Oak rosary. Types of wooden Buddhist beads and their meaning in meditation practice

Rosary (Sanskrit - small) - a cord or ribbon, most often closed in a ring, on which knots are tied, beads (grains), plates or other homogeneous elements are strung. In many religions: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism, they are used to count prayers, mantras or other ritual actions, maintain attention and concentration, set rhythm, and so on.

Most often, beads are used for the spiritual practice of reciting, chanting or mentally repeating mantras and names of the Deity. In a practical sense, the rosary helps to count, sets the rhythm of breathing and reading, and serves as an anchor for the mind: after each repetition, one bead is moved, etc. In fact, rosary beads are one of the most sacred religious objects, since they are inseparable from the highest practice of turning to God and meditation. “Well-read” rosaries accumulate very powerful energy, protecting the owner; sometimes rosaries are inherited or given to loved ones for protection.

The number of grains in traditional Buddhist beads is 108. This number is sacred among Buddhists, as it was established by the Buddha himself. There are also rosaries containing both a larger and smaller number of grains from the key number 108. This is due, first of all, to the purpose of specific rosaries for specific purposes of use.
In Buddhism, the number 108 also marks the number of the sacred Buddhist texts of Tibet "Kanjur" and the 108 primary elements found in the 6 Buddhist worlds. Also, the number 108 symbolizes 108 spiritual laws.

Touching the rosary allows the believer, on the one hand, to better concentrate on saying the prayer and, on the other hand, to escape from thinking about its literal meaning; Thus, repeating memorized words blocks unwanted impulses of consciousness and, with a certain skill, allows you to fall into a state of religious trance and receive direct
communication with the Divine. The technique of using beads is undoubtedly of Indian origin. In the religions of India, beads are a ritual item that the disciple receives from the guru along with the appropriate initiation.

Correctly made beads help in Buddhist practice and increase the effect of repeating mantras. For example, in the instructions of Guru Padmasambhava it is said that beads made of iron increase the benefit of reciting the mantra twice, from rudraksha by twenty million times, from pearls by a hundred times, from silver by one hundred thousand times, and from ruby ​​by one billion times.

The most valuable beads in Buddhism are those made from the seeds of the putranjiva tree, or bodhi. It is believed that the benefits of reciting beads made from bodhi seeds increase indefinitely. It is better if the material from which the rosary is made corresponds to the family of the deity whose practice is being performed. However, Buddhist bodhi beads are suitable for any mantras and practices.
It is very good to use precious and semi-precious stones.

Properties of the rosary

They are made of wood, bone, metal. In this case, the material is often chosen in connection with one or another of its energetic or mystical influence on a person or the environment.

For example, malas made from juniper have the property of scaring away evil spirits and eliminating harmful influences; malas made from red coral and dark blue lapis lazuli have the same properties.

Coral beads are useful for worship and japa to gain wealth. Malas made of sandalwood, rock crystal and pearls are used to calm, remove obstacles and diseases.

Gold, silver, copper, amber, made from lotus seeds - increase life expectancy, promote the development of wisdom and increase spiritual merit.

Malas made of crystal, sandalwood, and lotus seeds are also recommended when carrying out the practice of offering puja to all the beneficial aspects of Enlightenment. Warrior monks often carry iron malas, using them, if necessary, as improvised weapons.

Tulsi wood mala is best suited for devotees of Vishnu, Rama, Krishna and Hanuman.

Mala made from rudraksha grains is suitable for those who worship Shiva and Shakti.

The grains chosen for small grains should be neither too large nor too small; The best seeds are the size of a cherry fruit.

In addition to being a counting device, the mala has an excellent balancing effect. Engagement of the fingertips means engagement of the mind. Using a mala induces the habit of a balanced state of consciousness.

When used frequently for japa, the mala becomes energized. If a person has performed 125 thousand japas with one mala, it itself becomes a siddha (a carrier of energy charge). When a person takes it in his hands, he draws energy from it, although, in fact, he himself put this power into the mala during japa. In addition, the mala acquires a special connection with the mind, and every time a person looks at it, it reminds him of the corresponding mantra.

To achieve the sidhi mantra, use the thumb and the third finger or ring finger, the Sun finger. Thumb used for final release. Jupiter finger for prosperity through trade and business. Saturn's finger for peace. Anamika or Mercury finger for different mantras and achieving sidhi. Rotating rosary thumb, average and ring finger, helps to achieve peace and order in the mind.

