A valuable letter with a list of attachments or a registered letter with notification? How to properly send a claim by mail? What does the ZK notification of a registered letter mean and who is it from?

Simple letters are thrown into the mailbox, where they wait for their addressee. With custom orders the situation is different. Most often they carry important information concerning the interaction of a citizen with various government agencies, including courts, tax services, as well as banks and insurance companies. There are often situations when the addressee cannot receive them for some reason, and then he has a question about how much is stored in the mail registered letter.

The difference between ordinary and registered shipments

To send a simple letter or postcard, you need to buy and stick a stamp on the envelope and take the item to a special mailbox for outgoing mail. And such correspondence also arrives to the addressee through a personal mailbox, into which a postal worker throws it.

Registered letters are sent with acknowledgment of delivery. The postman delivers them to the recipients personally. The fact of delivery is certified by a receipt confirmation certified by a personal signature.

An authorized person under a power of attorney is also allowed to receive such correspondence.

Registered items are assigned three-digit numbers by which you can track their movement either on the Russian Post website or by contacting the post office.

The limit for registered mail in terms of weight and dimensions is clearly defined: weight should not exceed one hundred grams, dimensions should not exceed the maximum size of 229X324 mm.

The envelope must include the full addresses of the recipient and sender.

Registered mail is sent strictly at post offices and is paid in accordance with the approved tariffs.

There is also this type postal items, like a valuable letter with an attachment. An inventory is drawn up for the documents making up the attachment.

Simple letters are thrown into the addressee's box, and registered letters are handed over personally.

Procedure for receiving registered mail

As soon as the registered letter reaches the post office, a notification is sent to the addressee. If the recipient does not show up to collect the envelope within the period specified therein, then after five days he is notified again - in person and against his signature.

If the recipient accepted the notification, as evidenced by his signature, but did not show up for the correspondence, he will be charged a fee for the letter being in the mail in excess of the established limit. If in this case the addressee does not receive it, then it must be stored for a month.

Postal storage period

From the date of receipt, letters are stored at the post office for 30 days. The addressee may extend the storage period of registered items (registered and valuable) for up to two months based on a written application.

Storage of court letters

Judicial dispatches are letters and parcels sent by courts and prosecutors' offices. Such items contain decrees, rulings, court decisions and subpoenas.

The envelopes of such items are stamped and accompanied by a return receipt.

Court letters are received in person against signature. However, if it is not possible to receive it in person, then in the case of delivery of correspondence to the home, any adult member of the recipient’s family is entitled to receive it. This is explained by the need to urgently notify the addressee of the court decision or his appearance at the court hearing. Therefore, court correspondence is stored for a shorter amount of time. After all, if served after the date of the court’s decision, it loses its relevance.

Court letters are kept for no more than seven calendar days, and then they are sent back and filed for use. In this case, the sender does not bear the cost of re-sending.

Regular items can be dropped into a mailbox, while registered items are sent at postal service offices

Expiration of shelf life

At the end of the storage period, registered and valuable letters are sent to the sender, who must pay for the postage, and only then will he be able to pick up his correspondence. Unclaimed correspondence is destroyed after 6 months of storage.

If suddenly the addressee was unable to receive a registered letter within the established period, then it is necessary to contact the place of its departure within the designated six months.

Registered letters are rarely lost and most often find their recipients.

How long will simple postcards and letters wait for you: they are not returned to the sender and are disposed of after 6 months.

Regulatory documents provide for a procedure for extending storage based on an application from the recipient.

Regulatory framework for postal operations

This is, first of all, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws: “On Postal Services” and “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” as well as the Russian Post’s own regulatory framework.

If controversial situations arise and visible violations on the part of postal service employees, one must remember that the internal regulatory framework should not contradict the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws. And, accordingly, reference to the norms prescribed in internal rules that violate the rights of citizens and legal requirements is unlawful.

It is also useful to know the rules for storing in the mail and receiving and, but that’s another conversation.

What happens if you don't receive a court letter? Video

A letter that may contain important documents or must be guaranteed to be delivered to the addressee is best issued as a registered letter. Registered letter Russian Post V mandatory registers and assigns it a number by which tracking is possible. Sending is carried out only through post office employees and has a number of distinctive features.

