Tree by date of birth. Which tree according to your zodiac sign suits you?

Let us consider in this article which tree means what according to the horoscope. Also here you can find out by your date of birth which tree according to your horoscope corresponds to you.

Horoscope of trees by date of birth

A handsome and slender man. Does not cause trouble to others, does not empty the pocket of his friend or partner. Requires little, but does not tolerate vulgarity. Despite his grace and rare sensitivity, he can be a titan at work. His intelligence and imagination command respect

He cares about his appearance, sometimes even excessively. He boldly makes life plans and persistently implements them. Thrifty to the point of stinginess. Knows how to lead people. In love, he lacks imagination, but he is a caring husband and homebody

Impressive and emotional. Loves to feast. In such a person there live two natures: sleepy and sensitive. The second is full of anxiety and changeability. According to the horoscope, Willow has a noble character, but it is difficult to live with him because he is capricious, demanding, and hysterical. He suffers a lot in love, but finds a quiet haven in marriage. Often considers himself fickle and intolerant

Restrained, calm, in control. He is demanding of himself and does not tolerate the mistakes of others. Health is unstable. He is respected in the service. Inspires confidence. The nature is noble, sympathetic, although sometimes it can be despotic. Has a sense of humor. Life plans wisely

He is very handsome, but does not use his attractiveness. This tree craves space, is full of liveliness and strength, and has an innate sense of justice. Due to lack of flexibility, he often changes classes and becomes disappointed. However, he knows how to be careful and does not create financial troubles for himself. Great value gives moral rules, from which he often leans towards puritanism. Too intractable to find mutual understanding

Worried about appearance. Leads correct image life, disciplined, obligatory, efficient to the point of excessiveness. Dreams of fame, can inspire admiration and even delight. In love I would like to experience something extraordinary, but more often they love him, not he himself

Slimness and beauty in early youth. Over the years, he creates problems for himself. A good environment can help him. This person should carefully choose his friends and be careful when changing places, since not every environment is conducive to his development.

He is a firm person, although sometimes he is cruel to others. Shows unexpected reactions and excessive claims. According to the horoscope, he cannot adapt to the situation. He enjoys authority, although he is not always loved. Does not rest himself and does not give rest to others

As the horoscope of trees says, the Oak person is viable, desperate, strong physically and mentally. Cannot tolerate medications, ailments, difficulties, or complaints. In love, he becomes a victim of the first languid glance, believing that this feeling will last a lifetime. A man of action. The crown of its caring branches is shelter and protection for the weak

Attractive with its rugged beauty. Always elegant and original. Distinguished by dignity and restraint.

It’s not particularly beautiful, but it’s impossible not to notice. Very impressionable. Loves large space and warmth. IN unfavorable conditions is wasting away. Difficult to bear the vicissitudes of fate

It opens up when you get to know each other and has a deep feeling. Will be able to resolve any issue. In love he is distinguished by sophistication and easily finds a partner

A solid and tall man, distinguished by rare physical beauty and good health. Confident and decisive. Inspires respect. Hardworking and with creative abilities. Partners feel supported by his optimism. Shows leadership talent at work

Often weak and unattractive. But if you get to know him closely, it is impossible not to notice his original mind. Content with little, adapts to any conditions

Full of optimism. Doesn't like loneliness. Prefers to be surrounded by family and friends. According to the horoscope, he is very harsh with his subordinates. Disorganized at work. Impetuous and unrestrained in love

The Maple tree man is timid and shy. Characterized by pride and selfishness. Often cynical. Extraordinarily smart, quick-witted, with a good memory. Difficult in love: together with trust, he strives to impose his whims and will

Modest, but has an amazing influence on people. Personal charm and charm help achieve life goal. Very friendly. Loves to hang out in society. Capricious in love, but honest and decent

Successful, lucky. This person's respect is appreciated.

