Analyze number sequences. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

Let's first look at the current opinion about the “conspiracy of the organizers,” according to it, because Even before the drawing, the organizers know exactly what numbers people bet on, they can:

  1. choose such a combination and rig it during the drawing so that no one wins
  2. “to suggest” to the right people combination so that they get a win.

And if you can still somehow fight the first statement, then if the second is true, you just need to stop playing and give up on such a lottery.

What does statement 1 give us (if it is true), but it is very simple:

1. All the balls in the draws are the balls that people are least likely to pick. This means that the balls that are most often drawn are the balls that are most rarely chosen by other people and the most direct candidates for falling out.

In short, based on this theory, the most probable fumblers are the “badest” and vice versa. Thus, all the methods and conclusions presented earlier are turned upside down. This is both good and bad - good in the sense that we can still use them (only on the contrary - those balls that we previously took away now need to be thrown away). It's bad because we should either stick to classical statistical methods or use this one!

2. The second conclusion that arises from this theory is that now the analysis of future balls in general does not obey the theory of probability; now we can say that each current draw to some extent depends on previous plays. Those. speaking in mathematical language, there is some mathematical dependence of the balls of the current draw on all previous ones. Since there is a dependence, it means that it can be described by some formula that will allow you to simply calculate each next ball based on all the previous ones.

To be fair, I want to note that if such a formula exists (why? Some even believe that everything in the world can be described in the language of mathematics - by formulas. So why not assume that this can be done with lotteries?), so here it is . if such a formula exists. then its complexity will be simply prohibitive. That’s why people don’t try to look for the formula itself, they just look for some dependencies and empirical formulas that would at least slightly answer the task. Those. mathematically speaking, they look for a solution to the problem in some approximation.

Technically, everything is much simpler - your circulation is a certain series of numbers. Taking any reference book on mathematics, you will find a dozen methods for analyzing number series and searching for their approximate formulas. You can also build series of numbers not just in a row by circulation, but, for example, take only the sums of circulation numbers - and look for dependencies there. Or the difference between two adjacent balls or dividing them into one another or something else... in general, the field for imagination is colossal.

Lovely this method is that having come up with a formula, you can always check it right away (without spending a penny of money). Just take it, for example. the first 100 balls and try to calculate the 101st ball using your formula. Even if every 5th ball matches, then you can always create a certain set of combinations that will definitely be winning.

A variation of this method is the ratings method.

This method is a fusion of mathematical and probabilistic approaches. Its essence lies in the fact that you build a certain weight formula, which at the input produces the probabilistic characteristics of the ball, and at the output gives a certain “weight” of the given ball. It is clear that the balls with the highest weight are the best candidates for winning.

Let's look at an example of such a function for clarity.

  • Count the number of days that the ball did not fall out. Add to the rating of each ball the value (number of days) * K1, where K1 = 100.
  • Count how many times a ball is dropped out in total and how many times on average all balls are dropped out. If the ball is dropped more often than others, then subtract the following value from the ball’s rating: (how many times the ball is dropped) * K2, where K2 = 20.

It is clear that the number of such rules-conditions can be quite large. The more such rules, the more probabilistic criteria your formula will take into account. But there is one thing! How to choose the values ​​of the constants K1, K2, etc.? And very simply, take the first 100 balls and count (select) K1, K2, ... in such a way that the result would be ball 101. Then repeat the procedure again and adjust K1, K2, so that you would get both ball 101 and ball 102.... at least to some approximation. The main thing here is that K1, K2 should be such that all the dropped balls would be, if not the first, then at least included in the top 10.

As for me, all this is more of a game than somehow more or less in a real way. Especially the first option. The option with ratings, in my opinion, is quite promising, but still a bit like fortune telling on coffee grounds.


Melnichenko Inna Sergeevna
numerologist, member National Society Natural Medicine of Ukraine

« Each number has a certain power, which the number or symbol for designating the number expresses not only quantitatively. These forces lie in the occult connections between the relations of things and principles in nature, of which they are expressions»
(Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Occult Philosophy, 1533).

Numerology, as a science, gained great popularity relatively recently, but despite this, it has quite ancient origin. Unfortunately, it is now impossible to establish exactly when and where numerology originated, because in ancient times, knowledge was not separated into individual sectors, but was acquired in a comprehensive manner. Mathematics did not exist separately from philosophy, or vice versa, these sciences did not imagine their existence separately from each other, therefore the same scientists studied the properties of numbers from the point of view of both philosophy and mathematics.

The founder of Western numerology is considered to be Pythagoras (570-490 BC), who combined the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians, and Egyptians with the sciences of human nature and founded a special philosophical society in southern Italy - the Pythagorean school. In this school many sciences were studied, especially arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and most important discoveries, including in the field of numerology.

