Quotes from great people about God. About faith and God: quotes from the great...

Quotes about love, soul and God

Several interesting and educational quotes from various sources.

Quotes about love

True love always thinks about the other, while the ego thinks only about itself.

Love overwhelms a person, and he wants to give, do something for his chosen one, he wants to share the love that flows like a fountain over the edge - so he thinks about the other person, and not about himself. And a person in love thinks about how to receive love from another, and not about giving something; such a person wants to receive, has a thirst to satiate his feelings, to receive pleasure at the expense of another person.

In true love there are no expectations or demands, so it knows no disappointments. But falling in love, that is, false love, always awaits disappointment, because it cannot be satisfied. Falling in love is so rooted in expectations that it is simply impossible to satisfy it: no matter what you do, it is never enough. This is called selfishness in relationships - the desire to receive and the reluctance to give.

As you begin to give love to others, you feel deep gratitude to those who receive it. You have ceased to be a beggar who begs for love from others, you have become an emperor who generously shares his love with those who are ready to accept it. And most people are poor, they cannot give love, because you cannot give to another what you do not have. IN best case scenario they can accept your love. And then you are happy that you can share what no longer fits in you.

Osho quotes from his books

Quotes about the soul

The soul is neither born nor dies. It never arose, does not arise and will not arise. She is unborn, eternal, ever existing and original. It does not die when the body dies.

The soul is invisible, incomprehensible and unchanging.

The soul is not connected with material body, although it is in it.

The sense organs are higher than inanimate matter, the mind is higher than the senses, the mind is higher than the mind, and above the mind it [the soul] stands.

Quotes from Bhagavad Gita

You are goodness and compassion and mercy and understanding. You are peace and joy and light. You are forgiveness and patience, and strength, and courage, you are a helper in a time of need, a comforter in a time of sorrow, a healer in a time of injury, a teacher in a time of confusion. You are the deepest wisdom and the highest truth, greatest world and the most wonderful love. You are all of this. And there were moments in your life when you knew such a Self. Choose now to know yourself as such always.

Quotes by N. D. Walsh from his Conversations with God series of books

Quotes about God

The following quotes are taken from new conversations with God - from the book “The Voice of a Loving Conscience.” There God, answering various questions of the soul, says:

I will always protect you.
Will you call Allah, Buddha, Sabaoth, Christ or
Omnipresent Love, I will always come to your aid.
However, this help will be manifested in different ways,
depending on which Me you call upon.

There is nothing but God, His countless energies
and their endlessly varied relationships mutual love!
The energies of God, including individual souls,
different from their Source
(otherwise their relationship could not have arisen)
and at the same time they are one with Him.

Everything, including matter, exists in the Name of Love.
All events that happen happen in the Name of Love.
You are a tiny particle of this Love, and you exist,
to take my place in this gigantic plan,
in this grandiose plan of Her movement, Her life,
Its self-continuation... This Love is I Myself.
And one day you will return to Me.

Performing any actions in any reality,
You are always the servant of Great Love.
The question has never been whether to serve or not to serve God,
but your eternal choice is how to serve.

God loves every soul and carefully guides it along its chosen path.

As a soul, you are now sleeping and dreaming.
I want you to wake up because
there is a thousand times greater happiness.
And one day you will find it. Your dream is not eternal.

While God acts like a mechanism,
fulfilling your wishes,
allowing you to use Him,
without disturbing yours lifestyle,
you are quite happy with this...
But what if God is a living person?

To understand more about the personal aspect of God, read online this new conversation with God, the book is very exciting and educational, and in addition, it can be downloaded for free. As you read new conversation, a person’s life can change a lot, if, of course, he himself wishes it.

Let the kings of the earth and all the nations, the princes and all the judges of the earth, the youths and maidens, the elders and youths, praise the name of the Lord, for the name […]

Let the kings of the earth and all the nations, the princes and all the judges of the earth, the young men and maidens, the elders and youths, praise the name of the Lord, for His alone is exalted, His glory is on earth and in heaven... (Ps. 148)

We present to our readers a selection of quotes from great figures of the past - scientists and diplomats, thinkers and writers, military leaders and sovereigns, doctors and playwrights - what they said about God, the Church he founded and the Holy Scriptures:

1. Poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

“There is a Book in which every word is interpreted, explained, preached to all ends of the earth, applied to all kinds of circumstances of life and events of the world; from which it is impossible to repeat a single expression that is not known by heart, which would not already be a proverb of peoples. This book is called the Gospel - and such is its eternally new charm that if we, satiated with the world or depressed by despondency, accidentally open it, we will no longer be able to resist its sweet attraction.”

2. Archbishop and surgeon Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)

“We are accustomed to thinking that knowledge is stronger than the faith that underlies religion. But in fact, it is faith that imparts power to knowledge. Knowledge without confidence in it, without recognition, is dead information. You may know that the plane can lift you, but if you are not sure of this, you will never dare to board it. We know God the way scientists know electrons - by His manifestations, by His actions, by the outpouring of God's power on us, by the grace of God that we feel in our hearts.

Faith is unprovable. There were a lot of disputes, there were many attempts by some people to prove that God exists, and others - that God does not exist. And never throughout the history of mankind has anyone been able to convince their opponents, because it’s not a matter of evidence. It is impossible to prove the existence of God by reasoning. God can only be perceived with a pure heart. Science proves the necessity of God’s existence logically, aesthetics shows ideal existence in images, and religion connects and brings into communication with God.”

