The gas teenagers breathe. Gas addiction

For those who think that inhaling volatiles is narcotic active ingredients less dangerous than drugs and alcoholism in our country bad news. The result of substance abuse is dementia and impairment and disability.

The consequences of substance abuse are terrifying 3 out of 10 children who smell gasoline or gas for the first time die immediately. We will tell you further what threatens those who have been snorting solvents for a couple of months and drug addicts with a year of experience.

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What are the consequences if you sniff gasoline?

For many people, the smell of gasoline is too strong and unpleasant, but there are also those who like it. Inhalation of the vapors from this flammable mixture of light hydrocarbons is very toxic to humans and can cause both acute and chronic poisoning.

What will happen if long time breathe gasoline V indoors:
Chest pain;
Bloody sputum;
Increase in temperature;
Sharp weakness;
Lips, fingertips and mucous membranes turn blue;
Toxic pneumonia develops;
Severe pain in the stomach and intestines;
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
Loss of consciousness and convulsions.

Gasoline is absorbed very quickly through the skin, respiratory tract, mucous membranes and stomach. Poisoning with this flammable substance can be recognized by the smell that comes from a person, his breath and vomit.
Gasoline substance abuse leads to severe disruption of the functioning of all organs, especially the brain.

Weakness and headache;
Trembling in the hands and adynamia;
Irritability and feeling of instability;
Severe damage to the central nervous system;
Diencephalic syndrome;
Enlarged liver;
In women there is a violation menstrual cycle, in men, decreased potency;
Irreversible decline in intelligence, dementia, and, as a result, disability.

The most dangerous is leaded gasoline, which contains strong poisonous substance tetraethyl lead. Gasoline addiction usually occurs in adolescents 8-15 years old who want to experience euphoria and hallucinations. The habit forms very quickly.

What will happen to a teenager if he sniffs gas and glue?

Gas toxicomania is when they sniff gas from lighters or canisters with various volatile toxins. Components natural gas butane and propane are not toxic in themselves, but they displace oxygen from the lungs, causing suffocation and sudden death.

Lighter gas is the most dangerous toxin to inhale. Since when leaving the cylinder it expands and cools. When the gas is cold enters the respiratory tract, pulmonary edema begins, the person begins to suffocate, as if he is drowning.
As with inhalation of other VNDVs (volatile narcotic active substances), gas intoxication causes nausea, convulsions and headaches.

The consequences of gas addiction often end in suicide due to a feeling of lightness that prompts one to go out of the window or jump from a height. The gas addict soon loses touch with reality, loses his self.

What are the consequences of sniffing glue?

Back in the early 90s, manufacturers of Moment glue removed toluene from the composition, and it was no longer associated with substance abusers. However, glue from other manufacturers still contains volatile narcotic substances, which attract sniffers.
For glue addicts:

Lost interest in normal life, parents, friends;
The head and all muscles constantly hurt;
There is a growing feeling of anxiety, which can lead to suicide due to lack of dose.

The brain is destroyed nervous system and that's all internal organs- this is what will happen if you sniff glue for 1-2 months. Long-term glue abuse over a year or two leads to disability. Those who like to breathe this stuff have the same withdrawal symptoms as drug addicts.

Social consequences of substance abuse

Mostly teenagers become drug addicts for the sake of the desire to join the company, not to be a black sheep, to prove to everyone their strength and courage. And it is not at all necessary that these are children from disadvantaged families. Children whose parents are wealthy people and spend all day at work without paying enough attention to their child are also at risk.

Very quickly, people who become addicted slide to the very bottom of the social ladder. To find money for a dose, drug addicts begin to steal and commit crimes.

Guys and girls, when they grow up, cannot understand the cause of infertility and impotence, forgetting about hobbies from childhood.
Substance abusers also include people who abuse medications - tranquilizers, sedatives and antidepressants.