But it should also be noted that at the other end of the earth, in China, at the same time he lived and worked ancient thinker and philosopher - Confucius (551 - 479 BC), who became the founder philosophical system known as "Confucianism". In China itself, by the way, the term “Confucianism” is not used; residents know it under the name “school of scholars” or “school of educated people" Chinese sages believed that the universe is governed by three principles: stars, luminaries and numbers, and one of the areas of teaching was the “doctrine of symbols and numbers,” according to which not only the properties and origin of numbers were studied, but also their interaction and relationship with the surrounding space.

Nowadays, there are a number of directions in numerology, such as Pythagorean, Vedic, Chinese, Chaldean, Kabbalistic and many proprietary methods for calculating a person’s date of birth. But all methods are based on the idea of ​​​​deciphering vibrations expressed in symbolic form - numbers, which, in turn, carry a set of certain characteristics and qualities.

In modern numerology, there are a number of techniques that allow us to determine the pattern of events and predict the likelihood of such events repeating in the future. About one of these forecasting methods, namely method of additional numbers according to the system of digital analysis Aleksandrova A.F., further discussion will follow.

The easiest way to use this method is to everyday life- calculate the current date in order to determine favorable or unfavorable days. The method is effective when planning trips and meetings, negotiating with partners, it will help protect you from injuries and accidents.

To do this, we need to make a calculation of the calendar date we are interested in, for example, 05/18/2013. Next we need to do some simple calculations of four additional numbers.

1. First additional number. To calculate the first number you need to add all the numbers number series calendar date.
1+8+5+2+0+1+3=20, first number - 20.

2. Second additional number. To calculate the second number, you need to add the digits that make up the first additional number.
2+0=2, second number - 2.

3. Third additional number. To calculate the third number, you need to subtract from the first number (20) the first digit of the entire series (in our example this is the number 1), multiplied by a constant factor - 2 (two).
20-1x2=20-2=18, third number - 18.

4. Fourth additional number. To calculate the fourth number, you need to add the digits that make up the third number.
1+8=9, the fourth number is 9.

Let's write the resulting numbers as follows:

2 0 1 3





I And II numbers indicate the purpose of the day and those qualities that should be strengthened and developed.

III And IV- indicate the basis of the day and those qualities that prevail on this day.

Brief characteristics of numbers for analyzing current dates:

1 — character, will, leadership, aspiration, initiative, uniqueness; risk, power, pride, selfishness.

2 — energy of action and communication, movement towards a goal, partnership; duality, caution.

3 — interest in science, knowledge, technology, research, optimism, love of life, self-expression through words, impressionability, communication skills; spontaneity, curiosity, intolerance, suspicion.

4 - health, beauty and strength of the body, person, family, organization, discipline, honesty, practicality, endurance; slowness, severity, restrictions, cruelty.

5 — freedom, adventurism, choice, logic, intuition, the ability to make plans and forecasts; irresponsibility, inconstancy, abuse.

6 — harmony, beauty, love, service, reliability, responsibility, loyalty, skill, physical labor; the desire to subjugate another person, anger, death, destruction.

7 - luck, study and knowledge of the world and the universe, wisdom, patience, thoughtfulness, prudence; alienation, irritability, inconstancy, deception.

8 - kindness, truthfulness, tolerance, material wealth, truth, transformation, willpower; suffering, trials, unscrupulousness, vindictiveness, danger of blackmail.

9 - service to society, humanism, compassion, intelligence, memory, foresight, romance, idealization, nobility, selflessness; touchiness, discontent, fate, inevitability, rancor.

0 - truth, life path, emptiness - as a way of merging with the world, emptiness as absence.

1. If the calculations contain combinations: 20.2, 18.9, 15.6, 6.6, 9.9, 24.6, 27.9, 36.9 (the last two are very rare after 2000) - you should be careful these days. Health problems and malaise are possible, especially often with a combination of 15.6, 20.2 or 24.6. Lack of energy and weakness occur on days with combination 20.2, car accidents on the roads most often when the numbers 18.9, 20.2 coincide, domestic accidents - 6.6, 24.6, 27.9. There is a possibility that the planned meeting will either not take place or will not be decided in the best possible way(9.9, 15.6, 18.9). Conflicts and unpleasant conversations should also be avoided (20.2).

On such days, special attention should be paid to those people who also have the above combinations in additional numbers when calculating their date of birth.

This is especially true for those days when all the additional numbers of your date of birth coincide with the additional numbers of the day being studied.

For example, a person’s date of birth is 03/11/1950 and the calendar date is 05/18/2013.

1 9 5 0

2 0 1 3









The presence of these numerical combinations is a signal to pay attention to your well-being, to behave carefully on the road, in relationships with others. It is necessary to be as collected as possible and not rely on random “maybe”.

2. If the calculations coincide II And IV numbers of the calendar date and the date of your birth, and in calculations of dates after 2000 this is most often the case, you should also be careful on these days.

For example, a person’s date of birth is November 26, 1944 and the calendar date is February 28, 2005.

