We open the window and a cat comes out onto the cornice. Lesson notes for the middle group doe

Physical exercises about animals are intended for organizing a moment of health during children's classes in kindergarten.

The purpose of the physical education session on the topic “Domestic and wild animals” is to relieve fatigue and drowsiness in middle and older children, and restore the physical strength of preschoolers.

Exercises about pets

The ducks came out into the meadow

The ducks came out into the meadow,
Quack-quack-quack! (We're walking)
A cheerful beetle flew by, J-J-J! (We wave our arms like wings)
Geese arch their necks, Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotations of the neck)
The beak straightens the feathers. (Turns left and right)
Did the wind sway the branches? (We shake our hands up)
The ball also growled, Rrrr! (Hands on waist, leaned forward)
The reeds whispered in the water, Shhh! (Raised their hands and stretched)
And again there was silence, Sh-sh-sh. (Sit down)

Funny geese

(Children sing and perform different movements)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese:
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese.
They stretched out their necks - whose ones are longer!
One is gray, the other is white,
Who has it longer?
The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch.
One is gray, the other is white,
They hid in a ditch.
Here's grandma screaming:
Oh, the geese are gone!
One is gray, the other is white -
My geese, my geese!
The geese came out
They bowed to grandma -
One is gray, the other is white,
They bowed to grandma.

One-two - the ducklings went

One-two - the ducklings walked, (We walk in place)
Three or four - we went home. (Jumping in place)
The fifth trudged after them, (Clap our hands)
The sixth man ran ahead, (We stomp our feet)
And the seventh fell behind everyone else - (We walk in place)
I got scared and shouted: (Clap our hands)
- Where are you, where are you? (Jumping in place)
- Don’t shout, we’re nearby, look! (Stomp our feet)


Fluffy lumps
Wash your cheeks with your paw,
Wash your nose with your paw,
Wash your eyes with your paw -
Right eye, left eye.
Wash your ears with your paw -
Right ear, left ear.

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws, (Stretched, arms up - inhale and exhale)
Got ready to charge. (Jerks of arms in front of chest)
Turned left, right, (Turns left, right)
Did the squat properly, (Squats)
I cleaned the fluff with my beak, (Tilts my head left and right)
Hurry into the water - splash! (Sit down)

A puppy was running around the yard

A puppy was running around the yard (slow running in place)
He sees a piece of the pie. (lean forward, arms to the sides)
He crawled under the porch and ate it, (sit down, hands to mouth)
He fell apart and began to sniffle. (arms to the sides, head to the side)

Now the window has opened (arms to the sides)
The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the graceful gait of a cat)
The cat looked up (throw back head, look up)
The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down)
Here I turned to the left, (turn my head to the left)
She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right)
Stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions)
And she sat down on the ledge.


The cat washes itself with its paw (strokes its cheeks)
Apparently he's going to visit.
I washed my nose (rubbing my nose with my palm)
Wash your mouth (run your finger over your lips)
Wash your ear (stroke one ear, then the other)
Wiped it dry. (rubbed ears)
The cat washes itself with its paw (stroking its chest)
He is going to visit the children.


Ours is the hostess
She was smart.
Everyone has a job in the hut
For the holiday she gave: (walk in a circle, holding hands)
The dog washes the cup with its tongue. (cup your palms, “lick” it)
Piggy collects
Crumbs under the window. (sit down, tilt your head rhythmically).
Cat on the table
He scratches with his paw. (stand up, make movements towards yourself with your right hand)
Goat doormat
Sweeps with a broom. (“revenge” gender)


Petya, Petya - cockerel (head tilts to the right - left)
I spent the whole day learning a poem (head tilted forward and backward)
And he remembered the line (for each syllable, hit your thighs with your hands)
Only one - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Sly cat

A cunning cat is prowling around the house (the cat walks on the rug)
Looking for a small mouse (children are standing on the rug)
The mouse lives underground (children squat down)
Quietly scraping the boards. (scraping on the rug)
The cat won't catch it (children get to their feet)
A little mouse by the tail! (they shake their finger at the cat and run away, but the cat catches up with them)

