Definition in Russian. Inconsistent definition examples

A definition is a minor member of a sentence, denoting a sign of an object, person or phenomenon in relation to the word being defined; punctuation in the sentence depends.

Agreed Definitions V initial form answer questions Which? which? which? which? which? and can be expressed by an adjective, participle, participial phrase or ordinal number. They are associated with the method of agreement defined by the word, that is, they are used in the same number, gender and case as the word being defined:

(Which?) good advice (singular, m.r., im.p.);

(which?) topic studied (singular, f.r., im.p.);

(what?) carefully selected illustrations (plural, tv);

(which one?) at the second window (singular, sr.r., gen.p.).

In contrast to the agreed definitions, inconsistent are associated with the method of control or adjacency defined by the word and can be expressed by a noun, adverb, comparative degree adjective, infinitive, pronoun, syntactically indivisible combination:

textile ( which?) flowered (noun with preposition; control)

money ( which?) on loan (adv.; management)

story ( which?) more exciting (adj.; control)

order ( Which?) to advance (infinit.; adjacency)

newspaper ( which?) “Evening News” (weekly synth. construction; adjunction).

The easiest way to find the differences between consistent and inconsistent definitions is to compare the sentences in which they are used.

Agreed definitions coincide with the word being defined according to grammatical characteristics, are most often in preposition, and it is not difficult to establish their connection.

Bright beam the spotlights illuminated far corner yard

Over a snowy field the wind was raging.

Icicle falling from the roof crunched underfoot.

In the letter, agreed upon definitions that refer to the personal pronoun are highlighted with commas.

Cheerful, she got down to business with enthusiasm.

He, safe and sound, stood at the door with an armful of flowers.

In the postposition, agreed definitions expressed by the participial phrase are separated by commas.

In the forest, noticeably thinned by mid-autumn, the pine trees seemed like giant candles.

In sentences with inconsistent definitions, the placement of punctuation marks is subordinated general rules punctuation and is not directly related to the construction “defined word + definition”.

He has never met in his life a kinder and more attentive person.

This look down annoying and the need to act on orders was perceived as bullying in a sophisticated form.

Mustache brush puffed up like a March cat.

Conclusions website

  1. Agreed definitions are used in the same grammatical form as the word being defined.
    Unlike agreed definitions, inconsistent ones are associated with the method of control or adjacency defined by the word, therefore, it is difficult to find such a connection based on grammatical features: it is established according to the meaning of the sentence.
    The snake has curled up in an emerald ring.(agreed definition)
    Hippopotamus weighing a ton moves with speed up to sixty kilometers per hour. (inconsistent definitions)
  2. Agreed definitions are most often expressed by adjectives, participles, participial phrases, ordinal numbers—changeable parts of speech.
    The inconsistent definitions are case forms noun, adverb, infinitive or indivisible syntactic constructions, for example, phraseological units.
    Spring rain, sprinkled on the first flowers, revived colors flashed brightly under bare trees.
    Desire to complete a language task efficiently very commendable.
  3. In sentences with agreed definitions, the placement of punctuation marks depends on the position of the definition and the part of speech to which it refers.
    Punctuation in sentences with inconsistent definitions follows general rules.

If the main members of the sentence are the basis, then the secondary ones are accuracy, beauty and imagery. Particular attention should be paid to definitions.

Definition as a member of a sentence

The definition refers to a word with an objective meaning and characterizes a sign, quality, property of an object that the word being defined answers the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?” and their case forms. There are agreed and inconsistent definitions in Russian.

For example, "I loved watching the big beautiful bird white".

The defined word is “bird”. From him the question is posed: “which one?”

A bird (what?) large, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize an object in this sentence according to the following characteristics: by size, by appearance, by color.

Definitions "big, beautiful"- agreed upon, and " white"- inconsistent. How do agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones?

Definitions " big, beautiful" - agreed, they change when the defined word changes, that is, they agree with it in gender, number, case:

  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what kind?) big, beautiful.

Definition "white"- inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) white;
  • birds (what?) are white;
  • a bird (what?) is white;
  • bird (what?) white;
  • about a bird (what?) white.

Therefore, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we have found out how agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones. The former change when the main word changes, while the latter do not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the material from which the object is made

Inconsistent words are never expressed by adjectives, participles, or harmonized pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with and without prepositions and have different meanings sign of an object. One such meaning is “the material from which the object is made.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the purpose of the item

Very often it is necessary to indicate why an object exists, then inconsistent definitions are used that mean “the purpose of the object.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the accompanying subject attribute

If it is said that something is present or something is absent from the subject of speech, then inconsistent definitions with the meaning “accompanying subject attribute” are usually used.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of item ownership

Inconsistent definitions are widely used in the language, expressing the belonging of an object or, more precisely, the relationship of an object to another object.

