Science of numbers. The secret of the birth number

The term "Vibrating Numbers"

The world in which we live consists of vibrations of different frequencies. All events and phenomena in the world are reduced in numerology to simple numerical vibrations. The vibrations of the world have a great influence on our lives, and surround us from birth to death. All people are unique, each person is unique and there is only one in the whole world. People differ from each other in their peculiar facial features and general body constitution; they speak, think and act in their own way. Each person has his own habits and preferences, a special character and manner of behavior, his own desires and ideals - all this distinguishes him from those around him. Even twins cannot be the same. Each person is surrounded by his own, unique “aura”, which vibrates at its own frequency. These frequencies and vibrations are very complex and revealing.

The purpose of Numerology is to characterize the properties and frequency of individual vibrations. Interpretation of meaning numerical values Such vibrations allow for a very accurate and valuable analysis of character. The main task of numerology is the interpretation and study of human mental vibrations with the goal that people can better know themselves, identify their hidden talents and get rid of shortcomings - in other words, achieve fuller self-expression and the realization of their ideals. Numerology teaches how to capture and express such vibrations using numerical values. Using a simple arithmetic procedure numerological collapse you can find out:

1) Vibrating numbers of the most important dates historical events– determine what future trends were laid down at these moments (positive or negative).
For example:
July 4, 1776 is the day the US Declaration of Independence was signed.
We have the 4th day, 7th month, 1776.

Recorded: 4.7.1776.
Add: 4+7+1+7+7+6=32=3+2=5.
And five is the number of risk, instability, unpredictability.

2) Vibrating numbers of specific people - study the impact of vibrating numbers on a person, help him gain knowledge about them.
Every person has at least two main vibrating numbers:
– vibrating number of the name;
– vibrating number of the date of birth.
It is also very useful to know:
– vibrating numbers for each day of the month.

1.Vibrating number of the name

1. Calculation of the vibrating number of the name.
2. The meaning of the vibrating numbers of the name.

Calculation of the vibrating number of a name.

The psychological impact of a name on a person is difficult to deny. The degree of identification that a person experiences with his possessions is high. A person’s name sets the program for his future and his individual program.

The vibrating number of a name is presented in two aspects:
1. Name(name according to passport, official name);
2. the version of the name that we are most often called by our family, friends, and work colleagues. This is the so called "frequently used name".

Commonly used names may include:
a. name (it may completely coincide with full name from point No. 1),
b. diminutive, “brutal” and other variants of the name;
c. surname,
d. surname,
e. first and patronymic (including its abbreviated forms), and not full name, because We are still less often called by our full name.

The following frequently used names are also not uncommon: “Baba Katya”, “Grandfather Kuzmich”, etc.
In the future we will make calculations of all these parameters.

To determine the vibrating number of a name, it is necessary to use the principle connecting numbers and letters of the alphabet.
In the Hebrew, Greek and Arabic alphabets, all letters had their numerical equivalents.

What about the Russian alphabet?
How to find out the numerical designations of the letters of the Russian alphabet?
Under nine numbers, from left to right, we write down all the letters of the Russian alphabet in sequence.
Each number will have several letters associated with it:

1 – A, I, C, b
2 – B, J, T, S
3 – B, K, U, b
4 – G, L, F, E
5 – D, M, X, Y
6 – E, N, C, Z
7 – Yo, O, Ch
8 – F, P, W
9 – Z, R, Shch

You can also use a table notation for matching letters and numbers:

As you can see from the table, each number corresponds to three or four letters.
The letter "Ё" has its own numerical equivalent, equal to 7. Not to be confused with the letter "E", equal to 6!
The letter "Y" has its own numerical equivalent, equal to 2. Not to be confused with the letter "I", equal to 1!
The letter “Ъ” (hard sign) has its own numerical equivalent equal to 1. Not to be confused with the letter “b” ( soft sign), equal to 3!

This table has several names:

“tabular record of correspondence between letters and numbers”,
"letter-number correspondence table"
"numerological alphabet"
"numerological meaning of letters"
"numerological vibration of letters"
"alphabet in numbers"
"alphanumeric table"
“numeric correspondences of letters of the alphabet”
"letter and number correspondence table"
“table of the ratio of numbers and letters”,
“table of relationships between letters and numbers”,
“table of numeric letter codes”,
"table of numerological codes of letters",
“table of correlation of letters of the alphabet with numbers”,
"numeric values ​​of letters"
"numeric designations of letters"
"numeric equivalents of letters"
"the numerical value of the letters of the alphabet"
"letters and their numerical values"
"numerical value of Cyrillic letters",
“numerical value of letters of the Russian alphabet”, etc.

We will carry out calculations for both variants of the name: the official name (name according to the passport) and the frequently used name. After all, a frequently used name can strengthen, weaken or modify the qualities of an official name.

To calculate the vibrating number of a name, you need to follow the algorithm:

1. Calculate the vibrating number of your name (according to your passport):

a. Take your name from your passport (Valentin, Alexander, Svetlana, Nikolay).

e. The result of all these actions will be a single digit number for your name.

2. Perform calculations of the vibrating number of your frequently used name:

a. Choose the version of the name that you are most often called by in your family, friends, work colleagues (Valentin Sergeevich, Shura, Svetik, Kolya).
b. Next to each letter, write its numerical equivalent and add up all the numbers.
c. If you get a two-digit number, repeat the procedure again.
d. If you still get a two-digit number, repeat the procedure again.
e. The result of all these actions will be a single digit number of your frequently used name.

Your name on your passport will represent your official, “written” version of your name. And a frequently used name is most likely your “oral” version of the name. Therefore, when calculating a frequently used name, we will take into account, first of all, how it is pronounced, and not how it is written.

Frequently used name: Alena.
Pronounced like Alena.
And it’s probably spelled like Alena.
When making calculations, we will consider first of all the “oral” version of the name: “Alena”.

Important! Remember that you need to write letters and numbers very carefully. Accidents can affect the result!
Just one missing letter...
One misspelled letter-number match...
And the results are incorrect!

At first, check the numerical correspondences of the letters using the tables, then you can do it from memory. It's easy to make mistakes when adding up the numeric values ​​of letters. Therefore, check the result several times.

