Project physical education - healthy children. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in physical education lessons Project “Formation of a healthy lifestyle Project healthy physical education lesson

Project “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in physical education lessons and during extracurricular hours” Formation of a healthy lifestyle in physical education lessons Teacher: L.A. Dubovichenko Students: 5th grade Goal - mastering the basics of physical education activities with a personal health-improving focus     Objectives: to develop knowledge and skills for practical actions aimed at maintaining health; provide the necessary information to formulate strategies and technologies to maintain and improve health; Develop an understanding of responsibility for your own health and the health of others. The task of health improvement has three interrelated aspects:    Educational, which consists of instilling in children a careful attitude towards their health. Educational, which consists of teaching children the norms of a healthy lifestyle, techniques and methods for its implementation. Wellness, consisting of the prevention of the most common diseases, as well as through the improvement of such necessary qualities as mental balance, calmness, concentration, attentiveness, good memory, and thinking abilities. Problematic questions      Why is physical education needed? How to teach children to take care of their health? Why should you eat right? What is hygiene? How to get rid of bad habits? Educational questions      1. What is health for a student 2. What is the main focus of physical exercise 3. What are the rules for hardening the body and the main methods 4. Ways to get rid of bad habits 5. What are the basic rules for diagnosing health? What is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the way of life of an individual with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, accompanied by the virtual absence of illnesses and individually frustrating (removing from a state of inner peace) shortcomings To be healthy means not to have problems with well-being, to be a physically and spiritually complete person. Rhythmic gymnastics Exercises have a significant impact on the formation of correct posture, beautiful gait, and cultivate aesthetic concepts and a culture of movement. With the help of rhythmic gymnastics, you can develop physical qualities such as general endurance, strength, flexibility, and agility. Rhythmic gymnastics Jumping rope The inclusion of jumping rope in every lesson held in the gym is not burdensome for students if the jumping exercises are varied in form, load and tasks facing them. Jumping rope Exercises to develop posture  Posture is not innate. It is formed in the process of growth, development of the child, study, work and physical exercise. Exercises in movement, in balance Exercises in movement, in balance Exercises in movement, in balance Goals of health lessons     Strengthening the physical and mental health of students Instilling interest in systematic physical education, developing the habit of performing physical exercises that strengthen the health and psyche of the child Formation of a culture of physical activity of students Fostering a moral culture of students, interest in the history of sports, the desire to overcome their negative habits and ailments Topics of health lessons Sports in people's lives  Hygiene of Olympic athletes  Movement is life  The importance of posture in human life  Running yesterday and today  Jumping and character education  memo Dear guys, Dear parents! Remember! 1. Incorrect posture can not only cause irreparable harm to health, but also ruin a person’s life. 2. Incorrect posture at the table or while playing especially spoils your posture. 3. You need to sit in such a way that you have support for your legs, back and arms with a symmetrical position of your head, shoulder girdle, torso, arms and legs. 4. You need to sit so that your back touches the back of the chair closely, the distance between your chest and the table should be 1.5-2 cm. 5. The distance from the eyes to the table should be 30cm. 6. The book should be held in an inclined position, and the notebook should be placed at an angle of 30 degrees. 7. You cannot read while lying on your side, or carry heavy objects in the same hand. 8. Riding a bicycle disrupts your posture. 9. Sleeping on a hard mattress can improve your posture. 10. To correct their posture, children need to practice daily, looking at themselves in the mirror. Dear fathers and mothers! A few more tips before you begin to seriously and purposefully fight for the health and happiness of your child! Help your children make exercise a necessary and routine part of their lives. Try to be an example for your child in doing exercises, do them with him. Do not scold your child if he does something wrong, try to get him to do the exercises willingly, only then they can develop into a habit. Emphasize, no matter how small, the child’s achievements. While doing the exercises, enjoy good music, the opportunity to communicate, smile at each other, support each other in all your endeavors! Good luck and good luck! Organization of homework  Homework in physical education is one of the most effective forms of physical education, allowing each student to actually engage in independent activities. Control over the completion of homework is monitored in the physical education notebook. The notebook makes it possible to evaluate a student on all indicators: knowledge, motor skills, motor readiness, physical education, sports and recreational activities. Literary resources:      Physical culture. Textbook for grades 5-7 in general education institutions. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2006 G.I. Pogadaev. Handbook for physical education teachers. M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. D. Donskoy, V.M. Zatsiorsky. Textbook for FC institutes. Biomechanics of movements. M.: Physical culture and sport, 2007. Yu.A.Vinogradov. Textbook for pedagogical institutes. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000. N.P. Klusov. Is movement life? M.: Sport-press, 2009. Information resources:   Internet. htpp// Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2008, New Media Generation LLC


