What types of Richmond cigarettes are there? Chocolate cigarettes Women's cigarettes with chocolate flavor.

Unfortunately, modern tobacco products are rapidly gaining momentum in their turnover. Cigarettes, despite the extensive anti-tobacco campaign, are used in great demand. Cigarette products differ not only in pricing, they are varied in quality, type of tobacco used, its strength and the design of the filter part. Important role plays a role in the concentration of resins and essential oils included in the tobacco composition.

Among the huge variety of smoking products, flavored cigarettes occupy a special place, brands of which, especially lately, have been replenished with new exclusive species. But are they really safer, as manufacturers claim? What common brands of aromatic cigarettes are there?

Aromatic cigarettes are much more dangerous and harmful than regular cigarettes.

It is almost impossible for adults to admit to themselves that they are being skillfully manipulated. Speech in at the moment not talking about any tricky things marketing moves. Manipulation is based on emerging chemical processes that make consumers believe in the pleasure of smoking and tobacco smoke.

Flavored cigarettes are inherently a shining example successfully introduced to the masses of a marketing idea aimed at increasing the scale of tobacco trade.

In aromatic cigarettes, in addition to the harm caused by tobacco smoke, there is also harm from the use of chemical flavoring agents.

These products make you forget about the harmfulness of tobacco smoke by giving it a pleasant taste sensation. Using aromatic cigarettes, a person does not experience the sensations associated with smoking regular cigarettes. unpleasant symptoms and the sometimes repulsive smell of smoldering tobacco. There are many types of aromatic cigarettes, and their main feature is the creation of a pleasant aroma when smoking tobacco.

Features of the technology

To prevent throat spasms when smoking, irritation and coughing, manufacturers add some medical supplies. But the very illusion of pleasure that is born when smoking this product is due to the inclusion of flavorings in the tobacco composition.

Every famous brand aromatic cigarettes has more than 50 different compositions in its development.

By the way, due to the addition of aromatic substances to the tobacco mixture, the shelf life of such products is 9 months (for classic cigarettes it is a year). The reduction in shelf life is based on the too rapid evaporation of the chemicals that are part of the flavorings. Even hermetically sealed cigarette packs cannot prevent this.

Who produces aromatic cigarettes

In view of them widespread and increasing consumer demand, almost all representatives of the largest tobacco industries began to produce aromatic cigarettes. The increase in the production of aromatic tobacco products can even be tracked year by year:

2005. The Vogue Aroma line of flavored cigarettes, released by the BAT Russia group of tobacco companies, saw the light of day. Two years later, the same manufacturer pleased consumers with a new line of aromatic tobacco products under the trademark Pall Mall. The names of cigarettes with flavors of this type have replenished the ranks of the aromatic tobacco world with two new names:

  • Pall Mall SuperSlims-Aromatic;
  • Pall Mall SuperSlims-Tropic Twist.

Vogue Aroma is one of the famous aromatic cigarettes

Soon the Rostov company Donskoy Tabak joined them. Manufacturers, together with their British colleagues from Innovation Tobacco, have released the following list of flavored cigarettes onto the tobacco market:

  • Sakura;
  • Kiss Energy;
  • Kiss Fresh-Apple.

2006. The tobacco corporation from England, Richmond Tobacco, has joined the active market segment of aromatic cigarettes (the organization has an official representative operating in Russia, known as Inter Group). The manufacturer has successfully expanded the aromatic series with various products aimed at different level consumer:

  1. Aroma Rich, intended for a youth audience.
  2. Richmond, a more expensive and refined class.
  3. Senator, premium-level aromatic cigarettes.

2007. Has made a name for itself in the global aromatic market tobacco products United international corporation for the production of tobacco products Imperial TobaccoGroup PLC. She presented the following types of aromatic cigarettes to her consumers:

  • R1 Flair Aroma SuperSlims;
  • R1 Vanity Aroma SuperSlims.

The company's products were aimed entirely at a female audience. By the end of the same year, the market of aromatic tobacco products was replenished with another brainchild - cigarettes from the Style Arome line.

