Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation “On the organization in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training.

dated November 8, 1992 N 855


dated 01/06/93 N 14)

In order to improve the financial situation and strengthen the stimulating role of wages for workers in healthcare, education, culture, science, higher education and other institutions, organizations and enterprises that receive budgetary funding, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To carry out, from December 1, 1992, the transition to the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of public sector workers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 N 785 “On differentiation in the levels of remuneration of public sector workers based on the Unified Tariff Schedule” . (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.01.93 N 14)

2. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation shall determine the procedure and sources of financing the costs of increasing wages provided for by this resolution.

3. Ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the republics within the Russian Federation, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, local administrations, institutions, organizations and enterprises receiving budgetary funding, ensure the preparatory work necessary for the introduction of a Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of public sector employees within the period established by paragraph 1 of this resolution.






The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish a Government Commission on optimization and increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures.

2. Approve the attached Regulations on the Government Commission on Optimization and Increasing the Efficiency of Budget Expenditures.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government resolution

Russian Federation




1. The Government Commission on Optimization and Increasing the Efficiency of Budget Expenditures (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a coordinating body formed to ensure coordinated actions of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in addressing issues of increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures.

2. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as these Regulations.

3. The main task of the Commission is to coordinate the activities of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the following issues:

a) optimization of expenditures of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation;

b) use of released budget allocations in accordance with priority areas of state policy;

c) improving the quality and efficiency of the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation.

4. To implement the tasks assigned to it, the commission performs the following functions:

a) organizes on a regular basis an analysis of expenditures of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as reviews of budget expenditures) in accordance with the regulations for conducting reviews of budget expenditures, approved by the Chairman of the Commission;

b) organizes the preparation and analysis of proposals for the use of released budget allocations for financial support of priority areas and measures of state policy;

c) considers draft state programs of the Russian Federation, including proposals to amend the state programs of the Russian Federation, and also prepares recommendations for their improvement;

d) considers the results of implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of state programs of the Russian Federation for the reporting period and prepares recommendations for making changes to state programs of the Russian Federation;

d(1)) considers proposals to optimize expenditures of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation on the basis of reviews of budget expenditures;

e) considers other issues related to optimization and increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures;

f) exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the Commission.

5. The commission has the right:

a) request, in the prescribed manner, from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation and other organizations for information on issues within the competence of the Commission;

b) hear at their meetings heads and representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation and other organizations on issues within the competence of the Commission;

c) attract, in accordance with the established procedure, representatives of interested federal executive bodies, state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation and other organizations to participate in the work of the Commission;

d) create temporary working groups in accordance with the established procedure to consider issues within the competence of the Commission;

6. The composition of the Commission is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. The Chairman of the Commission manages the activities of the Commission, organizes its work, and exercises general control over the implementation of the decisions and recommendations adopted by it.

The Commission carries out its activities in accordance with the plan approved by the Chairman of the Commission.

8. The executive secretary of the Commission organizes meetings of the Commission, forms the agenda for the meeting, informs the members of the Commission about the next meeting, and also maintains and draws up the minutes of its meeting.

9. Meetings of the Commission are chaired by the Chairman of the Commission.

Members of the Commission participate in its meetings without the right of replacement. If a member of the Commission is absent from a meeting, he has the right to submit his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing in advance to the Chairman of the Commission.

A meeting of the Commission is considered valid if at least half of its members are present.

Decisions of the Commission are made by a majority vote of the members of the Commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Commission is decisive.

10. The said Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is invited to a meeting of the Commission when considering an issue that, in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities, falls under the jurisdiction of the relevant Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

11. Preparation of materials for the meeting of the Commission is carried out by federal executive authorities with the participation, if necessary, of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation and other interested organizations whose jurisdiction includes the issues brought up for the meeting.

12. Decisions of the Commission are documented in minutes. The executive secretary sends copies of the minutes of the meeting within 5 working days from the date of its signing to members of the Commission, as well as interested federal executive authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation and other organizations.

