Fighting the degradation of dishonest people. How to prevent degradation, and what to do if you are going downhill

The favorite word of many modern people is “degradation”. “We are all deteriorating,” “society is degrading,” “teenagers are deteriorating.” By what signs do people determine personality degradation? This concept should be considered, as well as the reasons why it arises.

To some extent, the concept in question is offensive. People use it to humiliate or insult someone. In fact, degradation is taking place in society. However, it is a mistaken opinion that it has arisen only recently. Degradation has existed at all times. It’s just that the layers of society in which it took place were different.

Degradation can occur not only among poor people, but also among rich people. This does not depend on the level of financial status. What then are the causes of degradation? Psychologists highlight only the psychological side, when a person could reach higher peaks, but began to go down the steps of social development.

A person usually gets stuck at one of the stages of his development, rejecting and considering all others unnecessary. A person either becomes a loner, improving and focusing only on himself. Or he devotes himself to his family. Or he becomes completely immersed in work where he has to interact with a group of people. Or he is trying to change the whole world, when he himself has neither housing nor order in the house.

But a truly developed person becomes one who improves at all stages of development. What are these steps?

  1. He cognizes, improves himself, and brings benefit to himself.
  2. He gets to know his loved one, his closest person, learns to interact with him, directs his energies to developing relationships with him.
  3. He gets to know society as a whole, interacts with it in such a way as to bring benefit to all its members (including himself).
  4. Knowledge of the entire planet, solar system, galaxy, etc. Interaction with the world so that development occurs both for the person himself and for the world as a whole.

You should develop not at one level, but at all levels, gain knowledge, come to understanding and strive for interaction, where a synergy effect will occur - the development of everyone and everything, improvement, a position where everyone wins. Getting stuck at one of the stages leads to the fact that a person does not feel his potential has been revealed. A person cannot be fixated on one thing. By nature, he is given the desire for comprehensive development and self-expression.

What is personality degradation?

The concept in question is determined by the synonyms that are applied to it. What is personality degradation? This:

  • Decline in performance.
  • Decreased activity.
  • Regression (reverse development).
  • Loss of stability.
  • Care of mental balance.
  • Impoverishment of judgments, talents, interests, etc.

By what criteria is personality degradation determined? For these symptoms:

  1. Memory dysfunction.
  2. Increased irritability.
  3. Lack of concentration.
  4. Narrowing interests.
  5. Decreased adaptive capabilities.
  6. Weak character.
  7. Complacency.
  8. Carelessness.

In everyday life, this concept is used everywhere with the aim of humiliating others. In rare cases, we are talking about serious personality degradation. However, turning to a psychologist or psychotherapist becomes necessary if a person really begins to collapse.

Degradation is destruction that leads a person to a poor, unhappy, miserable and sick existence. Just as muscles begin to atrophy if they are not used, so a person becomes “dysfunctional” when he begins to degrade.

Seeking help from a psychologist on the website can be done when a person has been in a drinking binge, depressed, lonely, withdrawn for a long time, uses drugs or is exposed to harmful influences. The longer a person degrades, the more serious forms of degradation develop:

  • Marasmus.
  • Dementia.
  • Carefree.
  • Loss of contact with the environment.
  • Complete indifference to everything.

Experts identify the main cause of degradation. Anyone who drinks alcohol for a long time eventually becomes disabled, isolated from society and sick.

Causes of degradation

Degradation is a consequence of many factors. It manifests itself in a gradual loss of interest in oneself, life, current events, and so on. The reason may be some event that seriously traumatized the person: the breakup of a desired relationship, the death of a child, the loss of a loved one, etc.

The causes of degradation should also include various failures that happen to a person. The more there are in a short period of time, the faster a person comes to give up and do nothing. The strength of failure also influences. If a person has lost everything he had, the occurrence of one such event will be sufficient for further degradation.

