Statuses about happiness with meaning are new.

It is much more valuable when you are loved than when you have a lot of money. Because when there is no love, there is no happiness, and no money will help you.

There is happiness. I even know his name. I know his phone number by heart, I know all his habits, I know his color beautiful eyes. His hands are the most tender, and his kisses are the most passionate!

You are a scumbag and a scoundrel! And nevertheless, I congratulate you, such a scoundrel! I wish you to get everything that you would like. In short, be happy!

Remember what kind of childhood we had! Previously, all friends were in the yard near the house, but now they are online on VKontakte. And no one had cell phones, and we always found each other without them.

It is very easy to be an unsuccessful person, sinning at your difficult fate and claiming that you were simply unlucky and life turned out that way. And it is very difficult to admit that all this is the result of elementary laziness and unwillingness to get rid of one’s envy.

Our thoughts are material. Therefore, those around me always hear only that everything is excellent with me, and that I am an absolutely prosperous person.

For good mood I need a little: just a gorgeous photo for my VKontakte avatar, a lot of daily declarations of love, and a chocolate bar.

Each of us is in a constant pursuit of happiness. And imagine our surprise when it turns out that it, it turns out, has been looming nearby all this time - just a stone's throw away.

Is everyone like this? When mom accidentally breaks dishes, it’s good sign, and when you do, it means that your hands are not in the right place.

Childhood is that happy time when you run out of the toilet at night and are glad that you weren’t eaten.

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

Did you notice? If your mother broke the mug, then it’s good luck, but if you break it, then your hands are out of your ass 😀

They lived happily ever after. Until we found out that others live longer and happier...

I want happiness... such small happiness, with tiny arms and legs and with your eyes.

I'm happy by default! Please don't mess with the settings!

- And how much does a person need to be happy? - A lot. A whole other person.

No man is happy until he considers himself happy.

Happy exes don't write...

She can look at the night sky for a long time... And wait for a star to fall... She believes in miracles and knows that she will definitely be happy...

It is not the one who swears his love to you who loves you! And the one that silently makes you happy!

I just believed in a dream... and my dream came true.

How much human happiness has been shattered just because one of the two did not say in a timely manner: “Sorry”

I realized: when you’re happy, you can’t tell anyone about it...

Depression is just a period thrill the need for happiness

I'm very happy! Yes, yes, yes! And whoever ruins my mood, I’ll throw slippers at me!

I will be happy... I will be strong... We just need to wait a little...

Previously childhood I was happier! Friends were not on VKontakte online, but on the street! and somehow we found each other without mobile phones))

Do you want to be happy? Leave the past in the past!

Sometimes, to become truly happy, you need to take a step back... After all, many doors open towards themselves.

Draw “happiness” in my heart.

And they lived happily ever after... until they met...

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.

Damn pride is getting in the way of my happiness.

Hello! -Hello. - I saw you recently... you were walking so happy, with someone else... - Well, yes, but you decided to come back and ruin everything? -No. I just saw you with someone else and it somehow sucked that you were happy...

Depression is simply a period of intense need for happiness...

For someone to be happy, they don’t need a car, money, a view of New York... But I just need you... Just nearby... And just forever!

In my purse you can only find perfume with the smell of joy, glitter the color of the rainbow and Orbit with the taste of happiness...)

Happiness is not when your ex goes with a girl and she is scary. Happiness is when he goes with you and is not an ex at all.

There is probably some kind of happiness blockage in my body. I don't know how this thing turns off, but it definitely does!

Elena was in her seventh month of happiness.

I want to be happy! And you will help me with this!

To find out what happiness is, you must first do something bad, and then return everything as it was.

To be cruel, to be indifferent to other people, to have no conscience: this is the key to happiness...

Learn to let go... Happiness will always find its way back.

Waiting for happiness is also happiness

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

Happiness does not come when your ex goes with a girl and she is scary. Happiness is when he goes with you and is not an ex at all.

For a horseshoe to bring happiness, you need to nail it to the horse’s hoof and plow, plow, plow.