Women are most at risk and the social consequences for them are catastrophic. They lose the appearance of a woman and a mother, they move away from their children, making them unhappy and crippling their lives.

If you found the article “The Social and Biological Consequences of Substance Abuse” helpful, please feel free to share the link. Perhaps this simple solution you will save someone's life.

The children leave and do not return. They become victims of crimes, domestic violence, die due to the negligence of adults, stepping out of open windows, during fires and road accidents, they rapidly lose their health, acquiring more and more new diseases that were previously considered age-related. Rosbalt decided to understand the reasons for the ongoing global losses. We continue our series of publications "School "chronicles" of the XXI century", which are based on statistical data, expert opinions and grades.

Toilet air fresheners and gas for refilling lighters are disappearing from store shelves. Teenagers choose new fashion trends to self-destruct.

In Novorossiysk, an 11-year-old girl was poisoned by gas from lighters... A Rostov teenager inhaled gas from a lighter to death... In Altai, a child died from gas poisoning... In Bryansk, schoolchildren were poisoned by gas, one died... Operational reports published by Russian press, continue. The geography of events is from the south of Russia to the Far North, the age of the victims is from 8 years.

Even a quick review of the press gives disappointing results: at least 20 teenagers in Russia died from this poison alone in a year. The situation is similar in other countries. Children sniff gas in Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Belgium. In Israel, for example, they did not have time to save a 14-year-old boy - his friends were frightened by his friend’s “strange” reaction to the inhaled mixture and ran away. The child died in the arms of his parents. And in Belgium, several girls in the process of “sniffing” (that’s the name for the process of inhaling gas from lighter refill cans) not only got poisoned, but almost burned to death. While one was breathing poison, others decided to smoke...

However, the most eloquent details are described on the professional website of pathologists. There, doctors with scientific meticulousness and punctuality tell what exactly happens to a person who inhales a seemingly harmless gas: “In lighters there is liquefied butane, purified from impurities, a hydrocarbon from the series: methane-propane-butane... Death comes from the same thing, from what and in case of household gas poisoning. In essence - acute oxygen deficiency, hypoxia. Dark liquid blood, oxygen depleted; small hemorrhages under the pleura of the lungs, sometimes in the epicardium, foci of acute emphysema in the lungs...,” write pathologists.

Specialists who deal daily with the most terrible consequences poisoning, they are perplexed: why do teenagers choose this, far from the most “pleasant” type of “flyaway”: “If butane does not react chemically with blood and tissues, then why do teenagers sniff it? Are they so sick of hypoxia? There shouldn't be any intoxication. But if teenagers suffer from asphyxia (asphyxiophilia), then why spend money on gas? You can do it cheaper... put a noose around your neck or a plastic bag over your head...".

With professional medical cynicism, pathologists tell us what exactly was found in the lungs of 10-12-14 year old children and how creepy they look. After all, children who want to “just try” are not going to die at all. But they die.

“Teenagers tend not to value their lives, and at the same time they are overwhelmed by a thirst for unusual sensations, hormones and emotions go off scale,” says a psychiatrist highest category Oleg Dmitriev. - In addition, teenagers often have a “weak” attitude: lightly smoke, or inject themselves, or breathe in some kind of rubbish? What happens to them later, alas, only their unfortunate parents and doctors know. It’s good if not pathologists.”

The doctor tells how several years ago a girl “weakly” drank the so-called “stain” - a liquid for treating wooden surfaces. While the doctors fought for her life, the conscious girl saw how her legs and arms were gradually turning blue, and felt how the poison was corroding her from the inside. The fact is that one of the symptoms of stain poisoning is precisely blue discoloration of the limbs, which, if a person survives, lasts for several months.

Meanwhile, young people are inventing more and more new ways to go to the next world - in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Cigarettes and alcohol are expensive and too “banal,” but you can always find money for an ordinary plastic bag, a can of gas, glue or paint. IN lately Black creativity is in fashion: helium for balloons, air fresheners for the home, or the same gas for lighters.

