When to remember the dead in the year. Other memorial days after Easter

The celebration of Radunitsa or parent's day is a spiritual celebration of the funeral of the dead, which has its origins in primitive pagan times. Orthodox religion supported this tradition and included it in the list of Orthodox Christian holidays. In accordance with church statute, this festival is celebrated on the ninth day after the Resurrection of Christ on the second day of St. Thomas Week. This is the first working day after Clear Easter Week. If one or another celebration occurs on this day, the celebration of Radunitsa is postponed to the next day. Thus, in a similar way it is possible to establish the date of the celebration of Radunitsa in 2017. The Resurrection of Christ in Russia in 2017 is celebrated on April 16. We count down nine days and we get that the celebration of parent's day will take place April 25, 2017.


These celebrations were celebrated among the Slavs in ancient times. At first, the very name Radonitsa (radonitsa, funeral feast) referred to deities who embodied the veneration of the dead, guardians of the souls of deceased ancestors. Sacrifices were made to the Radonians, and lavish celebrations and libations were held in their honor on the funeral hills, so that the deceased could appreciate the respect with which the survivors treated him. Over time, the term “trizna” began to mean a memorial, and “radonitsa” - the spring commemoration of the dead. This custom was adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church. The word “radonitsa” comes from a combination of the words “joy” and “kind”. This celebration occupies a prominent place immediately after the celebration of Light Easter week and obliges Orthodox believers not to indulge too much in sadness for those who have passed into another world, but to rejoice in their eternal life together with the Lord God. The whole Christian world celebrates Christ's Resurrection, his triumph over earthly death, and then, nine days later, believers celebrate the revival of their ancestors, relatives and friends to a new life, remembering them on a special day - Radunitsa. Death in Christianity is associated with eternity, souls have no term, they live forever in heaven and rejoice for living people. The rebirth of Christ, as a symbol of the victory of life over death, displaces the sadness of parting with loved ones.

“They plow in the radonitsa in the morning, cry during the day, and jump in the evening,” that is, they engage in various types of work, visit burial sites and have fun in the evening. This celebration has long become a secular day of remembrance, in contrast to church parental Saturdays.

Cemeteries are consecrated by the church the area where the dead are awaiting the upcoming resurrection. According to the customs and laws of pagan states and peoples, burial places were considered sacred and inviolable, violation of which was punishable by various types punishments. From ancient pagan times, a tradition has been preserved to mark the burial site by raising a hill over it. In furtherance of this custom, Christian Church decorates the grave mound with the victorious sign of our salvation - a cross depicted on the gravestone or installed above the tombstone.

We call our deceased deceased, not dead, because in certain time they will rise from the grave. The grave is the place of future resurrection, and therefore it is necessary to keep it clean and orderly.

The cross on the grave of an Orthodox Christian is a silent preacher of blessed immortality and resurrection. Planted in the ground and rising towards the sky, it signifies the faith of Christians that the body of the deceased is here in the earth, and the soul is in heaven, that under the cross is hidden a seed that grows for eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The cross on the grave is placed at the feet of the deceased so that the Crucifix is ​​facing the face of the deceased. We must especially ensure that the cross on the grave is not askew, that it is always painted, clean and well-groomed.

There are only eight parent days in a year and seven of them fall on Saturdays and are called parent Saturdays. Radunitsa 2017 is the most important of them for every Orthodox Christian. It reminds us to care for the souls of our ancestors. It is believed that this is a day of joy because the dead go to a new eternal life. The custom of commemorating the dead is not specifically followed in the Charter. It is based on the fact that on St. Thomas Week the descent of Christ into hell is remembered, and from Monday on St. Thomas Week, the Charter allows for the beginning of the celebration of forty-ones for the dead - the living rejoice in the good news of the Resurrection with the dead. It is imperative to know the date of parent's day in order to take the opportunity to remember your deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances, remember them, visit the cemeteries where they are buried and clean up the graves.


Quite a significant number of people visit relatives and friends at the cemetery on Easter. Many, unfortunately, adhere to the tradition of accompanying visits to the dead with excessive consumption. alcoholic drinks. And those who don’t do this very often don’t even know when to Easter days it is possible (and necessary) to remember the dead. The first commemoration of the deceased after Easter takes place on the second Easter week (week), after St. Thomas Sunday, on Tuesday. And the widespread tradition of going to the cemetery on the Easter holiday itself is in conflict with the liturgical charter of the Church on the grounds that one should not allow a mixture of mournful funereal and solemn celebratory things: before the ninth day from Easter, commemoration of the dead cannot be performed. If a person passes into another world on Easter, then he is buried according to a special Easter rite.