3. Generalissimo Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

“Most Holy Mother of God, save us! Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us! - Without this prayer, do not draw your weapon, do not load your gun, do not start anything. Do you know the three sisters? Faith, Love and Hope. With them glory and victory. God is with them."

4. Prince Alexander Nevsky

“God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horses, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God!”

5. Mathematician Blaise Pascal

“Only God can fill the vacuum in the heart of every person. Nothing created by man can fill this vacuum. Only God, whom we know through Jesus Christ, fills this void. Knowing God without knowing your sinfulness leads to pride. Knowing your sinfulness without knowing God leads to despair. Knowing Jesus Christ leads us to the right path, since in Him we find God and our sinfulness.”

6. Writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

“Be not dead souls, but living ones. There is only one door to life, and that door is Jesus Christ."

7. Surgeon Nikolai Pirogov

“I cannot hear without disgust the slightest hint about the absence of a creative plan and creative expediency in the universe, and therefore the existence of the Supreme Reason, and therefore the Supreme Creative Will, I consider a necessary and inevitable fatal requirement of my own mind. So, even if I now wanted not to recognize the existence of God, I could not do this without going crazy.”

8. Physicist Albert Einstein

“I believe in God as a Person and in all conscience I can say that I have never been an atheist for a single minute of my life. True, I am a Jew, but the radiant experience of Jesus of Nazareth made an amazing impression on me. No one expressed himself like He did. Indeed, there is only one place on earth where we do not see a shadow, and that Person is Jesus Christ. In Him God revealed himself to us in the clearest and most understandable way. I honor him."

9. Physicist Isaac Newton

“The Heavenly Lord rules the entire world as the Ruler of the universe. We marvel at Him because of His perfection, we honor Him and bow before Him because of His boundless power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, no variety could arise; and everything corresponding to place and time, the variety of created objects, which constitutes the structure and life of the universe, could have happened only through the thought and will of an original Being, Whom I call the Lord God.”

10. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

“Alexander the Great, Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself founded enormous empires. And on what basis did these creations of our genius take place? - Based on violence. Jesus Christ alone founded His empire with love... And rest assured that they were all real people, but none of them were like Him; Jesus Christ is more than a man. At a distance of one thousand eight hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a difficult demand that surpasses all other demands. He asks human heart».

11. Scientist Galileo Galilei

“Holy Scripture can never lie or err. Everything it says is absolutely immutable. Both it and nature were created by the divine Word: the Bible - according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and nature - to fulfill Divine commands.

12. Physicist Max Planck

“Wherever we turn our gaze, whatever the subject of our observation, we nowhere find a contradiction between science and religion. We rather state their absolute harmony in the main points, especially in the field of natural science. Both religion and science end result seek the truth and come to confession of God.

When religion and science profess belief in God, the former places God at the beginning and the latter at the end of all thoughts. Religion and science are in no way mutually exclusive.”

13. Biologist Louis Pasteur

“Descendants will one day laugh heartily at the stupidity of our contemporary materialist scientists. The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the inimitable deeds of the Creator.”

14. Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

“My life, intertwined with patience, was one joy. Although before the greatness of God I must confess: Almighty! We do not comprehend Him. He is great in power, judgment and fullness of justice, but it seemed to me that I was following in the footsteps of God. I feel that my death is not far away, but this does not scare me. Almighty God will find another form of existence for my spirit, will lead me along the road of eternity, as he leads a wandering star through the darkness of infinity. I argued with people for the truth, but never with God, calmly awaiting the end of the time allotted to me.”

15. Poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The Gospel reflects from itself the radiance emanating from the person of Christ. If God ever came to earth, it was only in the Person of Jesus Christ.”

16. Writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

“In adversity the truth becomes clear. I will tell you about myself that I am a child of the century, a child of disbelief and doubt to this day, and even (I know this) to the grave. What terrible torment this thirst to believe has cost me and is now costing me, which is the stronger in my soul, the more contrary arguments I have. And yet, God sometimes sends me moments in which I am completely calm; in these moments I love and find that I am loved by others, and in such moments I formed within myself a symbol of faith in which everything is clear and sacred to me. This symbol is very simple, here it is: to believe that there is nothing more beautiful, deeper, more sympathetic, more reasonable, more courageous and more perfect than Christ, and not only is there not, but with jealous love I tell myself that it cannot be. Moreover, if someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth, and it really were that the truth is outside Christ, then I would rather remain with Christ than with the truth. Christianity is the only refuge of the Russian land from all its evils.”

17. President Abraham Lincoln

“I have often bowed my knees before God, prompted by the strong conviction that to no one else could I turn in my need. I believe that the Bible is God's best gift to man. Everything beautiful from the Savior of the world is transmitted to us through this Book.”

18. Philosopher Vladimir Solovyov

“Before you decide to take any action, you just have to evoke in your soul moral image Christ, focus on him and ask yourself: could He have performed this act; or in other words, whether He approves of it or not, whether He blesses me to do it or not - and we will get the answer. I suggest this test to everyone, it will not deceive. In any doubtful case, if you only have the opportunity to come to your senses and think, remember Christ, imagine Him alive, as He is, and place the entire burden of your doubts on Him.”