13. Decisions of the Commission, adopted in accordance with its competence, are binding on federal executive authorities, other chief administrators of federal budget funds, as well as state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation.

14. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission is provided by the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Temporary Rules for checking by the arbitration manager for signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

M. Fradkov

Temporary rules for checking by an arbitration manager for signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy

I. General provisions

1. These Temporary Rules determine the procedure for the arbitration manager to check for signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy (hereinafter referred to as the check).

2. When an arbitration manager conducts an inspection for a period of at least 2 years preceding the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, as well as during the period of bankruptcy procedures (hereinafter referred to as the period under study), the following are examined:

a) constituent documents of the debtor;

b) financial statements of the debtor;

c) agreements on the basis of which the debtor’s property was alienated or acquired, a change in the structure of assets, an increase or decrease in accounts payable, and other documents on the financial and economic activities of the debtor;

d) documents containing information about the composition of the debtor’s management bodies, as well as about persons who have the right to give instructions that are binding on the debtor or the ability to otherwise determine its actions;

e) a list of the debtor’s property as of the date of filing an application to declare the debtor insolvent (bankrupt), as well as a list of the debtor’s property acquired or alienated during the period under study;

f) a list of debtors (except for organizations whose debt amount is less than 5 percent of receivables) indicating the amount of receivables for each debtor as of the date of filing an application to declare the debtor insolvent (bankrupt);

g) a certificate of debt to budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds, indicating separately the amounts of the principal debt, fines, penalties and other financial (economic) sanctions as of the date of filing the application to declare the debtor insolvent (bankrupt) and as of the last reporting date preceding the date of the inspection ;

h) a list of the debtor’s creditors (except for creditors whose debt amount is less than 5 percent of the accounts payable) indicating the amount of the principal debt, fines, penalties and other financial (economic) sanctions for improper fulfillment of obligations for each creditor and the deadline for their fulfillment as of the date filing an application to declare the debtor insolvent (bankrupt), as well as for a period of at least 2 years before the date of filing the application to declare the debtor insolvent (bankrupt);

i) reports on the assessment of the debtor’s business, property, audit reports, minutes, conclusions and reports of the audit commission, minutes of the debtor’s management bodies;

j) information about affiliated persons of the debtor;

k) materials of the debtor's court proceedings;

l) materials of tax audits of the debtor;

m) other accounting documents, regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the debtor.

3. The documents necessary for the inspection are requested by the arbitration manager from creditors, the debtor’s manager, and other persons.

4. If the debtor does not have the documents necessary for the inspection, the insolvency practitioner is obliged to request duly certified copies of such documents from government bodies that have the relevant information.

II. The procedure for determining the signs of deliberate bankruptcy

5. Signs of deliberate bankruptcy are identified both during the period preceding the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings and during bankruptcy procedures.

6. Identification of signs of deliberate bankruptcy is carried out in 2 stages.

At the first stage, an analysis is carried out of the values ​​and dynamics of the coefficients characterizing the debtor’s solvency, calculated for the period under study in accordance with the rules for conducting financial analysis by the arbitration manager, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. If at the first stage a significant deterioration in the values ​​of 2 or more coefficients is established, the second stage of identifying signs of deliberate bankruptcy of the debtor is carried out, which consists of analyzing the debtor’s transactions and the actions of the debtor’s management bodies for the period under study, which could be the cause of such deterioration.

A significant deterioration in the values ​​of the coefficients is understood as such a decrease in their values ​​for any quarterly period, at which the rate of their decrease exceeds the average rate of decrease in the values ​​of these indicators during the period under study.

If, at the first stage of identifying signs of deliberate bankruptcy, periods during which there was a significant deterioration in 2 or more coefficients were not identified, the bankruptcy manager conducts an analysis of the debtor’s transactions for the entire period under study.