“Helium is sold liquefied in kits for inflating balloons, along with a hose and the balloons themselves. This is how they usually find everything: a box, a balloon, unused balloons and a corpse with plastic bag on the head and connected with a tube from a balloon. Interestingly, in several cases the tap was slightly open, and in several cases it was closed. Next to it were instructions: what and how to do it “correctly,” experts say.

On the Internet, teenagers share advice and impressions of the next “arrival,” while adults, meanwhile, are racking their brains on how to save them.

“What are you saying, now it’s lighter gas? - Alexander Sofronov, the chief narcologist of St. Petersburg, director of the Center for Emergency Psychiatry, Narcology and Toxicology, was surprised when asked by a Rosbalt correspondent. - Cases of poisoning from toilet aerosols have been reported to me; glue and paint have long been known. But I don’t know about gas for lighters yet. Fortunately, we have not yet received a single patient with such poisoning at the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, so at the moment I can neither confirm nor deny the “fashion” that exists in St. Petersburg.

However, the respected doctor expressed surprise about the lighter gas. “You can just as easily open a gas burner in the kitchen and breathe butane-propane for your own “pleasure,” noted the chief narcologist.

So far they don’t see any problems in the Federal Drug Control Service either. As Rosbalt was informed by the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service for St. Petersburg, propane-butane, like laughing gas, is not included in the list of prohibited substances.

“Apparently, Rospotrebnadzor should work here, which, based on the available legal norms may make some decisions about use or sale. For example, make a demand to sell it only legal entities or adults over 18 years old,” noted representatives of the State Drug Control Service.

However, even the quite probable reaction of Gennady Onishchenko to new threat health and well-being of the nation in in this case should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, we have already “got through” almost the entire periodic table, and experts note that interest in household chemicals among young people began in the 80s of the last century. The explanation for this is simple - young people have nothing to do, parents often have no time for them, and varnishes and paints are always more affordable than other entertainment, and you can buy them not even in special stores, but in almost any stall.

Replace the composition of gas or aerosols by analogy with the modified composition of glue, popular among drug addicts - possible option, but by no means a panacea. Toxicologists have a whole list of "household products" that can provide alternatives. These include liquids for correcting mistakes in notebooks, markers, hair and nail sprays, shoe polishes, deodorants, and household cleaning agents. It is obvious that it is impossible to ban everything, but it is also obvious that at least the most dangerous drugs should be kept as far away from children as possible.

Experts also suggest that Roskomnadzor is active in the communications sector, information technology And mass communications direct in a more appropriate direction than tracking age restrictions on cartoons. For example, books on substance abuse can still be easily found on the Internet with one click of the mouse, as well as numerous tips on suicide methods for teenagers, even with instructions and pictures.

“Fighting glue or lighter gas is the same as fighting mosquitoes with a saber,” says psychiatrist Oleg Dmitriev. - No more has been invented yet effective ways to protect young people from dangerous temptations rather than prevention. It is necessary to actively engage children in something useful, literally hammering into their heads the idea that drugs, like any other drug, are death. Moreover, healthy interests should be closer and more accessible than harmful temptations. Believe me, children are not so inherently spoiled as to prefer a stall with chemicals or cigarettes located somewhere in the backyard to a stadium, music club or section right under the windows.”

Experts also warn about the danger of “overdoing it,” which in our surreal society has led to the fact that it is easier for veterinarians to strangle animals with their bare hands than to use prohibited medications with the prospect of going to prison, following the example of the St. Petersburg doctor Shpak, and for emergency doctors to anesthetize patients a log on the head and analgin because of the system of dispensing potent narcotic painkillers, brought to the point of absurdity.

However, there is a way out here too - only disposable lighters will be on sale.

Marina Boytsova

Collage by Larisa Vetlugina.