In some cases, we are talking about degradation when an individual ceases to develop spiritually or intellectually. However, this concept is not always correct in this case. Lack of development on an intellectual and spiritual level can only indicate that a person is stuck at the level of development at which he already is.

Alcoholism is said to be the main cause of degradation. The connection between alcoholism and degradation is obvious: a person gradually becomes detached from real life, becomes more immersed in his own problems, stops developing, and even loses some skills, knowledge and health.

Elderly people can be susceptible to degradation, especially after retirement or after leaving work. Many psychologists believe that loss of productivity or dismissal from work due to reaching retirement age negatively affects a person who gradually ceases to take on duties and bear responsibility. Retirees who continue to work and have a social life progress further or maintain their level of development.

People who are lonely or have lost loved ones are susceptible to degradation. They become depressed, gradually losing skills, knowledge and interests. In some cases, they may thus give up on life, thereby committing slow suicide.

Lack of spiritual development is similar to the lack of sports and exercise in a person’s life. If muscles are not used, then they atrophy. Other factors may contribute to degradation:

  • Lack of will.
  • Senile insanity.
  • Laziness.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Procrastination.

Signs of degradation

Personality degradation has disastrous consequences when a person dies, although physically he continues to live. To help a loved one who may not notice or deny their own regression, it is necessary to notice all the signs of degradation in time:

  1. Less attention is paid to spoken words. Speech becomes simplified.
  2. No attention is paid to appearance. Becomes less neat and tidy.
  3. The circle of communication is limited. Avoiding people who bring trouble into your life.
  4. All actions are based on the desire “I want.” Concerned only with himself, completely renouncing caring for loved ones.
  5. Narrowing the range of interests.
  6. Frivolity.
  7. Carelessness with capriciousness.
  8. Frivolity and instability.
  9. Flat humor.
  10. Dissatisfaction and grumbling.
  11. Judgments are superficial and frivolous.
  12. The behavior is cheeky and cynical. Loss of feelings of shame and disgust.
  13. Deceit, selfishness, egocentrism.
  14. Hot temper and irritability.
  15. Fear, prejudice, negative worldview, anxiety.
  16. Decreased memory, poor judgment.

A. Maslow identified the following stages of personality degradation:

  • Learned helplessness – when a person depends on circumstances and other forces.
  • Basic needs become dominant.
  • People are divided into “us” and “strangers”.
  • Increased self-criticism is when a person blames himself even for something he didn’t do.
  • Impoverishment of speech - it is difficult to find the right words to express your thoughts, especially when it comes to adjectives that express emotions.
  • Inflating one's own opinion: others think incorrectly.
  • The emergence of dependencies.

Personality degradation in alcoholism

Where there is alcohol in large quantities, degradation is always present. Alcoholism does not seem to affect a person because he drinks little and in moderation. However, alcoholism always starts small. However, personality degradation in alcoholism always occurs suddenly, and a person may not notice his destructive properties.

Alcohol addiction is progressive:

  1. Decreased control in the amount of drinks consumed, increased irritability, and sometimes somatic dysfunction.
  2. Superficial thinking, less criticism of one's own actions.
  3. Loss of social contacts, personality destruction, severe ataxia.

How does personality degradation manifest in alcoholism?

  • Self-criticism disappears, memory decreases.
  • According to alcoholics, those around them are to blame for all their troubles.
  • Rudeness, excessive self-confidence, unresponsiveness, callousness, incorrectness, cynicism.
  • Sleep with frequent awakenings.
  • Interests narrow to drinking alcohol.
  • There is an avoidance of people who create problems.
  • Professional skills are being lost. At work they avoid work responsibilities, but do not want to miss out on material benefits.
  • Responsibility to other people is lost.

With alcoholic degradation, people hide their own fears, weakness and infirmity. When they drink, then the sea is knee-deep, which allows them to enter into conflicts and prove that they are right. When sober, they may not be able to do anything.