42 accidents begin with the words: “Look what I can do! “The remaining 58 said: “Bullshit! Look it right!”

Happiness cannot have “experience”...

A smile on your face. And go ahead, baby. They must think that you are happy...

Children in the back seat cause accidents, accidents in the back seat cause children...

Can I die of happiness right now?

All people bring happiness. Some by their presence, others by their absence.

Oh, baby, you hear, don’t meddle in other people’s happiness. - What? “I’m telling you, you took your hands away from my chocolate.”

Happiness is one of the main necessities in life. Everyone wants to be happy, and everyone has the right to it. Everyone determines for themselves what happiness means for them: for some it is family and health, for others it is money, for others it is friends, for many it is all this combined. Our quotes and statuses about happiness will help you understand and decide on this “phenomenon”, as well as inform others about your personal happiness and a happy life.

Never regret what you did if at that moment you were truly happy.

But when you come for me, take only me. When you hug me, think only about me. Do you know what I mean?
- Quite.
- And one more thing... You can do whatever you want with me, just don’t hurt me. I've been through a lot so far. I don't want to anymore. I want happiness.

Haruki Murakami

Happiness is when you wake up and get enough sleep at the same time.

Illusion that has become a habit is called happiness. Don Aminado

When you seek your happiness, do not take it from others.

Happiness is an internal choice. If you are happy, it does not mean that everything is perfect for you. This means that you have learned to ignore shortcomings.

Happiness is not a destination, but a way of transportation!

Do you know why people forget all the good things and remember the bad things for a long time? Because happiness does not leave scars on the soul.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow; our job is to be happy today...

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Happiness is the conviction that we are loved, no matter what!

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

Happiness is like health. If you don’t notice it, then IT IS!

Happiness is when there is no time to be sad.

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Happiness is falling in love with a person who is already in love with you.

Learn to let go... Happiness will always find its way back.

Those who have not found happiness in life seek meaning in life...

Becoming happy is the most radical decision I have made in my life.

Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.

No matter how happy a person is, looking back, he sighs.

Let's say it straight: the one who has completely killed some aspects of his soul lives happily in the world.

Good is the sadness that awaits inevitable happiness.

We have everything to be happy, but we are unhappy.

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The happiest person is the one who depends only on himself. (Cicero)

In fact, those people make us happy from whom we do not expect it, so if you meet it, take care of it.

Those who are happy have no time to write diaries, they are too busy with life. (Robert Heinlein. Friday)

For some people all they need to be happy is happiness. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Sometimes there is nothing more difficult than rejoicing in someone else's happiness.

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How much is needed for happiness?.. A spark of hope.

If you want to lead happy life, you should be attached to the goal, not to people or things. (A. Einstein)

Money can't buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht that will take you there.

If the love is strong enough, waiting becomes happiness. (Simone de Beauvoir)

Happiness can be found even in dark times, if you remember to turn to the light.

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Don't try so hard, the best things happen unexpectedly.

Happiness is the most uncertain and expensive thing in the world. (Remarque)

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world. (S. Freud)

A tiny seed of hope is enough to sow a whole field of happiness. (Mark Levy)

Happiness only makes sense when there is someone to share it with...

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To acquire new happiness, you have to get rid of the old.

To experience a moment of happiness, you need to spend a year on persuasion.

To become happy, it is enough to sincerely believe in it.

I was not used to being happy and therefore did not consider happiness something obligatory for myself. (Marilyn Monroe)

Happiness is not an easy thing: it is difficult to find within yourself and it is not easy to find outside of yourself.

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How stupid people are if they allow some tiny difference between them to ruin their happiness.

There are many shades in whiteness. Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time. (Andre Maurois)

When you know that you cannot create the happiness of someone who loves you, it is better to reject him. (A. Dumas)

Life gives a person best case scenario one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible. (O. Wilde)

Death is the key that opens the door to true happiness. (Mozart)

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Happiness is good health and bad memory.

Life is worth seeing a happy person in the mirror.

Happy is the one who realizes this.

True happiness can only be felt in a dream.