Example No. 1.
Name according to passport: Elena.
Frequently used name: Alena.
Let's start the calculations following the algorithm:

  1. Let's calculate the vibrating number of the name (according to the passport) “Elena”:
    We put down the numerical equivalent of all the letters of the name using the table of correspondence between letters and numbers (in the picture above).
    Add the numbers: 6+4+6+6+1=23.
    23 is a two-digit number, so we repeat the addition procedure again:
    Therefore, the vibrating number of the name “Elena” = 5.
  2. Let us calculate the vibrating number of the frequently used name “Alena”:
    We put down the numerical equivalent of all the letters of the name:
    Add the numbers: 1+4+7+6+1=19.
    19 is a two-digit number, so we repeat the addition procedure again:
    10 is a two-digit number, so we repeat the addition procedure again:
    So the general addition procedure is:
    Therefore, the vibrating number of the frequently used name “Alena” = 1.
    Conclusions for Elena:

– vibrating number of the name “Elena” = 5.
– vibrating number of the frequently used name “Alena” = 1.
For convenience, you can use subscript (from the word “string”):

6 4 6 6 1 1 4 7 6 1
23 19
5 10
We can also use a table notation:

If your passport name or frequently used name contains two (or more) words, then we have a choice between 2 calculation options:

Option #1. It is no different from calculating a name consisting of one word, i.e.:

  1. we put the numerical equivalent next to each letter of each part of the name (in a row),
  2. find the total amount.

Option #2. It is performed in several stages:

  1. we put a numerical equivalent next to each letter of each part of the name,
  2. we add up all the letters in each part of the name separately and get several sums,
  3. add all the amounts together.

Example No. 2.
Yuri Viktorovich.
Name: Yuri.
Frequently used name: Yur Viktorovich.
1. Let’s carry out calculations of the vibrating number of the name “Yuri”:
5+9+1+2 =17=1+7=8.
Therefore, the vibrating number of the name “Yuri” = 8.
2. Let’s carry out calculations of the vibrating number of the frequently used name “Yur”
A frequently used name contains two words.
Let's consider two calculation options.

Option #1.
We put the numerical equivalent next to each letter of each part of the name (in a row) and find the total amount:
Yur=5(u)+9(r)+3(v)+1(i)+3(k)+2(t)+7(o)+9(r)+7(o)+3(v )+1(i)+7(h)=57=5+7=12=1+2=3.

Option #2.
We put down the numerical equivalent of all the letters of each part of the name separately and
we get two sums:
Yur = 5 (yu)+9 (r) =14=1+4=5.
Viktorovich = 3(v)+1(i)+3(k)+2(t)+7(o)+9(r)+7(o)+3(v)+1(i)+7(h ) =43=4+3=7.
We add both sums: 5+7=12=1+2=3.
Therefore, the vibrating number of the frequently used name “Yur Viktorovich” = 3.

The results are the same: ultimately, in both calculation options we get 3.
In subsequent lessons we will count only separately (Option No. 2).
So as not to lose the dominant numbers (when we take them into account)!
But you should be aware of both options.

Conclusions for Yuri Viktorovich:
– vibrating number of the name “Yuri” = 8.
– vibrating number of the frequently used name “Yur Viktorovich” = 3.
Table entry:

Useful information!
It is extremely useful for anyone who intends to study Numerology in depth to remember well the correspondences between numbers and letters.
There are several ways to do this:
1. the traditional way is to use your memory: simply learn the correspondence of numbers and letters by heart;
2. creative way - use your imagination, imagination and thinking:
- come up with a word;
- come up with a phrase.

Creative way: come up with a word or phrase that includes all three (or four) letters from a particular group.
Some people remember and remember words or phrases they themselves have invented more easily and better. And mechanically memorized letters are more difficult to remember.

Useful information!
You can easily get numeric matches for any other language.
According to Pythagorean Numerology, which we are studying, for this it is enough to number all the letters sequentially official version alphabet from 1 to 9.

The meaning of the vibrating numbers of the name.

What to do with the results of calculations and intermediate conclusions?
Interpret them by learning their meaning!
And choose best option name!

If you are already somewhat familiar with numerology, then you know that there is special numbers(11,22,33, etc.), which do not need to be reduced to a single digit number.
As part of this lesson (since it is introductory), we will reduce all numbers, without exception, to a single-digit number - a single-digit code (see paragraphs “Calculation of vibrating numbers of a name, vibrating numbers of a date of birth, vibrating numbers of each day of the month”).
Consequently, interpretations will be given only for numbers from 1 to 9 (see paragraphs “Meanings of vibrating numbers of the name, vibrating numbers of the date of birth,
vibrating numbers of each day of the month").
In subsequent lessons we will get acquainted with the features of the numbers 11, 22, 33 (etc.) and analyze all the nuances of their meanings.

Character traits inherent in people of each number:
1-People of this type are active and energetic, they are good performers, although they are prone to rash decisions. Participation in risky activities and doing business is contraindicated for them
2-Number 2 indicates unbalanced character, emotional and spiritual restlessness. Best results Such people achieve by working in a team. They should avoid arguments and quarrels
3-Under the number 3, talented, versatile individuals inclined to engage in science, sports and art are usually “hidden”
4-The number 4 indicates the reliability and integrity of people. Best wishes They achieve success in science, technology, and production. Indispensable in extreme situations
5-Spiritual freedom, independence, love of travel and adventure. Such people usually perform well in everyday work.
6-Success in business is achieved if you manage to gain the trust of others. Such people often become politicians, high-ranking government officials, scientists, and philosophers. They put honesty above ambition
7-Extraordinary natures in science, art, religious activities. Achieve success through careful planning and analysis of results. Able to listen well and understand their loved ones
8-People of this type perform well in matters that promise great material gain. Weak in detail development
9-Devotion to a high goal, generous giving of what nature has endowed them with, lifts these people high to the top. Pettiness, greed and doubt will destroy them

In the above table, as you noticed, short meanings vibrating numbers of the name.
We will go through detailed calculations and interpretations (including surname, patronymic, and many other parameters) in subsequent lessons.

2. Vibrating date of birth

In this paragraph we will look at:
1. Calculation of the vibrating number of the date of birth.
2. The meaning of the vibrating numbers of the date of birth.

