How to become a very interesting person. How not to be boring for a man

Modern ladies have a lot of misconceptions about what kind of women are interesting to men. This is partly due to upbringing, partly to images glamorous girls, flashing from TV screens and covers of glossy magazines. In some ways, prejudices are implanted in their souls by friends with their advice, and in some ways by their own sad experience. And they, unfortunate ones, are chasing an unattainable ideal, trying to lose weight to size forty, style their hair perfectly and have flawless skin. Many are very close to ideal. They are almost ideal. For now they are silent. Because if they open their mouths, then the unfortunate men have nothing to talk about with these dolls. Not because they are stupid, no. But, simply, many do not know what to talk about with a man. They know how to be attractive, but how to be interesting? Let's find out how to become interesting to a man.

  • Firstly, an interesting woman is easy to communicate with. An interesting woman is not afraid to say something stupid. If you are attractive, men will not notice any mistakes on your part. Girls often put on a stern and cutesy appearance. They put on a serious face, try to seem well-mannered, smart and mysterious. As a result, the man goes out of his way to keep the conversation going, talks about the weather, asks standard questions, to which he receives not very common answers. The conversation doesn’t go well, impressions of each other are blurred. The man doesn’t call anymore, and the girl wonders what she did wrong - either she held the fork in the wrong hand, or did her hair the wrong way.

Yes, a man first of all evaluates a woman visually. But then he strikes up a conversation. And here everything depends on the woman. If she becomes interesting to him, then she can count on long-term courtship; if not, then they won’t invite her further “come to my place, let’s watch a movie.”

  • Secondly, an interesting woman lives interesting life. It is hardly worth explaining that housewives do not live interesting lives.

Interesting woman:

  1. studies or works (while not being obsessed with her activities);
  2. plays sports (constantly, not occasionally);
  3. reads books (pulp novels are not books);
  4. watches movies, especially new ones);
  5. doesn’t watch TV (and if he does, he’ll never admit it);
  6. has a hobby (for example, photography, dancing, horse riding. You need to have a hobby so that a man understands you. Unfortunately, very few men know how to knit and weave macramé).
  • Thirdly, to become interesting to a man, a woman’s day must be filled. Home - work, work - home - not about her. She fits dates with a man into her busy schedule.

But at the same time, in a conversation, an interesting woman will never conduct a monologue about her colorful life. Her task is to bring the man into a dialogue in which her gentleman will understand that in front of him is a self-sufficient, versatile, bright person with clear life priorities. You shouldn’t agree with a man on everything in a conversation; sometimes you need to contradict him. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity love to prove that they are right; in addition, an argument enlivens the conversation.

An interesting woman can count not only on admiration, but also on respect, and these are feelings that often develop...into love)))

First of all, there is only one way to achieve this - to be yourself and love your man. And another secret long term relationship is to ensure that the people in these relationships continue to grow. If one stops in his development, and he no longer cares about himself or his partner, the second begins to think about finding someone else.

What does it mean to develop?

It is constantly being in search of something, wanting, learning, striving, setting goals and achieving them. At the same time, try to carefully preserve and increase what you already have.

Long-term harmonious relationships is based on three important pillars: respect, compliance and maintaining interest in each other. And if with mutual respect and making concessions to each other is more or less clear, then cornerstone conflicts in most unions, as a rule, become the third “y” - retention of interest. It is quite difficult to maintain it for many years. We all know examples of such marriages where one or the other half relaxed: she stopped taking care of herself, monitoring her weight, appearance, and forgot about signs of attention. Maintaining interest is one of the most important indicators of an alliance; it helps to maintain strong relationships for many years.

The most beautiful and well-groomed 24 hours

It is very important to remember that for the man you love, you should always be the most beautiful and well-groomed, and be in shape. In general, this thought is inextricably linked with another - in order to achieve this, you need to love yourself, and constantly, almost 24 hours a day. I'm not talking about the urgent need to look for shortcomings in yourself and then take action. No, this is more and more global here - you need to accept yourself for who you are, love yourself for your shortcomings too, because they are a continuation of our strengths. But at the same time, do not allow yourself to become limp and relax for long. A woman who loves herself takes care of herself - and that says it all. She does not need, having accidentally learned about her husband’s affair on the side, to urgently run for new clothes and to a nutritionist. She regularly replenishes her wardrobe with things she likes, leads an active lifestyle and is happy with herself.