The cat Antipka lived with us. (stand up, hands on belt)
He got up from his bed at one o'clock. (stretched, arms up - inhale)
At two in the kitchen he was stealing sausages (tilts left and right)
At three I ate sour cream from a bowl. (bend forward, hands on waist)
He washed his face at four. (tilts the head to the shoulders left – right)
At five I was rolling on the mat. (turns left-right)
At six he was dragging herring from a tub. (hand jerks in front of chest)
At seven I played hide and seek with the mice (claps from front to back)
At eight he cunningly narrowed his eyes. (squats)
At nine I ate and listened to fairy tales. (claps hands)
At ten I went to the bed to sleep (jumping in place)
Because I have to get up at one o'clock. (we walk in place)


Like visiting a kitty (running on tiptoes)
Two chickens in bast shoes,
Cockerel in boots (walking with high knees)
Chicken in earrings (walking on heels)
Drake in a caftan (fractional step)
Duck in a sundress (waddling)

We bought the cat

We bought a cat (raise your hands forward)
Boots for the holiday (put your foot on the heel, turn it)
They combed her mustache (spread her arms to the sides from her cheeks)
Sewed new panties (imitate sewing with a needle)
Just how to put them on (shrug shoulders, arms to the sides)
The tail has nowhere to go. (show the “tail” behind your back)

Gymnastics for the neck “Goat”

Oma - oma - oma (raise and lower your head)
There is a goat standing near the house.
Ome - ome - ome (shake your head right - left)
Good in a tall house.
Me - me - me (raise and lower your head)
Come to me. (making inviting movements)
Mot - mot - mot (shake your head right - left)
Don't put your hooves on the dresser. (waking finger)

You know me closely (children walk in a circle on their tiptoes, sneaking)
I'm a friendly pussy. (stop, face in a circle)
At the top - tassels on the ears (they make “ears” from the palms of their hands)
The claws are hidden in the pillows. (“claws” of fingers)
In the darkness I see vigilantly, (again and blow in a circle, stealthily)
I won't offend you in vain.
But teasing me is dangerous - (they stop, stand facing the circle)
I scratch terribly. (show “claws”)
(V. Stoyanov)

Treat a kitten - facial exercise

My little gray cat (children convey facial expressions like a kitten)
Doesn’t grow at all (they treat them with different foods: milk,)
And even the mustache doesn't grow. (meat, lemon, fish, sausage)
He doesn’t eat soup (carrots, peppers, etc.)
And he doesn’t eat porridge -
Try growing here!

“Hello, Vaska the goat” - dynamic pause

Hello, Vaska the goat, (bow, palm on chest)
If you came to visit, (shake head)
Help yourself to the grass, (stretch your palms forward)
Look, don't slurp! (wag a finger)


(imitation of movements)
The cat inflated the balloon
And the kitten bothered her.
Playful paw “hop!”
And the inflated balloon “pop!”
The kitten blinked its eyes,
He smiled at his mother affectionately.
He squeezed his eyes and paws tightly.
And he said: “Bye, guys!”

Dog Barbos

(imitation of movements)
Here sits our dog Barbos.
He hid his black nose in his paws.
The dog is dozing or sleeping.
Doesn't look at the kids.
Our children stood up quietly
And they ran up to the dog
- Come on, dog, get up quickly.
And catch up guys!


I'm a goat Me-ke-ke. (children walk in a circle)
I'm walking in the meadow
Sharp horns. (show horns)
Thin legs (stomping feet)
At the very top
Velvet ears. (show ears)
Linen tongue (show the tongue with a “spatula”)
Hemp tail (show the tail with your hand from behind)
As soon as I jump, (they jump)
I'll gore you right away. ("butt heads")


Horses walk along the alley. (walking, raising your knees high, arms forward)
Here they are, right in the palm of your hand. (half squat on left leg)
And well-fed, (right forward on the toe)
And well-mannered (also, but on the other side)
The trainer will say (with the right leg, “kick with the hoof”)
"Oops!" (jump from foot to foot)
The horses immediately gallop. (same on the other leg)
He will raise a long whip (swing his right hand in a backward circular motion)
Fast horses will freeze. (half squat, arms forward)
The conductor will wave his hand - (waves in front of you)
The horses dance to the orchestra. (two stomps from the right foot, then from the left)
We will clap our hands (clap in front of ourselves)
The horses will kneel. (left step forward, half squat)
Their necks will stretch out. (stretch your neck)
There are no more obedient people in the world. (turn head to the right)
This is what these horses are like. (turn head to the left)


