Scheme of virtual reality glasses made of cardboard. Virtual reality glasses made of cardboard, acrylic and plastic

Technology virtual reality V lately is becoming more and more relevant and in demand. The only problem is that the current cost of devices is quite high level, which makes the technology not accessible to everyone. In this article we will look at basic information on how to make virtual reality glasses on your own, using only improvised means.

What do you need to understand before creating homemade VR glasses?

Before you develop virtual reality glasses with your own hands, you must be familiar with the principle of their operation. If possible, you should test a factory sample. This is quite simple to do - in shopping centers devices with virtual reality technology are beginning to appear en masse, providing a number of games for their visitors.

Homemade VR glasses and how they affect vision?

Having decided to make virtual reality glasses at home, remember - these types of devices are designed so that after a certain amount time the user thought that the virtual world was real for him. Accordingly, the natural principle of vision must be preserved. Although modern developments have virtually no effect on the quality of vision, after developing your own prototype, we recommend not to spend too much time using it. This can be bad for your eyes.

How to make VR glasses with your own hands?

Before you make glasses with your own hands, you must get all the necessary tools and materials that will be needed to complete the work. Then you can proceed to the following procedures.
Diameter measurement required lenses. To do this, the smartphone is placed on a flat (!) stable surface, and then the user turns on a program on it to recreate virtual reality. The master's task is to view the screen through the lenses, changing the distance until an ideally high-quality picture is achieved without blurry outlines and corners. This will allow you to understand what lenses may be required, what the focal length should be, and so on.
At the next stage of creating virtual reality glasses for the phone, the master must personally create a cardboard box that acts as a case. Alternative option will be a scan downloaded from the Internet. It is necessary to ensure that the body does not have such a long bottom as upper part. Don't forget about the hole for own nose. Having made a protrusion, the smartphone will fully rest on them. Don't forget about the cutouts for the buttons located on the sides of the smartphone.
To achieve maximum picture quality in VR glasses, you need to paint all the insides black. This will prevent reflections and glare that can negatively affect the viewing experience.

How to make lenses?

Many people wonder how to make lenses. You won’t be able to create them yourself, but there is one life hack - you can use lenses from old unnecessary flashlights. The main thing is that they are the same. Accordingly, you will have to acquire two flashlights.
Two holes are created on the cardboard, which are just a little short of the diameter of the lenses themselves. In this case, they will be inserted as tightly as possible into cardboard or other type of thick paper. To prevent them from falling out, you should additionally secure the lenses with hot glue. A few drops will be enough.

If you don't know how to make VR glasses, you don't need to first look for instructions on how to make them yourself. You must first familiarize yourself with the list of materials that will be required to create a homemade product. Our virtual glasses will be made from the following materials:

  1. Smartphone with operating system Android;
  2. Pen;
  3. Scissors;
  4. A pair of lenses;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Cardboard box.

Step by step instructions

A diagram of glasses is available on the Internet, which can be found upon request. Google Cardboard. If this seems too simple, you can make the design yourself. In order to use glasses without problems, cardboard sheets must be extremely durable. This is the only way to guarantee wearing safety.
Initially, all parts are cut out from a cardboard box. In the figure below you can see the diagram of the blanks by which all the parts are prepared:
Before you start cutting out blanks for VR glasses, you should make drawings on cardboard. To do this, use a pen and ruler.
Once the drawings are prepared, you can start cutting them out using scissors. If you make a mistake, you can eliminate it using a glue gun. Once all the parts are cut out, all that remains is to connect them into a single whole.

Sheet of hard cardboard

To make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, you will need durable material. As practice shows, virtual reality glasses made of cardboard would be a good option. But if the task is to create a durable structure, you will need corrugated cardboard to make glasses.

Glasses cutting template

Before cutting out parts, you need to download drawings with dimensions. Finding them is quite easy on the Internet. You should select a template for virtual reality glasses made of cardboard depending on the size of your device, or customize them individually. The main thing is to get a high-quality image in each eye.

Lenses in the amount of 2 pieces

You can't do without lenses. If you don't have flashlights with you, you should use educational lenses for school. They are also suitable for creating virtual reality glasses. The main thing is to give them the desired position and play with the distance in order to ultimately get a good resolution.

VR content to check

Having created glasses for your smartphone with your own hands, all you have to do is go to the Android application market and download the programs you like. Make your choice according to your own taste.