Health project topics

Take care of your health from a young age.

The influence of physical inactivity on the health of schoolchildren.

The influence of study load on the health of middle school students.

The effect of physical exercise on human health.

The influence of physical exercise on the formation of the musculoskeletal system (posture).

The influence of physical culture and sports on children's health.

Does physical activity affect a person's heart?

Magic health points

Physical inactivity is a disease of civilization.

The main path to health is sport

Determination of injuries in young athletes.

If you want to be healthy

Hardening is an effective means of strengthening human health.

A healthy child today means a healthy generation tomorrow.

It's fashionable to be healthy

Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.

Health is in your hands

Health saving

Play for your health.

Indices of physical perfection of students' bodies.

Who is the healthiest in the class?

The negative impact of different types of shoes on a teenager's foot.

Posture and sets of exercises to prevent its violations.

Features of the use of physical exercises for scoliosis.

Flat feet in younger schoolchildren and further ways to eliminate it in physical education lessons.

Correct posture and its importance for health and good study.

Scoliosis is fixable!

Scoliosis. How to deal with it?

Sport is health and success

Does sport save health or waste it?

Sports for health

Family Health Code - does it exist?

Physiological and hygienic factors as a condition for maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

Physical education and sports: commonalities and differences. Their influence on human health.

Health formula.

Topics of physical education projects

Current charging is a real mystery!
For the glory of the jump rope
Restoration of the school playground.
Where and how champions grow.
Movement, you are life!
Doping in sports: are all means always good?
Winter sports
The importance of self-control during physical exercise.
Information technology in sports
How to build a sports ground yourself.
A set of exercises “Gymnastics for the brain.”
Throwing in elementary school lessons.
World of balls
The world of sports through my eyes.
Do I need exercise classes?!
My achievement diary
My favorite sport.
My sports idol
Moscow is a sports city.
My life in sports
My sports family.
Ball: from game to sport.
Oh sport, you are the world!
Oh, sport, you are the world!
From physical strength to spiritual strength.
What does heart rate depend on?
Know yourself
Practice-oriented project "Musical warm-up".
Practicality and environmental friendliness of sports equipment and clothing.
Path to Olympus. My achievement diary.
Development of flexibility
Development of physical capabilities through independent work.
I’ve been involved in sports since childhood and look up to my grandfather.
Your own coach
Take a step towards sports.
Beauty secrets
Secrets of school success.
Family physical education as a folk tradition.
Family traditions: dad, mom, me - a sports family.
There is strength - no need for intelligence? Or sports is not a hindrance to studies.
Speed ​​in sports
Modern sport: an arena for sporting achievements or a battle for prizes?
“If you’re not friends with sports, you’ll worry about it more than once.”
Sports in the life of my family
Sports for body and soul
Sports and American education.
Sport as one of the factors in the formation of leadership abilities of adolescents.
My family's sports family tree.
Sports family traditions
Sports traditions in the family as a factor in the physical education of the individual.
A sports corner for every home, every child.
I have been involved in sports since childhood and try to reach Olympic heights.
Testing students' physical fitness.
Level of physical activity of the population
Morning hygiene exercises in my life.
Morning exercises for schoolchildren - exercises.
Physics and sports
Is physical education a lesson or a journey in life?
Physical qualities of a person
Physical exercises for circuit training.
Physical education in the family
Physical education at school: sport or entertainment?
Physical education and sports in our lives.
Physical education minutes in class
Formula for success
What should a young athlete know about doping?
School physical education is the first step to sports
I choose sport
I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits.