Naturalness in his eyes is not a virtue. He cares about style and refined manners. And he is accused of capriciousness, aggressiveness and selfishness

A man full of charm, prudence, delicacy. The character is even and calm. In love I am not jealous. Recognizes the partner's right to freedom even when it hurts. Deep thinking man. Loves company smart people. Brings happiness and peace to the home

Despite his fragile and graceful appearance, the man is strong and durable. Tirelessly and courageously confronts the difficulties of fate. Shows artistic talent. He loves ardently and passionately, often changes partners. Sociable

According to the horoscope of trees, behind a fragile appearance hides an unusually persistent nature. She is sweet, charming, and you can recognize her from afar by her light gait. Loves to bring joy to loved ones, even to the detriment of himself. Somewhat self-centered

A "pine" person is aware of his charm. Partly proud. Likes to surround himself with pleasant people. Firm and courageous to the point of insolence. A good companion.

This man lacks self-confidence and aplomb. Friendly and welcoming. However, he is capricious and whimsical, so he often remains lonely. His heart is capable of great feeling, but he rarely achieves satisfaction in love. According to the horoscope, Topol is an artistic person and a good organizer. Knows how to be a reliable support in difficult moments of life

A person with expressive features. Without beauty, one cannot go unnoticed. Not everyone and not everywhere feels good. This tree requires living space and warmth. In unfavorable conditions does not tolerate difficulties well.

A man full of personal charm and attractiveness. All his life he loves flirting and adventure. If he finds satisfaction in marriage, he refuses dubious entertainment. I'm ready to give my last penny. His good intentions are often abused

December 23 – December 31; June 25 - July 4

Young ladies-Apple trees are women created for family life. They are kind, patient and generous. And most importantly, Apple trees are great mothers. True, they are too caring. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” - this is not about the law of nature, but about the fact that the Apple Tree lady prefers to keep her loved ones closer. And, by the way, not only children.


January 01 - January 11; 05 July – 14 July

If you tell the young lady-Spruce that she is too prickly, you can hit her in the face with a spruce paw. Not prickly, but fluffy! And elegant, of course. And in general, Spruce is the most important tree. True, it’s better to dance around the young lady Elya at a respectful distance: Elya loves when everyone admires her, but only a select few are allowed into her inner circle. And yes, gifts, garlands and glass balls await the chosen ones.



January 12 - January 24; July 15 – July 25

The Elm lady’s life motto is: “If you need to explain, then don’t explain.” She sincerely does not understand why people constantly complicate everything, but she does not teach anyone to live more simply: everyone has fun as they want, in the end. But why should she be drawn into these games? No, the Elm lady does not agree. Her whole life is neatly laid out on shelves and all her moves are recorded. So if someone wants to conquer her, they need to be simpler. Even simpler. More!


January 25 - February 03; July 26 – August 04

Cypress, as you know, is either a tree or a shrub. I mean, both. Both are very ancient. The Cypress young lady has a dual nature, it’s true. But her life principles are simple and correct, like ancient commandments. And no, she's not boring. Exactly the opposite: she is a party girl and a crowd lover. It’s simply more convenient for the crowd to preach about all sorts of things like “don’t commit adultery.”


February 04 - February 08; 05 August – 13 August

Poplar is a tree that can grow at incredible speed and in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. The Poplar young ladies are just like that: in any situation they see positive aspects and come out of any trouble without loss. True, sometimes it seems to others that there are too many Poplar ladies: wherever you look, she’s everywhere! However, this is a seasonal phenomenon: poplar fluff, heat, July...


February 09 – February 18; August 14 – August 23

Cedar is a unique tree, no matter how you look at it. And very, very expensive. In general, this is all you need to know about the Cedar lady. She is definitely not like everyone else. This is the problem: Cedars always choose extremes. Either the Cedar lady is smarter than everyone, more talented than everyone, more beautiful than everyone, or... No, not worse than everyone. The second extreme is fierce misanthropy. Fortunately, Cedars know how to move from one extreme to another (never lingering in the golden mean).


