History of Kyiv: Tithe Church. Re-establishment of the Tithe Church: “This work pleases God”

Tithe Church - the first cathedral Kievan Rus after baptism. This is a shrine of such a scale, its role is so great that after its destruction the idea of ​​​​restoring this temple arose more than once.

Detinets of Ancient Kyiv was a fortified princely settlement: the Kiya Palace, the palace of Princess Olga were located there, Prince Vladimir was born and raised there. And there stood pagan temples and the idol of Perun.

Even before the baptism of Prince Vladimir, after his victory in one of the military campaigns, when they were supposed to sacrifice to idols, the lot fell on the Christian baby John. This is how the first martyrs who confessed Christ were killed - the Varangian Fedor and his son baby John. The place of their martyrdom was chosen for the location of the altar of the first cathedral.

Prince Vladimir built the Tithe Cathedral at his own expense. He gave tithes of his income to this church, which is why it is called that.

The Tithe Church was dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. And not to any of her images or holidays, but to the Most Holy Theotokos as a person. Just as there is a Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, so there was a Temple Holy Mother of God in Kyiv. Kyiv is the destiny of the Mother of God, and the dedication of this temple tells us that initially Holy Ancient Rus' chose the Most Holy Theotokos as its patroness.

In addition, the Tithe Cathedral was a princely tomb. When Prince Vladimir came to rest, his relics in the sarcophagus stood in the middle of this temple along with the remains of his wife, the Byzantine princess Anna. The relics of Princess Olga, the grandmother of Prince Vladimir, were also transferred there. And there were many other princely remains there - the Tithe Church was the first tomb Kyiv princes, as the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin later became the tomb of Russian sovereigns.

This church was evidence of a symphony of state and church power, a demonstration of the belonging of Kievan Rus to Christianity. She was a symbol of the fact that the new state accepted Christ and now sees its future with Him.

The tithe temple was built by Byzantine craftsmen, according to chronicle evidence, immigrants from Greece. It was richly decorated with marble details and due to this it was even called the “marble” temple.

The words of the prayer-promise of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pronounced by him at the entrance to the newly built temple, are touching: “...If anyone prays in this church, then hear his prayer, and forgive all his sins, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God.”. These words are constantly remembered and encourage action.

Simultaneously with the Tithe Temple, new palaces were also erected. This was the center state life. According to chronicles, a monastery operated here in the 10th century. Archaeological research shows: this is the most interesting, unique, most significant part of the city, its undoubted center. Probably, if you have visited us, you have seen a stone with the inscription: “Where did the Russian land come from?”

First and second revival - Saint Peter Mogila and architect Vasily Stasov

The first known restorer, under whom liturgical life was revived on the site of the Cathedral of the Tithes, was St. Peter Mohyla. In the 17th century in the southwestern part ancient temple, partly using the ruins of its walls, he built a small temple dedicated to St. Nicholas.

Church built by Metropolitan Peter Mogila

Much later, in 1828, with the highest order of Emperor Nicholas I, the St. Petersburg architect Vasily Stasov designed a new temple on the site of the Tithe Church classical forms, which did not repeat the plan of the ancient one. It was built on part of its foundations.

In 1842 the temple was consecrated. But less than a hundred years later, in 1936, it was destroyed by the atheistic authorities. Bricks from it were used for the construction of school No. 25, which was erected nearby.

Tithe Church in the 19th century

It must be said that from the time of its destruction to this day, the ancient remains of the Tithe Church have been repeatedly studied. Under Saint Peter Mohyla the first excavations were carried out. In the 19th century, research was continued by the amateur archaeologist Kondrat Lokhvitsky, then by the St. Petersburg architect Nikolai Efimov. They also owned the first fixation of the monument. This was in the 20s of the 19th century, then there was still a lot left on the site of the destroyed temple.

Generally speaking, scientific research the remains of the Tithe Temple were flagship in archeology and played big role in the development of this science. This also applies to research of the 20th century, when the restorer Dmitry Mileev made the first professional recording of the remains of the eastern part of the ancient temple. And after the destruction of the Stasovsky temple, the remains of the Church of the Tithes were deeply studied by archaeologist Mikhail Karger.

In the 80s, a stone trace of the outlines of the foundations of an ancient temple was made on the surface of the earth. And we know many examples when people came individually and in groups and prayed here for the revival of this glorious ancient shrine.

So the desire to erect and revive the Tithe Temple is not an idea of ​​today. This is not the momentary desire of some group of people, a separate community, or some ambitious desire of architects and builders. This is the hope of the entirety of the Orthodox Church. And it was and will be until the Tithe Church of the Most Holy Theotokos again acquires its due significance. It was and will be. The holy thing cannot be in the abomination of desolation.

Nun Elena (Kruglyak). Photo: Efim Erichman

Tithe Church: “This thing pleases God...”

The anniversary year 2000 from the Nativity of Christ became significant in the history of this place. Then President Leonid Danilovich Kuchma issued a decree on the revival of the Tithe Church, given its exceptional importance for Ukraine along with the Assumption Church of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery. But the matter did not move forward, did not move to a practical level. I see in this the providence of God, who prepared this shrine to be revived in due time.

Then, in 2000, we had the opportunity to meet with His Beatitude Vladimir. The perspicacious elder listened to us, took out the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, Abbess of Mount Athos, and said: “This matter is very pleasing to God and the Most Holy Theotokos, but it is of such a scale that only the Most Holy Theotokos herself knows how to do it and can organize it. Therefore, I present your wish to Her.”. And he gave us these little icons. I still have this icon.

In 2005, His Beatitude Vladimir blessed Archimandrite Gideon to work on the revival of the Tithe Church in order to again light the lamp of love in this shrine.

His Beatitude Vladimir blesses the project of museumification of the Tithe Church

It is significant that in 2005, permission was received from the district authorities to install a chapel directly on the foundation of the Tithe Church. And when they came to the main department for the protection of monuments, its head said: “Wait, you can’t put it there, there will be excavations there, and then you will interfere. When will we restore it? big church, this little one - what, break it? No, you must be there and help us prayerfully.”

As a matter of fact, he showed us the place where the small church of the Desyatinny Monastery now stands, but it turns out that God chose this place. Because later parishioners living nearby said that even before the installation of the temple-tabernacle, birds flew surprisingly persistently, in groups of eights, around this place...

The small temple was erected in 2006 on Easter, and on Friday Bright Week, On April 28, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in it.

The service had already ended; his clergy friends from the Ilyinsky Church had just come to Father Gideon to support him. They stood on the street, and two female parishioners prayed in the temple. Entering the temple, the clergy felt awe and learned from the women that the Most Holy Theotokos had just entered the temple. The Queen of Heaven stopped at the central lectern, prayed with raised hands, and then entered the altar through the open royal doors.

