Receipt for the allocation of a share of property to children. How to allocate a share in an apartment to a minor child? If the apartment is purchased in a cooperative

Such social benefits as child benefit for children under 3 years old– designed to help parents support their young child.

In this article we will consider in detail the basis on which you can receive such a benefit, the procedure for receiving it, necessary documents and other details.

Amount of benefit for a child under 3 years of age

The amount of payments that the state has established for children under 3 years of age was approved by Decree No. 1110 of the President of Russia of May 30, 1994. According to this Decree, the amount of payments received by the parents of the child or his legal representatives who support him and are employed in any enterprise, organization or institution, regardless of its legal form, as well as female military personnel on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years, is equal to 50 rubles. This is the size federal payment for children.

However, regardless of this approved amount, in each region of Russia local authorities set their own payments for children, which are paid in addition to the federal ones.

Thus, in Moscow, the amount of benefit for children under 3 years of age is set at 2,000 rubles. In other regions, the amount is different, but in regions with a regional increasing coefficient for earnings, the same coefficient applies to child benefits.

To apply for child care payments until they reach the age of 3, parents need to collect the following documents:

  1. Application for benefits.
  2. Work book.
  3. Child's birth certificate.
  4. A copy of the order on granting parental leave.

After that, they are presented to the employer in the accounting department.

What will women get who are fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise where they worked? If they do not receive, then they have every right to receive child benefits.

To do this, they also need to attach to the above documents a certificate stating that they do not receive unemployment benefits. Documents for benefits are presented to the authority social protection population.

After receiving the application and documents, the social protection authorities conduct an inspection within 10 days, after which a decision is made to provide benefits.

As we have already understood, working parents submit documents for benefits to the accounting department of their enterprise, while the unemployed submit them to the social security authorities.

The application can be submitted either personally or through a representative if he has a power of attorney.

It is also possible to apply for child benefit through Multifunctional centers and via the Internet on the website public services.

When an unemployed parent submits documents for benefits to the social security authority, he must present a certificate stating that he does not receive unemployment benefits.

But in the absence of such a certificate, the social security authority is obliged to make a request to the labor exchange and receive this certificate without the participation of the parent. Such an interdepartmental request is carried out in short time, no more than two days after receiving the application from the parent.

The right to receive benefits for a child under 3 years of age

The following persons have the right to receive payment for a child under 3 years of age:

  • Mother of the child.
  • Father.
  • Adoptive parent.
  • Guardian.
  • Grandmother, grandfather or any other relative who is caring for the child.
  • Mothers receiving higher education by correspondence.
  • Military personnel and government employees.
  • Individual entrepreneurs.
  • Unemployed parents undergoing retraining at an employment center.
  • Unemployed due to the dissolution of the enterprise.
  • Women caring for elderly people over 80 years of age or children with disabilities of group 1.
  • Women are disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

Size child benefit has not been reindexed since 1994. Much has changed since then, but the legislation on children's issues has not changed one iota.

The source of child benefits up to 3 years of age is not government contributions, but payments from the employer’s funds, in contrast to maternity benefits, which come from the Fund social insurance.

The payment of child benefit is not subject to taxes; in addition, it is paid on the basis of the law, which means it cannot be canceled by any internal orders and rules operating within the employer’s organization. The law has a higher priority, so no one can cancel the right to child benefit.

The only thing an employer can take advantage of is your lack of information. What do we mean?

The fact is that payments for children are made based on the employee’s application, that is, in the absence of an application on your part, the employer may not pay anything, since legal basis He cannot assign payments for children without your application.

What is the deadline to submit an application? As soon as the mother of the child goes on maternity leave, she must write an application for payment of benefits. A period of 6 months is allocated for this.

If the application is written later, then the parents will not receive benefits for these six months.

If the following conditions occur, payment of benefits stops on the next day.

So, the conditions for stopping payments:

  1. A woman returns from maternity leave and returns to work full time.
  2. If an unemployed mother begins to receive unemployment benefits.
  3. If during maternity leave a woman goes on maternity leave.
  4. If the mother quit of her own free will.
  5. When transferring a child to full state support.
  6. If parents have been deprived of parental rights.

The responsibility to inform the employer (or the social security authority) that the above circumstances have occurred rests with the employee himself.

