What does a natural national park mean? What are nature reserves

The idea of ​​creation national parks originated more than 120 years ago in the USA. At the core this term there was a desire to emphasize that this territory belongs to the entire people, the entire nation. The system of national parks in Russia arose in the 80s. The first national parks were formed in 1983. These are “Sochi” on the Black Sea coast and “Losiny Ostrov” on the territory of Moscow. Currently in Russia there are 35 national parks with an area of ​​7 million hectares (0.41% of the country's area), located in the territories of 13 republics, 2 territories, 20 regions and 1 autonomous district.

National parks- these are environmental, environmental, educational and scientific research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects that have special ecological, historical and aesthetic value and are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific, cultural purposes, as well as for recreation and tourism. Their special meaning is that by preserving areas of nature as a reserve of national heritage, they serve effective means environmental education, dissemination of environmental knowledge. National parks take on some of the functions that were previously performed by state reserves.

National parks have three interrelated tasks: environmental(protection of natural ecosystems), recreational(providing tourism and recreation for the population) and scientific(development and implementation scientific methods nature conservation and environmental education). The recreational function acquires recent years of particular importance in connection with the emergence of such a phenomenon as eco-tourism (2002 was even declared by the UN as the year of eco-tourism). Considering the increased demand for such environmental services in developed countries and the enormous capabilities of Russian unique natural areas Once they are provided, we should expect further involvement, first of all, of national parks in this process.

Earth, water, subsoil, plant and fauna Cultural and other real estate objects located on the territory of a national park are provided for use (ownership) to national parks on the rights provided for by federal laws. Buildings, structures, historical, cultural and other objects are assigned to national parks and transferred to them under the right of operational management. National parks are legal entities and are financed by federal budget and other means not prohibited by law. The combination of environmental and recreational objectives determines the allocation within the territory of the national park of a number of functional zones with a special environmental and legal regime:

A protected area, within which any economic activity and recreational use of the territory is prohibited;

A specially protected zone, within which conditions are provided for the conservation of natural complexes and objects and strictly regulated visits are allowed;

Educational tourism zones intended for environmental education and familiarization with the attractions of the park;

Recreational area intended for recreation. Providing regulated tourism and recreation in the territories of national parks is carried out in accordance with approved projects on the basis of licenses;

Protection zones for historical and cultural objects, providing conditions for the preservation of complexes and objects of cultural heritage;

Visitor service area intended for accommodation, overnight stays, and everyday information services for visitors;

Economic zones within which necessary production and economic work is carried out.

In national parks located in areas inhabited by indigenous people, it is allowed to designate zones of traditional environmental management. The ratio of the sizes of each functional zone in different national parks varies markedly - the protected area can be largest percentage area in national parks: “Elbrus” (73%), “Zabaikalsky” (41%), “Sochi” (37.5%), and maybe the smallest - “Meshchersky” (0.1%), “Russian North” ( 1%), “Lower Kama” (7%), etc.

In the territories of national parks, any activity that may cause damage to natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical objects is prohibited; contradicts the goals and objectives of the national park, including: exploration and development of mineral resources; activities that entail disturbance of soil cover and geological outcrops; activities that entail changes in the hydrological regime; provision of gardening and summer cottage plots in the territories of national parks; construction of main roads, pipelines, power lines and other communications, as well as construction and operation of economic and residential facilities not related to the functioning of national parks, etc.

National parks are established by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, adopted on the basis of submissions from government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body in the field of protection environment. The regulations on the national park are approved by the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection. A protective zone with a limited regime of environmental management is being created around the national park.

The provision of regulated tourism and recreation in the territories of national parks is carried out in accordance with approved projects on the basis of licenses for the implementation of activities for the provision of regulated tourism and recreation provided by the directorates of national parks. The proposed services for organizing visitor services should not contradict the goals of the national parks and not cause damage to natural complexes and objects of historical and cultural heritage. If appropriate licenses are available, its owners may be provided with rental land plots, natural objects, buildings and structures on the terms determined by the relevant agreements concluded with the directorates of national parks.

Legal status natural parks has similar and different features to the situation of national parks. The tasks facing national and natural parks are similar, namely creating conditions for recreation (including mass recreation), developing and implementing effective methods of nature conservation, and maintaining ecological balance.

However, in difference from national parks, natural parks:

1. They are environmental recreational institutions, decisions on the formation of which are made by state authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation on the proposal of federal executive authorities in the field of environmental protection. Thus, in the Volgograd region several laws have been adopted regulating the creation of natural parks of regional significance: Eltonsky natural park, natural park "Nizhnekhopersky", natural park "Donskoy", etc.