The six clergy began to shed tears of their own accord; the grace was palpable physically. The appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos greatly strengthened the community and to this day inspires confidence that through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos God will accomplish what is impossible for man.

In 2009 Holy Synod The UOC issued a decree on the formation of the Tithe Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary monastery.

The existing temple of the Desyatinny Monastery

Our work is based on research

In 2005, the state made a new decision on the fate of the Tithe Church. A decree was issued on the museumification of the foundations and on making a decision on the reconstruction of the temple after the completion of the excavations. Museumification is the process of giving a historical and cultural monument a state where it is ready for display and for visiting by tourists and pilgrims. And a lot has already been done today.

In 2005-2014, a large volume of research, survey and design work was carried out. In 2011, an all-Ukrainian competition was held for the museumification and revalorization of the Tithe Church. By the grace of God, our project became the winner of this competition.

Comprehensive archaeological excavations carried out in 2005-2011 provided invaluable evidence about this monument and made it possible to draw up a holistic description of it. For example, it was previously believed that the six-pillar core was built first, and then the Tithe Church was built with galleries.

However, it turned out that the temple was immediately built with galleries; this was the original plan. After all, at that time it was the Grand Ducal Cathedral. And the cathedral itself was part of an even more complex complex, the full name of which now sounds like an archeological monument of national importance “Detinets of ancient Kyiv of the 8th-10th centuries with the foundation of the Tithe Church of the 10th century.”

Now we know where in the spot of the Tithe Temple there is an archaeological layer and where it is not. Based on the results of archaeological research, the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine identified possible locations for installing supports for the museumification of the Church of the Tithes. After all, we are not Cairo or Jerusalem, we cannot demonstrate authentic archaeological remains under open air. Therefore, it is imperative to create a room where the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions will be maintained and proper ventilation will be provided. This will allow the monument to be preserved.

In addition, there are many archaeological finds made on the site of the Tithe Church, which are now scattered in different museums, partly in St. Sophia of Kyiv, in the National Museum of History of Ukraine. Even in the Hermitage there are material fragments that belonged to the Church of the Tithes. And, of course, it is logical for all this to be exhibited in one place and give a complete picture of this monument.

Scientific-technological, topographical, geotechnical research was carried out, and a comprehensive engineering survey was carried out on the condition of the remains of the foundations of the Church of the Tithes and the buildings adjacent to the monument.

Experts conducted historical, archival and bibliographic research, systematized written evidence about the Tithe Church and its surroundings, as well as the history of research that was conducted here at different times.

In December 2011, temporary conservation of the foundations of the Church of the Tithes was carried out, which makes further work on comprehensive museumification possible.

Our idea is to preserve all archaeological material: both the remains of the Tithe Church of Prince Vladimir, and other archaeological layers, including the remains of the Stasov Temple of the 19th century. This will allow you to vividly demonstrate the entire history of the temple.

Nun Elena (Kruglyak). Photo: Efim Erichman

Tithe church above the museum: how to do it

The remains of the ancient temple are now below the surface of the earth, so the museum premises will be in the stylobate. Visitors will be able to enter there, and regular lectures will be held there for students and schoolchildren. Pilgrims and tourists will examine the remains of the Church of the Tithes from special bridges, and only scientists will have direct access to the remains themselves, for whose work all conditions will be created in the museum.

A reinforced concrete slab is designed on the supports. It is calculated in such a way that at the top it would be possible to erect a temple of the same size as the Tithe Church of the era of Prince Vladimir.

As already mentioned, in the spot of the Tithe Temple, places have been identified where we can place supports painlessly for the cultural layer. Current technologies make it possible to do this completely safely. It is planned to use bored reinforced concrete piles twenty meters deep in casing pipes as support columns. According to current building codes, their use is permissible in conditions of close proximity to monuments; it will not cause soil movement at all. And this is not some new technology– it has been tested for decades. Any designer will say that already fifty centimeters from the installation site of this pile there is no movement of the soil, which means that the safety of the ancient remains of the Tithe Temple is ensured.

The layout of the supports is designed so that the museum space is as free as possible. Now we are armed with such scientific capabilities that all loads are calculated in advance. The remains of the foundations of the Tithe Church are a monument of national importance and all work here is carried out exclusively with scientific support.

To bring the project to life, it will be important to choose a high-quality contractor and direct contractor. The responsibility is enormous. This issue will require detailed study in the future.

It's good that we live in the 21st century. According to the results of archaeological excavations in the 10th century, the builders of the Church of the Tithes, when faced with soils such as those in Kyiv, placed wooden beds under the foundations and secured them with wooden pegs. This is clear to us now - in order to damage a monument, nothing worse can be imagined: the wood rots, then voids form, and, naturally, subsidence is inevitable...

Currently, invaluable experience has been accumulated in the museumification of archaeological sites. Of the world analogues that we focus on, the most successful and modern, in our opinion, is the Archaeological Museum of the Acropolis in Athens.

Nun Elena (Kruglyak). Photo: Efim Erichman

Reconstruction, replica, recreation of the Tithe Church

If we talk about the future temple, it is logical to want to get as close as possible to the image of the Tithe Church under Prince Vladimir. I want to immediately answer your question directly: this is not a reconstruction, not a replica, this revival of a shrine of world significance. We need to be aware of two most important tasks– careful preservation of the authentic remains of the ancient temple, a symbol of the adoption of Christianity by Ancient Russia, and the revival of liturgical life in this holy place. To make it clearer, let’s turn to world analogues.

You and I know that the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which was built by Queen Helena, was once destroyed and was rebuilt by the crusaders. Even his Holy of Holies, the Edicule, was destroyed several times. And is it even possible to imagine that this shrine would not have been revived? In this case, the convergence can be considered an expression of the will of God Holy Fire, confirming the presence of the Living God. The Temple in Bethlehem, which Queen Helena built over the Cave of the Nativity of Christ, was also destroyed. And in its place, several centuries later, a new temple was also built, in which services are held to this day.

Consider the Basilica of Nazareth: it was built in 1969 over the archaeological remains of the house where the Holy Family lived. Divine services are held there, it is a very revered place. And the Basilica of the Martyr Clement in Rome, where are there four levels of layers? Temple of Demetrius of Thessaloniki, where the myrrh-streaming relics were located in the ancient crypt, and which was revived after destruction. Now there is a beautiful basilica on top. And there are dozens of such examples in the world...

The new temple in Kyiv is not a reconstruction or a replica. The etymology of these words is completely unsuitable for conveying the meaning that we now want to put into our works. We must revive this place.

By the way, according to international legal standards for the protection of cultural heritage, the most main goal protection of the monument is the revival of its functions and the introduction of the monument into modern life.

