How to close a Sberbank visa classic card. How to cancel a Sberbank credit card and close a bank account

Greetings! Yesterday, an acquaintance told another story about “banks and insurance.” My wife and I took out a loan from Sberbank for 350,000 rubles. They were immediately imposed with comprehensive insurance for a total amount of 60,000 rubles. In this case, the insurance was included in the “body” of the loan, and interest was accrued on it.

A friend needed a loan urgently, so he had to agree to insurance. True, a couple of days after receiving the loan, the “voluntary” insurance contract was terminated. But I had to spend a week on this and go through all the “circles of hell.”

So, how legal is it to impose insurance when taking out a loan? And is it possible to fight this?

  • If you are taking out a mortgage, the property must be insured
  • If you take out any secured loan, the collateral property (for example, a car) is insured.
  • If the mortgage is issued under a state support program, you will have to insure own life(This prerequisite participation in the program)

In all other cases, insurance is an imposed service!

What is the essence of voluntary-compulsory insurance?

Let’s say you take out a “consumer loan plus comprehensive insurance” package from Sberbank. If an insured event occurs during the repayment of the loan, then Sberbank Insurance will pay off the balance of the debt (or part of it) on your behalf.

The insurance includes the risks of death, serious illness, disability, and even deterioration in the financial condition of the borrower.

For each situation, a different algorithm of actions is prescribed by the insurance company. If the borrower is temporarily unable to work, the insurance company will make monthly loan payments until the client “returns to duty.” In the event of death or serious illness, Sberbank Insurance will pay the bank the entire loan balance.

Important! At Sberbank, insurance payments are included in the loan amount both in and differentiated!

Why do banks impose insurance products on borrowers?

Firstly, many banks act as partners of insurance companies. And they receive direct income from concluded insurance contracts.

Secondly, large banks have “subsidiary” insurance companies as part of the group. For Sber it is “Sberbank Insurance”, for VTB24 it is “VTB Insurance”. Naturally, “our own people” need to be helped.

Thirdly, insurance significantly reduces the bank’s risks. In case of death or illness of the borrower insurance company is guaranteed to pay the bank the balance of the debt with interest. But without insurance, a “problem” borrower will have to go to court for a long time...

What tricks do banks go to in order to impose insurance?

By law, banks do not have the right to refuse a loan to a client simply because he has not taken out insurance. Essentially, one service (issuing borrowed funds) is in no way connected with the other (insurance). Imposing insurance infringes on consumer rights and violates several laws of the Russian Federation. In practice, the bank has a lot of “relatively honest” ways to force the borrower to pay for an unnecessary service.

Here are just a few of these tricks:

  1. The bank is not obliged to inform the client of the reason for refusing the loan. And, unfortunately, you will not be able to prove that the refusal was received precisely because of the lack of insurance
  2. Each bank offers borrowers two loan interest rate options: high (without insurance) and more or less acceptable (with insurance). The law cannot prohibit banks from “playing” with interest rates
  3. Imposed insurance is always formalized in a contract, where it is written in black and white “voluntary”. By signing the insurance contract, you agree that YOU have decided to insure your life, health and liability. Judicial practice shows that it is extremely difficult to prove the opposite... Even if you just checked the box next to the “I agree to voluntary insurance” item.
  4. Some banks connect clients to a group insurance system. The borrower does not buy a separate policy, but pays the bank for participation in the program. In this case, the insurer is the bank itself ( legal entity). And by law, the borrower cannot refuse insurance within five days after it is issued. New Directive regulates relations individual and the insurance company (I will write about the new law a little lower)

How to minimize losses from imposed insurance?

Take out insurance yourself

In accordance with Federal Law No. 353-FZ “On Consumer Credit (Loan),” the bank is obliged to provide the borrower with a consumer loan on the same terms if the borrower independently insures himself in favor of the lender. At the same time, the insurance company must meet all the requirements of the bank.

I translate into human language. Get a list of insurance companies accredited by the bank, call them and choose the most favorable rate for you. The savings are very significant.

The bank is obliged to accept “someone else’s” policy! If he refuses, refer to Russian Federation Decree No. 386 and Federal Law No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition.”

Exploit a fresh loophole in insurance law

On June 1, 2016, Russians were finally exempted from “voluntary” insurance. From this moment on, the Bank of Russia Directive “On minimum requirements to the conditions and procedure for implementation individual species voluntary insurance" dated November 20, 2015

Now, within five days from the moment of concluding the insurance contract, you can contact the insurance company, refuse insurance and return the money in full. If at the time of submitting the written refusal the contract was already in force, then the insurance company will withhold money from the client for several insured days. You can refuse almost all types of insurance products: CASCO, life, financial risks, liability, medical insurance.

