KVN teams are similar in level to Fedora Dvinyatin. Yuliy Gusman condemned any manifestations of homophobia

I first heard about the Fedor Dvinyatin team quite a long time ago, while walking with a friend somewhere in the area Kuznetsky Bridge. She stopped at an intersection and began pointing at some guy: “Look, this is the guy from the team Fyodor Dvinyatin!” I thought that we're talking about about the game "What? Where? When?", and about the team, the captain of which may be Fyodor Dvinyatin. Subsequently, I learned about the existence of a KVnov group with that name, but there was no reason to watch their performances. And so, just today, I discovered a mention of FD among the most discussed topics on blogs, and decided to take an interest in the details of the discussions, and at the same time finally take a look at such popular guys.

Let me say right away that I used to be a big fan of KVN. I remember watching every episode of the major league. Then, giving up the TV, he began to download recordings, placing more and more pressure on the ability to “squander” individual teams and individual competitions. As a result, either from low level of today's KVN, either due to lack of time, began to be interested only in the best teams. So I got hooked on Megapolis and Prima (whose participants, moreover, are my fellow countrymen), and did not miss a single one of their performances. Naturally, after scrolling through today's blog discussions regarding "Fedor Dvinyatin", I expected that I would finally find a new super team to satisfy my humor needs. A priori, I only knew that the guys were very good, and Guzman unfairly offended them and was booed by the audience.

After watching the team’s performances, I was very pleased: unusual style, interesting acting moves. Nevertheless, I caught myself thinking that the guys pull out some of the jokes a little through their acting, due to their peculiar manner of movement. A vague feeling even began to appear that their form of expression was more emotionally expressive than verbal. For a long time I could not understand what this manner of presenting the material reminded me of, and finally came to the conclusion that it was very similar to high-quality clownery. Clownery in the good sense of the word, without any admixture of negativity. Monty Python-level clowning.

At the same time, on blogs, almost unanimously, FDs are called geniuses and mega-talents, and they foam at the mouth to prove their inconsistency " expert opinion"Guzman. Of course, when I finally decided to watch Guzman’s “scandalous” performance, I expected to see an act of blatant injustice towards the guys. But I saw criticism that had a right to exist, albeit too cruel. I saw the impolite reaction of the audience, embarrassed Maslyakov’s face. And there was a very unpleasant aftertaste. Yes, Gusman got excited and offended the guys, and even the girl cried. And yet, Yuliy Solomonovich has the right to express such opinions (and this is not discussed), and it is possible. understand his conservative view of humor, which "must" to be in KVN. Before I watched Guzman's speech, I was ready to defend the guys and their humor from any attacks. After watching it, I can say that I am not at all ready. With all due respect to the FD team, their style does not fit a little into the KVN format. Each program has its own format, and that's okay.

Damn, the story was somehow very upsetting. I don’t even know what I was more upset about - either because Guzman was booed, or because Guzman offended the guys, but I didn’t like this story. And what confuses us most is the fact that public opinion unanimously came to the team’s defense, and a terrible wave of PR and hype began. It's no secret that to achieve sympathy means to achieve favor. But such fame has a smell. I really hope that the guys will find the strength to continue in the same spirit, and I really hope that the public will appreciate them for their humor, and not because spirit of contradiction.

For those who don't know.

Note. The article was written for another publication and a wider audience, but for some reason it was published in KVNRU. The conflict described in the article is known to visitors to our site; there is interest in the dynamics of events and the positions of the parties involved in the conflict. If you are interested in this publication, write to the author directly in the comments.

The quality of humor in the KVN Major League will now be monitored very strictly. “Circus” and “sold out” will not work.