Calculation of the vibrating number of the date of birth

Although the number of the name provides certain information about the character of the individual, it is, of course, incomplete.
Therefore, it is advisable to determine the date of birth.
This number reveals the main thing destined for a person in this life.
The vibrating number of the date of birth is determined in the same way as the vibrating number of the name - by sequentially adding all the numbers included in the date of birth.
If you get a two-digit number, repeat the procedure again.
If you still get a two-digit number, repeat the procedure again.
The result of all these actions will be a single digit number for your date of birth.

Remember that recording the original dates, chain of calculations and results
calculations need to be done very carefully.
There was just one extra digit...
Just one number missing...
But the results may turn out different!

Important clarifications!
1. Single-digit numbers are written without zeros in front of them.
This applies to both the date of birth and the month.

For example,

4.11.1956, and not 04.11.1956.
14.8.1976, not 14.08.1976.
3. 2. 1969, not 03. 02. 1969.

  1. If the number 0 is at the end of a two-digit number (day, month, year), then it
    recorded and taken into account in further calculations.

For example,

    1. 1989.
    1. 1983.
    1. 1970.
  1. The date of birth is recorded in strict sequence:
    date, month, year.

For example,

person born December 5, 1947.
We write down: 5.12.1947, not 1947. 5.12.

Useful information!
Clearly recording the date of birth and manipulating zeros are important because... This basic knowledge and the skills of a numerologist.
At first glance, these manipulations may seem unnecessary.
But this is the foundation on which most complex calculations are built.

Example No. 1.
The person was born on April 2, 1999.
Let's write the date in a line, omitting the zeros before the number (day) and month of birth:
2. 4. 1999.
34 is a two-digit number, so we repeat the addition procedure again:
So the general addition procedure is:
Therefore, the vibrating number of the date of birth is “April 2, 1999” = 7.

Example No. 2.
The person was born on December 16, 1970.
Write the date in the line, leaving a zero at the end of the year of birth:
16. 12. 1970.
We add in order all the numbers included in the date of birth:
27 is a two-digit number, so we repeat the addition procedure again:
So the general addition procedure is:
Therefore, the vibrating number of the date of birth is “December 16, 1970” = 9.

The meaning of the vibrating numbers of the date of birth

Each date of birth has an individual vibration that programs the necessary frequencies of the individual.

The table below provides a summary of the vibrating numbers of your birth date.
We will go through detailed interpretations later, in accordance with the author’s specific approach.

Each vibrating number of the date of birth corresponds to certain character traits:
1-Ambition, energy, straightforwardness. A person must weigh his desires and capabilities, follow his chosen path, without deviating from it, without succumbing to temptations, curbing his selfishness and greed, and not enter into conflicts

2-Balance, gentleness, tact. At the same time, people of this type are characterized by internal contradiction, excessive rationality, and a passion for giving advice to everyone on all sorts of reasons. This prevents them from understanding their own affairs. 2 – antithesis, balance, contrast. The number is between light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, life and death. Two people must accept life as it is, adapt to it, and avoid extremes. They are good advisers, but not performers. To realize their goals, they need co-authors and companions.

3-Talent, sharp mind, developed intuition. At the same time, the inability to use one’s abilities alone, the tendency to choose easy paths and means to achieve the goal. A person lives one day at a time, thinking little about the future, does not take life too seriously, loves entertainment, pleasant surroundings, and interesting people.

4-Balance, caution, hard work, independence. The motto of people of this type is reliability, perseverance, honesty. They should not be deceived, but they themselves
must avoid self-deception. If such a person has modest goals and requirements, the four can become a symbol of defeat for him. At the same time, this number gives people a solid foundation for further self-improvement.

5-Energy, love of adventure and everything unusual. This type people are mobile, their actions are often unpredictable, but they, as a rule, get away with it. They are at odds with the present day, as they are constantly looking forward. They easily learn foreign languages.

6-Honesty, frankness, reliability, cheerfulness. People with such a character tend to be satisfied with what they have achieved, without striving for the heights of career and fame. They can be trusted with work and positions. Their disadvantage is that they suffer from complacency and complacency.

7-Diligence, penchant for analysis, rich imagination, development of intuition. Composers, musicians, writers, philosophers, and hermits are born with this number. They love solitude and loneliness. Those who are weaker in character are drawn into the swamp of despondency and pessimism, while the stronger ones become bright personalities.

8-Entrepreneurial spirit, fearlessness, willingness to overcome obstacles. Indispensable qualities for administrative work, in commerce, industrial business. Friends are often chosen based on their wealth and position in society.

9 -Large intellectual abilities, strong will. These people gravitate towards art, creative work in general. They become discoverers, inventors,
musicians. They are better off giving up a military career. Sometimes an insoluble problem for them is simply awareness of their abilities and choosing the right one. life path. Their fate often depends on how closely their talents and desires “join.” If this happens, then success in any business is guaranteed to them.

Useful information!
The vibration of one number affects the potential of another.
This influence is very noticeable to people born shortly before or just after midnight.
In this case, the influence of the vibrating number of the day preceding or following the actual date of birth is often felt.
For example, the date August 31 is slightly influenced by August 30 and September 1.

3. The vibrating number of each day of the month.

In this paragraph we will look at:
1. Calculation of the vibrating number of each day of the month.
2. The meaning of the vibrating numbers of each day of the month.

Calculation of the vibrating number of each day of the month.

The numbers of the name and date of birth help a person better understand his nature and choose a strategic line of behavior in life.

However, they cannot help solve tactical problems - determine which day of the month is more suitable for certain actions.
To do this, you need to know the vibrating numbers of each day of the month and the meanings of these numbers.

If, when determining the number of a name, each digit corresponded to the letters of the alphabet, then when determining the vibrating numbers of each day of the month, each digit
correspond to the days of the month.
1 – 1, 10, 19, 28;
2 – 2, 11, 20, 29;
3 – 3, 12, 21, 30;
4 – 4, 13, 22, 31;
5 – 5, 14, 23;
6 – 6, 15, 24;
7 – 7, 16, 25;
8 – 8, 17, 26;
9 – 9, 18, 27.