Questions about child benefits under 3 years old with answers

    1. Is child benefit really granted from one and a half to three years?

- No, that's not true. The start date for benefit payments coincides with the moment the mother goes on maternity leave.

    1. Can an employer not pay the required benefits?

- No, the employer does not have the right to cancel the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. But parents must submit an application for payment themselves. Without an application, the employer must not make any payments.

    1. If a mother gives birth to twins or triplets, will benefits be paid for each child?

- No, the number of children does not affect the amount of child benefit. The benefit itself is paid to compensate for the fact that the mother is unable to work, being forced to care for the child.

    1. If my employer is a self-employed person, must he pay child benefit?

- No, you shouldn't. Child benefits are only paid by law legal entities and organizations. Individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity are not subject to this obligation.

Thus, we see that child benefits are paid from the employer’s funds, unless the employer is an individual entrepreneur. Funds from the Social Insurance Fund are not included in this payment. Any parent of a child under 3 years of age who cares for him and took leave before the child reaches 3 years of age, who is employed or dismissed due to the cessation of the enterprise and who does not receive unemployment benefits, has the right to receive monthly payment from the employer's funds.

All over the world, motherhood and childhood are of paramount importance, being one of the special values ​​of human society.

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Each state strives to support mothers and their children, for which it introduces various assistance programs for women. In Russia, there are social programs under which women are paid various benefits and compensation for periods of time corresponding to the state of pregnancy and the onset of childbirth.

General concepts

IN Russian Federation A woman who becomes a mother is entitled to receive child benefits for three years until the child reaches the full age of three.

In the city of Moscow high level life compared to other cities and regions of the Federation. Large, prosperous companies are located on its territory.

The social policy of the city government is aimed at maintaining and improving the well-being of citizens. In the course of ongoing activities, she is engaged in identifying families who need financial assistance from the state.

The Moscow government provides subsidies to vulnerable segments of the population under social programs according to the principle:

In some regions, families are paid an allowance for caring for 3 children under 3 years of age, the amount of which is established by regional body SZN. It is distinguished based on the above principles.

What is it

Child benefit is a special social benefit that the state provides to families with children.

They are subject to issue for a number of events, for example, when a child is born, for the birth of a third child, for care until the child reaches 1.5 and 3 years of age.

One of mandatory payments state became a compensation payment for the birth of a child. Parents caring for him have the right to receive it.

It is paid according to instructions Federal Law. It was issued on May 19, 1995, number 81. It regulates the procedure for assigning benefits and making payments.

Benefits are divided into monthly and lump sum payments. They are appointed in the manner established by the legislator by the FSS body, to which the state has assigned the responsibility for making social payments.

In addition to benefits, the state provides, issued for the birth of a second child in the family.

Social benefits have federal and regional significance. In the regions of the Federation, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, additional benefits are assigned.

They are appointed on the basis of the requirements of local legislative acts, which are established in accordance with the size of the subsistence minimum. Benefits are determined by the average per capita family income per each member.

Who falls under the category

In accordance with the instructions of legislative acts, a certain category of persons has the right to receive compensation payments for caring for a child until he or she reaches three years of age.

These include:

Where to contact

To apply for benefits provided to care for a child until he is three years old, citizens should contact the federal social security service.

According to the norms of the resolution, the right of citizens to receive additional benefits arises when certain circumstances arise.

One of the main conditions is the permanent residence of the parents or one of them in the city of Moscow.

The rule applies to foster parents who took someone else's child into their family.

A monthly allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age is assigned to a single mother, provided that there is no entry in the child’s birth certificate about his father or it is made according to her words.

What size is required in Moscow

Moscow families are provided with the following types of benefits, the amount of which is established based on their social status, child's age.

This type of benefit and other payments are made to children until they turn three years old.