Properties and purposes of stone rosaries In addition appearance Rosary beads made from different stones also differ in their properties. The main purpose is one - to help count prayers. But at the same time, each stone has individual qualities. For example, rosary beads made from jet and obsidian are considered a talisman against witchcraft, amber models help restore strength, and rosary beads made from carnelian and hematite normalize blood circulation and also help with depression. The purpose of the stone is also important - chalcedony, onyx or malachite are considered to be stones that bring prosperity, rose quartz and tourmaline contribute to matters of the heart, and lapis lazuli, turquoise and sapphire will help in achieving career goals. In addition, fingering beads with hard stone grains develops fine motor skills, prevents joint diseases, has a beneficial effect on the rhythm of cardiac activity. Throwing rosary beads is quite effective way massage of fingers, on the tips of which, as is known, many points associated with various organs of the body are concentrated.


Buddhist rosaries are made from red, black, mulberry, rosewood, semi-precious stones, coral, pearls, amber, rock (Tibetan) crystal, small shells, seeds, bones and other materials. In this case, the material is often chosen in connection with one or another of its energetic or mystical influence on a person or the environment.

Rosary made of sandalwood (white).

Sandalwood is traditionally considered one of the purest substances and is widely valued for its cooling and medicinal properties. Practicing on sandalwood beads promotes peace. Sandalwood has a calming and cooling effect on the mind, it calms pitta dosha and helps the practitioner overcome sensual temptations. It also attracts positive subtle vibrations, brings clarity of perception and can be used in the practice of worshiping any Deity.

Red sandalwood rosary.

Red sandalwood helps concentrate energy and direct it to the desired goal. It has warming properties, protects against negative energies, transforming them into the power of creation. Develops correct work muladhara (1st chakra), interacts with dense flows of the earth. Red sandalwood recommended active people. Red sandalwood beads are used in practices of worshiping Ganesha as the remover of obstacles and Durga as the embodiment of the feminine power of creation and destruction. Red sandalwood beads are also used in tantric practices.

Juniper rosary.

Juniper rosaries scare away evil spirits and cleanse space; juniper accumulates positive energy well. These are traditional Buddhist rosary beads. Juniper wood does not rot, which is important for long-term practice.

Oak rosary.

Oak cleanses the space around itself and attracts positive energies. Oak rosaries provide the wearer with personal protection from negative vibrations.

Rosary made from lotus seeds.

Beads made from dried lotus seeds are used in Hinduism to worship Goddess Lakshmi and achieve material well-being, comfortable life and prosperity.
In Buddhism, beads made from lotus seeds are used for the practices of the Deities of the lotus family, to which Buddha Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, Hayagriva, Guru Padmasambhava, Tara and others belong.

Rudraksha beads.

Rudraksha beads generate powerful energy, greatly enhance concentration and protect. It is no coincidence that they are used not only by followers of Shiva and Shakti, but also by tantriks. Rudraksha beads give enormous strength and are capable of subjugating the will of other beings, so they can only be used with boundless love and compassion for living beings.
Rudraksha is the dried fruit of a tree called Elaeocarpus ganitrus in Latin. The word itself is translated from Sanskrit as “eye of Rudra” or “tear of Rudra.” Legend says that Shiva, who once burned three cities in a war with the asuras, shed tears at the thought of the lives he had ruined. His tears fell to the ground and turned into a tree bearing rudraksha fruits. Rudraksha itself has a strong energy; It has been scientifically proven that these fruits have electromagnetic properties, so rudraksha beads should be used extremely consciously and with caution.

Neem rosary.

Most often used in Vaishnava practices. The neem tree is believed to have exceptional healing properties.

Rosary made from bodhi tree seeds.

The bodhi seed became a symbol of Buddha's enlightenment while meditating under the bodhi tree. It is believed that the benefits of reciting beads made from bodhi seeds increase indefinitely. Therefore, bodhi beads are especially sacred for followers of Buddhism, but are suitable for any mantras and practices.

Bone rosary.

The more we think about and accept death, the more fruitful our lives become. Through this comparison, we look at life differently and begin to understand true values ​​- service to others, love, joy in every moment.

Rosary made of rock crystal (quartz).

Rock crystal purifies the body and mind, balances energy and returns a person to his true essence. Crystal beads are a wonderful tool in meditation and healing practices.
The rock crystal itself is the personification of Shakti, the power of the Great Goddess and the manifestation of her primordial energy. Therefore, most often, rock crystal beads are used in the practices of worshiping Mahadevi or tantric practices of worshiping female merciful deities.