You can also use a table notation for matching numbers with each other:

The vibrating numbers of each day of the month are relevant for all people, outside
depending on their last name, first name, date of birth, etc. These numbers describe
general points.

In subsequent lessons we will get acquainted with more detailed calculations and trace the relationships between them.

Let's look at examples.

Example No. 1.
Date: September 9, 2017.
Because The ninth day of each month corresponds to the number 9, then the vibrating number of the day “September 9, 2017” = 9.
Example No. 2.
Date: February 16, 2018.
Because The sixteenth day of each month corresponds to the number 7, then the vibrating number of the day “February 16, 2018” = 7.

The meaning of the vibrating number of each day of the month.

1-Days of fast and effective solution any problem. They are especially favorable for concluding contracts, settling legal issues, implementation of simple ideas
2-Days of analyzing what has been done and planning future affairs. In addition, these are days of contrasts: they can start well, end badly, and vice versa. During these dates, refrain from excessive activity, spend your energy on things that do not require the expenditure of nervous energy and bring mental satisfaction.
3-Days of a wide variety of activities, travel and entertainment. Good for starting new projects. These days, beware of putting a spoke in other people's wheels.
4-Days for usual tasks and completion of small works. The best thing is to stay home and focus on what you have in mind. Do not undertake complex undertakings, do not engage in speculative activities and do not seek entertainment
5-Days of surprises and risks. Start new things on these days only when you are convinced of their necessity. Long-awaited success may come to you
6-Days goodwill, mutual understanding, harmony and comfort. Refuse quick and decisive actions and new ventures. Favorable for business affairs, public meetings, meetings with relatives and friends, diplomatic missions. Any uncertainty these days can be disastrous, and the risk can be fatal.
7-Favorable days for reflection, study, research work, and art. They are good for completing things and receiving valuable advice. Often become happy days
8-Days of important matters when swift action produce results, serious problems find quick and easy solutions, and financial transactions and investments bring solid profits
9-These are days of accomplishment. Good for starting promising and large-scale projects. For people of art and finance, these days often turn out to be days of triumph.

How do we use information about the vibrating day of each day of the month?

As mentioned above, according to numerology, each day of the month is more suitable for certain actions.
How do you know which day is suitable for specific actions?
Thanks to information about the vibrating number of each day of the month.
Each day of the month has a special vibration. It's a vibration of a given day.
There are days of the month that have similar vibrations, and therefore they can be combined into one vibration group.


Today is November 21st.
The number 21 is similar in vibration to the numbers 3,12,30. They can all be attributed to one large vibrational group: the group of the number 3. After all, when combined numerologically, they result in 3.
Let's look at the interpretation of the number 3 in the table “The meaning of the vibrating number of each day of the month”: “The day is favorable for a wide variety of activities, travel and entertainment.
Good for starting new projects. Today, beware of putting a spoke in other people’s wheels.”
Now you know what actions are best to take today.
And tomorrow will be another day – the 22nd.
It belongs to the vibration group of number 4.
Let's look at the interpretation: “A day for usual things and completing small jobs. The best thing is to stay home and focus on what you have in mind. Do not undertake complex undertakings, do not engage in speculative activities and do not seek entertainment.”

The principle of vibrating numbers is based on the desire to transform complex numbers into simple way addition of components. That is, simply put, adding up all the numbers that make up, for example, your date of birth, until you get one single number - from 1 to 9, you get a personal vibrating number.

Of course, the vibrating number, first of all, has to do with the date, that is, with time. It changes from day to day, smoothly flowing from one number to another throughout the month. The combination of the vibrating number of the name with a specific date will help determine which days, for example, there will be luck in financial matters, and on which ones - in love, when it is better to relax, and when to go deeper into work.

In order to find out all this, you need to make a very simple calculation consisting of three stages.

Calculate the vibrating number of a name

Using the table, add up all the numbers that make up your name, and bring it to a single digit number. For example, your name is Olga Yanovna Deeva. The vibrating number of your name is: 7+4+1+4+1=17=1+7=8. Vibrating number of the middle name: 6+6+7+3+6+1=29=2+9=11=1+1=2. Vibrating number of the surname: 5+6+6+3+1=21=2+1=3. Now add these three numbers: 8+2+3=13=1+3=4. Remember - you cannot add the numbers of the first name, patronymic and last name, writing them in one row. Just take turns.

If you need to find out whether a love date or a meeting with a friend will go well, you can limit yourself to only the number of the name. For business and official matters, the full first name number should be calculated (that is, include the middle and last name numbers).

Calculate the vibrating number of a date

For example, you have scheduled some important meeting for September 19, 2008. Add up the components of this number: 1+9+9+2+8=29=11=2. (Zeros are not included in the calculation; the month is replaced by the appropriate number.)

Find your vibrating day number

To do this, add up the resulting numbers: 4+2=6.

Decipher its meaning and draw conclusions: is it worth carrying out your plans on this particular day?

1 - decision day

You should try to schedule all serious problems and “fateful” meetings (both personal and business) for this day. It is also quite suitable for various “paperwork” - drawing up documents, signing contracts, and even just consulting with lawyers.

Danger. Straightforward approaches, such as smashing your “forehead against the wall” or scandals with partners, can only complicate the resolution of serious issues and “neutralize” the favorable atmosphere of this day.

Advice. Be confident in yourself and your goal, but try your best to avoid any conflicts.

2 - day of contradictions

The day can start well, but in the evening it suddenly becomes more difficult. Or vice versa - the emotional and business barometer will move from the “gloomy morning” to the “clear day”. In general, you can expect anything. If you suddenly want to “play with fate,” try scheduling your first date or visiting a casino for this very day. But then don’t complain if everything turns out completely differently than you expected.

Danger. Lack of tact can seriously complicate relationships with others and aggravate problems.

Advice. Be balanced, take life as it is, in general - rely on fate.

3 - day of entertainment

On this day you can plan something, but you certainly shouldn’t start implementing ideas. It won't make any sense anyway. It is much better to arrange a “day of health,” cultural leisure, pleasant communication or fun entertainment. Having rested from the busy rhythm of life, you will feel much more cheerful and energetic. You can, however, do some simple things pleasant things to do- for example, buy new perfume, re-read the accumulated love messages or clean up the photo album.