Alcoholism should be treated by a psychotherapist or narcologist who has a better understanding of the problem. Personal degradation is eliminated together with a psychologist who focuses on solving the problems that caused the person to start drinking.

Bottom line

Degradation manifests itself in various forms. The result is always the same, if this condition is not eliminated and the process is not reversed - complete disadaptation in society. Man will become primitive, uninteresting and sick. He will look like a weak-minded creature who needs help.

Degradation affects life expectancy. A person loses interest in his own life, so he may not do anything to prolong it or make it worthwhile. If we talk about alcoholism or suicide, in this case a person contributes to his own destruction.

Usually people use this word without thinking about the fact that we are talking about a serious mental illness. But not every person who has become weak degrades. However, anyone who degrades always becomes weak.

Humanity as a species has been developing for many thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, but even by paying attention to that segment of history known to us, we can notice one interesting fact. At all times, the older and more influential generation in all areas believed that the younger generation was deteriorating in terms of mental, physical and personal development. But the years passed, and the old generation faded into history, and the new, young one took over the baton, taking the reins in all spheres of life.

So what is it?

An endless process whose name is personality degradation? Or is it simply an incorrect and critical assessment of the abilities of younger generations? On the one hand, everyone, even by their own example, can remember people who were smarter than him, or vice versa, stupider, but this does not at all relate to the issue of degradation. The essence of this problem is that each new generation has its own priorities, which were somehow not realized by the previous one. But one should also not be deceived by an imaginary justification for millions of people, because it does not apply to each of these millions individually.

Each of us is individual. Moreover, it does not matter whether you consider yourself to be an older or younger generation, this does not cancel your uniqueness. But, at the same time, your whole life is a kind of process of proving that it is your genes that have the opportunity to survive and be useful to society. If we ignore pastoral and philosophical pictures, then all of life can be explained by an ordinary evolutionary race with the goal of creating an ideal type of human beings. But we will not get into the global questions of existence, since we are interested in one, but deeper one - how to avoid personal degradation. In order to do this, first of all you should learn to clearly understand what it is personality degradation. And it can be broken down into three points:

1. Degradation of the mind. Oddly enough, in our enlightened times there is a huge problem, the essence of which is the lack of practical knowledge among people. Moreover, everyone can be conditionally divided into two types, where the first do not want to think and learn at all, only communicating on social networks and occupying their lives with entertainment. While the latter, focusing on a narrow area of ​​​​knowledge, simply forgets about the rest of the necessary, or rather even necessary, knowledge and skills for a person. What do we get as a result of both trends? There are no fewer people who are completely unadapted to the struggle of life, but consider themselves highly intelligent individuals and unrecognized geniuses!

2. Physical degradation. Another basis for degradation lies on the surface and lies in the fact that many simply forget about their physical form. But strong and well-developed muscles are not only a tribute to fashion and narcissism, it also affects a number of psychological and physical processes, which in turn have a positive effect on both mental and spiritual development. It’s not for nothing that the proverb used to be extremely popular: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”, and we can say with confidence that a person who consciously cares about his physical form will never encounter such a phenomenon of our time as personality degradation.

3. Spiritual degradation. One of the most terrible types of degradation, since it is inextricably linked with both the mind and the human body. By spirit we usually understand the emotional, sensual sphere of our life, as well as the desire for God and the search for the meaning of life. From here we conclude that with improper spiritual development, a person becomes like a robot with an error in the algorithm: he seems to live and strive for something, but one way or another, day after day he inexorably moves towards self-destruction.

Solving degradation problems

So, above we figured out in which areas of our lives personality degradation is most obvious and, at the same time, most dangerous. Now let’s try to understand how to prevent this very personality regression and nip all tendencies toward it in the bud.

