How to check if the built-in network card is working. How to check the health of the network and equipment in Ubuntu

Dandelion is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. Well known dandelion officinalis with a rosette of basal leaves and bright yellow flowers.

Description of dandelion

Plant height is from 10 to 30 cm. The root is strong, vertically located, white in cross section. The leaves are dissected in shape and form a basal rosette. Flowers yellow, collected in sockets. The main flowering occurs in April-May, and can bloom until autumn. The fruits consist of an achene with a tuft and ripen in June-July.

Dandelion Spread

Dandelion officinalis grows throughout our country - in fields, vegetable gardens, lawns. Often considered a weed. Appears as soon as the snow melts.

Medicinal properties of dandelion

In fact dandelion officinalis- Very useful plant, cures many ailments. His medicinal properties have been known for a long time, and were used by all healers in Rus'. Dandelion leaves contain choline, various trace elements and beneficial bitters, as well as other substances necessary for health. All parts of the plant that are harvested for future use are useful. The above-ground part is dried in the shade in the air, or in well-ventilated areas. The roots are harvested in spring or autumn. To do this, they are dug up, cleared of soil, washed and dried.

Dandelion officinalis used to improve digestion, as a means of stimulating appetite and giving strength, for diabetes, vitamin deficiency. Its use is considered an excellent means for the prevention of atherosclerosis. They treat anemia, heart, kidneys, intestines, and metabolic disorders. Traditional medicine claims the antitumor properties of dandelion officinalis. And in China it has long been used as a strong antioxidant. Biologically contained in it active substances They also have expectorant, laxative, sedative, antipyretic and antispasmodic effects.

Dandelion juice restores liver cells, normalizes its work. It is used for cholecystitis and poisoning. Restores bile formation. Treats eczema and furunculosis. Sometimes dandelion juice mixed with carrot juice.

Juice can be prepared in several ways:

Method 1 is to dig up the plant along with its roots in May or June. Rinse, soak in slightly salted water for about half an hour, squeeze out all the water, dry and squeeze out the juice. Mix with sugar 1:1 and add vodka 1/10 part. After 2 weeks the juice is ready. Keep refrigerated.

Method 2 - everything is the same, only without adding sugar and vodka. The squeezed juice is diluted a small amount water. Take with honey for 2-3 months, ¼ cup before meals.

Method 3 – finely chop the washed leaves, blanch for 1 minute, then drain the water. Pass through a meat grinder and squeeze through a double layer of gauze. Dilute the resulting mixture with water in a 1:1 ratio. Boil for 1-2 minutes.

Dandelion roots – an excellent natural diuretic. They are used to cleanse the kidneys. Infusions help with arthritis - pain decreases, the process of joint deformation stops. Thanks to its rich composition, dandelion decoctions regulate metabolism and help with weight loss.

Contraindication are conditions with blockage biliary tract, gastritis and ulcer.

Uses of dandelion

To improve metabolism: Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1-2 hours. Then strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals.

For constipation: Grind the roots well in a coffee grinder. Take 3 times a day, ½ teaspoon half an hour before meals.

For diabetes: leaves are used in treatment diabetes mellitus Type II included herbal infusions recommended by a doctor.

An infusion of the root can be made as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of crushed root into a thermos, then pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for several hours, preferably overnight. Strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

In cooking all parts of the dandelion are used by nutritionists as low calorie diet. The roots of the plant are baked in the oven, then ground and drunk instead of coffee. If you add a little chicory, ginger or cinnamon, you get a flavorful drink.

Very useful as a source of vitamins salad of young leaves and flowers. In order to get rid of excess bitterness, they are pre-soaked in a salty solution. In Europe, a variety of salad dandelion without bitterness has already been developed. Also used as a seasoning for meat.

Dandelion flowers are pickled and added to salads as a garnish.

Dandelion salad recipe:

Pour 100 g of fresh leaves with salted water and leave for 15 minutes. Drain the water and chop finely. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. Add salt to taste. If desired, sour cream and mayonnaise can be replaced with vegetable oil and sprinkle with lemon juice.