Style Arome cigarettes have gained particular popularity among women

Most popular brands

Modern smokers who prefer aromatic cigarettes have no shortage of types of such products. The Glamor brand is now thriving on the tobacco market, having successfully won its place due to its affordable pricing policy their products. The international corporation JTI (Japan Tobacco-International) is not far behind in popularity.

Considering the specifics of the tobacco market as a whole, one can notice that there is no pronounced competition among manufacturers of aromatic cigarettes.

Players of this market general situation considered to be moderately stable. And while there is enough space for everyone in this niche, each manufacturer freely occupies its own area and has its own buyer. And he doesn’t forget to delight the consumer with new and unexpected finds on the aromatic tobacco market.

Flavored cigarettes with button

These are original cigarettes, the filter of which is equipped with a special button. In the filter part itself, representatives of these tobacco products have a built-in capsule containing a certain flavoring. When you press the button, the capsule breaks and a certain taste enters the filter:

  • berry;
  • coffee;
  • fruit;
  • citrus;
  • menthol;
  • chocolate.

There are many varieties of such push-button cigarettes, and new variants are constantly being published. taste sensations. The most popular brands of aromatic cigarettes equipped with a button include the following:

  1. Kent.
  2. Bond.
  3. Winston.
  4. Rothmans.
  5. Marlboro.

Aroma Rich

Just a few years ago, one of the most popular flavored cigarettes among the female part of the population were tobacco products sold under the brand of this company with the scent of apple and vanilla. But unfortunately for buyers, due to low demand, aromatic cigarettes from this line are gradually being discontinued.

By the way, representatives of this company classify their products as cigarillos, and not as classic cigarettes. This is explained by the use of reconstituted tobacco in the manufacturing technology. Moreover, the flavor itself is included in the tobacco mixture, and does not impregnate the paper or filter (as is the case with other types of aroma products).

Manufacturers classify Aroma Rich cigarettes as cigarillos.

At the moment, the line of aromatic cigarettes from Aroma Rich is represented by the following cigarettes:

  • &Cherry;
  • Irish Coffee;
  • Rum&Cherry Superslims;
  • Vanilla (sold in soft packaging).

Captain Black

Cigarettes of this brand have significant differences in comparison with their aromatic counterparts. First of all, this concerns strict requirements for the tobacco itself. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases, when producing aromatic cigarettes, manufacturers use the remains of a tobacco mixture and low-quality tobacco. In a situation with " Captain Black» only selected tobacco mass is used in cigarettes.

Captain Black cigarettes are available in a wide range of different flavors

As for the line of aromatic products, the manufacturers presented to the taste of the consumer great variety cigarette products. The most popular brands of flavored cigarettes are:

  • Classic Filter with vanilla aroma;
  • Cherise with a bright cherry flavor;
  • Dark Crema with a sweet buttercream aroma;
  • Madagascar Vanilla-Aroma with an accentuated vanilla aroma;
  • Carriben Rum-Aroma with a hint of rum, designed for lovers of this pirate drink;
  • White Crema with vanilla notes, the ends of the cigarettes are sweetened with tamino-saccharin composition;
  • Sweets Mini Tipped-Cigars – cigarettes equipped with a mouthpiece and sweetened tips, with a light spice aroma;
  • Original Mini Tipped-Cigars, unique cigarettes with a built-in mouthpiece, amazing light odor vanilla and oriental spices;
  • Sweets Cherry Mini Tipped-Cigars with an existing mouthpiece and a distinct cherry flavor, with extra sweetened tips.

Is there any harm from aromatic cigarettes?

According to doctors, flavored cigarettes cause to the human body Where more harm than the usual, classic ones. Representatives of the medical world explain this statement with the following observations:

  1. Compound. Flavored cigarettes, just like hookah smoking mixtures, contain numerous chemical inclusions. Manufacturers very often add menthol compositions, which refresh the tobacco and give light notes to smoking. These additives have an extremely detrimental effect on health, especially on the state of the cardiovascular system.
  2. The illusion of pleasure. Flavored cigarettes give the user high level the resulting pleasure. Having once tasted the unusual taste and felt the exquisite aroma, the smoker will definitely want to repeat the pleasure and buy the next pack of aromatic products. Plus, unlike regular cigarettes, aromatic cigarettes do not leave behind a distinct smell of tobacco from clothing or from the user himself.