1. Development of the mind. The world, despite popular belief, will be saved not by love, but by harmony. And in mental development this manifests itself more clearly than anywhere else. Since it is not enough to have general knowledge of the “a little bit about everything” category, and it is equally pointless to delve into one profile without seeing anything around. It is necessary to find an alternative and, by studying a narrow profile, give yourself the opportunity to explore new horizons, discovering something new every day. And remember, you cannot learn to swim from books, try to accumulate not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge!

2. Body development. In order to develop harmoniously, you need to train your physical body, but do it carefully. Sport should be a part of your life that helps you become better, and fanatical immersion in this area will simply disrupt the harmony and deprive you of the opportunity to develop further.

3. Development of the spirit. Learn to control yourself, understand and be aware of your feelings. Hone yourself not only externally, but also internally, and this does not mean that you need to run to church tomorrow, since religion has very little in common with spirituality. And, in fact, in order to be healthy and progressive spiritually, it is enough just to learn to control yourself from the inside and accurately understand your position and attitude towards the world around you.

That, in fact, is all you need to know in order to avoid personal degradation, and anything beyond this will only get in the way, creating a cumbersome and clumsy system.

Not everyone knows what it is personality degradation, this term implies the destruction of a person’s capabilities, his performance and mental balance, as well as a general weakening of activity, in this article we will talk about how to avoid personality degradation.

Personality degradation is loss of human qualities and abilities, which are caused by the loss of feelings, talent and judgment. If a person has become very irritable, his memory has deteriorated significantly, and his ability to concentrate has also disappeared, this indicates the beginning of degradation. The interests of such a person narrow, and the qualities of carelessness, irresponsibility, complacency and lack of will appear. The most severe type of degradation is insanity, which is a person’s dementia. During insanity, a person loses touch with the outside world, and there is complete indifference to himself and to the people around him.

Causes of personality degradation

Often a person degenerates due to the fact that he is overcome by a feeling of apathy. For example, in a situation where a person must do something important, a task or an assignment, he decides to remain inactive, that is, to do nothing. The process of personality degradation, often observed in adults or people of retirement age. When entering a well-deserved retirement, a person seems to die, since younger colleagues take his place in the public sphere. As a result, a person relaxes, because now there is no need to be responsible for achieving any goals or decisions. Subsequently, passivity completely takes over the person.

Personality degradation, is most common for lonely people or those who have lost a loved one. The latter case is due to depression, which leads to personal decline. Also, the cause of human degradation may be a feeling of guilt. People who feel useless, lose faith in themselves, are prone to degradation. There are many reasons that lead to personality decline, for example, banal laziness, cruelty, lack of will, alcoholism or drug addiction. However, the most significant reason is the lack of intelligence, love, compassion and spirituality; it is these criteria that make a person a Human!

Personality degradation has its own stages of progression:

Perceiving yourself as a “pawn”. A person begins to feel that he is dependent on other forces.
Lack of basic goods. The original needs for survival and food become dominant.
Creating a “clean” environment. The whole society is divided into good and bad.
The emergence of constant self-criticism.
Defense of “sacred foundations”, inability to evaluate the prerequisites of ideology with a skeptical eye.

How to avoid degradation

In order to avoid personality degradation, you need to learn to deal with the passivity that has arisen. These skills will enhance a person’s internal energy, as well as strengthen his willpower. There are two concepts, physical death and social death. The second case is due to the fact that a healthy person does not represent any value to society. Moreover, this person can pose a threat to others because he is a burden and a bad example. In order to avoid personality degradation and social death, you need to make efforts and diligence to maintain an energetic, active physical state, as well as be interested in the world around you. A person should strive to be useful to the society in which he lives. Be interested not only in yourself, but also in the information around us, reading, auditory perception. Have some kind of goal, mission, do what you love.

Now you know how to avoid personality degradation, have a general understanding of this problem, and you can easily avoid it.