Rosary beads made of pearls.

Cooling rosary with feminine energy(pearl is a stone of the moon), help to find peace, tranquility and get rid of doubts, awaken creative powers. Pearls are believed to harmonize all 7 chakras and produce gentle healing energy during meditation. Ideal for Saraswati sadhana.

Agate rosary.

Agate increases a person's sensitivity and gently harmonizes the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual state. This semi-precious stone is known for its noble character, it helps to realize good intentions, reveals the truth, and heals. Agate was used to make talismans and amulets against the evil eye. The stone was credited with the ability to quench thirst, patronize the owner, and give him strength and eloquence.

Agate will help unite loving hearts. Layered agate gives a man charm in women's eyes. Depending on the color of the stone, the properties of agate beads differ.

Black Agate: For protection and success in competition.
White agate: for self-realization, spiritual improvement, devoting oneself to service.
Red Agate: Has strong healing properties.
Green Agate: Calms, calms the mind and helps get rid of negative thoughts.
Blue agate: prolongs life, reveals nobility in the practitioner.

Jade rosary.

Sacred stone in Eastern culture. Jade beads pacify, calm the mind, and neutralize negative thoughts. Jade awakens qualities such as love, courage, justice and wisdom.

Everyone knows what a rosary is. But not everyone knows that this is not just jewelry or a men's accessory. Each religion put its own meaning into this thing.

If you look into explanatory dictionary, then the interpretation of this name is as follows - a cord with beads strung on it, intended for counting prayers or bows. But this is only at first glance. If you dig deeper, it becomes clear that the ancients gave this thing a deeper meaning. Many considered the rosary to be a kind of bridge that helped reunite with higher powers.

Today rosaries can be bought at any souvenir shop, but making them with your own hands is much more interesting. Moreover, it is absolutely real. If you have shown an interest in rosary beads, you have probably noticed that they are made from a variety of materials such as wood, bone, ebonite, various semi-precious stones and even bread. Yes, exactly bread. By the way, on our website there is. If you are interested in this method, we recommend reading it.

Let's try to understand the intricacies of making rosaries in some ways.

Organic glass or, as it is also called, acrylic is a fairly common and widely used material. List of areas of use of this material very extensive. Without going into details, we note that acrylic makes very interesting and original jewelry. Masters of making rosary beads also appreciated it and actively use it in their work.

So, to make a rosary from plexiglass, you need to stock up on a jigsaw or a hacksaw for metal (it will also work circular saw), pieces of glass and, no less important, desire and patience.

The first stage of this difficult, but very interesting work– sawing out links for your future rosary. The number of links is calculated based on the size of the palm of the person who will use the rosary. The optimal link size is 1 cm in length and 2 cm in width, however, it is important to remember that the outer links should be larger and heavier.

The shape of the links may be different. It depends on the skill and imagination of the master. Classic beads are turned into lathe. If you want to do something unusual, it can help milling machine. You can use it to cut out various shapes. Craftsmen make drawings inside the links. To do this, they cut out the same pattern on two beads, color it if desired, and glue the two parts into one.

It turns out very beautifully, but you can’t do it without special skills!

After you give the links of the rosary the desired appearance, you need to drill holes in them for the thread that will bring them together. Remember that the holes in the plexiglass links should not be through. Therefore, there are four of them on one bead, and not two, as is the case with other materials.

It is better to use a nylon thread for glass rosaries; it is strong enough and threads easily. A needle will help simplify the process of attaching links.

If the master wants to play with color, you can use dyes. Iodine, brilliant green and even potassium permanganate can also help with this. For coloring, glass pieces are boiled in the desired solution.

Often pendants in the form of crosses or other figures are made on plexiglass rosaries.

Animal bones have always been very actively used by jewelers. This material has many advantages, which is probably why it is so highly valued. At all times, ivory was considered a precious material; luxury items and various jewelry were made from it. And the rosary is no exception. Bone rosaries are very durable and easy to use.

Using ivory for rosaries is not a cheap pleasure, so it is replaced with elk antlers, walrus tusks, or the bones of other animals. And although it’s not easy to find suitable bones, let’s try to figure out how to make a rosary from them yourself.

The most accessible type of bone for making rosaries at home is the tarsus - this is a simple bone, usually the bone of a cow. Remember, if you want to make a crossover rosary, you need to find the frontal bone of a cow, and if the rosary is classic, you will need a bone from the hip. Whatever the bone, it must be boiled in alkaline water before use. This will help remove unnecessary growths and fat from the bone.

