Marlboro red nicotine. Cigarettes Marlboro double mix

– the most recognizable brand not only in the tobacco market in the world. Its value in the world ranking allows it to be in twenty-sixth place, ahead of the world well-known companies Coca-Cola and Nike.

Not every tobacco manufacturer can boast of such interesting story success.

History of the company's development and trademark Marlboro serves good educational material on business development and marketing.

Marlboro cigarettes and their manufacturer

The owner of the Marlboro cigarette brand is one of the largest transnational tobacco companies International (PMI). Its main office is located in Switzerland in the city of Lausanne.

Not every tobacco product manufacturer can boast of such a long and interesting success story. When an unknown employee, Philip Morris, opened the first small tobacco shop on Bond Street in the capital of Great Britain back in 1847, he himself could not imagine how it would all end.

After his death, the company was given a new name: Philip Morris&Co., Ltd. William Curtis Thomson then became the owner. With the help of their business qualities, acquaintances among high-ranking officials, seeks permission to supply his products to the royal court.

Since 1902, the company has American owners. By the early twenties, the joint American and English company had a new emblem with a crown.

Now it is one of the most recognizable in the whole world; five years later, by 1924, the production of cigars under the Marlboro brand began at a factory in Virginia. Thus begins the journey of this famous brand.

The most interesting thing is that filter cigarettes were originally created for the fair sex. On the wave of emancipation, the company's owners hoped to make a good profit. However, their hopes were not justified.

To preserve the brand, we had to urgently change to another target audience. However, men refused to buy with a filter, as they did not want to become objects of ridicule.

Therefore, the best American advertising specialist Leo Burnett was tasked with forming new look the entire public on filter cigarettes. He coped with this task perfectly. The company has taken its place in the United States market.

To combat the established stereotype, he used male images representing brave, difficult, courageous professions: military men, sea captains, travelers. But the most successful image, which received the greatest success, was the image of the cowboy, the conqueror of the wild west, beloved by all Americans.

This was a time of enormous popularity in literature, cinema, and on television of stories about brave guys conquering the endless prairies. All that remains is to provide them with more than just a revolver. But also a pack of Marlboro.

After the release of the famous film “The Magnificent Seven,” the “Marlboro Man” appeared, which to this day represents Marlboro cigarettes.

In 1961, it received its current name - Philip Morris International began to develop the tobacco markets of other countries. A well-promoted brand and excellent reviews of its products have opened up wide opportunities for developing sales markets in other countries.

The main directions for promoting Marlboro brand cigarettes were: registration of various licensing agreements allowing the production of cigarettes, creation of new branches in many large cities.

For example, in 1963 the first branch opened on the European continent. By the early seventies, sales of Marlboro amounted to more than 113 billion units.

Since the mid-seventies of the last century, the development of the tobacco market began Soviet Union. During this period, Marlboro was produced under license by five tobacco factories.

The Soyuz-Apollo brand was specially developed. It was sold only on the domestic market. Twenty years later, the company began building factories in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

According to analysts of the company itself, by 2009 it was possible to reach a record sales volume of almost 870 billion cigarettes. This made it possible to make a profit of more than ten billion dollars.

These figures account for 15.6 percent of the total global tobacco market. Only due to the fact that the company has a high level of quality of its products, it manages to maintain such high economic indicators.

In today's difficult conditions, when many countries around the world are actively fighting smoking, even in legislative level, tobacco companies are forced to develop new types of products, advertising methods and sales methods.

Modern technologies do not bypass the Marlboro brand. Starting in 2013, development began electronic cigarettes. According to open sources, the company will release new Reduced-Risk products. This will be a new brand, with the help of which it is planned to occupy its market segment.

Test for smokers

Main types of Marlboro cigarettes – nicotine and tar content

In the production of Marlboro cigarettes, the tobacco itself has always been used. high quality. New technologies for the use of various additives are constantly used to create various types.

The very first innovation is considered to be the use of so-called “ammonia technology”. This technology allowed the company to obtain its unique taste, increase the burning time and the addictive power of these particular cigarettes.