Personality degradation is a process caused by the reverse development of the psyche. Gradually, a person loses his previous judgments, hobbies, motivation, his social activity, mental balance and performance decrease. A person loses his individuality and characteristic character traits. There is impoverishment not only in the social, but also in the creative sphere. In advanced cases, the quality of judgment, talents and activity decreases.

What is personality degradation

Personality degradation is a serious mental condition. A person susceptible to this disorder loses all his capabilities. This refers to the professional, creative and social components. The individual experiences a loss of balance in the first stages, then performance suffers and the final stage is loss of activity.

If a person has become more irritable, it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing and remember new information, and the meaning of past judgments loses all meaning, this indicates impending degradation. As a result of the ongoing changes, the development of opposite traits is observed: carelessness, lack of will, dependence.

Insanity is a severe case of degradation. It clearly demonstrates the complexity of the disorder. Marasmus is a pathological condition of the intellect called dementia. The person stops maintaining contact with others and leads a carefree life.

In the modern world, signs of personality degradation are observed not only in the older generation, but also in people of mature age. The disorder occurs with equal frequency in representatives of all social classes. This is the main danger of the condition.

Senile insanity is a progressive disease. It is caused by an irreversible mental disorder - brain atrophy and changes in the structure of blood vessels.

Abraham Maslow's theory

The American psychologist and creator of humanistic psychology identified the main qualities of a degraded personality:

  • The patient experiences “learned helplessness.” He believes that nothing depends on him in this life, he is only a pawn in the game of external forces.
  • The patient has no goals and aspirations. Only basic needs remain: food, sleep, physical comfort, survival.
  • Sometimes the patient feels ashamed of himself.
  • Society is divided into two categories: close people are good, strangers are bad.
  • Your own opinion is considered the only correct one and is not subject to discussion. Dialogues seem to the patient to be a useless waste of energy.
  • The patient's speech is poor in adjectives that are responsible for the sphere of emotions and fantasy.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of disorder are grumpiness, inattention, and selfishness. If you suspect degradation in yourself or others, you need to check your heredity. If a close relative or parent has been exposed to the disorder, the risk of developing the disorder increases.

Alcohol degradation is widespread. Addiction completely destroys personality. Symptoms appear immediately:

  • Touchiness.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Outbursts of anger.
  • Anger that gives way to guilt.
  • Lack of real assessment of life's difficulties.

The development of the disease follows a certain sequence:

  • Appearance suffers. The desire to take care of yourself and perform basic procedures disappears: cutting nails and hair, maintaining hygiene, changing clothes.
  • Addictions appear: drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcoholism.
  • Interest in life gradually fades away.
  • Moral principles lose their meaning for the individual.
  • Base instincts take precedence over common sense.
  • All social contacts and place in society are lost. There is no desire to find yourself.
  • The understanding of the difference between decent and indecent is lost.

Society plays an important role in the formation and development of the individual. The people with whom an individual surrounds himself in life significantly slow down or accelerate his progress towards his goals.


There are many reasons that can provoke the development of the disease. This factor is different for each person. It is believed that a person begins to degrade when spiritual guidelines and the desire to develop are lost. Without receiving new information, the brain atrophies and starts self-destruction mode. Loss of faith in yourself and your strengths provokes a decrease in interest in the surrounding reality and events in the world.

One of the most serious reasons contributing to the development of the disorder is the loss of a loved one or a tragic life situation. The loss of loved ones and a series of failures can significantly shake the psyche of any individual. Without proper support and help, many may not cope. Often victims resort to drinking alcohol. Alcohol is not always the only cause of the disorder, but can act as its consequence. The condition is aggravated by manic-depressive psychosis - in this case, the help of a specialist is required.

Lonely people are more susceptible to developing the disease, including those who were previously strong and independent.

Regression of personal development is especially characteristic of the older generation. In the absence of various events during retirement, a person’s condition worsens. If self-realization at work was the only important goal for many years, rest in old age is associated with the loss of life values. To maintain intelligence, you need to lead an active lifestyle, have interests and hobbies. This is important at any age.