8. During the analysis of the debtor’s transactions, the compliance of transactions and actions (inaction) of the debtor’s management bodies with the legislation of the Russian Federation is established, and transactions are also identified that were concluded or executed on terms that do not correspond to market conditions, that caused the emergence or increase of insolvency and caused real damage to the debtor in monetary form.

9. Transactions concluded on terms that do not correspond to market conditions include:

a) transactions for the alienation of the debtor’s property, which are not purchase and sale transactions, aimed at replacing the debtor’s property with less liquid ones;

b) purchase and sale transactions carried out with the debtor’s property, concluded on conditions that are obviously unfavorable for the debtor, as well as carried out with property without which the main activity of the debtor is impossible;

c) transactions related to the emergence of the debtor’s obligations, not secured by property, and also entailing the acquisition of illiquid property;

d) transactions to replace one obligation with another, concluded on obviously unfavorable terms.

Obviously unfavorable terms of a transaction concluded by a debtor may relate, in particular, to the price of property, work and services, the type and timing of payment under the transaction.

10. Based on the results of the analysis of the values ​​and dynamics of the coefficients characterizing the debtor’s solvency and the debtor’s transactions, one of the following conclusions is drawn:

a) on the presence of signs of deliberate bankruptcy - if the head of the debtor, the responsible person performing managerial functions in relation to the debtor, an individual entrepreneur or the founder (participant) of the debtor made transactions or actions that did not correspond to the market conditions and business customs that existed at the time of their commission, which became the reason for the occurrence or increase of the debtor's insolvency;

b) about the absence of signs of deliberate bankruptcy - if the arbitration manager has not identified relevant transactions or actions;

c) about the impossibility of checking the presence (absence) of signs of deliberate bankruptcy - in the absence of documents necessary for the check.

III. The procedure for determining the signs of fictitious bankruptcy

11. Determination of signs of fictitious bankruptcy is carried out in the event of initiation of bankruptcy proceedings at the request of the debtor.

12. To establish the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious bankruptcy, an analysis is carried out of the values ​​and dynamics of the coefficients characterizing the debtor’s solvency, calculated for the period under study in accordance with the rules for conducting financial analysis by arbitration managers, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

13. If an analysis of the values ​​and dynamics of the absolute liquidity ratio, the current liquidity ratio, the indicator of the security of the debtor’s obligations with its assets, as well as the degree of solvency for the debtor’s current obligations indicates that the debtor has the ability to satisfy in full the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or ) about the payment of mandatory payments without significant complications or termination of business activities, a conclusion is drawn about the presence of signs of fictitious bankruptcy of the debtor.

If an analysis of the values ​​and dynamics of the corresponding coefficients characterizing the debtor’s solvency indicates that the debtor is unable to pay off its obligations, it is concluded that there are no signs of the debtor’s fictitious bankruptcy.

IV. Preparation of a conclusion on the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy

14. Based on the results of the inspection, the arbitration manager draws up a conclusion on the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy.

The conclusion on the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy includes:

a) the date and place of drawing up the conclusion;

b) information about the arbitration manager and the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member;

c) the name of the arbitration court, the case number, the date of the ruling (decision) of the arbitration court on the introduction of the appropriate bankruptcy procedure and the date of adoption of the ruling of the arbitration court on the approval of the arbitration manager;

d) full name and other details of the debtor;

e) conclusion about the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy;

f) calculations and substantiation of the conclusion about the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious bankruptcy;

g) calculations and justification for the conclusion about the presence (absence) of signs of deliberate bankruptcy, indicating the debtor’s transactions and actions (inaction) of the debtor’s management bodies, analyzed by the arbitration manager, as well as transactions of the debtor or actions (inaction) of the debtor’s management bodies that caused or could cause the cause of the occurrence or increase of insolvency and (or) caused real damage to the debtor in monetary form, together with the calculation of such damage (if it is possible to determine its amount);

h) justification for the impossibility of conducting an inspection (in the absence of the necessary documents).