This place cannot be just a monument; it is wrong to make it just a museum or, even worse, to leave the ancient foundations under wraps. When the foundations had already been traced, animals were walked there... And what is the meaning of this, what is the spiritual meaning?

And how can we break the liturgical thread that began at this site many centuries ago? As His Beatitude Vladimir said when the small church was erected: “You have finally lit the lamp of love that was in this place.”

This is the goal. We are not erecting a dead child, not a doll, not a coffin. This is not a mausoleum, not a cardboard box, not a model of something. This is a functioning, living House of God. Our only task is to make it as close as possible to the image of the Byzantine temple built by Prince Vladimir.

If the task was simply to build a temple, it would not cost anything to accurately recreate it in Stasov’s forms, there are graphic materials, there are a lot of photographs left. But then the spiritual, cultural and historical significance this place. After all, it was Prince Vladimir who built this first temple here.

It is completely logical that the recreated temple will follow the motifs of the 10th century. We invite everyone to cooperate - archaeologists, architects, scientists, museum workers. Our business requires deep study and the correct finding of a compromise. This is exactly what we are doing, examining the results of archaeological excavations and all existing historical information about the Tithe Church.

One of the projects of the Tithe Temple

Tithe Church. Life's work

I realized for myself that the revival of the Tithe Church is a matter of life. This will be the fruit of common, conciliar efforts - creative and scientific workers, historians, Byzantine scholars.

At one time, state money was allocated for museumification. Now the community is taking the initiative to revive the temple. The project will not be done with public money; this is not the current situation in the country. Probably, this is the will of God, so that out of love for the Most Holy Theotokos, out of a great desire to serve God, this would be done...

Once upon a time, Prince Vladimir gave a tithe of his income to the Tithe Church. Imagine with what a pure heart, out of what love for God he did this. Therefore, my personal opinion is that it is a great honor to participate financially in this matter. Naturally, this is a national cause; people’s money will have to be collected. Anyone can be a participant in this process.

If we talk about the temple... King Solomon would probably be shocked by the possibilities of today's temple construction and what materials can be used. We try to make the most of all the achievements of science. After all, a lot has now been studied, including those monuments that were created in the same era as the Church of the Tithes and before it.

To work on the project, it is necessary to study the entirety of the heritage that the builders of the Tithe Cathedral could only see in the 10th century, as well as later churches, for which the Tithe Cathedral became a model after its construction. Previously, it was very difficult for an architect to simultaneously see and study churches in Constantinople, Greece, and Bulgaria. Now there is such an opportunity.

The issue of museumification and revival of the Tithe Church must be resolved in conjunction with the study and museumification of other buildings in the city of Vladimir.

Nun Elena (Kruglyak). Photo: Efim Erichman

Everything has its time. We believe it is providential that the Church of the Tithes was not restored earlier. They probably weren’t ready for this yet. Neither spiritually nor technically.

The revived Tithe Church will be the fruit of the joint efforts of the Church, the state, architects, scientists and artists, museum workers, and most importantly, all those who pray for the success of this Cause, pleasing to God. After all, the most important thing is to fill them, along with the construction of the walls, with hearts burning for the Lord, thirsting for enlightenment, union with God and forgiveness of sins. We consider this work our contribution to achieving peace on our Ukrainian land.

In modern architectural practice - the restoration of an object with a re-affirmation of its value, its rethinking and actualization.

With God a thousand years are like one day...

Archimandrite Gideon (Charon)

Word from the vicar of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Desyatinny MonasteryArchimandrite Gideon (Charon):

On the thousand-year anniversary of the blessed Dormition of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, we offer the Bloodless Sacrifice on the spot where Saint Vladimir once erected the first cathedral in Kievan Rus, the Tithe Church, in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The chronicler testifies to the prayer of the holy prince with which he entered the built temple:

“Lord God! Look down from heaven and see and visit Your grapes, and accomplish what Your Right Hand has planted, this new people, whose hearts You have turned to understanding, so that You may know the true God; and look upon this church, which Thy unworthy servant has created, in the name of the Mother and Ever-Virgin Mary the Mother of God who gave birth to You; and if anyone prays in this church, then hear his prayer, and forgive all his sins, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God.”

With God, a thousand years are like one day and one day is like a thousand years... More than a thousand years have passed since, after the Baptism of Rus', a new Church of Christ was born in the vault of heaven, and Saint Prince Vladimir erected a cathedral in honor of the Most Pure Mother of God. And now the heavenly Church and the earthly Church are coming together in this celebration.

The Patriarch of Jerusalem, addressing me, the rector of the Tithe Church, said: “The city of Kyiv is the second Jerusalem. It also stands on seven hills. Just as in Jerusalem the greatest shrines are the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha, and all other shrines are connected with them by history and grace, so in the city of Kyiv greatest shrine“Tithe Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” After all, it was built on the spot where blood was shed for the first time on Slavic soil for Christ by the holy first martyrs Theodore and his infant son John. And just as legislation was given to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai, so from here, from the Starokievskaya Mountain, the place “from where the Russian land came,” the light of Christ’s truth, the light of the Holy Gospel spread from south to north and from west to east to all corners Ancient Rus', to where Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus now extend.

Without the past there is no future

This place should not be in the abomination of desolation. According to the words of His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Vladimir, of blessed memory, with whose blessing the process of revival of the Tithe Church began: “... the lamp of divine love in this place was lit again.” And her fire needs to be maintained. We need to educate the people of God regarding the exceptional role of the Tithe Temple in history. It is necessary to unite our efforts to revive this shrine.

Revival in every sense of the word has already begun: prayer is taking place in this place, the sacraments are being performed. Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine prays and blesses him for the success of this undertaking, and is supported by the entirety of the Orthodox Church. Here prayers must constantly be offered for our people, for our Orthodox Church, for peace on our land and throughout the world.

And of course, in this holy place, with special solemnity and reverence we remember the dormition of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Here he lived, here he erected his brainchild - a temple in honor of the Most Pure Mother of God. It was in this temple that the relics of the holy prince were located after his dormition.

Tithe Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the mother of Russian churches

We cannot be Ivans who do not remember our kinship. For without the past there is no future. The fifth commandment of the Lord says: “Honor your father and your mother, and goodness will come to you, and you will live long on the earth.”

The Tithe Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Russian churches. And we must pay due respect to it, because it was destroyed by the atheistic government and is in desolation. Right now, the Church of the Tithes of the Blessed Virgin Mary needs our help. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this doing.

The time has come for all of us to take care of the mother of Russian churches - the house of the Most Holy Theotokos. And our Most Holy Lady Theotokos will take care of the faithful servants of our Lord and through Her Mother’s prayers peace will reign on our land.

The revival of our first cathedral of Ancient Rus' is important for the establishment of Orthodox spirituality and the unification of the East Slavic peoples around the Gospel truths. This is especially important now when there is a war in Ukraine.