Distinguishing inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns, the problem of distinguishing between definitions and additions arises. Complements are also expressed by nouns in and do not differ formally from inconsistent definitions. Distinguish between these minor members only possible from a syntax point of view. It is therefore necessary to consider ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Complements refer to verbs, gerunds, participles, and definitions refer to nouns, pronouns indicating the subject.
  2. For additions we put cases, and for definitions we put the questions “which?”, “whose?”

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

In such cases, the following questions are posed: “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?” and their case forms. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by possessive pronouns.

IN her a light came on in the window (in whose window?).

His my friend didn’t come (whose friend?).

IN their the gardens were the most delicious apples(in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in the simple comparative degree

If a sentence contains a simple adjective, then it is an inconsistent definition. It denotes a feature of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in some other object. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by an adjective in the simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built himself a house better ours.

Society is divided into people smarter me and those who are not interesting to me.

Everyone wants a piece more than others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverbs

Often adverbs act as inconsistent definitions; in such cases they have the meaning of a characteristic in quality, direction, place, method of action. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Let's listen to the opinion of your neighbor (which one?) left.

The closet was small with a door (what kind?) outward.

The room was bright with a window (what kind?) against.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

The infinitive can be an inconsistent definition for nouns that have abstract concepts: desire, joy, need and the like. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture these magical pictures.

The need (what kind?) lives ineradicably in the heart. love anyone.

The division will perform a task (what?) take height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should experience joy (what kind?) feel yourself as a human being.

She had a habit (what?) talk with someone invisible.

Isolation of inconsistent definitions in the Russian language

Separating inconsistent definitions in writing with commas depends on the position taken and their prevalence. Inconsistent definitions that stand directly behind the word being defined - a common noun - are not prone to isolation.

At the back of the garden there was a long barn (what kind?) from boards.

The old woman served sour cream in a bowl (what kind?) with broken edge.

Girl (what?) V blue dress stood at the entrance to the park, waiting for someone.

In the park (which one?) with cleanly swept alleys it was empty and boring.

Desire (what?) survive at all costs owned him all the time.

Inconsistent definitions that appear after the main word - a common noun - are isolated only if it is necessary to give it special semantic significance. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

In the same jacket , from gray wool, she left the room as if the whole year of separation had never happened.

This vase , with a broken neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions appear before the word being defined, they are most often separated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial connotation of meaning.

In a long elegant dress, the sister seemed taller and more mature.

IN long skirt and with bare arms, a girl stands on stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Inconsistent definitions are always isolated if they refer to and to a proper name. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

She, with braids to the waist, went out into the middle of the room and looked for me with her eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starched blouse, loudly called the servants and told the girl who came to remove the scattered things.

It (the sun) with red-orange rim, hung very low from the horizon.

Practical task in OGE format

Among the exam tasks there is one that requires knowledge of inconsistent definitions. To complete such a task, you need to find a sentence that has an inconsistent definition. Next is a text with numbered sentences, among which you need to find the one you need.

Example 1: Find a sentence with an inconsistent common definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time neither the boy nor the man broke the silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Do you want me to buy you a dog? 5) Shepherd dog with a black stripe on its back.

Example 2: Find a sentence with an inconsistent isolated definition.

1) Mother stood very close to Nadezhda.

2) She came in from the street.

3) In a raincoat and a white robe, she seemed different to Nadya than she was two months ago.

4) And Nadezhda, not yet coming to her senses, looked at her mother for three seconds, not recognizing her.

5) She saw several new wrinkles spreading from the wings of her nose to the corners of her lips.

6) Only the mother’s gaze remained the same, the same as Nadezhda wore in her heart.

Example 3: Find a sentence with an inconsistent non-isolated definition.

1) She was beaming with joy.

2) Today they called her mother.

3) Didn’t all the neighbors hear how this girl dark hair screamed:

5) The girl understood why her aunt was happy.

6) Only she herself still didn’t understand whether she was calling her.

Answers: 1(5), 2(3), 3(3).

An inconsistent definition often causes punctuation difficulties. The difficulty is that it cannot always be easily distinguished from the agreed one, which will be separated by a comma. Difficult to find good text, in which these members of the sentence are not present, because their use enriches speech. However, agreed and inconsistent definitions, examples of which we present below, are an attribute only of written speech.

The secondary members of the sentence explain the main ones, but can also refer to the same secondary ones. If they complement the grammatical basis, they will be called minor members of the subject or predicate group.

For example:

The high, cloudless sky completely occupied the horizon.

The subject is the sky. Its group: definitions high, cloudless. The predicate - occupied. Its group: complement horizon, circumstance completely.

Definition, addition, circumstance - these are the three minor members of the sentence. To determine which of them is used in a sentence, you need to ask a question and determine the part of speech. Thus, complements are most often nouns or pronouns in indirect cases. Definitions - adjectives and parts of speech close to them (pronouns, participles, ordinal numbers, also nouns). Circumstances - adverbs or gerunds, as well as nouns.