15. The conclusion on the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy is presented to the meeting of creditors, the arbitration court, and also no later than 10 working days after signing - to the bodies whose officials are authorized in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses to draw up protocols on administrative offenses provided for in Article 14.12 of the Code, to make a decision on initiating proceedings in a case of an administrative offense.

If the conclusion on the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy establishes the fact of causing major damage, it is sent only to the preliminary investigation authorities. Simultaneously with the conclusion on the presence of signs of deliberate or fictitious bankruptcy, the arbitration manager submits to the specified bodies the results of a financial analysis conducted in accordance with the rules for conducting financial analysis by the arbitration manager, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as copies of documents on the basis of which a conclusion was made about the presence of signs of fictitious bankruptcy. or deliberate bankruptcy.


"Appendix No. 2
to Instructions for Use
tuberculin tests

Recombinant tuberculosis allergen in standard dilution (hereinafter referred to as the drug) is a recombinant protein produced by a genetically modified culture of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)/pCFP-ESAT. The drug contains two interrelated antigens - CFP10 and ESAT6, present in virulent strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, including M. tuberculosis and M. bovis. These antigens are absent in the BCG strains of M.bovis, from which tuberculosis vaccines are prepared - BCG and BCG-M. One dose (0.1 ml) of the drug contains: recombinant protein CFP10-ESAT6 (0.2 μg), phenol (0.25 mg) as a preservative, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) as a stabilizer, sodium phosphate disubstituted 2 -aqueous, sodium chloride, potassium phosphate monosubstituted, water for injection - up to 0.1 ml.

Biological and immunological properties.

The drug is intended to improve the quality of diagnosis of tuberculosis infection. The action of the drug is based on identifying the cellular immune response to antigens specific to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (hereinafter referred to as MTB).

The drug does not have a sensitizing effect and is non-toxic. When administered intradermally, it causes a specific skin reaction of delayed type hypersensitivity (hereinafter referred to as DTH) in persons with tuberculosis infection.

Based on the results of the studies, it was established that the sensitivity (frequency of positive responses in individuals with active tuberculosis infection) of an intradermal test with the drug is comparable to the sensitivity of the tuberculin test, and its specificity (frequency of no reaction to the drug in healthy individuals) is higher than that of tuberculin, so as, unlike tuberculin, in individuals vaccinated with BCG but not infected with MBT, the drug does not cause an HRT response. Due to the fact that the drug does not cause the HRT reaction associated with BCG vaccination, a test with the drug cannot be used instead of a tuberculin test to select individuals for primary vaccination and revaccination with BCG.

The drug is used in all age groups for the purpose of:

1) diagnosis of tuberculosis and assessment of the activity of the process;

2) differential diagnosis of tuberculosis;

3) differential diagnosis of post-vaccination and infectious allergies (delayed-type hypersensitivity);

4) monitoring the effectiveness of treatment in combination with other methods.


For practical use, an intradermal test with the drug is used in anti-tuberculosis institutions or, in the absence of such, as prescribed by a TB doctor and with his methodological support.

For early detection of tuberculosis, an intradermal test with the drug is carried out:

persons sent to an anti-tuberculosis institution for further examination for the presence of a tuberculosis process;

persons belonging to high-risk groups for tuberculosis, taking into account epidemiological, medical and social risk factors;

persons referred to a phthisiatrician based on the results of mass tuberculin diagnostics.

High risk factors for tuberculosis are:

1) epidemiological (contact with a person or animal sick with tuberculosis);

2) medical and biological:

diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, psychoneurological pathology, frequent history of acute respiratory viral infections;

chronic diseases of various organs and systems with a torpid, undulating course and the ineffectiveness of traditional methods of treatment;

long-term use (more than a month) of cytostatic, glucocorticoid drugs, immunosuppressants;

HIV infection, perinatal contact in children with HIV infection;

3) social:

alcoholism, drug addiction, stay in prison, unemployment;

homelessness of children and adolescents, children ending up in orphanages, orphanages, social centers, etc.;


For differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and other diseases, an intradermal test with the drug is carried out in combination with a clinical, laboratory and x-ray examination in an anti-tuberculosis institution.