Registered mail is always delivered faster than usual, but besides this it has other fundamental differences:

  1. The sender always has the opportunity track registered mail if you have access to the Internet, unlike . However, the cost of simple letters is not the most expensive, so they can be used if your letter does not have much value.
  2. Delivery time usually ranges from one day to two weeks.
  3. The sender can send such a letter with a return receipt, thanks to which you can find out when the addressee received the letter and whether he received it at all.
  4. According to the rules of the post office, a registered letter is stored at the post office for five days from the date of delivery. Such a letter is not dropped into the addressee’s mailbox at the place of residence: the person, having received the corresponding notice, picks up the envelope himself.

This option is recommended when sending abroad: postal employees treat such letters more carefully than ordinary ones, because if necessary, the sender can track the location of the sent mail. There were precedents when, after all possible delivery periods had expired, senders sued Russian Post, and such cases were won in the vast majority of cases, so postal employees are interested in ensuring that such excesses do not occur.

Such sending of letters can also be used to send reports to the tax office, however the best solution will do this with the help of a list of attachments, which lists the attached documents. As a result, if there is an inventory, the tax office will no longer be able to say that you did not provide some document.

Limitation on letter volume and weight

In terms of size, all letters sent by Russian Post must correspond to a certain size and weight, maximum values which are 229x324 mm and 100 g, respectively. There is also a lower threshold for size: the dimensions of the envelope cannot be less than 110x220 mm (in Russia) or 114x162 mm (for sending abroad).

The cost of sending depends on the weight of the letter. Despite the fact that this is not a lot of money, you need to remember: if the addressee does not receive the letter within a month, it is sent back to the sender, who will have to pay for the postage again at the same rates.

How to send a registered letter

Sending a registered letter occurs in the following order:

  • the sender chooses an envelope, which can be a regular paper envelope or a more expensive durable package;
  • the addresses of the sender and recipient are indicated on the sealed envelope;
  • fill out the registration form, in which you need to duplicate the data indicated on the envelope, and also indicate whether to deliver the letter with notification;
  • The postal employee places stamps on the envelope and puts a registered letter stamp on it, after which a unique number necessary for tracking is indicated on it.

How to track a registered letter

The identification number (track code) is used for tracking, and since it is impossible to find out where a letter sent by mail is located in any other way, a check issued by the post office with this number must be kept until the addressee receives the letter.

This number, which consists of 14 digits, is used to enter in the corresponding section on the Russian Post website, where you can find out where the letter is located using the track code. You should not check such information immediately after you have completed the shipment: the letter may remain in the post office for a day (sometimes more) until it is sent with the entire shipment.

For example, if a letter goes from St. Petersburg to Stavropol, most likely it will go through Moscow. In this case, on the first day you will be able to best case scenario receive information on the website that the letter has left its “native” post office.

In some situations, this status may not change for several days. This does not mean that the letter is in one place all the time. It may already be in one of the sorting centers in Moscow, but until its employees enter this information into the database, the letter will remain “on the way to Moscow.” You can read more about this in this article.

How to fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter

If the documents in a registered letter are very important, it is better to play it safe and issue a delivery receipt. This special form, in which information about the recipient and addressee is entered. Upon receipt of the letter, the addressee signs this attached notification, after which it makes the return journey.

The recipient is only required to sign in the appropriate field of the document, and the sender is required to take a responsible approach. The fact is that the notification has two sides: the recipient’s data is indicated on the front, and the sender’s data is indicated on the back. On the standard form, the instructions about this are done so poorly that senders often get confused and indicate information about themselves on the front side. This is not scary - after all, the letter will reach the addressee in any case. But you cannot be sure when this happened, and if it is impossible to contact the recipient in other ways, this can be critical.


When tracking a letter, you can use not only the track code. Russian Post offers this alternative option, like SMS notifications. In this case, the track number is also assigned to the letter, but is entered into the special mailing database, where it will be linked to the sender’s phone number. Information about the intermediate stages of the letter's journey is not received, however, the sender will receive a message that the letter has been received, and the addressee, if his phone number is indicated by the sender, will receive an SMS indicating that the letter can already be picked up at the post office.