Sometimes the secondary term is ambiguous: it answers two questions at the same time. As an example, consider the sentence:

The train to Omsk departed without delay.

The minor term to Omsk can act as a circumstance (train (where?) to Omsk) or as a definition (train (which?) to Omsk).

Another example:

Snow lies on spruce paws.

The secondary member on the paws is both an adverbial (lies (where?) on the paws) and a complement (lies (on what?) on the paws).

What is the definition

Definition - such a minor member of a sentence to which you can ask questions: “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Whose?”

There are agreed and inconsistent definitions. The gradation depends on how this member of the sentence is expressed.

The attribute can be an adjective, noun, numeral, pronoun, participle, or even an infinitive. They distribute subject, object and adverbial clauses.

For example:

The last leaves hung on frozen branches.

The definition of latter refers to the subject leaflet; the definition frozen refers to the adverbial adverbial object on the branches.

Sometimes these minor members of a sentence can carry the main semantic load of the subject and be included in its composition.

For example:

A villager does not like to go to a stuffy city.

The role of the definition “village” is very interesting here, without which the subject “resident” would have no meaning. That is why it will be part of the main member of the proposal. Thus, in this example the subject is a villager.

Semantic functions of definitions

Both agreed and inconsistent definitions can express the following meanings:

  1. The quality of the item (a beautiful dress, an interesting book).
  2. Quality of action (opened door, thinking student).
  3. Place (forest fire - fire in the forest).
  4. Time (December holidays - holidays in December).
  5. Relation to another object (clay vase - vase made of clay).
  6. Belonging (maternal heart - mother's heart).

Agreed Definition

Agreed definitions can be used in the following parts of speech:

  • Adjective (child's toy, deep lake).
  • Pronoun (your car, some quantity).
  • Communion (meowing kitten, waving flag).
  • Numeral (eighteenth fighter, first student).

There is agreement in gender, number and case between this definition and the word to which it refers.

Our majestic history spans twenty centuries.

The following agreed upon definitions are presented here:

· history (whose?) ours - pronoun;

· history (what?) majestic - adjective;

· centuries (how many?) twenty - numeral.

Typically, the agreed definition in a sentence comes before the word it refers to.

Definition inconsistent

Another, more expressive type is inconsistent definition. They can be the following parts of speech:

1. Nouns with or without a preposition.

2. Adjectives in the comparative degree.

3. Infinitive verb.

Let's analyze a sentence with an inconsistent definition:

The meeting with classmates will take place on Friday.

Meeting (what?) with classmates. An inconsistent definition with classmates is expressed by a noun with a preposition.

Next example:

I have never met a friendlier person than you.

The inconsistent definition is expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective: the person (which?) is friendlier.

Let's look at a sentence where the definition is expressed by an infinitive:

I had a wonderful opportunity to come to the seashore every morning.

There was an opportunity (what?) to come - this is an inconsistent definition.

The example sentences discussed above suggest that this type of definition is most often found after the word it refers to.

How to distinguish a consistent definition from an inconsistent one

In order not to get confused about what definition is in the sentence, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Find out what part of speech the definition is.
  2. Look at the type of connection between the definition and the word to which it refers (coordination - agreed definition, control and adjacency - inconsistent definition). Examples: meowing kitten - communication agreement, definition meowing - agreed; box made of wood - communication control, definition of wood inconsistent.
  3. Pay attention to where the definition stands in relation to the main word. The main word is most often preceded by an agreed upon definition, and after that by an inconsistent definition. Examples: meeting (what?) with investors - the definition is inconsistent, it comes after the main word; deep ravine - agreed definition, comes after the main word.
  4. If the definition is expressed by a stable combination or phraseological turn, it will certainly be inconsistent: she was (what?) neither fish nor fowl. Phraseologism neither fish nor fowl acts as an inconsistent definition.

The table will help to distinguish between consistent and inconsistent definitions.




What is expressed

1. Adjective.

2. Pronoun.

3. Communion.

4. Numeral.

1. Noun with or without preposition.

2. Infinitive.

3. Adverb.

4. Comparative adjective.

5. Pronoun.

6. Indivisible combination, phraseological unit.

Type of communication

Agreement in gender, number and case

1. Management.

2. Adjacency.


Before the main word

After the main word

The concept of separation

Situations often arise when a sentence contains separate agreed and inconsistent definitions that require highlighting appropriate signs punctuation (commas or dashes). Separating always implies two identical punctuation marks; it should not be confused, for example, with commas when homogeneous members, where single commas are used. In addition, the use of two different signs when isolating is a gross mistake, which indicates a lack of understanding of this linguistic phenomenon.

