Scenario of the matinee for the preparatory group "Autumn Fair". Scenario for the autumn holiday “Fair” in kindergarten

Preparatory speech therapy group Teachers: Eshchenko E.S.

Under the r.n. m buffoons run in from different ends

1st buffoon: Attention, Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up, honest people,
The fair is calling you!

2nd buffoon: To the fair, to the fair!
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

1st buffoon: What does your soul desire -
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without buying!

2nd buffoon: Hey, don’t stand at the door,
Come visit us soon!
To the music, children enter the hall through "gates" (made by buffoons)
Dance - greeting

1st child: We are naughty guys!
We are crazy guys!
We invite everyone to the fair!
We sell toys!

2nd child: Come on, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy the product, don’t be shy!
3rd child: Don’t go anywhere, everyone come here!

Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle.
Mansion: Taras-bars-rastabars
We will sell all items!
1st buffoon: And all the goods are not simple, they are bought only for your courage and participation in our fun games and fun.

2nd Buffoon: And a guest came to our fair.

Autumn enters

Autumn: Hello my friends!
Do you know who I am?
I came to amuse you
Congratulations on the autumn fair

I brought riddles with me,

Listen to this guys:


Do you know the song about an umbrella?

Song "Umbrella"

Autumn: I really liked your song

Well, what is there to interpret?

It's time to open the fair!

4 child: Garden apples
Honey apples
All poured
All crumbly

5th child: come on boys!
Gingerbread cookies!
Delicious, with honey,
Let's put on a hat!

1st Buffoon: He came to our fair
The visiting merchant is a daring fellow!
Merchant: I'm going, I'm going to the market
I'll bring the goods home -

A scarf for my dear mother

There's a flower in the middle,

A new sundress for my sister,

And my name is Stepan!

6th child: Look into our tent

Here are the sweets, chocolates,

Rolls and buns,

Pretzels and bagels

2nd buffoon: What about our Varvara?

Eat good goods,

Not a commodity, but a real treasure -

Take it apart!

1st buffoon: And people are going to the fair,

And at the fair the fun begins.

Start round dances,

Celebrate autumn and have fun!

Round dance: "Merry Round Dance"

2nd buffoon: Well, naughty girls,

Girls and boys!

Do you like to play?

Game: "Ribbon Game" , "Pots"

1st buffoon: And now I’ll play with you "Confusion" . I will confuse you, and you must answer: girls or boys. Fine?

Game "Confusion"

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave...
Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket...

Skates on ice, drawing arrows
We played hockey in the morning...
We chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...

To measure your strength in front of everyone,
Of course, they only love...
Silk, lace and ringed fingers -
Going out for a walk...

1st Buffoon: Eh, you are cheerful people!

Now the ditty will sing!


Girls: Let's stand, girls, side by side

Let's sing ditties!

Boys: Yes, and perhaps we will stand up,

Let's not leave the girls behind!

Children stand in a semicircle: boys on one side, girls on the other.

In chorus: We will sing ditties for you

Wonderful though

That the old ladies will go dancing,

The old people will dance!

Boys (in unison): Girls are little whites,

Where did you get whitewashed?

Girls (in unison): We milked the cows yesterday,

Wash your face with milk!

Boy: Listen, girls.
I will sing a clumsy song.
A pig grazes on an oak tree,
A bear is steaming in the sauna!

Boy: There is a cart on the mountain,
Tears are dripping from the arc,
There is a cow sitting under the mountain,
Puts on boots!

Girl: Where are you going, Egorka?
After all, a cart without wheels!
And Egorka answers...
Boy: Harvest oats!

Girl: I'm stamping my foot
Let me stamp the other one.
Come to me, Stepan,
Come dance with me!

Boy: I put my foot on my toes,
And then on the heel.
I’ll start dancing Russian
And then squat!

Girl: I'll go out, I'll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture.

In chorus: Oh, we've sung enough,
Give me a new change!
Oh, thanks musician
Here's to a fun game!

Autumn: Hey, brave guys,
Yes, girls are naughty
Isn't it time for you to dance?
Stretch your legs!

Dance: "Kalinka - raspberry"

Sounds R.N. p. "Lady" , a guy comes out with a bear.

Guy: Make way, honest people,

The little bear is coming with me!

He knows a lot of fun,

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!

(the bear bows to the audience)

Show me, bear, how the girls get ready?

(the bear paints his lips and preens himself)

What kind of boys are there?

(the bear fights and growls)

How did Vanya oversleep and be late for kindergarten?

(bear "sleeping" , jumps up, runs)

How does Dunyasha dance?

(the bear puts out his leg)

Yes, not the Dunyasha that was before, but the present one.

(the bear spins its back)

  • Well done! Now take a bow

Yes, walk to the music!

(the bear bows and leaves)

Autumn: The sun rises brightly,

People are walking through the fair.

Listen guys

Another one of my riddles.


That's right, let's sing a song about leaves.

Presnya "Leaves"

Game "Magic Scarf"

Cheerful music is playing, children move freely around the hall. When the music ends, the children squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn goes around the guys and covers someone.