But, unfortunately, this hardly changes anything for borrowers...

After all, the rates on loans “with insurance” and “without” are significantly different. By refusing insurance “retroactively”, you change the terms of the loan for the worse. The difference in percentage is often 4-7% per annum. The bank may react in another way: demand early closure of the loan and return the balance of the debt along with interest.

Write a claim to the bank

Also, oddly enough, reviews on the Internet work well (banks respond to them faster than to written requests, especially on If desired, the bank’s written response can be appealed to Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and even to the Internet reception of the Bank of Russia.

Reverse side of the coin

It is possible to refuse the imposed insurance when receiving a loan - if only you have the time and desire. But in conclusion, I want to say a few words in defense of insurance.

When taking out a loan for a large amount and a “long” term (mortgage, car loan, cash collateral), you do not know what can happen in these 10-30 years. But anything can happen... And if the family is suddenly left without a breadwinner and even with an uninsured mortgage in hand, it will be very difficult to get out of the situation.

In my opinion, it's far away. IN in some cases it helps financially protect loved ones in the most dire situations.

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Sberbank debit and credit cards are the most convenient means for non-cash payment for purchases and services. But situations arise in which it is necessary to close the account and cancel the card. However, Sberbank, having made the process of issuing credit cards more convenient, created many obstacles for those wishing to refuse the services of a lender. Nuances lurk at every step. We will find out how to close a Sberbank card quickly and without additional expenses. First, let's look at the reasons why clients refuse the company's services.

Why are contracts terminated?

Each situation is individual, but the most popular reasons for closing a Sberbank card are:

  1. Change of accruals by bank management wages. Many clients use a debit card as the main method of receiving salaries, but the employer terminates the contract for the salary project, and employees no longer need an account with Sberbank. This is because the salary tariff has its own advantages, and after its cancellation the card goes to standard terms of use, and the commission and tariffs of regular cards do not suit everyone. There are individual changes in the terms of salary payment, requiring the cancellation of the existing contract in favor of a new one.
  2. Service deficiencies. Tariffs have been transformed and updated since their inception, and Visa Electron, over time, charges a large fee for a year of service, and in addition also increases the commission. When the owner notices that using the account has become inconvenient, and the support service does not respond for hours, then he chooses favorable conditions in another company. Paying 850 rubles for a year of service with free tariffs of other banks is a stupid idea.
  3. The uselessness of a card purchased together with a deposit or loan. A common problem in the modern banking system, in which they try to “foist” credit cards at every opportunity.
  4. Moving. If a client decides to change his place of residence by moving to another city or country, then he refuses an unnecessary piece of plastic. After all, it’s easier to open an account at your new place of residence, and not have to run around looking for the necessary papers in the future.

Your reason may not coincide with those mentioned. However, it was necessary to terminate the contract, so why not just block the card?

Locking Variations

There are three ways to disable your debit card, but only one is suitable for completely terminating the agreement:

  1. Call support or send a message in the Mobile Bank application. It only blocks access to funds and is used for quick freezing in case of loss or theft.
  2. Through the official website and user profile. After filling out the form for termination of the contract, you can send it by mail to the address specified in the instructions.
  3. Come to the office in person. Having taken your passport with you, you just need to fill out the same form, but this time you will be guided by consultants. After which the card is given to the employee. Full closure dates are below.

Only the third method will guarantee that you have completely terminated the contract, however, when filling out the questionnaire offered by the employee, ask to scan the finished document and take it with you. By law, the client has the right to demand copies of all completed papers, which can help in the future if the bank decides to assign someone else’s loans to you and write off debts formed due to their own stupidity.

What is the difference between blocking and closing

First, let's look at what blocking is. When frozen, which is done at the request of the client or the decision of the bank, it is temporarily impossible to use the funds on it. Banks freeze accounts if they suspect theft of details or their data by attackers, after which they inform the owners of the actions necessary to unblock them. Often it is enough to come to the nearest branch with your passport and fill out an application for a new Sberbank debit card. Freezing is also necessary in case of loss, to prevent the withdrawal of funds by attackers.

Closing means canceling the account to which the credit card was linked, because initially the card is a device containing the address and number of details linked to it, which allows the terminals to accept payments. Cancellation will leave the previous safe deposit box for the client.