Separating agreed definitions with commas is a more common phenomenon than isolating inconsistent ones. To determine whether a comma is necessary, you need to pay attention to two aspects:

  • The position of a separate definition in relation to the word being defined.
  • How are the members of the sentence involved in isolation expressed (the actual definition and the word being defined): history (what?) majestic - adjective; centuries (how many?) twenty - numeral.

Separating agreed definitions

If the agreed definition comes after the word being defined, it must be separated by commas if:

  1. It is a participial phrase. For example: A basket of mushrooms, collected the day before, stood in the cellar. Here the isolated definition collected the day before is a participial phrase, which is found after the word being defined, basket.
  2. It is an adjective with dependent words. For example: Through the glass, crystal clear, everything that was happening in the yard was visible. Here the definition of crystal clear is an adjective (pure) and its dependent word (crystal). It is necessary to put commas, because this phrase is located after the word glass, which is defined.
  3. Definitions must be separated if there is another definition before the word being defined. For example: Autumn days, bright and sunny, soon faded away. The definition of autumn is located before the word days; accordingly, the definition of bright and sunny must be separated by commas.
  4. Definitions are not common and are found in the sentence after the word being defined. For example: The southern night, black and warm, was full of mysterious sounds. The definitions black and warm are two uncommon adjectives connected by the conjunction and. There may be this option: The southern night, black, warm, was full of mysterious sounds. In this example, there is no conjunction, but the definition is still isolated.

IN the latter case you need to be more careful, because there are situations when the definition is closely related in meaning to the word it refers to, so there is no need to separate it with commas. For example:

In a country far from your home, you feel loneliness in a special way.

The definition of far from home should not be separated by commas, because without it the meaning of the sentence is unclear.

The isolation of the agreed definition located before the word being defined is necessary if it has the meaning of reason or concession. For example:

Exhausted by the difficult trek, the tourists were glad to set up camp.

IN in this case the definition of exhausted by a long march stands out because it is used in the meaning of reason: since the tourists were exhausted by the difficult march, they were glad to set up camp. Another example:

Not yet greened, the trees are elegant and festive.

Here the definition of not yet greened has a concession meaning: despite the fact that the trees have not yet greened up, they are elegant and festive.

Separating inconsistent definitions

Isolated, inconsistent definitions are quite rare. Usually they are paired with matched ones. Thus, isolated inconsistent definitions are usually used after the word being defined and are associated with the agreed connection.

For example:

This coat, new, ribbed, suited Natasha very well.

In this example, the inconsistent ribbed definition is related to the agreed upon new one, so it must be separated.

Here is another sentence with a separate, inconsistent definition:

Quite by chance we met Andrey, covered in dust and tired.

In this case, the inconsistent definition in the dust is associated with the agreed upon tired, so commas are required.

It is not necessary to separate with commas the cases when there are separate inconsistent definitions before the agreed one. Examples:

From a distance we saw sailors in ironed uniforms, happy and satisfied.

In this case, there is no need to isolate the inconsistent definition in a smoothed form, because after it there are agreed ones: happy, satisfied.

IN classical literature You can find both non-isolated and isolated inconsistent definitions. Examples:

Two stearine candles, in traveling silver chandeliers, burned in front of him. (Turgenev I.S.) and Three soldiers in greatcoats, with guns on their shoulders, walked in step to take their shift to the company box (Tolstoy L.N.).

In the sentence from Turgenev’s work, the inconsistent definition in traveling silver chandeliers is isolated, but the sentence of the same construction by Tolstoy is not. In the latter there are no punctuation marks for definitions in greatcoats, with guns.

As a rule, inconsistent definitions related to the predicate group are not isolated. Let's look at last example: they walked (how? in what?) with guns, in greatcoats.

Application as a special type of definition

Special view definitions - application. It is always expressed by a noun. A distinction must be made between applications and inconsistent definitions. The latter are associated with the defined word by control, while between the application and the main word there is agreement.

For example, let's compare two sentences:

1. You, as the chief engineer, must oversee this project.

2. This woman in a white robe made the guys murmur.

In the first case, we have an engineer application. Let's prove this by bending the main thing and the definition of the word. You are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer, etc. Between the words, the connection of agreement is clearly visible, accordingly, we have an application in front of us. Let's try to do the same with the definition from the second sentence. A woman in a white coat - women in a white coat - a woman in a white coat. Communication is management, so we see an inconsistent definition here.

In addition, the application simply names the object differently, while the inconsistent definition is some kind of its attribute.

Segregation of applications

A single application is usually hyphenated: sister-mistress, lord commander. In certain cases, the application will be separated. Let's sort them out.

The application that refers to the personal pronoun is isolated. Examples:

1. Should she, an excellent student, take care of the test?

Here the application to the excellent student refers to the pronoun she.

2. Here it is, the reason.

We separate the application reason because it refers to the pronoun she.