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Objective of the lesson: formation of knowledge about the essence of harmful and dangerous human habits.

Lesson objectives:

  • learn to accurately navigate what is necessary for health, what are insidious destroyers.
  • develop a respectful attitude towards one’s health and the skills to resist “bad habits”

Training task: consolidate the material covered using the following plan:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Addiction
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Anabolic drugs


I really want you to be able to accurately navigate what is necessary and beneficial for health, and what is its insidious destroyers when entering a big life.

The topic of our lesson: “HEALTH THIEVERS”

Unfortunately, the most widespread hobby of the current generation of youth is Smoking

(slide 16-14). Every year, 5 billion kg of tobacco turns into cigarette smoke on the planet.

Nicotine and other harmful components that enter the lungs with tobacco smoke slow down the growth and development of the body. Respiratory cancer, gastric ulcers, pathological enlargement of the aorta and coronary sclerosis become evil retribution for tobacco lovers. Every seventh of heavy smokers ends up on the operating table with a severe disease of the blood vessels of the legs.

For girls, smoking is the most destructive: the voice quickly becomes rough, the complexion deteriorates, the teeth turn yellow, wrinkles multiply rapidly, and bad breath occurs. Figuratively speaking, femininity and beauty disappear along with cigarette smoke, and the body quickly fades.

Alcohol– (slide 15-25) – ethyl or wine alcohol – belongs to the category of narcotic substances. Its main targets are the brain, heart and liver. When alcohol enters the body, even in small doses, it depresses all organs and systems of the body and disrupts the usual biological rhythm. And all this happens over the course of 15-20 days, since alcohol has the ability to linger and accumulate in the body. All “cheerful” and “hot” drinks have a detrimental effect on the sexual sphere. Fans of intoxicating feasts are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from gynecological diseases. More than 9% of children suffering from mental retardation, physical and mental defects are born to parents who started drinking at a young age.

Drugs(slide 26-42) not only irrevocably destroy health, but also lead to complete degradation of the individual. The goal of life gradually comes down to only one thing: to acquire another portion of dope and forget yourself, slowly dying in half-dream, half-delirium. Enslavement to the “white death” is terrible because, unlike smoking and alcoholism, it is almost impossible to overcome drug addiction through willpower. From the first breath, the first injection, the human body is affected so deeply that it is no longer able to escape from the tenacious embrace of the disease. This cannot be done without targeted medical treatment. Although recently doctors, unfortunately, cannot help everyone, and after treatment the patient returns to drugs. Drug addiction is becoming significantly younger. Cases of detection of the chronic stage of diseases in children aged 8-9 years have already been recorded! They are all doomed. Only a few will barely survive to 30-35 years of age.

In recent years, drug addiction has acquired a “little sister” - substance abuse. The arsenal of classic narcotic drugs has been replenished with sleeping pills, pharmacological products, and household chemicals.

Sexually transmitted diseases(slides 43-68), as a rule, will complement the vices already described and represent the not at all joyful side of the sexual revolution. Syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, lymphogranulomatosis inguinalis and granuloma venereum are still common every day and continue to be the most serious social and moral problem of our time. The plague of the 20th century was called acquired immune deficiency syndrome - AIDS.

The main cause of sexually transmitted diseases is promiscuity.