Termination of the contract

If it is necessary to cancel the account by terminating the client agreement, then contact the nearest Sberbank branch and ask for a statement of refusal of services. After filling out the form and taking a scanned copy of the application, give the card to the cashier. Be sure to take a copy of the application, because banks can transfer debts to clients, even several years after the cancellation of the contract. The credit card is blocked instantly, but the account is blocked within 40 days. Only after this is a confirmation document issued. Employees are disingenuous and may refuse to make a photocopy of statements, but remind them of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Via the Internet

If you don’t want to waste time going to the bank, then fill out an application from personal account and track its status there. The form filled out via the Internet in Sberbank Online must be printed and taken to the bank for certification, having signed specified places. The following procedure is identical to the operation described above.


It doesn’t matter for what reason you needed to close your credit card - you can do it at any time if you wish, but you will have to spend a little time. It is best to initiate the closing procedure in the same department where it was issued. Although this is not necessary.

The bank undertakes to return all funds remaining on the card by money transfer to new details or in cash upon expiration of the application review period. Write down or remember the remainder if there large amount so that conflicts do not arise in the future.

It is recommended to ask your consultant for a statement of transactions for a certain period. If further conflicts arise with the company, you will be able to assert your rights using the copies of documentation described above and a check for the cash balance.

Questions on the topic “how to close a Sberbank card” constantly arise among clients of the largest bank in Russia, which indicates an increase in the literacy of the population regarding credit and debit cards. In articles on the site, we have repeatedly pointed out the need to close cards, especially credit cards, and have dedicated a separate one to this, which we recommend that you read. And in this article we will cover this topic in detail for Sberbank cards and give answers to some frequently asked questions

Three important steps in closing a Sberbank card or what primary sources say

Let's start with a small but very important clarification - when we talk about closing a card, we are talking about on closing an account with Sberbank (card account), to which the card is attached.

In accordance with the banking service agreement (BSA), after the bank receives an application to close a card account, all cards (as well as additional ones) issued to the account being closed by the client are blocked, declared invalid and must be returned to the bank (clause 8.9 of the BSA).

So your first step in closing procedure– visiting a Sberbank branch and writing an application to close the card account.

As you can see, you will have to return your card to its owner (Sberbank), but if you are the holder Visa cards Electron or Maestro (and other card products of budget categories), then you do not have to hand them over to the bank (in accordance with the comments on the official website of Sberbank).

It is generally very simple to sever relations with Sberbank - it is enough to terminate the banking service agreement with a written statement and, according to clause 8.7 of the RBS, this is the basis for closing all client accounts. But this method is not entirely suitable for us, since the client may still have savings accounts, deposits, etc.

It follows second step– full repayment of the debt on your card. If the bank owes you (there is a balance on a debit card), then it undertakes to transfer the money to another account or give you cash. By the way, there are restrictions on cash withdrawals at Sberbank.

No less important is third step: obtaining from a Sberbank branch a certificate confirming the closure of the account and the absence of debt on the loan (for details and an example of such a certificate, see). It is better if it is sealed with a blue seal - this is already an official document and the best evidence in case the bank has various claims against you (in the form of unpaid debts).

The card account is considered finally closed after submitting an application, repaying all debts and fees (including overdraft - see below), and settling disputed transactions (card transactions) within 45 (forty-five) calendar days:

  • from the date of delivery of the card or from the date of expiration;
  • from the date of filing the application to close the cards payment systems Visa Electron or Maestro;
  • from the date of filing statements about the loss of the card.

Usually, upon account closure, you are notified by SMS message.

Closing a debit card

Refusal debit card is carried out according to the above 3 steps, but you need to pay attention to these points. A service can be opened on a debit (payment) card, i.e. the ability to take out a loan in excess of the amount present in the account. Failure to repay an overdraft debt on time can lead to significant penalties (especially if the contract has been violated for a long time), which can affect the holder and the amount of the debt at the time of closing.

Another point is the so-called one, when additional bank commissions (SMS notifications, currency conversion, ATM withdrawals) can “drive” your account into a slight minus. Don't forget to monitor the status of your card account.

How to close a Sberbank credit card

In accordance with the “Terms of issue and servicing of a credit card of OJSC SBERBANK OF RUSSIA” for a credit card, the deadline for complete closure of the account is 30 days(may be slightly increased) after paying off all debts and submitting an application:

  • from the date of delivery to the bank of the last valid card issued for the card account;
  • from the date of delivery of cards from expired actions;
  • from the date of filing the application for the loss of the card;
  • from the date of submission of the application for closure of instant credit cards.

It is not necessary to present your credit card to the bank instantly. At the end of its validity period, the bank issues a personalized card linked to an existing account, so if you do not want this, then be sure to close it.