Once you learn how to make VR glasses, you will notice that it is a fairly simple procedure. The hardest part to design is the eyeglass frame, but in the end you will be happy with the job done.

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At the latest I/O conference, Google showed off its version of cardboard virtual reality glasses. In principle, schemes for such glasses have been circulating on the Internet for a long time (for example, FOV2GO). However, the scheme of the guys from Google turned out to be simpler than their analogues, and they also added a chip with a magnet that works as an external analog button. In this post, I will share my experience in assembling virtual reality glasses based on a smartphone: Google Cardboard from cardboard, OpenDive from plastic and glasses cut on a laser cutter from acrylic.


  1. Cardboard. I used an unwanted laptop box. Another option is to order your favorite pizza or buy cardboard in a special store (search for micro-corrugated cardboard E).
  2. Velcro. Can be purchased at any sewing store. I took a strip of adhesive Velcro for 100 rubles. This tape will be enough for pairs of 10 points.
  3. Magnets. In principle, this thing is optional if you do not plan to use the Google API. Google itself recommends taking 1 nickel magnet and the second a ferromagnet. On our Internet there are plenty of such magnets in specialized stores, but I was too lazy to wait for the order. As a result, in the same store I bought a set of magnets for fasteners, however, they did not work quite perfectly for me. Cost - 50 rubles for 3 magnets.
  4. Lenses. In general, it is recommended to take lenses 5-7x, 25mm diameter, aspherical. The easiest way is to buy a magnifier with two lenses, like the Veber 1012A, which is cheaper than buying 2 identical ones. I only had a 30x magnifying glass with two 15x lenses on hand (I bought such a magnifying glass on the market for 600 rubles). Despite the excessive magnification, it turned out well.
  5. Elastic band and carabiner. You will need them if you plan to use the Cardboard as glasses and not hold them with your hand all the time. I bought 2 meters of elastic and a pair of carabiners at the same sewing store for another 100 rubles.
  6. Foam rubber. To prevent glasses from cutting into your face, you should cover the contact points with foam rubber. I used window insulation tape. Another 100 rubles on the construction market.

Final price of materials: 400-1000 rubles depending on the lenses.


  1. Stationery knife.
  2. Hot-melt adhesive (with a gun). Small is better.
  3. Stapler or thread with a needle.


Here, in general, everything is trivial.
  1. Go to the Google Cardboard website and download the cutting diagram. If you happen to have a laser cutter on hand, you can cut on it. If not, then print it on a printer and cut it out along the contour.
  2. We attach Velcro. In addition to the two Velcro in the original, I added one to left side so that the structure does not move apart. I also glued two Velcro strips on the sides, onto which we will later glue an elastic band for attaching to the head.
  3. We insert the lenses, a magnet and fold the structure.
  4. We attach 2 pieces of elastic to Velcro. At one end we insert a carabiner at a fixed distance (I fixed it with an elastic band with a stapler :)). On the other side we take an elastic band with a reserve and attach the second part of the carabiner with the ability to adjust the length.
  5. Success!

However, after installing the application, I discovered that my button did not work in this form. To activate the click, I had to take the magnet in my hand and move it directly along the left side of the phone, however, even this way it works only once. A sign that you are doing everything right - when you touch there should be a feeling magnetic field, which slightly pushes the magnet away from the phone.

Perhaps the reason is that I took too weak a magnet. Perhaps it's because my model (Galaxy Nexus) is not declared supported by Google. Nevertheless, the demos work, the button is pressed, hurray!

Plastic model

If you want to worry about assembling as little as possible and you have a 3D printer (or enough money to order printing), then this option is for you. :) I printed a model from the Thingverse website. There on request " virtual reality"There are several more similar options.

I ordered a print from the 3D Printing Laboratory, it cost about 3000 rubles.

All materials from Cardboard are relevant for these glasses, so the final price tag reaches almost 3,500 rubles.

Assembling a plastic model

We insert the lenses, glue the foam, and use regular office rubber bands to secure the phone. You can also cover the entire surface outside the lenses with foam rubber, then the light from your smartphone will not disturb you. Larger lenses can also be inserted into these glasses.

Another option: insert lenses from a Soviet stereoscope. To do this, you will have to slightly modify the mount, replacing the round holes with rectangular ones. The option with a stereoscope is quite convenient, but it has a disadvantage - the working area is smaller, the image is cropped at the top and bottom.