A common application is isolated if it is located after the word being defined. Examples:

1. The brave captain, the thunder of the seas, easily navigated any reefs.

The application thunderstorm of the seas is a common one (thunderstorm of (what?) seas), so you need to separate it with commas.

2. The girl, everyone’s favorite, received the best gift.

The application everyone's favorite is used after the defined word girl.

Applications with the meaning of reason, concession, clarification are isolated (with it there is a conjunction like). Example:

You, as an investor, can control the work of employees. - You can control the work of subordinates because you are an investor (meaning of reason).

Here you need to be careful, because the application with the union as in the meaning “as” is not isolated. For example:

As a school discipline, mathematics develops well logical thinking. - As a school discipline, mathematics develops logical thinking well. There is no need for separation.

If standalone application is at the end of a sentence - it can be highlighted with a dash. For example:

The other sisters, Elizaveta and Sophia, are also similar.

The application Elizaveta and Sophia is at the end of the sentence, so it is separated by a dash.

An inconsistent definition often causes punctuation difficulties. The difficulty is that it cannot always be easily distinguished from the agreed one, which will be separated by a comma. It is difficult to find a good text that does not contain these sentence parts, because their use enriches speech. However, agreed and inconsistent definitions, examples of which we present below, are an attribute only of written speech.

The secondary members of the sentence explain the main ones, but can also refer to the same secondary ones. If they complement the grammatical basis, they will be called minor members of the subject or predicate group.

For example:

The high, cloudless sky completely occupied the horizon.

The subject is the sky. Its group: definitions high, cloudless. The predicate - occupied. Its group: complement horizon, circumstance completely.

Definition, addition, circumstance - these are the three minor members of the sentence. To determine which of them is used in a sentence, you need to ask a question and determine the part of speech. Thus, complements are most often nouns or pronouns in indirect cases. Definitions - adjectives and parts of speech close to them (pronouns, participles, ordinal numbers, also nouns). Circumstances - adverbs or gerunds, as well as nouns.

Sometimes the secondary term is ambiguous: it answers two questions at the same time. As an example, consider the sentence:

The train to Omsk departed without delay.

The minor term to Omsk can act as a circumstance (train (where?) to Omsk) or as a definition (train (which?) to Omsk).

Another example:

Snow lies on spruce paws.

The secondary member on the paws is both an adverbial (lies (where?) on the paws) and a complement (lies (on what?) on the paws).

What is the definition

Definition - such a minor member of a sentence to which you can ask questions: “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Whose?”

There are agreed and inconsistent definitions. The gradation depends on how this member of the sentence is expressed.

The attribute can be an adjective, noun, numeral, pronoun, participle, or even an infinitive. They distribute subject, object and adverbial clauses.

For example:

The last leaves hung on frozen branches.

The definition of latter refers to the subject leaflet; the definition frozen refers to the adverbial adverbial object on the branches.

Sometimes these minor members of a sentence can carry the main semantic load of the subject and be included in its composition.

For example:

A villager does not like to go to a stuffy city.

The role of the definition “village” is very interesting here, without which the subject “resident” would have no meaning. That is why it will be part of the main member of the proposal. Thus, in this example the subject is a villager.

Semantic functions of definitions

Both agreed and inconsistent definitions can express the following meanings:

  1. The quality of the item (a beautiful dress, an interesting book).
  2. Quality of action (opened door, thinking student).
  3. Place (forest fire - fire in the forest).
  4. Time (December holidays - holidays in December).
  5. Relation to another object (clay vase - vase made of clay).
  6. Belonging (maternal heart - mother's heart).

Agreed Definition

Agreed definitions can be used in the following parts of speech:

  • Adjective (child's toy, deep lake).
  • Pronoun (your car, some quantity).
  • Communion (meowing kitten, waving flag).
  • Numeral (eighteenth fighter, first student).

There is agreement in gender, number and case between this definition and the word to which it refers.

Our majestic history spans twenty centuries.

The following agreed upon definitions are presented here:

· history (whose?) ours - pronoun;

· history (what?) majestic - adjective;

· centuries (how many?) twenty - numeral.

Typically, the agreed definition in a sentence comes before the word it refers to.

Definition inconsistent

Another, more expressive type is inconsistent definition. They can be the following parts of speech:

1. Nouns with or without a preposition.

2. Adjectives in the comparative degree.

3. Infinitive verb.

Let's analyze a sentence with an inconsistent definition:

The meeting with classmates will take place on Friday.

Meeting (what?) with classmates. An inconsistent definition with classmates is expressed by a noun with a preposition.

Next example:

I have never met a friendlier person than you.

The inconsistent definition is expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective: the person (which?) is friendlier.

Let's look at a sentence where the definition is expressed by an infinitive:

I had a wonderful opportunity to come to the seashore every morning.

There was an opportunity (what?) to come - this is an inconsistent definition.

The example sentences discussed above suggest that this type of definition is most often found after the word it refers to.

