What led to the collapse of the airborne barracks near Omsk. A paratrooper who survived the collapse of a barracks saves people, and a paratrooper who died saved a friend from death

In the Omsk region, a rescue operation has been completed at the site of a collapsed barracks of the Airborne Forces training center. The 23 dead were recruits who had just taken the oath and were sleeping when the walls and part of the roof began to collapse.

About 20 paratroopers were pulled out from under the rubble alive - they have serious injuries that will be taken care of best doctors capital hospitals. Relatives of the soldiers arrive at the scene of the tragedy. President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to them. He also ordered to provide necessary help.

Twelve hours of the rescue operation are behind us. They pulled their own people out from under the rubble all night. The barracks building is four-story. There were 337 people inside. The ceilings of one of the entrances collapsed in seconds, trapping more than forty people under the bricks and slabs. The building began to crack at the seams late in the evening, after lights out. The paratroopers were already asleep.

“The very first thing that happened was that plaster began to fall from the ceiling at the edge of the barracks. The guys noticed this, gave a command, everyone began to run out of the barracks, and the collapse began. Then the guys and I acted quickly - some of the people were taken to the window so that the rubble did not fall on them, some guys jumped onto the mattresses that we threw down from the second floor, not high. I saw that some guys were left, I helped them get out into the street,” says Private Maxim Kolmakov.

The search and rescue operation was carried out jointly by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. 60 special vehicles were used to clear the rubble.

"All 42 servicemen remaining under the rubble were found. Of these, 23 were killed. 19 servicemen were taken to medical institutions. In addition, three were placed in the sanitary unit of the training center with minor bruises and abrasions,” said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

The row of white and blue buildings are barracks. The collapse occurred in the penultimate building. Now the territory of the military unit has been cordoned off; it is guarded not only by soldiers, but also by the police. No civilians are allowed into the unit's territory.

Parents come to the unit. Mothers are in tears. The victims were barely drafted into the army. This military unit- a training center where driver mechanics are trained. The oath took place only over the weekend. They were fired on this occasion. The recruits returned to the barracks a couple of hours before the collapse.

“Yesterday at eight o’clock in the evening he was brought home from dismissal after taking the oath, and at ten, at the eleventh hour, all this happened. Now he is in intensive care,” says Konstantin Avramov, the father of one of the soldiers.

“The hotel administrator woke me up, she found out. I became hysterical, they pumped me out. Then my son called from the nurse’s phone and said that he was alive,” says the mother of one of the injured soldiers, Elena Zagumennaya.

The wounded soldiers were transported to Omsk hospitals all night. This one is closest to the military unit. Here are the hardest ones.

“One patient was admitted with injuries incompatible with life. He died on the operating table, the other six patients are stable, we can say that there is no threat to life at the moment,” said Alexander Murakovsky, chief physician Emergency Hospital No. 2 in Omsk.

The events in Omsk are constantly reported to the President. Vladimir Putin ordered to provide all necessary assistance. Sergei Shoigu is in touch with him. The Minister of Defense interrupted his vacation to coordinate the work from the situation center. Military investigators, experts, and doctors have flown from the capital to Siberia to find out the cause of what happened. The barracks building was built in 1975, and was completely renovated in 2013.

"All interested parties (customer, subcontractor and operator) signed a protocol on the possibility of operating the building. At the same time, the commission identified a number of comments not related to the load-bearing structures of the building, such as: cracks in the putty, installation of skirting boards and others. Note that the claim work with the contractor company RemExStroy LLC continues to this day,” said Svetlana Chumikova, head of the press service of Spetsstroy of Russia.

VIDEO: Airborne Forces barracks collapsed in Omsk

In Omsk, the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center collapsed. Two people died. Nineteen victims were rescued from the rubble. The same number remain under the rubble.

The building of a military training center collapsed in Omsk. In a barracks in the village of Svetly, the roof and part of the walls collapsed. Two people died under the rubble.

The barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center collapsed. As a result, two people died. Nineteen victims were rescued from the rubble of a collapsed barracks in 242 training center Airborne Forces near Omsk in the village of Svetly, Minister of Health of the Omsk Region Andrei Storozhenko told TASS.

At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that 18 military personnel were rescued. “At the time of the tragedy, there were 337 military personnel in the barracks. 38 people were trapped under the rubble. Currently, 18 military personnel have been rescued. Two were killed,” the department said.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed to TASS a report about the collapse of the roof of the Airborne Forces training center in Omsk. “Indeed, at 20:40 local time, the roof of the Airborne Forces training center in Omsk collapsed,” said a high-ranking source in the military department.