Are you wondering why the United States is against the resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism? This means they demolish monuments to Confederate slave owners, because this insults people in the 21st century and, in general, is a shameful page in the country’s history. And the glorification of Nazism is just not worthy of attention. Although the United States lost more than 400 thousand people in World War II. Relatives and loved ones of the victims would probably be offended if they found out that their country treats the past tragic for many in this way. But they won’t find out, because on CNN it’s not customary to tell Americans about such things.
What is the fatal role of the Ukrainian experiment for the entire human civilization? In Ukrainianism, which most fully dehumanizes man, the model of the reverse movement of civilization is consistently implemented. Figuratively speaking, dismantling the already laid path of civilization with a return to the starting point of zoological savagery.

Just imagine: a rail laying machine went from point A to point B. He lays the rails and continues on along them. But suddenly, somewhere in the middle of the path, this paver begins to move in the opposite direction. He disassembles the already laid rails and sells them (along with the sleepers) to the side, exchanging them for alcohol and snacks...

Exactly the same thing happened to all of us at the end of the USSR. The reverse movement began, with the dismantling and drinking away of the previously laid track.

In different parts of the planet, this rollback occurs at different speeds. Anti-civilization somewhere triumphs modestly and anonymously, under pseudonyms and with antics. And somewhere - openly and crudely, as terrorist juntas, formed by criminal elements and relying on psychopathic maniacs.

Since this is a common problem, we must especially carefully study the zone of maximum damage. Such today for the entire planet is the unfortunate land of the former Ukrainian SSR. Quantity there turned into quality: soft, voluntary, insinuating forms of human degradation were replaced by forced ones.

Among the many skills and abilities of a civilized person that we have lost is the loss of the ability to distinguish between a tragic accident and a systemic vice.

Let's say a man was walking down the street and got punched in the face. Sorry to the point of tears! However, this is just an accident. Or even worse: got hit by a car. An absurd tragedy, which even more so could not have happened! Nobody wanted this: neither the driver nor the pedestrian - it just happened that way. But it happens differently - if a person deliberately went to those places where they constantly hit the face. Or systematically ran across the street at a red light...

As a result, modern (de-civilized) people do not know how to distinguish between measures to combat the costs of development and the fight against development itself.

Cars kill and injure people all the time. Therefore, there is no doubt that the most stringent measures need to be taken to reduce accidents on the roads. But these measures cannot be replaced by the elimination of motor transport - they say, there will be no cars, and there will be no accidents. Because the modern world is no longer conceivable without cars. He can't go back to horse-drawn carts. And this is not a question of comfort, but of survival.

This analogy fully explains the drama of the formation of Sovietism in the twentieth century.

For example, is the death of Academician Vavilov or Florensky a tragic, absurd accident or an inevitable flaw of the system? Would the Soviet system have managed without the destruction of a number of outstanding scientists?

Of course, specific tragic events have nothing to do with the essence of the system. In the most difficult struggle with very real and ferocious enemies, the system on the periphery of the battle also injured completely random passers-by. This, alas, happens in any war: a certain percentage of the victims are completely innocent, caught up in the general mix...

But if we are talking about the main movement of civilization, then it is unthinkable without expanding the planning of economic activity, just as it is unthinkable without road transport. Humanity has increased in size so much that it simply cannot survive in archaic forms of spontaneous management.

You can't help but see this. You cannot hide behind specific historical tragedies, the grimaces of history, from obvious trends. It is one thing to combat violations of socialist legality; and something completely different – ​​a complete rejection of it, with humanity plunging into the jungle, into the primeval savannah.

Let me emphasize: there are tragic, ridiculous accidents. And there are growing pains, problems of formation. This is different. And there are systemic defects - and this is the third. You can't mix them.

An absurd accident exists on the side of the historical road. This is a “wrong turn”, a route error. Growing pains are the hardships of climbing that can be overcome. And systemic vices are a route that was initially and deliberately laid down, into the swamp and into the abyss.