These include:

Indicators Size
Single mothers they are allocated an allowance in the amount of 4,500 rubles, funds for the purchase of food - 675 rubles, for possible expenses taking into account the increase in prices - 750 rubles
Disabled parents receive an allowance of 1,600 rubles
Parents who have has the right to receive an allowance of 6,000 rubles
Parents- I receive an allowance in the amount of 1,600 rubles, for the purchase of food – 1,875 rubles
Large families where three or four children grow up receive: allowance - 1600 rubles, for the purchase of food - 675 rubles, for expected expenses - 600 rubles, for payment utilities– 522 rubles, services telephone communication– 230 rubles
Large families with five children receive - an allowance in the amount of 1,600 rubles, 675 rubles are paid for the purchase of food, 750 rubles for expected expenses, taking into account price increases, 1,044 rubles for paying utilities and 230 rubles for telephone maintenance services, 900 rubles for the purchase of children's goods
Large families with 10 children have the right to receive - benefits in the amount of 1,600 rubles, for the purchase of food - 675 rubles, for possible expenses associated with price increases - 750 rubles, for payment of utilities - 1,044 rubles and telephone services - 230 rubles, purchase of children's goods – 900 rubles
Adoptive families can count on an allowance issued for the maintenance of a child - 12,000 rubles, a monthly allowance - 1,600 rubles, for utility bills - 928 rubles
Low-income families receive 1,600 rubles every month
Mothers receiving a pension who have given birth to 10 or more children has the right to claim compensation for pension
Families housing disabled children receive for the purchase of food - 675 rubles
Parent caring for disabled children payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles
A child disabled since childhood who has lost his breadwinner 1,450 rubles are due

All of these types of payments are made in accordance with the requirements of legislative acts issued by the Moscow government to provide support to residents of the capital.

How to apply

Citizens of the city of Moscow who have the right to receive benefits for child care up to three years old can contact the regional department of the Social Insurance Fund at their place of residence.

They are given the opportunity to apply for benefits through the government services portal, which is located on the Internet - PSU Moscow. The benefits are assigned in accordance with the procedure established by the legislator.

Procedure for drawing up an application

Families must submit an application of the established form, to which must be attached documents established by the Moscow government. It indicates the personal data of the applicant, the personal data of the child, number.

It contains the parents’ passport data, information about the authority that issued the document, home address, and contact information.

It must indicate the name of the body where it is submitted. Its columns contain information about family members, their personal data, indicating the date of birth and degree of relationship. IN mandatory a note is made regarding non-receipt of benefits earlier.

If the child was adopted into the family as a family member, then information about the decision of the judicial authority must be included in the application.

The application is filled out directly at the SZN authority, where citizens are given a form with its form. It can be submitted in person, through a proxy, registered in a notary office, or sent by email.

Attached documents

Citizens must provide the following documents and official papers to the social protection authority:

Indicators Description
Parents' passports
  • about the conclusion;
  • about the birth of a child
Official paper certifying the registration of the child in the city of Moscow at the place of residence
about family size
Metrics of all children in the family if available
Certificate of cohabitation child and his parents
about the average income for each family member reflecting data for the past 3 months before submitting the application
Certificate of father's conscription for military service if the application is submitted by the spouse of a person liable for military service
Extract from the decision to establish child custody if the child is handed over to a guardian for upbringing
about failure to previously receive child support benefits
Copy of work book if the child’s mother is not officially employed. It must contain a record of the woman's last place of work

What are the deadlines?

The decision of the body assigning benefits is made within 10 days based on the application and submitted documents.

The payment is made by the social security authority at your place of residence. It is carried out until the child is three years old.

Video: retraining for women on maternity leave under 3 years of age

Main nuances

The social protection authority must establish the age of citizens and permanent residence if their child is assigned an additional lump sum benefit.

The information must correspond to the time the child was born. Citizens must apply within one year following his birth.

The cost of living in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of this year was established for children in the amount of 13,080 rubles.

The amount of the additional benefit is annually indexed in proportion to the growth of inflation and the level of the cost of living. It is exempt from paying tax in accordance with the Tax Code.

In accordance with the requirements of federal acts, a monthly allowance is assigned to each child, the amount of which is 50 rubles.

It is payable until the child reaches adulthood. Women in the city of Moscow are provided by the government with a monthly allowance until the child turns three years old in the amount of 2,000 to 2,200 rubles.

The benefit amount is calculated based on the following information:

Copies of the documents provided must be certified by in the prescribed manner at the notary's office.

All copies must be submitted to the SHS authority along with the original documents. Otherwise, the application will not be considered or it will not be satisfied.

In addition to benefits, the Moscow government decided to provide children with baby underwear maternity hospital on free of charge. Moscow children have the opportunity to visit the zoo, museums, and parks of the city without paying an entrance fee.