February 19 – February 28/29; August 24 – September 02

Do you know why ship masts are made from pine? That's right, because the pine tree is very tall, perfectly straight and does not like to grow branches on itself. This, in general, is an ideal description of the Pine lady: she has a sharp mind, iron logic, she always looks at the root and directly says what she thinks. And, of course, she is a perfectionist. Everything must be either perfect or not at all. Pine would be unbearable if it weren’t for the same ship theme: “Yo-hoho and a bottle of rum” happens to the Pine lady regularly. Usually on Fridays (because it's the perfect day, yes).


March 01 – March 10; September 03 – September 12

The character of the Willow lady can be understood simply by looking at this tree: here she stands by the water, her branches hanging sadly, and mesmerizes everyone with her melancholy beauty. Young Lady Iva is a born actress. She is also a born manipulator. She knows how to suffer like no one else - and mainly from love, of course. And the reason for her suffering is ready to crawl after her on his knees for years, clutching a diamond necklace in his teeth.


March 11 - March 20; September 13 – September 22

Linden needs little to be happy: a cozy home, books and a cat. And so that good people gathered and killed all the bad ones. The latter, unfortunately, is impossible, so the Linden lady prefers to spend her life in her inner Mongolia, where there are no stupid and evil people. True, a world without stupid and evil people becomes very boring, and then the Linden lady comes up with them on her own. And, so that what he has invented does not go to waste, he writes books or paintings about them. Usually very popular.


March 22 - March 31; September 24 – October 03

Larch wood is famous for two qualities: firstly, it is extremely resistant to moisture. Fill it, drown it - it won’t rot. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to drive a nail into larch, and once it is driven in, it is impossible to pull it out. No way. In general, you understand, right? The Larch Young Lady does not burn in fire, does not drown in water, and flies through copper pipes with a whistle. And does she treat those she dislikes like nails? He ignores it for a long time and patiently, and then breaks it in half with one blow.


April 01 - April 10; October 04 – October 13

Everyone loves rowan: it is very beautiful, and its berries are absolutely irreplaceable. Birds eat them, and people make delicious infusions from them (and little people spit berries through tubes, and this is a terrible weapon!). Everyone also loves the young lady-Rowan, because she has a rare gift: she knows how to get along with everyone. common language and in the very last scoundrel he manages to see something good. Holy woman!


April 11 - April 20; October 14 – October 23

The Maple Lady is a real monster. No, really. She is inhumanly attractive, and her mind is dangling under her feet. The question arises: why on earth did the Universe bestow so many gifts on one person? Where's the catch? We answer: the catch is in the sense of humor. The Maple lady has a unique one. Some sensitive ones cry and run to the pond with a changed face when the Maple lady deigns to joke.


April 21 - April 30; October 24 – November 02

The Nut Lady is perhaps the only sign that has nothing in common with its green prototype. No tasty fruits for you, no excellent wood for you. Although no, you can find something in common: the nuts are extremely tasty, but very, very insidious: it seems like you’ve eaten a handful, but bam! — I gained my daily calorie intake. This is the Nut lady: she is insidious and merciless. But only with those who are going to take advantage of the fruits of her labors without permission. Oh, how they will regret it!


May 01 - May 14; November 03 – November 11

Thin branches, delicate flowers and a magical, intoxicating aroma - why did nature create jasmine so beautiful? Obviously, everyone should buy into the fragile beauty of the young lady Jasmine and dedicate poems and songs to her, and at the same time arrange an ideal (and expensive, yes) garden for her. And only then, when the intoxicating effect of the aroma ends, it becomes clear that the young lady Jasmine is not a flower, but a real one. iron lady: strong, purposeful and stubborn. But it will be too late, yes.


May 15 - May 24; November 12 – November 21

The Chestnut Lady is a magnificent heroine, a defender of the offended and oppressed and a fighter for justice. Do you think she is very unhappy and suffers from the imperfections of this world? Nothing of the kind: she is in love with life - in any of its manifestations. She likes to protect and protect the offended, and to poke the offenders with a stick: they twitch so funny!