2. Natural parks are under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and their activities are financed from the budget of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. Unlike national parks, internal structure which are clearly enshrined in the law, the list of functional zones of natural parks is not formulated as exhaustive, i.e. the resolution of this issue is left to the discretion of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if several natural parks are created on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, their internal structure may not coincide.

So, the basis of the system of specially protected natural areas in our country are nature reserves. However, the presence on their territory of citizens who are not employees of the reserves is strictly prohibited. Therefore, in addition to protected areas, state national parks were created. In addition, despite the universal recognition of the importance of specially protected natural areas, there is a need to obtain an economic effect from their functioning. The creation of a state network of national parks is aimed at solving this problem.

National natural park(according to the Law of Ukraine “On the Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine”) - these are environmental, recreational, cultural, educational, scientific and research institutions of national importance, which are created for the purpose of conservation, restoration and effective use natural complexes and objects that have special environmental, health, historical, cultural, scientific, educational and aesthetic value.

Multifunctionality is inherent in national parks to a much greater extent than other types of protected natural areas. However, the main purpose of the national park - creation conditions for recreation, which implies the presence of economic plots, the only limitation of which is the prohibition of any activity that could cause harm to natural complexes and cultural and historical sites. Therefore, not all national parks can be called corners of untouched nature.

Functions of the national park:

Preservation of valuable natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects;

Creation of conditions for organized tourism, recreation and other types of recreational activities in natural conditions in compliance with the regime of protection of protected natural complexes and objects;

Carrying out scientific research natural complexes and their changes in conditions of recreational use, development of scientific recommendations on issues of environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources;

Carrying out environmental educational work.

It is no coincidence that the task of preserving nature comes first. This puts the national park in a number of specially protected natural areas of the second rank after the reserve and indicates its purpose - from resource conservation (preservation and enrichment of natural and recreational resources) to a reference reserve. After all, national parks are designed to preserve unique examples of nature and show them to people. Actually, based on these considerations, the idea of ​​their creation developed. Today, among the unique creations of nature, not only geographical phenomena are distinguished - high mountains, deep lakes, glaciers, impressive waterfalls and canyons, but also representatives of the flora and fauna. Due to the active expansion of anthropogenic landscapes, traditional ideas of perpetuating natural and historical memorials in national parks began to lose ground to another, no less urgent goal - organizing environmental education for vacationers (stimulating interest in wildlife). Understanding of personal responsibility for its preservation and increase. This is the recreational value of the national park.

On the territory of national natural parks, taking into account the environmental, health, scientific, recreational, historical, cultural and other values ​​of natural complexes and objects, a differentiated (mixed) regime of their protection is established according to functional zoning:

protected area – intended for the protection and restoration of the most valuable natural complexes, the regime of which is determined in accordance with the requirements established for natural reserves;

regulated recreation area– within its borders, short-term recreation and health improvement of the population, inspection of picturesque and memorable places is carried out; in this zone it is allowed to develop tourist routes and ecological trails; logging of main use forests, commercial fishing, etc. are prohibited;

stationary recreation area– designed to accommodate hotels, campsites and other facilities serving park visitors;

economic zone – carried out within its borders economic activity, are settlements, public utility facilities of the park, etc. However, the construction of roads, power and communication lines, traffic movement outside the established ones, etc. is prohibited.

Zoning of the territory of each national park, recreational and other activities on its territory are carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the National Natural Park and the Project for Organizing the Territory of the National Natural Park”. Today there are 15 national natural parks in Ukraine:

Carpathian (Ivano-Frankivsk region, created in 1980)

Shatsky (Volynskaya, 1983)

Synevyr (Zakarpatskaya, 1989)

Azovo - Sivashsky (Kherson, 1993)

Vizhnitsky (Chernovetskaya, 1995)

Podolsk Tovtry (Khmelnytskyi, 1996)

Holy Mountains (Donetsk, 1997)

Yavorovsky (Lviv, 1998)

Desnyansko-Starogutsky (Sumskaya, 1999)

Skolov Beskydy (Lviv, 1999)

Uzhansky (Zakarpattia, 1999)

Hutsulshchyna (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2002)

Ichnyansky (Chernigov, 2004)

Galitsky (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2004)

Gomelshan forests (Kharkovskaya, 2004).

And the oldest national parks in the world are Yosemite (1864) and Yellowstone (1872) national parks (USA).

Yosemite National Park located in the USA, California, in the Sierra Nevada mountains, the country's first protected landscape since 1864, a national park since 1890. Area 304 thousand hectares. Coniferous forests (thousand-year-old giant sequoia dendron trees) and about 80 species of mammals are subject to protection.