Autumn: One, two, three!

Who was hiding inside?

Children guess. Playing last time, Autumn covers a basket of apples, quietly brought into the hall.

Autumn: I congratulate you on the holiday

And I treat everyone with autumn fruits!

Buffoon: So the sun has set -

Our fair is closed!

Scenario autumn fun for older preschoolers

Scenario of autumn entertainment for older children preschool age"Autumn Fair"

Author: Gusakova Svetlana Anatolyevna, music director of the MDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 31 “Baby” in the city of Vologda.
Job Description: I present to your attention a scenario for autumn entertainment. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age.

Subject: "Autumn Fair."
Presenter educational field : artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: introducing children to folk art and Russian folklore.
- expand children's knowledge about Russians folk traditions;
- develop children’s musical, dancing, and singing abilities;
- introduce children to various genres of oral folk art:
songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, folk games;
- encourage children to actively participate in performances;
- introduce children to creative self-expression, free communication with
- cultivate respect for the past of your people.
Types of activities: communicative, gaming, musical.
Participants: children of the senior and preparatory groups, music director, teachers (leader, buffoons, bear, gypsy, gypsy, cow).
Preliminary work:
- selection of musical repertoire;
- learning poetry, dances (“Quadrille”, “Dance with Spoons”, “Dance with Umbrellas”, “Matryoshka Dolls”, “Dance of Cups with a Teapot”, “Pattern Room”, round dance “Berezonka”);
- learning songs (“Fair”, “At the Well”, “I want to go to the gypsies”, “Harmonist Timoshka”, “Dear Vanya”);
- work on a dramatization of S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “How a Man Sold a Cow”;
- Russian folk games “Ay, dili”, “Pots”.
Scenery: The hall is decorated in Russian folk style.
Venue: music hall.
Materials and equipment: Russians folk costumes, musical instruments (rattles, wooden spoons, bells, tambourines, rattles), rockers, buckets, well, samovar, music center, CDs with music, tables, tablecloths, clay pots, birch trees, horses on sticks, umbrellas.

Progress of entertainment:

1 Buffoon: Forget about the sad sigh, sadness is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby, there will be buffoons!
2 Buffoon: We’ll let you know before it’s too late, we have one condition:
Today we are forbidden to be serious!
1 Buffoon: And it is also forbidden to whine and mope here,
And it is strictly forbidden to yawn, squeak and whine!
2 Buffoon: Don’t waste a minute, laugh merrily until you cry.
In every joke there is a portion of the joke, the rest is serious!
1 Buffoon: Foma, it seems the music is playing.
2 Buffoon: This is the neighbor Trezor barking.
1 Buffoon: No, listen carefully.
2 Buffoon: This is the dog Barbos howling a little.
1 Buffoon: No, someone breeds furs.
2 Buffoon: This is Ivan gutting the rooster.
(Music gets louder)
1 Buffoon: Well, now, what do you say?
2 Buffoon: If you sing, you will respect me.
(The song “To the Fair” is performed) - buffoons
(To the melody of the Russian folk song “In the Forge”)
1.To me, to the fair (2 times)
How people gathered at the fair. (2 times)
2.Music plays (2 times)
Here the folk festival began (2 times)
1 child: Attention! Attention! The fair opens, people gather.
2 child: Everyone hurry up! Come to the fair
Wipe your eyes and buy something!

(Song “Fair”)
(Children sit down. Two of the children approach the table with spoons)
1 Buffoon: Yes, the goods are enough for Semyon, Daria, Yakov.
2 Buffoon: Look, the painted spoons - small and large!
Beauty and appearance induces appetite!
Salesman(child): Our spoons go anywhere, you can easily use them
Eating porridge and hitting it in the forehead, we’ll sell it to you, so be it!
Buyer(child): We will take the desired wooden spoons.
And now we will play a Russian dance for you.

(Dance with spoons)
1 Buffoon: If you came to the fair, go for a walk!
Exchange your irredeemable rubles!
2 Buffoon: Here are buckets, and here is a rocker to carry water easily and quickly!
Girl: Here's a ruble for the buckets and two for the rocker.
We need to bring some water to drink some tea.

(Staging of the song “At the Well”)
1 Buffoon: Umbrellas, umbrellas, buy umbrellas!
2 Buffoon: You can walk in the rain, or you can just dance!
Girl: We’ll take these umbrellas and go dancing with them.
(Dance with umbrellas)
1 Buffoon: Taras-bars-rastabars, there are good goods!
Not a commodity, but a real treasure - tools are in great demand!
Salesman(child): Hey, great guys, buy some bells!
If you play with a rattle, you'll scare away all the neighbors!
2 Buffoon: Well, boys, are you sitting? Al you don't want to play?
I strike the tambourine loudly, I invite you to play in the orchestra!