Just as the scattered Slavic principalities once burned in the fire of civil strife, so now our peoples are undergoing a similar division. And it is the Cathedral of the Most Pure Mother of God, erected by the holy Prince Vladimir, now, as then, that can and should become a unifying symbol for our peoples.

Tithe Church. Directions:

Films about the Tithe Church:

The first temple of ancient Rus'

One of the most famous architectural and historical monuments in Kyiv is the remains of the foundation of the Church of the Tithes. The first stone temple of Ancient Rus' was built in the 10th century. He witnessed many historical events and trials that befell the mother of Russian cities. And even those few traces that have survived to this day can tell a lot to the attentive observer.

The Tithe Church is the first stone church in Rus', erected in 989-996 with funds from princely income (that is, tithes). It is interesting that the funds allegedly allocated for the construction of the temple were actually intended for the development of the entire church infrastructure of the then Rus', and the church only played the role of the treasury. The church, erected after the baptism of the pagans, was consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to historians, it was here that Vladimir the Baptist and his wife, the Byzantine princess Anna, were buried. And also the brothers of Grand Duke Vladimir - Yaropolk and Oleg. His grandson, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Izyaslav, also rests here.

In memory of the martyrs

The chronicles tell that the place where the temple was built - on Starokievskaya Hill, near the princely chambers - was not chosen by chance. It was there that the court of the first Christian Varangians stood - Theodore (Turas) and his son John, killed by pagans in 983. Prince Vladimir decided to atone for the death of the Kyiv martyrs and began construction of the Tithe Church.

During excavations in 1908, below the foundations of the main projection of the church, archaeologists found the remains of a 10th-century log house, which they suggest may have been the home of Theodore and John. It is possible that their relics were in the newly built Christian shrine.

It is believed that the first stone church of Kievan Rus became the tomb for many Kyiv princes. True, the opinions of historians and archaeologists are divided on this matter. Scientists admit that, yes, burials have been found that are identified with the graves of Princess Olga and Vladimir Svyatoslavich, as well as Vladimir’s brothers - Yaropolk and Oleg - and the son of Yaroslav the Wise Izyaslav. But the relics have not been preserved, and the tombs that are on display in Sofia are also not completely identical. Where it was, outside or within the cathedral, is an open question. The idea that it was the remains of the princes that were found was prompted by marble sarcophagi. And practically no more facts...

Tithe Church, built according to the design of Vasily Stasov. 1911

Until the appearance of the St. Sophia Cathedral, the church of Prince Vladimir served as a cathedral. Like the brainchild of Yaroslav the Wise, it had its owntotype in Byzantium. The tithe was built on the model of the church at the imperial palace in Constantinople. But the masonry technique is the merit of the master builders of Kyiv. Mixed masonry from plinth and stone using the technique with a hidden row has not been recorded in Byzantine buildings of that time.

None of the researchers dare to say exactly what the Tithe Church was originally like. Their cautious assumptions are based on written sources, as well as on materials from archaeological excavations. Many fragments of marble columns, slabs, carved details, mosaics and frescoes were found in the ground. Now they are kept in the funds National Nature Reserve"Sofia Kyiv".

Unfortunately, this majestic temple was plagued by troubles from the very beginning. The first damage to the Tithe Church occurred back in the 11th century, during a big fire. Subsequently, it was rebuilt and surrounded on three sides by galleries.

100 years later, in 1169, the church was damaged during the attack on Kyiv by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky, and in 1203 by Rurik Rostislavich. In 1240, Kyiv was captured by the Mongol-Tatar Horde. The Tithe Church became the last stronghold of the city's defenders. The people of Kiev hid there along with their property. But the building’s structures, significantly weakened by the recent earthquake, could not stand it and collapsed. Other sources claim that the church fell under the onslaught of the infidels.

Memorial stone on the restored foundation of the Church of the Tithes

A holy place is never empty

In 1635, Kiev Metropolitan Peter Mohyla “ordered the Church of the Tithes of the Blessed Virgin to be dug out of the underground darkness and opened to the light of day.” That is, the St. Nicholas Church, as it was popularly called, was erected on the site of the old one. But was it really so? During the time of Peter Mogila, the southwestern corner of the Tithe Church was completely preserved. At the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries, the rear opening was closed with a wooden wall, forming a small chapel, in which, according to a document of 1616, services were held only on holidays.

It was this old wooden wall that Mogila dismantled, replacing it with a new brick one. The dismantled wall dates back to the time of ancient Russian repairs, made several decades before the invasion of the Mongol commander Batu.

Metropolitan Peter Mohyla

Consequently, Metropolitan Peter Mogila did not build a new church, but, on the contrary, “mothballed” and preserved the remains of the ancient Russian church, dismantling the old wooden structures and strengthening the remaining remains of the medieval walls. By the way, it was under his leadership that in 1635 marble sarcophagi with male and female skeletons were found, which the Grave declared to be the relics of Prince Vladimir and Princess Anna.

In the 19th century, the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Evgeniy (Bolkhovitinov), made his contribution to the study of the temple. He organized excavations, thanks to which the foundation of the Tithe Church was discovered. Based on archaeological data, the story of Metropolitan Peter Mogila’s discovery of the remains of Prince Vladimir cannot be true. The relics now passed off by the Orthodox Church as the remains of Prince Vladimir most likely belonged to one of his distant descendants.

The next and last restoration of the Tithe Church took place on August 2, 1828 - based on the project of the St. Petersburg architect Vasily Stasov. The project of Kiev resident Andrei Melensky (the author of the project for the church on Askold’s grave and Gostiny Dvor in Podol) was rejected.

The construction of the temple, which lasted 14 years, took more than 100 thousand rubles in gold, but the resulting “monument of Russian Orthodoxy” was subjected to crushing criticism. Firstly, they built it with deviations from the planned Russian-Byzantine style and did not preserve the old masonry due to fears of precipitation. Secondly, the church turned out to be quite heavy, especially compared to the neighboring St. Andrew's. In 1936, the church was dismantled due to the construction of a government quarter in the area. Fortunately, the St. Sophia Cathedral was saved then.

Illumination of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kyiv. Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle, 15th century

Mystical connection

The fates of many people associated with the Tithe Church developed dramatically. Its founder, Prince Vladimir, died while preparing to go to war against his son Yaroslav. And after the death of the Baptist of Rus', his sons immediately got involved in a bloody fratricidal war.

It is worth remembering the Kursk landowner Alexander Annenkov, who initiated the restoration of the Tithe Church in the 19th century. Even then, historians began to suspect that his good intentions were just a cover. In fact, he was driven by the desire for material gain - he was looking for legendary ancient Russian treasures. And even, according to rumors, he found it. However, the treasures found did not bring Annenkov happiness: he became an alcoholic, squandered his property, did not leave a good memory, and his only pride - the rebuilt church - was destroyed.