Happiness has no synonyms. It can only be described through your own sensations.

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We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.

People can be happy only if they do not consider happiness as the goal of life.

Happiness is the warmth that the wind brings you in the raindrops.

Everyone has happiness within. It is at a certain level of awareness.

And maybe that’s where happiness lies – when you live without thinking about happiness?

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The more you mean something to others, the more your life is illuminated by the highest meaning. 17

The soul is like balloon: if you throw away the ballast, it takes off. 24

Simply - Love... Simply - Forgive... You can’t do it, don’t promise... Don’t offend or envy, don’t suffer in vain and value time, don’t hold evil in your heart, in your soul... Just dream, dare, create... Just live with love in your heart! 69

Apparently, there is no such thing as quick and easy happiness. For some reason, happiness must be suffered.. Pay for every moment. 30

When your dreams are stronger than your fears, they will begin to come true. 42

Each of us has something to say, it’s just that many use language inappropriately. 24

Don't expect things to get easier, better, simpler. There will always be some difficulties. So you need to be positive today. 25

You can't start life over, but you can continue it in a different way... 47

Don’t try to look for the guilty... There are no guilty ones in fate... Someone just got something... But you got this. 23

The French say: “Be polite to a stranger, he may turn out to be an angel in disguise!” 13

Ask a person: what is happiness? - and you will find out what he misses most. 50

There is no right choice in reality - there is only the choice made and its consequences. 21

We are like pencils in this life: everyone draws their own destiny, some just break, some get dull, and some sharpen and move forward... 27

The apple of discord is often just a figment of the imagination. 21

Don't fly low, don't disturb the birds. Take care of your loved ones, believe - and forgive! Don't look askance - just straight, boldly! And away from the nose to see the matter. Don't be too sad, be happy, live! 30

​You think about life like this, and a crazy thought comes to your head: Anyone can walk like Christ on water... Walk along our roads... 10

I’m not a doctor, not a fairy-tale healer, but I can still give people advice. Love each other as much as possible. Love is the cure for our troubles!​ 11

The past is in the past, the present is in you. The future is unknown, but the point is in the dream. 19

If you're afraid, don't do it; if you do it, don't be afraid; if you do it, don't be sorry... 22

History repeats itself three times. The first time was like a tragedy, and a couple more times - for stupid people. 13

Have you ever seen how children communicate? They meet as if they have known each other for a long time, and say goodbye as if they will never see each other. We have a lot to learn from them. 17

The only thing everyone knows how to do very well is to throw words to the wind. 32

If people could know who is thinking about them before going to bed, there would be more happiness in this world. 23

If you have a conscience, then those who do not have it have you. 25

If you don’t know what you feel for a person, close your eyes and imagine: he’s not there. Nowhere. It never was and never will be. Then everything will become clear. 18

Before you raise a person in someone else, first raise him in yourself 23

If you see someone falling, pick them up. After all, you yourself are not immune from falls... 29

No matter how beautiful your words are, you will still be judged only by your actions. 30

Different views of the world - some enjoy the rain, while others simply get wet under it 19

Don't look up to anyone in life. Remember, everyone has their own happiness.

If a person rejoices at the sight of balloons, this does not mean that he is a child. This means that he is a happy person.

I believe that the most important thing in life is to be happy. And even though everyone has their own happiness, we all need it equally.

The most important thing is to understand that happiness is in your hands. And the opinions of others don't matter.

Happiness is like sunbeam, which is able to penetrate thousands of hearts without losing even a particle of its power.

When we are happy, we are always kind, but when we are kind, we are not always happy.

Sometimes the time comes when you need to decisively eliminate people from your life who bring only sadness into it. No matter how difficult and difficult it is, it needs to be done to make room for happiness.

Strive to give kindness and you will see how happiness will follow you.

Don't burn bridges too quickly... What if this is the only way to achieve happiness...

Don't hold, just let go... of the one who doesn't let you feel happiness, otherwise you'll never spread your wings and fly away.

I want the people I love to be the happiest people in the world. They deserve it.