To monitor patients registered with a phthisiatrician with various manifestations of tuberculosis infection in an anti-tuberculosis institution (all PTD contingents), an intradermal test with the drug is carried out during a control examination in all groups of dispensary records with an interval of 3 - 6 months.

Directions for use and dosage.

The appointment and methodological guidance of the test is carried out by a phthisiatrician. The test is performed on children, adolescents and adults by a specially trained nurse who is authorized to conduct intradermal tests. The drug is administered strictly intradermally. To carry out the test, only tuberculin syringes and thin short needles with an oblique cut are used. Before use, you must check their release date and expiration date. It is prohibited to use syringes intended for insulin injections.

The rubber stopper of the bottle with the drug is treated with 70% ethyl alcohol. To withdraw the drug from the bottle, use the same syringe that will be used for injection (SP 3.3.2342-08 dated 03/03/2008). If tuberculin syringes have removable needles, the stopper of the bottle is pierced with a separate needle for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, which, after each withdrawal of the drug into the syringe, is left in the stopper, covered with a sterile napkin. Using a tuberculin syringe, draw 0.2 ml (two doses) of the drug and release the solution to the 0.1 ml mark into a sterile cotton swab. After opening, the bottle with the drug can be stored for no more than 2 hours in a place protected from light.

The test is carried out with the subject in a sitting position. After treating the skin on the inner surface of the middle third of the forearm with 70% ethyl alcohol, 0.1 ml of the drug is injected into the upper layers of the stretched skin, parallel to its surface. When the test is performed, as a rule, a papule in the form of a “lemon peel” of a whitish color with a diameter of 7 - 10 mm is formed in the skin. If a tuberculin test was performed on one forearm, the drug is injected into the other forearm.

For persons with a history of nonspecific allergies, the test is recommended to be carried out while taking desensitizing drugs for 7 days (5 days before the test and 2 days after it).

Accounting and interpretation of results.

In the accounting documents after testing with the drug, the following is noted:

a) name of the drug;

b) manufacturer, batch number, expiration date;

c) date of the test;

d) result - reaction to the test.

The result of the test is assessed by a doctor or trained nurse 72 hours after it was performed by measuring the transverse (relative to the axis of the forearm) size of the hyperemia and infiltrate (papules) in millimeters with a transparent ruler. Hyperemia is taken into account only in the absence of infiltration.

The response to the test is considered:

negative - in the complete absence of infiltration and hyperemia or in the presence of a “puncture reaction”;

doubtful - in the presence of hyperemia without infiltration;

positive - in the presence of infiltrate (papules) of any size.

Conventionally, the following skin reactions to the drug are distinguished:

mild - in the presence of infiltrate up to 5 mm in size;

moderately expressed - with an infiltrate size of 5 - 9 mm;

pronounced - when the infiltrate size is 10 mm or more;

hyperergic - with an infiltrate size of 15 mm or more, with vesicular-necrotic changes and (or) lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, regardless of the size of the infiltrate.

In contrast to the HRT reaction, skin manifestations of nonspecific allergies (mainly hyperemia) to the drug, as a rule, are observed immediately after the test and usually disappear after 48 - 72 hours.

Negative reaction to the sample.

Skin HRT to the drug is usually absent:

1) in persons not infected with MBT;

2) in persons previously infected with MTB with inactive tuberculosis infection;

3) in patients with tuberculosis during the period of completion of the involution of tuberculous changes in the absence of clinical, X-ray tomographic, instrumental and laboratory signs of process activity;

4) in persons cured of tuberculosis.