Emergency services, emergency services and doctors rushed to the scene of the incident. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, interrupting his vacation, arrived at the national defense control center, from where he reports to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the progress of rescue work every 30 minutes.

Also, a commission of the Ministry of Defense headed by acting has already flown to Omsk. Commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Nikolai Ignatov.

The Ministry of Defense will send 5 medical and nursing teams and a special medical equipment, reported the press service of the department. It is also reported that “a special-purpose medical detachment of the Central Military District is flying to the scene of the incident in the Omsk region.”

As LifeNews reports, conscript soldiers lived in the barracks, and the hospital of this military unit was located on the ground floor.

Judging by the recording footage, not only rescuers, but also colleagues of the soldiers buried under the slabs are taking part in clearing the rubble.

Regarding the versions of what happened, household gas could not have caused the partial collapse of the barracks in Omsk. This was reported by an Interfax source in the technical supervision services of the Omsk region. “There is no question of a household gas explosion; the building was not gasified,” he said.

Let us remind you. The 242nd Airborne Forces Training Center is located in the village of Svetly in the southern part of Omsk. Junior commanders and specialists are trained here Airborne troops. Before the collapse of the USSR, the training center was located in Lithuania.

13/07/2015 - 01:10

Emergency near Omsk: a barracks collapsed at the Airborne Forces training center. As a result, 2 people died, there were 337 people in the building. On at the moment the fate of 19 of them is unknown. The collapse of the building caused a public outcry, because the barracks building was new. We inform latest news about the current emergency, list of survivors and dead, possible reasons tragedies, photos and videos.

In Omsk, the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center collapsed; the tragedy occurred on the evening of July 12. The training unit and barracks were located in the village of Svetly.

The left wing of the building collapsed. It was noted that all four floors collapsed. 38 people were trapped under the rubble, 17 of them were injured, the majority were seriously injured and are now in operating rooms. Two fighters were rescued from the rubble dead, the fate of another 19 people remains unknown while the rubble is cleared.

Relatives and friends of wounded, dead and missing soldiers gathered at the Omsk 242nd Airborne Forces Training Center. So far, worried citizens have not been allowed to the scene of the emergency.

List of victims in the barracks collapse:

Avkach Sergey Nikolaevich, 20 years old, wounded. He is in the operating room with diagnoses: bruises of the soft tissues of the head and chest
Andrianov Anton Mikhailovich, 19 years old. He is in the operating room, the diagnosis is multiple soft tissue bruises and a lumbar contusion.
Dedusenko Vitaly Nikolaevich, 20 years old, in the operating room with a diagnosis of “ruptured bladder”
Zhulanov Artem Vladimirovich, 18 years old, wounded. He is in the operating room with a diagnosis of soft tissue contusions of the head and abrasions.
Mikhail Borisovich Klysh, 20 years old, wounded, admitted to the operating room with a diagnosis of “closed craniocerebral injury”
Kuandykov Ilnur Ilikovich, 23 years old, wounded. He is in the operating room with a serious traumatic brain injury undergoing neurosurgical intervention.
Sukhorukov Mikhail Dmitrievich, 20 years old, in the operating room with a fracture of the right tibia
Kharimov Rinat Azgarovich, 19 years old, wounded. The diagnosis is a fracture of the calcaneus.

These victims are located in Omsk Central District Hospital No. 1.

In the Airborne Forces barracks near Omsk, future soldiers of the battalion of mechanics-drivers of airborne combat vehicles were located.

The military prosecutors of the Russian Federation of the Central Administrative District, headed by Acting Acting Officer Sergei Akhishin, and 30 teams of highly qualified doctors from the 5th medical brigade of the Ministry of Defense moved to the scene of the emergency. Emergency Situations Ministry employees are also working at the scene of the collapse, together with military personnel.

An emergency in a barracks near Omsk caused the premature interruption of the vacation of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The head of the Ministry of Defense personally oversees the rescue operation at the site of the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces Center.

The latest news from the scene of the collapse is promptly reported to President Vladimir Putin.

The collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks on the outskirts of Omsk was also not due to the dilapidation of the building. Technical supervision in the Omsk region informs about this. It is noted that the building has been in use for about 2 years: the barracks were built in 2013.

The collapse of the barracks near Omsk also did not provoke an explosion or fire, since the building was not gasified.