Quarterfinal game of the KVN Major League on Cosmonautics Day before last minutes did not foretell any scandal. And only in the final words of jury member Yuliy Gusman allowed himself to openly criticize the Fedor Dvinyatin team. His tirade to the words of the team’s song sounded like this: “With such an IQ, it will not be possible to make a barbecue called “KVN” in the future... This game is not just a fun circus... This is a game... of citizens, not clowns...”. Guzman's words were partially supported general manager Channel One Konstantin Ernst: “Everything was fresh and cool... Next time you won’t fail at this level. Therefore, think...” Despite this, the team shared first place in the game with the Astana.kz team and advanced to the semifinals. All the team’s statements about this situation were correct, the guys did not hush up the incident and even joked about it at the KVN music festival in Jurmala (July 2008).

Yuliy Gusman
Gusman Yuliy Solomonovich was born on August 8, 1943 in Baku. Graduated from the medical faculty of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute named after. N. Narimanov (1966), postgraduate studies at the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after A. Azizov (1970), Higher courses film directors and screenwriters of Goskino (1976). He made seven films (including “One Fine Day” (1977), “Country House for One Family” (1978), “Don’t Be Afraid, I’m with You” (1981), “Park of the Soviet Period” (2006 )), staged many performances, including in America, Japan and China. From 1964 to 1971 - captain of the KVN team in Baku. For the first time he introduced “organization” into KVN - his team performed in the same uniform. Since 1986 - again in KVN as former captain teams from Baku. Since 1988 – director of the House of Cinema. Since 1993 – deputy State Duma(faction “Choice of Russia”), deputy. Chairman of the Geopolitics Committee. Honored Artist of Russia and Azerbaijan. Artistic director National Award Russian Academy cinematic arts - Nika Prize (since 1988). Almost permanent member of the jury of the KVN Major League.

Within a week, the conflict became public knowledge, first in the KVnov community, and then in the general public. When the game aired, the whole country learned about the open confrontation between the jury member and the team. The audience instantly divided into two camps: some scolded Gusman for his outdated thoughts and outdated concepts of KVN, others supported our TV broadcaster and blamed “Fedora Dvinyatin” for clownery and idiocy. The Runet was simply overwhelmed with interest in the team, in particular, and in KVN in general. At some point, the topic of the conflict became the most discussed on Russian Internet blogs. The team could instantly feel scandalous: it gave a lot of interviews to the press and appeared on the air of several radio stations.
The conflict became the first openly controversial point between a jury member and the KVN team in the most non-scandalous of all entertainment programs on TV and caused an unexpectedly great resonance in society.

KVN team "Fedor Dvinyatin"
The team debuted at a serious KVN level in 2006: the KVN League of Moscow and the Moscow Region and the Northern KVN League. In 2007, she reached the final of the KVN Premier League. Since 2008 he has been playing in the KVN Major League, representing Moscow and Stupino. The team stands out from other teams with a style built on puns, the absurdity of what is happening on stage, and the flexibility and expressiveness of the acting. The symbol of the team is the connoisseur of the club “What? Where? When?" Fyodor Dvinyatin, after whom it was named.

The cause of the conflict can be to the fullest name the style of the performing team, professing the now fashionable “cosmic” humor. Moreover, “Fyodor Dvinyatin” performs at a very high level, enraging his own and other fans and causing toothless envy or mute rejection among staunch adherents of classic humor. Yuliy Solomonovich Gusman, who has been on the jury for decades, professes classical humor. And if at the first game of the season with the participation of “Fedor Dvinyatin” he allowed himself only a rather calm statement, then in the quarterfinals he gave it his all.

Quite classical, but non-standard reprises, for example, absurdity and puns, often fall under the heading “cosmic humor”. This is humor that does not fit the usual perception. “Space” is often conveyed by special speech accents, acting, and surroundings. Space can include both “stupid” and “stupid”, stupid or completely stupid humor.
The "grandmother" principle
One of the criteria for checking performances for the presence of “space” is the frivolous, but often working principle of “grandmother”. You sit your grandmother in front of the TV and turn on a suspicious game for her. If she laughs, then most likely there is no space in the game. The old-school viewer understands and accepts classic humor well, but “space” usually does not accept it. But there is an exception here too - grandmothers are different.