Archaeologist Kondrat Lokhvitsky in his essays did not hide the fact that he began to engage in amateur archeology for the sake of fame, honor and awards. However, his plan for the restoration of the Tithe Church was not recognized by either Metropolitan Eugene or the imperial commission due to numerous shortcomings. But the Russian professor of architecture Nikolai Efimov actually made a fairly accurate plan for the foundations of the church. However, his project did not pass either.

The fates of a number of archaeologists who explored the shrine at the beginning of the 20th century were completely tragic. Dmitry Mileev died of typhus during excavations. Sergei Velmin and Feodosius Molchanovsky were repressed in the 1930s. The only “lucky” person from this group of antiquity researchers was the Leningrad archaeologist Mikhail Karger. But his archive with all the results of the excavations of the Church of the Tithes disappeared without a trace.

Alexandra SHEPEL

More from my site

There are many architectural monuments with an interesting history. Many of them are associated with certain historical events. A striking example is the Tithe Church in Kyiv. Why it is interesting, how it arose and with what events it was connected - this is discussed in the article.

Getting to know an architectural masterpiece

One of the special memorable places located in the very heart of Kyiv is the Tithe Church. It is also called the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It became one of the first stone buildings in the city, about which many literary essays remain. It was mentioned in archives, in ancient manuscripts and other documents.

Despite the large number of sources, none of them contains clear images of what the oldest church in Rus' originally looked like. Only from a number of archaeological finds found in different periods, one can guess what she was like. For example, a fragment of the entrance and part of the building was depicted in one of the drawings of 1826. However, according to scientists, the ruins depicted in the picture are only a copy of a drawing left by the Dutch painter, calligrapher and draftsman Abraham Van Westerfeld.

Presumable description of the building

As already noted, no reliable photographs or drawings depicting the church were found. As a result, based on various sources and archaeological finds, one can only guess what it was like. Thus, many archaeologists and historians believe that this church was a cross-domed building on four pillars. The architecture of the Church of the Tithes, in their opinion, fully corresponded to the architectural model of Byzantine art.

Presumably, next to the multi-domed religious building there were mansions of the Kyiv nobility, courtyards and a princely palace. Also relatively nearby was a square called Babin Torzhok. According to some reports, it was here that active international trade was once conducted.

What was inside the room?

Inside, this unique temple was decorated with exquisite mosaics, frescoes, and various architectural details made of precious stones (porphyry, marble, etc.). Researchers discovered on its territory a number of princely sarcophagi, parts of marble columns, cornices, mosaic floors, fragments of plaster and much more.

Judging by the parts and elements that have survived to this day, this church was outstanding, elegant and sophisticated. This is what attracted the attention of her contemporaries.

There are currently several interesting theories associated with the Tithe Church. One of them tells about the cathedral as a monumental structure, once built by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. According to these sources, at that time the building had the most important political and historical significance for the culture of the ancient Slavs. It was located on Starokievskaya Hill, in a place where the Left Bank, Lukyanovka, Podol, Lviv Square and others are clearly visible interesting places modern capital of Ukraine.

Many historians believe that the Church of the Tithes is the first evidence of the rooting of the Christian religion in Rus'. Within its walls were ancient Christian icons, vessels from Korsun and crosses. And Anastas Korsunyanin became one of the priests of the temple. He was one of the first representatives christian church began to take church tithes from believers.

The church received its name thanks to Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. He regularly spent a tenth of his income (tithe) on its maintenance. Hence the name.

Historical information about the origin of the temple

According to various archival sources, the Church of the Tithes of the Virgin Mary or the Temple of the Virgin Mary was built in 996. According to some information, the cathedral was founded on the site of the execution by pagans of the first martyrs Theodore and his son John.

Construction took a long time. But after a while the building was finally built. However, in its original form it did not last long. Already in 1169, the temple was subjected to a treacherous attack and was plundered by the troops of Prince Mstislav Andreevich. In 1203, history repeated itself, but with the troops of Rurik Rostislavich.

The history of the Tithe Church is full of attacks, robberies and even destruction. Thus, in the 13th century, the building was subjected not only to a treacherous attack and banal robbery by the army of Batu Khan. As it turned out, this was not enough for the conquerors. As a result, they destroyed the temple using heavy battering guns.

The further fate of the church

For some time the church remained in ruins. Later, a small memorial church was erected in its place. According to some sources, construction took place under the auspices of Metropolitan Peter Mohyla in 1630. Closer to 1842, the building was reconstructed. It was renamed the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Under Soviet rule, the temple was subject to mandatory demolition. In 1928, the building, like many other cultural and architectural monuments, was destroyed. And already in 1936, its foundation was literally dismantled brick by brick. As you can see, for a number of reasons, the oldest stone building has not survived to this day.

Construction of a new modern temple

The destruction of the temple was a real tragedy for many believers, history buffs and lovers of architectural art. As a result, in 2006, joint forces built a temple-tabernacle on the site of the ruins of the church. However, the legality of this construction caused a number of disputes and scandals. As a result, the new building managed to exist for only a year. It was demolished in 2007. And in its place a wooden church was erected, which in the same year was consecrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir.

In 2009, a monastery. Exactly a year later, it was planned to build another temple, as close as possible to the original Church of the Tithes in Kyiv. Photos and models of the future building were already in development. However, this idea never received approval.

Holy relics and burials

In addition to its primary importance, the Church of the Tithes was used as a tomb. Thus, the relics of the Holy Great Martyr Clement were buried on its territory. It was here that the prince’s wife, Anna, found her peace. She died in 1011. Exactly 4 years later, Vladimir himself passed away. His remains were buried next to his wife. Later, the remains of Princess Olga were transferred to the tomb.

Some time later, the princely remains were hidden. However, for some reason they were lost and not returned to the tomb of the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv. Where they went is still a mystery.

Some information about the construction of the temple

Tithe Church or as it is also called the Marble Church (due to large quantity marble finish) is a fairly large functional building. During its construction, materials such as brick, granite, quartzite and others were used.

“Cement” was used as a so-called “astringent” solution - a mixture of crushed ceramics and lime. Its use made it possible to create fairly large, reliable and durable buildings and structures.

What technology was used to construct the building?

It is believed that this structure was once of considerable size. At the same time, it was a kind of compositional center in the architectural ensemble of the “city of Vladimir”. This monumental religious building was built using the so-called “Byzantine” technology. Its principle boils down to covering the free space of the building with vaults.

Which artists participated in the project?

Based on the characteristic nuances of the brickwork of the foundation, the building materials used and many other data, we can conclude that its construction was carried out by Byzantine craftsmen of the highest qualifications. It should also be mentioned that some bricks have Cyrillic letters, which suggests that South Slavs (presumably Bulgarians) also worked during its construction.