1 9 4 4

2 0 0 5













This is the date the car accident occurred. Unfortunately, the person took a risk (1), overestimated his capabilities (5) and made the wrong (6) decision, which led to an inevitable set of circumstances (9) and a lack of goals (1) and further life path (0).

3. It is necessary to analyze significant dates in your life - a wedding day, important acquisitions, children's birthdays, getting a job, being fired, etc. As a rule, a combination appears in calculations that is repeated more often than others. It may not match the additional numbers in your date of birth. Pay attention to what events took place in your life these days: positive or not so good. This is also a kind of hint for the future.

A logical question arises: Is it possible to avoid such a fate and what to do?

In fact, everything has a positive and negative side, also each number has a positive and negative vibration. The application of this method in practice shows that on days when additional numbers coincide with a person’s date of birth, the outcome of the day depends, to a greater extent, on the person himself. If a person is positive, creative, sets new goals to achieve in the future, the vibration of the numbers will be positive. If a person is so satisfied with what he has achieved that he has nothing more to wish for, or is overly self-confident and displays negative traits character, then on such a day he may become seriously ill, have an accident, or encounter negative unforeseen circumstances.

I hope that the information provided will be useful to you when planning your future and will help you avoid difficult situations.

Good luck and prosperity!

Based on materials from VI international congress“Spiritual and restorative practices. Ukraine 2013", May 17-19, 2013, Kyiv

Numerological analysis of first name, patronymic, last name

Letters or sound symbols, like numbers, represent certain vibrations - “ secret code", unconsciously affecting a person. In the numerological system, it is believed that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to the energy of a particular number (and therefore the planet of the name).

For the Russian alphabet, two systems of numerological correspondence between numbers and letters are used. Which one should you use? Read the text below and choose for yourself.

1. Vedic system. In ordinary cases it is used most often. She only operates on nine prime numbers, but does not consider the numbers 10 (Pluto), 11 (Vulcan), 22 (Proserpina), since their vibrations do not work for all people.

The Vedic system is used for the Russian alphabet.

The same numerological layout can be done with any alphabet.

2. Avestan system. This is an ancient system that uses twelve “golden” numbers: 1–9, 10, 11, 12. On the everyday plane, it works well for people whose higher planets Pluto (10), Vulcan (11), Proserpina (22) occupy some important points horoscope, because in these cases a person is a conductor of their vibrations, in other cases these are “planets of generations,” that is, they influence mainly large masses of people (states, humanity as a whole).

Name number

A name is given to us at birth, and with its help we determine our place in the world of people like us. Unconsciously we are perceived according to the energy of this name.

In order for life to be harmonious, it is necessary that the number of the name corresponds to the number of the date of our birth, that is, so that their vibrations seem to sound in unison. It is most convenient to compare these vibrations by comparing the planet of the name with the planet of birth.

As an example, we can say that Mercury is a “friend” of Uranus, Saturn is a “friend” of Vulcan. The “enemies” of Mercury are the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon.

The worst “enemy” of the Sun is Uranus, since they rule opposite signs zodiac: Uranus - Aquarius, Sun - Leo.

To find out the number of your name, you need to do the following: choose the name that most people around you most often call you; put its numerical equivalent under each letter (see table “ Harmony and inharmony of birth planets"); add up all the resulting numbers. If the result is a sum consisting of two digits, then add these two digits and get a prime number - the number of your name.

If the number of the name does not correspond (is not a “friend”) to the number of the date of birth, then we can say that we were born “not under a lucky star”, that the name brings harm to us and that it would be better for us to change this name, since if the name is dissonant and dates of birth we can constantly fall into unfavorable energy flows, find yourself between the millstones, and in the end this threatens with disappointment and dissatisfaction with life. It will be very difficult for a person to realize himself.

Last name number

In addition to the first name number, the last name number is separately distinguished. Our surname is our origins. It indicates what we rely on, society’s perception of a person. The surname we inherited from our parents may be either generational curse, or generic support.

If the number of the surname is harmonious with the number of the name and the number of the date of birth, this is ancestral support that has a beneficial effect on our lives. If the number of the surname does not harmonize with the number of the name and the number of the date of birth, this indicates the need to change the surname.

Let's give an example. Let, by comparing the numbers through the corresponding planets, we obtain that the number of the surname (planet of the surname) is Proserpina, and the number of the name (planet of the name) is Venus. Then we can say that the relationship between them is inharmonious, tense, since these planets are ruled by opposite signs and, in addition, Proserpina has a destructive effect. But, for example, the pairs Sun and Mars, Sun and Jupiter, Moon and Venus are friendly.

Many people took pseudonyms because their last name did not bring them luck. Lenin and Stalin, for example, did this, even if unconsciously, and this allowed them to tune in to their program.

When a person changes his last name, he thereby chooses a new rhythm for himself.

Middle name number

The number (planet) of the patronymic signifies our attitude to the past (“the burden of the past”).