A little history
The end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century brought several bright surprises to the KVN movement in the form of teams of non-classical humor: the St. Petersburg team, the Pyatigorsk team, Megapolis. Very alternative humor was often present in the performances of the absolute favorites of the KVN public - the KVN team " Ural dumplings" The final result of the games of these teams is as follows:
St. Petersburg team - vice-champion of the KVN Major League in the 1999 and 2002 seasons,
KVN teams “Ural dumplings”, the Pyatigorsk team and “Megapolis” are the champions of the KVN Major League, respectively, for the 2000, 2004 and 2005 seasons.
As we see, an alternative in humor is in demand. What will happen to “Fyodor Dvinyatin”? And is the confrontation expected to continue?

Space humor of space teams
- What should I bring for you, little one?
- Bring me an Alenkai flower.
- Alenkai? Should I bring you a blue sweater?
"Tears of a Hero", Moscow

We have one hobby in Zaporozhye - rosin. But don't be surprised. Pagan rosin. Now be surprised!
"Sun", Zaporozhye

-You have an exam tomorrow, why did you drink?
- There was a reason.
- Which?
- I was kicked out of the institute.
"Balamutki", Nikolaev

- Hello, is this a psychiatrist?
- No, this is a crematorium!
- Fuck it, I’m still playing around.
"Natural Disaster", Stupino

And how they talk about blood healthy person: “It’s time to wind down.”
“Song of the Year”, St. Petersburg

So that the boy would not forget the intercom code, his mother applied it to his eyelid with inside. Now everything is simple. Closed, opened.
"Fedor Dvinyatin", Moscow

- Come on, grunt!
- Don't want!
- Already grunted somewhere!
Pyatigorsk team

My brain refuses to serve me and wants to dominate.
Megapolis, Moscow

Continuation of the story
A few months after the conflict, in his anniversary interview (August 2008), Yu. Gusman spoke about many things, including KVN. And here it was not without another painful injection to the KVN team “Fyodor Dvinyatin”.
Let’s quote the hero of the day: “I believe that “Fedor Dvinyatin” is a dead-end branch in the evolution of KVN. In themselves, they are nice, young, perky, ironic and cheeky guys. Communication with them evokes a pleasant feeling. But KVN is not just fun, pranks, parodies. This abbreviation contains the important word “resourceful”. We cannot turn our club into a kind of youth “Full House”.
In a September interview on the AMiK.ru website, Yuliy Solomonovich is more correct in relation to “Fyodor Dvinyatin” and words about a “dead-end branch” are no longer heard. What happened to the patriarch?

The last semi-final of the KVN Major League is just around the corner. This means that soon the two conflicting parties will meet. Who will take it: classics or space? And what will the confrontation be like? Or will it not exist at all? Let's wait and see.


Read with this article:

Many KVN fans call the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team, which represented Moscow in general and the Stupino district in particular, scandalous.

There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is their humor - provocative, unusual and even strange.

The guys had a lot of puns, numbers based on plasticity and wordplay. Very often they were criticized by the old-timers of the Merry and Resourceful Club, who considered their humor primitive and absurd.

Old-timer Yuli Gusman spoke especially harshly about “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Once, even in a humorous manner, he practically insulted the captain, calling him “either a boy or a girl.” But how did the guys come to this? What is the history of the creation of the team and what exactly did the KVN jury dislike or, on the contrary, like too much about them?

“Fedor Dvinyatin” first appeared on the big stage of the Club in 2007 as one of the participants in the Gala concert of the famous Sochi Festival.

The guys didn’t choose the name for long, they just decided to name themselves in honor of one of the experts of another famous television club ChKG -.

Few people know that the guys first took part in KVN earlier - in 2006. First they performed in the Central League of Moscow and Moscow Region, a little later in the Northern KVN League. It should be noted that here they reached the final without any problems and lost only to the Surgutneftegaz team.