1 Buffoon: We gathered to have fun and have fun.
Make a joke, play, laugh.
2 Buffoon: How the potters came to our fair.
The potters came and brought pots.
Salesman(child): Buy wonderful pots for your soul!
How good the product is - you can’t pass it by!
(Game "Pots")
1 buffoon: Show me what you have here, tell me about your product.
Salesman(child): Our nesting dolls are a sight for sore eyes, surprising all guests.
As soon as you put them in a row, they will sing for seven days in a row!
2 Buffoon: Dust swirls along the path, our nesting dolls start dancing!
The girlfriends are different in height and don't look alike.
We'll sit for a while and look at the girls.
(Dance "Matryoshka" .
1 buffoon: Oh, the fair is a mess! Oh, the fair, it drove me crazy!
2 buffoon: I’ll sell the spinning wheel, I’ll sell the spindle!
I’ll buy an accordion and go dancing!
Girl: Come on, my friend Timoshka, play the harmonica.
And I’ll sing a song and make all the guests laugh!
(Song “Harmonist Timoshka”)
2 buffoon: Let there be laughter and jokes at our fair.
Let everyone be cheerful both tomorrow and now!
1 buffoon: Good fellows walked, they chose red girls.
And around the birch trees they stood up in pairs.
(Music sounds. Children of the older group stand in a semicircle)
Child: We will stand in a round dance around the birch tree,
Everyone will sing joyfully and loudly.

(Round dance “Beryozonka”)
1 buffoon: Now run to me and buy a fashionable hat!
2 buffoon: There are creaking shoes and shimmering frock coats.
(Song “Dear Vanya”)
Child: We are funny guys, we are just great guys!
Let the music play, let's dance "Quadrille" now!
(Dance "Quadrille")
1 Buffoon: The fair is noisy and singing. I hear someone coming towards us!
(A gypsy melody sounds. The gypsies enter (the gypsy Ivan, the gypsy Rose, the gypsy Yashka.)
2 Buffoon: I can’t believe my eyes! Are the gypsies really coming?... Really!
Hold your wallets tight, take care of your rings and earrings!
Now they will start guessing and tugging at your sleeve,
Anyone can be tricked and deceived!
Gypsy: Ay, ah, ah! What a shame to scare you with gypsies!
We have not lived by deception for a long time.
Gypsy: We sing, we play the guitar, we perform at the Romen Theater!
Gypsy: Everyone calls me Rose.
Gypsy: And I’m Ivan. We are famous artists
We are known in different countries.
They found the little boy Yashka on the road,
They taught him to sing songs and brought him to you.

(Song “I want to go to the gypsies”) – boy and gypsies
Gypsy: We came to the fair to buy goods.
Buy it, don't take it for nothing!
I'm a rich gypsy! I have a louse on my lasso in my pocket.
And in the other there is a flea on a chain!
Gypsy: And I’m a young gypsy, I’m not an ordinary gypsy.
I can do magic! I'll go good people I'll tell you luck. Let me tell you my fortune, darling! (takes the presenter by the hand) Oh, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have many children. (Approaches one of the children): Oh, my killer whale, give me a pen and I’ll tell you my fortune and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life and it leads to a government house. And the 4s and 5s are waiting for you, my diamond, in this house, the teachers will love you!
Gypsy: Disperse, honest people! The little bear is coming with me!
(the bear growls and bows)
Come on, little darling, take a walk around the fair,
Dance well and ask for a treat!
1 Buffoon: Treats must be earned!
Gypsy: But look how affectionate he is!
(strokes the bear, he growls contentedly and shakes his head)
Look how he walks! It floats like a boat in the sea!
Look at that! When my little target runs, the earth trembles.
(Gives a handkerchief to the bear)
You, Toptygin, dance and show all the people,
Like old women dancing and waving their handkerchiefs.
(The bear dances with a handkerchief)
Now show me how the old grandfather knocks his feet,
He grumbles at the boys. (The bear stomps his feet)
Well done, little bear! (Strokes the bear on the head)
Show me how the girls go to work. (The bear walks slowly)
How do they get home from work? (runs)
2 Buffoon: This is fun, this is fun! People are falling over laughing!
Here's a treat for you, Mishka, for amusing the audience.
1 buffoon: Our fair is noisy, it doesn’t tell us to stand still!
(Staging of the fairy tale “How a Man Sold a Cow” by S. Mikhalkov)
(Music sounds. An old man (boy) comes out and leads a cow.)
2 buffoon: Look, the old man is selling a cow, no one gives a price for the cow.
Although many needed a little cow,
But it’s clear that people didn’t like her.
Gypsy: Master, will you sell us your cow?
Old man: (boy) Selling. I've been standing with her at the market since morning.
Gypsy: Aren't you asking a lot for her, old man?
Old man: (boy) Where to make money! I wish I could give it back!
Gypsy: Your little cow is too thin!
Old man: (boy) The damn thing is sick, it’s a real disaster!
Old man: (boy) Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet...
1 buffoon: The old man traded at the market all day,
Nobody gave a price for the cow.
One boy took pity on the old man.
Boy: Dad, your hand is not easy!
I’ll stand next to your cow, maybe we’ll sell your cattle.
2 buffoon: There is a buyer with a tight wallet,
And now he is bargaining with the boy.
Gypsy: Will you sell the cow?