Almost three years have passed since the collapse of the barracks in the Omsk village of Svetly, where 24 servicemen were killed and another 20 were injured. All this time the investigation was going on, the case almost doubled - to 500 pages. According to preliminary data, it will take the defendants about a year to familiarize themselves with all the documents. Moreover, most of them will have to fly to court hearings from Omsk to Moscow.

The Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia brought final charges. The ex-chief of the 242nd Airborne Forces Training Center Oleg Ponomarev will be tried for abuse of office. The investigation believes that before moving into the renovated barracks personnel, the colonel had to personally verify the quality of the work performed. Somehow Ponomarev had to act as a construction expert. His lawyers categorically disagree with this.

All this work, according to the officers' defense, should have been supervised not by airborne colonels, who understand nothing about construction, but by employees of the federal government enterprise "Department of the Customer for Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense", the Regional Directorate of the Customer for Capital Construction of the Central Military District, FSUE "Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy" , GUSST No. 9 and SMU No. 916. All of them, as the investigation already believes, according to various reasons for violations during repair work closed their eyes, he writes.

Let us remind you that after the tragedy, gross violations were revealed in the building built in 1975. It turned out that the barracks were originally built not according to the rules. The renovation only made the situation worse. The builders removed a thick layer of plaster that was essentially holding the crumbling walls together. New plaster was applied significantly worse quality. In addition, holes were drilled in the walls for siding - this further weakened the structure. Also, the reinforcement joints were welded incorrectly, and so on. All this ultimately led to the collapse.

Another defendant, Colonel Vladislav Parkhomenko, is now in a pre-trial detention center. He ended up there when, to the main charges, a case of large-scale bribery was unexpectedly added. According to his acquaintances, Parkhomenko was set up by FSB officers who tapped the phone. After the incident with the barracks, the colonel lost his job. And when the money needed for lawyers ran out, he asked a builder he knew to borrow 200 thousand. This was considered a bribe and a violation of the agreement on proper behavior. Therefore, the colonel was sent to the isolation ward. All his complaints are rejected.

In addition to the officers, final charges were brought against the builders - the general director of Remeksstroy LLC, Alexander Dorofeev and his partner Dmitry Bayazov. The company that won the tender reconstructed the barracks, and Bayazov, who did not have special education, led this project.


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All night they cleared the rubble at the site of the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd training center of the Airborne Forces in the village of Svetly on the outskirts of Omsk. There could have been four dozen people under the rubble of the building - the commanders checked the personnel and were missing 42 soldiers. The publication omskregion.info, citing the command of the training center, reports that 45 people were trapped under the rubble.

The collapse occurred the day before at about 20.00 Moscow time. At this moment, the military personnel - 337 people - were already in the room.

In a four-story building, the ceilings of one of the sections, as well as a wall and roof, collapsed.

The bright blue siding that lined the barracks was torn to shreds. From the street one could easily see the white walls inside the premises, and everything that was within the room, from the fourth to the first floor, lay below in a pile of mixed concrete and metal.

Rescuers immediately rushed to the scene. A few hours later, 22 victims were recovered, as well as two bodies of dead soldiers. The clearing of the rubble, under which there were still people, continued until the morning.

The acting governor of the Omsk region, Viktor Nazarov, was on site all night. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu interrupted his vacation.

Shoigu arrived in National Center Department of Defense of the Russian Federation, from where he reported to President Vladimir Putin about the situation every half hour.

Injured and dead

The list of dead includes young boys aged 19-20. There are natives of Omsk, St. Petersburg, Orenburg, Novosibirsk, Samara and Irkutsk regions.

“As of 10:00 am on July 13, all 42 servicemen who remained under the rubble were found. Of these, 23 were killed,” the department said.

The Minister of Health of the Omsk Region, Andrei Storozhenko, told TASS that three people “are in extreme condition this morning.” in serious condition, nine - in heavy." There were 30 ambulance crews on duty near the barracks.

For many compression injuries and fractures. Just the day before, a special-purpose medical detachment from the Central Military District flew to Omsk. In particular, the best doctors from the hospitals named after. Burdenko, Vishnevsky and Mandryk. If necessary, the victims will be transported to Moscow, the Ministry of Defense noted. The first plane, as of 10.00 Moscow time, has already taken off for the capital of Russia. A second plane will arrive soon, Konashenkov told Interfax-AVN on Monday. “In the next few hours, another specially equipped aircraft of the Ministry of Defense will fly with seven servicemen to Moscow,” he said.