19. Poet Taras Shevchenko

“Right now my only consolation is the Gospel. I read it daily and hourly."

20. Scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“Nature is in a sense the Gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and greatness of God. And not only the heavens, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God.”

21. Playwright William Shakespeare

“I have committed my soul into the hands of God, my Creator, and have absolutely unshakable faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior.”

22. Naturalist Carl Linnaeus

“The eternal, infinite, omniscient and omnipotent God passed me by. I did not see Him face to face, but the glimpse of the Divine filled my soul with silent wonder. I saw the trace of God in His creation; and everywhere, even in the smallest and most imperceptible of His works, what power, what wisdom, what indescribable perfection! I observed how animate beings, standing at the highest level, are connected with the kingdom of plants, and plants, in turn, with minerals that are in the bowels of the globe, and how the globe itself gravitates towards the sun and revolves around it in an invariable order, receiving life from him.”

23. Emperor Peter the Great

“Whoever does not believe in God is either crazy or naturally insane. A sighted person must know the Creator from his creations. He who forgets God and does not keep His commandments, despite all his work, will not have success and will receive little benefit.”

24. Prince Vladimir Monomakh

“First of all, for the sake of God and your soul, have the fear of God in your heart and give generous alms - this is the beginning of all good.”

25. Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin

“Whoever has not found God on Earth will not find him in space.”

26. Poet George Byron

“If Man can be God and if God can be Man, then Jesus Christ was both.”

27. Publicist Heinrich Heine

“And what kind of book is this Bible! Majestic and vast as the world, rooted in the depths of the universe and rising to the mysterious azure of the skies! Truly, this is the Word of God, while all other books in the world express only their own, human art.”

28. Writer Charles Dickens

“I have surrendered my soul to the mercy of God in Christ the Savior.”

29. Naturalist Charles Darwin

“I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a Creator. Life had to be breathed into the first cell by the Creator.

The world rests on patterns and in its manifestations appears as a product of the mind - this is an indication of its Creator.”

30. Philosopher Immanuel Kant

“You do well to seek comfort in the Gospel, because it is the inexhaustible source of all truth, which the mind will never find anywhere else.

The existence of the Bible is the greatest and highest blessing that mankind has ever experienced."

31. Philosopher Karl Jaspers

“The existence of God is so obvious that not believing in him is a sin, and it is so unobvious that believing in him is a merit.”

32. Philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev

“Belief in immortality is not only a comforting faith that makes life easier, it is also a terrible, terrible faith that aggravates life with immeasurable responsibility.

Without the great sacrament of repentance, spiritual life is unthinkable. Sin must not only be recognized, but also burned in the fire of repentance.”

33. Writer Jean Jacques Rousseau

“The words of the Bible fill me with wonder, the holiness of the Gospel speaks to my heart. Look at the books of philosophers, how insignificant they are compared to the Bible. Is it possible that such an amazing and at the same time simple book was the work of human hands?

34. Physicist Michael Faraday

“It amazes me why people choose to wander in the unknown in so many important issues, when did God give them such a wonderful book of Revelation”!?

35. Chemist Robert Boyle

“In comparison with the Bible, all human books are small planets that receive their light and brilliance from the Sun.”

36. Physicist Henri Marie Ampere

“The most convincing proof of the existence of God is the harmony of means by which order is maintained in the universe; thanks to this order, living beings find in their bodies everything necessary for the development and reproduction of their physical and spiritual abilities.”

37. Astronomer Johannes Kepler

“Great is our Lord and great is His power, And His wisdom has no end. Praise Him the sun, the moon and the stars and the planets - in whatever language the praise occurs. And also you, witnesses of His revealed truths, and you, my soul, sing honor and glory to the Lord all your life.”

38. Physicist Hans Oersted

“Every thorough investigation of nature ends with the recognition of the existence of God.”

39. Physicist William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

“Don't be afraid to be free-thinking people. If you think deeply, through science you will gain faith in God.”

40. Historian Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

“Consciousness precedes the embodiment of ideas. God- a great architect."

41. Philosopher Francis Bacon

“Superficial knowledge removes one from God; deep knowledge leads to God.”

42. Writer Francois Mauriac

“You don't have to have faith to pray; you need to pray to gain faith.”

43. Writer Clive Staples Lewis

“God speaks to man in a whisper of love, if he does not hear, then with the voice of conscience, if he does not hear, through the mouthpiece of suffering.

All events in the world are answers to prayers, in the sense that the Lord takes into account all our true needs. All prayers are heard, although not all are fulfilled.”

44. Writer John Tolkien

“The only cure for weakening and diminishing faith is the communion of the Holy Sacraments.”

45. Writer Ivan Turgenev

“Everything on earth is dust and decay, and blessed is he who cast anchor not into these bottomless waves! He who has faith has everything and cannot lose anything.”

46. ​​Philosopher Ivan Ilyin

“Faith in God belongs to the deepest, most mysterious and spiritually precious states of man. This is a blessed experience of great spiritual and artistic value and vitality, which must be treasured, which must be protected and which should not be approached by cleverness and arbitrariness.”