In addition, various flavoring additives began to be added to tobacco. Back in 1966, the company released Marlboro Menthol. For that time it was truly a unique novelty.

The manufacturer did not stop there; it was prepared new line- lungs. The first new products were Marlboro Menthol Lights cigarettes.

To expand the range, Marlboro Mediem is introduced. After the introduction of a ban in the United States on the complete sale of so-called light cigarettes (“light”, “low-tar”, “mild” - these are the same variations on the theme “light, with a very low tar content”), Marlboro manufacturers had to change names of individual brands. This is how Gold and Silver appeared. They successfully replaced

Marlboro Light and Marlboro Ultra Light. In other countries where there is no such ban, cigarettes with mint additives are sold freely.

In 2010, the company's technologists released it to the market new look. They were named Ice Boost, Ice Ball and Blue Fresh. They all have one thing in common.

A small capsule was inserted into the filter. Menthol oil is placed inside this capsule; when you crush it during smoking, you feel the effect of real “frosty freshness”.

Another new product from Marlboro is the developed pack. It was the Marlboro developers who proposed the hinged lid. This made it possible to improve the convenience of constant use of the pack. The effect of involuntary advertising has increased. It was possible to get a cigarette only by pulling out the pack for everyone to see.

According to the marketing department, the number of types of Marlboro cigarettes produced in all countries is about 30 peculiar tastes. They satisfy the requirements of a wide range of hobbyists.

The main line of cigarettes is presented in all countries where active sales are carried out. The company itself notes that the same brand of cigarettes, but produced in different countries, has its own special taste. Real cigarettes made in the USA with their own original taste It's quite difficult to find outside of America.

The following are considered real Marlboro cigarettes:

  1. Red Soft is true. They are the most popular and best-selling. For their production, only the highest quality tobacco is used without additives or flavorings.
  2. Red contains 10 mg of tar and 0.8 mg of nicotine. The taste cannot be confused with any others.
  3. 100S – high quality. Even the design of the pack itself remains the same - strict corporate brown tones.
  4. 83mm eighty threes is a very small series in the Marlboro range. For their production, tobacco is selected in a special way, according to the methods of well-known company technologists.

Take the smoking test

Russian market – tastes and preferences

Based on the results of studies conducted among Russian smokers and analysis of their reviews, the list of the most popular cigarettes looks like this:

  1. First place already for many years holding Winston cigarettes. They are chosen by 12.4% of Russian tobacco consumers.
  2. Second place remains with the L&M brand. She has 8.9% of respondents.
  3. Kent took third place. 7.8% of respondents gave their preference.
  4. The fourth is retained by the Bond Street brand. Their adherents make up 6.3%
  5. Fifth place goes to Marlboro. Their figure is 5.5%.

Despite different ratings, Marlboro cigarettes remain quite popular around the world. This popularity is ensured by: high level production technologies, wide range of types, diversity taste qualities, different level fortresses

Each consumer chooses his own type. He relies on his own preferences in accordance with the characteristics offered.

Today, tobacco stores in Russia sell cigarettes produced in Russian tobacco factories and imported from other countries.

In trade you can find Marlboro products, which are represented by seven different types:

  1. Filters – contains standard 0.8 mg of nicotine. The amount of resin content reaches 10 mg.
  2. Mediem. It contains 0.6 mg of nicotine, 8 mg of tar.
  3. Light. They have a reduced nicotine content, reaching 0.5 mg, and only 6 mg tar.
  4. Ultra Light. Even lighter. Contains 0.4 mg of nicotine and only 4 mg of tar.
  5. Crips Mint. With a distinctive taste. Contains nicotine 0.5 mg, tar 6 mg.
  6. Fresh Mint. They contain 0.5 mg of nicotine and about 6 mg of tar.
  7. Filter Plus. These are the lightest cigarettes presented on Russian market. They contain only 0.2% nicotine and only 3% tar.

The ability to satisfy the most demanding tastes of tobacco lovers allows the company to feel securely in the Russian market.

With button and capsule

The Marlboro tobacco brand offers types of cigarettes that change their taste at the request of the smoker.