Thanks to the Sochi Festival, the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” were able to get into the Premier League, but as they themselves believe, they did not achieve success in the first season. Although this statement is controversial - in 2007, although the guys were eliminated in ¼, they were then selected by the jury to participate in the final.

True, the last 4th place awaited them here, but not all teams manage to achieve this! And “Fedor Dvinyatin” still had a lot of time ahead!

For the next season 2008 the team gets promoted to the Major League. True, in the very first game of the 1/8 finals the guys took third place, but even here the jury came to their aid, who exercised their right and promoted them further.

But the behavior of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” at the next game, their frivolous attitude towards the rules of the competitions led to a scandal - Yuliy Gusman spoke out that the team was playing incorrectly and had absolutely no respect for their opponents, the jury, or the audience.

The audience was quite critical of this and even allowed themselves to boo the eminent judge!

Both Konstantin Ernst spoke negatively about the team (he even called them “”, deliberately using the name of another expert from the well-known club “What? Where? When?”), and KVN President Alexander Maslyakov. In the next game, “Fedor Dvinyatin” took last place and did not qualify for the finals.

True, thanks to the Music Festival “KiViN-2009” the team again gets the opportunity to play in the Major League. Only now it is called “Fedor Dvinyatin and SK ROSTRA” and performs with a slightly changed lineup (Natalia Medvedeva left the team, and Andrei Stetsyuk was added).

According to the results of the games, the guys did not reach the finals, but... again they were saved by the jury. It’s hard to say what explains this paradox, but you can’t erase the words from the song and the events developed exactly like this. In the final game of the year, the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” earns third place!

In 2010, the team again participates in the music festival, but no longer goes to the Major League. From that moment on, “Fedor Dvinyatin” officially ceased to exist. True, fans of the team can still see its members on television.

Frontman, captain and the most flexible participant Alexander Gudkov became a regular actor in such shows as “Yesterday LIVE”, “Evening Urgant” on Channel One, as well as one of the hosts of “Nezlobin and Gudkov” on MTV.

In addition, Sasha can be seen quite often in the TNT project “”.

The team that had left a little earlier and collapsed also flashed on the screen. She became a permanent resident of Comedy Woman, and another representative of the fair half of the team, Marina Bochkareva, was seen in one of the episodes of the series How I Met Your Mother.

As it has already become clear from the history of the team, the guys in KVN have not conquered any special peaks, except for third place in the Major League in 2009, but at the same time they still have titles!

So in 2008 and 2009, Natalya Medvedeva was twice recognized as the best KVN performer according to TV viewers.

Alexander Gudkov in 2008 took second place in the fight for a similar title, and in 2009 he received first place!

At the same time, the team “Fedor Dvinyatin” itself was recognized as the discovery of the year in 2008, which is very flattering.

It is impossible not to tell about others interesting facts that are associated with this command:

  • Alexander Gudkov and Natalya Gudkova are not spouses, not namesakes, but brother and sister;
  • Evgeny Shevchenko and Marina Bochkareva are husband and wife; they legalized their relationship in 2012.

KVN team composition Fedor Dvinyatin:

  • Natalia Medvedeva
  • Evgeny Shevchenko
  • Marina Bochkareva
  • Natalia Gudkova
  • Alexander Idiatullin
  • Andrey Stetsyuk
  • as well as other authors

Alexander Gudkov is a popular showman, creative life which began with participation in the Fedor Dvinyatin team, which played in the KVN major league.

Childhood and youth

Gudkov Alexander Vladimirovich was born on February 24, 1983, 100 km from the capital - the town of Stupino, which was considered a city before the collapse of the USSR closed type. According to the zodiac sign, the boy turned out to be Pisces. An older sister, Natalya, was raised in the family. Sasha’s father passed away early, so my mother raised the children alone.

Until 1999, Sasha calmly studied at school, not envisioning a pop future for himself. His relatives did not see this either; according to Alexander, his mother still does not consider her son’s occupation serious and periodically offers to get a job in a “real” profession - at a factory, etc.