47. Poet Vasily Zhukovsky

“God is positive goodness, positive truth, positive truth, positive beauty - everything that contradicts goodness, truth, beauty, truth is a negation of God. the foundation of all goodness, all truth, truth and beauty in the human soul is faith in God. From faith in God comes all goodness, all truth, all truth and beauty.”

48. Wanderer Grigory Skovoroda

“The Kingdom of God is within us. Happiness is in the heart, the heart is in love, and love is in the eternal law.”

49. Philosopher Semyon Frank

“Only faith unites, while unbelief disperses and atomizes human forces.”

50. Physicist James Joule

“After we have known and submitted to the Will of God, we have another important task: to comprehend His Wisdom, Power and Mercy from the evidences revealed in His works. Knowledge of the laws of nature is knowledge of God.”

Andrey Szegeda


Create in the image and likeness? Oh, I've heard that before.

I heard, I saw, I know. I even realize it.

I remember those who called themselves people. Pathetic creatures. But they were so different... Some had a mind, others had a heart that dictated the path. And someone was selfish, greedy for power and fame. But…

Oh yes, there is one "but". Everyone has a soul. No matter what vice overwhelmed a person, he always remained himself, even if somewhere there, in the margins of consciousness.

Almost every one of their number valued their own lives above all else, but because of a broken heart, they could step into oblivion without fear, without hesitation. It was funny to see this. Know and remember.

Oh yes, I remember. I... I'm the same. Almost. Is it a man?

I don't remember. My soul is old and thin, barely holding on to my physical body, under the weight of what I have experienced. But memory and longevity are an eternal punishment for me, for all my deeds. And therefore, I create now. Out of boredom and hopelessness. To entertain yourself at least a little, to find meaning for a brief moment. After all, in order to lay hands on myself, I will never be able to muster up the courage and audacity. Courage to face the darkness, enveloping and empty, like nothingness, and audacity... To look into the eyes of all those whom I will leave.

So... Clay molds, getting your hands dirty. Red, with a little bit of sand and lake mud mixed in. She is wet, even too wet, she smears her hands and slips out of my old-age tenacious fingers, knotted with arthritis.

In your own image and likeness, you say?

You can't do this, oh, you can't. Let them be flawed. Let there be orphans and wretches, let there be selfish freaks, not those who know love and tenderness that knows how to kill. It doesn't matter who. Each other, prey, those who want to kill them.

And I will make greed their greatest virtue. Let them accumulate, protect, groom and cherish their treasures, which in reality are nothing. A pile of sparkling stones.

By putting lust into them, I will make them multiply a hundred times more than necessary. So that children are a bargaining chip, a reflection of the unrealistic dreams of their parents, so that children suffer and become copies of those who gave birth to them. Let them rape, humiliate, kill, making each other writhe in pain and disgust.

I will give them more than enough pride so that they can pass by the old people who need a crust of bread. So that they forget their own parents, so that they hate those who are lower in status, forget their unwanted friends...

And to some, very, very few, I will give love and compassion. So that they suffer the most, surrounded by similar things.

Create in the image and likeness? Why, if you want to be a creator?

It is much easier to create your children crippled in order to take care of them and have fun watching them swarm.
Like flies in the mud, by God. Oh, well, yes. Pun.

Although, no. I'm not God. I... I'm human. At least in your own thoughts, it’s worth admitting.

And so... Two figures are ready - male and female. Roughly put together, more schematic than correct.

All I have to do is blow on them, puffing out my cheeks and before doing this deep breath, How…

No. And yet, no matter what, I am human.

I am a Man.

The man who created these for himself. In the image and likeness. Almost.

I'm human.

Creator. A crooked and blind artist paints pictures while listening to the music played by a wandering musician under the window. Untalented.

If God is for you, who can be against you? Apostle Paul - Epistle to the Romans, 8, 31.

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There is a God, but I don't believe in him. Osip Brik.

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It is impossible to believe in God; not to believe in him is absurd. Voltaire.

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Many believe in God, but few believe in God. Martti Larni

It is not guided tours that come to God, but lonely travelers. Vladimir Nabokov.

Love for God is more common than love for people because it is cheaper. Alfred Bujar.

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​ God is truth for the heart, hypothesis for the mind. Gilbert Sesbron.

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​ I have often bowed my knees before God, prompted by the strong conviction that I could turn to no one else in my need. I believe that the Bible is God's best gift to man. Everything beautiful from the Savior of the world is transmitted to us through this Book. Abraham Lincoln.

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​ It is impossible to properly rule the world without God and the Bible. George Washington.

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​ God is close to us, but we are far away. God is inside, but we are outside. Meister Eckhart.

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​ Live with people as if God is looking at you, talk to God as if people are listening to you. Seneca.

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​ If God is what he is supposed to be, he must be the most miserable of all in the universe. Every hour he observes the myriads of creatures he has created, experiencing incalculable suffering. He also knows about the suffering that they still have to endure. You can say about him: “Unhappy as God.” Mark Twain.

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The Lord delivers food to every bird of the air, but not directly to the nest. Josiah Holland.

​ Don't bargain with God. Jewish proverb.