"Marlboro Double Mix" - cigarettes with an amazing aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. Their uniqueness lies in the presence of 2 capsules. The filter has two buttons of the corresponding shades. The choice consists of 4 flavor options:

  • menthol – press the blue button;
  • fruit – press on the purple circle on the filter;
  • menthol – fruit – press two buttons at once;
  • classic tobacco – don’t touch anything on the filter, just smoke the cigarette.

The taste and integrity of the cigarettes is ensured by a completely sealed pack - after closing, the foil fits tightly to the package. The strength is not high - tar 5 mg, nicotine 0.4 mg.

A stylish tutu of black color combined with an insert of blue and blue blending into each other. purple. The name "Marlboro" is silver with an embossed effect. Above it is a glow in the shape of an arc. The buttons shimmer in the same shades and are shaped like an infinity symbol.

Marlboro Ice Boost is not just a tobacco product with a minty flavor, but a wave of icy freshness. A capsule with menthol oil, enclosed in a filter. A pleasant taste is felt in the mouth even before lighting. The aroma is so frosty that it almost completely overpowers the smell of tobacco. After finishing smoking, you feel not the usual tobacco taste, but a pure mint aroma.

The location of the capsule in the filter is indicated by a green dot. In order to crush it, a small force is applied. The cigarettes have a comfortable strength - tar 7 mg, nicotine 0.4 mg.

The design is quite strict and eye-catching: the black background of the relief walls is set off by a diagonal small turquoise checkered pattern. The button resembles a simplified version of the “cardinal direction indicator”: a green ball against the background of two crossed blue arrows.

Marlboro Ice Blast Crush is special kind, manufactured using special technology. IN top part The filter contains a ball called “Iceball”. It is designed to enhance the menthol flavor and add a cooling effect while smoking.

The tobacco product is not very strong. Tar content is 8 mg, nicotine – 0.5 mg.

The pack has a traditional insert for the brand at the top of the package, but this time blue with overflows. The main background is black, on top of which there is a kind of turquoise mesh. The button design is schematically similar to the one located on a pack of Marlboro Ice Boost.

“Marlboro Fuse Beyond” – there are 2 buttons on the filter, which, depending on your mood, can be pressed separately or together. Around each there are inscriptions:

  • green – “Mintball” – gives a menthol aroma;
  • blue – “Iceball” is responsible for icy freshness.

The classic logo on the white pack is presented with a holographic effect that shimmers in blue and green. The buttons are designed in the same style as on the Marlboro Double Mix. The difference lies in the color: they are painted to match the brand logo for this species tobacco product. The strength of the cigarettes is moderate: tar 6 mg, nicotine 0.4 mg.

4.7 (94.67%) 15 votes

In our country, about half of men and almost a third of women smoke. Naturally, everyone’s preferences are different, but every smoker tries to choose cigarettes with the best quality and affordable price. A wide range of tobacco products sometimes makes it difficult to choose. And the smoking process depends on its correctness - whether it will be a pleasure from a pleasant aroma and good taste cigarettes or the habitual smoking of another tasteless disgusting thing. To help smokers speed up their choice, let's look at the most quality cigarettes in Russia.

Brand owned American company Philip Morris. In Russia, cigarettes are represented by seven types. The peculiarity of Parliament cigarettes is a unique carbon filtration system for tobacco smoke. Very high quality tobacco blend. Despite the fact that these are one of the most popular cigarettes in the USA, the sales record was recorded in Russia.

As you know, you have to pay for quality, so these cigarettes are not cheap. However, Parliament is a truly high-quality product.


The brand also belongs to an American company. The quality of Kent cigarettes is no worse than Parliament. Smokers are offered a choice of more than ten types of cigarettes. Excellent tobacco combined with a carbon acetate filter with gelatin capsule inside gives a unique taste of cigarettes.

Almost every tobacco lover has tried these cigarettes at least once in his life. And indeed, these cigarettes are different from ordinary ones. Their taste, aroma and unsurpassed quality are remembered for a lifetime. Even anti-smokers who are sick of regular cigarettes and have inadvertently inhaled the smell of Captain Black speak positively about it. Typically, these cigarettes are not used for everyday smoking, but for special occasions. They are quite strong and are not cheap.