We visited a farm (children walk in a circle, holding hands)
We saw white rabbits.
Nimble rabbits (run in a circle, making “ears” out of their fingers)
Then they lay down, (lie down)
They were spinning (spinning)
In a wire house.
They clapped their paws (clap their hands)
They squealed merrily. (stomping feet)
We are the animals (they walk in a circle, holding hands)
Not tough grass -
We'll get Clover...
Grow up (jump in a circle, making “ears” out of fingers)
With delicate fur,
With round tails.
(K. Kubilinskas)


The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands clasped behind my back)
Hit with his hoof at the gate (rhythmic alternating raising of legs bent at the knees)
Mane plays in the wind
Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking head, then bending to the sides)
I'll quickly jump onto the saddle,
If I don’t go, I’ll fly (jumping in place)
Clack - clack - clack,
Clack - clack - clack, (arms are bent at the elbows in front of you)
There beyond the distant river
I'll wave to you (jump on the spot)

Physical exercises about wild animals


An elephant walks in the zoo
Ears, trunk, gray. (Tilts the head to the sides.)
He nods his head, (Tilts his head forward.)
It's like he's inviting you to visit. (Head straight.)
One, two, three - forward tilt,
One, two, three - now back. (Bends forward, backward.)
The elephant shakes its head -
He is happy to do exercises. (Chin to chest, then tilt head back.)
Even though the charge is short,
We rested a little. (Children sit down.)


Early in the morning, monkeys frolic like this in the clearing:
Left foot: stomp, stomp! Right foot: stomp, stomp!
Hands up, up, up, who will raise the highest?
Hands down and bent over, placing your hands on the floor.
Now let’s have a good walk on all fours.
And then we will rest, sit and go to sleep.


The hares got up early in the morning,
They played merrily in the forest.
Jump-jump-jump along the paths!
Who is not used to charging? (Jumping in place)
Here is a fox walking through the forest.
Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Walking in place)
To answer the question,
The little fox pulls his nose. (Stretching - arms forward)
But the bunnies jump quickly.
How could it be otherwise? (Jumping in place)
Exercise helps!
And the bunnies run away. (Running in place)
Here's a hungry fox (Walking in place)
Looks sadly at the heavens. (Stretching - arms up)
Sighs heavily. (Deep inhale and exhale)
He sits down and rests. (Children sit at tables)


We play too loud
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
Puff out our cheeks
Jumping on your toes
And even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Let's jump to the ceiling together
Let's put our fingers to our temples,
Let's stick out our ears,
The tail is on the top of the head.
Let's open our mouths wider,
We'll make all the faces.
How can I say the number “three” -
Everyone, freeze with grimaces!
“One - two - three!”

We're hunting a lion

We are not afraid of him.
We have a long gun
And a spyglass.
Oh! What is this?
And this is a field: top-top-top.
Oh! What is this?
And this is a swamp: champ-champ-champ.
Oh! What is this?
And this is the sea: glug-glug-glug.
Oh! What is this?
And this is the path: shur-shur-shur.
You can't crawl under it.
You can't fly over it.
There is no way around it, but the path is straight,
We went out into the clearing.
Who is this lying here?

Let's touch it.
Children “touch” an imaginary lion.
“Yes, it’s a lion! Oh, mommies!”

They got scared of him and ran home.
Along the path: shur-shur-shur.
By sea: glug-glug-glug.
Through the swamp: champ-champ-champ.
Across the field: top-top-top.
We ran home.
The door was closed.
Wow! (as you exhale)
Well done!


(Clap your palms all over your body.)

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.

(We pinch ourselves, as if picking up folds.)

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
(Use both index fingers to touch the corresponding parts of the body.)
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On noses, bellies, knees and toes.
(We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing fur)

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.
(Use both index fingers to touch the corresponding parts of the body.)
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On noses, bellies, knees and toes.
(We run the edges of our palms along the body (draw stripes))

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On noses, bellies, knees and toes.