Yellowstone National Park is located in the USA, the states of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Area 898.3 thousand hectares. The park is part of an area of ​​active volcanic activity, where rare natural phenomena- geysers, of which there are about 200. The most famous of them is Old Feyiful, which operates almost every hour for 5 minutes and emits a stream hot water and steam into the air to a height of 30 - 45 m. The following are subject to protection: hot springs, petrified trees, coniferous forests, mountain meadows, as well as such species of animals as: black-tailed deer, bears (baribal, grizzly), etc.; bald eagle nesting site.

Following Yellowstone Park, national parks began to be created in Canada, Africa, and Australia. Currently, national parks abroad are allocated main role in nature conservation in a broad sense. Today there are 2,300 national parks in the world.

IN former USSR National parks began to be included in the system of specially protected natural areas in the 70s. Now there are about 20 national natural parks in Ukraine.

Many people have heard the phrase “national park,” but not everyone knows what it really is. These objects are of particular interest to travelers, especially those who prefer natural beauty man-made. In this article we will explain, what is a national park, how it differs from the reserve, and we will list the most worth visiting sites from the world natural heritage.

What is a national park

National Park is a special area with a natural landscape that is protected in order to limit human activity. By the way, this name can be used not only for the territory, but also for the water area - i.e. absolutely any area of ​​the planet where efforts are being made to preserve its natural pristine state.

The main thing a traveler needs to know about national parks is that you can travel through them. In fact, they are created precisely for this purpose, so that modern man I could see with my own eyes the endless beauty of untouched nature. Also in national parks it is possible to conduct scientific research and conduct some types of economic activities.

Despite the fact that the concept of a national park is universal, each country may have its own characteristics; accordingly, the rules of behavior in natural sites may be different, and the traveler should carefully study them before the trip.

An attempt was made to give a universal definition of the term what a national park is at the tenth session of the General Assembly of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. General features for such parks it was proposed to name:

  • pristine nature of the natural system or insignificant human influence on it;
  • a sufficiently large area;
  • interest in these places from the point of view of science, spirituality or tourism.

In Russia, for example, a clause on the presence of completely untouched areas of nature in a national park is mandatory. Those. if there are none, then the site cannot be considered a national park.

To the number characteristic features, uniting the concepts of national parks around the world, also include:

  • Diversity of landscape, animal and flora. There may also be rare species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book.
  • Objective beauty of landscapes;
  • The presence of significant cultural and historical events in the area;
  • Clearly recognized tourist potential of the place.

Reserve. Definition

A reserve is an area of ​​an ecosystem untouched by humans, access to the territory of which is strictly limited in order to protect those within it. rare species animals and plants. Thus, the main goal of the reserve is to preserve the natural course of life of all structures that make up the ecosystem.

How does a national park differ from a nature reserve?

The main difference between a national park and a nature reserve is the degree to which human activity is limited. Quite a number of activities are permitted in national parks, from scientific research to organizing hiking trips. It is impossible to enter the reserve without special permission from the environmental authorities, and almost all species human activity prohibited there. Movement within the territory is strictly limited, any activities are suppressed, dangerous at least any part of the natural system. In this, by the way, reserves differ from nature reserves, in which only certain populations of flora and fauna are “exposed” to protection.

What causes this strict regime access to the territory?

With few exceptions, the reserves contain rare and endangered species of plants and animals. The situation is often so serious that only a complete ban on human intervention can save the living population. Tourism in the reserves is practically excluded, but a variety of activities are carried out scientific activity– monitoring the state of the eco-environment, counting animals, training specialists in environmental protection, etc.

As with national parks, the concept of a nature reserve can vary from country to country. Nature reserves in Russia are under strict protection federal legislation. Any Russian nature reserve, the definition of which is clearly stated in legislative acts, is a specially protected area.

National parks are environmental, environmental, educational and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and which are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

National parks are legal entities that do not have profit as the goal of their activities, that is, non-profit organizations and are created in the form of an environmental institution financed from the federal budget.