Most true sign success is the opportunity to do in life what brings you happiness.

You have to hold on to your happiness tightly. And it’s rare to show it to people.

You often notice your own happiness only thanks to the envy that it arouses in others.

We ourselves make the choice of how best to live, correctly or happily...

You should be so happy that petting you makes other people happy too.

If a person dreams of leaving the place where he lives, he seems to be unhappy. Happy man happy everywhere.

Dropping everything and leaving does not make a person happier. Happiness is in the world that is inside us, and you take it with you all over the world.

If you think you're flying with happiness, check it out, maybe you've just been duped.

When you go towards your happiness, be careful not to make someone else unhappy along the way.

My dream is simple - a happy family.

The best thing in life is when you have someone who will never let you go and someone you will never let go of. Happiness is when it is the same person.

Regardless of quarrels or character, we want to be with those who give us a feeling of happiness.

Happiness in life appears when you find the courage to let go of what cannot be changed.

If a woman decides to become happy, it becomes dangerous for others, because then the woman begins to act.


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The meaning of life is the goal of many people. Everyone wants to know what it is and where it is hidden. People believe that by finding meaning, they will find happiness that they have never known before. However, not everything is so rosy, because everyone has their own meaning in life and everyone finds happiness in various little things, deeds and actions. For some, being happy means having a family, children and a favorite job or activity. Someone feels like a person mired in happiness when he overcomes obstacles, conquers the natural elements and brings into this World a feeling of extreme and rebelliousness. For some, happiness is painting portraits and composing music. No matter how your destiny goes, sideways or straight, you should always find things in which your happiness is hidden and you are able to catch it by the “tail” without making excessive efforts. Because if a person finds his way, then everything works out by itself without much or wild effort. We have prepared statuses about happiness with meaning for those who want to know themselves and find. Good luck to you.

Where are you, happiness? If you're passing by, stop by and let's have some coffee.

Life is worth seeing a happy person in the mirror.

We all have the ability to choose. Choose happiness.

You can't even imagine how lucky you are.

Sometimes you have to not know something or miss something in order to remain happy.

Come on, come on... everyone move! Now it's my turn to be happy.

Never take revenge on mean people, just become happy. They won't survive this.

All people have beautiful eyes when they are happy.

Happiness is not happy or sad. It's simple - happiness.

Happiness is when you don’t have to lie about how you feel good.

Happiness is never enough. And only when you lose it do you realize how much there was of it.

Love has only one law: you need to make your loved one happy.

Happiness is not when you are not in pain, but when you protect someone from pain.

Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more diligently you look for happiness, the further away it is. You lose hope, happiness quietly flies in and lands on your shoulder.

Happiness is within us.

I'll buy happiness. Wholesale. With instructions for use.

It's hardest to wake up when you were happy in a dream.

Happiness lives in simple things - in the fact that there is a person who hugs your back every night so that you don’t freeze.

Happiness is usually brought and taken away by the same people.

These days social media It’s hard to imagine VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki without statuses. This great way cheer up yourself and those around you by sharing something cool phrase. This applies especially to joyful moments. After all, to enjoy them, they need to be shared with someone. How else to do this on social networks, if not with the help of short statuses about happiness.

For a person to look good in photographs, it is enough for him to be happy.

The most terrible pain can be inflicted on a person only by the one who gave him the most happiness.

Nothing hurts more than the fragments of your own happiness.

Happiness is fickle.

Follow your happiness, and the universe will open its doors to you where there were only walls.

All I need to be happy is happiness.

A fool has stupid happiness.

If you don’t know how to live, live happily.

Happiness is not sought after like gold or winnings. It is created themselves, by those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

Happiness is not planned. It comes suddenly.

Most beautiful outfit women are happiness! I wish you to wear it without taking it off!

Happiness is generous. It does not destroy others in order to live.

There is happiness. I know him. I know his mobile number. And his eye color. It's very kind. Always laughing at me. I love happiness. Thank you for being with me.

I'm too smart to be happy.

Happiness is one step before the dream, nightmare is one step after...