Correctly closing a Sberbank credit card is just as important as a debit card. You need to disable all paid additional services(SMS informing, possible insurances, annual maintenance fee, etc.) so that it is not clear where the debts came from. It is also necessary to refuse to re-issue the card (the bank may well issue it for a new period), as this will lead to additional costs.

Answers to popular questions

Question: What should I do if my Sberbank credit card expires and my loan on it is not repaid?

Answer: If your card loan has not been fully repaid or you do not have time to repay the entire debt before the card expires (including Credit Momentum), then you need to come to Sberbank and write an application for its reissue for a new term. In this case, your current (card) account remains the same and all loan obligations remain with you. The new card is linked to the same account.

Question: How to close a Sberbank card online via the Internet?

Answer: Via the Internet online, close a debit or credit card is not possible; this can only be done by visiting the nearest bank office. Via the Internet (via or mobile banking) you can only block the card.

Question: How to close a Sberbank card in another city in Russia?

Answer: If you are in another city and cannot visit the office where the card account was opened, then the actions for you when canceling the card will not change. In the same order, you write an application for closure and additionally fill out an application for the transfer of funds from your debit card or credit card account to the account you opened in the bank at your location.

Question: If I didn’t use the card and wanted to close it, will I be charged? annual service?

Answer: In accordance with clause 3.7. Conditions for issuing and servicing a debit card of Sberbank PJSC: “The fee for annual card servicing is charged after the cardholder carries out the first transaction on the card in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of application...”. Thus, if you have not carried out any transactions on the card (payment at a point of sale / account replenishment), then you WILL NOT BE CHARGED for the annual service fee if any Sberbank card is closed.

If you have any more questions about the procedure for refusing a Sberbank card, then ask them below.

In practice, there are often situations when a client needs to close a Sberbank card. This may be due to a reluctance to use this particular banking product or a desire to simply change the bank for further cooperation. In any case, it is important to correctly carry out the procedure for closing a card, regardless of whether it is debit or credit.

How to close a Sberbank card?

Sberbank is deservedly considered the undisputed leader of the Russian financial sector. It is not surprising that he offers his clients several options for closing a card.

Close the card via the Internet

The easiest way to terminate cooperation with Sberbank is to use its popular Internet service Sberbank Online. It provides the opportunity to block a card using your personal account.

Close a Sberbank card through the terminal

The functionality of the terminal and other self-service devices does not allow blocking at the request of the client. However, if the PIN code is entered incorrectly more than three times, the card is automatically blocked and confiscated. Whether it is worth going down such a difficult path is up to the client to decide.

Closing a card in the office

It is necessary to understand that the methods described above will only block the card, but will not lead to the closure of its account, unless we are talking about salary plastic. This procedure can only be carried out by visiting a bank branch in person. It is in this case that the card can be considered completely closed.

How to fill out an application for closure?

You can always contact a Sberbank employee for help in filling out the application. In order to correctly draw up the document, it is enough to provide a passport identifying the cardholder and the plastic number. After filling out, you must sign the application and give it to the bank employee along with the card, which he must immediately destroy.

Why do you need a statement when closing a card?

An extract when closing the card is necessary so that its owner can always prove that he has fully fulfilled all obligations to banking organization. This does not mean that all credit institutions are trying to deceive former clients, however, it is much more correct and reasonable to avoid any possible problems and unnecessary questions.

Other ways

Another simple and convenient way to block is by calling hotline. In this case, the owner must also confirm his identity and provide the number of the card he wishes to block.

Types of Closure

Currently, there are two types of card closures. The first involves blocking the plastic while maintaining the client’s personal account. It is used, as a rule, when re-issuing a card. The second type involves not only blocking the plastic, but also closing the account linked to it.

Blocking options

As noted above, today Sberbank of Russia offers clients three blocking options:

  • via the Internet using the Sberbank Online service;
  • by calling the bank's call center;
  • when contacting a branch of a credit institution in person.

Preparing to close the card

The main stage of preparation for closing a Sberbank card is the mandatory repayment of the client’s debt to financial institution. Only in this case can you move on to the next stage - blocking and writing a corresponding statement.

Features of closing a Sberbank credit card

The main feature of closing a bank loan product is more short term of this procedure, which is equal to 30 days. It is important to understand that in in this case It is imperative to complete the procedure, that is, not only block the credit card, but also close the account. Otherwise, it is extremely likely that you will develop debts to the bank in the future.

Nuances when closing a debit card

The procedure for closing a debit card lasts 45 days, which is its main feature.

In what case can you close the card?

It will not be possible to close a Sberbank card if the client’s debt to the credit institution has not been fully repaid. It is also impossible to completely complete the closing procedure without a personal visit to a bank branch for any cards except salary cards.