Brand of the British American Tobacco company. They produce several types of cigarettes, which are classified by strength. In the strongest cigarettes, tar levels reach 10 mg. The quality of the tobacco is at a very high level.


The brand is owned by Rothmans International, which, in turn, is part of BritishAmerican Tobacco. Vogue used to be a purely women's cigarette. They used special varieties of tobacco that gave a mild taste that was enhanced by flavorings. Nowadays they are smoked practically in equally, women and men. Cigarettes are divided into several types, where each type has a specific taste.

American cigarettes from Philip Morris. According to statistics, they are one of the best-selling cigarettes in Russia. They are distinguished by high strength and excellent quality tobacco. In terms of product range, Marlboro cannot compete with, for example, Vogue or Kent. However, each type of cigarette is not the same taste and aroma.

Cigarettes from the American tobacco company Liggett & Myers. Thanks to the special composition of the high-quality tobacco mixture, Chesterfield cigarettes can always be recognized by their unique aroma. Today, six types of cigarettes of this brand are produced.

8. Camel

Cigarettes from the tobacco company R.J. Reynolds Tobacco. Mass sales in Russia began in the early 90s. The raw materials for Camel cigarettes are the best varieties Turkish and American tobacco. Seven types of cigarettes are produced, which differ in taste. The Camel pack is easily recognizable thanks to its consistent business card- a drawn camel. It has been featured on all Camel packs for over a hundred years.

9. Bond

Another brand that is the property of Philip Morris. One of the most popular cigarettes in Russia in the middle price segment. Bond cannot compete with the quality of tobacco, for example, Parliament or Kent. However, for their price, these are the highest quality cigarettes among their competitors. The range of Bond cigarettes is small - only three types.

A domestic brand of cigarettes produced in St. Petersburg by the Petro tobacco company. For the production of Peter I cigarettes, imported varieties of tobacco are used. High-quality paper is imported from Scandinavia, and the filter is manufactured in Lithuania. Thanks to the special formulation of the tobacco mixture, the quality of Peter I cigarettes has a decent level, which is practically not inferior to premium class cigarettes. Cigarettes are affordable for any smoker. In combination with price and quality, Peter I is a leader among domestic tobacco companies.


The brand belongs to Russian company Liggett-Dukat. Occupies the inexpensive segment of cigarettes in the domestic market. Inferior in quality to many foreign brands cigarettes. Medium quality tobacco varieties are used in the production of LD. However, among the total number of cigarettes sold in Russia, Ligget-Dukat products have enough good quality, and, its price is significantly lower than its competitors. There are many types of LD cigarettes available. They all have different taste. Some species, within their brand, are elite. For example, LD Club Platinum or LD Amber SuperSlims.

In Russia, there are quite a lot of high-quality brands represented on the tobacco market. The biggest risk when buying cigarettes is counterfeit. This is always worth paying attention to special attention. Although no matter how high-quality cigarettes are, they always worsen your health and make your life shorter. Is it worth smoking? The choice is yours!

Yes, yes, I still don’t smoke, but only research cigarettes with a capsule in search of a cherry flavor capsule. Today I have Marlboro double mix.

The cigarettes are in a pack that has a very stylish design. The combination of blue and purple on the pack matches the shades of the two capsules on the cigarette itself.

Unlike the Bond cigarette pack, which depicts an aging woman, back side Marlboro packaging depicts men's problems. From which I concluded that these cigarettes were produced for men.

What makes the cigarettes unique compared to Bond is the second capsule to include an additional menthol flavor.

There are 4 flavor options:

  1. You can press two buttons, then the taste will be methol + fruit. I didn’t like this one, the menthol was too strong.
  2. You can press only one button - the menthol button. We got it regular cigarettes with menthol.
  3. You can press one fruit button (purple), I liked this flavor the most.
  4. You don’t have to press any button, then there will be regular cigarettes.