From whom the letter came, contacting the Russian Post office with the receipt you received. Sign the notice and notice and receive the letter. Look at the envelope, where the sender's return address or organization stamp should be indicated.

Try to find out who the sender is by visiting the website http://www.russianpost.ru (Russian Post) or http://www.track-trace.com (for letters received via DHL, EMS, etc.). To do this, carefully read the notice you received and find the identification number of the letter. Enter it into the appropriate search bar. However, the postal tracking system cannot always accurately indicate the number of the department from which the letter was sent, so this method may not be useful to those who, for example, are waiting for a letter from the tax office, military registration and enlistment office or court.

If the letter is addressed specifically to you (that is, the notice does not contain the mark “poste restante”), then it may be received instead of you close relative, bearing the same surname and living with you. This way you will find out who sent you the letter if you do not want to receive it personally. If, for example, your husband or wife has a different last name, then a marriage certificate may be required.

If the postman brings you a registered letter to your home, present your passport and ask to see the letter before signing the notice. It is possible that he will meet you halfway.

Call the post office, introduce yourself, dictate the number indicated in the notice, your full name and home address and ask the operator to provide you with information about who sent you this letter. It is possible that you will be able to obtain information about the addressee in this way.

Call the court, tax office, military registration and enlistment office and find out if they sent a registered letter to your address. If the letter was sent from these institutions, then they should tell you about it, provided that you lie a little and say that you did not receive notification of such a letter.

According to encyclopedias, letter There is a sign system for recording speech, which allows using descriptive elements to transmit speech information at a distance. However, such information is not always enough, and the natural question often arises of how to determine the addressee of a particular message.


If you receive an anonymous message, first examine the envelope and stamps. There are limited envelopes and stamps sold at certain post offices. This information will be needed to determine what area the sender may live in, since purchases of this type are usually made in the location closest to home.

Please note special postal service marks. These include a stamp indicating the date the letter was received at the department and the number of the department itself. As practice shows, letters are also sent at the nearest post office from the sender’s place of residence.

Carefully study the vocabulary of the received message. Forensic philologists, which is anonymous letter written in a state of strong expression can be the key to solving any mystery. The letter can use dialectisms, special language constructions, and much more. For example, “at my mother’s” instead of “at my mother’s” indicates a native resident of the Western Urals, and the use of apostrophes instead of hard or soft signs indicates a resident of a Ukrainian-speaking region like the Stavropol Territory.

Useful advice

If necessary, you should use a psychological technique, sometimes called a “bucket of water.” If you suspect someone of sending you a letter, tell him so straight to his face. Without giving him a chance to justify himself or come up with an excuse, give him all the accusations, listing the facts you obtained in the points described above, and meaningless arguments. Often the suspect gives up and confesses to his crime, unable to withstand the psychological pressure.

Own address email Every active Internet user has one. But the desired letters do not always arrive at this address. If suddenly in your mailbox letter suspicious content, you can check the sender's address.

You will need

  • - address of one of the whois services


Find the “More” or “More” menu in your email inbox. In this menu, look for the “Letter Properties” or “Service Headers” submenu. Open this submenu. Information like:
Received: from mxfront35.mail.y****x.net ()
by mxfront35.mail.y*****x.net with LMTP id 1Wwatc4E
for ; Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:01:32 +0400
Received: from* (* )
by mxfront35.mail.*****x.net (nwsmtp/Y***x) with ESMTP id 1Vp4isW9;
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:01:31 +0400

Copy the sequence of numbers separated by periods after the word “from”. (In this example, These numbers are the IP (IP) address of the computer from which this was sent to you letter. Using this IP address, it will be possible to determine the specific address of the sender or, at a minimum, its domain address. The fact is that IP addresses can be dynamic or static. The exact address can only be determined by static IP. Using dynamic, you can independently find out only the sender’s region.