Wild animals

On a hot day along a forest path
The animals went to water. (Children walk in a circle one after another)
The elk calf stomped behind the mother elk, (They walk, stomping loudly)
A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox, (They are walking stealthily)
A hedgehog was rolling behind its mother hedgehog (They move in a deep squat)
A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They move in a deep squat)
The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel, (They jump on their toes, bending their arms in front of their chests)
Behind the mother hare are the slanting hares (They jump, making “ears” from their palms)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her. (Walk on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Walk on all fours)

Squirrel exercise

In the wilderness on a Christmas tree
Once upon a time there were two little squirrels. (Stretch.)
We lived together and didn’t bother
And they were friends with exercises. (Jumping on two legs.)
We got up early in the morning,
Portrayed a kangaroo: (Put your hands to your ears.)
They grabbed their ears with their paws
And they leaned left and right. (Tilts to the sides.)
They clapped their hands together (Clap their hands.)
And they stretched out like cats. (Circular movements with arms, stretch.)
They stomped their feet, (Walking in place with the stomp.)
They batted their eyes, (Blink their eyes.)
They turned their heads, (Turning the head to the sides.)
They followed each other. (Walking in place)

The bear crawled out of the den

The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right.)
He stretched out of sleep: (Stretching - arms up.)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head.)
Bent back and forth, (Bends forward and back.)
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. (Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.)
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)

Bear cubs

(Circular movements of the head alternately in different directions. Bends to the sides, arms forward. Walking “bear style”, bending forward. Jumping in place.)

The cubs lived in the thicket,
They turned their heads.
Like this, like this
They turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey,
Together they rocked the tree,
Like this, like this
They rocked the tree together.

We waddled
And they drank water from the river.
Like this, like this
And they drank water from the river.

And then they danced
They raised their paws higher.
Like this, like this
They raised their paws higher.


A bear wanders through the forest, walking from oak to oak. (Waddle)
He finds honey in the hollows and puts it in his mouth. (“get” honey with your hand)
A club-footed sweet tooth licks the paw (imitation of movement)
And the bees swoop in and drive the bear away. (“shoo away” the bees)
And the bees sting the bear: “Don’t eat our honey, thief.” (lightly pinch your nose and cheeks)
A bear wanders along a forest road to his den. (Waddle)
He lies down, falls asleep and remembers the bees. (hands under cheek, tilt head)


She is not too lazy to do physical exercises every day (arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
From one branch, jumping to the left onto a twig, she crouched (hands on the belt, jump to the left, crouch)
Then she jumped to the right (stand up, hands on the belt, jump to the right)
She circled around the hollow. (spin in place)

How much joy outdoor games bring to little ones fidgety.

By moving, a child not only lifts his mood. Physical development is directly related to mental development: the more the baby moves, the more active his intellectual development occurs. Fun physical education sessions are about your child’s health.

- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home.
- Stomp your right foot,
Stomp your left foot
Again - with the right foot,
Again - with the left foot.
After - with the right foot,
Then - with the left foot.
And then you will come home.

Raise your shoulders
Jump grasshoppers.
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Stop! We sat down.
We ate some grass.
They listened to the silence.
Higher, higher, higher
Jump on your toes with ease!

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,
I didn't want to sleep anymore
He moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch)
He soared up and flew.
The sun will just wake up in the morning,
The butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around)

We'll jump like a frog
The champion is a jumper.
After a jump - another jump,
Let's jump higher, my friend!

The wind blows in our faces (imitate the wind blowing),
The tree swayed (we shake the body).
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter (squat).
The tree is getting higher and higher (stand up, hands up).

The wind shakes the grass
The wind shakes the grass,
Tilts left, right.
Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny,
And dance on the lawn.

Bunny gray
Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He moves his ears (we massage his ears).
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm our paws (we rub our palms).
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump (we jump).
The wolf scared the bunny!
The bunny immediately ran away!

The king walked through the forest
The king walked through the forest
I found myself a princess.
Let's jump with you.
And we kick our legs.
And let's clap our hands.
And let's stamp our feet.

The mice came out
One day the mice came out (walking in place)
See what time it is. (turns left, right, fingers “tube” in front of the eyes.)
One, two, three, four (clap your hands above your head.)
The mice pulled the weights. (hands up and squatting with hands down “pulled the weights.”)
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound, (claps in front of you)

The mice ran away (running in place).