Danger. “Chewing” worries and problems can negate any of the most enjoyable entertainment.

Advice. Relax, give yourself a break and think about your friends who are ready to share not only your worries, but also your fun.

4 - labor day

By completely devoting yourself to work on this day, you will be able to achieve a lot and resolve even those issues that seemed insurmountable obstacles. Diligence and hard work do not at all mean that you have to rewrite a completed thesis project again or have ten places almost at the same time. You can generally stay at home and carefully consider some new venture. The main thing is to put both strength and soul into your activity.

Danger. Trying to have time to do everything, like chasing two (or more) birds with one stone, will not add to your achievements or health.

Advice. If you analyze your mistakes and shortcomings, you will overcome another step on the path to absolute perfection.

5 - day of surprises

This day can mean a lot to gambling people - gamblers, adventurers and adventurers. Business meetings and extremely important negotiations, as well as the persistent desire to have a serious conversation with your boss about your career growth or with your loved one about the depth and quality of your relationship, are best postponed for a while. There is a time for everything, and patience is not the worst of virtues.

Danger. Relying on luck on this day is the height of frivolity for serious and thorough people.

Advice. Try to put aside important things and allow yourself small, non-committal adventures.

6 - day of beginnings

If you want to change your job or start writing a detective novel, send your resume to a company that interests you, or finally take a driving or English course, do it right now. This day is simply intended for new projects, plans, and business activity.

Danger. Speed ​​and determination, which largely contribute to success, are completely out of harmony with this day.

Advice. Try not to commit rash acts, so as not to risk yourself and your loved ones.

7 - Boxing Day

On this day you can meet your love or say goodbye to your old one with relief, part with illnesses or improve relationships with your parents, find your calling or lose your head with happiness. In general, wait and hope. In addition, this is the best day for passing exams, defending dissertations or introducing inventions.

Danger. Gloominess and disbelief in happiness are not at all best companions for the journey through life. Believe me, optimists are not fools at all. pink glasses.

Advice. Listen to the advice of smart or at least experienced people - perhaps they will say exactly what will lead you to success.

Ancient and modern numerologists viewed time as a huge spiral vortex, originating in space and moving towards the Earth counterclockwise. In numerology, such energy is called time, and the passage of time is caused by the flow of energy. This cosmic flow energetically nourishes us, we are closely connected with it. This feeding and communication is carried out through numbers. We are all made of flesh and spirit. Spirit is vibration. Numbers are a manifestation or identification of vibrations.

Numbers are vibrations. Numbers are the language of the Universe. Thought and sound in the physical world give rise to movement or action, and thought arises under the influence of energy vibration. Through our knowledge of numbers and their individual characteristics we can change our vibration, since numbers are vibrations.

Vibration is transmitted through rays of light, through various messages and information coming from space. Every day is different. The range of our capabilities changes every day in accordance with the energetic vibration that we receive from space. One day can be filled with continuous problems, another, on the contrary, can become the embodiment of good luck. Interactions between us and environment and the way we manage our life experiences show our synchronicity on a deeper level. Everything around us - grains of sand and stars, amoebas in the pond and whales in the ocean, and even man himself - vibrates at its own special frequency. Such vibrations, their frequencies, properties and relationships can be established and expressed in numerical values. Science has already discovered the vibrations of light, color, sound and electricity and has learned to express the frequency of such vibrational activity in numbers.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, our knowledge of vibrations has expanded significantly. An American doctor from San Francisco, Dr. Abrams, invented a device that allows one to measure both normal and abnormal vibrations. human body. The doctor claimed that by establishing their numerical values, he could diagnose any ailment and its causes, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Each person is unique, there is no other person the same. People differ from each other in their peculiar facial features and general body constitution; they think, speak and act differently. Even twins are not the same. A person is surrounded by his own, unique “atmosphere”, which vibrates at a certain frequency in accordance with his physical, vital, mental and intuitive composition.

Numerology can determine the properties and frequency of individual vibrations. The interpretation of the meaning of the numerical values ​​of such vibrations makes it possible to carry out very accurate analysis character. Numerology deals with four different modes of psychic vibrations which indicate:

important goal incarnations, the main life lesson for a given individual;
- external character traits;
- talents, abilities and inclinations for certain professions or forms of self-expression;
- esoteric, or internal, vibrations - ideals and motivations.

We currently know nine normal vibrational frequencies, as well as several warning numeric values. This range of vibrations seems quite broad and exhaustive. It allows you to truthfully describe human character. You should not assume that some vibrations are “better” than others. Each number and the vibration to which that number corresponds can appear or be expressed in two forms: positive and negative.

That phase is called positive, which leads to harmony with the world order, is based on love, wisdom, understanding, faith, optimism, cooperation, patience and all other good and wonderful qualities.

Negative phase of vibrations- this is mundaneness, lack of spirituality, materialism, selfishness and ignorance, the consequences of which are disunity, mental and physical suffering. Negative vibration, when recognized and identified, can be turned into positive vibration.

A change in vibration becomes possible when it ascends from the material level to the spiritual level. From what has been said it becomes clear how useful it is to determine both the negative and positive aspects of vibrations when working with numbers: thus, a person who recognizes his own shortcomings and genuinely cares about his spiritual development, you can give the opportunity to turn negative vibrations into positive ones.

If, when interpreting numbers, certain qualities are discovered, but there are no direct indications of them, then in this case the matter concerns their opposites. So, for example, a restless person, dissatisfied with everything, may vibrate in the number 5. It is necessary to explain to him what exactly the positive vibration of the number 5 implies, and then call for appropriate changes.

According to the rules existing in numerology, the ideal would be a perfect balance between all the numbers that make up the numerological portrait of a person. This would mean a situation in which the vibration of the name would be in agreement with the vibration of birth. In this case, the first and last name would enhance the innate character traits and capabilities this person or neutralized his weaknesses and shortcomings.

Unfortunately, this situation is extremely rare, since any person is characterized not by a “pure” number, but by a combination of several numbers. Sometimes these combinations are harmonious, the numbers in them are similar or complement and balance each other. But it also happens that too large differences between numbers lead to deep internal conflicts. People with this combination of numbers have an unbalanced and contradictory character.