A conversation about health destroyers that strike on the sly will be incomplete if we do not touch on another problem that is directly related to sports - this Anabolic drugs- contain special synthetic products of male hormones. They significantly enhance muscle metabolism, accelerate protein absorption, retain water and ultimately stimulate noticeable muscle fiber growth. Thus, there is a real opportunity to solve the intended “body building” tasks in the shortest possible time, instead of many months of hard training. Anabolic steroids disrupt the natural development of the body, reduce immunity, destroy the liver and kidneys, and the functional level of the central nervous system drops sharply. By stimulating muscles, anabolic drugs in no way contribute to strengthening bones, ligaments, and cartilage. This leads to sudden tendon ruptures, joint damage, and other serious injuries.

Girls who decide to get closer to their cherished goal with the help of miracle pills are simply shocked by the appearance of excess fat on the chest, an unpleasant gray tint, and the appearance of numerous acne and boils. They, their voice breaks, begin to rapidly grow hair on their face, chest, arms and legs.

The insidiousness of “sports drugs” lies in something else. Unfortunately, all side effects are not detected immediately. Meanwhile, the body quickly gets used to the usual portions and begins to persistently demand an increase in the dose. Aggressive behavior sharply increases, doctors note unmotivated reactions and reactive psychoses.

If you want to see yourself healthy and balanced, in a calm and normal mood, to see yourself happy, to achieve great heights in life, take care and make the right choice.

Thanks everyone!

The school, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. In the process of systematic physical exercise, I improve the functioning of internal organs, comprehensively develop physical qualities, and children master a number of vital skills. At the same time, I cultivate the following qualities in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a feeling of friendship, camaraderie. In the systematic physical education of children, I combine systematic classes with a variety of physical exercises with a proper regime of study and rest and high-quality sanitary and hygienic living conditions, cultivate civic responsibility and work to prevent antisocial manifestations. Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and play sports, so I, as a physical education teacher, motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying children’s interest in physical education and sports. I achieve this using the following methods: answering questions, conversations about sporting events, outstanding performances of Russian athletes, introducing children to the health-improving effects of physical education, explaining the effect that systematic physical exercise has in the formation of vital skills and abilities.

Methodological passport of the educational project.

Project name: “Physical education – healthy children.”

Year of development of the educational project: 2016

Experience (Distribution): All grades of the school.

Project problem: In recent years, there has been a decline in students’ interest in physical education lessons and other types of physical culture and sports activities, which does not allow creating the prerequisites for continuous physical improvement and mastering ways to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in their lives. As a result, the health of the younger generation is deteriorating.

Project goal: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of schoolchildren.

Project objectives:

    Strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and developing motor experience, fostering activity and independence in motor activity;

    Development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility;

    Formation of skills in conducting physical education and health activities during the school day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games during school breaks):

    Fostering a culture of communication with peers and cooperation in the conditions of educational, project, gaming and competitive activities;

    Prevention of antisocial manifestations.

Children's organization form: group work.

Leading activity: search, creative.

Scope of application of the results: sociological, cultural, sports, health.

Technologies used: artistic, sports.

Form of project activity products: analysis of sociological survey data, newspapers, poster presentation, group or personal report of designers.

How to combine results in a presentation: event, competition.

Types of presentation: defense of reports, abstracts, competition of drawings, posters, design of stands “Sports life of the school”, “Russian sport”, “Bad habits”, “Healthy lifestyle”.

Class or age of children: all grades of the school.

Subject area: Main subject area (physical education) and additional subject areas (basics of life safety and the environment).

Participants: school wide

Nature of coordination: explicit

Topics of the subject curriculum:

Physical education lessons are distinguished by a wide variety of games and exercises, and relay races. Students in the lesson should receive some theoretical information about physical education, a healthy lifestyle, understand the importance of physical exercise, know the basic rules of hygiene and behavior, and be able to apply these skills in practice in everyday life.

Approximate topic of the section

“Theoretical information” in physical education lessons.

    Rules for safe behavior in places of physical education classes (in the gym, on the sports ground).

    Rules of conduct in courtyards, playgrounds, and school sports fields during after-hours hours.

    Our class rules for physical education lessons.

    On the importance of physical education for a healthy lifestyle.