In the morning the gnomes went into the forest

In the morning the gnomes went into the forest (step in place)
We found a mushroom on the way (lean forward, straighten up, hands on waist)
And then one, two, three (torso tilts from side to side)
Three more showed up! (arms forward, then to the side)
And while the mushrooms were being picked, (bend forward, hands to the floor)
The gnomes were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)
We ran, we hurried (running in place)
And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)

The locomotive whistled
The locomotive whistled
And he brought the trailers.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I'll rock them far.


The cat came out onto the ledge

Now the window has opened (arms to the sides)
The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)
The cat looked up (throw back your head, look up)
The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down)
Here I turned to the left, (turn your head to the left)
She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right, “follow” the fly with your gaze)
Stretched and smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions)
And she sat down on the ledge.

Who lives in our apartment?

Who lives in our apartment?
One, two, three, four, (Clap our hands.)
Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)
One, two, three, four, five (Jumping in place.)
I can count them all: (We walk in place.)
Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)
Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilts the body left and right.)
My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns the body left and right.)
That's my whole family! (Clap our hands.)

Tim was walking
Tim walked, walked, walked, (We walk in place.)
I found a white mushroom. (Clap your hands.)

One-fungus, (Bends forward.)
Two is a fungus, (Bends forward.)
The box is full!

Lesson notes for the middle group “Composing a description of the characters in a fairy tale.”

Target: A short display of a plot picture, an exercise to train visual memory. Teach children to react quickly and develop their imagination.
Introduce children to a fairy tale. Teach children to listen carefully to a short literary work, analyze the actions of the characters, and develop imaginative thinking. Learn to transform into fairy tale heroes and learn to describe them.

Progress of the lesson.

The Dasha doll comes to visit the children with surprises. A plot picture is shown on the screen: a boy draws with paints. Children look at the picture for 2-3 minutes, then the picture closes.
- What do you remember?
- Well done! Dasha liked you with your answers.
And now Dasha wants you to listen carefully to the fairy tale she brought you:
Once upon a time there was a cat, Murka, a soft fur, and a cockerel, a red comb.
They lived in the forest, in a small house. They lived, did not grieve, were friends with each other.
One day, the cat Murka went into the forest to hunt - to catch mice, claws
sharpen on tree trunks. The cockerel was left alone. He felt bored in the house and decided to go for a walk in the clearing.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the fox is a red beauty.
The fox had known about the cockerel for a long time, but was afraid of Murka’s claws. Snuck up
The fox from behind the bush didn’t talk for a long time, grabbed the cockerel’s wing with her teeth, and carried it to her hole, to her fox cubs for lunch.
And at that time Murka climbed up a tree, following the birds and the mice from above,
observe. And suddenly she sees: her cockerel friend is carrying her by the wing. Murka jumped from the tree straight onto the fox's withers, knocked her off her feet, the fox and released the cockerel. And in fright she ran away into another forest.
And the cockerel and the cat Murka returned home, treated the cockerel’s wing and began to live and live and make good money.
- Who are the heroes of the fairy tale? (Cat Murka, cockerel, red comb, Fox - red beauty).
- Where did the cat Murka and the cockerel, the red comb, live? (In the forest)
- How did they live? (They lived without grieving, they were friends with each other).
- What happened to the cockerel? (A fox crept up from behind a bush, did not talk for a long time, grabbed the cockerel’s wing with its teeth, and carried it to its hole, to its cubs for lunch.)
- Where was the cat at that time? (And at that time Murka climbed up a tree to watch the birds and the mice from above.)
- How did the cat save the cockerel? (Murka jumped from the tree straight onto the fox’s withers, knocked her off her feet, the fox and released the cockerel.)
Now the window has opened. (arms to the sides)
The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)
The cat looked up (throw back head, look up)
The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down)
Here I turned to the left, (turn my head to the left)
She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right, “follow” the fly with your gaze)
Stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions)
And she sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

Guys, Dasha wants you to describe the heroes of the fairy tale, and diagrams will help us with this.
- Who is this?
- What color?
- Body parts?
- What is the body covered with?
- Voice?
-What does it eat?
- How does he move?
- Where does he live?
-Who are the cubs?
- Benefit for people?
- Who wants to turn into a cockerel? Story according to the scheme.
- Now let's look at the cat.
We work according to the scheme.
- Who wants to become a cat? Story according to the scheme
- Look at the next slide. Who is this?
- Who wants to become a fox? (Work according to the scheme)
- Well done! Dasha liked you, and she prepared prizes for you.