Numerology is not at all intended to satisfy idle curiosity. When deeply understood and wisely applied, it can provide practical help to those who have turned away from the righteous path and are experiencing suffering. The main thing is the fact that certain states of consciousness vibrate at their own, distinctive frequency, which can be expressed in numbers.

Vibrating numberday.

The numbers of name, destiny and soul help a person to better understand his nature and choose a strategic line of behavior in life. Simply put, know what you should and shouldn't do. However, they cannot help us solve tactical problems - determine which day of the month is more or less suitable for certain actions. To do this you need to know vibrating numbers for each day of the month and the meanings of these numbers. If, when determining the number of a name, each number corresponded to the letters of the alphabet, then here each number corresponds to the days of the month. Namely:

1 - 1, 10, 19, 28;

2 - 2, 11, 20, 29;

3 - 3, 12, 21, 30;

4 - 4, 13, 22, 31;

5 - 5, 14, 23;

6 - 6, 15, 24;

7 - 7, 16, 25;

8 - 8, 17, 26;

9 - 9, 18, 27.

Numbers related to 1 - these are the days of quickly and effectively solving any problem. They are especially favorable for concluding contracts, resolving legal issues, and implementing simple plans.

Under the number 2 - days of analyzing what has been done and planning future affairs. In addition, these are days of contrasts: they can start badly and end well, and vice versa. During these dates, refrain from excessive activity, spend your energy on things that do not require the expenditure of nervous energy and bring mental satisfaction.

3 - days of a wide variety of activities, travel and entertainment. Good for starting new projects. These days, beware of putting a spoke in other people's wheels.

4 - days for usual activities and completion of small works. The best thing is to stay home and focus on what you have in mind. Do not undertake complex undertakings, do not engage in speculative activities and do not seek entertainment.

5 - days of surprises and risk. Start new things on these days only when you are convinced of their necessity. Long-awaited success may come to you.

6 - days of goodwill, mutual understanding, harmony and comfort. Refuse quick and decisive actions and new ventures. Favorable for business affairs, public meetings, meetings with relatives and friends, diplomatic missions. Any uncertainty these days can be disastrous, and the risk can be fatal.

7 - favorable days for reflection, study, research work, and art. They are good for completing things and receiving valuable advice. They often become happy days.

8 - days of important affairs, when swift actions produce results, serious problems find quick and easy solutions, and financial transactions and investments bring solid profits.

9 - these are days of accomplishment. Good for starting promising and large-scale projects. For people of art, commerce, and finance, these days often turn out to be days of triumph.

Want to make your own predictions? Find your name and destiny numbers. Then the number of the day on which you planned to do something important. Now add up all the numbers included in this date in a way known to you. As a result, you will have three vibrating numbers. Sum them up and you will get the vibrating number of a given day of the month exclusively for you. And then, checking the above order, it is easy to determine which undertakings and by which numbers should be decided so that Her Majesty Fate smiles at you.

Ecology of knowledge: Let's try to understand the meaning of numbers and learn about the vibrations that they emit to the Universe, and therefore to all people

Let's try to understand the meaning of numbers and learn about the vibrations that they emit to the Universe, and therefore to all people.

The unit is outwardly straight and unbending, pointed, it is always directed upward, like an arrow. The unit is the basis of counting; absolutely all other numbers are derived from it; it is their source and beginning. Each number only repeats a Unit in a set or is composed of many Units. The Unit strives to remain the same and unchanged: the Unit multiplied by the Unit, and the Unit divided by the Unit, gives the Unit again, that is, it does not come out of itself.

The unit symbolizes the beginning of all living things - the Sun.This active point the basis of all things, the basis of life, the root cause of all things. Unity is the cause of unity of command - one Universe and one Sun, one fire and one soul. The unit embodies highest point, the center of the Universe. Geometrically, this idea is expressed by a universal symbol - a point in the center of a circle.

The unit contains the whole world and contains all opposites at the same time: good and evil, light and darkness, beginning and end, creation and destruction, love and hate.

This number embodies energy, will, initiative, impulse to action, activity, determination, focus, strength, creativity and individualism. The Unit is also characterized by such special qualities as activity, aggressiveness, authoritarianism, ambition - all these words begin with the letter “A” - the FIRST letter of the alphabet.

Under the influence of the Unit, a person tends to show his best qualities - will and determination, he is invariably determined to succeed and achieves it with everyone by possible means. He is proactive and self-confident, able to take responsibility and follow everything to the end. Such a person is a born leader, independent, seeking and welcoming original innovations, dominant in everything. The desire for glory and power is not alien to him.

Such qualities have always been considered inherent in a man, but women also live under the influence of this extraordinary, positive number. In this case, they clearly or covertly display the same characteristics of their nature, first of all this is expressed externally - in a proud posture and self-esteem.

Sometimes vibrations of the Unit can also give rise to negative personality traits - stubbornness, intolerance, excessive ambition and self-confidence, individualism and egocentrism.

However, the friendliness of this wonderful number helps establish good contacts with others, and the ability to critically evaluate oneself and treat oneself with a degree of irony restrains the feeling of one’s own superiority.
This is the number of antithesis and eternal opposition: plus and minus, good and evil, day and night, life and death, light and darkness, heat and cold, man and woman, action and peace. Both poles cannot exist without each other. The Two constantly maintains a balance between opposing principles, mixing positive and negative qualities and thus ensuring equality of power, harmony and balance. At the same time, this is a struggle, the cause of eternal motion, and therefore of life itself, which ends with the onset of peace.

The two accumulates one of the most important philosophical categories - the unity and struggle of opposites. Unity means the inseparability of the Two - it is like a magnet that can be divided even into the smallest pieces, but it always retains its poles. The poles will never be able to unite, because it will already be a Unit.

Two embodies everything that is contradictory, restless, changeable, passive, submissive, soft, pliable, uncertain and indecisive. Representing balance, harmony, harmony and justice, the Two symbolizes connection, cooperation, duality, caution, attention, forethought, and most importantly, productivity.

It is believed to be the feminine principle, the number of eternal femininity. Geometrically, the Two is represented by two points connected by a straight line.