Boy: Buy if you are rich. Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!
Gypsy: Is that so? Looks too skinny!
Boy: Not very fat, but good milk yield.
Gypsy: Does a cow give a lot of milk?
Boy: If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.
1 buffoon: The old man looked at his cow.
Old man: Why am I, Burenka, selling you?
I won’t sell my cow to anyone -
You need such a beast yourself!
2 Buffoon: Why isn’t the music playing?
Either the violin burned out, or the music went numb?
Come out, honest people, to a merry round dance.
Quickly stand in a circle and join hands!
(Game “Ay, dili”)
1 Buffoon: Dear gypsies! Where are you coming to our fair from?
are you welcome?
Gypsy: From afar, uh, from afar!
2 Buffoon: What did you use to get there?
Gypsy: On horseback, dear, on horseback. But the trouble is, the horse was stolen on the road. It was a good horse, a gypsy bay! Eh, what should I do now? After all, a gypsy without a horse is like a bird without wings!
1 buffoon: And you can buy horses for yourself at our fair.
2 Buffoon: Our horses are young, they are fast and dashing.
Gypsy: Competitions will show how fast your horses can gallop.
Form into two teams and ride horses!
(Attraction "Horse racing")
Gypsy: We walked around the fair, bought various gifts,
And now I would like to sit down and watch the dance.
Gypsy: Show us the "pattern room"
Dance daringly, dance merrily!
Child: Russian dance, dashing, how good you are.
Here there is prowess and strength, here is the Russian soul.
(Dance “Maiden-Pattern”)
1 Buffoon: Who wants bagels, dryers, cheesecakes,
Cockerels on a stick, come and take them apart.
2 Buffoon: Do you have something that ends with all the holidays in Rus'?
1 Buffoon: What is this?
2 Buffoon: Guess everything: the big-nosed one, Foka, always has his hands on his hips.
Foka boils water and shines like a mirror (Samovar).
Children: Samovar!
2 Buffoon: Right. The samovar is the most welcome guest in every home.
(The samovar-child comes out into the middle of the hall).
Samovar: Hello, I'm Samovar - Samovarovich. You can't do it without me
make do.
1 Buffoon: Samovar, samovar, where is your steam, dear one?
Why are you standing there and being silent, why won’t you boil?
Samovar: There's no point in swearing, I'm starting to heat up.
I know, even though I am old, that steam requires heat,
So throw some wood chips, otherwise I’ll boil with anger.
(The buffoon unwraps the candy and puts the samovar in his mouth.)
1 Buffoon: Okay, okay, don't be angry!
Samovar: Shu-shu-shu, please have some tea!
2 Buffoon: What should I pour it into?
Samovar: We will invite cups.
(Cup girls come out)
1 cup: Oh, you are dear guests, here are the painted cups.

Autumn Fair 2016

(scenario for senior group)

Reb. Attention! Attention! Attention!

A fun party is starting!

Hurry up honest people

The fair is calling you!

Reb. To the fair! To the fair!

Hurry up everyone here!

Here are jokes and sweet songs.

Friends have been waiting for you for a long time!

Reb. Hey don't stand at the door

come visit us soon.

People gather-

The fair is opening!

(children enter to the music of “Golden Fair”)

Ved: Hello dear guests!

Today I propose to open an autumn fun fair

With dancing, jokes and jokes! As it used to be in Rus'!

Song "Fair".

(After the song, the child traders go behind the counters)

The buffoons-children come out.

Erema: As with the fairy-tale king under Pea,

They walked in a cheerful crowd of buffoons.

Thomas: Hello, hosts and hostesses.

We came to look at your product and show ourselves.

Erema: We are cheerful amusements,

famous buffoons and scoffers.

Foma: For copper nickel, we’ll show you everything this way!

Erema: Come closer, come closer

Look at our laughs

Thomas: People are gathering!

Erema: The fair is opening!

Muz, children traders go behind the counter

Child traders:

1 reb: I am a cheerful peddler, and I have bells on my hat!

Buy caramels, buy lollipops!

Mints, maybe you'll like them?

Our village is very famous for them!

2 reb I have a hat with a pompom, but the product is no worse

Nuts and chocolate are also very necessary.

To whom? To whom? To whom?

3 reb But drying bagels, the price is only two rubles.

You will be happy to take them with you and drink some tea.

To whom? To whom? To whom?

4 reb Satin ribbons are all different colors,

Pins, needles. Hair jokes

Blush, lipstick - you need it all!

To whom? To whom? To whom?

5th child: Well, honest people,

Come boldly

Buy the product, don’t be shy!

Guys, don't yawn,

Who wants to buy what!

6 reb don’t go anywhere, come here everyone!

A marvelous miracle, a marvelous miracle, and not a commodity!

Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!

Don't count the crows, buy the goods!

These are good products! Anything for the soul!

7 reb We are naughty guys!

We are crazy guys!

We invite everyone to the fair!