Go to the page free service whois. Enter the numbers of the IP address in the field provided for this and click on the search button. Study the information received carefully. If letter it was not sent to you by a spammer, then you will be able to see the name of the sending organization and, possibly, its exact coordinates. If not, then use the sender's domain information, for example:
Domain Name: C**************R.COM
Administrative Contact:
12405 PowersCourt Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63131

Call the numbers listed there contact numbers and try to find out more detailed information about the sender of the letter from the domain owner.

Please note

Fraudsters and malicious spammers know how to disguise themselves very well, so in this case you are unlikely to be able to find the sender’s address without the help of special services.

In some situations, for example, to protect yourself when buying a house, you may need to find out who lives in a particular home. There are various ways to obtain such information as quickly and reliably as possible.


Find out who is registered in the residential premises you are interested in. Most likely, these people live there. But there is a difficulty - you can only get an extract from the house register with a list of everything registered if you are registered in this one. Otherwise, you will need to contact the owner or registered person there. If for some reason he cannot independently give you information about the people living in that same home, then at least he has the right to receive a document about this at the passport office. He will need to pay a small fee on the spot, and he will be given the appropriate certificate on the day of application.

Contact people who live in the neighborhood of the house you are interested in. Most likely the most full information Pensioners can give you. It is possible that they personally know the residents of the neighboring house and will give you all the necessary information. Even if they don't know the names of the people living in the neighborhood, they may be able to tell you how many there are.

Consult junior staff management company engaged in work at local areas- janitors, territory security guards or cleaners. Perhaps they know something about those living in a particular home.

Use the search in various databases with telephone numbers. By entering the address, you can find out who the phone in this apartment is registered to. The falsity of the method is that this way you can only detect one registered person.

Useful advice

For those who buy a house, what is important first of all is not the number of people actually living there, but the number of registered ones. You can verify that they have been deregistered by checking their passports. Without the appropriate seal, they will no longer be able to remain in the house after ownership passes to you as a result of the purchase.

Sending important documents cannot always be trusted by regular mail. It is best to send a valuable item with the help of a proven and reliable company that is guaranteed to deliver it to your addressee. One such company is DHL.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - Internet;
  • - money.


Inquire about DHL postal rates. You can find out the full cost of yours by calling the nearest company office in your city or by calling toll free hotline 8-800-100-30-85. In addition, on the official website of the company www.dhl.ru there is - “”, with which you can plan your expenses in advance.

If you intend to send more than one thing using DHL, it is advisable to enter into a customer agreement. It will give you the opportunity to enjoy a number of advantages: track the location of your shipment, receive faster service, and manage your personal account.

Sometimes there is a need to transfer important information or documents to another person. You can send by registered mail, it is safe and fast. It is guaranteed to reach the addressee, will be delivered personally against a signature, and the sender will be left with a receipt. Let's consider the following questions: how to send What is needed for this and how to do it correctly?

Types of postal items

There are several types of postal items. The first is open type letters, the easiest way, but not very reliable.

Any post office employee can see the information. They are sent without an envelope, simply folded, which is why they got that name (they are also called “postcards”).

The second is regular letters. The most famous and common type of shipment for many people, they are placed in an envelope and sent. But the guarantee of data safety during transmission is also small.

The third type is registered letters. They are prepared for sending personally by the author at any post office. They are delivered to the address and handed directly into the recipient’s hands, or he will be invited to the post office to receive the order. This type of sending is the most reliable, convenient and safe. If you do not know how to send a registered letter, you can contact specialists at the department who will help you complete it correctly.

Specified Requirements

It is important to know the requirements for a registered letter. The maximum weight should be no more than 100 grams, dimensions - from 110*220 mm to 229*324 mm. If the investment is light in weight (for example, 50 grams), then a regular format envelope will do.

If the weight or size is greater, you should contact the specialists of the communications department. Our staff will help you choose the appropriate envelope and tell you in detail how to send a registered letter. Delivery must be carried out tightly sealed and correctly

The registered letter is accompanied by a return receipt, which requires completion and is attached to reverse side envelope. All size and weight requirements must be met. If they do not comply with the standards, then it will be impossible to send by mail; the letter will simply be returned to the sender. The procedure itself is simple; you can immediately understand how to quickly send a registered letter. No special skill is required for this.