If you want to use elk antlers, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that you need to use the bone at the base of the antler, the part where the antler grew into the head. Everything above has a loose base and is not suitable for crafts.
The process of making rosary beads from bone is very similar to the previous one. You can make rosary links using a jigsaw or a hacksaw, and holes in them can be easily made using a circular saw. It is only important to choose the nozzles required sizes. A lathe will help give the links the shape of beads.

What is attractive about dice is that it is quite easy to carve various patterns on it. A gravel, which easily applies stripes to the surface being treated, and a drill, which drills holes, will help with this. You can also burn patterns onto bones. To make the pattern better, it is better to first apply it with a pencil. Using different attachments for the device will make the pattern more interesting.

After the links of the rosary have been acquired the required form and acquired a beautiful pattern, you can change their color. Bone can be bleached using ordinary soda, or you can give it an antique effect by dipping it in manganese for some time.

From the ancient Greek language, the term “ebony” is translated as ebony. In the past, it was used as an alternative to more expensive materials such as ebony, ivory and even tortoiseshell.
Today this material has been replaced modern views plastics, but ebonite is often used by craftsmen to make rosaries.

The method of their manufacture is very similar to a similar process using plexiglass. The only difference is in the methods of applying patterns. They must be applied to ebonite using cutters with hard tips. After application, the patterns can be sanded, they will look different.

Another type of rosary is a rosary made of stone. It should be noted that stone jewelry looks very elegant and sophisticated. In addition, the stone is such a complex, living material that by choosing it correctly, you can somehow change your life or the life of the person for whom the rosary is intended. Usually stones are chosen according to the zodiac sign.

But unfortunately, only professionals can make anything from stone. Therefore, if you have chosen a rosary made of stone, it is better to buy them ready-made, especially since with the help of the Internet this will not be difficult.

And also, keep in mind that flip-over stone rosaries are short-lived, they quickly split.

One of the simplest options for making rosary beads yourself is to use polymer clay. Clay is a very soft, pliable and easy to use material. Even a child can make links from it for future rosaries.

Having fashioned links of the desired shape and size from clay and made holes in them, you need to bake them in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. After cooling, the beads are placed on a thread and, if desired, painted.

Wooden rosary beads have always been popular. This can be explained by the availability of this material and the ease of its processing. Another important factor is the cost of the tree. Unlike bone and stone, wood is a cheap material, which means that products made from it will be affordable price. And this is an important argument for those people who make rosaries for sale.

Any type of tree is suitable for making rosaries, but the most popular are walnut, oak and birch. Rosary beads are made using tools for processing wood; the main thing is not to forget to coat the finished links with varnish or stain so that they last longer.

Video - How to make a rosary

We present to your attention several video clips on the topic - How to make a rosary

Whatever material you choose for your rosary, remember that this is a very painstaking and difficult process and requires certain skills. Good luck and creative success!

Beads. Part I : How to choose a rosary

The article on rosaries will consist of several
thematic parts. Here we will briefly describe what rosary beads are and how
choose the ones that suit you.

WHAT: Rosary (Skt. mala [mala]) is a traditional religious object in the form of a closed string of beads.

FOR WHAT:Prayer beads are used for the spiritual practice of Japa ( japa )
- recitation, singing or mental repetition of mantras and names of the Deity. IN
In a practical sense, beads help count, set the rhythm of breathing and
readings and serve as an anchor for the mind: after each repetition they move one
bead, etc. In fact, the rosary is one of the most sacred religious
objects, since they are inseparable from the higher practice of turning to God and
meditation. “Well-read” rosaries accumulate very powerful energy,
protecting the owner, sometimes the rosary is inherited or given as a gift
loved ones for protection.

HOW MANY beads:

In Hindu and Buddhist practices in rosaries
traditionally 108 beads + 1. 109th bead on the rosary, which ends
the circle is called Guru or Meru and symbolizes directly that
The deity or Guru who is worshiped. At the end of a Buddhist rosary often
In addition to such a large bead, there are two more, together they symbolize three
Jewels of Buddhism: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Buddhists also have rosary bracelets with smaller
number of beads: 9, 22, 27, which are more convenient to use during
prostrations - they do not hang down and do not interfere. But such rosary bracelets are neither
In no case do they replace the traditional rosary of 108 beads.