Growing pains are when a person says: yes, today I don’t have everything I need. But today I received what I was deprived of yesterday, tomorrow I will receive what I did not have today. And when a person says this, it is clear that he can be happy even in conditions of severe shortages of the most necessary things. After all, he sees that work is going on, life is becoming better and more fun day by day...

It’s another matter if years go by, but nothing changes. Here a person will be overwhelmed by despondency even at a relatively high level of income.

And there is a third situation: the years go by, and along with them poverty and chaos obviously increase instead of benefits and conveniences. Let's say a city is in ruins. It’s one thing if Hitler bombed it: the reason, the timing, and the essence are clear. But Detroit is in ruins - which Hitler bombed it and when? And for what purpose?

If we continue the analogy of progress with rail laying, then options are possible. The first option is the persistent and conscientious movement of the stacker from point A to point B. The income of society is growing, one produces more goods than the whole village used to, and the question of funds is not acute. But if progress has stopped and gone backwards, then the profitability of society falls, and its needs for the most expensive primitive pleasures, on the contrary, grow...

And the stage of dismantling and recycling of the civilizational heritage began. They began to dismantle the already paved path and turn it to the left - so that they could walk to the fullest. The raillayer of history involuntarily began to back away - and the further it went, the faster it went back...

But this is not the last stage, not yet anti-civilization, not yet the black abyss of Ukrainianism. Drunkenness is still voluntary, and degradation is caressed with soft hands. Nobody forces anyone to be a degenerate: if you don’t want to, live differently. Degeneration comes precisely as a temptation, as the sweetness of drunkenness, parasitism, tyranny and permissiveness, debauchery and a joyful orgy in its own way...

Ukraine showed us the appearance and process of a great turning point: the peaceful coexistence of civilized people and degenerates has come to an end. The degenerates wanted their own dictatorship - and they achieved it, with the full help of the American Satan.

The dictatorship of regression is no longer a temptation by the ease of the primitive, but its active and violent imposition. The lie of the “peaceful coexistence” of light and darkness (enlightenment and ossification) has been torn apart, which, in essence, is inevitable.

The General Theory of Civilization (GTC) helps us understand that despite the external similarities, the problems of the formation of Sovietism (in general, a planned economy, social democracy) and the problems of the formation of liberal Nazism have completely different natures and anatomy.

On the one hand, everyone understands that hunger, poverty, and the hardships of war are equally painful, regardless of what gave rise to them. A negative phenomenon does not cease to be negative due to a change in the color of the flag.

But on the other hand, any negative is divided into an accident (an accident, a grimace of history), growing pains or a systemic defect. There are temporary difficulties, which are called temporary because they can be overcome. But there is a systemic flaw that is neither a mistake nor a temporary phenomenon.

If a tractor runs over a person, then this is an absurd, monstrous, but accident. And if a person is crushed by a tank (or his head was cut off on a guillotine) - there is no accident here. The tank was created as a killing machine; its designers sought not to reduce, but to maximize the number of its future victims!

If a person is poisoned by household chemicals, then this is a mixture of an absurd accident and careless stupidity. And if a person is affected by poisonous gases, then this is the realization of the purpose for which poisonous gases were created...

In this sense, we clearly see the picture from the point of view of the OTC: Soviet difficulties, no matter how bitter they were, are either deviations from the main route, errors and failures of the system, or growing pains, problems of formation. After all, if you are building a house, then for some time you have to endure the discomfort of being unfinished, huddling in makeshift buildings.

Post-Sovietism offered an assortment of difficulties, seemingly similar to the first years of Soviet power: hunger, cold, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, etc. But don't let the external resemblance fool you! At the dawn of the USSR, it was about overcoming human problems, and now – about their aggravation and growth.