Where matriarchy exists, the mother's name is taken. Among those peoples where the names of the mother and father are not recorded in the name of the child, the path of evolution is easier: they are not oppressed by the past.

Let's assume that the number of the patronymic number corresponds to the planet Jupiter, and the number of the date of birth corresponds to the planet Mars. Since Jupiter and Mars are friendly planets, a person is supported by his ancestors and will perceive only “good” force from the past.

Full name number

So, we can assume that the number of the name is our face, which perceives the world, it is given to us for the future; the number of the surname is the purpose of our existence, what we strive for in life; the number of the patronymic is the past, which either stimulates us or destroys us.

The number of the full name is the final vibration, consisting of the numbers of the first name, patronymic, and last name. It shows how the world will perceive us, what we will achieve in this life, and how we will develop relationships with other people (what the world wants from us). It's good if it corresponds to the number of the date of birth (which tells us what we should come to individually).

It’s even better, just ideal, if each of the three components of the final number (that is, the first name number, the patronymic number, the last name number) is “friendly” to the number of the date of birth.

If these components turn out to be neutral, then the person will not receive support, but there will be no opposing factors, however, the person risks being left alone or becoming lazy, since it is always easier to follow the path of least resistance.

So, when the planets of the first name, patronymic, and last name are neutral in relation to the planet of the date of birth, there is nothing to rejoice at: they symbolize “empty space”, “abyss”.

To develop, a person needs either opposition or support.

But if they are all “enemies” to each other, you urgently need to turn to the help of numerology.

It must be said that many esotericists treated very freely proper names: They were often changed in order to reach another level, taking names that corresponded to their date of birth. For example, the Indian esotericist Ramakrishna; Western astrologers Nostradamus, Cardanus, etc. (these are all pseudonyms).

Note. For people born during the “old style” of time (for example, Pushkin, Gogol, etc.), all numerological calculations and analyzes must be done in the old system, that is, the alphabet must contain the letters excluded during the reform: yat, izhitsa, etc. .

Full name number calculation

The number of the full name is found if we take full name, as it is written on the birth certificate: first name, patronymic, last name.

You should always use only your full name as it appears on your birth document. If a person subsequently changes his name, he must still take the one he received at birth. If it is different from the name a person currently uses, it will still have the strongest vibrations that define a person's life. You can take both names and see the vibrations of each because original name can send vibrations to the outside world that are not fully realized.

Some people change their names to get a better vibration than what they were given at birth. Usually a new name is chosen to achieve some goal, but a person’s goal is determined before birth, and we come into this life with specific tasks ahead of us.

Changing the name, of course, can change the vibrations somewhat, but in this life we ​​still need to use, first of all, those vibrations that were intended for us.

Each letter of the alphabet has its own interpretation and its own numerological meaning. Each letter vibrates according to this meaning.

Let's look at an example of calculation in the Vedic system.

Using capital letters, write your full name (exactly as it appears on your birth certificate) using the form below.

Write numeric value each letter (in accordance with the alphabetical table " Vedic system of numerological correspondence between numbers and letters") right below the letters. Add up all the parts of the name and reduce the number to one digit. Add up all these numbers and again reduce the expression to one number (you get the so-called cross sum).

The exceptions are numbers 11 and 22. if end result is 11 or 22, it generally does not need to be reduced to one digit. But not all people can live with the vibrations of the Dominant number, and for them it is necessary to reduce these numbers to simple ones:

11 = 1 + 1 = 2; 22 = 2 + 2 = 4.

Therefore, it is customary to write below: 11/2; 22/4.

For example, let’s find the number of the full name for Ivan Aleksandrovich Petrov (see table. “Vedic system of numerological correspondence between numbers and letters”):


1 4 6 3 7 1 6 5 9 7 3 1 7


Name: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.

Middle name: 1 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 60 = 6 + 0 = 6.

Last name: 8 + 6 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

Cross sum: 2 + 6 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 - this is the number of the full name.

Interpretation of the number of the full name

These people are characterized by leadership, independence, originality, and a desire to win. They are ambitious, creative, strong, arrogant, convinced that they will conquer the world with the help of their abilities. These are discoverers, researchers, inventors, managers, and may be owners of a company. They may be writers or lawyers. Women with this number can be fashion designers. They tend to go it alone, to independently implement their own ideas.

Lower manifestations: selfishness, laziness.

Number 2 people are sociable and loving good company and when they get help. The type of activity of these people requires diplomacy, knowledge of psychology, and the ability to cooperate. These are peacemakers, judges. They may also be good teachers, secretaries, sociologists, artists, housewives. They are interested in religion, banking, science, culture. They tend to associative thinking. Usually they get married without problems. They have a natural sense of rhythm and love to be professionals in their field.

Lower manifestations: orientation towards the opinions of others, apathy, painful shyness.