What remains of the temple?

Unfortunately, the Church of the Tithes has practically not survived to this day. Archaeologists have discovered only certain fragments of the foundation of this temple. Tourists can see them when visiting this historical area.

In 1996, 2 commemorative coins with the image of the temple were issued. One of them is made of the highest standard silver, the other is made of copper-nickel alloy. Both coins depict the Church of the Tithes. Photos of these coins can be seen in school textbooks and other books on the history of Ukraine. In the center of such coins is the temple itself. And under it is the inscription “Spiritual Values ​​of Ukraine.”

Official name: Tithe Church in Kyiv

Address: Starokievskaya Gora (foundation)

Date of construction: 996

Basic information:

Tithe Church in Kyiv- the first stone temple on the territory of Kyiv and the then Kievan Rus, one of the oldest Kyiv churches, located in the historical part. The temple was destroyed during Tatar-Mongol invasion to Kyiv, rebuilt again in the mid-19th century and completely destroyed by the communists in 1928. Today, only the foundation of the church remains in Kyiv, located on, not far from.


Tithe Church. View from . Photo from 1980

History of the Tithe Church. According to chronicles and historians, the construction of the church began in the late 980s and was completed in 996, during the reign of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. The church had a typical Byzantine architectural style exterior, the interior was richly decorated with frescoes and mosaics. The Church of the Tithes in Kyiv was built not far from the supposed location of Detinets - the princely palace and accompanying buildings. It received the name “tithe” due to the fact that Prince Vladimir allocated a tenth of his income for the construction of the church. Also, the church was called “marble” due to the abundance of marble in the interior of the temple; in addition, in ancient chronicles the Church of the Tithes appears as the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Tithe Church was consecrated twice - the first time immediately after the completion of construction, the second time in 1039, during the time. Prince Vladimir and his wife, Prince Vladimir’s brothers were buried in the Desyatinny Church, and the remains of Princess Olga were transferred from Vyshgorod.

The first minor reconstruction of the Tithe Church took place in the second half of the 12th century. In 1240, the Tithe Church was almost completely destroyed by the hordes of Khan Batu who entered Kyiv, and another one is connected with this event tragic story Kyiv. During the brutal massacre in Kyiv, perpetrated by the Tatar-Mongols, many Kiev residents tried to take refuge in the Tithe Church and on its vaults. Under the pressure of people, the church could not stand it and collapsed, burying the people of Kiev.

Already at the end of the 17th century, the first archaeological excavations of the Tithe Church began, thanks to the initiatives of Metropolitan Peter Mohyla. Then tombs with the relics of Vladimir the Great and his wife were found, and Peter Mogila bequeathed 1000 gold coins after his death for the restoration of the Tithe Church. Most of the remains of the temple's foundation, as well as its construction plan, as well as some of the interior frescoes and mosaics, were found in the first half of the 19th century.

The first temple appeared on the site of the former Church of the Tithes in 1635, the initiator of the construction of which was Peter Mogila. It was a small church called the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After numerous archaeological excavations at the beginning of the 19th century, it was decided to completely rebuild the Tithe Church in Kyiv, on the site of its old foundation. The first stone for the construction of the new temple was laid in August 1828, and it was completed in 1842. The Tithe Church was rebuilt according to old plans, but its appearance only partially corresponded to the appearance of the original church. The new Tithe Church was built in the Byzantine-Moscow style. This temple was completely destroyed by the communists in 1928, leaving us again with only the foundation of the temple.

Today, for several years now, there have been debates about a new building and the revival of the glory of the Tithe Church. Representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church The Moscow Patriarchate repeatedly intended to build a new temple on the former foundation of the Tithe Church of Kyiv, but this idea did not have support from both archaeologists and the public.

Interesting facts:

Church of the Tithes - the first stone church on the territory of Kyiv and Kievan Rus

The foundation of the Tithe Church on the map of Kyiv:

Attraction on the map:


in Kyiv, the first stone temple of Dr. Rus', dedicated to one of the feasts of the Mother of God (see below), erected in 990/1-996. by order of Equal. book Vladimir (Vasily) Svyatoslavich on Starokievskaya Mountain, near the princely residence.

Pre-Mongol period

Archaeological studies of Starokievskaya Mountain revealed that D. c. was erected on the site of a vast burial ground (about 150 burials were discovered), created during the 10th century. (Arabic coins minted in 961-976, oval Scandinavian brooches from the mid-2nd half of the 10th century, weapons, etc. were found in the burials). According to archaeologist K. A. Mikhailov, the temple was built on “the ancestral burial site of representatives of the Kyiv princely house or members of the Rurik family who died before the official adoption of Christianity in 988,” which explains the “unusual preservation of a large number of magnificent pagan burials under the foundations.” D. c. (Mikhailov. S. 37, 42).

For the construction of D. c. book In 989, Vladimir sent ambassadors to K-pol, who were brought to Kyiv by “masters from the Greeks” (PVL. p. 54). These source data are confirmed by numerous Greek. graffiti, which were noticeable in the preserved southwest. parts of D. c. back in mid. XVII century In terms of D. c. (42´ 34 m) a compositional core is identified - a 3-nave temple with a large (7´ 6.5 m) domed square and a narthex. The structure was surrounded on 3 sides by galleries with many additional volumes. After research con. 30s XX century it was believed that these extensions appeared under St. book Yaroslav (George) Vladimirovich. However, during architectural and archaeological research in 2005-2006. it was established that the galleries were erected at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries, under Prince. Vladimir Svyatoslavich. D. c. was located in the center of the architectural ensemble, which included several. stone buildings may have been a princely palace cathedral. The destruction of most of the foundations of the temple complicates the reconstruction of its original plan and appearance (at present there are 15 reconstructions of the church). Mn. the issues of volume-spatial reconstruction of the cathedral (the number of chapters, the location of the stairs to the choir, etc.) remain unresolved.

The temple was exquisitely decorated: the walls and vaults were covered with frescoes and mosaics, the floor was paved with mosaics and stone slabs. Carved marble slabs of the pre-altar barrier and choir fences, columns of the triple arcades of the choir, the use of local types of stone - pyrophylite slate, red quartzite, limestone - gave the interior of the cathedral a solemn appearance.