Model made of acrylic (or plywood)

Even before collecting virtual reality glasses became a trend, a wonderful design of glasses cut on a laser cutter appeared online. Without thinking twice, I decided to order their cutting in the same laboratory. They didn’t have plywood at that moment and they offered me to cut it out of black acrylic. The cost of cutting together with the material was about 800 rubles.

In addition to lenses, rubber bands and foam rubber, for assembly you will need about 20 screws with 3-4mm nuts (the author of the model suggests using 4mm, but they were difficult for me to fit in and I took 3mm).

Oddly enough, the final version turned out to be even better than the 3D printer. Firstly, the glasses are lighter and more compact. Secondly, the material is smooth and more pleasant to the touch. The downside is that acrylic is a fairly fragile material, and such glasses may not survive a fall.


Unfortunately, there is still very little content for such glasses. You can try playing with streaming, as described in a recent

Three-dimensional images have always attracted people with their unusualness and closeness to natural perception. When going to the cinema, many people prefer to go to a session with 3D technology, as this allows them to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the film as much as possible.

How to make virtual reality glasses with your own hands

Kit for Google builds Cardboard. Everything except lenses can be made by hand

Today there are many technologies for creating volumetric perception, but most devices are different high cost. Is it possible to make VR glasses at home, and what is needed for this? In principle, quite a bit: ordinary office supplies that are easy to buy in a nearby store. The situation with lenses is more complicated, but this part can be found if desired - the easiest way is to order it from the Chinese on Aliexpress.

First of all, it is important to understand that virtual reality glasses for phones should be made with the utmost care, in strict accordance with the drawing. If there is the slightest deviation from the diagram or the use of incorrect materials when making virtual reality glasses from cardboard desired effect will not be achieved.

What materials are needed

Many people ask whether it is possible to make full-fledged virtual reality glasses out of paper? In principle, yes, if the paper is very thick. It is better to stock up on normal cardboard for such purposes if you are not making the device for a couple of weeks. To make the device look more or less aesthetically pleasing, use double-sided cardboard - regular matte on one side, glossy white on the other.

It is not difficult to make a virtual reality helmet with your own hands. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • thick high quality cardboard
  • sharp utility knife
  • round lenses for a virtual reality device (it is better to order on Aliexpress)
  • Velcro or other fastenings for cardboard

It is better to cut out the details with a stationery knife, since it is difficult to work with thick cardboard with scissors without creating torn edges.

Virtual glasses made of cardboard will last much longer if the material is dense and uniform. It is not recommended to make a helmet from corrugated cardboard, as it will begin to delaminate over time and will quickly become unusable.

Google Cardboard Drawing

To make a fashionable device, you will need an exact drawing of virtual reality glasses, which can be downloaded on the Internet by entering cardboard, VR glasses or something like that into the search bar. In the same way, you can later find the desired smartphone application in the store for your platform.

Schemes for virtual reality glasses made of cardboard, drawings and drawings are presented in convenient form. All you need to do is download them to your computer, print all the details on a printer (on plain paper), and then transfer the resulting patterns onto cardboard. Following the diagram and using the drawing, you will receive a device correct sizes in the right proportions.

Assembling glasses

In order to make a virtual reality helmet, you should carefully cut out all the parts of homemade VR glasses from cardboard, bend them in the designated places and assemble the entire structure together, according to the attached instructions. Pre-prepared lenses should be inserted into special holes and fixed.
As a result, you should get a neat and compact box, similar in shape and size to the original device for viewing 3D media.

Phone setup

In order to enjoy full viewing of media files in the new device, you will need special software for your smartphone - for example, Google Cardboard, which can be downloaded from mobile Internet markets. Once you have installed the application, launch it by selecting necessary materials, secure the phone well in a homemade helmet and start watching.

Things to do with a helmet

After assembling the device, most users have a logical question: how and what to watch, is it possible to turn on games, etc.? Download special application for Android or iOS, you can watch movies with 3D support, as well as play certain games.

In order not to keep homemade helmet in your hands, you can attach a pair of comfortable straps to it for a secure fit on your head. Do not forget about securely fastening the smartphone in the device - the cardboard cover into which it is inserted should be equipped with double-sided Velcro for clothing, buttons or other fasteners.


If you have minimal manufacturing skills homemade devices, the question of how to make virtual reality glasses will not take you by surprise. Having a minimal set of stationery and materials on hand, you can make 3D glasses for your smartphone with your own hands, and this device is not much inferior in functionality to its expensive analogues.