At the same time, a test with the drug may be negative in patients with tuberculosis with severe immunopathological disorders caused by a severe course of the tuberculosis process, in persons in the early stages of MBT infection, in the early stages of the tuberculosis process, in persons with concomitant diseases accompanied by an immunodeficiency state. In this regard, in the presence of characteristic clinical and radiological signs of tuberculosis, a negative reaction to the drug should not prevent further measures to diagnose tuberculosis infection.

Persons with a questionable and positive reaction to the drug are subject to examination for tuberculosis.

Persons over 18 years of age who have a questionable or positive test with the drug for the first time are subject to a full clinical and radiological examination at an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. Based on the results of the examination, if this group of people does not have signs of local tuberculosis, they are shown observation by a phthisiatrician in the “0” group of dispensary registration with treatment and preventive measures (as indicated).

Children and adolescents who have a questionable or positive reaction to the drug are shown a full examination for tuberculosis, followed by treatment and observation in the appropriate dispensary group. If the reaction to the drug is negative, treatment for tuberculosis infection is not indicated. Repeated testing - after 2 months.

Contraindications for testing:

1) acute and chronic (during exacerbation) infectious diseases, with the exception of cases suspected of tuberculosis;

2) somatic and other diseases during the period of exacerbation;

3) common skin diseases;

4) allergic conditions;

5) epilepsy.

In children's groups where there is a quarantine for childhood infections, the test is carried out only after the quarantine is lifted.

In cases of differential diagnosis of local tuberculosis and other diseases, except for individual intolerance to tuberculin, there are no contraindications for testing with the drug.

Side effect.

In some individuals, as during tuberculin diagnostics, short-term signs of a general nonspecific reaction may be observed: malaise, headache, increased body temperature.

Interaction with other drugs.

For healthy individuals with a negative test result, preventive vaccinations (except BCG) can be carried out immediately after assessing and recording the test result.

If preventive vaccinations have already been carried out, then the test with the drug is carried out no earlier than 1 month after vaccination."

In order to implement the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 52-FZ “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, control bodies for the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 13, Art. 1474; No. 30, Art. 3613; 2002, No. 30, Art. 3033; 2003, No. 1, art. 152; no. 2883, art. 2606; 2799; 2011, Art. 2315; No. 429; No. 22, Art. implementation of the Federal Law “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, bodies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 32, Art. 3900; 2003, No. 33, Art. 3269; 2004, No. 8, Art. 663; 2008, No. 38, art. 4314; 2012, No. 2, art. 290) INSTRUCTIONS:

1. To approve the Procedure for organizing compulsory state life and health insurance in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) (Appendix No. 1 to this Order).

2. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of troops of military districts, fleets, branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, heads of central military command and control bodies, commanders of formations, commanders of formations and military units, chiefs (leaders) of organizations of the Armed Forces Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissars:

Ensure, in accordance with the Procedure, the execution of documents for the payment of insurance amounts to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens called up for military training, and members of their families in the amounts, manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

When entering or conscripting for military service, military training, bring to the attention of citizens the rules, procedure and conditions of compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training;

Take additional measures aimed at preventing cases of death and damage to the health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training;

Ensure that investigations are conducted into each case of death of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and a citizen called up for military training.

3. To the Director of the Financial Planning Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
develop tender documentation for placing an order through bidding to select an insurer (hereinafter referred to as the insurance organization) for the implementation of compulsory state life and health insurance of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training;

Ensure the allocation of budgetary allocations necessary for the implementation of compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training;

Determine, in agreement with the insurance organization, the amount and frequency of transfer of insurance premiums;

Carry out quarterly control over the validity of spending funds allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel.

4. The Department for Placement of State Orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation shall ensure that, in accordance with the established procedure, a competition is held to select an insurance organization for the implementation of compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and citizens called up for military training.

5. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for organizing the financial support of troops (forces).

6. Recognize the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation as invalid and make changes to the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in accordance with the List (Appendix No. 2 to this Order).

army general