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​ There is a Book in which every word is interpreted, explained, preached to all ends of the earth, applied to all kinds of circumstances of life and events of the world; from which it is impossible to repeat a single expression that was not known by heart, which was not already a proverb of peoples. This book is called the Gospel - and such is its ever-new charm that if we, satiated with the world or depressed by despondency, accidentally open it, we will no longer be able to resist its sweet attraction... I think that we will never give the people anything better than Scripture ... Its taste becomes clear when you begin to read Scripture, because in it you find all human life. Religion created art and literature; everything that was great in the deepest antiquity - everything depends on this religious feeling, inherent in man, just like the idea of ​​beauty along with the idea of ​​goodness. The poetry of the Bible is especially accessible to pure imagination. My children will read the Bible in the original with me... The Bible is universal. A.S. Pushkin.

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​ I believe in God as a Person and in all conscience I can say that I have never been an atheist for a single minute of my life. Albert Einstein.

​ True, I am a Jew, but the radiant experience of Jesus of Nazareth made an amazing impression on me. No one expressed himself like He did. Indeed, there is only one place on earth where we do not see a shadow, and that Person is Jesus Christ. In Him God revealed himself to us in the clearest and most understandable way. I honor him. Albert Einstein.

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A man who has lost the ability to wonder and awe is dead. To know that there is a hidden reality that reveals itself to us as the highest wisdom and brilliant beauty, to know and feel this - this is the core of true religiosity. Albert Einstein.

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​ Alexander the Great, Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself founded huge empires. And on what basis did these creations of our genius take place? - Based on violence. Jesus Christ alone founded His empire with love... And rest assured that they were all real men, but none of them were like Him; Jesus Christ is more than a man. At a distance of one thousand eight hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a difficult demand that surpasses all other demands. He asks for the human heart. Napoleon Bonaparte

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​ When one day Napoleon, while on the island of St. Helena, started talking about the great men of the past and began to compare them with himself, he suddenly turned to one of his interlocutors with the question: “Can you tell me who Jesus Christ was? » And when the interlocutor admitted that he had not had a chance to think about this, Napoleon continued: “I think I understand something about people, and I’ll tell you: all of these were people, and I am also a man, but this alone cannot be compared no one because Jesus Christ was more than a man. Napoleon Bonaparte

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​ Proving God is blasphemy; to deny it is madness. Giuseppe Mazzini.

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A God who would allow us to verify his existence would not be God, but an idol. Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

I don't know if God exists, but it would be better for his reputation if he didn't exist. Jules Renard.

If God did not exist, he would have to be invented. Voltaire.

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The believer creates the Lord God in his own image. If he is ugly, then God is a moral monster. Jules Renard.

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If God created man in his own image and likeness, then man repaid him in kind. Voltaire.

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If triangles created a god for themselves, he would have three sides. Charles Montesquieu.

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God lacks steadfastness of character and firm convictions. He should be a Catholic, or a Presbyterian, or something, it doesn't matter, but he shouldn't try to be everywhere at once. Mark Twain.

What can we say about God? Nothing. What can we say to God? All. Marina Tsvetaeva.

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Before God, we are all equally wise - or equally foolish. Albert Einstein.

It is easy to understand God unless you try to explain him. Joseph Joubert.

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The old God, the “spirit” entirely, the real high priest, the true perfection, is strolling in his garden: the only trouble is that he is bored. Even the gods fight in vain against boredom. What is he doing? He invents man: man is entertaining... But what is it? and the person is also bored. God's mercy is limitless for that one calamity from which no paradise is free: God immediately created other animals. God's first mistake: man did not find animals entertaining - he dominated them, he did not want to be an “animal.” - Because of this, God created woman. And indeed, the boredom was over, but not yet the other one! The woman was God's second failure. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Antichrist. A curse on Christianity

​ The Jews are the most remarkable people in world history, because they, faced with the question: to be or not to be, with a terrifying consciousness, chose to be at any cost: and this price was a radical perversion of all nature, all naturalness, all reality , the entire internal world, as well as the external one. They protected themselves from all the conditions in which until now the people could and should have lived; they created from themselves the concept of the opposite natural conditions, they irreparably turned religion, cult, morality, history, psychology, in order, into contradiction with the natural values ​​of these concepts. We encounter a similar phenomenon once again (and in incomparably exaggerated proportions, although this is only a copy): christian church compared to the “people of saints” cannot claim originality. Jews are at the same time the most fatal people world history: with their further influences they have so distorted humanity that even now a Christian can feel like an anti-Jew, not realizing that he is the last logical conclusion of Judaism. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Antichrist. A curse on Christianity

Who has the only reason to renounce reality by slandering it? - The one who suffers from it. But to suffer from reality means to be an unfortunate reality yourself... Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Antichrist. A curse on Christianity.

I reproach the compassionate for the fact that they easily lose modesty, respect and a delicate sense of distance, that compassion in the blink of an eye reeks of the mob and it resembles, to the point of confusion, bad manners - that compassionate hands can, on occasion, destructively invade great destiny, in solitude after wounds, in the preferential right to heavy guilt. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Antichrist. A curse on Christianity.

​ Only we, who have become free minds, have the preparation to understand what nineteen centuries did not understand - we have truthfulness, turned into instinct and passion and declaring war on the “holy lie” even more than any other lie... People were indescribably far from our neutrality, full of love and foresight, from that discipline of spirit, with the help of which it was the only way to guess such alien, such subtle things: in all other times, people with shameless egoism wanted only their own benefit; erected a church in opposition to the Gospel... Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Antichrist. A curse on Christianity.