To surprise your guests for the New Year, it’s time to think about this during the dandelion blossoms and prepare wine (another name is whiskey). , which tastes like Scotch whiskey, will mature in six months, just in time for the winter holidays.

If you want to stay young and healthy longer, pay attention to the small simple flower by the road. In addition to numerous useful microelements, it contains silicon, the deficiency of which affects the aging of the body. So it was not for nothing that dandelion received the name “elixir of youth”.

In folk cosmetics A mask of fresh leaves is used to moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Freckles and age spots The infusion of flowers whitens well.

Dandelion juice will help get rid of small warts. And an insect bite can be cured by freshly crushed leaves.

Dandelionexcellent honey plant. It produces honey with a strong aroma and slightly bitter taste.

“They plucked golden flowers, flowers that flood the whole world, spill out from lawns onto cobbled streets, quietly knock on the transparent windows of cellars, do not know calm or control, and fill everything around with the blinding sparkle of the molten sun...” (R. Bradbury, “ Dandelion wine"

Looking into our own childhood, each of us will definitely find a sunny summer day and a wreath of dandelions. And also your own palms, stained with milky juice; a nose yellow with pollen and fluffy parachutes flying in the wind. This is a dandelion flower-toy. And even its name is for children - a diminutive. But the American writer did not exaggerate when he claimed that dandelions “flood the whole world”; they are indeed everywhere - on all continents (with the exception of Antarctica) and in all climate zones.

Experts count several hundred species of this plant from the Asteraceae family. True, only they can distinguish one species from another - by slight differences in leaves and roots. This monotony is explained by the fact that in this amazing plant, seeds are formed without fertilization - as a result of a complex biochemical process. This means that each parachute carries a clone of the mother plant. And there are about 3000 of them on each. Mathematicians have calculated: if all the seeds germinate, their airborne assault would quickly capture the entire earth. And after ten generations, dandelions would need an area fifteen times larger than the surface of the globe. But that’s not all the wonders of dandelion. A half-centimeter piece of root will also grow into a full-fledged plant.

One must assume that by providing such superabundance and survival, nature clearly had something in mind. Perhaps the exceptional value of the plant. His Latin name - Taraxacum officinale- translates as “soothing medicinal”, and the list of ailments that are fought with its help in folk and official medicine, would take more than one page. Among them is such a serious “disease of the century” as, for example, atherosclerosis. It has been established that dandelion preparations have the ability to dissolve and remove cholesterol from the body.

However, not only drugs, but also fresh leaves. In addition, dandelion greens are an excellent source of vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus. They have a lot of protein, which means they are also very nutritious. That's why in Western Europe, and in America these plants have long been used for food.

And in order to have fresh dandelion greens all season long, French breeders created the varieties “Large-Leafed,” “Early Improved,” and “Curly.” Varietal dandelions are not yet found on our seed market, but in lately it is developing quickly - perhaps we will soon grow this crop in our garden beds. Moreover, the plant is perennial, unpretentious, frost-resistant, and undemanding to soil conditions.

Maintenance is simple: water, weed, loosen the rows. And shortly before harvesting, bleach the leaves by covering them with light-proof film or flower pots: this will help get rid of the characteristic bitterness.

Maintenance is simple: water, weed, loosen the rows.

Shortly before harvesting, the leaves are bleached by covering the plants with light-proof film or flower pots: this helps get rid of the characteristic bitterness.

One fine day, most often after a thunderstorm, you turn on your computer and discover that neither the network nor the Internet is working.
In the tray near the clock, instead of pleasantly blinking computers, you see or. In the first case, the problem is not so great - perhaps the provider's switch has frozen or failed. Your computer is simply not assigned an IP address.
In the second case, the situation is worse: the computer does not respond to the connected network cable. There may be three reasons for this: a malfunction of the provider’s equipment, a broken network cable, and a faulty network card.
It’s this last one that we’ll focus on. In this case, the control LED on the network card also does not light up. If you have two network cards: built-in and external, you can try switching the cable to the second card. If the LED on the second card lights up and you get at least limited connection, then you can say with confidence that your first card has failed.

