What literary genre does The Station Agent belong to? Analysis of the work “The Station Agent” (A

    Stationmaster: Stationmaster position 14th class. The Station Warden story by A. S. Pushkin The Station Warden film 1918. The Station Agent (Der Postmeister) German film... ... Wikipedia

    The story opens with the author's digression about the fate of the station guards - compassionate officials of the 14th class, on whom every passing person considers it his duty to take out his irritation. The narrator himself traveled all over Russia and knew... ... Wikipedia

    Tale- a broad, vague genre term that does not lend itself to a single definition. In his historical development both the term “story” itself and the material it embraces have gone through a long historical path; talk about P. as a single genre in ancient and modern... Literary encyclopedia

    Tale- NARRATIVE is a type of epic poetry, in Russian literary usage usually contrasted with the novel, as a larger genre, and the short story, as a smaller genre. However, the use of these three names by individual writers is so... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Shot (story)- This term has other meanings, see Shot (meanings). Shot Genre: story

    Blizzard (story)- This term has other meanings, see Blizzard (meanings). Blizzard Genre: story

    Undertaker (story)- This term has other meanings, see Undertaker. Undertaker Genre: Mystery

    Poor Lisa (story) - Poor Lisa... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 59°20′52.4″ N. w. 29°57′30.7″ E. d. / 59.347889° n. w. 29.958528° E. d. ... Wikipedia

    Postal station- (previously in Russia it was also called a postal camp) in the past, a postal institution in Russia and a number of other countries, where travelers (passengers) rested, exchanged post horses and other means of transportation, and where mail was exchanged between ... Wikipedia


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  • Dubrovsky. Belkin's stories, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. The book includes two outstanding works by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837): the novel "Dubrovsky" and "Belkin's Tales". The main character of the novel "Dubrovsky" (1833) - Vladimir Dubrovsky -...

There are no more unhappy people than stationmasters, for travelers invariably blame the stationmasters for all their troubles and seek to take out their anger on them about bad roads, unbearable weather, bad horses, and the like. Meanwhile, the caretakers are mostly meek and unresponsive people, “real martyrs of the fourteenth class, protected by their rank only from beatings, and even then not always.” The caretaker's life is full of worries and troubles, he sees no gratitude from anyone, on the contrary, he hears threats and screams and feels the pushes of irritated guests. Meanwhile, “one can glean a lot of interesting and instructive things from their conversations.”

In 1816, the narrator happened to be driving through the *** province, and on the way he was caught in the rain. At the station he hurried to change clothes and drink tea. The caretaker's daughter, a girl of about fourteen named Dunya, who amazed the narrator with her beauty, put the samovar on and set the table. While Dunya was busy, the traveler examined the decoration of the hut. On the wall he noticed pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son, on the windows there were geraniums, in the room there was a bed behind a colorful curtain. The traveler invited Samson Vyrin - that was the name of the caretaker - and his daughter to share a meal with him, and a relaxed atmosphere arose that was conducive to sympathy. The horses had already been supplied, but the traveler still did not want to part with his new acquaintances.

Several years passed, and again he had the opportunity to travel along this route. He was looking forward to meeting old acquaintances. “Having entered the room,” he recognized the previous situation, but “everything around showed disrepair and neglect.” Dunya was not in the house either. The aged caretaker was gloomy and taciturn; only a glass of punch stirred him up, and the traveler heard sad story Dunya's disappearance. This happened three years ago. A young officer arrived at the station, who was in a hurry and angry that the horses had not been served for a long time, but when he saw Dunya, he softened and even stayed for dinner. When the horses arrived, the officer suddenly felt very unwell. The doctor who arrived found him to have a fever and prescribed complete rest. On the third day, the officer was already healthy and prepared to leave. It was Sunday, and he offered Duna to take her to church. The father allowed his daughter to go, not expecting anything bad, but he was still overcome by anxiety, and he ran to the church. Mass had already ended, the worshipers were leaving, and from the words of the sexton, the caretaker learned that Dunya was not in the church. The driver who was carrying the officer returned in the evening and reported that Dunya had gone with him to the next station. The caretaker realized that the officer’s illness was feigned, and he himself fell ill with a severe fever. Having recovered, Samson begged for leave and went on foot to St. Petersburg, where, as he knew from the road, Captain Minsky was going. In St. Petersburg he found Minsky and came to him. Minsky did not immediately recognize him, but when he did, he began to assure Samson that he loved Dunya, would never leave her and would make her happy. He gave the caretaker some money and took him outside.