Federal Law of March 14, 1995 N 33-FZ, Art. 12, 16

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition


specially protected natural areas, including natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value and intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism. Like nature reserves, N.p. relate exclusively to objects of federal property, have the status legal entity, are non-profit organizations and are financed from the federal budget. N.p. are established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation with the consent of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to classify the corresponding territories as objects of federal property on the basis of a submission from the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and a specially authorized person government agency Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. Relations in the field of organization, protection and use of N.p. regulated Federal law“On Specially Protected Natural Territories” of March 14, 1995 and the Law of the RSFSR “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” of December 19, 1991. In the territories of N.p. a differentiated regime of special protection is established, taking into account their natural, historical, cultural and other features. For these purposes, on t e r r i t o r i and N.p. functional zones are distinguished (for example, protected area, specially protected zone, educational tourism zone, recreational zone). The mode set for each zone is determined based on the zone category. A feature of the legal regime N.p. is the presence of a list of prohibited activities, in particular, exploration and development of mineral resources; activities that lead to disturbance of soil cover, geological outcrops, and hydrological regime; construction of main roads, pipelines and other communications; final fellings, passage fellings, preparation of resin, commercial hunting and fishing; collection of biological collections, industrial procurement wild plants; movement and parking of mechanized vehicles vehicles, not related to the functioning of the settlement, driving domestic animals, rafting timber along watercourses and reservoirs; organization of mass sports and entertainment events, tourist camps and lighting fires outside specially designated areas. Another feature of the legal regime N.p. is the allocation of zones of traditional extensive natural resource management in areas inhabited by the indigenous population, where traditional economic activities are allowed, as well as related types of use of natural resources in agreement with the park directorates. Most N.p. is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Forestry Service, forestry authorities of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation, N.p. “Losiny Ostrov” and “Pereslavsky” are subordinate to the executive authorities of Moscow and the Yaroslavl region, respectively. N.p. - one of the most common categories of specially protected natural areas in many countries of the world. International model N.p. developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). However, in practice, two directions prevail in the development of scientific research. - environmental and recreational, which determines different national approaches to their organization. If in the USA, for example, the lands of N.p. belong to the state, then in European countries many parks are organized on private lands (Great Britain, France, Spain). There are some differences in the legal regime for the protection and use of N.P. According to the modern modification of the concept of the N.P., proclaimed by the IUCN, the territory within the boundaries of the N.P. must remain undisturbed and closed to commercial use, forest and mineral development, hydraulic engineering, grazing and hunting. Development of tourism in N.P. should also be reasonably limited to maintain quality natural ecosystems. Lit.: Granin A.A. National parks in the USSR: problems and prospects. M., 1991. A.A. Granin

National Parks of the World Prepared by:

Project goal: Learn about national parks of the world

Project objectives: collect materials about national parks of the world, using additional literature and Internet resources; prepare a message and presentation of the project; draw conclusions; Tell your classmates about the results of your work.

Relevance of the project There are many interesting places that attract us with their beauty and uniqueness. Often we do not think about the riches that nature has given us. We mindlessly destroy natural resources. Many natural objects are on the verge of extinction. In order to protect such objects, national parks and reserves were created around the world. I want to talk about some of them in my work.

Work plan: What are the world's national parks? For what purpose are they created? Famous national parks of the world.

What is a national park? A national park is an area where human activity is limited to protect the environment. Unlike nature reserves, where human activity is practically prohibited, tourists are allowed into the territory of national parks, and economic activity is allowed on a limited scale.

The purpose of creating national parks The main purpose of creating national parks and reserves is to protect living organisms teetering on the brink of extinction.

Serengeti National Park Serengeti National Park is a famous wildlife sanctuary in the world. Serengeti is located in East Africa and extends from northern Tanzania to southern Kenya east of Lake Victoria.

The name comes from the Maasai word "siringet" meaning "endless plains". The Serengeti ecosystem is one of the oldest and best preserved on Earth. The climate of the Serengeti is generally dry and warm. The main rainy season is from March to May, with light rains occurring from October to November.

Serengeti National Park is famous for a huge number animals living in this area. According to scientists, about five hundred species of birds and three million large animals live here. It is home to the largest population of lions on the planet. The Serengeti is also home to thousands of elephants, gazelles, hyenas, hippos and rhinoceroses.

Marine National Park Great Barrier Reef Marine National Park, founded in 1979, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest in the world coral reef, stretches along the northeast coast of Australia for 2500 km and covers an area of ​​about 344,400 square kilometers

In the waters of the park, up to 400 species of corals and 500 species of marine plants, about 4 thousand species of mollusks, numerous worms, sponges, crustaceans and starfish are known.

The fish fauna includes approximately 1,500 species. Particularly noteworthy are butterfly fish, parrot fish, giant wrasse, grouper, reef shark, moray eel and others

Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” is located in the southwest of Belarus, 340 kilometers from Minsk, within the Grodno and Brest regions. The first mention of Pushcha dates back to 983 (Ipatiev Chronicle), and a regime close to a reserve was established here at the beginning of the 15th century. Since 1957, the Pushcha had the status of a State Game Reserve, on the basis of which the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park was founded in 1991. This large forest area is one of the oldest forest reserves in Europe. "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" is a national park.

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is a large and unique tract of ancient forests, which is typical for the Central European plains. Forest occupies about 86% of the territory. Pine forests predominate.

The territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is home to 227 species of birds, 11 species of amphibians, 7 species of reptiles, more than 11 thousand invertebrates, 59 species of mammals and 24 species of fish. You can see bison in the park, which is home to the world's largest population of bison.

Conclusion: As a result of working on the project, I learned about the national parks of the world. I liked this job. I did not talk about all national parks, but only about some of them. Therefore, I would like to continue working on studying this topic in the future.