The main harm from aromatic cigarettes lies in the fact that they create the illusion of pleasure from smoking

This composition and capabilities of aromatic cigarettes are the main trick of manufacturers to attract as many consumers as possible into their ranks. But it doesn’t matter what type of cigarette a person uses. There will be harm in any case. And the sad result is nicotine addiction and the emergence of numerous health problems..

The reason for smoking is always based on the emergence of addiction, akin to a drug addiction, which smokers try to disguise behind various images, rituals and aromas.

Flavored cigarettes are a trap for people

The main problem of a smoker is not even that sooner or later he will have to face health problems. Nicotine addiction “forces” the smoker to believe that smoking is a true pleasure and enjoyment. And it is aromatic cigarettes that help convince a person of this.

Almost anyone can join the list of fans of aromatic cigarettes. Hookah connoisseurs who are accustomed to exotic aromas, smokers who do not like the residue left after smoking bad smell, women, lovers of exquisite fragrances. Young people, because they always like everything new and unusual.

It should be remembered that various aromatic cigarettes are just another PR stunt and skillful marketing implementation with one single goal - to lure people into nicotine addiction as possible more people. And, accordingly, increase sales of your products many times over.

So maybe it's worth thinking about the real reason smoking and try to get rid of it? Rather than take part in an effective commercial move and give up money and health for the sake of aromatic and pleasant-smelling grass with a synthetic poisonous filler.

Cause increased interest among young people and women.
The flavoring interrupts the unpleasant ones and removes the cloying aftertaste.

Manufacturers of tobacco products use these qualities for marketing purposes and produce cigarettes with the taste and smell of chocolate.

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Chocolate cigarettes and their manufacturers

In order to expand the user audience, almost all well-known manufacturers are resorting to the production of chocolate vanilla cigarettes.

Innovation Tobacco Company LTD

The English company Innovation Tobacco Company LTD produces its aromatic products for a female audience. The focus is reflected in the name in the title. translated as a kiss.

For production, high-quality tobacco leaves are taken, cut into thin strips. The aroma comes from hookah mixtures. The tobacco is well compressed and does not crumble. Domestic consumers know Kiss cigarettes from the manufacturer Donskoy Tabak, where Innovation Tobacco Company LTD manufactures them.

Lane Limited

The American tobacco empire Lane Limited was created as a family enterprise by Herman G. Lane. Only natural leaves are used to make products. high quality, without waste and impurities, which guarantees a pure tobacco taste. The brand was founded in 1973. The event was associated with the entry into the market of pipe tobacco with aromatic additives.

Cigarettes are produced in an interesting format - mini cigars with a filter. Wrapped in thin dark colored tissue paper, they look chic. Feature in long period burning, about 7 minutes. Unlike electronic cigarettes, flavoring is added directly to the tobacco composition.

Richmond Tobacco

The young American enterprise belongs to, entered the tobacco market in 2003. The company's main focus is on producing luxury, premium products. The factory is constantly experimenting and conducting research. Technologies are being introduced that minimize harmful influence tobacco smoke without loss of taste characteristics.

They are famous for the unusual aromas and flavors that are added to the tobacco mixture. Sweet filters are used for chocolate cigarettes.

Japan Tobacco International

club lounge is a product of Japan Tobacco International, the third world tobacco leader in terms of production volumes. The company was founded in 1898 as a state enterprise. Since 1985 Moved to joint stock company, a third of the capital belongs to the Japanese government.

It produces high-quality products and pays great attention to improvement and innovation. Known to Russian consumers since 1992.

Gulbahar Tobacco International

The Mond brand belongs to the Arab company Gulbahar Tobacco International. Representative offices are located in the UAE and Germany. The products are sold worldwide, with the main consumer in Europe.