But what to do if you only have one network card? In this case, a simple adapter will help, switching the card input to the output. To do this, you will need a standard RJ-45 network connector in which the circuits will be crossed, as shown in the figure. You can simply take a piece of network cable with a connector and connect the corresponding conductors, leaving the rest unused.

Now we set up a fixed IP address and check the operation

We insert our adapter instead of the main cable. If the network card is working properly, the control LED on it should light up. Let's try to ping from the command line.

With a high degree of probability we can conclude that the network card is working.
The verification principle described for Windows XP is also valid for Windows 7 or Vista, although it is less clear there.

You can completely, without an external network, 100% verify that the network card is working by connecting the computer being tested to another computer or laptop using a crossover cable, setting up a “comp - comp” network and exchanging files.

Before writing “nothing works for me,” try to find out what specifically doesn’t work for you.

If you decide to leave a message on the forum/VKontakte, please note that the message is not considered an official request to the technical support service; contacts for the technical support service are located at home page site.

Please read at least a few thread messages before posting last page- it is possible that this problem has already been solved or is already being solved!

Diagnostic commands:

*Performed in advance open window"command line". (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command line)
For Windows Vista/7: Win+R ===> cmd ===> Enter
For Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA: "Start" - "Run" - "cmd"
For Windows 95/98: "Start" - "Run" - "command".

Copying text: right-click on this window - “edit” - “select” and “edit” - “copy”.

ipconfig /all
ping [host address (for example, ] [-n 20]
pathping [host address]
tracert [host address]

ipconfig /all shows network interface settings.
Everything that is indicated there must be checked with the user manual (if the manual is old, then check it with the data that was issued by technical support). See how to set up a connection on the website.

ping [-t] shows the response time from the specified host. Large delays can indirectly serve as an indicator of a slow resource (loaded channel, weak resource hardware, and similar problems). The [-t] key is used to execute a command before the user interrupts it by pressing "Ctrl+C". By default, without this key, ping will only be executed four times, which is not always enough.

pathping Shows the response time and the number of missing packets along the entire route to the host.

To display problems graphically, you can download from local network PingPlotter program

Check DNS operation.

Verification algorithm: Error " Network cable not connected"

1. Check the cable connection in the network card
2. Check the integrity of the cable to the shield.
3. Call Tech. support.

The network cable is connected, but there are no incoming packets.

1. Check the cable connection in the network card (you can remove and insert the cable into the socket).
2. Disable all firewalls (firewalls), if you have them.
3. Ping the gateway (take the address from the connection settings or from the connection information in the control panel).
4. Call Tech. support.

The network cable is connected, there are incoming packets, but you cannot access internal services:

1. Disable all firewalls (firewalls), if you have them.
2. Check the operation of DNS (nslookup).
3. Check connection with these servers (ping)
4. Check connection with central servers. (ping online.vo, ping, ping_your_gateway_address)
5. Check your browser settings
5.1. Internet Explorer-> "Tools" menu -> "Internet Options" -> "Connection" -> "Network Settings" -> check if the "use proxy server" checkbox is disabled
6. Call Tech. support.

DNS check:

The nslookup server command should return the IP address of this server. For example, the command "nslookup" should return the address ""

Diagnostic commands

TeamPurposeLaunch formatExample
ipconfig Shows network interface settings ipconfig /all
netstat Shows the route table netstat -nr
nslookup Contacts the DNS server (if not specified, it is taken from Windows settings) to resolve a computer's DNS name to its IP address or vice versa nslookup DNS_name_or_IP_address IP_address of DNS_server nslookup
ping Checks the availability of communication with another computer and the speed of response. It is not a means of measuring connection speed.
ping DNS name_or_IP address ping
tracert Same as ping, but with information output for all intermediate nodes tracert -d DNS name_or_IP address tracert -d
pathping Same as tracert, but more in detail and indicating the percentage of losses pathping DNS name_or_IP address pathping