4 sentences with homogeneous ones. Lesson: "Homogeneous members of a sentence" (4th grade)

Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence

Homogeneous members offers:

  1. Answering the same question
  2. Depends on the same word
  3. Pronounced with enumerative intonation

Homogeneous members of the sentence- these are members of the same name that are connected to each other by a coordinating connection and perform the same syntactic function in a sentence, that is, they are united by the same relationship to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members can be connected by coordinating conjunctions and pronounced with “intonation of enumeration.” In the absence of conjunctions and when they are repeated, homogeneous members are also connected by connecting pauses.

Details in the video:


Firstly, homogeneous members of a sentence are NOT ALWAYS the same part of speech. The most important thing is that they answer the same question and depend on the same word!

Secondly, ANY MEMBERS of a sentence can be homogeneous: the subject, the predicate, the attribute, the complement, and the circumstance.


Let us denote a homogeneous term by ?.


Homogeneous sentence members can be used
no alliances with single unions with repeated conjunctions with double conjunctions

Roses, lilies, and chamomiles bloomed in the garden.

connecting conjunctions, yes (= and), or

Suddenly a storm cameANDfrequent hail.

The garden is fragrant with autumn freshness, leaves and fruits.

adversative conjunctionsa, but, yes (= but), but, however

The heart is not opened with an iron key, but with kindness.



not that... not that

1) and?, and?, and?

or?, or?, or?

I'm imaginingTHATnoisy feasts,THATmilitary camp,THATcombat fights.

You can't hear me,ORdon't understandORjust ignore it.

Blizzards ANDblizzard, coldANDdarkness did not prevent the polar explorers from landing on the ice floes.

not only... but also


if not...then

not so much as


A comma is placed before the second part of the conjunction!

not only?, but also?

how?, so and?

You can remember these normsHOWmasters of sports,SO ANDfor beginners

Trap #1!

A sentence may have several rows of homogeneous members, so distinguish between constructions with homogeneous members of the sentence connected by repeating conjunctions, and constructions with several rows of homogeneous members that are connected within a row by a single conjunction.

Trees and grasses in summer and at the very beginning of autumn are lush and fresh.

(This is a sentence with three rows of homogeneous members: two homogeneous subjects, two homogeneous predicates and two homogeneous adverbials)

There are no commas anywhere!

Thin rain fell on forests, fields, and the wide Dnieper.

This is one series of homogeneous members, so they depend on one verb “sown”, answer one question - Where? and are circumstances, therefore a comma is placed as in repeated conjunctions.

Trap #2!

Phraseological phrases(stable combinations of words, no comma inside them):

  • Out of the blue
  • And day and night
  • Both old and young
  • And laughter and grief
  • And here and there
  • Neither back nor forward
  • Neither yes nor no
  • No way about anything
  • Neither fish nor fowl
  • Neither light nor dawn
  • Not a word or a breath

Algorithm of actions.

1) In each sentence, find homogeneous members of the sentence (see three signs of homogeneous members at the very beginning of the chapter).

2) Determine how many rows of homogeneous members there are in the sentence. Consider each of the rows separately from each other.

3) Mark what kind of unions they are connected with: without a union, single, repeating or double union.

4) Build a diagram and place commas.

Analysis of the task.

Specify a sentence in which you need to put one

1) Along the sides of the path, rose hips stood like high and steep walls and bloomed with scarlet and damp fire.

2) Only the tops of the trees and the winding edge of the opposite bank were visible.

3) His hand and face and blue overalls were shiny with soot and machine oil.

4) In the atmosphere secret societies Pushkin's life passed both in St. Petersburg and later in the south.

Answer option #1.

Read Trap #1 again.

We find homogeneous members of the sentence. There are three rows here: tall and steep(which ones?, depend on the word « walls » ),stood and bloomed(what did you do?), scarlet and wet(which way?, depend on the word “fire”). Three rows of homogeneous members of a sentence, each of which is connected internally by a single conjunction AND, so no commas are required.

Answer option No. 2.

The sentence has one row of homogeneous members: tops and edges(what?, depend on the word “were visible”). They are connected by a single union Yes in meaning And

Answer option No. 3.

The sentence has two rows of homogeneous members. Firstly, hand and face and overalls(what?, are subjects) that are connected by a repeating conjunction And. We place commas after each homogeneous member of the sentence: His hand, and his face, and his blue overalls. Secondly, from soot and oil(from what?, depend on “glossy”), they are connected by a single conjunction And, so no comma is required.

Answer option No. 4.

One row of homogeneous members of a sentence: both in St. Petersburg and in the south(where?, depend on the word “passed”). They are bound by a double alliance both... and, therefore we will place a comma only before the second part of the union, that is: both in St. Petersburg and in the south.

Thus, correct option– answer No. 4.


1. Specify the sentence in which you want to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Official medicine opposes self-medication and treatment with untested means.

2) Northern regions turned out to be unequal both in terms of population and economic development opportunities.

3) Sometimes medicinal plants completely lose their medicinal properties or retain them to a small extent.

4) The swans swam majestically along the river or circled over the water or rested near their house.

2. Specify the sentence in which you want to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) On the same lilac bush I saw yellow leaves and buds that began to swell.

2) The gander talked to himself in a hoarse bass voice and picked up the spilled seeds.

3) Our culture is strong not only and not so much by figures from the capital, but by residents of the outback.

Required level.

Choose one answer option and circle it (No. 1~7).

1. This is a simple sentence with homogeneous members:

1) The boy Nils was turned into a little man.

2) Together with flock of geese he went on a long journey.