    Motor mode of a schoolchild.

    Measures to prevent danger on the water, in parks, in the yard, at home.

    Requirements for clothing during classes in various conditions.

    Correct posture and its importance for health and good study.

    The importance of physical exercise in your daily routine for health.

    The importance of physical exercise in the daily routine for study and relaxation.

    Features of a physical education lesson in primary school

    Rules for performing a set of hygienic gymnastics exercises.

    Rules for performing a set of exercises to form correct posture.

    The importance of proper breathing for health. Breathing rules when running.

    Prevention of fatigue associated with educational activities.

    Rules for performing tests to assess physical fitness.

    A healthy lifestyle, its importance for a person and its advantages over an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Hardening and its effect on the body.

    Hypothermia and its prevention during independent walks in winter.

    Prevention of childhood injuries.

    Providing first aid for minor injuries (bruises, abrasions, abrasions, etc.).

    Providing first aid for injuries.

    First aid for bruises.

    First aid for dislocations, sprains, fractures.

    First aid for open wounds.

    First aid for insect bites.

    First aid for poisoning.

    First aid for burns.

    First aid for sunstroke and heatstroke.

    First aid for frostbite.

    First aid if various objects get into the respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, ear, nose.

    Artificial respiration when various objects get into the respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, ear, nose.

    The importance of physical culture in the life of a modern person.

    Maintaining a daily routine.

    Morning hygienic exercises.

    Physical education minutes and physical education breaks in the classroom.

    Hygienic rules for physical exercise.

    Personal hygiene of junior schoolchildren.

    Physical exercises and games to develop correct posture.

    Breathing rules.

To achieve the goal of physical education for secondary school students, basic tasks have been formulated, which include:

    Formation of motivation among schoolchildren to engage in physical education;

    Teaching them the skills and abilities to use personal physical education means in everyday activities and in physical education lessons;

    Forming an understanding of the meaning of personal physical education.

    The formation of motivation is based on the following needs:

Physiological (active motor actions);

Safe (from pain, discomfort, suffering, anger, unsettledness);

In social connections (identification in a team, social involvement in a certain group, friendship, affection, etc.);

Self-esteem (achieving success, recognition from others, approval of elders, including teachers);

In self-actualization (realization of individual capabilities, abilities, understanding and comprehension of the surrounding world).

    Teaching knowledge, skills and abilities to use personal physical education means in everyday activities and in physical education lessons implies mastery of the following skills:

    Independently set a goal for personal physical education;

    Choose adequate means and methods to achieve the goal;

    Organize personal physical education classes independently;

    Perform physical exercises technically correctly;

    Monitor and evaluate your body’s response to the training load.

Increment in ZUN and specific skills

Forming in schoolchildren an understanding of the meaning of personal physical education classes implies:

- comprehension of the essence of the phenomena underlying the performed motor action or exercise;

- knowledge of the patterns of occurrence and development of these phenomena;

- establishing stable connections between individual phenomena that arise in the process of personal physical education.

Operating mode:

in-class and extracurricular

Technical equipment: Internet, rural and school libraries, museums, videos about sports, about the prevention of bad habits, about promoting a healthy lifestyle, a gym.

Educational and methodological equipment: textbooks and teaching aids, all kinds of manuals and teaching aids for teachers. Videos “White Death”, “Road Rules”, “Prevention of Bad Habits”, “We are Sports and Physical Education”.

Information equipment: printed and electronic articles, books, audio and video about sports, bad habits, conversations with teachers, parents, specialists in this field.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory stage

In a physical education lesson, students, in conversation with me, identify the reasons for children’s reluctance to engage in sports and physical exercise, and consider the situations to which this can lead. I propose to take part in the project “Physical Education – Healthy Children”, after which I form several groups to participate in the project within the class. We outline a plan and schedule of activities, distribute the load between students. The result of activities within the project are: theoretical knowledge gained; competition “Health Day!”