Number 3 people are by nature optimists and a little snobby. However, this does not prevent them from being constructive, joyful, creative, friendly and practical. These people are popular, but continue to seek ways of self-realization. They always know how to present themselves and are often theatrical. They like to spend a lot of time at home.

Threes have innate abilities to the letter; the most emotional of them take a frivolous attitude towards society and love jewelry. Friends occupy an important place in life.

Lower manifestations: excessive talkativeness, boasting, tendency to gossip, extravagance, jealousy.

These people are creators, builders of both the temporary and the eternal. They are practical and succeed in activities related to improving the system, order, form, rules - in their own business and in personal life. They are honest, sincere, patient, reliable, thorough, full of faith and perseverance. Keywords there is system and order in their life. They should be careful in choosing friends. If they have to deal with complex ideas, they must learn to involve and trust helpers. They must take responsibility, and then other people will turn to them for help and support. Among the women living with this number are many seamstresses, housewives and maids.

Lower manifestations: tendency to destruction, inconsistency of character, slow-wittedness, laziness, lack of flexibility, impatience.

The key words are freedom and change. They are open to knowledge, full of energy and easy-going. They need to develop their minds, learn all the newest things, cultivate the ability to easily change in order to accept the new and discard the old. Success often comes through the people around you. Diverse interests often cause them to be scattered about trifles, and Fives especially need to take care not to waste their energy, so something should be given up. Fives love to travel. But even if traveling doesn’t work out very well, you need to communicate more with other people of all social levels. Fives can do everything that has to do with people. Their motto: water does not flow under a lying stone.

Lower manifestations: irresponsibility, thoughtlessness, self-indulgence (drunkenness, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity).

These are humanists. They are eager to serve others and the world. They are responsible, they grasp everything on the fly, they have a developed sense of duty, they are obligatory. Sixes are associated with love, charity, truth, justice, harmony, beauty, and a sense of camaraderie. They are artistic and in tune with nature. They always lend a helping hand to those in need. They manifest themselves most fully where responsibility and faith are required. Do well in activities related to home, various organizations and social activities. Sixes improve and strengthen our lives, take care of young people, and even in old age do not conflict with their sons.

Lower manifestations: pride, assertiveness, jealousy, power, desire to interfere in the affairs of others.

Number 7 people constantly strive for knowledge and show interest in new things throughout their lives. But they need to learn to check and prove facts before sharing their findings with others, presenting their discoveries in in writing, give lectures or otherwise disseminate knowledge - scientific or metaphysical.

Because these people are always alone, many people find them strange. Indeed, they live by their own ethical standards and rules. They are loved and respected for what they have achieved, for their knowledge. They should communicate more with people who reflect on the mysteries of existence, expand their horizons, and travel more. They know what they want from life. They are designed for work that does not involve physical labor.

Lower manifestations: impatience, secrecy, greed, tendency to drink, indifference.

Successful in business. They can occupy leadership positions and lead. Most successful in areas related to material assets. They need to broaden their views and not be confined to one thing. Although their journey in life will not be easy, success will come through knowledge, financial transactions and a clear sense of purpose. To succeed in life, they need to learn to work for the sake of business, and not for money. When they manage to achieve a balance between the spiritual and material, when they begin to act for the benefit of others, and not for their own benefit, that is when wealth comes to them. Their task is to educate strong character and learn to control yourself. The pursuit of profit will only lead to a waste of energy. Spiritual growth achieved through turning to religion, mysticism, philosophy. It is useful to have a wide circle of friends. Eights have access to a wide range of professional activities.

Lower manifestations: lust for power, unbridled desire for material wealth, misuse of one’s own strength, hypertrophied ambition.

Nines are moderate in everything, understand everything, know how to love and have compassion. They like to live a life that is aimed at serving humanity. Their activities are most successful when they can freely express their emotions, kindness and ability to understand people. People from everywhere come to them in search of understanding and consolation, and when helping them, one cannot demand anything from them in return - neither power, nor material wealth, nor personal love, otherwise the Nine will lose all its qualities. Nines should not revel in their successes, their popularity, they need to expand their horizons, learn to pay attention to little things, although they do not like to take part in small events (which, by the way, they themselves create).

Lower manifestations: increased emotionality, self-deception, impetuosity, insensitivity. From the book The World Inside Out author Priyma Alexey

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Analysis order

I. Analysis of the first row numbers

This series characterizes the beginning of a new cycle: a person’s life, the opening of an enterprise, the signing of an agreement, the beginning of an event.