1st place

MADO "Kindergarten No. 8", teacher Zhuravleva L.M.

Summary of an integrated lesson in an early age group.

Topic: "Pets - cat."

Educational areas: Cognition, communication

Target: Enriching children's ideas about domestic animals (cats).

Educational objectives

  • To contribute to the formation of ideas about cats, their behavior, nutrition,

housing, variety of species.

Developmental tasks

  • Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Educational tasks.

  • Foster love, caring and attentive attitude towards pets.

Speech tasks.

  • Develop the ability to express your impressions of animals in words: adjectives denoting the qualitative characteristics of an object (fluffy, small, red, white, black)
  • Develop the ability to imitate the sound of animals (cats) and imitate their movements.
  • Develop children's speech and expand their vocabulary.

Material: toy cat, basket with objects (pillow, plate, comb, pictures with food, pictures with cats, book by S. Marshak “Mustachioed - Tabby”)

Methodical techniques:

A surprise moment, artistic expression, looking at animals, finger gymnastics, answering questions, physical education.

GCD move:

1. Surprise moment:

A cat is heard meowing (music accompaniment)

Children, do you hear? Someone is meowing. (Children's response) Where is the cat?

Who meowed at the door?

Open it quickly!

Very cold in winter

Murka is asking to go home!

(carry the cat out in a basket)

Oh, what a cat came to visit us! Her name is Murka! Hello, Murka!

2. Main part.

Murka brought a basket with her, let's see what's in there.

1) Pillow.

What is it? (children's answers - rug, pillow) Why does Murka need this? (so that Murka sleeps on it, lies down, rests) We will put the cat on a pillow so that she is comfortable. (individually offer to sit the cat on the mat).

2) Comb.

What is it? What does a cat need?

(children's answers: comb, comb the cat)

Individually offer to brush the cat.

Oh, how beautiful Murka is, neat, smooth fur.

Murka suggests playing like “fluffy kittens”

Finger gymnastics “Fluffy kittens”

We are fluffy kittens (claps)

Wear warm gloves (flashlights)

We hide our claws in them (clench and unclench our fists)

Come on, come on, look! 2 times

What is it?

What is this item for? (bowl, plate, feed the cat)

Murka asks: Meow, meow, feed me!

Let's feed Murka.

What do cats like to eat? (children's answers)

Place pictures of food on the easel (food, sausage, milk, cake, pizza, etc.) Invite the children to choose pictures of food for the cat. (put the selected pictures next to the cat)

Physical education lesson “The cat came out onto the ledge”

Murka has rested, eaten and wants to play with you.

Now the window has opened (arms to the sides)

The cat came out onto the ledge (imitation of a gait)

The cat looked up (according to the text)

The cat looked down

I turned left

I watched the flies

Stretched and smiled

And she sat down on the ledge (sit down). Meow! 2 times.

4) Pictures of cats.

Our Murka has girlfriends. She wants to introduce us to them and brought us photographs.

One cat is red...What kind of cat is this? (children's answers)

Pictures with cats are displayed on the easel; use children’s answers explaining the characteristics of each cat (white, black)

There are fluffy cats (picture of a fluffy cat), and there are smooth-haired cats (picture of a smooth-haired cat). That's how different cats are!

5) Reflection

Which cat did you like best? (children's answers)

Would you like a cat to live at home?

For your cat to enjoy living in your home, you need to take good care of it. How to properly care for cats? (children's answers)

6) Summary of the lesson.

Well done guys! You said everything correctly. So today you and I fed Murka, brushed her, played with her and gave her a pillow to rest her bed on. And Murka really liked it in our group. But it’s time for Murka to go home, and she wants to give us a gift - the book “Mustache Striped” by S. Marshak. About how a girl took care of her cat. And after the walk, you and I will read this book.

And Murka says goodbye to us! Goodbye, Murka! Come and visit us again!”

Natalia Butenko
“A story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens.” Summary of direct educational activities for the NGO “Communication”

Summary of direct educational activities in communication.

Subject: « Storytelling from a picture« Cat with kittens» .

Target: teach children to compose a small plot story based on the picture.