17.09.2014 12:13:25

A friend told me about an unpleasant incident on a minibus. The woman noticed that the teenager sitting next to her was inhaling gas from a lighter refill can. She tried to make a remark to the strange passenger, but he did not react to the words, his eyes glazed over. At the nearest stop, a young drug addict literally fell out of the minibus...

“Young people are using all sorts of nasty things now,” the woman laments. “I didn’t immediately realize that something was wrong with the boy, because he still looked like a child.”

The truly murderous arsenal of narcotic and psychotropic substances is constantly being replenished. Cheap ones appear available methods“getting high”, which young people are well aware of. Yes, there are young people there, even children.

Today, primary and secondary schoolchildren try to drink, inhale and smoke various rubbish, offered simply for “weakness” or for company. Teenagers crave new sensations and do not think about the consequences at all.

According to medical statistics Among minors who use psychoactive substances, schoolchildren make up more than 50 percent. Of the ten registered minors, eight people abuse alcohol, two take drugs or other psychoactive non-narcotic substances.

According to the deputy chief physician of the Republican narcological clinic No. 1 Liliya Mikhailova, the difficulty is that currently there is no ban on dispensing household chemicals to children. Any child can buy the simplest “drug addict kit” at the first hardware store they come across - plastic bags, glue, gas cylinders (with methane, propane, butane), various aerosols, air fresheners. All these household chemicals, unlike cigarettes and alcohol, are sold without age restrictions.

Meanwhile, children's pranks with chemicals have a very detrimental effect on the child’s body. With systematic inhalation of harmful fumes, an organic decrease in brain function quickly increases, that is, the child simply becomes dull. And in some cases, severe intoxication can be fatal.

At the same time, according to the specialists of the Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, household gases propane-butane are not included in the lists of prohibited substances. Consequently, their sale and consumption (including by children) is in no way controlled.

Commissions on juvenile affairs hold negligent parents accountable only when the child comes to the attention of a juvenile affairs inspector, and law enforcement agencies begin to sound the alarm if teenagers commit delinquency and crime. But this is rather a consequence of antisocial behavior, which begins with isolated experiences with toxic substances.

According to the narcologist, the problem is that parents, faced with childhood substance abuse, rarely seek help from doctors. The first thing a family cares about is hiding facts from others, because it’s embarrassing. They try not to see or acknowledge the seriousness of the problem, writing off bad behavior to the shortcomings of upbringing. And they are afraid to “ruin” the child’s reputation by turning to narcologists.

However, in order to combat teenage substance abuse, at a minimum, consultation with specialists is needed. According to the narcologist, children are looking for ways to get drunk not just out of curiosity. Often behind the thirst for dangerous experiences lie complex family problems.

Of course, the main contingent of young lovers of indulging in drugs are children from disadvantaged families, teenagers who are left on the streets. They reach such a degree of free behavior that they do not even hide their bad habits. Most likely, this was the inadequate passenger of the Ufa minibus.

The narcologist advises that when meeting children who are in any state of intoxication, do not pass by. If physical condition the child causes fear for his safety and life, then you can call ambulance or a policeman. You can try to find out from the child the contacts of the parents and contact them. According to the law, minors who use narcotic, psychotropic, intoxicating substances, alcohol and alcohol-containing products commit antisocial acts that entail administrative liability for their parents.

For early detection illegal consumption of narcotic and psychotropic substances throughout three years In the republic, medical examinations of schoolchildren and students, so-called drug testing, are carried out. A preventive medical examination is carried out by a psychiatrist and narcologist, if available. voluntary consent students.

Various public organizations trying to fight the spread of drugs and psychoactive substances. They paint over the phone numbers and contact details of dope sellers, which are literally written on the asphalt of sidewalks and the walls of houses.