They are entitled to discounts on fees for visiting cultural institutions, such as theaters. In addition, children under 7 years old can travel free on public transport.

Children are provided with benefits for receiving medical care, they are given medicines for free.

What is regulated

Issues regarding the provision of monthly child benefits by the state are regulated by many existing legislative acts. In accordance with their provisions, payments are made to families in need who have children.

The monthly benefit is assigned on an individual basis, following the principle of targeting.

The grounds for its provision are discussed in the acts below:

And in conclusion, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in addition to the above-mentioned benefits, the city government provides assistance to Moscow families, expressed in kind, and provides certain types benefits.

In order to process and receive payments, citizens must submit an application to the regional departments of social protection of the population.


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Support for motherhood and childhood is one of the fundamental directions in social policy our country.

Every year, additional benefits are introduced for young families and single parents, funds are allocated to compensate for medicines and food, and social programs are implemented to send children on recreational holidays in the summer.

Regular child benefits are another effective form family support. Not only parents of children, but also fathers and mothers of older children can count on them.

What payments is a family entitled to and until what age will they be paid?

What benefits are available to children over 3 years old?

Until the age of three, all little Russians, or rather their parents, receive financial assistance from the state.

Until the child turns one and a half years old, the parent who directly cares for him and is officially on parental leave receives payments in the amount of 40% of the average earnings at his current place of work.

When a child reaches one and a half years of age, theoretically, he can go to a daycare for the day.

However, in most regions of the country there are currently queues for preschool educational institutions for children aged 1.5 to 3 years.

Therefore, the state continues to pay insignificant amounts to parents for another year and a half - 50 rubles per month.

Children of military personnel are entitled to additional benefits

On additional payments Subject to the collection of the entire package of documents, wives of military personnel whose husbands are currently serving can apply.

All these norms are regulated by the eighty-first federal law.

After reaching the age of three, payments to families stop. However, in difficult life situation the family can count on financial support from the state.

You can apply for additional social payments if:

  • A mother raises a child without a father.
  • The family is officially recognized as having many children (three or more children are being raised).
  • The income calculated for each family member is below the subsistence level.
  • Family raising disabled children

Social benefits are formed by various social funds, as well as the Pension Fund of Russia.

Each region has its own legislation regarding supporting families in difficult situations, so the rules for providing subsidies and finance are different everywhere.

State support can be expressed not only in the provision of social benefits, but also in benefits, compensation for food and travel.

In some regions there are special payments to mothers or single fathers, ex-spouses who avoid paying alimony.

Benefits for a child under 14 years of age

Child benefit for single mothers is doubled

If a family has more than three children, and the average per capita income for each is below the subsistence level in a particular region, then they can try to issue additional payments for each of the children, which are calculated in hundreds of rubles.

Moreover, single mothers can count on double payments for each child.

Wives of military personnel who are raising a child without the support of their husband, if he is currently serving, can receive additional funds from the regional budget.

Parents of a child under the age of six can count on partial compensation for payment for staying in a preschool educational institution, as well as payment for the purchase of medicines.

In order for a family to take advantage of the right to payments, it is necessary to collect complete package documents.

As a rule, large families Those who issue social payments of this kind extend them until the child reaches an older age - 16 and 18 years.

The package of documents must be updated from time to time and new documents must be submitted to the social security authority.

Payments for a child under 16 years of age

Teenagers are also entitled to cash payments

A Russian who is brought up in a prosperous family and has both parents, up to the age of 16, also has the opportunity to receive support from the state.

Upon reaching the age of fourteen, after regional centers employment of the population, he can get a job and, in addition to his salary, receive payments from the municipal budget.

Such a program to support working youth is carried out in almost all regions of the country.

In all other cases, single mothers who gave birth either out of wedlock or a little less than a year after divorce can count on payments to teenage children.

Also among the potential recipients of benefits and compensation are large families.

When one of the children reaches the age of fourteen, it will be necessary to collect a new package of documents, which will include information about his place of study.

Large families can apply for the following forms of state support:

  • Payment of half the cost of travel to a place of rest for children who do not have health problems, but need sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • Percentage of base monthly allowance per child;
  • Payment once a year in advance academic year for the purchase of school and sports uniform, stationery, textbooks;
  • Payments to families who live in premises without connected central heating or other means of heating.