Courage is half of happiness.

We create our own problems. This means that we can invent our own happiness!

If your happiness depends on what others do, then you might actually have a problem.

Happiness is known through comparison. Sometimes it is useful to remember yesterday in order to appreciate the present more.

The secret of happiness: never compare your health, wife and salary with others.

There may be times when you need to tell the world what grace you are experiencing, but the right words don't come to mind? I want something beautiful and with meaning. In this case, all hope lies in statuses about happiness. Copy, paste and you're done - all your friends know you're happy.

I often see happiness. But for some reason only his back.

Happiness is a character trait. Some people have the nature to wait for it all the time, others constantly search for it, and still others find it everywhere.

The place for happiness is here, the time is now.

Happiness is when you close your eyes and still see with your heart...

There is an abyss between happiness and unhappiness. This is where we live.

Those who cannot find happiness along the way will not find it at the end of the road.

Don’t feel sorry and don’t scold yourself for the past - after all, you tried to be happy.

It is difficult to find happiness in yourself, but it is impossible to find happiness anywhere else.

When you have money, it’s somehow easier to agree that happiness doesn’t lie in it.

Happiness is when you think that you were killed, but your leg was only blown off.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow; our job is to be happy today.

Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what they lack most.

Happiness itself finds its way to a strong spirit.

A moment is a unit of measurement of happiness.

Happiness will not just come. He needs to like it.

Sometimes we are separated from happiness by one call... One conversation... One confession...

Happiness is not owning what you want, but wanting what you own.

Many seek happiness in areas above their level, others below. But happiness is the same size as a person.

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

If money doesn't bring you happiness, give it to someone.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness!

It's funny to think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy.

Those who seek meaning in life have not found happiness in it.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? The only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

He who is happy is silent.

We look for happiness in the future and the past and stubbornly do not want to see it in the present.

Loving what you do is happiness.

Many people are happy, but few know about it.

People are often happier than they wanted.

For happiness you need to fight with yourself...

You may not get enough sleep, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, but at the same time be absolutely happy. Absolutely.

Sometimes happiness falls so unexpectedly that you don’t have time to jump to the side.

Happiness is a five-minute walk away, but sometimes we wait half our lives.

If someone wishes you every day Good night, you are already happier than many people.

If happiness has not yet arrived, it means that it is huge and comes in small steps.

Everyone finds their own happiness.

Live in your youth so that you can be happy in your old age.

You pay for a minute of happiness with two minutes of loneliness.

Healthy people They imagine happiness in different ways, but patients imagine it only in the form of health.

You don't have to draw a rainbow to be happy! It is enough to become her.

With the help of statuses you can not only please your friends, but also offend them. So think carefully before you write anything. Better yet, take advantage of our selection. Here are only the best statuses about happiness. These are exactly the phrases that will be pleasant to everyone who knows what bliss is.

Some people think that they will be happy if they move to another place, but then it turns out that wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

You can't find happiness in love if you don't bring it with you.

There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this well anywhere.

Happiness is the road itself, and not where it leads...

The difference between happy and unhappy families lies in two or three phrases that are not spoken daily.

Freedom, of course, is a great thing, but sometimes you still want to exchange it for happiness.

Happiness quickly becomes a memory.

A person needs so little to be happy, but, alas, so much to understand it.

Happiness can be found even in dark times if you remember to turn to the light.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

The first person you think about in the morning and the last person you think about at night is either the reason for your happiness or the reason for your pain.

I'm happy that I'm alive.

Life is given for happiness. No more and no less.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come. You need to be happy today.

The key to happiness is to be able to enjoy what you have.

I was walking towards happiness... We missed each other.

Happiness is contagious: the happier you are, the happier those around you are.

You can be happy even in the most unfavorable conditions.

There is no happiness without action.

A person does not feel happiness, just as he does not feel the air he breathes.

Use these short statuses about happiness with meaning, share and enjoy them. And if that’s not enough for you, then we advise you to also read beautiful parables about happiness. After all, statuses are short and clear, but parables are deeper and wiser.