Regarding external characteristics- everything is in your hands. Paste over homemade glasses beautiful paper, color the gadget in bright colors, turn it into a monster of new technologies, and surprise your friends and acquaintances.

Virtual reality is amazing world, immersing yourself in which you get a lot of unusual impressions. But in order to move into the three-dimensional dimension, you need to have special glasses. They are quite expensive in the store, but it is not difficult to make them at home. You just need to know how to make virtual reality glasses with your own hands. The easiest way is to make an analogue.

What will be needed for production?

In fact, you don't need to buy any to make glasses. large number tools and materials. You just need to have:

  1. A gadget with which you will immerse yourself in the virtual world. This can be a smartphone or tablet (smartphone is preferable)

The more modern the device is, the more spectacular the game will be. The size of the phone or tablet is also not important. The only thing is that the smallest side must be equal to at least two distances between the pupils of the eyes. But you shouldn’t take too large a gadget either, since the middle of each half of the frame should fall into the center of the pupil. This parameter must be adjusted using lenses, moving them closer and further away from each other.

  1. You can't make a homemade virtual reality helmet without lenses. There should be two pairs of them. It is better to choose glass of large diameter. This is due to the fact that their minimum distortion is closer to the center. The greater the distance, the more the image is distorted. The small diameter of the glasses will not be able to cope with the difference between the pupils and the center of each half of the picture.
  2. You will need construction polyethylene 20 mm thick. It should be of medium density.
  3. In addition, you will need double-sided tape, as well as regular or vinyl film.
  4. The frame of the helmet will consist of cardboard. It should be micro-corrugated and 2 mm thick.
  5. To secure the glasses you will need a wide belt or elastic band. It is convenient to use the Velcro fastening.
  6. To make a helmet, you need drawings. To create them you will need tools for drawing and cutting materials.

All materials are inexpensive, and therefore the helmet will cost much less than a store-bought one.

Making a helmet

Before you make a virtual reality helmet with your own hands, you need to download the Cardboard smartphone application in advance, which will allow you to evaluate the quality of your future helmet.

Next, you need to start making the frame for the first pair of glasses. It is made from a sheet of foam plastic. It is recommended to adjust the lenses so that the distance between your eyes and the phone screen is minimal. To do this, the smartphone is placed on the table and the focus is adjusted using lenses. Once the required distance has been found, the holes can be cut using a centrifugal drill or a compass with a utility knife.

Next, a frame is made for the second pair of lenses. Each glass should be placed in polyethylene. With its help, a 3D effect is obtained. To achieve it, you need to choose the right focus. This can only be done by experimenting with glasses.

After this, you need to make a frame for the helmet. Here it is important to adjust the box to your anatomical features: the shape of the nose, skull, vision. The main thing is that the helmet is comfortable.

It is also necessary to consider the sound output. This is where you should choose good headphones.

The next step is the correct positioning of the phone or tablet screen.

Important! The axis of symmetry, located horizontally, must coincide with the height of the represented line between the pupils.

The screen should be approximately 4 cm from the near edge of the eyepiece. Therefore, it is necessary to decorate the top, bottom, and sides with foam plastic. It should look like a kind of box. The gadget screen is placed in it.

After everything is ready, you need to once again adjust the focus of the lenses and, if necessary, correct the location of the device.

The final stage is the production of the outer frame of the helmet, which is made of cardboard. It turns out to be a box with a lid, inside which is located mobile device. It protects the fragile foam device from damage. In addition, it is the cardboard frame that holds the bulk of the smartphone or tablet and presses it against the foam.

Now all that remains is to attach the rubber band fastening. You can attach it to the frame using double-sided tape.
You also need to make a hole for the USB cable.

The virtual reality helmet is ready! You can safely download games with a 3D effect to your device and enjoy the exciting story.

Many smartphone users have heard, but due to their high cost, they could not afford such a purchase. However, quite quickly people realized that all the sensors that function in virtual reality glasses are also in ordinary smartphones, thanks to which you can easily make excellent VR glasses from them with your own hands, you just need to attach a very ordinary case and a few lenses.

In fact, all the designs of glasses that you can find on the Internet are made on the basis of drawings (from English “cardboard”), and the only difference is in the source materials. Some people are happy with cardboard of any thickness found at home, others go to a stationery store for thinner ones, and some craftsmen have distinguished themselves by making their VR devices from metal, polycarbonate, foam plastic and other foam materials.