It is worth noting that any payments for a teenage child can be terminated if, by a court decision, for one reason or another, he is declared legally competent, that is, emancipated and equated to an adult.

This can happen, for example, when getting married.

Payments for a child under 18 years of age

In the case of children under 18 years of age, it is possible to obtain benefits for studying in secondary specialized institutions

It is more difficult to receive benefits for a child who is approaching adulthood, since the state allocates funds only for those children who study in secondary educational institutions.

Conditions for processing payments to an adult child:

  1. He must continue his studies at school;
  2. When entering the next grade upon reaching the age of 16, you must provide a certificate of education;
  3. Payments will be made only as long as the teenager is in school. Immediately after the end, support will cease;
  4. If the child has turned 18 and continues to study on average educational institution, the allocation of funds will still be stopped.

Guardians and adoptive parents of orphans enjoy other rights. In such cases, regional budgets allocate not only money, but also material assets, such as clothing, shoes, school supplies and more.

Benefits for disabled children

Disabled children are entitled to additional benefits

Parents raising disabled children can also count on regular payments from the state.

Non-indexable sums of money will be paid monthly until the child reaches adulthood or until he is officially considered disabled.

And for this, at least once every three years it is necessary to undergo a medical examination again and draw up a corresponding document.

Processes payments for disabled children in Russia Pension fund, so you need to go there to receive compensation.

The following can receive money for raising and caring for a child with disabilities:

  • The child's parent, legal guardian or adoptive parent.
  • Any other person with whom the child's legal representative has a documented agreement

It is worth noting that a citizen receiving payments for a child should not be officially registered in the workplace.

If otherwise is not possible, the employer is obliged to provide the parent with additional days off, a shortened work week and other conditions stipulated in labor legislation.

Care allowance disabled child varies significantly in monetary terms depending on who is caring for child - parents or other relatives or strangers.

It also differs from the severity of the disabled child’s condition. This benefit is no longer paid, even if the disabled child himself goes to work.

Regardless of the fact that he worked part-time and maybe even less than a full month, payments of this benefit during this period are stopped, even if the child’s salary was less than this benefit.

They also stop paying this benefit if the caregiver begins to receive a pension for themselves.

In addition, a disabled minor can count on a range of services provided by the state. If desired, its representatives can refuse them and receive support in the form of money.

The conversion of maternal capital into funds for the socialization and rehabilitation of a disabled person can also be considered a special benefit.

To do this, with documents and a certificate for receiving family capital you need to contact local authority social protection.

How and where are child benefits issued?

How are child benefits issued?

The main body that mediates between the state and the needy citizen is the social insurance fund and social protection centers. Branches across the country have a full staff of professional employees who will advise on all issues of providing social guarantees. You can also apply for benefits through the following services:

  1. Pension Fund of Russia. Through this organization, payments are processed for disabled children;
  2. Multifunctional centers. Working on the “single window” principle, they help a citizen figure out where he should go on a specific issue and draw up a package of documents;
  3. Government services portal. In order to register on the site, you need to visit the multifunctional center once.

In some regions and under special circumstances, benefits can also be issued through third-party organizations: representatives of the Ministry of Defense, enterprises, etc.

What documents need to be provided?

What documents need to be provided?

Basic package of documents to be provided social benefits, includes the following certificates and papers:

  • Passports of both parents, if possible, or of one applicant.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Certificate of birth of a child from the registry office.
  • Certificate from the place of work. To receive payments to the poor - a document from the tax office indicating family income for the last year.

To receive benefits for unemployed mothers and divorced mothers, you must:

  1. Certificate of divorce.
  2. Certificate stating that the citizen is not working.
  3. Certificate from the Employment Center stating that the citizen does not receive unemployment benefits
    To receive student benefits:
  4. Certificate from the place of study.
    To receive benefits for disabled children:
  5. Medical certificate of disability group
  6. Certificate from the guardian with information that at the time of guardianship he is not involved in another job

More detailed information You should obtain information about documents and the possibility of allocating budget funds directly from local authorities.

In some regions, the conditions for receiving funds are more stringent, but in others, on the contrary, municipalities offer additional assistance.

In the following video you will learn what child benefits are and how they are calculated:

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Child benefit up to 3 years of age is one of the types compensation payments. Prescribed subject to compliance established by law procedure and upon provision of relevant documents.