May 25 - June 03; November 22 – December 01

The Vikings made runes from ash wood because, according to legend, the tree of life called Yggdrasil was an ash tree. By the way, in order to get the first runes, the supreme god Odin hung on Yggdrasil for 9 days. So those who need something from the Ash young lady should prepare for a long siege. No, she's not greedy. She just takes a long time to make a decision. Those who are going to marry her should stock up on special patience. You won't get off with nine days!


June 04 - June 13; December 02 – December 11

The Hornbeam young lady has the habit of looking slightly down on those around her, and she, in general, has reasons for this: she is responsible and fantastically efficient, and therefore successful. And everyone around is goofballs, yes. But in fact, the Hornbeam young lady is simply very tender and vulnerable, and thus protects herself from evil scoundrels. Another thing is that half of the evil scoundrels were invented by her, but these are details. A little paranoia is not even a vice, it’s just a nice feature.


June 14 - June 23; December 12 – December 20

A fig is a fig tree, and that, in fact, says it all. “Screw you!” - Here life motto young ladies-figs. No, she's not greedy at all. She is emotional, unpredictable and fickle, and those around her constantly ask her to do something unbearably boring. Work, for example, or there measured family life. “What a melancholy!” - thinks the young lady-Fig and dives headlong into creativity. Or on an adventure. Or somewhere else, and she won’t tell you where exactly.


March 21 - March 22

A young lady born under the sign of Oak can easily be called an oak - she will not be offended. Young ladies-Oaks never get offended at all, because it’s too petty. What is the significance of these squabbles in the face of Eternity? Yes, the Oak lady is going to live forever, just so you know. And she almost succeeds. That’s why she has so much strength and so much will that it’s high time to distribute the surplus to those in need.


June 24

By the way, the ancients used birch branches to ward off evil spirits. The birch lady will also not tolerate any evil spirits next to her: no scandals, no intrigues, no vile games. Wherever Berezka goes, an atmosphere of comfort, peace and joy reigns everywhere. It is completely unclear how this happens, given that Birch loves people about the same as evil spirits. Well, you get the idea.


September 23 – September 24

The olive is an evergreen tree primarily native to the southeastern Mediterranean. Not bad, right? This is roughly how the Oliva young ladies manage to arrange their lives: it seems to others that Oliva always sits on the shore of the warm and gentle sea and thoughtfully contemplates beautiful views. It is not known how they manage to do this, but it is known that the olive branch is a symbol of peace. And indeed: the Olive ladies are the most peaceful people in the world. And this cuteness perfectly protects them from evil envious people. How does this happen, huh?!


December 21 – December 22

Beech is a very proper tree: strong, strong, beautiful, and it also grows tasty and nutritious nuts. In general, the Beech lady is a virgin who will achieve success in any business she takes up. But there is a nuance: the Beech ladies are indeed Beeches. But not always, but only if someone encroaches on what is dear to them. Then the young lady Beech turns into a creature, next to which the infernal creature Beech, described by Stephen King, seems like a cute cat.

Even in ancient times, people believed that trees are not only a gift of nature, but also magic talisman for a person, therefore it has a great influence on him. For example, some trees are able to cleanse the energy field, heal, or, on the contrary, are considered energy vampires. That is why every person should know their tree according to their zodiac sign, which can become an ally in life and help restore the balance of the body.


Trees for Aries are fir, pine, linden, oak and alder. The best time to communicate with trees is summer, when they are covered with a lush green crown.


The tree for this zodiac sign is poplar. In addition, chestnut is ideal for Taurus men, and for women walnut. Be especially careful when interacting with poplar, as it can not only give energy, but also take it away from a person.


The patron trees of this sign are the apple tree and the maple tree. You can also choose a pear as an assistant for the twins, preferably during flowering.


The tree according to the zodiac signs for Cancers is alder, elm, and willow. The most favorable time to cleanse energy with the help of wood - this is May or August.


The ideal tree for a lion is elm or cypress. For men, the most powerful source of energy is oak. It is advisable for lions to recharge with the help of a tree in April or September.


According to the horoscope of trees, for an unstable Virgo, the ideal option for replenishing energy is plum, hazel, and alder. In addition, many astrologers recommend an apple tree for this sign, especially during its fruiting period. The best time to recharge is July and August.