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​ Christianity, alcohol - two great means of decay... Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Antichrist. A curse on Christianity.

A God who can be understood is no longer God. Somerset Maugham

The desert is God without people. Honore Balzac

God is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. Attributed to Timaeus of Lotre.

God is just a word made up to explain the world. Alphonse de Lamartine

He who does not love has not known God, because God is love. Apostle John - 1st cathedral epistle, 4, 8.

God is beyond all definitions. Augustine.

The main thought of man is the thought of God, the main thought of God is the thought of man. Nikolay Berdyaev.

It takes angelic patience to be the father of all Christians. Henryk Jagodzinski.

Good Christians imagine that the Lord God has the most impressive filing cabinet. Karol Izhikowski.

God has no religion. Attributed to Mahatma Gandhi.

The strong see God as proof of their strength, the weak as protection from their weakness. Anna Krzyzhanovskaya.

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Everyone thinks God is on their side, and the rich and powerful know it. Jean Anouilh

Has God forgotten everything I did for him? Louis XIV after defeat French army under Malplaquet in 1709

Many people look upon the Lord God as a servant who must do all the dirty work for them. Francois Mauriac.

They don’t ask God for more. Sergey Dovlatov.

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Love is not one of the attributes of God, but the sum of his attributes. John Murray Gibbon

The Lord loves us all, but is not delighted with any of us. Isaac Asimov.

The closer to heaven, the colder it gets. Anton Delvig.

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God will forgive me the stupid things I said about him, just as I forgive my opponents the stupid things they wrote against me, although spiritually they were as much lower than me as I am lower than you, O Lord! Heinrich Heine

God is a writer, and we are all heroes and readers at the same time. Isaac Singer

The Lord God is sophisticated, but not malicious. Albert Einstein.

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God's millstones grind slowly, but produce excellent flour. Sextus Empiricus.

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God sees the truth, but will not tell it soon. What kind of red tape? Ilya Ilf.

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Acting incognito, the Lord does not shut the mouths of his victims - they are allowed to be deceived and grumble. Karol Izhikowski

​ People decided that there is no God, but their decision is not necessary for God. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski

Previously, they were looking for evidence of the existence of God, now we have to look for evidence of the existence of man. Kazimierz Brandys

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​ Don’t forget that you are not alone: ​​in the most difficult moments God is with you. Omar Khayyam

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​ God gives, God takes - that’s the whole story for you.

What's what remains a mystery to us.

How long to live, how much to drink - measured by eye,

and even then they strive not to top it up every time.

Omar Khayyam.

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​ If God does not hear me on high -

I will turn my prayers to Satan.

If my desires are not pleasing to God -

So the devil inspires desires in me!

Omar Khayyam.

​ You, Almighty, in my opinion, are greedy and old.

You deal blow after blow to the slave.

Paradise is the reward of the sinless for their obedience.

Would you give me something not as a reward, but as a gift!

Omar Khayyam.

​ My mind is not strong and not too deep,

To unravel the tangle of God's plans.

I pray and don’t try to understand Allah -

Only God can understand the essence of God.

Omar Khayyam.

Let the kings of the earth and all nations, princes and all judges of the earth, young men and maidens, elders and youths praise the name of the Lord, for His alone is exalted, His glory is on earth and in heaven... ()

Even outspoken atheists talk about this topic. Many of them for a long time denying both faith and God, under some circumstances they suddenly changed their minds. Many great figures of the past - scientists and diplomats, thinkers and writers, military leaders and sovereigns, doctors and playwrights, including materialists - spoke with the deepest respect. Here is a small selection of their quotes...

Poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

“There is a Book in which every word is interpreted, explained, preached to all ends of the earth, applied to all kinds of circumstances of life and events of the world; from which it is impossible to repeat a single expression that is not known by heart, which would not already be a proverb of peoples. This book is called the Gospel - and such is its eternally new charm that if we, satiated with the world or depressed by despondency, accidentally open it, we will no longer be able to resist its sweet attraction.”

Archbishop and surgeon Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)

“We are accustomed to thinking that knowledge is stronger than the faith that underlies religion. But in fact, it is faith that imparts power to knowledge. Knowledge without confidence in it, without recognition, is dead information. You may know that the plane can lift you, but if you are not sure of this, you will never dare to board it. We know God the way scientists know electrons - by His manifestations, by His actions, by the outpouring of God's power on us, by the grace of God that we feel in our hearts.

Faith is unprovable. There were a lot of disputes, there were many attempts by some people to prove that God exists, and others - that God does not exist. And never throughout the history of mankind has anyone been able to convince their opponents, because it’s not a matter of evidence. It is impossible to prove the existence of God by reasoning. God can only be perceived with a pure heart. Science proves the necessity of God’s existence logically, aesthetics shows ideal existence in images, and religion connects and brings into communication with God.”

Generalissimo Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

“Most Holy Mother of God, save us! Holy Hierarch Father Nicholas, pray to God for us! - Without this prayer, do not draw your weapon, do not load your gun, do not start anything. Do you know the three sisters? Faith, Love and Hope. With them glory and victory. God is with them."

Prince Alexander Nevsky

“God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horses, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God!”