The moment that determined a different path for Alexander was the KVN school tournament, where the boy played for the graduating class. His wit and free behavior on stage did not go unnoticed and changed his future biography - Gudkov was invited to play in the city team.

Despite this, after graduating from school, Alexander Gudkov, as his family wanted, entered the technological university, choosing the “earthly” profession of materials scientist, and successfully graduated from the university. However, he did not work by profession - the specialty seemed too boring for the future artist.

Humor and creativity

Gudkov liked the club of cheerful and resourceful people. Together with Natalia Gudkova, older sister, a close person and friend, the guy joined the ranks of KVN, performing in the teams “Natural Disaster” and “Family 2”, and then in the team “Fedor Dvinyatin”, which brought him popularity.

The first appearance of the KVN team “Fedor Dvinyatin” on Channel One caused a sensation. The team differed from everyone else in their unique style. The humor was built on absurdity, wordplay and polished acting.

In 2008, in the KVN Major League, the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team showed an atypical interpretation of a one-song competition. Alexander Gudkov appeared on stage in the character of , he sang “Don’t Forget Me” and left the stage into the hall, where he talked with the jury and decoy spectators. The performance caused delight from the audience and many negative comments from the jury.

In 2010, Alexander appeared in entertainment program“Yesterday Live” (“Study Life”) in the “Fashion Section”. Gudkov also began working in “Evening Urgant” as a co-host and voice-over artist. The showman led the columns “Ladies’ Club”, “Club high waist", "Music Studio of Alexander Gudkov", "Self-defense lessons from Boris the Tiger."

The best numbers of the KVN team "Fedor Dvinyatin"

Participation in “Evening Urgant,” according to him, was a little more difficult - the world of humor remained the best niche for Alexander’s talent. In addition to the programs mentioned, the showman participated in the project “Laughter in big city"and the author's humorous show "Nezlobin and Gudkov."

Alexander Gudkov loves to do voice acting - play with his voice, make people laugh, or, as he puts it, “play the fool.” So, as a “voice” he got into the popular cartoon “Wreck-It Ralph”, voicing Master Felix Jr., as well as main character in the film "Angela's School Chronicles".

Alexander Gudkov in the show “Evening Urgant”

The actor starred in the music video for the song “Lucky Stranger.” IN humorous video he appeared in three images at once - an usher, a policeman and a car service owner. Among the videos in which Gudkov appeared are parodies of hits, and others. And in 2017 he played in an advertisement for Bio Balance, where he turned into a fitness trainer.

Gudkov is no stranger to business: in 2013, he, together with partners Andrei Shubin and Nazim Zeynalov, opened the men's hairdressing salon “Boy Cut”. In fact, the hairdresser is more of a friendly club for men - a place where you can get a haircut, buy clothes, men's cosmetics, accessories and, of course, have a quiet conversation. By the way, the hairdressers at “Boy Cut” are also exclusively men and at the same time high-class professionals.

In December 2016, Alexander, together with Natalya Andreevna, took part in the TV show “Where is the logic?” The program turned out to be unusual not only because it was dedicated to the New Year, but also because the host of the program and his wife Victoria became opponents of the humorous couple. Instead of Azamat, the New Year's episode was hosted by .

Alexander Gudkov appeared as a guest in the entertaining scandalous show “Money or Shame.” When asked by TV presenter Uncle Vitya about the joke addressed to him, the artist answered negatively. The man noted with humor that he cannot joke about a person on whom his salary directly depends.

Alexander Gudkov in "Comedy Woman" - The Best

In 2017, the Comedy Woman show announced a change in lineup. Alexander Gudkov continued to perform as part of this humorous program. The press connected these events in the life of the TV show with the upcoming film of the club residents, in which Alexander also starred.

Personal life

Gudkov’s stage image, which the press described as an “effeminate macho,” repeatedly raised the question of Gudkov’s real orientation to fans. Version about gay The artist was fueled by the fact that he realistically portrayed a gay man in humorous numbers, as well as his bachelor status. Press for a long time did not publish confirmed information about his girlfriend.