The strongest patron for weight remains the linden or birch tree, which will not only improve emotional state person, but will also relieve physical diseases.


For a secretive, stinging scorpion, pine, chestnut, hawthorn or rose hip trees are suitable, and rowan is also suitable. Early spring is suitable for communicating with a tree talisman.


The strongest talisman tree for Sagittarius will be cedar or hornbeam. It is these two trees that influence the sign positive influence in spiritual and emotionally. The best time to recharge with wood is March, August, September.


Positive energy for Capricorn is a tree according to the zodiac sign - fir, birch or beech. It is advisable to communicate with your favorite talisman tree in late autumn or early spring.


The strongest patrons for the sign of Aquarius are considered to be poplar, euonymus, and linden. The best time to communicate with your favorite tree is late spring.


The mascot tree for fish will be yew, larch, viburnum, and honeysuckle. You should be especially careful with aspen. The best time to update your energy will be mid-summer.

The Celts are a northern civilization that once inhabited the territories of modern Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They were famous for their subtle knowledge of the connections between man and nature, and were famous healers and magicians. They created the Druid horoscope based on trees, since from everything flora It was the trees that played a cult role in the life of this people.

How to find your tree?

In order to find your Druid tree, you need to understand how this type of horoscope is compiled.

The Druids divided the starry sky into 40 segments, and received 22 signs, of which 4 are unpaired, 18 are paired.

Unpaired signs are the days of the winter and summer solstice, as well as the autumn and spring equinox. Paired signs are determined according to the axial principle - these are dates when the Sun is in opposite points. That is, the horoscope unites under one sign opposite segments of the year, located opposite each other in the starry sky.

Let's find our signs:

  • Beech – December 22 (winter solstice);
  • Apple tree – December 23 – January 1 and June 25 – July 4;
  • Fir – 2.01 – 11.01 and 5.07 – 14.07;
  • Elm – 12.01 – 24.01 and 15.07 – 25.07;
  • Cypress – 25.01 – 3.02 and 26.07 – 4.08;
  • Poplar – 4.02 – 8.02 and 5.08 – 13.08;
  • Cedar – 9.02 – 18.02 and 14.08 – 23.08;
  • Pine – 19.02 – 28/29.02 and 24.08 – 2.09;
  • Willow – 1.03 – 10.03 and 3.09 – 12.09;
  • Lipa – 11.03 – 20.03 and 13.09 – 22.09;
  • Oak – March 21 (spring equinox);
  • Olive – September 23 ( autumn equinox);
  • Oreshnik – 22.03 – 31.03 and 24.09 – 3.10;
  • Rowan – 1.04 – 10.04 and 4.10 – 13.10;
  • Maple – 11.04 – 20.04 and 14.10 – 23.10;
  • Walnut – 21.04 – 30.04 and 24.10 – 2.11;
  • Jasmine – 1.05 – 14.05 and 3.11 – 11.11;
  • Chestnut – 15.05 – 24.05 and 12.11 – 21.11;
  • Ash – 25.05 – 3.06 and 22.11 – 1.12;
  • Hornbeam – 4.06 – 13.06 and 2.12 – 11.12;
  • Figs – 14.06 – 23.06 and 12.12 – 21.12;
  • Birch – June 24 (summer solstice).
Vampires and donors

In addition, according to the Druid horoscope, you can calculate vampire trees and donor trees. This means that there are people who share their energy with the world, and there are those who absorb it. This division is by no means a division into “good” and “bad”.

Vampires are aspen, poplar, alder, and willow. Donors - oak, birch, cedar, pine, apple tree. These are pronounced representatives. The rest are mixed types. Vampire trees can be used for good purposes. For example, everyone has heard that only an aspen stake can kill a vampire, and that everything made from aspen protects the house from evil spirits.

Thus, willow calms, aspen has analgesic properties, poplar relieves irritation. They are vampires, and therefore are able to absorb destructive energy.

And cedar, for example, on the contrary, tones.