How to distinguish a consistent definition from an inconsistent one

In order not to get confused about what definition is in the sentence, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Find out what part of speech the definition is.
  2. Look at the type of connection between the definition and the word to which it refers (coordination - agreed definition, control and adjacency - inconsistent definition). Examples: meowing kitten - communication agreement, definition meowing - agreed; box made of wood - communication control, definition of wood inconsistent.
  3. Pay attention to where the definition stands in relation to the main word. The main word is most often preceded by an agreed upon definition, and after that by an inconsistent definition. Examples: meeting (what?) with investors - the definition is inconsistent, it comes after the main word; deep ravine - agreed definition, comes after the main word.
  4. If the definition is expressed in a stable combination or phraseological turn, it will certainly be inconsistent: she was (what?) neither fish nor fowl. Phraseologism neither fish nor fowl acts as an inconsistent definition.

The table will help to distinguish between consistent and inconsistent definitions.




What is expressed

1. Adjective.

2. Pronoun.

3. Communion.

4. Numeral.

1. Noun with or without preposition.

2. Infinitive.

3. Adverb.

4. Comparative adjective.

5. Pronoun.

6. Indivisible combination, phraseological unit.

Type of communication

Agreement in gender, number and case

1. Management.

2. Adjacency.


Before the main word

After the main word

The concept of separation

Situations often arise when a sentence contains separate agreed and inconsistent definitions that require highlighting with appropriate punctuation marks (commas or dashes). Separation always implies two identical punctuation marks; it should not be confused, for example, with commas for homogeneous members, where single commas are used. In addition, the use of two different signs when isolating is a gross mistake, which indicates a lack of understanding of this linguistic phenomenon.

Separating agreed definitions with commas is a more common phenomenon than isolating inconsistent ones. To determine whether a comma is necessary, you need to pay attention to two aspects:

  • The position of a separate definition in relation to the word being defined.
  • How are the members of the sentence involved in isolation expressed (the actual definition and the word being defined): history (what?) majestic - adjective; centuries (how many?) twenty - numeral.

Separating agreed definitions

If the agreed definition comes after the word being defined, it must be separated by commas if:

  1. It is a participial phrase. For example: A basket of mushrooms, collected the day before, stood in the cellar. Here the isolated definition collected the day before is a participial phrase, which is found after the word being defined, basket.
  2. It is an adjective with dependent words. For example: Through the glass, crystal clear, everything that was happening in the yard was visible. Here the definition of crystal clear is an adjective (pure) and its dependent word (crystal). It is necessary to put commas, because this phrase is located after the word glass, which is defined.
  3. Definitions must be separated if there is another definition before the word being defined. For example: Autumn days, bright and sunny, soon faded away. The definition of autumn is located before the word days; accordingly, the definition of bright and sunny must be separated by commas.
  4. Definitions are not common and are found in the sentence after the word being defined. For example: The southern night, black and warm, was full of mysterious sounds. The definitions black and warm are two uncommon adjectives connected by the conjunction and. There may be this option: The southern night, black, warm, was full of mysterious sounds. In this example, there is no conjunction, but the definition is still isolated.

In the latter case, you need to be more careful, because there are situations when the definition is closely related in meaning to the word it refers to, so there is no need to separate it with commas. For example:

In a country far from your home, you feel loneliness in a special way.

The definition of far from home should not be separated by commas, because without it the meaning of the sentence is unclear.

The isolation of the agreed definition located before the word being defined is necessary if it has the meaning of reason or concession. For example:

Exhausted by the difficult trek, the tourists were glad to set up camp.

In this case, the definition of “exhausted by a long trek” is isolated because it is used in the meaning of a reason: since the tourists were exhausted by the difficult trek, they were glad to set up camp. Another example:

Not yet greened, the trees are elegant and festive.

Here the definition of not yet greened has a concession meaning: despite the fact that the trees have not yet greened up, they are elegant and festive.

Separating inconsistent definitions

Isolated, inconsistent definitions are quite rare. Usually they are paired with matched ones. Thus, isolated inconsistent definitions are usually used after the word being defined and are associated with the agreed connection.

For example:

This coat, new, ribbed, suited Natasha very well.

In this example, the inconsistent ribbed definition is related to the agreed upon new one, so it must be separated.

Here is another sentence with a separate, inconsistent definition:

Quite by chance we met Andrey, covered in dust and tired.

In this case, the inconsistent definition in the dust is associated with the agreed upon tired, so commas are required.

It is not necessary to separate with commas the cases when there are separate inconsistent definitions before the agreed one. Examples:

From a distance we saw sailors in ironed uniforms, happy and satisfied.

In this case, there is no need to isolate the inconsistent definition in a smoothed form, because after it there are agreed ones: happy, satisfied.