However, such a life may also be associated with Alexander’s constant employment. He participates in several television projects and develops own business, with such a schedule he has little time left for personal life. According to friends, despite the prevailing image, Alexander is an ordinary man who respects family values ​​and laments that they are not given attention on television.

Questions about Alexander’s preferences, his chosen one and life plans are of keen interest to the public, and Gudkov once lifted the veil of secrecy in an interview. The showman has a girlfriend whom the artist met in his youth, in a student company. Young people at one time only supported friendly relations, and later realized that they couldn’t live without each other. Perhaps the chosen one will become Alexander’s wife in the near future.

The showman calls his sister a close friend, and, according to Alexander, he borrowed his sense of humor from his mother. If everything works out, the showman is making plans to create a family show about animals.

Alexander Gudkov - "Yesterday Live"

The artist considers his own performances on stage only a hobby, and calls writing scripts his profession, but even here he does not treat himself as a professional, introducing himself as a “creative scribbler.”

Alexander leads personal "Instagram", where he doesn’t post photos as often as fans would like, but he accompanies them with funny captions. Most often, the shots are associated with the work of a comedian, meetings with friends or going to social events. According to the comedian, viewing his page on social networks every night has a calming effect on him, after which Alexander easily falls asleep.

Alexander Gudkov now

Now the showman continues to collaborate with colleagues on the projects “Evening Urgant” and “Comedy Woman”, as well as filming in video clips Russian stars show business. Gudkov had a hand in two sensational videos - for the hit and “Drunk Love” and for the new hit “The Color of the Mood is Blue.” In all the videos, Alexander appeared in character roles, and participated as a screenwriter and producer.

2018 brought a significant award to Alexander Gudkov’s collection of awards. Together with Ivan Urgant, the showman received the prize in the “Producer of the Year” category at the “GQ Man of the Year” award ceremony. The union of two comedians literally blew up the Internet with clips for Philip Kirkorov’s hits “The Color of Mood is Blue” and “Ibiza.”


  • "Comedy Woman"
  • "Evening Urgant"
  • "Laughter in the City"
  • "Nezlobin and Gudkov"
  • "This is the morning"
  • "League of Bad Joke"

The LiveJournal community, several fan sites, and videos of performances are in first place in all ratings. And although opinions slipped through: "Fyodor Dvinyatin", no matter how much they were liked, in this game they did not live up to the ratings they were given... Has it become fashionable, perhaps, to rate them highly? And the performance in this game does not deserve such enthusiasm to be discussed so much” (tatykey), - the general conclusion of the overwhelming majority of bloggers - “The time has come for the Fedor Dvinyatin team!” (Miss_Milana).

Who is Fedor Dvinyatin, the symbol and luck of the team? Fans explain on the website: “The team “Fyodor Dvinyatin” is named after the teacher of the Russian language department of St. Petersburg state university. Fyodor Dvinyatin is the author and presenter of the cultural program “Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta...” on Radio Russia, as well as the owner of four Crystal Owls.” True, it is not entirely clear what relation the honored teacher has to Alexander Gudkov, Zhenya Shevchenko, Natasha Medvedeva, Marina Bochkareva and Natasha Gudkova, “the mother of Stupino glamor under the name Tatyana Mikhalny.” But, judging by the excitement and thousands of fans, the biographers will soon get to work and not only explain everything, but also restore, bit by bit, all the pedigrees of the team members.

Reviewing the posts about the performances of new favorites, I just want to draw an invisible line - “Whoever is not with us is against us!”

Revolutionary? But it seems that many people don’t want to miss that “little revolution that the guys have been giving us for 2 years now and thanks to which they are in the semi-finals of the Major League. KVN has long lacked shockingness, wit, and absurdity. Everything is sleek, academic: here we’ll joke about the president, but carefully, here about Muscovites - gloatingly, here we can talk about the CIS, but it’s no longer funny, and, of course, “licking” the jury is a must” (zzzart).