A special feature is the use of a filter with holes for additional ventilation. A softer smoke is released that does not cause stinging.

“Donskoy tobacco”

The company was founded in 1857. In 1860, a representative office was opened in Moscow. Already in 1870, the products were delivered to the court of His Imperial Majesty. In the same year, she was awarded gold and silver medals at the Vienna, Philadelphia and Paris exhibitions.

In 1920, the enterprise was renamed the Don State Tobacco Company. Since 1992 Known as Donskoy Tabak OJSC.

Releases products. On its premises it produces brands of Richmond Tobacco and Innovation Tobacco Company LTD. Since 2006, it has been producing products with berry, chocolate, and vanilla flavors. In July 2018, became the property of Japan Tobacco.

Test for smokers

Models sold and their composition

The peculiarity of tobacco products is small, equal to 9 months. High-quality packaging does not guarantee the preservation of the aroma of chocolate, which has time to dissipate if the period is exceeded. Among tobacco products, 5 brands stand out.

Kiss Choco

Released for Kiss's 10th anniversary. For production, thin-cut tobacco from different countries peace. The smell is chocolate with a hint of vanilla, a little caramel is felt. Nicotine: 0.4 mg, tar: 5 mg.

The tutu is thin and elegant, designed to fit a woman's handbag. Made in pink-brown tone. Stylish cigarettes, length 10 cm, foam filter.

Captain Black Dark Cream

The Captain Black tutu is easily recognizable by its three-decker pirate ship. Cigarettes brown, length 98 mm. The products are designed for men and women. Can be a good addition to coffee, whiskey and rum.

According to reviews, they are strong. Designed for a heavy smoker. Tar: 14 mg, nicotine: 1.2 mg.

Users note the quality of the product and filter element. Sweet impregnation combined with aromatic smoke maintains the illusion of the presence of chocolate vapor in the air.

Richmond Cherry

Smokers appreciate Richmond cigarettes for their chocolate taste with a slight hint of cherry aroma. Mild tobacco with 5 mg/cigar of tar per 0.4 mg of nicotine does not irritate the throat and leaves a good aftertaste.

When smoking, it resembles a hookah. There are several types available, varying in strength. Format: King Size and Super slim.

Users note the presence of strong shock absorbers. The platinum filter prevents hazardous resins from entering the lungs.

LD club lounge

The Japanese brand LD club lounge is a soft product. Beautifully designed, the color of the cigarette resembles coffee beans or dark chocolate. The original packaging opens like a fan. They look stylish. They are available in a small, elegant size; according to reviews, this is a drawback. They smoke quickly.

Does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Like coffee, slightly bitter. Tar/nicotine: 6 mg/0.5 mg.

Mond Superslims (Chocolate)

Mond Superslims Chocolate – thin cigarettes, cocoa color, with a transition of shades from light to dark. Looks stylish. The design of the box indicates the contents. The chocolate swirl takes center stage. The tar/nicotine combination is low: 4/0.4, respectively. Cigarettes are soft.

Chocolate cigarettes changed the smoking process. They added chic and luxury. Constantly updated with new types of products.

Today, Captain Black cigarettes are quite popular among heavy smokers. They are quite expensive, because if a person buys them, this indicates his good taste and material wealth.

The company that holds the brand

Cigarettes "Captain Black" are especially in demand among fans of tobacco products. Because this company produces excellent pipe tobacco. And not just one type, but several varieties. There is both a natural, nicotine taste, and an original one, with the addition of flavors. Due to this, the company has become even more popular.

In addition to tobacco, the company also produces cigarettes. "Captain Black" is often called cigarillos, but this classification is incorrect. But the name stuck. This brand came to Russia a long time ago - back in 1998. At that time, the rights to the company were owned by a company called British American Tobacco. However, in 2011 they were bought by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group corporation, paying about $250 million for them.

What kind of cigarettes are these?