3) In one ancient castle, Nils had to save its inhabitants with the help of a magic wand.

4) Saw Nils underwater city and many other miracles.

2. There are no homogeneous predicates in the sentence

1) He immediately jumped to his feet, picked up his hat and ran on.

2) Loaves of bread, bottles of milk, and tin cans were lying around them.

3) Valerka and Sevka were sitting on the windowsill and rolling with laughter.

4) The fat guy was in a hurry to get to the bus stop and flew onto the ice with a bang.

3. There is no need to put a comma in the diagram.

1) [- And ].

2) [- = O and O and O].

3) [- = O but O].

4. There is an error in the placement of a comma in the diagram.

1) Oh, and Oh, and Oh

4) O, O, and O

5. You need to put one comma in the sentence.

1) He refreshed himself with fruits and roots and went to the river.

2) He lay there for a long time and finally fell asleep from excitement and fatigue.

3) He looked around and saw many trees, birds and flowers.

4) He collected thick twigs and branches under the trees and tied them.

6. You need to put two commas in the sentence.

1) Sevka threw his coat on the chair and his hat on the bedside table and began to tap dance loudly.

2) He unwrapped the candy under the desk, put it in his mouth, rolled up the piece of paper and sent it to the class with a click.

3) Sevka beat his chest for a long time, but then he made an offended face and began to sigh.

4) Sevka liked lions, tigers, panthers and not small harmless animals.

7. Find the “extra” sentence.

1) I paid attention to the cry of the birds, and to their songs, and to their flight.

2) The silence consisted of the light rustling of grass, the ringing of drops, and the quiet singing of a stream.

3) A bird is sitting on a tree, its mouth is open, its wings are fluttering.

4) I recognized her hump-like figure, her habit, and her original trill song.

8. Distribute the examples into groups indicated by numbers:

1) homogeneous members are connected by repeating unions;

2) with homogeneous members there are no repeating unions.

a) She weaves, and spins, and tidies up, and is responsible for everything.

b) The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him beyond the dark forests, beyond fast rivers, behind the high mountains.

c) Purple and white flowers of fragrant violet are found in forests, parks and squares.

d) Daryonka cleaned the hut and cooked the stew.

Increased level.

Write down the answer yourself on the line or in the indicated place (No. 9-10).

Between homogeneous members a comma is added. But there is one exception to this rule - the connecting conjunction “and”. Restore the sequence of actions for placing a comma between homogeneous terms.

a) Select the conjunction and.

b) Determine whether there are unions and, a, but between them or not.

c) Union and repeating, a comma is added.

d) Find homogeneous members in the sentence.

e) There are no conjunctions or there are conjunctions a, but a comma is added.

f) Union and single (not repeated), no comma.

10. Place commas where necessary.

Along roads, along country roads, along forest paths
The plantain spreads its leaves and brings greetings to spring.

And then at the beginning of summer at the top of the stem
An inflorescence appears in the form of an arrow-spikelet.

The ear ripens and pours out hundreds of small seeds.

And they spread around the world and sprout here and there.
Plantains are blooming along the roads all over the planet.

Knew about them healing power many hundreds of years ago
The founder of medicine is the famous Hippocrates.

And to this day in different countries love for plantain:
It heals wounds and stops bleeding.

It treats gastritis and ulcers, gout, and bronchitis.
Plantain will heal a variety of ailments!

Write down homogeneous terms that are connected

1) without the help of unions:

along roads, along country roads, along paths.

matures, pours out, heals, stops.

2) using a single union and:

spreads and carries, here and there.

3) using a repeating conjunction and:

both to the wheels and to the feet; and ulcers, and gout, and bronchitis.

Write down a sentence that matches the pattern [and O = -> and Q].

And the seeds stick to the wheels and to the feet.

To write sentences with homogeneous members, you need to know what they are.

Homogeneous members of the sentence

Homogeneous members of a sentence are parts of a sentence that are interconnected by a coordinating connection (conjunctions and, yes. but also others). Homogeneous members of a sentence refer to the same word (they depend on the main word or are themselves main words), answer the same question, play the same role in the sentence, that is, they are most often one part of speech.

Homogeneous members can be any part of speech

When writing, homogeneous members are separated by a comma.

Ten sentences with homogeneous members

  1. Has arrived cold, blizzard, frosty winter. The sentences are definitions, the part of speech is adjectives.
  2. Children at a matinee and danced, And played hide and seek, and sang funny songs. In a sentence there are predicates, parts of speech are verbs. Connected by the coordinating conjunction "and".
  3. Dad, mom, grandma, grandpa and junior Brother- this is my whole family. In a sentence they are the subjects. Part of speech - nouns. Non-union and coordinating communication.
  4. cut out from larch, painted paints, made with incredible skill, this chest will pass on to more than one generation. The sentences contain definitions. Part of speech is participles.
  5. Red, purple, yellow and blue flowers covered the entire clearing. The sentences contain definitions. Part of speech is adjectives. Non-union and coordinating communication.
  6. All students and teachers gathered on the line. In a sentence they are the subjects. Part of speech - nouns. Coordinating conjunction "and".
  7. Oleg could draw,play on the guitar, repair radio and gather furniture. They are predicates in a sentence. Part of speech - verbs.
  8. This morning it was cold, damp and dank. In a sentence there are circumstances. Part of speech - adverbs.
  9. And you and me and all of them They will also go on a hike. In a sentence they are the subjects. Part of speech - pronouns.
  10. Hurricane hit suddenly and quickly. In a sentence there are circumstances. Part of speech - adverbs.