Child benefit up to 3 years old: amount of payments

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the amount..." dated May 30, 1994 No. 1110 established the amount of monthly compensation payments to mothers (other relatives who actually care for the child) who are in an employment relationship with an enterprise, institution and organization, regardless of organizational and legal forms , and female military personnel on maternity leave until the child reaches 3 years of age - 50 rubles.

It is worth noting that this is a “general” figure for Russia; Each region has the right to set its own amount of the above benefit. In addition, in areas where there is a regional coefficient for basic earnings, this same coefficient also affects the amount of benefits for children under 3 years of age.

How to receive child benefit: necessary documents

This payment is assigned to mothers from the beginning of parental leave and ends in the month following the month the child reaches 3 years of age.

To assign a payment, the following documents are required:

  1. Statement;
  2. A copy of the order granting parental leave;
  3. Child's birth certificate;
  4. Work book.

The applicant provides these documents to his employer.

That is, they must attach to the above documents a certificate stating that they do not receive unemployment benefits. Documents are provided to the relevant social protection authorities.

Within 10 days after receipt of the application authorized body must make a decision on assigning/refusing payment.

How to apply for child benefits under 3 years of age

If for some reason it is not possible to hand over documents in person, you can use the services of a legal representative.

The second option may be to submit an application through the MFC, through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services, or in another way that allows you to transfer information on an electronic medium.

If a package of documents is received, social security authorities check their authenticity. If the applicant is an unemployed mother, and she has not submitted a certificate from the labor exchange stating that she does not receive unemployment benefits, the social security authorities must request this certificate themselves.

The interdepartmental request must be sent within 2 days after receipt of the application in the form of an electronic document.

Who can apply for benefits?

In addition to the mother, the following persons can apply to the employer for compensation payments to a child under 3 years of age:

  • father;
  • guardian;
  • adoptive parent;
  • grandmother;
  • grandfather;
  • another relative who actually cares for the child.
  • those in the civil service (military personnel);
  • women - disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • mothers who study at a university on a part-time basis;
  • women - individual entrepreneurs;
  • women who have officially received unemployed status due to the liquidation of an enterprise;
  • unemployed mothers who are engaged in professional retraining (undergoing retraining);
  • women who care for disabled children of the 1st group or elderly people whose age exceeds 80 years.

Benefits for children under 3 years old: what else you need to know

If we follow all the changes in legislation, we will notice that the amount of benefits for children under 3 years of age has not changed or been indexed since 1994.

Don't know your rights?

Perhaps this “constancy” is due to the fact that this benefit is paid at the expense of the employer, while the payment of maternity benefits is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund.

It is worth noting that benefits for children under 3 years of age are not subject to any tax, so the employer does not lose anything. Moreover, this payment must be made regardless of whether it is provided for internal documents organization or not (collective, employment contract, agreement between employee and employer). It is carried out by force of law.

However, it should be understood that this benefit will be paid only if an application for it is received: if there is no application, there will be no payment.

The “maximum” period during which you can apply for benefits is no later than 6 months from the date of going on parental leave. If you apply later, payments will be made to you for a period not exceeding 6 months.

When does payment of benefits for children under 3 years of age cease?

Payment of benefits for children under 3 years of age is terminated the next day after the occurrence of the following circumstances:

  • A woman interrupts her maternity leave and goes to work full time.
  • Women who are on maternity leave begin maternity leave.
  • Mom is given unemployment benefits.
  • The employee resigns of his own free will.
  • The child is transferred to full state support.
  • The parent who cared for the child is deprived of parental rights.

Moreover, the recipient of the benefit must notify his employer or social security authorities about the occurrence of all circumstances.

Basic "misconceptions"

1. The first and most important misconception is that many mothers believe that this benefit is assigned from 1.5 to 3 years.

No, that's not true. The benefit is assigned after submitting all documents directly from the first day of the start of parental leave.

2. A benefit for children under 3 years of age is paid in the amount of 50 rubles for each child (if 2 or more children were born as a result of multiple births).

No. The benefit is paid not for the children, but for the mother for the fact that she “loses” the opportunity to work, which is why it is considered compensatory.