The smell of cigarettes is normal, there is no terrible smell or aftertaste. The packaging is completely sealed, the foil opens when the pack is opened and adheres tightly to the package when closed, thereby preserving the taste and integrity of the cigarettes.

Cigarette characteristics:

There is no better-selling cigarette brand in the world than Marlboro. And this is not just a beautiful metaphor, but a proven statistical fact.

Marlboro has been produced by Philip Morris since 1924. But did you know that these cigarettes are one of the few that have significantly changed their focus? The Marlboro cigarettes that we know now and those that were originally have completely two different positionings. Now most people associate Marlboro with a cool cowboy, but once upon a time the advertising of these cigarettes was aimed at a female audience.

Marlboro is born

The Philip Morris company was founded in 1847 in London. More precisely, at that time it was not even a company, but an ordinary tobacco kiosk. The company grew and developed, and it took 38 years for it to become the owner of its own tobacco brands. At that time, Philip Morris already produced 4 of its own brands of cigarettes - “Derby”, “Cambridge”, “Blues” and “Marlborough”. By 1924, the latter's name was shortened to Marlboro.

Women only

Initially, Marlboro cigarettes were positioned as exclusively for women. But this positioning did not appear just like that, but thanks to the women's suffrage movement. Suffragettes fought fiercely for suffrage and full gender equality in general. “If men smoke cigarettes, we should have the right to do so too!” - with approximately this slogan, they fought to make this bad habit available to them.

Philip Morris decided to take this chance and occupy a still open niche women's cigarettes until someone else does. All the time before, cigarettes were an exclusively male product, and how to advertise for women was a real problem. However, the creatives dealt with this very successfully. A feminine advertising slogan was created - “As tender as May”, and the American actress and sex symbol of the time, Mae West, was invited to advertise the cigarettes.

The appearance of the cigarettes also became special. The traditional brown filter has been replaced with a red one. This color was chosen for two reasons: firstly, red is the most “feminine” color in existence, and secondly, a filter of this color could hide lipstick marks. Despite the quite good work of advertisers, it is impossible to say that the brand was a stunning success at that time, since cigarettes were still not as popular among women as among men. Another role was played by the fact that in those years scientists for the first time made an official statement that smoking can cause lung cancer.

The owner of the Marlboro brand, Philip Morris, began to seriously fear huge losses. He came to the decision that it was necessary to rebrand and now focus on those who are unable to quit bad habit smoking, even knowing about its dangers. Filter cigarettes, of course, are less harmful to health, however, men refused to buy them, because such cigarettes were considered “feminine.” For help in creating a new image for the old brand, Morris turned to the talented advertiser Leonard Burnett.

He proposed several images at once that could become the face of the now male Marlboro brand: sailor, builder, driller, cowboy. We decided to go with the image of a cowboy, since he seemed the most courageous and fearless.

Marlboro Cowboy

Both actors and real cowboys took part in the filming of the advertisement. The first Marlboro cowboy was actor William Thorlby. The European advertising campaign features Marlboro cowboy George Lazenby, who was made famous by his role as James Bond in 1969. Marlboro advertisement with a cowboy in leading role was permeated with the alluring spirit of freedom and wild prairies, filled with real masculine brutality and courage.

Leonard Barnet made the right choice with his choice of cowboy image. In just a few months, sales and brand awareness increased significantly. Marlboro is one of the five most popular American tobacco brands. To this day, this advertising campaign is recognized as one of the most legendary and powerful in the history of advertising, and the Marlboro cowboy became one of the “most influential people who never lived” in Alan Lazar’s book.

It is symbolic that four of the actors who played Marlboro cowboys on advertising posters over the years died of lung cancer. Part of the reason for this was their consumption of Marlboro cigarettes, which were later dubbed “cowboy killers.”