1. Analyze your birthday number. This number characterizes the qualities of a person and his psychological characteristics.
1–9 – manifestation of the quality of number. Direct perception of the world, creation of new things.
10–19 – manifestation of the qualities of the number 10 and the second digit (example: 14 is 10 and 4). Manifestation of the qualities of the digits of the birthday number (example: 14 is 1 and 4). Comprehension of the quality of the number obtained as the sum of the digits of the birthday (example: 14 is 1+4=5).
Number 10: finding an inner foundation, transformation through personality transformation, independence, responsibility for building your life, the ability to lead, spiritual development.
20–29 – manifestation of the qualities of the number 20 and the second digit (example: 24 is 20 and 4). Manifestation of the qualities of the digits of the birthday number (example: 24 is 2 and 4). Comprehension of the quality of the number obtained as the sum of the digits of the birthday (example: 24 is 2+4=6).
Number 20: comprehension of the deep perception of existence through the creativity of the soul, gaining connection with your soul, entering new spheres of feelings, cleansing the soul in preparation for new missions.
30–31 – manifestation of the qualities of the number 30 and the second digit (example: 31 is 30 and 1). Manifestation of the qualities of the digits of the birthday number (example: 31 is 3 and 1). Comprehension of the quality of the number obtained as the sum of the digits of the birthday (example: 31 is 3+1=4).
Number 30: great energy potential, opening up space for the realization of creative abilities for the benefit of all humanity.

2. Analyze the date of the month. This number characterizes the dynamics of the manifestation of a person’s temperament.

3. Analyze all the digits of the year and the sum of the digits of the year. The year of birth characterizes the main direction of development of the world community.

II. Analysis of the second row numbers

1. The first initial number characterizes the main qualities that a person needs to demonstrate in a given life. The qualities of a two-digit number and the numbers that make it up are fundamental for the implementation of a life program.

2. The second initial number is called the life path number. This is the most important number, it is also called the number of Fate. It determines the background of life, the main direction of manifestation of personality qualities.

3. The third initial number shows the main qualities developed in past incarnations.

4. The fourth initial number shows the main direction of a person’s qualities in past lives.

The first and second numbers show the potential with which a person came into this world and which needs to be realized. These numbers contain a certain set of qualities and predetermine the type of activity in which a person is able to fully reveal his capabilities. Self-realization, which gives a feeling of lightness and fullness of life, is an indicator of the correctness of the chosen path. Following his destiny, a person receives what most corresponds to his idea of ​​​​happiness. This may be a favorite thing, necessary social status, public recognition, financial situation, agreement with family and friends, etc. Endless obstacles in business, protracted streaks of failure, fatigue from life indicate that a person lives deviating from his purpose, and the time has come to analyze whether he is doing his own thing.

The third and fourth numbers are karmic baggage that a person took from past lives. With the qualities of these numbers it is easy and comfortable for him, but if he begins to live according to them: choose a profession, build relationships and family, then he becomes most vulnerable to fate and people. These qualities help in difficult periods of life, but distract from the implementation of the program of this life.

For a person with a birthday number from 1 to 9, the second and fourth original numbers turn out the same. The baggage of a past life, on the one hand, helps him, strengthens certain qualities for the implementation of the tasks of this life, on the other hand, restrains the manifestation of other qualities.

III. Analysis of relationships between matrix numbers

Line "1-4-7-10"

This is the line of creating the basis of life, material security, career, self-orientation. It also shows commitment to traditions, clan, dependence on the past, since knowledge, craft, inheritance in past centuries were passed on from father to son - by clan.

1 – personality formation;
4 – obtaining professional knowledge, stability of life;
7 – obtaining deep knowledge, systematic development of life;
10 – business organization, team management.

Such people consciously strive to receive a good professional education, improve their skills in business, and create the basis for a successful career. They have a strong foundation in life, respect law and knowledge. They have a serious approach to life. Many numbers in a line indicate stability, self-confidence, and a person’s awareness of his importance.

Line "2-5-8-11"

This is the line of realization in life, the line of the present moment, it shows how a person knows how to express himself “today and now.”

2 – manifestation of oneself on a personal level, in everyday life;
5 – manifestation of oneself in society, an optimistic perception of life, the ability to use and enjoy the benefits of life;
8 – high creative and professional fulfillment, reasonable management of one’s life;
11 - hard work, desire for high quality, analytical mindset, realization in the spiritual plane, striving for spiritual purity and perseverance, harmony and perfection.

All cells of the line are filled with numbers.
Such people are well oriented in the present, intuitively use favorable opportunities, and can manage the current situation. They love life and appreciate its blessings. They have decent material support to implement their plans, they know how to achieve this. Intuitive and sensitive, lucky and generous. They have a wide circle of acquaintances and have a rich imagination. They strive for spirituality and have high moral standards.

Line "3-6-9-12"

This is a line of realizing the future, striving for it, and focusing on the outside world.

3 – comprehension, aspiration, activity;
6 – efficiency, creativity;
9 – application of knowledge in life;
12 – breadth of thinking, creation and introduction of a new worldview into life.

All cells of the line are filled with numbers.
Such people are enterprising, energetic, and know how to work with their hands and heads. They know their goals and how to achieve them. They work for the future, are focused on the future, and are actively looking for ways to realize their goals.

String "1-2-3"

The line shows a person’s self-esteem, his activity or passivity, confidence or tendency to complexes.