Samson really wanted to see his daughter again. Chance helped him. On Liteinaya he noticed Minsky in a smart droshky, which stopped at the entrance of a three-story building. Minsky entered the house, and the caretaker learned from a conversation with the coachman that Dunya lived here, and entered the entrance. Once in the apartment, through the open door of the room he saw Minsky and his Dunya, beautifully dressed and looking at Minsky with uncertainty. Noticing her father, Dunya screamed and fell unconscious on the carpet. An angry Minsky pushed the old man onto the stairs, and he went home. And now for the third year he knows nothing about Duna and is afraid that her fate is the same as the fate of many young fools.

After some time, the narrator happened to pass through these places again. The station no longer existed, and Samson “died about a year ago.” The boy, the son of a brewer who settled in Samson’s hut, took the narrator to Samson’s grave and said that in the summer a beautiful lady came with three young ladies and lay for a long time on the caretaker’s grave, and the kind lady gave him a silver nickel.

We hope you enjoyed it summary story The Station Warden. We will be glad if you take the time to read it in its entirety.

"The Station Agent" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

History of creation

On September 14, 1830, Alexander Sergeevich finished one of the stories in the cycle “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin” entitled « » . The period during which Pushkin completed the story is called the Boldin autumn. In those months, Alexander Sergeevich was in Boldino, where he was “led” by the need to resolve financial issues. Caught by a cholera epidemic and forced to stay in Boldino much longer than planned, Pushkin created a whole galaxy of works that were later recognized as the pearls of the poet’s work. The Boldino autumn became truly golden in the artist’s work.

"Belkin's Tales" became Pushkin's first completed work. They were published under the name of the fictional character Ivan Petrovich Belkin, who fell ill with a fever that developed into a fever and died in 1828. Pushkin, as a “publisher,” talks about him in the preface to the stories. The cycle was published in mid-autumn 1831. The stories were published in 1834 with indication of the original authorship. "The Station Agent" played big role in the development of Russian literature, occupying a significant place in it, telling almost for the first time about the hardships of the fate of that very “ little man”, about the humiliations and hardships that befall him. It was the “Station Warden” that became the reference point for a series of Russians literary works, addressing the theme of “humiliated and insulted.”

Subject, storylines, direction

In the cycle, the story “The Station Agent” is the compositional center, the pinnacle. It is based on characteristic features literary Russian realism and sentimentalism. The expressiveness of the work, the plot, capacious, complex topic gives the right to call it a novel in miniature. It would seem simple story O ordinary people, however, everyday circumstances that interfered with the fate of the heroes make the meaning of the story more complex. Alexander Sergeevich, in addition to the romantic thematic line, reveals the theme of happiness in the broad sense of the word. Fate sometimes gives a person happiness not when you expect it, following generally accepted morality and everyday principles. This requires both a successful combination of circumstances and a subsequent struggle for happiness, even if it seems impossible.

The description of the life of Samson Vyrin is inextricably linked with philosophical thought the entire series of stories. His perception of the world and life is reflected in pictures with German poems hanging on the walls of his home. The narrator describes the contents of these pictures, which depict biblical legend about the prodigal son. Vyrin also perceives and experiences what happened to his daughter through the prism of the images surrounding him. He hopes that Dunya will return to him, but she did not return. Life experience Vyrina tells him that his child will be deceived and abandoned. The stationmaster is a “little man” who has become a toy in the hands of the greedy, mercantile sows of the world, for whom the emptiness of the soul is more terrible than material poverty, for whom honor is above all.

The narration comes from the lips of the titular adviser, whose name is hidden behind the initials A.G.N. In turn, this story was “transmitted” to the narrator by Vyrin himself and the “red-haired and crooked” boy. The plot of the drama is the secret departure of Dunya with a little-known hussar to St. Petersburg. Dunya's father is trying to turn back time in order to save his daughter from what seems to him to be “death.” The story of the titular adviser takes us to St. Petersburg, where Vyrin is trying to find his daughter, and the mournful ending shows us the grave of the caretaker outside the outskirts. The destiny of the “little man” is humility. The irreparability of the current situation, hopelessness, despair, and indifference finish off the caretaker. Dunya asks for forgiveness from her father at his grave; her repentance is belated.

There are at least two reasons a year to talk about the “sun of Russian poetry” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - the date of birth and the date of death of the poet. Fortunately, not so long ago, namely June 6, was the birthday of “our everything.” This article will not analyze poetry. It will feature the prose of A.S. Pushkin. We will consider just one story (presenting it summary) - "Stationmaster".

Author's beginning

The story begins with the fact that the author - Belkin I.P. - says kind words to the station guards. He complains about their unenviable lot: they are caught in the line of duty different people, and they must please everyone, be polite to them. But the author admits that he did not always think this way about the station guards, then he tells a story that should soften the reader of the lines of the story and make him more tolerant of these unfortunate people. This is a kind of introduction to the story. It is important for the author, which is why we begin our summary with it. "The Station Agent" was written with a purpose.