For example, faced with the legacy of the market past - famine - the Soviet government decided to put an end to it forever. And in the end she finished. A market economy, on the other hand, tends to perpetuate the problem of hunger as an effective lever for employers to blackmail workers.

This is an example of movement from one point, but in diametrically opposite directions.

What the Soviet government overcame, the market government is increasing: not only hunger and poverty. But also, for example, illiteracy, inaccessibility of medical care, late retirement (the favorite pastime of market people is to create “pensions for the dead”), deterioration of living conditions, etc.

It is clear that Sovietism moved forward with colossal mistakes, many of which were fatal. However, its greatest value for civilization as a whole is its first attempt at steering life support processes. Human civilization has never had a more important and pressing task. And if it happens, it will only be in the very distant, cosmic, noospheric future.

Soviet people are not just Columbuses who discovered a new continent. This is about much more than just the discovery of a new world! Soviet people can, from the point of view of the OTC, be compared with those who first tried to control a raft. That is, to create a ship that moves not according to the will of the waves and wind, but according to the will and mind of man!

And it is quite obvious that attempts to “abolish Sovietism” are akin to attempts to abolish aeronautics, navigation, irrigation, lightning rods, but with the amendment that the above is still local. Less important.

You can live without airplanes if everything else is in order. You can live without a fleet - the Czechs somehow live... But when the next stupid crisis shatters all human dreams, deprives him of his earnings, his future, and all means of livelihood - this disaster is much worse than the cessation of navigation or air flights...

Since attempts to correct the distortions and distortions within socialism without changing its essence cannot be called anti-Sovietism, it turns out that de-Sovietization is degeneration. It is impossible to get out of there without remaining a civilized person and not degenerating into a cannibal.

We are talking about an apology for the degradation of both humanity as a whole (don’t dream, don’t fly, don’t think), and an individual individual, with whom the de-Sovietizers work very closely and, I must say, effectively.

The pinnacle of this work, worthy of exhibiting at the “Exhibition of Achievements of the Anti-National Economy,” is Ukrainianism.

This is literally and literally a road to nowhere, on which any of the problems known to humanity are doomed to grow and get worse.

The war with the past led not only to the obvious degradation of technical knowledge, but also to an even deeper degradation of humanitarian knowledge.

The brains are pumped up with a delusional stillborn construct that contradicts both all known facts and the elementary logic of presentation. Under the guise of the useful experience of humanity, they present the useless and poisonous experience of mirages and hallucinations recorded by psychopaths.

Losing cognitive abilities, a person loses all kinds of predictive abilities. He cannot understand the reasons for the gloominess of his “today.” And even more so, due to intellectual blindness, he cannot see how terrible his “tomorrow” is doomed to become.

Ukrainianism destroys civilization - and kills an individual person like a cockroach. It erases grandiose and majestic cultural monuments - and at the same time, at the micro level, it erases the ordinary man in the street.

So who are they, the bearers of the hellish faith of Ukrainianism? World fiction gives us a fairly accurate analogy. They are langoliers.

Let me remind you that these are fanged-furry monsters invented by Stephen King, mystical creatures that devour worlds and everyone who is stuck in the past. The Langoliers, like Poroshenko, Turchinov, Lyashko and the rest of the hellish crowd, eat everything they can: things, space, time... There is also a film based on this book by King - there the Langoliers are represented by a terrible toothy mouth that creates horror for the viewer ...

The business of the Langoliers is the utilization of the universe they devoured, the dispersion of existence into atoms and, in general, into complete non-existence.

The Langoliers, the world eaters, have come for us - because we are stuck in time. Our time, since the mid-80s of the last century, has not been moving anywhere, we are stuck in a sugary jelly swamp of human lustful animality, we have abandoned movement, dynamics - in the name of slurping and floundering...

And now the Langoliers have come for us, devouring city after city. This is a fact predicted to us by science fiction. And everything else is unscientific fiction...

Alexander Leonidov