Back in 995/6, by order of Prince D. Ts. was entrusted to Anastas Korsunyanin (who was, apparently, the steward of the church), the clergy was made up of priests who came from the prince. Vladimir from Korsun (Chersonese); next to D. c. to last third of the 11th century a domestic courtyard was built on the mountain (PVL. p. 27, 86), which indicates the presence of a choir in the cathedral. In 996, after completion of construction, Prince. Vladimir invested in D. ts. icons, vessels, “honorable crosses”, as well as “two copper temples and 4 copper horses, who even now stand behind the Holy Mother of God, as if I were ignorant of the marbles that exist,” taken by him after July 27, 989 from Korsun (Ibid. pp. 52, 54). After the consecration of the temple, Prince. Vladimir “on that day was a bolyar and an elder of the city, and distributed a lot of property to the poor” (Ibid. p. 55). Day of consecration of D. ts. was celebrated by the Russian Church on May 12, as evidenced by records in ancient Russian. parchment month books, Prologues and everyday books (Loseva O. V. Russian month books of the 11th-14th centuries. M., 2001. P. 338).

There are several hypotheses regarding the dedication of the temple. Metropolitan Evgeniy (Bolkhovitinov) believed that D. ts. was consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy. Mother of God. This t.zr. received support in later historiography (Voronin N.N. Architecture of Kievan Rus // History of Russian Art. M., 1953. T. 1. P. 117; Ilyin. 1965. P. 266-268; Rapov. 1988. P. 242-244; Kuchkin. 1997. P. 178, etc.). D. c. called Uspenskaya in Great Russian. sources of the 16th century: in the Tverskoy collection. (1534), in the Chudovskaya edition of the Life of St. Vladimir, in some versions of the prologue Life of St. Vladimir, as well as in southwestern Russian sources of the 17th-18th centuries, in particular in the memorial of the Kiev-Pechersk archimandrite. Joseph (Trizny; 1647-1655) (Kuchkin. 1997. P. 221). The opinion that D. c. could have been dedicated to the Nativity of St. Mother of God, relies on allusions to the service of this holiday contained in the “Sermon on Law and Grace” by Met. Hilarion, which was probably pronounced in D. ts. In addition, since the 17th century. Feast of the Nativity of St. The Mother of God was the throne church for the D., which was reflected, in particular, in the name of the site of wooden-earth fortifications built in the 2nd half. XVII century in the Upper Town of Kyiv. It should be mentioned that Bp. Thietmar of Merseburg in his chronicle (1018) calls D. c. the temple of the “martyr of Christ Pope Clement” (Nazarenko. 1993. P. 136, 141; Other Rus' in the light of foreign sources. 2000. P. 319). Apparently, he repeated the everyday name of the temple - after the relics of the revered saint located here.

According to the chronicler, in D. c. after the completion of its construction (996), the Charter of the book was put into storage. Vladimir about granting her tithes of princely income: “I give this church to the Holy Mother of God from my estate and from my cities a tenth” (PVL. P. 55; the original text of the Charter has not been preserved, the archetype of the existing editions dates back to the middle - 2nd half . XII century). Anastas Korsunyanin was entrusted with managing the tithe. It can be assumed that it was intended not only for the maintenance of the temple, but also for general church needs, its distribution was carried out under the direct control of the princely authorities (cf.: Florya B.N. On the material support of the Church in Rus' and in the Western Slavic states during the period of feudalism // DGSSSR: 1985. M., 1986. P. 117). Later material well-being of D. c. was supported not only by tithes, but, obviously, over time it was replaced by another form of support, less costly for the princely power. So, for example, in 1170 South Russian. the chronicler notes that the Polovtsy robbed the rural area of ​​the cities of Polonnoy and Semych. It is noted that in Polonnoye there was a church of St. Mother of God, and the city itself belonged to D. c. (PSRL. T. 2. Stb. 556).

In 1039 Metropolitan. Theopempt in the presence of Prince. Yaroslav the Wise again consecrated the D. ts. As far as can be judged from the surviving foundation masonry, to D. c. no new facilities were added during this period, but this does not exclude possible reconstruction upper parts, interior, etc. In 1018, during the strife, Anastas of Korsun left Kyiv, taking to Poland the treasury seized in the capital of Rus' by Boleslav I the Brave; in 1026 the princely civil strife ended and the prince established himself in Kyiv. Yaroslav the Wise.

In the 1st half. XII century D. c. has undergone significant restructuring. Sections of the foundations and walls adjacent to the southwestern corner of the building, in front of the west, were rebuilt. a new porch appeared at the entrance. In the galleries, the floor was decorated with glazed tiles, the variety of shapes of which (square, 3-gonal and octagonal) made it possible to imitate marble floor mosaics from the time the church was built. According to the list, “to all the Russian city, far and near” (the original edition dates back to the last third of the 14th century), “the Holy Mother of God of the Ten Stones was about half a third (25.- A.K.) verses” (PSRL. T. 3. P. 475; according to a number of researchers, such a number of “tops” seems excessive). In chronicles from the 2nd half. XII century D. c. bells are mentioned. In the XIX-XX centuries. In the immediate vicinity of the cathedral, 2 bells were found, which obviously belonged to this temple.

March 8-10, 1169, during the capture of Russia. princes of Kyiv, the city was severely devastated, among the victims were the Southern Russians. the chronicler notes “and the Virgin Mary of the Tithes.” The winners “bared the churches with icons, and books, and vestments, and bells, wore them out... and took away all the holy things” (Ibid. Vol. 2. Stb. 545). In 1203, during the capture of Kyiv, Prince. Rurik (Vasily) Rostislavich, “the Metropolitan plundered St. Sophia, and the Tithe Holy Mother of God, and plundered all the monasteries, and destroyed icons, and took others, and honorable crosses, and sacred loans, and the books and ports of the blessed first princes, who hung the hedgehog in churches of the saints as a memento for themselves, then having put everything in full for themselves,” the clergy were either killed or taken prisoner (Ibid. T. 1. Issue 2. Stb. 418-419).

In the beginning Dec. In 1240, the Horde captured the main part of Kyiv. The last defenders of the city, led by Voivode Dmitry, held out near the St. Sophia Cathedral, where they created a defensive line, but after a fierce battle they were driven out of there and took refuge in the D.C. Due to a large crowd of people, including townspeople, many of whom brought property with them, the vaults of the temple collapsed (“those who fled against the church, and against the church and with their goods, from the burden the church walls fell down with them” - Ibid. T. 2. Stb. 785). (According to the assumption of M.K. Karger, the cause of the collapse of the church was the action of battering guns. However, the chronicler, who described in detail the siege and assault of Kyiv, does not mention this fact; moreover, during a siege, the doors of the church would have been knocked out, but not the thick ones stone walls.) Perhaps after the destruction of the temple, the ruins were cleared and the bodies of the dead were removed, as evidenced by a large mass grave discovered in front of the apses of the temple. Only a small part of the shrine survived - the west. third south galleries (survived thanks to renovations in the 12th century?).

Shrines and princely burials in D. c.