2. Work planning.


    Identify sources of information (reference books, excursion activities, the Internet, conversations with teachers, parents.

    Searching for information on a healthy lifestyle, the need for sports, prevention of bad habits on the Internet and literary sources;

    Determining the scope of work of each project participant;

    Analytical synthesis of the results obtained;

    Determining the composition of group participants, depending on the thematic work within it:

    Creation of team symbols and motto;

    Protecting the project during search operations.

At this stage, I develop an action plan, distribute responsibilities and determine the time frame for work in stages, plan the method of collecting and analyzing information, and plan the form of the final presentation of the result.

Each group receives a task:

Reports on a healthy lifestyle.

Reports on bad habits and their prevention.

Newspapers "Healthy Lifestyle".

Essays “Physical education and sports in my family.”

3. Collection of information.

Visiting libraries, studying literature on this issue, watching videos, conversations with adults, the Internet, excursion activities.

4. Information analysis.

During extracurricular hours, students share with me the results of their search activities, I correct, clarify statements, help highlight the main thing, and lead children to determine the conclusion.

5. Presentation of the results of project activities.

The result of this project activity was the “Health Day!” competition.

Samoilov A.E., physical education teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 10 s. Soldato-Alexandrovsky"

Pedagogical project

Project topic: The use of health-saving technologies in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in physical education lessons in the light of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard.


Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Recently, the catastrophic deterioration in the health of students has become more obvious. Along with unfavorable social and environmental factors, the negative impact of school on children’s health is also recognized as a reason.

A person spends many years within the walls of educational institutions, and therefore a value-based attitude towards health cannot be formed without the participation of teachers. For a long time, our education did not pay due attention to the preservation, strengthening and development of health, avoided assessing the impact of the pedagogical process on the mental state of students, and did not consider educational technologies from the point of view of a health-preserving orientation. At best, it all came down to sporting events and recreational activities during the holidays.

With the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards, the idea of ​​preserving the health of students acquired the status of a priority; this is the red thread of the national project “Education”, the presidential initiative “Our New School”.


Numerous studies in recent years show that about 25-30% of children entering 1st grade have certain health problems. But the “school factor” is the most significant factor in terms of influence and duration that influences the health of children. Currently, the earlier start of systematic training and significant intensification of the educational process have led to an increase in the educational load on the functional capabilities of the children's body.

During the period of schooling, the number of healthy children decreases by 4 times, the number of myopic children increases from 1st grade to graduation from 3.9% to 12.3%, with neuropsychic disorders - from 5.6% to 16.4%, postural disorders from 1.9% to 16.8%. One of the most common pathologies in schoolchildren is impaired visual acuity.

Practice has revealed: judging by statistics, only a small part of school graduates are considered healthy. Thus, every teacher must take into account that a child present at a lesson in a regular school, as a rule, is not healthy.

The main goal of health-saving technologies is to preserve and strengthen the health of students, as the most important factor in the performance and development of the child’s body.

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of teachers working with school-age children.

The main problem, in my opinion, is that children do not move much. 3 hours of physical education lessons do not save students from low physical activity in other lessons. Eye fatigue, strain on vision, resulting in headache and dizziness.

Having analyzed the causes of school illnesses, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve these problems in the field of health conservation in a comprehensive manner.

First stage: pedagogical modeling.

The school administration and teachers working in the classroom, a medical worker assigned to the school, and parents are involved in the implementation of the project.

As a result of the work, a holistic health-saving model was designed, the goals and objectives of the project were determined, principles and approaches to the formation of the project program were formulated, and the program was developed. Conditions have also been created for the implementation of the project, forms and methods of working with all participants in educational relations have been thought out: children, teachers, parents. Notes for mass sports and extracurricular events and lesson notes have been developed.

Setting the project goal.

General goal: formation in children, teachers and parents of the need for a healthy lifestyle, as an indicator of universal human culture, part of which is physical education, introducing children and adults to the traditions of big-time sports.