Alexander Maslyakov’s show is usually respected and praised. In any case, you will find practically no criticism of the oldest and most lively project of the 60s on the screen and in the press. But, it seems, new times are coming, and a new generation of Russian youth, without regard to past merits, directly declares: “KVN has become a terribly politicized game. It’s disgusting to see how unfunny but necessary teams move on. Suffice it to recall the late pretentious RUDN University” (fazeful). “Of course, the times of St. Petersburg, Pyatigorsk, “Burnt by the Sun” and “Ungolden Youth” are gone” (masha_barasha), and “the show is dying, and its last hope not to go rotten is “Fyodor Dvinyatin” (millizza).

Why not? Why is a new club of new cheerful and resourceful people impossible? Agree, when gray-haired and swollen uncles - the past youth of the late 80s - early 90s - hold their benefit performances, it is touching. But now imagine these “uncles” on stage? Perhaps nostalgic memories are useful to all members of the jury, especially Yuli Gusman, but today’s youth do not care about the nostalgia of the “patriarchs” for the slogans and stems of the Thaw. “Fyodor Dvinyatin” is a team of courtly humor” (Dzhungarskaya_Khamyacha). “The guys found a fantastic combination of the theater of the absurd, travesty shows and classic KVN... And now let’s remember the miniature “Cinderella”. Guys, this is early Ionesco! (zzzart).

The rudeness that the unfading Guzman allowed himself - and this is precisely how his comments about the team’s performance are regarded - reminds, alas, of the rudeness of Soviet bureaucrats. “Mr. Guzman allowed himself to do absolutely disgusting things. The remark about it was simply boorish. As for his opinion that “every KVN player should be first and foremost a citizen,” it simply destroys KVN. I strongly disagree with this. I think precisely because civic position The participants of “Fyodor Dvinyatin” cannot be traced in their performances, and they gained fame. Well, you must accept, Mr. Guzman, that there is a whole layer of the audience that does not laugh at jokes about politics, both foreign and domestic” (zzzart).

Stop. Why, in fact, should not a person, who is also a KVN player, be a citizen? Must. Agree that if a team appeared on stage that would agitate the audience to immediately curse and leave Russia and go live and study in the USA, it would not be raised to the top, and it would not live, like “Fyodor Dvinyatin,” “at the expense of sympathy hall" (almano). The whole point is what is meant by civic position. Well, remember for yourself, Yuliy Solomonovich, wasn’t KVN closed in Soviet times precisely because of the lack of a “civic position”? Are you not familiar with this famous party formula, Comrade Guzman? Was it with calls for a “civil position” that the thugs general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev exhibition in the Manege? Isn’t this what the dying KVN party bosses of the late 80s blamed?

To be a citizen - and this is what all of us, the older generation, once dreamed of during the Soviet era of stagnation - is, among other things, to be able to give way to the new, unconventional, revolutionary. For new Russia This is precisely what a civic position consists of - to moderate dead nostalgia and learn to listen and notice young people. And when you read: “But they need Guzman! Without Guzman there will be no revolution..." (zzzart), then you remember everything soviet stories about the campaigns of young, talented, extraordinary directors, editors, poets, writers among the party bosses in order to gain a little support and remain on the stage of Soviet culture. Maybe this is why we read in LiveJournal that “Guzman lost his mind, just stupidly insulted the team “Fyodor Dvinyatin” (vitaminych)?

The confrontation between Yuliy Gusman and the Fedor Dvinyatin team is a sign of the present time. And not only in the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. Just remember the recent scandals about a performance at the Biological Museum and the expulsion of students from the sociology department of Moscow State University. The new generation lives in another dimension. It wants to laugh at what is funny for them, and not for the respected members of the KVN jury. Young people want to see themselves and hear about themselves - it seems that it’s time for the older post-Soviet generation to think carefully.

Just as they forced many party officials to think in the distant 60s, during the “thaw”. And not to turn into those same old party officials, but now from the KVN party.