At the same time, on Radonitsa there is a custom of celebrating Easter at the graves of the dead, where they bring Easter cakes, painted eggs and other Easter dishes. Traditionally, the number of dishes should be odd. There a funeral meal is served and part of what is prepared is given to the poor in the form of alms for the funeral of the soul. At the cemetery there is real, living, everyday communication with the dead. They share with them the joys and sorrows that have happened since the last visit to the cemetery. In addition, when you come to the cemetery on Parents' Day, you need to light a candle and pray intensely. To perform litia during the commemoration of the dead, a priest should be invited. You can also read the Akathist about the repose of the dead. Then you need to clean up the grave, be silent for a while, remembering the deceased. The Church condemns some folk customs happening on this day. There is no need to drink or eat in a cemetery, it is unacceptable to pour alcohol on a grave mound - these actions insult the memory of the dead. The tradition of leaving a glass of vodka with bread on a grave is a relic of pagan culture and should not be observed in Christian Orthodox families. It is better to give food to the poor or hungry. Let them pray for our departed, and then the Lord may send some consolation to our relatives. But despite this, many people, like their ancestors, come to the cemetery to sip and pour for the deceased themselves.

Prayer for the departed is the greatest and most important thing we can do for those who have passed on to another world. By and large, the deceased does not need either a coffin or a monument - all this is a tribute to traditions, albeit pious ones. But forever living soul the deceased experiences a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot do good deeds with which she would be able to appease God. That's why home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased is the duty of every Orthodox Christian.

Commemoration in the Church provides special assistance to the deceased. Before visiting the cemetery, one of the relatives should come to the church at the beginning of the service, submit a note with the name of the deceased for commemoration at the altar (it is best if this is commemorated at a proskomedia, when a piece is taken out of a special prosphora for the deceased, and then in a sign of the washing away of his sins will be lowered into the Chalice with the Holy Gifts). After the liturgy, a memorial service must be celebrated.

In some regions Russian Federation Radonitsa was a day of home and church remembrance, when it was not customary to visit the dead in cemeteries. So in the north-east of Russia, as well as in some places in Belarus, they prepared a bathhouse for the dead, leaving water with a broom and clean linen for them, but they themselves did not wash or even enter the bathhouse. And in the morning they looked for traces of the dead in the ashes scattered on the floor.

Also on this day, the tradition of “calling out the rain” developed. Children used simple spells to summon the first spring rain. Folk omens claim that there was not a single Radonitsa Tuesday on which a few drops of rain did not fall. If after the spells it started to rain, then everyone began to wash themselves with “heavenly water”, which was supposed to bring happiness. If the first spring thunder strikes on this day, then young women and girls should wash themselves with rainwater through golden and silver rings. According to popular beliefs, this preserved beauty and youth for a long time.


Initially, this wonderful holiday was celebrated on some hill, hence the name Red Hill. For the festivities, the entire village gathered before dawn to honor the main deity - Yarilo. In the same place they organized cheerful celebrations with a rich table and many different entertainments and games. And as soon as the sun appeared, the whole village shouted: “Glory to Yarila! Hello, red sun!

It was also customary to invite spring earlier. In different villages one could hear every now and then: “Spring come to us! With joy, with mercy! With grainy rye, with curly oats, with mustachioed barley...” Many believed that if this was not done, the harvest would be meager and poor.

They also found time to go to the cemetery to visit deceased relatives. Just like today, the people carried a lot of dishes and boiled chicken eggs. However, our ancestors did not just place them under the grave. To begin with, they beat it on the grave, after which they cleaned it and buried the shell in the ground, and the egg itself was given to the poor.

It is worth noting that previously Radonitsa was celebrated for more than one day, so the whole village walked, inviting other villages to visit. Be sure to treat everyone with traditional dishes for this day - scrambled eggs, pancakes, loaves, various pies, in general, everything that was in the shape of a circle. The obligatory entertainment that day was rolling an egg down the mountain. Whoever's egg rolls the longest without breaking will be the happiest in the entire village.