The main feature of people under the influence of the Two is calmness and balance. They do not have the indestructible sense of purpose characteristic of the “units”; they invariably strive for harmony and justice, taking into account the opinions of everyone around them. “Two people” tend to avoid conflicts and any disputes. They are unusually sociable and usually achieve success due to their ability to cooperate, listen to others and compromise.

There are no pronounced deficiencies in the vibrations of the Two. However, people under its influence can become overly passive and timid, completely relying on fate and circumstances. They avoid troubles and struggles by any means, including for their well-being, and do not like to take on even a small responsibility. They lack energy and determination, which can and should be developed in themselves, overcoming the natural desire to remain silent and sit out.

Three, or Triad, means cheerfulness, talent, adaptability, expressiveness, demonstration, expansiveness, sociability, creativity. The main features of the Troika are fortitude and freedom.

It is no coincidence that the material world and space are three-dimensional - they are height, length and width; time is also three-dimensional - everything happens in the past, present and future; a substance can be in three states - solid, liquid and gaseous.

Three is considered an active masculine sign. It is stable in space - three points of support are enough for its balance.

Number 3 also symbolizes the triple nature of the World, creative perfection and luck, integrity. It's great because it has a beginning, middle and end.

The highest embodiment of the Triad is the Christian Trinity.

Geometrically, the Three is most often represented by a triangle, the sides symbolizing the past, present and future. There are also symbols such as a three-pointed star, three circles inside great circle and a trident. The latter is especially interesting, as it symbolizes the authority and power, wisdom and higher creativity inherent in this number.

People experiencing the Three vibration are optimistic, strong and open; luck does not pass them by; they know their purpose and strive to bring original ideas to life. Organizational skills and enthusiasm help them achieve brilliant results without much effort.

The lucky features of their nature are an easy, friendly character and sociability. C's are desirable in any society. Their luck and independence can cause envy and irritation among others.

Negative vibrations can be arrogance, arrogance, superficiality, frivolity and selfishness.

Four, or Tetrad, is the number of the creative forces of the Universe: fire, earth, air and water. They correspond to four types of human temperament: choleric (fire), melancholic (earth), sanguine (air) and phlegmatic (water). These are also four seasons, four periods of human life (spring - childhood, summer - youth, autumn - maturity, winter - old age), four blood groups and four cardinal directions.

It was not for nothing that the thinkers of antiquity considered the Four as a symbol of strength and unshakable truth. Four has always meant and means stability, because these are four points of support at once.

It is also reliability, order, integrity, completeness, harmony, rationality, perseverance, realism and perfect balance of elements, living processes, objects and people. In contrast to the dynamic Three, this is the desire for peace, restriction, discipline and hard work.

Geometrically, the Tetrad is represented by a square - a solid and strong figure. She is also symbolized by a rectangular cross. The upper half of the cross is the area of ​​all the highest aspirations of a person, his good deeds and thoughts. Its lower part is the focus of low forces - evil and unseemly deeds. The right half of the cross indicates favorable external influences, left - for unfavorable ones. Thus, the cross orients a person in the world, helping to deal with good and bad influences.

People living with Four vibrations are unusually hardworking, reliable, constant in their affections, patient, remain calm under any circumstances, and are ready to master any task, even an unloved one. They represent, as it were, the foundation of society, they honor traditions, respect authority and observe conventions. Everything in life is given to them through hard work, so early years they are characterized by frugality. Such people know how to appreciate help and good advice and are faithful in friendship.

The number four is considered not the luckiest number. it can mean difficulties, restrictions, little reward, and even need. In any case, it is always hard work, overcoming, some clumsiness, excessive conservatism and lag.

Five, or Pentad,- a complex and most unpredictable number, but at the same time one of the luckiest and happiest. It symbolizes constant quest and self-improvement, creative freedom, change, risk, versatility, adventurism, activity, movement forward and constant development.

Five can be decomposed into Two and Three - feminine and masculine numbers, which together give fruit. Because of this feature, Five has long symbolized reproduction and fertility and is the patron of marriage. This is probably why in ancient Rome the wedding ceremony was accompanied by five candles.

The unpredictability of this number determines possible uncertainty, nervousness, mobility, the search for results and truth through constant experiments, travel and experience.

Pythagoras and his followers considered the Five a symbol of health, and the ancient Egyptians - prosperity. A person has five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, and he has five fingers on his hands and feet.

Geometrically, the Pentad is most often represented as a pentagon, sometimes as a pyramid or a five-pointed star, which served as one of the varieties of the ancient seal of Solomon.

People under the influence of the Five are characterized by such qualities as success, variability, and a penchant for risk and adventure. They love travel and any changes in life, including new acquaintances, prefer creative, varied work and hate routine. The Five protects researchers and travelers, preventing them from stumbling.

Variety is preferable for Fives and personal life. They easily succumb to new feelings, rarely limit themselves to one novel, monotony depresses them and pushes them to new hobbies.

However, in friendship they are faithful and constant. An optimistic perception of life does not allow them to be sad for a long time; they know how to find joy and entertainment everywhere, come up with holidays and direct their thoughts only in a positive direction.

At the same time, Fives are characterized by some irresponsibility, rashness, recklessness, frivolity and instability of the nervous system.

Six. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is a complex and multifaceted symbol that has many interpretations. Since ancient times it has been revered as a perfect number, the number of creation. Its information code means creativity, creation, labor, work. According to biblical teaching, God created the world in six days. Therefore, six is ​​quite a sufficient number. We are commanded to work for six days so that we can then rest.

Six has always been considered the most lucky number, the personification of perfection and harmony in everything. This number is ideal - it is divisible by both even (2) and odd (3) numbers, thus combining their positive qualities.

Number 6 excellent and in harmony with nature itself. This is confirmed by perfect honeycombs, flowers with six petals, and crystals in the shape of hexagons.

Six symbolizes perfect balance, health, beauty, luck, happiness, responsibility, love, integrity, justice, family, healing, creativity, creation and reliability.

Geometrically Six is represented in the form of two equilateral intersecting and mirror-reflecting triangles - an ascending one (vertex up) and a descending one (vertex down). Two intertwined triangles symbolize the masculine and feminine principles. This symbol is a six-pointed star, or hexagram (from the Greek hex - six and gramma - line, line). In ancient times, the Six was called the Star of Creation, the Star of Solomon, and the Sign of the Macrocosm.