Until September 25, the Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus is holding a preventive campaign “Children of Russia”. As part of the campaign, operational and preventive measures are planned in places of public leisure, in retail establishments, in residential sectors and at transport facilities. Parents who use drugs, evade raising their children and abuse them will be identified. You can report places of distribution of drugs and psychotropic substances, addresses of drug dens, by calling the helpline of the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Republic of Belarus 250-20-30 or 8-800-347-20-30. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

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An ordinary lighter is dangerous not only due to fire
April 10, 2013
What will the average parent think when they find their 10-14 year old child a few empty lighters? Well, in the worst case scenario, the offspring started smoking. Otherwise, he will decide that a child is playing. But no! Everything is much worse! Terrible fashion has come to our city. Children drink and snort gas from lighters!
Moreover, children starting from 10 years old!

It turned out that nowhere is there a ban on the sale of lighter refill cans to minors. Any child can buy such a can for 25-40 rubles, provided that the child is able to count money independently.
So, this article is for parents to popularly explain to their children about the dangers of propane and butane.

As we know, hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen and, thus, a person breathes. Propane and butane “displace” oxygen from hemoglobin, causing oxygen starvation which leads to hallucinations. This is what children strive for. I would like to quote an excerpt from an article about the use of gas from lighters:
"The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation in the Tver region
A pre-investigation check is being carried out regarding the discovery in the entrance of house 6 on the street. Kolkhoznaya
city ​​of Kalyazin, the body of a 13-year-old girl.

It has been previously established that on the evening of November 22 of this year, a 13-year-old girl and her
A 15-year-old friend bought 12 lighters and,
Blog of an employee of the Federal Drug Control Service (Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control)
01.10.13 Literally - single information space in the field medical services cities of Tver and Tver region

Being at the entrance of house 6 on the street. Kolkhoznaya, released gas from lighters into a plastic bag,
after which they inhaled it from the bag. As a result of these actions, a 13-year-old girl
felt unwell. Emergency medical personnel called to the scene
assistance began to carry out the necessary resuscitation measures, despite which
the death of a child has occurred.”

Also killed: a 12-year-old boy from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a 10-year-old boy from the Moscow region, a 16-year-old teenager from the Tula region, a 12-year-old boy from Volzhsk. And now this infection is spreading throughout Sochi. Latest cases occurred in school No. 24, culinary school and gymnasium No. 8.
Signs of gas poisoning:
state of intoxication,
nausea, vomiting,
stopping breathing.
First aid:
provide access to fresh air,
in case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to evacuate the victim to fresh air,
lay the victim on his back, unfasten clothing that restricts breathing, raise his legs,
give ammonia to smell,
If the victim has regained consciousness, do not let him sleep,
drink strong sweet tea.

The worst thing is that most young fans of the “gas high” don’t even know that gas, if not the first time, then later, will definitely lead to a cemetery. Some teenage substance abusers, even understanding the danger, can no longer stop.

Considering the imperfection of our legislation, only YOU, dear parents, can
save your children. Explain the dangers of lighter gas, show videos, report deaths. Perhaps this will stop your child from offering to “sniff”!

Substance abuse – serious illness, which is the first step to drug addiction. It poses a particular danger because it lures very young youth into its addiction. Gas addiction is increasingly becoming the reason teenagers are admitted to the hospital. How can parents recognize this serious addiction?

Gas addiction: features

Teenagers very often resort to inhaling gases from lighters and cylinders. They consider this activity to be innocent fun that makes them feel like adults. Getting ready big companies, they are engaged in this dangerous activity. Young people have no idea what harm volatile toxins have on the body.

Every year, more and more young people become victims of substance abuse. And if earlier this was considered entertainment for children from disadvantaged families, now even wealthy parents suffer from the addiction of their beloved children. An innocent hobby quickly develops into a serious illness, and stopping becomes increasingly difficult.