3. Payment of benefits depends on the “will” of the employer.

No. Payment of benefits is provided for legislative level, so no one asks your employer’s opinion. But let us remind you once again that it will be paid only if an application is received from you.

4. Employer - individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay benefits to its employees for children under 3 years of age.

No. This obligation is assigned only to legal entities and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form.

Funds for the payment of benefits are accumulated directly from the employer’s “budget”. The Social Security Fund has nothing to do with this money.

Thus, any parent who cares for a child and is in an employment relationship or was fired due to the liquidation of an enterprise, but does not receive unemployment benefits, can receive child care benefits for children up to 3 years of age.

Or relatives who actually do the upbringing.

The payment amount is 50 rubles. monthly. The right to transfers is granted to women in the following cases:

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical points. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

  • if you have an official place of work, including work military service;
  • if there is 1 or 2 groups;
  • in case of studying at the correspondence department of higher education educational institution;
  • women presenters entrepreneurial activity;
  • in case of loss of a job as a result of liquidation of the organization;
  • unemployed women sent for retraining;
  • when caring for children with group 1 disabilities or pensioners over 80 years of age.

In transfers refuse, if the following circumstances are established:

  1. the applicant’s children are fully provided for by the state;
  2. parents are deprived of judicial procedure rights to raise children;
  3. after the family moved abroad for permanent residence.

Child benefit amount

In 2017 amount of benefit for a child under 3 years of age remains at the same level and totals 50 rub. This amount is transferred monthly according to the details specified when submitting the application. This amount has not been indexed since 1994. The payment is not in demand, since its amount does not compensate for the costs of collecting and providing documents.

  • raising children alone - 3200 rub..;
  • military personnel - in the amount RUB 11,096.76.;
  • if you have been disabled since childhood – 5500 rub..

Additional support measures can be set by regions. You can find out the amount and procedure for providing such benefits from local laws.

Registration of child benefits

Registration of benefits for a child under 3 years of age carried out at the applicant’s place of employment. First you need to collect the necessary documents according to the established list and contact the organization’s accountant. It is possible to complete the procedure through a representative if there is a power of attorney certified by a notary.

The funds are provided from the employer's budget and are not subject to taxes. When a woman starts working full-time or quits, the transfers stop.

If you don’t have a place to work, you need to contact the social security authorities. The documents are sent to the department that processes benefits. Applications are also accepted by the MFC.

After accepting the documents, responsible employees are given 10 days to check the information and assign the required amount. If a citizen has not confirmed his right to transfers, then the payment of funds is refused.

You can apply for financial support no later than six months after going on leave due to the birth of a new family member or his adoption.

Regional benefits are assigned by local social security departments. Review period applications may be up to 2 weeks. Many regional portals provide the opportunity to submit an application electronically.

List of documents

Monthly benefit for a child up to 3 years old relies upon the provision of certain documents:

  1. statement. You can view and download here: ;
  2. identity confirmation;
  3. birth certificate;
  4. work book;
  5. an order according to which the applicant is granted leave.

If a woman has lost her job due to the liquidation of an organization, then she must additionally provide a document confirming the absence of payments from the employment center.

To confirm additional circumstances At the regional level, additional documents may be required:

  • certificates of disability;
  • family income documents;
  • a certificate confirming the status of a military personnel;
  • certificates of divorce or conclusion of a marriage;
  • a certificate from the bailiff about the parent’s failure to fulfill child support obligations.


  1. Payments for raising children under 3 years of age are made in accordance with the presidential decree.
  2. What benefits are due to a child under 3 years of age?, establishes federal and local legislation.
  3. Magnitude financial assistance has a fixed amount and is not subject to indexation.
  4. Some preferential categories may qualify for increase in payments.
  5. You can receive funds after collecting the necessary documents.
  6. You need to contact your place of employment or social security department.
  7. Make transfers citizens who provide direct care for a child can.
  8. After the ward reaches 3 years of age, payments stop.
  9. Funds can only be received by application.
  10. At the regional level, you can receive additional transfers.
  11. After dismissal or return to work, the company stops transfers.

The most popular questions and answers regarding benefits for children under 3 years of age

Question: How benefits are calculated if an employee works in an organization part-time?

Answer: For part-time employees, transfers for children are made in the same manner as for main employees. During the vacation period, the part-time employee retains his position and place. The payment is made from the day the maternity leave begins.