Mathematician Blaise Pascal

“Only God can fill the vacuum in the heart of every person. Nothing created by man can fill this vacuum. Only God, whom we know through Jesus Christ, fills this void. Knowing God without knowing your sinfulness leads to pride. Knowing your sinfulness without knowing God leads to despair. Knowing Jesus Christ leads us to the right path, since in Him we find God and our sinfulness.”

Writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

“Be not dead souls, but living ones. There is only one door to life, and that door is Jesus Christ."

Surgeon Nikolay Pirogov

“I cannot hear without disgust the slightest hint about the absence of a creative plan and creative expediency in the universe, and therefore the existence of the Supreme Reason, and therefore the Supreme Creative Will, I consider a necessary and inevitable fatal requirement of my own mind. So, even if I now wanted not to recognize the existence of God, I could not do this without going crazy.”

Physicist Albert Einstein

“I believe in God as a Person and in all conscience I can say that I have never been an atheist for a single minute of my life. True, I am a Jew, but the radiant experience of Jesus of Nazareth made an amazing impression on me. No one expressed himself like He did. Indeed, there is only one place on earth where we do not see a shadow, and that Person is Jesus Christ. In Him God revealed himself to us in the clearest and most understandable way. I honor him."

Physicist Isaac Newton

“The Heavenly Lord rules the entire world as the Ruler of the universe. We marvel at Him because of His perfection, we honor Him and bow before Him because of His boundless power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, no variety could arise; and everything corresponding to place and time, the variety of created objects, which constitutes the structure and life of the universe, could have happened only through the thought and will of an original Being, Whom I call the Lord God.”

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

“Alexander the Great, Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself founded enormous empires. And on what basis did these creations of our genius take place? - Based on violence. Jesus Christ alone founded His empire with love... And rest assured that they were all real people, but none of them were like Him; Jesus Christ is more than a man. At a distance of one thousand eight hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a difficult demand that surpasses all other demands. He asks for the human heart."

Scientist Galileo Galilei

“Holy Scripture can never lie or err. Everything it says is absolutely immutable. Both it and nature were created by the divine Word: the Bible - according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and nature - to fulfill Divine commands.

Physicist Max Planck

“Wherever we turn our gaze, whatever the subject of our observation, we nowhere find a contradiction between science and religion. We rather state their absolute harmony in the main points, especially in the field of natural science. Both religion and science ultimately seek the truth and come to the confession of God.

When religion and science profess belief in God, the former places God at the beginning and the latter at the end of all thoughts. Religion and science are in no way mutually exclusive.”

Biologist Louis Pasteur

“Descendants will one day laugh heartily at the stupidity of our contemporary materialist scientists. The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the inimitable deeds of the Creator.”

Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

“My life, intertwined with patience, was one joy. Although before the greatness of God I must confess: Almighty! We do not comprehend Him. He is great in power, judgment and fullness of justice, but it seemed to me that I was following in the footsteps of God. I feel that my death is not far away, but this does not scare me. Almighty God will find another form of existence for my spirit, will lead me along the road of eternity, as he leads a wandering star through the darkness of infinity. I argued with people for the truth, but never with God, calmly awaiting the end of the time allotted to me.”

Poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The Gospel reflects from itself the radiance emanating from the person of Christ. If God ever came to earth, it was only in the Person of Jesus Christ.”

Writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

“In adversity the truth becomes clear. I will tell you about myself that I am a child of the century, a child of disbelief and doubt to this day, and even (I know this) to the grave. What terrible torment this thirst to believe has cost me and is now costing me, which is the stronger in my soul, the more contrary arguments I have. And yet, God sometimes sends me moments in which I am completely calm; in these moments I love and find that I am loved by others, and in such moments I formed within myself a symbol of faith in which everything is clear and sacred to me. This symbol is very simple, here it is: to believe that there is nothing more beautiful, deeper, more sympathetic, more reasonable, more courageous and more perfect than Christ, and not only is there not, but with jealous love I tell myself that it cannot be. Moreover, if someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth, and it really were that the truth is outside Christ, then I would rather remain with Christ than with the truth. Christianity is the only refuge of the Russian land from all its evils.”

President Abraham Lincoln

“I have often bowed my knees before God, prompted by the strong conviction that to no one else could I turn in my need. I believe that the Bible is God's best gift to man. Everything beautiful from the Savior of the world is transmitted to us through this Book.”

Philosopher Vladimir Solovyov

“You just need to, before deciding to take any action, evoke the moral image of Christ in your soul, concentrate on it and ask yourself: could He have performed this act; or in other words, whether He will approve of it or not, whether He will bless me for doing it or not - and we will get the answer. I suggest this test to everyone, it will not deceive. In any doubtful case, if you only have the opportunity to come to your senses and think, remember Christ, imagine Him alive, as He is, and place the entire burden of your doubts on Him.”

Poet Taras Shevchenko

“Right now my only consolation is the Gospel. I read it daily and hourly."

Scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“Nature is in a sense the Gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and greatness of God. And not only the heavens, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God.”

Playwright William Shakespeare

“I have committed my soul into the hands of God, my Creator, and have absolutely unshakable faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior.”