Parents of military personnel come to Omsk. They are placed in a specially deployed point next to the training center, where psychologists work with them. Local residents worry on social networks, expressing words of support for the families of the victims. “I’m now in the emergency hospital ( ambulance) No. 2 and ambulances arrive every 15-20 minutes,” resident Irina Tereshchuk wrote on VKontakte.

Brother Pavel served with Anastasia Kirilenko in the village of Svetloye. “He is alive and well. “I was dressed up when everything collapsed,” the girl wrote on her VKontakte page. “I’m very glad about this message, I was very worried, brother.”

“It’s scary when they write from other cities and ask to find their son, but he is nowhere to be found, and in the morning the news comes that he was taken out with many fractures, they got him out at 8 am. How can we say that he is in intensive care...,” writes Omsk resident Ivan Gerdt.

Omsk resident Sergei Podorozhny wrote on the social network: “My friend Yegor German died. He was found literally half an hour ago. He still has a wife and in two months his son will turn one year old.” Photos of the baby are posted on the page of his wife, 21-year-old Alena German.

On June 21, a resident of St. Petersburg, Valery Lomaev, posted a photo on social networks of them traveling to the training center on a train. His friends are a native of Izhevsk, Sergei Vakhrushev. Both of them are now listed as dead.

“Today my brother died in the army; he served in the Airborne Forces in Omsk. He was only 20 years old and was called up for service this year. We remember, we love, we mourn,” Vladislav Zholobov, a resident of St. Petersburg, wrote on Vkontakte about his brother Evgeny Belov.

Builder from Nizhny Novgorod

The cause of the collapse was immediately identified as the dilapidation of the building; suspicion also arose from the major renovations that were carried out in 2013-2014. The previous overhaul was in 1990.

“According to Spetsstroy, work on major renovation barracks were carried out by Remeksstroy LLC, registered in Nizhny Novgorod

and entered into a subcontract agreement based on the results of the competition. The barracks were repaired to utility networks, floors, roofing and windows were replaced,” Major General Igor Konashenkov, official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, told Interfax. According to him, no redevelopment work was carried out.

The website of Remeksstroy LLC states that the company has been operating since 2005. It was not possible to reach the management of the Gazeta.Ru company.

According to the Kommersant-Kartoteka database, RemExStroy LLC is registered in Nizhny Novgorod. The founder and director of the company is local entrepreneur Alexander Dorofeev, who also owns shares in six more Nizhny Novgorod companies: Kliningoptima LLC, UK Crystal Lake LLC, Crystal Lake Trade House LLC, Kommunalnik-NN Trade House LLC, StroyOptima LLC "

According to the State Procurement website, RemExStroy regularly received orders from law enforcement agencies.

Thus, from 2010 to 2015, the company received 12 contracts worth almost 2 billion rubles from the 11th center - the customer internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs for the reconstruction and repair of barracks premises. In addition, the company also worked on subcontract orders. This is how she received an order to repair the barracks at the 242nd training center for junior airborne specialists. The company was given a subcontract by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy of Russia, the Ministry of Defense explained to Gazeta.Ru.

RemExStroy also builds civil facilities in the Volga region.

According to Kommersant-Kartoteka, for violating the construction legislation of the Russian Federation, the supervisory authorities imposed ten fines on the RemExStroy company from 2013 to 2015.

For example, the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan revealed that during the construction of a 9-story residential building in Kazan on the street. Iovlev, RemExStroy specialists installed window units that deviated from the design, and allowed “exposure of reinforcement” in places where communications passed. The inspectorate issued an order to eliminate the identified violations. But it was not fulfilled. As a result, RemExStroy was fined 50 thousand rubles.

After repairs at the Airborne Forces training unit, the Ministry of Defense had no comments on the load-bearing structures. “In December 2013, all interested parties - the customer, subcontractor and operator - signed a protocol on the possibility of operating the building. At the same time, the commission identified a number of comments that did not relate to the load-bearing structures of the building, but related to cracks in the putty, the installation of baseboards and others,” a Spetsstroy representative told Interfax. He noted that “pretentious work with the contractor company RemExStroy continues to this day.”

Shoigu gave instructions to inspect all buildings and structures repaired construction companies in a military camp in the village of Svetloye.

The military investigative department for the Omsk garrison opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence). Employees of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office flew to the scene of the incident.

In the training unit of the Airborne Forces of Omsk in the village of Svetly, junior sergeants of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps- both conscripts and contract soldiers. In particular, they receive the specialties commander of a combat vehicle squad, gunner-operator of a gun of airborne combat vehicles, and driver-mechanic.