1 external manifestation person, character;
2 – internal independence, perception of others;
3 – activity, determination, energy to achieve goals.

Such people are self-sufficient, resilient, and active in life. They are self-confident, interact well with people, and direct all their energy towards achieving a specific goal.

String "4-5-6"

The line shows the manifestation of a person in social environment and in the family, stability in life, attitude towards work.

4 – obtaining professional knowledge, adaptation in the work team, sustainability of work at the enterprise;
5 – unleashing creative potential, social contacts, attitude to working conditions;
6 professional activity, attitude towards business, towards employees.

All cells of the line are filled with numbers.
These are business, initiative, conscientious people, value their work and the company where they work. They strive to acquire and expand professional knowledge, work in one place for a long time, improve their skills, and are interested in the work. They cooperate well with partners and take their work responsibly. Attached to home and family.

String "7-8-9"

The line shows a reasonable attitude towards life, creativity and talents.

7 – understanding the laws of life, the desire for deep knowledge, determining one’s place in the world;
8 - understanding social issues, responsibility, will, ability to manage, adaptation to changing conditions, transformation of consciousness, knowledge of the larger system;
9 – knowledge of the laws of the world, worldview.

All cells of the line are filled with numbers.
Such people are well aware of and use their capabilities and talents, understand the world and its laws. They know how to adapt to changing circumstances, choose the best path, and take responsibility. They have the energy, intelligence and will to realize the favorable opportunities provided.

In order to become an outstanding personality, it is not enough to have abilities, you must have patience and will to develop them, perseverance on your chosen path, self-confidence, strength and energy to overcome all obstacles, tests of strength, surpass yourself, rise above yourself and the average level of others. That’s when a person becomes a great Personality and realizes his talents in life.

String "10-11-12"

The line shows great creative potential and great opportunities for its implementation, the manifestation of the Higher Laws, Fate, Karma.

10 – individuality, will, organizational skills;
11 – intuitive vision of the laws of the world;
12 – breadth of thinking, comprehensive analysis of reality.

All cells of the line are filled with numbers.
Such people have great capabilities and talents. Intuitively determine the path of their implementation. These people need self-education and self-discipline to manage their great energies, as well as connection with Higher Powers.

Diagonal "1-5-9"

This is the line of knowledge of life, the path of evolutionary development of personality.

1 – awareness of one’s individuality;
5 – knowledge of the surrounding world;
9 - knowledge of the laws of nature.

Such people strive to understand and improve themselves and the world around them. Knowledge about psychological and physical nature of man, knowledge of the evolution of personality in a single planetary organism and comprehension of the laws of the micro- and macrocosmos - this is the path of human development.

Diagonal "3-5-7"

This is a line for the implementation of life plans and business.

3 – self-realization, ability to earn money;
5 – manifestation of one’s abilities in society, wise use of money;
7 – awareness of your path in life, wisdom based on personal experience, the ability to create capital.

All diagonal cells are filled with numbers.
Such people consciously build their lives, think through long-term plans, create the basis for their implementation, find necessary funds and the best ways to achieve your goals. They are well oriented in the current moment, able to receive and use the necessary information. They are reasonable, know the state of their affairs, know in which direction to put their efforts, where and when to invest, and achieve success, security, and a prestigious position.

Diagonal "6-8-10"

6 – labor, creativity;
8 – responsibility, will, desire for something new;
10 – will, individuality, interaction with large groups of people.

All diagonal cells are filled with numbers.
Such people have very strong will and a strong personality. Stand out from their surroundings; value their uniqueness. In life they seek and create beauty, harmony and perfection. They have the mission of creating new economic and ethical standards life, a new understanding of collective work for the benefit of the whole society.

Diagonal "4-8-12"

4 – desire for knowledge;
8 – transformation of thinking;
12 – new thinking, big ideas.

All diagonal cells are filled with numbers.
Such people have a sharp and insightful mind, independence and originality. These are the advanced thinkers of their time, they are not satisfied with generally accepted theories, they are looking for their truth, their place in the universe. They have the mission of creating and disseminating new knowledge.

People who have the diagonal “6-8-10” or “4-8-12” filled in the matrix call important changes in your immediate environment and in the outside world. Depending on the direction of their actions, they bring benefit to many people or create chaos. A thorough approach to life helps such people achieve great success. But they need to learn to use their energy constructively.

Square "1-3-9-7"

This is a square business relations, work, professional career.

1 – character, activity;
3 – self-realization, commitment to goals, energy to achieve success;
9 – ability to apply knowledge;
7 – self-education, self-discipline, career.

Such people are able to independently choose a profession, realize themselves in business, and improve their professional qualities, persistently and energetically build your career. Work occupies a central place in their lives. In work they find the realization of their personality.

Square "4-6-12-10"

This is a square of work in new economic conditions, a responsible attitude to business, and the creation of new areas of production.