The Druids were no less concerned about the demographic issue than our contemporaries. Therefore, a Druid horoscope was drawn up for the compatibility of trees, as if it were family planning of that time.

You can calculate your tree partner very simply - you count two trees from your sign and every third one will be your potential perfect couple. Three back, three forward, just don't count single signs (solstices and equinoxes), as well as the ninth sign after you. With the ninth sign, you will have difficulties in relationships and misunderstandings.

A couple can also develop with a non-third sign if you are united by life circumstances.

As for single signs, those who were born, for example, on the day of the spring equinox, need to look for a partner born on the autumn equinox and vice versa.


The Druids believed in the unity of man and nature, their worldview was aimed at creation, not destruction. Therefore, the Druid horoscope does not contain such a thing as trees as enemies. There are people with whom it is easier for you, there are those with whom it is more difficult. Everyone needs to find the right approach. As for the signs of vampires and donors, everything has already been said. If there is a vampire tree next to you and you feel like your energy is being “pumped out” of you, find a way to move away from such a person.

From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and can influence people in the most incredible ways. Some trees can heal and cleanse the energy field of a person, while others, on the contrary, can be called energy vampires. Every person should know their patron tree according to the Zodiac, because in this way they will receive an excellent ally who can help restore energy flows at any time of the year.


The horoscope of trees according to the Zodiac sign says that the trees of Aries are pine, oak, fir, alder and linden. The stars recommend that people belonging to this constellation choose lonely trees that will have a lush and well-developed crown. It is better to communicate with trees at the beginning of summer.


The Zodiac tree for Taurus is, first of all, poplar. Also, one of the main trees for representatives of this Sign is the chestnut for men, and the walnut for women. You just have to be extremely careful when dealing with poplar, since it can not only cleanse energy, but also take it away.


Patron trees for Gemini are maple and apple. Gemini can also choose a pear as their energy assistant, especially during its flowering period. This Sign should communicate with trees in late summer.


For people born under the constellation Cancer, the tree according to the Zodiac Sign will be elm, willow and alder. The best time In order to cleanse their energy, it will be May or August for Cancers.


For Leo, a cypress or elm tree will be an excellent natural talisman. The stars especially highlight the men of this constellation, for whom a powerful source positive energy will become an oak tree. These people are recommended to communicate with their patron tree in September or April.


According to the horoscope, Virgo is one of the most practical and at the same time spiritually unstable Signs. The source of energy for this Sign is hazel, plum or alder. Many astrologers also highlight the apple tree and the time when it bears fruit. Virgos are recommended to communicate with the talisman tree in October, July and August.


For Libra, birch or linden will be a strong patron. Special attention should be turned to birch, since it is this tree that can not only stabilize the emotional state of the representatives of the Sign, but also relieve them from physical ailments.


The tree according to the Zodiac Sign for people of this constellation is rosehip, hawthorn, pine and chestnut. You can also note rowan. Scorpios should communicate with their tree in early spring, when the buds are just beginning to swell.


Perhaps the most powerful talisman tree in the Zodiac for Sagittarius is the hornbeam or cedar. It is these two trees that can have a direct impact on the physical and spiritual state representatives of this Sign. The time to communicate with a tree for Sagittarius is March, August and October.


healing power for Capricorn will have beech, birch and fir. The stars recommend that people belonging to this constellation communicate with their tree according to the Zodiac as soon as the first snow melts, or in late summer.


The strongest patron for Aquarius is poplar. You can also call linden and euonymus, since they are also capable of influencing the representatives of this constellation. The time for any energetic contacts with your tree for Aquarius is late spring.


But for Pisces, according to the Zodiac, trees can be called larch, yew, honeysuckle and viburnum. The fruits of their patron trees will be especially useful for people of this Sign. You should be careful with aspen. Most the right time Midsummer is the time to restore energy balance for representatives of this constellation.

We wish you good health, and that this year brings only the brightest and most beautiful moments into your life! And so that success accompanies you in all your endeavors, do not forget to press the buttons and

28.02.2014 10:50

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina claims that in the zodiac horoscope there are weak signs that give in to any...