A common type of mail is registered letters with notification. It's reliable and safe. You need to go to the post office and buy the required envelope and stamps.

Then it’s time to start signing it. You must provide your full address and full name. addressee (recipient). On the lines reserved for the addressee's (sender's) data, the relevant details are entered. The envelope is carefully sealed. A note is also made indicating that the letter is issued with a notification. It comes in several types: simple or valuable, or custom.

The next step is to fill out the notification itself. On one side the address and name of the addressee are indicated, on the other - the addressee. The Post Office staff will then carefully attach the notice to the envelope so that all details are visible. The main thing is to know how to send a registered letter correctly, because the initial result will depend on this. When it reaches the specified recipient, the notice will be sent back (this should be retained as it is a supporting document).

How to send a registered letter so that it accurately finds the addressee? A stamp is affixed to the designated area on the envelope and given to a specialist for weighing. After the procedure, you will be told how much to pay for the services. Be sure to wait for the receipt, as it contains complete shipping information. The type, date and time of sending, weight of the letter and the name of the employee, address and full name are indicated. recipient, barcode of the letter.

Tracking the path of registered mail

If you have a question about how to find a sent registered letter, note that it is now easy to track its movement. After paying for the service, the person who sent it receives a fourteen-digit number. Then you need to find the Russian Post website, it describes in detail how to track the path of your registered letter using a barcode. Of course, you will need to wait some time for the notification to arrive. The delivery process can be shortened by air delivery or first class shipping.

If something becomes unclear during the process, the employees working in the department will help you figure out how to send a registered letter.

From time to time, residents of cities and villages find in their mailboxes notifications for receiving registered messages, where the return addressee is the abbreviation DTI, Moscow ASC-DTI, Moscow GCMPP. What is this? There is no need to be scared or panic, it’s easier to figure everything out. DTI is an additional technological index that is used by the government service to send notices and official letters, but in reality it does not exist and has no address. Moscow ASC-DTI is an automated correspondence sorting center. Moscow GCMPP – main center long-distance mail transportation.

What can be said in a registered letter from DTI

If a notice has been sent to you by registered letter from DTI, it means that they want to communicate with you or pass on some information civil service Russian Federation. When you receive a postal item, you will not be able to read on the envelope who addressed the message to you; only by signing the receipt and opening the envelope will you find out who is interested in communicating with you.

Often postal items without a return address, but marked with an additional technological index, may contain a fine from the traffic police with a photo recorder attached for violating the rules traffic, a letter from the tax office about payment of transport tax debt or penalties, a message from bailiffs or credit card from commercial bank.

There are funny cases when a person who does not have a car receives a fine from the traffic police or an offer from the tax inspectorate to pay land tax to a person who does not have the use land plot. In case of disagreement with the text of the received official letter, it should not be ignored, but should be appealed to the authority that initiated the message, attaching a copy of the received envelope with a stamp of the date of receipt.

Where to go to receive a letter from the DTI

You can receive a registered message from a notice addressed to you at your local post office by presenting your passport. Before taking this step, first check the information about the message on the Russianpost.ru website (enter the specified additional index). Find out even more detailed information by calling the free hot help service of the Russian Post at 8-800-2005-888. It is imperative to receive a registered envelope at the post office, because it may contain valuable information, not just fines.

Why is there no information about DTI?

What is DTI registered letter? An additional technology index is assigned to federal organizations, which they use to send letters or packages to their customers. Such indexes do not have a legal address, telephone number or employees who would issue postal items; they are virtual. This system was designed to relieve the bulk of correspondence going through regular post offices. In Moscow alone, 809 virtual additional technology indices were created.

The abbreviation indicated on the envelope may mean that the letter, before reaching you, visited an automated sorting center in Moscow. A quarter of all correspondence in the country passes through this center, which has significantly relieved the flow of mail through regular branches. But you will not find any legal information about the sorting center, nor about an additional technological index.

Is it convenient to use DTI? For government agencies - yes. Without having your mailing address information, they can send a message indicating other information to identify you. The automated selection system will find the correct route for delivering correspondence. Despite the virtuality of the technological index, its presence reduces the delivery time of postal items.