Tasks: bring to narration of events, preceding the drawn plot; tell the events, depicted in the painting; be able to complete story. Develop the ability to note and name features of difference and similarity cats and kittens when comparing their appearance, actions; learn to select the exact words that characterize actions (intensification of the use of verbs in speech). Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes.

Educational areas:

Priority: « Communication» ; IN integration: "Health", "Socialization", “Artistic creativity. Application", "Music".

Preliminary work: reading works about cats, looking at illustrations. Didactic game "Which one, which one".

Material: painting« Cat with kittens» , chamomile "Wisdom" with proverbs pasted onto the petals, geometric shapes, sheets of paper (base for laying out portraits, glue, felt-tip pens, audio recording of purring and squeaking cats and kittens, audio recording of a musical physical education session "How kittens» .

GCD move:

(Children stand in a circle and read a poem in chorus, holding hands.)

We put our palms together

And they offered to be friends with each other.

We will sing, practice, play,

To become kind and smart.

Children, we have a fascinating, interesting book in our group, but not a book. Colorful, but not a rainbow. You look into it as if into a mirror, but you don’t see your reflection. Can you guess what I'm talking about? Children:- painting. Today picture we have to pass it on to the children of the other group, and before leaving, she would like to hear interesting things from you stories.

Look at picture. What do you think it's called? (children's answers) The picture is called« Cat with kittens» . Before you start it consider, I suggest you do eye exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Here the window opened.

Came out cat on the ledge.

I looked cat upstairs,

I looked cat down.

Here I turned to the left,

She watched the flies.

She stretched, smiled and sat down on the ledge.

- Tell me, Who depicted in the painting? (cat and three kittens) - Tell me about the cat. What is she like? (big, fluffy)- Look at kittens. What can you say about them? What are they? (funny, mischievous) .

Now close your eyes, take a step forward and imagine that you and I have entered picture. Listen to what sounds you hear. (The teacher turns on the audio recording of beeping kittens and cat purring). We open our eyes. We take a step back, we leave paintings. What did you hear when you entered picture? (Children's answers).

Look at cat. Describe her appearance. What is she like? (big, fluffy). I invite you to stand in a circle. I will take turns throwing the ball to you, and you will select the answers to question: "What can he do? cat?"

(Washes herself with her tongue, hides her nose when it’s cold. She sees well in the dark, sings songs. She has good hearing, walks silently. She knows how to arch her back, scratches.) I invite the children to sit on benches on the carpet.

Look at kittens. What can you say about them? What are they? (small, also fluffy). How are they different? kittens apart? What's different about them? (one kitten is red, the second is gray, the third is motley). That's right, they differ in coat color. How else are they different? See what each kitten is doing (one is playing with a ball, the second is sleeping, the third is lapping up milk). How are they all alike? kittens? (all small). Kittens are very different. Let's give nicknames cat and kittens, so that you can guess from them what kind of character the kitten is.

Kitty: (says nickname) plays. How else can you say about him? (plays, jumps, rolls a ball). Kocho nok: (says nickname) sleeping How else can you say? (dozing, eyes closed, resting). And the kitten named ....: laps milk. How can you say it differently? (drinks, licks, eats).

Musical physical education minute "How kittens» .

Let's go back to picture. Listen to a plan that will help you create story.

Who depicted in the painting? Where does the action take place?

Who would leave a basket of balls? And what happened here?

What can happen when the owner returns?

Try in story use the words and expressions you used when looking at the painting.

Children take turns making up 4-6 stories. Others choose whose the story turned out better, and justify their choice.

And I have a chamomile of wisdom. There is a proverb written on each petal. Ending story may be one of the chamomile wisdom proverbs. Let's read them.

The cat's paw is soft, but the claw is sharp.

It's warm in a friendly family even in the cold.

There is no limit to a mother's patience.

Even if it’s crowded, it’s better together.

The whole family is together and the soul is in place.

Guys, would you like to have in our group painting with kittens. We can make one ourselves picture?

Children go to the tables to lay out portraits kittens from geometric shapes and gluing them to the base. Fold the kitten according to the diagram. Finish drawing the eyes, nose, mouth, mustache. One of the children posts a portrait of their mother cats.

We post the result painting on the carpet, we're looking at it.

Bottom line. Guys, do you think we completed our tasks today? - Which one? we looked at the picture today? Well done!