And why did they become so popular? It's worth talking about. So, Captain Black cigarettes have some differences from the products of other companies. And the most important thing is that the paper in them is replaced with high-quality tobacco leaf. It is, however, restored, not original. And the size of the finished cigarettes of this brand is, accordingly, slightly larger than that of other well-known manufacturers.

Reconstituted tobacco leaf is made from a mixture of cellulose and water and tobacco trimmings. Why was such an invention invented? In order to increase the number of cigarette sales, as well as the speed of the cigar-rolling equipment. It should also be noted that such a sheet is much more elastic in contrast to natural ones. This is an ideal substitute for plain paper. The cigarette with the filter is connected with rim paper - there are no special features in this.

Flavors and Features

Flavored cigarettes "Captain Black" (chocolate ones in particular) are popular. And in terms of the quality of tobacco, it should be noted that they are superior to many other nicotine products. These cigarettes use high-quality pipe tobacco, consisting of a blend of Indonesian, European and even Colombian varieties.

The variety that distinguishes the Captain Black company is also captivating. Cigarettes have very different tastes. There are sweet varieties, classic, menthol, chocolate, vanilla. By the way, smokers are offered a choice of cigarettes with or without a filter - with a mouthpiece. What's the difference? The fact is that the purpose of the mouthpiece is to partially cool cigarette smoke. The only caveat is that then a little more nicotine will enter the body and harmful substances. Despite this negative point, such cigarettes are very popular, especially, oddly enough, among representatives female half population.


Cigarettes "Captain Black", which contain nicotine in the amount of 1.2 grams (per piece), are presented in a wide range of flavors.

In general, "Captain Black" is a cigarette that is ideal for real nicotine gourmets who know a lot about good things, quality tobacco and love original, refined and perfectly balanced tastes. They cost a lot, of course ( average price is about 150 rubles, and a pack of tobacco will cost approximately 450 rubles), however, their quality is at the same level. No wonder these cigarettes are very popular all over the world.

Hookah lovers know very well how important it is to constantly change the flavors of tobacco, creating unusual and sometimes bold compositions. But there are aromas and tastes that always remain relevant. An eternal classic is chocolate hookah tobacco, which is loved by both men and women.

Flavor variety of chocolate tobacco

They help you get pleasure from hookah different tastes- some people like sweet vanilla, some like only fruit, and some cannot imagine their life without unflavored tobacco. It also comes in chocolate, with very different flavor variations - from bitter dark chocolate to cappuccino. Buying chocolate tobacco for hookah is preferred by those who like the unique combination of sweetness with a rich aroma. Such mixtures are based only on natural ingredients, so there are no chemicals in it. The naturalness of chocolate is ensured by cocoa fruit shavings, which are aged in molasses or honey.

Sweet Smoke's catalog of chocolate hookah tobacco presents the most different types mixtures based on chocolate:

  • Al Fakher offers to appreciate the unusual taste of dark chocolate, which is distinguished by its tartness. This tobacco is ideally mixed with vanilla, mint, orange, kiwi or cola.
  • Fasil is a Turkish brand whose line includes cappuccino-cinnamon flavored tobacco, which is also popular among lovers of chocolate shades.
  • Tangiers Noir Chokolate Mint is a premium tobacco blend that features a unique combination of cocoa and mint, with mint as the aftertaste flavor.

Chocolate is an excellent component that makes it easy to create custom mixes. You can do this yourself, or you can use ready-made combinations. For example, Serbetli tobacco with Strawberry-Chocolate Cake flavor is the most successful combination of sweetness and fruit, which is similar to a cake with strawberry and chocolate filling. Everyone will love this delicacy! In addition, this brand produces tobaccos that are distinguished by their characteristic softness and sweetness, and this is achieved by special processing of raw materials.

The prices for chocolate hookah tobacco in our catalog are very different and depend on who produces it. So, the cheapest option is Al Fakher products (costs from 99 rubles to 1000 rubles), the most expensive is Tangiers (costs from 2400 rubles to 2800 rubles). Enjoy natural smoking blends with chocolate taste at the core!