We sell balalaikas!

Dance "Miracle Balalaika"

(Reb goes to the center of the hall)

8 Reb. Autumn is bright.

She brought us the harvest.

The fair was quickly assembled,

We sold all the harvest

9 Reb. The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain

Mushrooms in bright caps,

You give us all Autumn!

Song "For Mushrooms"

The buffoons come out

Erema: Listen Thomas! Our fair is in the fall.

Thomas: Why hasn't autumn come to us?

Reb. We'll have a party today

and we’ll invite Autumn to our place

We'll dance with her,

Let's play autumn songs and sing!

Reb: The cranes are flying south -

autumn has come

Come to our holiday,

We really, really ask.

Ved: Who would say in autumn: Come into our bright hall.

Together we will ask:

Children in chorus: Come visit us in the fall!

(Autumn comes out to the song colorful autumn)

Autumn: Hello dear guests!

I am golden autumn

Bow to you my friends!

I've been dreaming for a long time

I'm talking about meeting you.

I come to visit as a sorceress

And I delight you with my beauty.

I'm like a kind fairy of nature

I give you a crimson and gold outfit.

10 Child. Summer flew by quickly

Migratory bird into the distance

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl!

11 Child. Gifted by the guest - Autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms!

12 . Child. So let's praise Autumn

Song, dance and games!

The meetings will be joyful,

Autumn, this is your holiday!

Ved: Let's joyfully welcome autumn, let's sing a song together!

Song “Autumn in the Forest”

Autumn: And you guys

Girls and boys

What do you want to buy?

All children: We won't say what we buy

We'd better show you.

Game (autumn guesses)

Peddlers with trays come out to the music

13 Reb: . Products at our Fair: samovars are sold,

For sale are pitchforks, sleds, sweets and bagels.

Wooden spoons, fine rattles.

They dance and play and entertain the people!

14 Reb: Musical instruments

Dial as much as you want

Buy, don't hesitate

And play for the soul.

Dance "Varenka"

15 D: Let's stand, girls in a row

Let's sing ditties

16 M: Yes, and we’ll probably get up,

Let's not leave our friends behind


Autumn: Time for business, time for fun

Who will play with me now?

The game is called “Ring” (poems)

Game "Ring""(Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!)

The Nightingale the Robber flies in with a whistle and Atamansha dance to the song “They say we are byaki-buki” stealing Autumn.

Chieftain: Hello kids! Welcome to autumn!

S.R. Are you waiting for autumn gifts?

A: Can't wait! I locked her up in my cave. Now my robbers will be with vitamins all winter: with vegetables and fruits. And then everyone’s teeth fell out.

A: We are robbers and murderers!

S.R.: Chiki-briki! Caramba! Compass!

A: If you come across us, my dears,

S.R.: We, poor things, will feel sorry for you.

Ved: Are you Atamansha? You only think about yourself! Do you really want all the children to be left without autumn gifts?

A: You persuade me well, maybe I’ll let Autumn go. I am a compassionate woman, easy-going at heart. That means you greet autumn with a song, but what about me? I’m also a guest and I want some pies!!!

Song "Guests have come to us"

Ved: Well, how cheerful the Atamansha was, what a song we sang for you.

A: Oh my heart was just pierced. Now I’ll test you for strength and agility.

Game "Running in galoshes"

The Pillow Fight game is played by S.R.

A: How great you are at running, you can persuade anyone to fulfill your wish. So be it, I’ll let Autumn go. Come in, beauty!

Autumn enters.

The chieftain leaves.

Autumn: Thanks guys!

I bring the harvest

Undressing the fields again,

I'll send the birds south

I gild the trees

I'll treat you too.

If you come to the group,

You will find a new box there.

This box contains cookies, candies, treats,

With poppy seeds, tick birds, cockerels on a stick!

Help yourself, dear children.

It's time for me to go!

Ved: The sun has set, our fair has closed

Come visit us again, we are always happy to have guests.

Scenario autumn holiday in the preparatory group

"Autumn Fair" in the preparatory school preschool educational institution group. Scenario

Compiled by: Babintseva Olga Viktorovna, music director of GBDOU No. 104 of the Frunzensky district

Getting to know the history and traditions of the Russian people
- development of creative activity, thinking and imagination, creative capabilities of preschool children
- formation in children of a positive image of themselves, a harmonious picture of the world,
- promoting the growth of spiritual culture and patriotism in preschool children
Children's age: 6-7 years

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about traditions, the history of fairs, selection and study of dance and song repertoire with children, preparation of attributes, design of costumes for the event.
Decoration of the music hall: the hall is festively decorated with flowers, balloons, and exhibitions of folk crafts are presented.
Fedya the Bear
- peddlers
- buffoons
- gypsies
- nesting dolls

Autumn holiday scenario

Entrance. Children run into the hall with leaves and stand in scattered leaves.
1. Autumn,
2. Autumn,
3. Autumn,
4. Autumn!
All: You make noise with dry leaves,
1. Autumn,
2. Autumn,
3. Autumn,
4. Autumn!
All: Your holiday is coming!
Song: "Autumn Waltz"
"Dance with Leaves"

1. It's a festival of withering
Groves, fields, meadows, gardens,
This is parting with summer,
Expectations of cold weather.

2. Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning
Throwing new leaves onto the path.
The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!
Autumn will color us, as if by chance!”
Song "Goodbye, Summer"

3. September has gone unnoticed
The blue of heaven has faded,
October is wandering outside the windows
Among the bare birches and aspens.

4. Nature is ready for bed,
and we will sing and dance
And everyone will welcome Autumn together!

All: Autumn, Autumn, we invite you to visit us!

Autumn: You are talking about me, but here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
I am Autumn golden
I came to you for the holiday
And many gifts
I brought it to all the people.

Host: What will autumn bring to us guys, let's ask autumn about it.

Round dance "Hello Autumn"

Autumn: Take me to the fair
I invite everyone!
Let them not remain silent for longer
Fun, jokes, laughter!

The music sounds “Ah, the fair”

Autumn: The sun rises brightly
People are rushing to the fair.
And the goods at the fair:
Samovars for sale
For sale pitchforks, sleds,
Sweets and bagels.

Children come out: (peddlers)
1. child.
Hello, hosts and hostesses!
Hello guests and guests!
2. child. So we came to your fair here.
3. child. Look at the product and show yourself.
4. child. Come, come closer and take a look at our goods!

1 child.
Here are the nuts!
The nuts are good
Delicious, with honey,
Let's put on a hat.

2nd child.
Here are the threads, there are the needles,
Come buy, darling girls.

3 child.
We ourselves are Ryazan, Astrakhan herrings,
Let's buy, take, choose!

4 child.
Who wants pies, hot pies!
In the heat of the moment, a kopeck for a couple!
Fried and baked by Akulina for Peter
Let's jump in!

5 child.
Oh yeah kvass! With honey, with honey,
And thick and luscious!

6 child.
Needles are not broken, threads, ribbons,
Blush, lipstick, whatever you need!

Peddlers: (singing)

Autumn: (to children)
You went to the fair, what did you buy there?
wooden spoons,
painted, different,
They dance and play and amuse the people!
Dance with spoons “Quadrille” Boynovskaya
Girl with matryoshka dolls:
But the wooden nesting dolls are multi-colored and ruddy.
Scarlet cheeks, a scarf, flowers along the hem,
They spin merrily like bright bouquets.

"Dance of Matryoshkas"

Children run out with goods

Children: We went to the fair!

Autumn: What did you buy there?

1 child.
Mother - earrings!
A basket for grandma!

2nd child. And for my sister, the ribbon goes up to her knees.

3 child.
And Vanyushka-Vanyushka
I bought everyone a pillow!

No pillow, no feather bed
I bought myself some cattle!

Song: “Where was Ivanushka?”

Autumn: As under the fairy-tale king under Pea
They walked in a cheerful crowd of buffoons.
And what would a fair be without buffoons!

Hello, kids - girls and boys. (Bow)

Autumn: Hello, buffoons, what did you come with?

1 child. Russian dances flow like a river into the soul,
2nd child. The soul cannot find peace, the legs are trying to dance.

"Dance of the buffoons"
Autumn: In the old days, cockfights were held at fairs, but since we do not have real roosters, we will choose our most roosters.

Game "Cockerels"
Game: "Tug of War"

Suddenly a growl is heard.

Autumn: Yes, this is the leader Fedya, leading a bear with him.

Fedya, the bear, and the gypsy girls come in.

Fedya: Hello, honest people!

All: Hello!

Autumn: Hello dear, hello, Mikhailo Potapych.

Fedya: Well, Mishka, bow to the respectable audience.

Autumn: What else can your bear do?

Autumn: Really?

Fedya: Look for yourself!
Bear, tell me, how much is 1+1? (the bear knocks 2 times)

Autumn: Bear, how much is 1+2 (the bear knocks 2 times)

Fedya: Think, Mishka, think (Mishka sways and knocks 3 times)
Well done, well done (gives sugar)
Well, how much is 1+3? (the bear roars, sways, hits itself on the head)

Don't know? (the bear nods)
Well, nothing, nothing - the guys will help you!

Children: four! (the bear knocks four times)

Have any of you seen
To make the bear dance?
He's a little clumsy
And shy too
But he can't resist:
He loves to dance very much.
Come on, blackhead!

"Gypsy Dance"

After the dance, the bear goes to collect the fee.
Bear and Fedya bow and leave.

What's a fair without Parsley?
We need to find him and bring him to the holiday.
Come on, clap your hands and say out loud:
Show it to us Autumn! One, Two, Wow!

Parsley appears on the screen.

Parsley: Hello, honest people (bows)
Say hello to me (children say hello)
Well, give me the answer.
Are you bored with me?
Children: No!
So whisper in my ear,
What's my name?
Children: Parsley!

Well, how are you doing, do you dance and play well?
And I brought you news from all areas!