In addition, a woman who strives to strengthen her relationship should have her own life, separate from her husband - friends, hobbies, activities. A woman who has completely dissolved in her husband and lives exclusively by his interests and household chores quickly becomes a burden. Men are hunters by nature, even after conquering you, they need to realize that they are a little free, therefore, you can communicate with someone, and someone likes it. Therefore, a woman who has friends and hobbies outside of home is much more more interesting than that one, which has neither one nor the other.

In life, you can often come across the phrase “interesting person.” Most often we use it to describe a versatile, multifaceted, talented personality. Such people, as a rule, make an impression in society, have special attractive internal and external qualities, and are leaders and activists. In fact, you can be interesting in different ways: some surprise you with their appearance, others - mental abilities, and others - the way of life. But still, there are those who have not yet discovered their zest, have not understood how they can interest others. Today we will break down this popular and difficult topic, showing clear examples the limitless possibilities and abilities of each of us.

Creating an image of an interesting personality

Think about what qualities an interesting person should have? Close your eyes and imagine it. What character traits would you give him? Now identify your specific qualities that you would like to get rid of, and, conversely, those that you have long dreamed of developing in yourself. Take yourself apart into small pieces and try to put the puzzle back together. Perhaps now you will get a completely different picture. Be honest with yourself and don't be afraid of your ambition!

Be yourself!

Embrace your quirks. What is unusual, surprising and makes you different from everyone else does not have to be perceived as a flaw. Think and decide whether this really bothers you. Maybe this strangeness is your unique highlight? Skilfully exchange minuses for pluses and be proud of what you have. In the end, we are all crazy to some extent. Be yourself: believe me, others will appreciate your frankness and sincerity.

Self-education is the key to success

Nothing attracts people more than the desire for self-improvement. You want to have a dialogue with such interlocutors, because they have something to tell about themselves and their goals in life. The greater your horizons and knowledge base, the more interesting you are to others. Try something new: start exploring foreign language, read books, cook unusual and complex dishes, lose weight, play sports - anything, just not to stagnate in one place, closing off all prospects. Believe me: if you are a smart person, then people will be drawn to you. Therefore, we pick up a book that we haven’t been able to finish reading for two years now and immediately get down to business.

Communication is the best way to transfer knowledge

Talk more with your friends and loved ones about serious topics, discuss global problems, issues that concern you and moral values. Exchange interesting information, personal views on things. All this forms your inner core. In addition, try to listen more to your interlocutor, maintain a conversation and not interrupt.

The greater a person’s internal baggage, the more interesting it is for people to be around him. So look for smart friends.

Live without whining and self-pity

If a person loves to suffer, he automatically ceases to be interesting to society. Who wants to listen to eternal complaints about an unfair life and a bunch of problems? We’ll answer for you: no one. Therefore, try to focus on less attention your personal difficulties. You can turn to others for advice, but in no case for the words “poor thing, how can this be!” These remarks will make you weak and helpless in the eyes of people, and such qualities are by no means the most attractive in a person.

Conquer your fears

Be bolder and more confident. Cowardly people do not command respect from society. Bravery and determination are valued much more highly. Do what everyone is afraid of: overcome difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goal, move forward decisively and do not deviate from your path. Be sure that people will be drawn to you like a magnet. A brave person always arouses interest with his behavior. He is not afraid of difficulties and lives the way he wants, and not as he is told.

Think with your own head

IN modern world a person is under enormous pressure from all possible sides. Don't let other people tell you anything. An interesting person, as a rule, always has his own personal point of view on every issue. It is impossible to impose someone else's train of thought and events on him, because there is a filter barrier in his head that carefully sorts and selects the information received. Strong personalities will never follow the crowd; if necessary, the crowd will follow them, but not vice versa. Therefore, always think about making important decisions yourself and do not rely on anyone else’s thoughts and opinions.

Sense of humor and charisma

Have you noticed that in a company a lot of attention is involuntarily drawn to a person who knows how to make a good joke and laugh at himself at the right time? A sense of humor is one of those things that sets us apart from others, makes us interesting and special. Use irony, joke, this way you can attract attention and even good attitude from others. Be more positive, kinder, more cheerful and optimistic, smile more. By the way, regarding the sense of humor: as a rule, well-read and multifaceted people have it, so if you want to become the main wit in the company of your friends, then a collection of jokes will not help you, but world literature- very much so.