In the temple there were brought St. Vladimir from Korsun relics of St. Clement, Pope of Rome, and his student Thebes. About their widespread veneration in Kyiv in Domong. time there is a number of evidence, including foreign ones: book. Yaroslav “showed” the heads of the saints Pope Clement and his disciple Thebes to members of the French embassy (including Bishop Roger of Chalons), who arrived to woo the prince. Anna Yaroslavna for the French. cor. Henry I (Ancient Rus' in the light of foreign sources. 2000. P. 354). Jacob Mnich and the author of The Tale of Bygone Years mention the relics of “other saints” brought by the prince. Vladimir to Kyiv from Korsun, perhaps they were also in D. c. and were lost in the 2nd half. XII - 1st half. XIII century The Tale of Bygone Years says that in 1007 “the offering of holy things to the Holy Mother of God” was carried out, but it does not say whose relics these were (PVL. p. 57).

According to the legend originating from the Kiev-Pechersk monastery about the first Kiev Metropolitan. St. Michael, “the high priest died in 992 and was buried in the Church of the Tithes; then, around 1103, under the Pechersk abbot Theoktiste, his relics, found incorrupt, were transferred to Anthony’s Cave, and from here, already in 1730, by the Highest Decree, they were transferred to the main church of the Kyiv Lavra” (Makariy. History of the RC. Book 2. pp. 28-29). The book Degree of the Royal Genealogy (mid-16th century) reports the transfer to D. c. book Vladimir and Met. Leontius (Leontius) of the relics of St. Kng. Olga (Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) dates this event to 1007), the relics rested in stone sarcophagus, after were lost (these facts are not reflected in the memorial of Archimandrite Joseph (Trizna). In 1011/12 in D. c. was buried by St. Kng. Anna, in 1015 - her husband, equal to the Apostles. book Vladimir.

Their remains rested in 2 marble sarcophagi in the middle of the temple (which does not correspond to Byzantine practice), and were lost after the destruction of the church in December. 1240 During the dismantling of the ruins of D. c. in 1632/36, according to Metropolitan. Samuil (Mislavsky), Metropolitan. St. Peter (Grave) found the supposed coffins of the prince. Vladimir and king. Anna.

The main part of the burials of the 11th century. in D. c. (During the excavations, Karger discovered 8 sarcophagi in the temple and 2 sarcophagi outside the temple) belongs to representatives of the princely dynasty. Memorial to Archimandrite Joseph (Trizna) reports in 1007 about the reburial in the temple of the bodies of 2 Polotsk princes, descendants of St. Vladimir, - Izyaslav Vladimirovich († 1001) and his son Vseslav († 1003) (RSL. Trinity. F. 304/I. No. 714. L. 361 vol. - 362). In 1044, by order of the leader. book Yaroslav Vladimirovich over the remains of his pagan uncles - the Kyiv prince. Yaropolk Svyatoslavich and the Drevlyan prince. Oleg Svyatoslavich - the baptismal ceremony was performed, after which they were buried in the D. c. Oct 3 1078, the Kiev prince, who died in the battle on Nezhatina Niva, was buried in the temple in a marble sarcophagus. Izyaslav (Dimitri) Yaroslavich (PVL. P. 86). One of the last burials in D. c. The burial took place on November 16. 1093 book. Rostislav Mstislavich († 1 Oct. 1093), grandson of the leader. book Izyaslav Yaroslavich (Ibid. P. 95).

In XI - mid. XIII century D. c. was one of the centers of pilgrimage to the South. Rus'. So, in 1150, the Galician prince. Vladimirko Volodarevich, touring the Kyiv shrines, first went to Vyshgorod, where he venerated the relics of St. princes Boris and Gleb, returned to Kyiv and “came to Saint Sophia,” and then “went to the Holy Mother of God of the Tithes, and from there went to the Holy Mother of God Pechersk monastery” (PSRL. T. 2. Stb. 403).

2nd half XIII-XX centuries

After the collapse in 1240, the temple was not restored. XVI - beginning XVII century The church, called the Church of St. Nicholas the Tithe after the temple icon, belonged to the Uniates; around it there was a large city cemetery, where burials took place in the 16th-18th centuries. In 1635, thanks to the efforts of Metropolitan. Peter (Mogila), the temple became Orthodox, repairs were made to it, and the ruins were dismantled. In the beginning XIX century, as shown by archaeological research and analysis of images of D. ts., in the church of the time of Metropolitan. Peter's the walls of the ancient cathedral were used. At the same time, the altar part was probably cleared and a search for mortgaged shrines was carried out on the site of the thrones. This is evidenced by excavations in central parts apses discovered during excavations in 1908

After the occupation of Kyiv in 1654 by Moscow troops during the Russian-Polish war. war updated D. c. was consecrated. According to the “Mural List of Kiev 1700”, from the west. On the side of the stone church there was “a wooden table attached and at the top there was a chapel of the supreme holy apostles Peter and Paul.” In the 18th century D. c. several was repaired several times, in particular in 1758 at the expense of the Monastery. Kyiv Frolov Monastery of the KNG. Dolgorukova. In 1828-1842. according to the project of architect. V. P. Stasov in the “Russian-Byzantine style” was built new church, which was inferior in size to the construction of the book’s time. Vladimir. During its construction old temple dismantled building material(brick of the 10th-12th centuries, stones) were used in the new foundation. This church was destroyed in mid. 30s 20th century, parts of the foundations and individual interior details, found during excavations in 2005-2006, have been preserved. Several fragments of plaster. types with remains of wall paintings from ancient D. ts. (based on materials from the Karger 1948 collection) are stored in the State Hermitage.

Archaeological study of D. c. carried out in the 20s. XIX century (K. A. Lokhvitsky and N. E. Efimov), in the beginning. XX century (D.V. Mileev), on the eve of the Great Patriotic War(T. N. Movchanovsky, Karger) and in 2005-2006. (G. Yu. Ivakin, V. K. Kozyuba).

Source: Golubev S. T . Materials for the history of Western Russia. Churches // CIONL. 1891. Book. 5. P. 5-192; aka. Historical and topographical research and notes about ancient Kyiv // TKDA. 1899. No. 12. P. 574-599; Priselkov M. D. Trinity Chronicle: Reconstruction of the text. M.; L., 1950 (by decree); DRKU (by decree); Nazarenko A. IN . German Latin-language sources of the 9th-11th centuries: Texts, trans., commentary. M., 1993; PVL. St. Petersburg, 19962 (according to decree); Kuchkin V. A . Princely memorial as part of the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon of Joseph Trizny // DGVE, 1995. M., 1997. P. 220-221, 172, 177-180; PSRL. T. 1. Issue. 1-2; T. 2; T. 3 (according to decree); Dr. Rus' in the light of foreign sources / Ed.: E. A. Melnikova. M., 2000; Boplan G. L., de. Description of Ukraine / Transl. from French: Z. P. Borisyuk. M., 2004.

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A. V. Kuzmin