Autumn: Which ones are these?

But what kind!
A village was driving past a man,
Suddenly the gate barks from the gateway!
The horse ate porridge, and the men ate oats!
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man drove!
Katya, Katya, Katyukha, rode the rooster!
The rooster crowed and ran to the market!

Autumn: That's the news!

And I have others too
A cricket sat on a pole, a cockroach sat in a corner,
We sat down and sang songs!

Autumn: Well, well!

They heard the spoons, stretched out their legs,
The kalachi heard it and jumped from the stove,
Let's sing along, sing along and dance!

Autumn: Oh, how?

This way, that way, just like that!
This way, that way, just like that!
Don’t be timid, honest people, dance with me!

Dance "Invitation"

Parsley: This is the end of the fairy tales, and well done to those who listened!

Autumn: Yes, while you were listening to Parsley, the hares ate the cucumbers in the garden!

If the cucumbers didn't work out, we'll treat you to some lollipops!
We got a lollipop, and that’s the end of the fair!

I’m sorry to part with you, but winter’s turn is approaching.
I will come to you again, guys, you are waiting for Autumn in a year!

Autumn says goodbye to the children and leaves.

We invite you all to the group and treat you to hot tea.
We'll have some sweet tea and pies and sing with our friends first.

Song: “Samovar”
After singing the song, the children leave hand in hand.

Target: involving parents of students in cooperation.


— develop interest and love for Russian folk art;

- introduce to different types gaming and funny folklore;

— enrich knowledge about the originality and beauty of Russian folklore;

- create conditions for understanding the national color of music, dances, songs of the Russian people;

— introduce parents to methods of work and cooperation;

- develop a positive attitude towards creative meetings, participation in joint events and implementation creative tasks;

- contribute to creating an atmosphere of family unity and cohesion.

Preliminary work: familiarization with the traditions of the Russian people, seasonal customs through listening to music, conversations, learning folk games, nursery rhymes, riddles, ditties, etc.; drawing up a fair scenario, selecting attributes for games; learning musical and literary material; discussion with the group teachers of the proposed scenario, making additions and corrections; design of an album with drawings “My favorite nursery rhyme, riddle, ditty”; viewing the video “Orchestra of Folk Instruments”; didactic game“Recognize by voice”; learning the dances “Samovar”, “Spinning”; making invitation cards for parents; discussion with teachers of the master class group; design of a music hall similar to a fairground (tables with goods, a carousel, a screen for showing the Petrushki Theater).

Equipment: costumes of entertainment heroes, candies, potatoes, spoons, folk toys.

The presenter enters the music room to the tune of a Russian folk melody.

Leading. Now all the people are already gathered. Hello, dear guests! We have been waiting to meet with you for a long time, but today we have a reason. Mother Autumn has arrived and brought fair festivities to the yard. Each master lays out his goods and invites buyers. I invite everyone to a noisy, cheerful autumn fair.

Children enter to the tune of a Russian folk melody and stand in front of the guests.


From all doors, from all gates

Come quickly, hurry up, people.

A cricket sat on a pole, a cockroach sat in a corner,

They sat down, sat, and sang a song.

Children sing to the tune of the song “In the Forge.”


To me, to the fair,

To me, to the fair,

How the people gathered at the fair,

How people gathered at the fair.

The music is playing, the music is playing,

Here the folk festival began, Here the folk festival began.

The goods lie in a mountain, the goods lie in a mountain, Come, look and choose any, Come, look and choose any.


Come, citizens, we will treat everyone.

We'll let you know before it's too late, we have one condition:

Today it is forbidden for us to be serious.

Children take places on chairs and tables.

Leading. And the goods at the fair are eye-opening. Let's ask this seller what he sells.

1st child salesman

Come to me, young and old,

Choose any product.

The product is excellent: here is a copper samovar.

And here are the cups for millet porridge,

But the saucers never break.

Children perform the Samovar dance.

Leading. There is, of course, a lot of dishes at the fair, but it seems there are even more toys.

He goes to the next table.

Dear seller, tell us about your product.

2nd child salesman

Near Vyatka there is a village called Dymkovo,

A cheerful corner surrounded by forests.

I brought these toys from there,

Everyone admire the Dymkovo miracle.

(Shows a toy.)

Turkey, turkey,

You look like a chest

The chest is not simple:

Red, white, gold.

And here are some more toys:

Ducks, horses, young ladies, goats.

Come and buy it

Disassemble all goods.

Leading. Thank you, master, for your story. I’ll buy a toy, only a little later, but for now I need a pot for butter and sour cream.

Folk game "Pots"

The players are divided into two groups. The “potty” children kneel down and form a circle. Behind each “pot” there is a player - the owner of the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle.

The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

- Hey, buddy, sell the pot!

- Buy it.

- How many rubles should I give you?

- Give me three.

The driver touches the “pot” with the owner’s hand three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the “pot” for, but no more than five rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle twice). Who will reach the fastest? free space in a circle, he takes it, and the one who lags behind becomes the leader.