The lucky owners of 3D printers immediately began printing the template. Using this pattern, it’s easy to understand how to make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, and we will help you with this by giving some tips.

Using a regular knife, a pair magnifying glasses and cardboard you can make with your own hands from an ordinary smartphone similar to it. However, many people don’t know how to make virtual reality glasses from a smartphone, which is why they buy expensive models or order cardboard kits, like Google Cardboard.

The design of homemade glasses has several advantages over a custom-made case, because the lenses in it can be moved along an axis that is located relative to the screen. Thanks to this, virtual reality glasses can be finely adjusted to the vision characteristics of any user.

To make 3D glasses for a smartphone with your own hands, you need to:

  1. Measure the diameter of the lenses you will need. To do this, you need to place your smartphone on a stable, flat surface and turn on the virtual reality application on it. Look at the screen through the lenses while adjusting the distance. This way you will not only understand what lenses you need, but also decide on the focal length.
  2. Next, try to either design a cardboard box yourself, which will serve as the body, or download a scan from the Internet. The main thing is that the bottom of the body is not as long as its top, because do not forget about the hole for the nose. Make ledges for your smartphone to rest on. Also, don’t forget about the cutouts for buttons on the sides of the phone.
  3. Paint the insides of the body black. Thanks to paint of this color, you can avoid various glare and reflections that will interfere with concentrating on viewing.

Another option for making glasses for a smartphone with your own hands:

1). For thicker cardboard, it is better to take a stationery knife; it is more convenient for them to work directly on top of the sheet. If you want to assemble the glasses manually by inserting the keys, then you need to cut out the cardboard along with them, as in the picture. If your homemade virtual reality glasses are subsequently glued together, then you don’t have to leave such a reserve.

2). Next, you will need 2 lenses, preferably biconvex. Google recommends taking lenses with a diameter of 25 mm. Focal length The lenses should be 45 mm. Craftsmen even take lenses from hardware stores, and some video bloggers on Youtube, when making 3D glasses for a smartphone with their own hands, use improvised means instead of lenses.

So, for example, you can cut from a regular plastic bottle 4 identical circles, glue them together 2 pieces with a blowtorch, leaving a small distance at the top. Then water from the tap is drawn into the syringe, the space between the biconvex “lenses” made of plastic is filled with it, then the remaining gap is also sealed, and in your hands you find yourself with almost completed home-assembled virtual reality glasses.

3). Some smartphone models support magnetic switching, which allows you to control the device without removing it from the box. To implement such an idea you will need simple system magnets: neodymium ring and ceramic disk with a diameter of about 19 mm and a thickness of about 3 mm. But even without them, all control will be simple and convenient; it is enough to make a hole for your finger in the design of homemade virtual reality glasses on the bottom or side.

4). When almost everything is ready, the only thing left to solve is the problem of attaching the smartphone to the glasses. To do this, you can use a rubber ring and 2 Velcro strips (approximately 20x30 mm) to secure the cover.

DIY virtual reality glasses for smartphones: frequently asked questions

— Is it really possible to make virtual glasses for a smartphone with your own hands that will be comfortable?

For regular use, of course, it is better to purchase inexpensive but comfortable glasses with a factory mount, for example, or more expensive and high-quality ones, etc. Do-it-yourself VR glasses for a smartphone are more likely to be suitable as a device for the first acquaintance with virtuality.

— How to make virtual reality glasses from a smartphone if you have never done anything like this?

This is where the widely circulated on the Internet comes to the rescue. Google drawing Cardboard and our article. Even if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t be discouraged, because the materials are practically free, and homemade virtual reality glasses for a smartphone can be modified at any time. For example, follow the example of those who made them from ceiling tiles - light and invisible, they can easily withstand the weight of a smartphone.

— How to make virtual reality glasses for a phone that does not have an accelerometer?

Unfortunately, such glasses will not be able to support operation correctly.

So, we can say that making VR glasses for a smartphone with your own hands is quite simple; the whole question is the ease of use of such a device. Indeed, in addition to glasses, quite a lot of devices for more deep dive into virtuality, with which viewing photos and videos becomes a whole adventure, and games do not allow you to relax for a second, keeping you in suspense.

For example, virtual reality in controller gloves allows you to touch objects as if in reality, and some VR chairs almost instantly react to the movements of your head, turning your body in the same direction. The future is very close, you just need to feel it.

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