4 – practicality, accumulation of knowledge and experience;
6 – ability to work, creativity;
12 – broad thinking, a new vision of the matter, comprehension of the laws of existence;
10 – responsibility, will, ability to lead large teams.

All cells of the square are filled with numbers.
Such people are able to absorb large amounts of information and systematize knowledge. They create a model of a new spiritual and social production environment, a new attitude to work, when work is for the benefit of society.

Circle "2-4-8-6"

This is a circle of internal psychological resilience, stability in life, self-confidence.

2 – cooperation, mutual understanding, sensory perception of life;
4 – stability, practicality;
6 – kindness, patience, caring for others;
8 – responsibility, wise understanding of the world.

Such people are self-confident, decisive and stable in life. They perfectly navigate the sea of ​​everyday problems, create all the benefits for themselves and solve life’s issues independently. They take advantage of all favorable opportunities, have worldly wisdom and, as a rule, are successful in life.

Circle "5-7-11-9"

This is a circle of knowledge, intuitive comprehension of the laws of the world. Awareness of oneself as a member of the world community, service to humanity.

5 - knowledge of the world, social psychology, economics and politics;
7 – self-knowledge, limitation within a certain legal system;
9 – learning the secrets of the world, understanding the deep essence, studying nature;
11 – intuitive vision of the laws of the world, study of the forces of nature.

All cells of the circle are filled with numbers.
Such people can synthesize knowledge and comprehend the laws of the universe. They are called upon to create a system of new thinking, to form a new understanding of the world from the synthesis of sciences.

Page 1

An analysis of the number and causes of failures of cooling devices shows that the cause of such failures was condensation and freezing of oil in the capillary channels of the throttle device when low temperatures. Therefore, when refilling cylinders, it is necessary to take measures to clean the compressed gases from oil.  

Analyzing numbers collected in this form is very difficult, especially if their number is large.  

An analysis of ion transport numbers in a number of solvents was carried out in works, but the data relate mainly to a temperature of 298 K.  

Analysis of the number of degrees of freedom of the mathematical model of multicomponent rectification, carried out by Gilliland and Robinson9 10, and later by Akrivos and Amundsen11, leads to the conclusion that for given quantities of separation products, the concentration of only two components of the mixture being separated can be arbitrarily specified. The concentrations of the remaining components in the separation products are a complex function of the column height, reflux ratio, conditions for feeding into the column, and other quantities.  

After analyzing the presented number, the subject presses one of three answer buttons.  

Of significant interest is the analysis of the number of adsorption sites in various boundaries, determined as a result of processing data on the detachment effect. The first direct measurements of the adsorption capacity of grain boundaries were performed using Auger spectroscopy. The Auger spectroscopy method has so far been applied to polycrystalline materials and the values ​​obtained with its help refer to a certain average usual boundary. The low adsorption capacity observed in our case is characteristic of the perfect structure of special boundaries and those close to them.  

Instead of dividing the numbers of mg of bases and acid anhydrides found by analysis by the above coefficients in order to express them in units of hardness (in it.  

Sequential sampling control is based on a two-threshold analysis of the number of tons of low-quality products from a sample of increasing volume.  

The image processing grammar thus introduced was applied to the analysis of handwritten numbers. The grammatical rules were divided into four groups.  

Thus, in this message given new method analysis of the number of VSS, which can be used in the study of stationary modes of catalytic reactions.  

It is often possible to draw conclusions about the structure of carbonyl based on an analysis of the number of bands of CO groups in the IR spectrum, although the use of this method requires some experience and caution in drawing conclusions. The observed spectrum is then compared with the theoretical spectrum and structures for which the prediction does not correspond to experiment are discarded. In a favorable case, only a barely possible structure may remain. It should be remembered that some absorption bands may turn out to be quite weak or may overlap one another, and, of course, the true model must be taken among others.  

The unsuitability of the structures given in the problem for benzene follows from an analysis of the number of theoretically possible mono- and disubstituted isomers. The prismatic structure (e) although gives one monosubstituted product and three isomeric disubstituted products, it does not satisfy the criterion for the number of possible isomers, since the o-isomer will have two chiral centers, so the existence of enantiomers is possible.  

One of the goals of introducing n-matrices is to reduce the number of equations and the number of symbols used in the process of analysis to the permissible level, usually to one. This greatly facilitates organization, mathematical transformations and problem solving, since all unimportant details (the specific values ​​of the various components of n - matrices) disappear from view when a single symbol is used throughout the analysis, which can be expressed after analysis in n - matrices, which in turn, it is necessary to replace them with components, and thereby expand symbolic expressions to regular form records, and then make numerical calculations in any way.  

On the contrary, the approximate statistical method used in §§ 2 and 3 allows one to obtain very complete qualitative information about the mechanism of heterophase polymerization, based on an analysis of the number of MBR maxima and changes in their positions with the degree of conversion or in the presence of a hydrodynamic field.