It is better if several points coincide at once when choosing:

1. In accordance with the tradition of the school:

Shaivites - rudraksha

Vaishnavas - tulasi, neem

Shaktas - crystal, metal, rudraksha

Tantrics - bone, rudraksha

- juniper, sandalwood (white and red), other trees especially with
strong odor, Bodhi tree seeds, lotus seeds, semi-precious and
precious stones.

Tibetan Buddhism - yak bone, precious and semi-precious stones

2. As directed by your spiritual master

3. In accordance with the nature of the practice and the chosen mantra. This is probably
basic guide. The material from which the rosary is made should be better
just perceive the corresponding vibrations of your natural
energy not to interfere with your practice and be pleasing to the Divine.

For example:
if you want to get a powerful energy boost, meditation is possible
to Shiva with the reading of his mantra, in this case you need rosary from
Rudraksha. If your practice is aimed at calming and cooling the mind,
Meditation on Devi and japa on crystal beads is possible. More details
read below.

4. According to your own deep intuitive feelings: You like exactly these
rosary, you feel that they are yours, pleasant sensations from
contact with them.

Main types of rosary:

Juniper rosary scares away evil spirits and cleanses
space, juniper accumulates positive energy well. This
traditional Buddhist rosary. Juniper wood does not rot, which
important for long-term practice.

Oak cleanses the space around itself and attracts
positive energies. Oak rosaries give the owner personal protection from
negative vibrations.

from dried lotus seeds are used in Hinduism for worship
Goddess Lakshmi and gaining material well-being, a comfortable life and

In Buddhism, beads made from lotus seeds are used for Deity practices.
lotus family, to which Buddha Amitabha belongs,
Avalokitesvara, Hayagriva, Guru Padmasambhava, Tara and others.

Rudraksha beads generate powerful energy and greatly enhance
concentration and protect. It is no coincidence that they are used not only
followers of Shiva and Shakti, but also tantrikas. Rudraksha beads give
enormous strength and are capable of subjugating the will of other creatures, so they can be
use only with boundless love and compassion for the living

Rudraksha is the dried fruit of a tree called Elaeocarpus in Latin.
ganitrus. The word itself is translated from Sanskrit as “eye of Rudra” or “tear
Rudra." Legend tells that once Shiva, who burned in the war
three cities with the asuras, he shed tears at the thought of the lives he had ruined.
His tears fell to the ground and turned into a tree bearing fruit.
Rudraksha. Rudraksha itself has a strong energy; scientifically
It has been proven that these fruits have electromagnetic properties, therefore
Rudraksha beads should be used extremely consciously and with

Tulsi, or "holy basil", strengthens devotion and intensity
spiritual service. Most often used in the practice of Bhakti yoga.

Most often used in Vaishnava practices. The neem tree is believed to have exceptional healing properties.

Rosary made from bodhi tree seeds

The bodhi seed became a symbol of Buddha's enlightenment in meditation under
bodhi tree. It is believed that the benefits of reciting seed beads
Bodhi increases indefinitely. Therefore, bodhi beads are especially sacred
for followers of Buddhism, but suitable for any mantras and practices.

The more we think about and accept death, the more fruitful
becomes our life. Through this comparison we look at
life and begins to understand true values ​​- service to others, love,
the joy of every moment.

Rhinestone cleanses the body and mind, balances energy
and returns a person to his true essence. Crystal rosary -
A wonderful tool in meditation and healing practices.

The rock crystal itself is the personification of Shakti, the power of the Great Goddess and
manifestation of its original energy. Therefore, most often rosary from
rock crystal is used in practices of worship of Mahadevi or
tantric practices of worshiping female merciful deities.

Cooling rosary with feminine energy (pearl - moon stone), helps to gain
calmness, tranquility and getting rid of doubts, awaken
creative powers. It is believed that pearls harmonize all 7 chakras and
produces gentle healing energy during meditation. Ideal for sadhana

Agate rosary

Agate increases a person’s sensitivity and gently harmonizes the physical,
emotional, intellectual and spiritual states. This
semi-precious stone is known for its noble character, it
helps realize good intentions, reveals the truth, heals.

Depending on the color of the stone, the properties of agate beads differ.

Black Agate: For protection and success in competition.

White agate: for self-realization, spiritual improvement, dedication to service.

Red Agate: Has strong healing properties.

Green Agate: Calms, calms the mind and helps get rid of negative thoughts.

Blue agate: prolongs life, reveals nobility in the practitioner.

Sacred stone in Eastern culture. Jade rosary pacifies and calms
mind, neutralize negative thoughts. Jade awakens such qualities,
like love, courage, justice and wisdom.


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