In classical literature one can find both non-isolated and isolated inconsistent definitions. Examples:

Two stearine candles, in traveling silver chandeliers, burned in front of him. (Turgenev I.S.) and Three soldiers in greatcoats, with guns on their shoulders, walked in step to take their shift to the company box (Tolstoy L.N.).

In the sentence from Turgenev’s work, the inconsistent definition in traveling silver chandeliers is isolated, but the sentence of the same construction by Tolstoy is not. In the latter there are no punctuation marks for definitions in greatcoats, with guns.

As a rule, inconsistent definitions related to the predicate group are not isolated. Let's look at the last example: they walked (how? in what?) with guns, in greatcoats.

Application as a special type of definition

A special type of definition is application. It is always expressed by a noun. A distinction must be made between applications and inconsistent definitions. The latter are associated with the defined word by control, while between the application and the main word there is agreement.

For example, let's compare two sentences:

1. You, as the chief engineer, must oversee this project.

2. This woman in a white robe made the guys murmur.

In the first case, we have an engineer application. Let's prove this by bending the main thing and the definition of the word. You are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer, etc. Between the words, the connection of agreement is clearly visible, accordingly, we have an application in front of us. Let's try to do the same with the definition from the second sentence. A woman in a white coat - women in a white coat - a woman in a white coat. Communication is management, so we see an inconsistent definition here.

In addition, the application simply names the object differently, while the inconsistent definition is some kind of its attribute.

Segregation of applications

A single application is usually hyphenated: sister-mistress, lord commander. In certain cases, the application will be separated. Let's sort them out.

The application that refers to the personal pronoun is isolated. Examples:

1. Should she, an excellent student, take care of the test?

Here the application to the excellent student refers to the pronoun she.

2. Here it is, the reason.

We separate the application reason because it refers to the pronoun she.

A common application is isolated if it is located after the word being defined. Examples:

1. The brave captain, the thunder of the seas, easily navigated any reefs.

The application thunderstorm of the seas is a common one (thunderstorm of (what?) seas), so you need to separate it with commas.

2. The girl, everyone’s favorite, received the best gift.

The application everyone's favorite is used after the defined word girl.

Applications with the meaning of reason, concession, clarification are isolated (with it there is a conjunction like). Example:

You, as an investor, can control the work of employees. - You can control the work of subordinates because you are an investor (meaning of reason).

Here you need to be careful, because the application with the union as in the meaning “as” is not isolated. For example:

As a school subject, mathematics develops logical thinking well. - As a school discipline, mathematics develops logical thinking well. There is no need for separation.

If a separate application is at the end of a sentence, it can be highlighted with a dash. For example:

The other sisters, Elizaveta and Sophia, are also similar.

The application Elizaveta and Sophia is at the end of the sentence, so it is separated by a dash.

In order not to get confused about what definition is in the sentence, you can follow the algorithm:

1. Find out what part of speech the definition is.

2. Look at the type of connection between the definition and the word to which it refers (coordination - agreed definition, control and adjacency - inconsistent definition). Examples: meowing kitten - communication agreement, definition meowing - agreed; box made of wood - communication control, definition of wood inconsistent.

3. Pay attention to where the definition stands in relation to the main word. Most often, the main word is preceded by an agreed definition, and after it is an inconsistent definition. Examples: meeting (what?) with investors – the definition is inconsistent, it comes after the main word; deep ravine - agreed definition, comes after the main word.

4. If the definition is expressed in a stable combination or phraseological turn, it will certainly be inconsistent: she was (what?) neither fish nor fowl. Phraseologism neither fish nor fowl acts as an inconsistent definition.

The concept of separation

Situations often arise when a sentence contains separate agreed and inconsistent definitions that require highlighting with appropriate punctuation marks (commas or dashes). Separation always implies two identical punctuation marks; it should not be confused, for example, with commas for homogeneous members, where single commas are used. In addition, the use of two different signs when isolating is a gross mistake, which indicates a lack of understanding of this linguistic phenomenon.

Separating agreed definitions with commas is a more common phenomenon than isolating inconsistent ones. To determine whether a comma is necessary, There are two aspects you need to pay attention to:

The position of a separate definition in relation to the word being defined.

How are the members of the sentence involved in isolation expressed (the actual definition and the word being defined): history (what?) majestic - adjective; centuries (how many?) twenty – numeral.

Separating agreed definitions

If the agreed definition comes after the word being defined, it must be separated by commas if:

1. It is a participial phrase. For example: A basket of mushrooms, collected the day before, stood in the cellar. Here isolated definition collected the day before is a participial phrase, which is found after the word being defined, basket.

2. It is an adjective with dependent words. For example: Through the glass, crystal clear, everything that was happening in the yard was visible. Here the definition of crystal clear is an adjective (pure) and its dependent word (crystal). It is necessary to put commas, because this phrase is located after the word glass, which is defined.

3. Definitions must be separated if there is another definition before the word being defined. For example: Autumn days, bright and sunny, soon faded away. The definition of autumn is located before the word days; accordingly, the definition of bright and sunny must be separated by commas.