Private goal: developing in children an interest and value-based attitude towards physical education classes, promoting the harmonious physical development of the child in the conditions of an educational institution.


1. The use of health-saving technologies in lessons and in extracurricular activities.

2. Involving parents in resolving issues of children's health.

3. Organization of active sports leisure for children.

4. Formation in the child of a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening his health.

5. Use of optimal motor modes for children, taking into account their age, psychological and other characteristics, development of the need for physical education and sports.

Design object: creating conditions for the formation of the learning process for children in physical education lessons, mass sports and extracurricular activities in a health-preserving environment.

Hypothesis : if the organization of training and education is a purposeful process, during which a number of private pedagogical tasks are solved, aimed at achieving the final goal, then the work will be effective and will give positive dynamics.

Project type: informational, practice-oriented.

Based on the subject-content area, this is a mono-project. It is carried out within the framework of one subject.

In terms of duration, this is a long-term project from September 2015 to May 2016.

The second stage is pedagogical design.

    Preparatory stage(1st quarter of 2015 – 2016 academic year)

Creating conditions for successful project implementation includes:

Studying literature and Internet materials on the use of health-saving technologies;

Study of modern technologies of innovators, generalization of their pedagogical experience (new forms of organizing a health-preserving environment in the educational process: health-preserving technologies of Bazarny V.F., breathing exercises by Strelnikova A.N., a set of outdoor games by Shishkina V.A., a set of exercises for the eyes according to E S. Avetisov., a complex of therapeutic gymnastics “Healing sounds” and frontal-occipital correction for concentrating attention and relieving stress according to M.A. Lazarev’s “Hello” program, a complex of play massage using the method of special hardening for children by A. Umanskaya and K. Dineika, a set of exercises to prevent flat feet (massage);

Determination of strategy and tactics of activity.

2) Main stage(2-3 quarter of 2015 – 2016 academic year).

Involved the organization of activities to implement the goals and objectives of the program.

It included the following areas of work:

    conducting initial diagnostics of the health level of students with the help of a school nurse;

    use of health-saving technologies in the classroom;

    creating a system of communication and cooperation with all school services;

    compliance with all accepted sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;

    optimization of the educational process in order to overcome negative factors and negative impacts on the child’s health;

    improving the use of technical means and methods for monitoring children’s health, ensuring individual optimization of pedagogical technologies and workloads;

    working with parents.

3) Final stage(4th quarter of 2015 – 2016 academic year).

An analysis of project implementation activities, diagnostics of schoolchildren, and setting goals were carried out in order to further preserve and strengthen the health of school-age children.

The third stage is pedagogical design.

Physical education lessons are the main link in the chain of student health improvement at school. They promote health promotion, proper physical development and hardening of the body, as well as mental and physical performance, the formation of correct posture, the elimination or permanent compensation of disorders caused by various diseases.

Health-saving technologies in physical education are a set of techniques, methods, techniques, teaching aids and approaches to the educational process, in which at least 4 requirements are met:

1. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

2. The teacher’s activities in the aspect of implementing health-saving technologies in physical education lessons should include familiarization with the results of medical examinations of children, taking them into account in teaching and educational work; Helping parents build healthy lives for students and families as a whole.

3. Avoiding excessive exhausting physical and emotional stress when mastering educational material.

4. Providing an approach to the educational process that would guarantee the maintenance of only a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

I consider the goal of my work to be achievement of the goal through improving the methodology of conducting a lesson, individual and group work with students, correcting skills and abilities based on the diagnostic activity of the teacher, developing abilities and natural inclinations.

We must teach every child, and not work for the “strong”, constantly see the work of each student and develop his abilities according to his capabilities. To teach people to work on themselves, to help them acquire knowledge themselves - this is the goal of my work. I promote the formation of universal educational activities based on deepening and improving special knowledge, motor and applied skills, moral and volitional qualities acquired in the process of physical education lessons and ensuring the readiness of schoolchildren to better master the material of the school physical education curriculum. I form the skills and habits to independently use the available means of physical education in everyday life for the purpose of my own physical improvement and recovery, active and cultural leisure activities.