It is also very important to be able to tell an interesting story! Even completely ordinary things can be skillfully presented as entertaining story! Don't think that others expect you to be philosophical or exciting. storylines, speak simply and enthusiastically, funny and short, and then people will listen to you with enthusiasm. Also, if you are thinking about how to become interesting to other people (we are addressing primarily the female part of the population), then, of course, do not forget about your appearance - vivid images and interesting things will well emphasize your individuality and irresistibility.

There are personalities whose names are heard everywhere and always: da Vinci, Mozart, Einstein, Hawking and other titans of various directions. Of course, their contribution to the development of our world is invaluable, and their image is most interesting object for study and analysis, but let's at least short term Let's leave these famous faces and turn to less noticeable people who are also curious about their lives and achievements. Today we will talk about the most interesting people in the world who have achieved something in certain areas of their activity. Most likely, you don’t know them, but believe me, they deserve your attention.

Jill Heiner is a Canadian underwater explorer, cave diver, writer, photographer, and filmmaker. As a child, as a little girl, Jill was inspired by a series about underwater exploration of the world's oceans, and this passion became the meaning of her life. Heiner was part of the team that made the first 3D map of an underwater cave. She also became the first person to dive into the ice caves of Antarctica, penetrating further into the underwater cave system. In 2001, she was part of a team that explored ice caves in icebergs. Her contribution to the study underwater world huge, it belongs to Jill huge amount works and expeditions, awards and thanks. This amazing researcher and scientist is developing world science like no other.

Derek Kayongo is a man who helps people in need by making soap. After fighting for survival during civil war in Uganda and living for some time in a refugee camp, Derek knew what poverty was. Imagine his shock when he saw that the hotel was callously throwing away the remaining soap provided to visitors every day. For a person like Derek, this was unacceptable because he knew that at this time many children in other countries were dying from lack of hygiene products. This gave him a brilliant idea. After much thought, he decided to launch his global soap recycling project. In 2009, he started his own business, which continues to develop today. Derek's project has already supplied more than 100,000 bars of soap to countries in need, absolutely free of charge. Such nobility today deserves due attention and respect.

David Mayer de Rothschild

One more interesting story from people's lives. This man and his crew made an incredible journey through Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to Sydney. He did this on board a boat made of 12,500 plastic bottles powered by solar and wind energy. Rothschild's goal is to show the world what a huge amount of garbage can be found in ocean currents. His boat Plastiki showed the world how waste plastic can be used for practical purposes. David spent 4 years preparing for this expedition, inventing his future maritime transport. The boat was eventually able to travel 9,500 miles and arrive unharmed in Sydney Harbour. Our hero is also the head of various charitable organizations, an environmentalist, researcher, scientist and writer.

The following story is about the lives of interesting people - about a young inventor.

Joseph Linzon

As a college student, this young man volunteered at rural areas Peru. There he discovered a number serious problems that local residents encounter every day. One of them is that people do not have access to electricity for their devices (phones, laptops, etc.). He thought about how he could improve the situation. The solution was found: Joseph noticed that the majority of the population of that region moves on foot... What if you come up with shoes that will convert human energy used for walking into electricity? And indeed, it worked! Together with his friend, Linzon invented boots that have a USB input for pairing with other electronic devices. His project was noticed and approved, and deliveries of these wonderful shoes to countries in need are now being prepared. Now the young inventor is working to solve other complex world problems. Can you do this?

So how do you become interesting person for others? There are really no set rules - just be yourself! Behave sincerely and honestly, strive for your goals and ideals, develop and believe in success. Even the most interesting people have crises, falls and failures.

If you love yourself, then those around you will love you too. Therefore, treat everything more simply and positively, with a smile. Then, rest assured, the world will smile on you!

How to become an interesting person to others? Focus on your own individuality and don't try to copy anyone. Many people who want to become more interesting to others are forgotten, being obsessed with their desire. And they begin to imitate their ideal, and not always successfully, completely forgetting about their own uniqueness. And this is the main mistake of many people.


If a person is thinking about how to become an interesting person to others, then there is a high probability that he is not very versatile. This is true? Then you need to start actively working on yourself. In self-development, the main point is to concentrate on your goals and desires, as well as constantly acquiring new knowledge to achieve them.

This process is impossible without self-knowledge, which implies studying one’s own personal characteristics(both physical and mental). It is very important for each person to comprehend himself, after which he establishes himself in those areas of life that are most significant to him. And the more there are, the better. Everything is simple here. The more spheres of manifestation of his personality a person has, the wider his horizons will become, the richer his inner world, the richer his knowledge base. Personality is like a painting. The more details it contains, the more interesting it is to study it.