Innovative packaging

Now almost all cigarettes come in the same pack with a convenient lid that flips back when the package is opened. But it was Marlboro that became the first cigarettes to be sold in such a pack. The pack design was developed by Frank Gianinoto, who was guided by several principles. Firstly, the pack should be easy to use. This is how the hinged lid was invented. Secondly, Marlboro smokers must themselves be unwittingly advertising the cigarettes they consume. And this goal was achieved - it was very difficult to get a cigarette out of the package without taking the pack out of your pocket. Therefore, in any case, I had to take out the pack, thereby showing everyone around the name and Marlboro logo. Thirdly, the design should look masculine and bright. White and bright red colors harmonized perfectly with each other, and acute form the arrows gave a certain sharpness and assertiveness appearance packs.

Since the 1960s, Marlboro cigarettes began to actively increase sales volumes. Sales increase by approximately 12% every year.

Marlboro Country

It would be foolish to stop at the successes achieved. Without updates, the brand could easily “fade away,” and all the company’s leading specialists understood this. Thus, an ammonia filter was added to cigarettes, which can enhance the pleasure of smoking and make the tobacco taste brighter. To promote this innovation, the “Marlboro Country” advertising campaign was created. After its successful implementation, the brand owner becomes a person with several million dollars in his personal account.

Bans on tobacco advertising

In the early 1970s, advertising of tobacco products on television was prohibited in America. The already popular cowboy “moves” to the pages of magazines and periodically begins to appear in films (product placement is hidden advertising of brands in films and television shows). No bans prevented Marlboro cigarettes from becoming the best-selling tobacco product in the world at the end of the 1970s.

In the mid-1990s, Philip Morris's profits jumped $32 billion. The corporation's main achievement in 2000 was being awarded the title of “the largest tobacco company in the history of mankind.” A new one was launched in 2010 Marlboro view- Marlboro Ice Boost with a special capsule inside, which adds a feeling of freshness while smoking a cigarette. The capsule is a small pea with menthol oil inside, when you bite into it you can feel the real “frosty freshness”.

Now Marlboro brand has more than thirty different types and flavors of cigarettes. However, it is with that legendary cowboy that this brand will forever be associated.

Marlboro is a true tobacco classic. If you ask the average person about the types of famous cigarettes, then 90 out of 100 will name Marlboro. Well, maybe Camel too.

This product was made classic by the work of talented marketers and long time existence of the brand.

A very pleasant fact is that over the years of their existence, cigarettes have become no worse, and maybe only better.

But let's be more specific.

The packaging is traditionally excellent. As in Marlboro Red The pack has a nice design. It is closed tightly with the help of adhesive foil, which means that cigarettes will feel cozy in the pocket of a jacket or bag, just as the pocket with the bag will feel cozy. The tightness of the packaging allows the tobacco to remain in the pack; all cigarette brands could learn from this.

In terms of design, Gold is more bland than its classic companion. The Marlboro inscription is practically invisible on the packaging; it is strange that marketers did not discover such an offensive defect. The edges of the pack are rounded, I personally really like this, because the absence of sharp edges allows you to hold the pack in your hands with greater tactile comfort. But some may not like it.


Tar: 6 mg/white, Nicotine: 0.5 mg/white, CO: 7 mg/white

That is, the red and gold brands have the same strength, but the amount of resin is less.


Traditionally cool. You smoke and feel like an American cowboy who is about to go have a glass of scotch after a hard day at work. Most likely, this is not cardboard, but real tobacco. Feels very pleasant.


The filter is carbon, unlike the classic Marlboro. Decorated in white. All brands seem to have switched to white cigarettes, and although the classics reek of a subconscious fear of cheap tobacco, it is very sad that this tobacco brand is retreating for the sake of fashion. But in the case of Marlboro, it gives exceptional charm and the spirit of a classic tobacco empire.

Cigarettes do not leave a smell in your mouth, but for some reason your fingers begin to smell fiercely of smoke. I don't know what this is connected with.

These cigarettes are very harsh and masculine, they feel heavy and slight dizziness can appear quite quickly.

What is the difference between Marlboro Red and Marboro Gold? The difference is small: different filter and different level resin. No more difference.

So, the cigarettes are quite pleasant. I don’t recommend smoking, as it is very harmful, but if you can’t help but smoke, then choose something of high quality.
But it's better not to smoke.