in question you will be provided with necessary help and help you return to normal life.

Contraindications to treatment

In what case will the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka not be able to help you? Reviews from 2017 recommend carefully studying the contraindications for treatment in this institution. This will help you not to be disappointed in choosing a medical institution and really assess your own situation. So, among the main contraindications the following are distinguished:

  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • various endogenous mental illness, which are accompanied by pronounced personality changes, as well as a number of psychotic symptoms(for example, delusions or hallucinations);
  • dementia accompanied by psychoorganic disorders;
  • psychopathy, which develops with antisocial disturbances in the patient’s behavior (namely, dissocial personality disorder);
  • neurological and somatic diseases severe.

If your doctor or you yourself notice the presence of one or more of the symptoms listed above, then you should understand that contact the medical center in question. medical institution you shouldn't.

Basic course

So, what is the treatment provided by the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka? Reviews from 2016 and 2017 report that today basic course diagnosis and treatment includes the following stages:

  • Diagnostics/research (electrocardiography, consultation with a neurologist, general analysis blood, consultation with a therapist, general urine test, psychological personality testing, biochemical analysis blood).
  • Treatment measures (reflexotherapy, physical therapy, pharmacotherapy, therapeutic breathing exercises, physiotherapy in the form of massage, electrotherapy, therapeutic diet, therapeutic relaxation gymnastics, hydrotherapy, magnetic therapy, psychotherapy, including autogenic training, group lesson with a specialist, as well as rational psychotherapy).
  • A patient can be hospitalized only after consulting a specialist, and also solely on his or her prescription.
  • For hospitalization, you must have an identity document with you. It is carried out in single, double or general wards of the clinic.

This is what an approximate course of diagnosis and treatment looks like, which is provided by the neurosis clinic on Shabolovka. Reviews also call a day hospital an excellent opportunity to receive the necessary help without being separated from your family. Many people find this option the most acceptable.

Hello! I have serious problem: The fact is that my husband K got into an accident last fall. Then, while driving, he was driving along one of the capital's streets and suddenly, right in front of his car, three drunk people began to run across the street. To avoid being hit, my husband turned the steering wheel to the right and drove onto the curb. From strong blow the wheel exploded, the car spun 180 degrees and was thrown into a nearby store. My husband and our child, who was also in the cabin, were not injured, but these three people were injured. One of them later died in hospital. So, after this story, my husband was admitted to the neurosis department with a diagnosis of “severe nervous shock.” When he was informed about the death of one of the victims, he began not only to worry, but to worry very much, saying that he was guilty for the rest of his life before this person , I was very worried that now I could never ask him for forgiveness. If he asked others for forgiveness, visited them in the hospital, paid for treatment, then what to do with this person? In addition, my husband tells me that he often dreams of this person, reproaches him for his death... I am at a loss - I don’t know, it’s possible Is it possible to support my husband in any way? I would like to note that he was always a cheerful, friendly person, he helped friends who were drunkards (he helped with documents, gave them money, things), he loved company very much, he was a leader, a joker, in his youth he loved risk , went in for sports. My husband, in my opinion, was not an alcoholic, although he loved to drink. But after this incident he began to drink heavily. I don’t know what happened to him and is there anything I can do to help him?

Answer from theSolution psychologist:

Usually, when drunk people cross the street outside a pedestrian crossing, it is they who are found guilty of creating an emergency situation that resulted in casualties. If what you describe is true, then the court should have rendered a verdict that your spouse is not guilty. If your spouse is not responsible for the situation, then his feeling of guilt is a consequence of his compassion for to the deceased person. The feeling of guilt is a distorted compassion in those who are capable of experiencing higher moral emotions, such as sympathy, compassion, empathy, conscience.

Escaping behavior

Haunted by intrusive memories and thoughts about the traumatic event, the traumatized person tries to organize his life in such a way as to avoid the emotions that are provoked by these thoughts. Avoidance can take different shapes, for example: distancing from memories of an event, drinking alcohol to drown out awareness of distress, using dissociative processes to remove painful experiences from the sphere of consciousness. All this weakens and destroys relationships with other people and, as a result, leads to a decrease in adaptive capabilities.