Popular problem

If a person is worried about how to become an interesting person to others, most likely he simply does not know how to communicate. Lack of communication skills manifests itself in different ways. Some talk about something completely ordinary, uninteresting or banal. Others do not pay attention to the interlocutor, not allowing them to get a word in. Some simply don’t know what to say, and therefore all their speeches are inappropriate. The rest know neither moderation nor tact, and constantly strive to “get into” the dialogue.

And these are not all examples. But the solution for all cases is the same: you need to learn to communicate.

Competent dialogue

Well, how to become an interesting person to others? You need to learn to talk to them! It's not that difficult, just remember a few rules and follow them.

First, you need to be genuinely interested in others. People are more willing to communicate with those who show interest in them. And in most cases they show it in response, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to open up.

Secondly, don't be shy to smile. But only sincerely, not falsely! kind smile attracts the interlocutor to you. In addition, she shows him that communicating with him brings pleasure and joy.

Thirdly, you must call your opponent by name. It would seem like a simple and ordinary thing. But many have long ago replaced their names with “you”. And in vain. After all, a name expresses individuality.

Also, if a person is interested in something, people should learn to listen. Showing attention is a powerful tool of influence. During your opponent’s monologue, you should not neglect questions, clarifications, or expressions of emotions. This demonstrates caring. Today a person listened to his interlocutor, and tomorrow he will pay attention to him.

Bringing out your best qualities

How to become an interesting person? There are all kinds of advice, but most recommendations say: you need to be careful and notice every little detail. There is something to talk about with any person, the main thing is to find a topic, the source of which is the interlocutor himself. You just need to take a closer look at it. Did you notice a few hairs on his T-shirt? Then it’s worth casually asking if your interlocutor has a cat. He will immediately become interested in the interlocutor - he will at least be intrigued by the person’s observation skills. And then the topic can be developed. This is where education and reading are needed. People who know a lot are able to easily and imperceptibly move from one topic to another and reason in such a way that it will not be boring. Dialogue with them rarely reaches a dead end. But even if everything has already been discussed, they have a trump card. And these are questions. The kind that can spark a new round of dialogue.

It is enough just to ask what else, in addition to what was agreed, the interlocutor is interested in, or what he would like to do. Even without keeping questions in mind, you can always get your bearings. The question should only show the interlocutor its significance. Few people don't like to talk about themselves. The main thing is to be sincerely interested in them.

Personal opinion

There is one more nuance that every person who cares about how to become more interesting should learn. Tips and recommendations are numerous, and most of them say: you need to remember your own opinion. A person who has a personal point of view regarding something is always of interest if his judgment is objective, justified and reasoned. A person who is able to clearly, competently and accessiblely explain to others his understanding of something, his desires and emotions, is a valuable interlocutor.

And here it is important, first of all, to be able to correctly express your thoughts. Opinions are often shared with people who have different ideas about certain things. Therefore, you need to construct an explanation in such a way that everyone understands the essence and feels the sensation experienced by the opponent.

But that's not all. It is also important not to be afraid to speak up. Some people prefer to remain silent or simply agree in convenient situations. But this quality does not distinguish a person. What makes a person more interesting and colorful is the ability to speak out, especially if he does it competently.


Cheerful people always make people feel good about themselves. This must be remembered if a person is interested in how to become an interesting person. With a good sense of humor, you definitely won’t have to go to hell. After all, this is a valuable human ability to find something comical in almost every situation.

Plus, it’s the ability to joke (and in right moment) makes the soul of the company out of the individual. Such people are cheerful and funny, they do not hesitate to appear funny, and it is also not difficult for them to defuse the situation with an appropriate anecdote or witticism.

How to develop this skill in yourself? You need to constantly practice, learn from famous comedians, joke at yourself and laugh at problems. And don’t stress too much. Usually only in a relaxed state does an appropriate joke come to mind. If a person sits in tension and actively thinks about what to say so witty, it usually doesn’t turn out very well.


How to become an interesting person? For men and women who want to appear more socially attractive, there is another universal advice. They should be more open, which is sometimes difficult for many.

Socially open people sociable and sincere. They share their thoughts, feelings and experiences with others. They have no internal barrier that could prevent them from being with people as they are. They do not hide their inner world. And that's what makes them interesting. They can be compared with open an interesting book, which you want to read as soon as possible. People are attracted to such personalities. After all, many of them would often like to become so open.

How to turn into such a person? Very simple. We need to get rid of masks, stereotypes and stop worrying about what others will say. Then the person will become not only more open, but also happier.