Naturalist Carl Linnaeus

“The eternal, infinite, omniscient and omnipotent God passed me by. I did not see Him face to face, but the glimpse of the Divine filled my soul with silent wonder. I saw the trace of God in His creation; and everywhere, even in the smallest and most imperceptible of His works, what power, what wisdom, what indescribable perfection! I observed how animate beings, standing at the highest level, are connected with the kingdom of plants, and plants, in turn, with minerals that are in the bowels of the globe, and how the globe itself gravitates towards the sun and revolves around it in an invariable order, receiving life from him.”

Emperor Peter the Great

“Whoever does not believe in God is either crazy or naturally insane. A sighted person must know the Creator from his creations. He who forgets God and does not keep His commandments, despite all his work, will not have success and will receive little benefit.”

Prince Vladimir Monomakh

“First of all, for the sake of God and your soul, have the fear of God in your heart and give generous alms - this is the beginning of all good.”

Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin

“Whoever has not found God on Earth will not find him in space.”

Poet George Byron

“If Man can be God and if God can be Man, then Jesus Christ was both.”

Publicist Heinrich Heine

“And what kind of book is this Bible! Majestic and vast as the world, rooted in the depths of the universe and rising to the mysterious azure of the skies! Truly, this is the Word of God, while all other books in the world express only their own, human art.”

Writer Charles Dickens

“I have surrendered my soul to the mercy of God in Christ the Savior.”

Naturalist Charles Darwin

“I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a Creator. Life had to be breathed into the first cell by the Creator.

The world rests on patterns and in its manifestations appears as a product of the mind - this is an indication of its Creator.”

Philosopher Immanuel Kant

“You do well to seek comfort in the Gospel, because it is the inexhaustible source of all truth, which the mind will never find anywhere else.

The existence of the Bible is the greatest and highest blessing that mankind has ever experienced."

Philosopher Karl Jaspers

“The existence of God is so obvious that not believing in him is a sin, and it is so unobvious that believing in him is a merit.”

Philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev

“Belief in immortality is not only a comforting faith that makes life easier, it is also a terrible, terrible faith that aggravates life with immeasurable responsibility.

Without the great sacrament of repentance, spiritual life is unthinkable. Sin must not only be recognized, but also burned in the fire of repentance.”

Writer Jean Jacques Rousseau

“The words of the Bible fill me with wonder, the holiness of the Gospel speaks to my heart. Look at the books of philosophers, how insignificant they are compared to the Bible. Is it possible that such an amazing and at the same time simple book was the work of human hands?

Physicist Michael Faraday

“I am amazed why people choose to wander in the dark on so many important issues when God has given them such a wonderful book of Revelation”!?

Chemist Robert Boyle

“In comparison with the Bible, all human books are small planets that receive their light and brilliance from the Sun.”

Physicist Henri Marie Ampère

“The most convincing proof of the existence of God is the harmony of means by which order is maintained in the universe; thanks to this order, living beings find in their bodies everything necessary for the development and reproduction of their physical and spiritual abilities.”

Astronomer Johannes Kepler

“Great is our Lord and great is His power, And His wisdom has no end. Praise Him the sun, the moon and the stars and the planets - in whatever language the praise occurs. And also you, witnesses of His revealed truths, and you, my soul, sing honor and glory to the Lord all your life.”

Physicist Hans Oersted

“Every thorough investigation of nature ends with the recognition of the existence of God.”

Physicist William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

“Don't be afraid to be free-thinking people. If you think deeply, through science you will gain faith in God.”

Historian Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

“Consciousness precedes the embodiment of ideas. God- a great architect."

Philosopher Francis Bacon

“Superficial knowledge removes one from God; deep knowledge leads to God.”

Writer Francois Mauriac

“You don't have to have faith to pray; you need to pray to gain faith.”

Writer Clive Staples Lewis

“God speaks to man in a whisper of love, if he does not hear, then with the voice of conscience, if he does not hear, through the mouthpiece of suffering.

All events in the world are answers to prayers, in the sense that the Lord takes into account all our true needs. All prayers are heard, although not all are fulfilled.”

Writer John Tolkien

“The only cure for weakening and diminishing faith is the communion of the Holy Sacraments.”

Writer Ivan Turgenev

“Everything on earth is dust and decay, and blessed is he who cast anchor not into these bottomless waves! He who has faith has everything and cannot lose anything.”

Philosopher Ivan Ilyin

“Faith in God belongs to the deepest, most mysterious and spiritually precious states of man. This is a blessed experience of great spiritual and artistic value and vitality, which must be treasured, which must be protected and which should not be approached by cleverness and arbitrariness.”

Poet Vasily Zhukovsky

“God is positive good, positive truth, positive truth, positive beauty - everything that contradicts good, truth, beauty, truth is a negation of God. the foundation of all goodness, all truth, truth and beauty in the human soul is faith in God. From faith in God comes all goodness, all truth, all truth and beauty.”

Wanderer Grigory Skovoroda

“The Kingdom of God is within us. Happiness is in the heart, the heart is in love, and love is in the eternal law.”

Philosopher Semyon Frank

“Only faith unites, while unbelief disperses and atomizes human forces.”

Physicist James Joule

“After we have known and submitted to the Will of God, we have another important task: to comprehend His Wisdom, Power and Mercy from the evidences revealed in His works. Knowledge of the laws of nature is knowledge of God.”