About adaptation disorders

People who have experienced a traumatic event can be roughly divided into several categories. The first category consists of compensated individuals who need light psychological support - friendly or family. The second category consists of people suffering mild degree adaptation disorders. They need not only friendly psychological support from loved ones, but also professional intervention from a psychologist and psychotherapist. Because their thinking or thinking processes are disrupted emotional areas, they need professional help in resolving internal contradictions that have arisen after trauma. In this case, the impaired adaptation after high-quality psychotherapy is restored without complications. The third category includes people suffering from moderate adjustment disorder who need all types of help. This means support from family and friends, professional psychotherapy internal contradictions, including pharmacological correction condition. The fourth category includes people suffering from severe adaptation disorder. Severe maladjustment requires long-term treatment and recovery, assistance from a psychiatrist. It manifests itself as the development of an inferiority complex, or psychosomatic disorders of complex genesis.

About the lack of resources for quality psychotherapy in government institutions

Judging by the fact that your husband ended up in the neurosis department, he had at least average degree adaptation disorders. In the neurosis department, he was supposed to be prescribed medications to reduce stress levels. In addition to pharmacological assistance, he should have been prescribed psychotherapy sessions. It is important to note that short-term psychotherapy for neuroses takes two to three years of regular, two to three times a week, sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist. Those eight to ten sessions that are prescribed in the department are not enough to resolve the internal contradictions that are the source of emotional pain.

Pharmacotherapy only helps to break the pathological conditioned reflex that is formed during psychotraumatic situations. This refers to a conditioned reflex between the work of the cerebral cortex and humoral influences on the functions of the body. Humoral influences are hormone releases associated with the pathological functioning of emotions. The pathological work of emotions is caused by the pathological work of thinking. Until the internal conflict is resolved, on the layer of thinking and on the layer of beliefs, a person’s emotions will not work properly. Drinking alcohol will only provide temporary relief from strong feeling guilt and rage, will help relax your muscles for several hours. If you do not turn to a professional psychotherapist to resolve internal contradictions on the layer of beliefs, then negative thoughts and feelings will self-reproduce, self-renew for years and decades. Regular drinking of alcohol will inevitably lead to the development of alcoholism, it’s a matter of time.

Resolving contradictions on the layer of beliefs is the true goal of psychotherapy

Between what and what an internal contradiction may arise. Your spouse, as a compassionate person, may accuse himself of murder. The role of a killer contradicts the entire moral code and destroys the self-concept. Self-concept should be considered as a person's idea of ​​himself in relation to himself. The self-concept includes cognitive and emotional-evaluative components. Most likely, your spouse has damage to both of the above parts of the self-concept. Since these parts of the psyche are difficult to comprehend, moreover, they are protected from awareness by neurotic defense mechanisms, your spouse will not be able to understand and resolve the contradiction at this layer of the psyche on his own. His thinking is fixated, and contradictory, mutually exclusive attitudes work on the layer of beliefs. Neurosis must be understood as the presence of internal, contradictory, mutually exclusive beliefs. Because of the conflict between the beliefs “I am moral” and “I am a murderer,” in fact, your spouse received nervous breakdown, ended up in the neurosis department.

Internal contradictions can be realized and resolved only with the help of a professional psychologist or psychotherapist

Your spouse will not be able to resolve this conflict on his own. This cannot be done without the help of a professional psychologist or psychotherapist. The ability to help understand and resolve thousands of internal contradictions is the main professional skill of a psychotherapist and clinical psychologist. It has been mastered for years and unprepared person will not be able to repeat it or understand how it is done. It is the resolution of internal contradictions that is the factor that once and for all relieves a person of stress and inadequate self-recrimination. When a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist asks you to talk about your experiences, or asks you to do psychological exercise, this is done not only so that the person speaks out. The main task of the specialist is to detect internal contradictions, point them out to the client and find a cognitive, semantic solution to this contradiction. There can be a lot of internal contradictions, and during psychotherapy you have to sort through all the conflicting beliefs manually. This is what provides relief from emotional pain. If the resolution of the internal contradiction has been done correctly, then emotional pain and pathological escaping, avoidant behavior stop. This is exactly what people go to psychotherapy for.

  • Actively listen to your spouse every day. Give him emotional support. Talk about how his feelings are natural for such a situation.
  • Don't judge your spouse. It is important to understand that your spouse perceives his feelings associated with the situation as his own vice, sin, curse.
  • Suggest that your spouse turn to professionals and resolve internal contradictions with the help of cognitive psychotherapy.