People under the influence of the Six tend to see only the best in everything and generally idealize the surrounding reality and people. They always strive to create their own special world, so that nothing disturbs its harmony. As a rule, selfishness, self-indulgence, and intolerance are alien to them; they are virtuous and merciful. Anyone who has achieved success in life usually understands the importance of helping those in need and engages in charity work.

Most often, Sixes are energetic, cheerful and life-loving; they are wonderful comrades, faithful spouses, responsible parents. It is quite difficult to detect shortcomings in such people. Sometimes this can be excessive idealism, due to which they may neglect everyday material concerns and miss out on interesting offers and rare chances to advance.

Romanticism and even some maximalism do not contribute to their determination to win. Such people often let things take their course, believing that they are doing only the right thing - everything should be as it should be.

A lack of everyday practicality and excessive good nature can hinder the career growth and achievement of a prestigious position of Sixes. They should cultivate strength of character and determination.

Seven is a very wise number, creative and unique in its indivisibility. It symbolizes mystery, something unfamiliar and invisible, as well as study, knowledge and the path of exploring the unknown. Since ancient times, the amazing Seven has aroused the admiration of philosophers and magicians. This number is completely already in itself - it is not divisible by anything except Seven, that is, itself, and One. It does not generate any number and is not generated by any number.

This is an exclusively natural number, close to space. It is embodied in many natural phenomena: seven colors of the rainbow, seven ruling planets observable with the naked eye, including the Sun, Moon, Earth, seven days of the week, seven notes of the scale, seven cosmic spheres, seven circles of hell, seven metals of alchemists. There are many proverbs associated with the Seven: seven nannies have a child without an eye, seven do not expect one, etc.

It has always been believed that the Seven is associated with the spiritual side, acting on Earth as a divine or creative force. She aims the person at higher mind, on best actions, subordinate to the spiritual as a whole.

In the seven-day labor cycle of a person, the seventh day after six days of work is prescribed for him as a day of rest. This is what the prophet Moses taught, and modern science paid tribute to his covenant. It turns out that a seven-day cycle of work and rest is optimal for a person, since rest on one day of the week is enough to take a breath and accumulate strength for a new work cycle, as well as remember about your soul - think about high things, turn to God, sort out your thoughts.

Seven means wisdom, analysis, philosophy, intuition, seeking answers, understanding, truth, calm, comprehensiveness and turning inward. This is the number of contemplatives and analysts, people immersed in their thoughts. Seven also gives people special insight, patience and psychic abilities. Anyone who successfully falls under its influence becomes a thinker, philosopher, humanist, and the greatest scientist. In modern everyday life This number is considered lucky and brings good luck.

Eight is a very active and complex number. The very amazing shape of the figure eight - two circles touching each other - indicates its duality, the merging in it of the spiritual and material worlds. This is peace and harmony, balance of all elements and qualities, balance between spiritual and material. This is also the number of achievements.

In antiquity, it was revered as a symbol of justice, since eight is divided into equal parts, without giving preference to any of them. The Eight doubles the reliability and stability of the Four, bringing it to perfection. It can be thought of as a double square. All these characteristics are explained by the sequential divisibility of the Eight in half by whole numbers, obtaining equal parts each time.

In addition to the stability of vibration, the Eights promise and bring stable material wealth and power, further strengthening the positions of their owners. Being a symbol of universal harmony, the Eight radiates calm, bliss and peacefulness, gives the fulfillment of plans, recognition, the right decision, and good fate. If this number is rotated 90°, it will produce an infinity sign, which gives hope for eternal life. Thus, it is also a symbol of the infinite Universe and eternal peace.

People influenced by the Eight have a strong and energetic character, they are practical and can arrange their destiny in a worthy way. Rushing only forward, they successfully implement their progressive plans.

Some negative effects of the good Eight are also possible. Already the first part of this number - Four - carries not the most attractive vibrations - difficulties, overcoming, limitations. However, the Eight mitigates this significantly negative influence and generally gives positive energy.

It is curious that the fate of A.S. Pushkin was connected with the Eight. Most significant events The poet's life took place on days whose dates add up to the number 8 (17, 26). Mysterious, mystical coincidences! Eight is a sign of the highest justice: everyone is given what they deserve, and retribution is inevitable. The same figure haunted the Romanov family.

Nine is the most perfect and largest of all elementary numbers. It contains all the numbers from 1 to 9, and therefore it includes the characteristics and properties of the whole group, the whole life, the whole cycle, full circle- 360°(3 + 6 + 0 = 9). Important Feature This number is that Nine, multiplied by any number, always reproduces itself in the sum of the numbers. For example, 3*9 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9, or 5*9 = 45 = 4 + 5 = 9, etc.

Nine can be represented as three times three, and Three is a wonderful symbol that triples in a new quality, while making itself as stable as possible. Since ancient times, Nine has symbolized universal success, fertility, initiation into the mysteries of life, the foundation of the mind, and higher mental and spiritual activity. It was believed that she was able to ward off evil forces. Nine seems to accumulate physical strength and is inextricably linked with everything material, including the person himself. She instills in him energy and strength, hope for a favorable outcome.

This number protects powerful and proud people. They have many ambitious plans, they are full of ebullient energy and exorbitant ambitions, they always strive for primacy in everything and achieve success in life.

At the same time, Nine is humanism, compassion, love, selflessness, patience, calmness and selfless service. It's harmonious family life, mutual care, good upbringing and education. People with Nine vibrations usually have excellent physical characteristics and good health.

In addition to the nine main numbers, some numerologists also study other numbers - 11, 12, 22, etc. The numbers 11 and 22 are considered especially important, they are paid attention to and are called master numbers. However, in general, their vibrations can be reduced to the enhanced properties of Two, Three and Four, respectively.

The number 12 symbolizes completion, such as a year, and the achievement of goals.

The number 13 has a special history. In Ancient Greece, it was considered neutral, but later they began to attribute to it everything bad that could happen to a person, and to avoid it in every possible way. He is disliked and feared in many countries. For this dislike and supposedly unkind influence on people, the ill-fated number were even “expelled” from many hotels, cinemas and airplanes.published