This is an ordinary official - the head of the postal station. He copies out various travel documents of those who stop at the station. This is the lowest rank among 19th century bureaucrats. That is why he needs the intercession of I.P. Belkin. For Pushkin, the caretaker is more likely the one who entertains the travelers while they are waiting for the horses, and he fills out paperwork in between.

I.P. Belkin comes to visit the caretaker in May 1816. The author got caught in the rain on the road and decided to dry off in the hut of the caretaker Samson Vyrin. He lived not alone, but with his daughter Dunya. Dunya quickly set the table, and the narrator invited the father and daughter to share his food with him. The rain has already stopped. The horses were served, but the narrator still did not want to say goodbye to his new acquaintances. But the visitor liked, of course, not the caretaker himself, but his daughter. Despite her young age (only 14 years old), she was already fabulously beautiful and had a hypnotic effect on all male visitors.

The decoration of the hut requires special words: the house was well-groomed, clean, pleasing to the eye. In other words, a woman’s hand was felt in the external setting and atmosphere. S. Vyrin was very proud of his daughter, he said that she was everything like her mother.

If we talk about the description of the stationmaster, he looked like a prosperous man and completely satisfied with his lot. But he was completely different the second time he met the author of the story.

4 years passed, and the author of the story was again brought to the same place, and he gave in to temptation and visited the same hut. The caretaker's house and he himself have changed beyond recognition. The hut was no longer beautifully decorated, there were no flowers on the windowsill. Dirt and desolation reigned everywhere. When I.P. Belkin entered the hut, he found the caretaker sleeping on a bed with dirty sheets, an old, worn sheepskin coat served as a blanket for him. The narrator was amazed at the transformation of the caretaker into an old man in 4 years, although when they met last time, he was about 50 years old. Belkin, of course, immediately asked about Duna (the caretaker’s daughter): what happened to her, where she was. Samson Vyrin said that he knew nothing about her current affairs. And since Belkin was fond of literary creativity, he apparently sensed some kind of intrigue in this unsightly story at first glance, which could serve as a good basis for a story or short story (and so it happened). The amateur writer decided to get the gloomy old man to talk at all costs. And so, over the punch, the caretaker told the nobleman the story of the legal abduction of Dunya by the hussar Minsky.

Here the description of the stationmaster already shows us a person who is not so prosperous. The main character of the story evokes pity and despair in the reader. Having lost his daughter, the caretaker seemed to have lost the main core that had held him all his life.

Hussar Minsky and the fate of Dunya

The hussar, just like the author once did, appeared in the caretaker’s hut in bad weather. He shouted at the caretaker for a long time. The reason was that he had not been given horses for a long time. But when he saw Dunya, the officer calmed down. He also fell under the magnetic influence blue eyes girls. He became so subdued that he even felt sick. He lay in bed for several days, and a doctor was called to see him. Aesculapius prescribed him “calmness, only calmness.” At the same time, the patient did not seem sick at all. They had lunch with the doctor, and he received 25 rubles from the hussar. and left.

The soldier recovered. When he was leaving, he offered Duna to take her to the church, where mass was just beginning. Dunya didn’t dare at first and cast a timid glance at her father, but then her father encouraged her, and she got into the carriage with the hussar.

The caretaker did not speak to her again. He tried to look for her. And he even met with Minsky twice, but to no avail: he pushed him out, giving him some money. This is how the caretaker’s story to I.P. Belkin ends.

Unfortunately, the brief summary (“The Station Agent” is no exception) does not imply a description of the main character’s ordeals in all colors.

What main character did not humiliate himself and beg to meet his daughter - this is a characteristic of the stationmaster, which perfectly defines him as a proud man. Another thing is why didn’t the daughter find a way to see her father? She could thereby prolong his life.

and a pile of sand

The narrator I.P. Belkin saved the most dramatic moment for the finale: the author was apparently magically drawn to this place, and he decided to find out how the matter ended. He visited these magical places for the third time, discovered that other people were now living in Samsov Vyrin’s house, and their son took the narrator to the grave of the station superintendent. All that was left of it was a black cross and a pile of sand. It is also interesting that some time ago a lady came with her children and also asked about the caretaker, and then lay and cried for a long time on this very grave. This is how Pushkin’s work ends, which means our presentation comes to an end. “The Station Agent,” as the reader has probably already understood, is a story filled with the deep tragedy of the loneliness of human existence. However, there is still something left, namely, a discussion of an essay based on the work of A. S. Pushkin. Let’s get started with it without delay.

In conclusion, there is only one thing left to say: Pushkin, intentionally or not, provides his story with one significant blank spot - it is unclear why, during the 3 years of his absence, Dunya never found a way to see her father. Therefore, the reader can fantasize about this topic, who may want to fill this void in Pushkin’s narrative.

(approximate of course) might look like this:

  • plot;
  • description of key events;
  • reflections on the motives of Dunya’s behavior.