In medicine there is no difference between drug addiction and substance abuse. This is one disease associated with the formation of severe addiction. The only one distinctive feature it turns out that substance abuse is not prohibited by law, because to satisfy their needs people use ordinary gasoline, glue or other household chemicals. Thus, by inhaling gasoline vapors, it enters the blood, brain, and liver without obstacles, producing a slow but destructive effect. The greatest danger to the body is styrene, a breakdown product of gasoline. It can accumulate in fatty tissues and affect digestive system, genitals.

Toxic substances also have other serious complications:

  • skin irritation;
  • formation of burns;
  • damage to mucous membranes;
  • cancer development;
  • tumor formations in organs.

Lighter gas addiction is where this harmful addiction begins, which can make a person disabled.

Causes of gas addiction

Inhalation of gas does not occur due to development physical dependence, most often teenagers resort to it in order to get rid of their problems. The teenager does not understand that a temporary feeling of “high” will not help improve his existence. Moreover, he receives the attention of his peers who have already tried substance abuse and got the hang of it. They see it as an adult activity that helps them relax and assert themselves. Having entered this dubious path, it is very difficult to get off it on your own. That is why, having noticed alarm bells, parents should waste no time and begin treatment.

As mentioned above, substance abuse is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. With regular use of volatile vapors, addiction begins to develop, which occurs in three stages:

  1. The person is aware of what is happening around him, but his consciousness becomes slightly confused. Present constant feeling relaxation.
  2. Mild hallucinations appear, everything around seems light. A person loses control of his body and mind. Loss of balance and coordination.
  3. The world seems somehow unreal. The addict is haunted by terrible nightmares, which he perceives as reality.

Gradually the patient will not be able to live without new dose glue, gasoline or gas.

Symptoms of gas addiction

By external changes It is quite difficult to determine substance abuse; it may not manifest itself pronounced signs: dilated pupils, redness skin, loss of coordination. Tests will help to more accurately determine whether a child is a substance abuser or not. You can easily buy them at the pharmacy. The main alarm bells for parents should be the following:

  • the presence of the smell of gasoline from the child’s clothes;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • tearfulness;
  • loss of performance, loss of desire to study, worsening grades;
  • the teenager becomes distracted and forgetful.

The gas may not be noticeable the first time, but with regular inhalation it even changes a person's behavior.

The consequences of such substance abuse

Strong exposure to butane and propane can cause the effect atrial fibrillation, which can lead to death. The resulting poisons have a detrimental effect on all organs. This means that after two years of substance abuse, the patient can turn into a weak-minded disabled person. This happens due to developmental delays; the teenager’s intelligence decreases, he stops thinking and developing.

Inhalation of gases can also result in other complications:

  • lung diseases;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • bone marrow damage;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • cirrhosis;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • disruption of brain function, which occurs after just six months of use;
  • death due to suffocation or mechanical damage.

Gas abuse can lead to fatal outcome. These are not jokes that will amuse!

Treatment of gas addiction

The most in an efficient way To rid a child of substance abuse is considered a change of residence or a long trip. The teenager should be isolated from his usual social circle. It is necessary to make him give up his bad company. Just don't make any radical decisions. There is no need to prohibit, threaten or lock up a substance abuser at home, this can lead to his escape and will only ruin the relationship with his parents.

An addicted teenager begins to experience constant depression, this happens due to brain damage. It can only be cured with the help of an experienced specialist in the appropriate institution. The first stage of therapy is to treat the body of the resulting toxins; for this purpose, appropriate vitamins and glucose are administered. It is also mandatory to work with a psychologist; it is necessary to find out the root of the reasons why the patient became interested in substance abuse. These can be individual conversations or work in a group of addicts.

The main thing at the time of treatment is the care and love of the parents. The teenager must understand and feel that they care about him and want to help him. After the therapy, it is recommended to spend more time with him, find common ground interesting activity, hobby. It is necessary to help a confused person get on the right path. A joint vacation trip will be good option, bring back the joy of life to a former drug addict. He must understand that there are many interesting things in the world and inhaling gases is a thing of the past.