4. Definitions are not common and are found in the sentence after the word being defined. For example: The southern night, black and warm, was full of mysterious sounds. The definitions black and warm are two uncommon adjectives connected by the conjunction and. There may be this option: The southern night, black, warm, was full of mysterious sounds. In this example, there is no conjunction, but the definition is still isolated.

In the latter case, you need to be more careful, because there are situations when the definition is closely related in meaning to the word it refers to, so there is no need to separate it with commas. For example:

In a country far from your home, you feel loneliness in a special way.

The definition of far from home should not be separated by commas, because without it the meaning of the sentence is unclear.

The isolation of the agreed definition located before the word being defined is necessary if it has the meaning of reason or concession.

For example:

Exhausted by the difficult trek, the tourists were glad to set up camp.

In this case, the definition of “exhausted by a long trek” is isolated because it is used in the meaning of a reason: since the tourists were exhausted by the difficult trek, they were glad to set up camp. Another example:

Not yet greened, the trees are elegant and festive.

Here the definition of not yet greened has a concession meaning: despite the fact that the trees have not yet greened up, they are elegant and festive.

Separating inconsistent definitions

Separate inconsistent definitions– a rather rare phenomenon. Usually they are paired with matched ones. Thus, isolated inconsistent definitions are usually used after the word being defined and are associated with the agreed connection.

For example:

This coat, new, ribbed, suited Natasha very well.

In this example, the inconsistent ribbed definition is related to the agreed upon new one, so it must be separated.

Here is another sentence with a separate, inconsistent definition:

Quite by chance we met Andrey, covered in dust and tired.

In this case, the inconsistent definition in the dust is associated with the agreed upon tired, so commas are required.

It is not necessary to separate with commas the cases when there are separate inconsistent definitions before the agreed one.

From a distance we saw sailors in ironed uniforms, happy and satisfied.

In this case, there is no need to isolate the inconsistent definition in a smoothed form, because after it there are agreed ones: happy, satisfied.

In classical literature one can find both non-isolated and isolated inconsistent definitions.

Two stearine candles, in traveling silver chandeliers, burned in front of him. (Turgenev I.S.) and Three soldiers in greatcoats, with guns on their shoulders, walked in step to take their shift to the company box (Tolstoy L.N.).

In the sentence from Turgenev’s work, the inconsistent definition in traveling silver chandeliers is isolated, but the sentence of the same construction by Tolstoy is not. In the latter there are no punctuation marks for definitions in greatcoats, with guns.

As a rule, inconsistent definitions related to the predicate group are not isolated. Let's look at the last example: they walked (how? in what?) with guns, in greatcoats.

Application as a special type of definition

A special type of definition is application. It is always expressed by a noun. A distinction must be made between applications and inconsistent definitions. The latter are associated with the defined word through control, while between the application and the main word there is agreement.

For example, let's compare two sentences:

1. You, as the chief engineer, must oversee this project.

2. This woman in a white robe made the guys murmur.

In the first case, we have an engineer application. Let's prove this by bending the main thing and the definition of the word. You are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer - you are an engineer, etc. Between the words, the coordination connection is clearly visible, accordingly, we have an application in front of us. Let's try to do the same with the definition from the second sentence. A woman in a white coat - women in a white coat - a woman in a white coat. Communication is management, so we see an inconsistent definition here.

In addition, the application simply names the object differently, while the inconsistent definition is some kind of attribute of it.

Segregation of applications

A single application is usually hyphenated: sister-mistress, lord commander. In certain cases, the application will be separated. Let's look at their applications and inconsistent definitions

The application that refers to the personal pronoun is isolated.

1. Should she, an excellent student, take care of the test?

Here the application to the excellent student refers to the pronoun she.

2. Here it is, the reason.

We separate the application reason because it refers to the pronoun she.

A common application is isolated if it is located after the word being defined. Examples:

1. The brave captain, the thunder of the seas, easily navigated any reefs.

The application thunderstorm of the seas is a common one (thunderstorm of (what?) seas), so you need to separate it with commas.

2. The girl, everyone’s favorite, received the best gift.

The application everyone's favorite is used after the defined word girl.

Applications with the meaning of reason, concession, clarification are isolated (with it there is a conjunction like). Example:

You, as an investor, can control the work of employees. – You can control the work of subordinates because you are an investor (meaning of reason).

Here you need to be careful, because the application with the union as in the meaning “as” is not isolated. For example:

As a school subject, mathematics develops logical thinking well. – As a school discipline, mathematics develops logical thinking well. There is no need for separation.

If a separate application is at the end of a sentence, it can be highlighted with a dash. For example:

The other sisters, Elizaveta and Sophia, are also similar.

The application Elizaveta and Sophia is at the end of the sentence, so it is separated by a dash.