The professional activity of a physical education teacher requires not only good sports training, but also constant improvement of one’s knowledge. Therefore, I pay great attention to improving the level of professional skills. This is achieved through self-education and exchange of teaching experience. For the purpose of self-education, I regularly work with methodological literature on the subject:

I get acquainted with the latest news in periodical pedagogical publications;

I study new teaching materials and manuals on the subject, including using them in class and extracurricular activities;

I study modern psychological techniques in the process of interactive trainings;

I visit methodological associations of physical education teachers at school and district;

I exchange work experience with colleagues.

During the school year, he took part in meetings of the Ministry of Education of physical education and life safety teachers of the school and district. He made presentations on “Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons and in extracurricular sports work”, “Means of health-saving technologies”, “Modern pedagogical technologies as a factor in increasing the competence of a physical education teacher”, “Use of UUD in physical education lessons (from work experience)” at school methodological associations of physical education and life safety teachers.

I structure my lessons in such a way that, at high density, they are emotionally rich and contain elements of play. Students receive such physical activity that they can withstand without harm to their health.

I conducted open lessons and extracurricular activities:

    Open lesson for 6th grade on the topic “Basketball. Learning the technique of throwing the ball into the hoop after dribbling and two steps.”

    Open lesson for 4th grade on the topic “Teaching the technique of vaulting over a gymnastic “goat” using the legs apart method.”

    Open sports event in 4th grade “Fun Starts”.

In physical education lessons I use modern educational technologies of level differentiation, group, health-saving and information and communication technologies. In my practice I use frontal, group, and individual forms of training.

The means of teaching physical education include physical exercises, gymnastics, athletics, sports games, outdoor games.

In the lessons I use practical teaching methods: learning in parts, learning as a whole, playful, competitive, methods of using words (story, description, explanation, conversation, analysis, task, instruction, assessment, command, counting), methods of visual perception (showing, demonstration, sound alarm).

Particular attention is required to dosing the load in the lessons, so I follow a differentiated approach to students, taking into account age, gender, physical fitness and medical examination data.

All educational activities carried out in the classroom are supported by extracurricular and extracurricular work on the subject. I lead a football section.

My intersectional work is aimed at a more in-depth study of a particular sport and for several years I have been trying to develop future masters of sports from my students. Sections contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards learning: children usually study better and take assignments more seriously, develop strong friendships, a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance. School football, streetball, and mini-football teams are winners and prize-winners of regional and regional competitions. My students show good results in individual competitions:

2015 - 2016 academic year year

    Mini football

1st place - regional competitions

1st place - zonal competition

2nd place - regional competitions

    "Spike of the young"

1st place - Martirosov Ruslan (district stage)

1st place - youth team

3rd place - girls team

    Regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

1st place - Martirosov Ruslan


1st place - youth team

    Winter GTO festival

1st place - Yuri Martirosov (district stage)

2nd place - Yuri Martirosov (regional stage)

    Cross "Golden Autumn"

1st place – Pruglo Stas (regional stage)

2nd place - Pruglo Stas (regional stage)

Conclusions from the project implementation:

During the implementation of the project, the physical activity of students increased, the level of physical and volitional training of students increased, the coordination and conditioning skills of project participants were formed, a conscious and responsible attitude towards their own health, physical culture and independent exercise was formed.

The pedagogical project “Use of health-saving technologies in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in physical education lessons in the light of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard” has been fully implemented. The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of a physical education teacher increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms in teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students, and in students - a strong motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

In other words, it is important for us to achieve such a result that our children, crossing the threshold of “adulthood,” not only have a high health potential that allows them to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also have a wealth of knowledge that allows them to do it correctly.

Be healthy, and remember the words of the great Socrates: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing!”