Leading. While you guys were choosing pots, I saw miracles.

Miracle, miracle, miracles:

A fox stands on a stump

He waves his wand,

And the bunnies are dancing.

1st child.

There is a stump in the swamp,

He's too lazy to move.

The neck doesn't move

And I want to laugh.

2nd child. Is this really a miracle? I know even more wonderful things.

In the swamp and on the moss

A mosquito bit a flea.

A hare sits on a birch tree,

Dies laughing.

3rd child. Is this really a miracle? I know even more wonderful things.

Black with a fishing rod

White with a pipe.

The black one ate fish

White sang a song.

Leading. Wait, wait, let me tell you about a special miracle. In some kingdom, in Russian state Not far from Moscow, among forests and fields, there lived brave and skillful craftsmen. They got together and began to think about how to glorify their land, and this is what they came up with. They found white, very white clay in their native land and began to sculpt dishes from it such as the world had never seen. The craftsmen painted the dishes with blue paint. They drew patterns from nets, stripes, and flowers. People fell in love with the dishes, and they began to affectionately call them “the blue miracle.” And the town still stands not far from Moscow to this day, and, as before, craftsmen work there, making dishes of extraordinary beauty—“Gzhel beauty”—to the delight of people.

Girls dance in costumes with Gzhel patterns, the Spinning Dance.

Fair! Fair! A fun fair, and what is a fair without fun games? Yes, here they are.

The roles of playgirls are played by parents (mothers).

1st joke. Hello, good people!

2nd joke. Hello, dear kids.

1st joke. Have you heard that on the street two hens and a rooster are fighting, and two beautiful girls are watching and laughing.

2nd joke

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha,

How we feel sorry for the rooster.

1st joke(addresses the child). Say "copper."

Child. Copper.

1st joke. And your neighbor is a bear.

2nd joke. And you say “two hundred.”

Child. Two hundred.

2nd joke. Your head is in dough.

Both(together). And Glasha sent her greetings to you all. (They bow.)

Leading. What Glasha?

Both(together). Yes, our pig.

Leading. Oh, the funny little girls amused the people at the fair. And now there is a riddle for you.

Tarin, master,

Pinch we rode on a boat,

Tarin, the master drowned,

Who's left in the boat?

Fun girls. Pinch.

Leading. Pinch? Yes please. (Runs around the girls, and then to the children and pinches them.)

Oh, how beautiful yes nice guy coming. What is your name, lad?

Boy. My name is Ivan, but you can call me Ivanushka. Leading. Where have you been, Ivanushka?

Children perform the Russian folk song “Where was Ivanushka?”

How much did Ivanushka buy at the fair! The family will be very happy to receive gifts. And tell me, if it’s not a secret, where did you get so much money?

Ivanushka. I planted the potatoes, dug them up and sold them at the fair.

The game “Carry the Potatoes in a Spoon” is played.

Leading. What's a fair without a theater? Where is our Parsley, the funny toy? He's a boy no matter what. He will always amuse you with a joke or joke.

Puppet theater

(parents behind the screen)


Here I am! Long time no see, friends.

Hey boy from the front row

Didn't you recognize me at first sight?

Do you think what kind of toy this is?

And this is me - Petrushka.

Hello dear viewers,

Would you like to compete with me?

Leading. It depends on what.

Parsley. For example, who will scream louder, or who has a longer tongue.

Leading. No, we don't need such competitions. Better tell us what you came to the fair with.

Parsley. In the fall, weddings took place in Rus'. I really want to get married and I will choose a bride now. You have so much beautiful girls. I like the one in the blue scarf, but the one sitting next to her is even better. Can I see everyone?

The girls go around the hall.

No, I can’t choose, everyone smiles at me, I’m even embarrassed.

Leading. Parsley, it’s too early for our girls to think about marriage.

Parsley. Okay, I amused you, and now you please me with ditties and play musical instruments.

Children perform ditties.

1st child

We are funny guys

We are preschool children,

Let's sing for you now

We are ditties of the highest class.

2nd child

I haven't had a drink all week

Didn't drink, didn't eat.

Me at your fair

I wanted to dance.

3rd child

I'm a sweet boy

Thin figure.

Will he really not love you?

No fool.

4th child

Washed the floor, washed the floor,

I soaked the whole hem,

My mother irons me

And I run outside.

5th child

We're at the fair today

We had fun from the heart,

Our boys are good

And the girls are good.

Leading. You can walk around the fair all day, but the time has come to buy something as a souvenir. Don't be afraid, you won't spend a penny at our fair. At our autumn fair, all goods can be purchased for candies. Come over, don’t be shy, talk to the sellers.

Guests buy souvenirs for candies.

Oh, but this counter is empty, there is no product lying around. I know where the master is. Let's all go to his workshop, and the master will teach us how to make toys with his own hands.

The master class is conducted either by the teacher or parents.

Now that the toys have been made and the souvenirs have been bought, it’s time to go to the carousel.

Game "Carousel"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One, two, one, two,

So the game is over.

At the end of the entertainment there is a tea party.