Krasnaya Gorka was still a holiday of love, and all because this is the holiday when many young people gathered, not only from one village, sometimes even from several villages. The young people looked closely at each other, got to know each other, and some, in a playful and humorous manner, confessed their love or sympathy. Therefore, Radonitsa has always been a celebration of the birth of love and a strong family. The girls prepared especially for this holiday - they dressed up in new beautiful clothes, braided braids and wove flowers or even wreaths with ribbons into them. But staying at home on Radonitsa was considered bad omen In addition, in this case, young people did not miss the opportunity to mock such a person and come up with various funny nicknames. Many believed that whoever stayed at home on this day would definitely be unhappy in the coming year.

Married and adult women tried to cook as much as possible on this day. more food to set aside part for temples and give the other part to the poor. Many believed that this could bring good luck in the coming year.

Krasnaya Gorka has always been considered the most successful day for a wedding, and not at all because of signs or superstitions, but because weddings depended on the sowing season. Therefore, they were celebrated either in early spring or late autumn before the harvest. Perhaps because of this you can often hear that Radonitsa is Maiden's Day.

And for those who wooed on this holiday, there was a separate custom. To do this, all the youth in the village gathered and went in a crowd to the house, where they celebrated the matchmaking. Under the house they sang songs, and sometimes even showed performances, for which they were treated to delicious dishes from the table. And the girl and the guy who were matched together were called “the bindweed” and “the bindweed.”

Since rain on Radonitsa was a good omen, they tried to cause it. To do this, children on the street called out to him: “Water, rain, on woman’s rye, on grandfather’s wheat, on girl’s flax, water with a bucket.” Or: “Rain, rain, let it fall harder, quickly, warm us guys up!”

If it did start to rain, then all the people went out into the street and washed themselves with this water for good luck, and the girl always took silver rings with her and washed herself with them too.


It was considered a bad omen if you did not come to your family’s grave on that day. They believed that no one would remember or remember this person after death.

Under no circumstances should any work in the garden be started earlier. It was believed that this could lead to drought, crop failure and the death of one of their loved ones.

It was also a bad omen that it rained before lunch, after which the wind blew in the evening. In this case, it was believed that the ancestors were not happy that they were forgotten and did not come to the graves. But if it just rains in Radonitsa and there is no wind, then this means happiness in the house and a rich harvest.

The housewife who is the first to prepare the festive meal will be the first to reap the harvest, and her harvest will be richer than that of the others.

Our ancestors also believed that the family that came first to the cemetery would be the happiest of the year, and even possibly receive special wisdom that would help in solving many problems.


Fortune telling for Radonitsa 2017. On Radonitsa, unmarried girls got together and told fortunes. It should be noted that there were no clearly established rituals on Radonitsa; as a rule, girls used those fortune-telling that were used on all Christmastides. For example, girls tried to find out their fate with the help of a book.

In the spring, women wove wreaths from birch branches, and then went to the river to float it. They believed that wherever the wreath floated, the groom would come from there. If he lingered near the shore, then there would be no marriage this year, but if the wreath sank, then they assumed that there would be trouble. Many girls believed that in this case she would soon die.

One of the most common fortune telling was fortune telling on a birch branch. Single girls They went to the grove and picked one branch. Then before going to bed they put it under the pillow. Whoever comes in a dream that night will be her groom.

Video: Parents' Day 2017.

In this article we will talk specifically about Parents' Day in 2017 and what date Radunitsa is. This year it falls on April 25th. In general, if we look at it in succession of years, then you just need to look for the date of the second Tuesday from the onset of Orthodox Easter.

Of course, it is not the only day during the year when Orthodox believers commemorate their parents. Despite the fact that memorial days are called “parental” days, it is not at all necessary to go to the cemetery just to honor the memory of your parents. You can visit the person you loved and miss, regardless of the degree of relationship.

It is customary to rejoice on Radunitsa

Day April 25 – exact date When is Parents' Day in 2017, what date (Tuesday). This is the second Tuesday after Easter, which falls on St. Thomas week. It is interesting that “Fomina” week is called because it is dedicated to the Apostle Thomas (it was because of him that the saying “Doubter Thomas” became popular among the people).
Radunitsa falls on this Tuesday for several reasons. Firstly, if you refer to folk traditions and by the time of paganism, around this day it was customary to go to the cemetery. Supporters of this theory even claim that the name of the day comes from the word “genus”. Then, when Christianity was adopted, this day was made a day of remembrance of the dead after Easter as an important holiday.

As for modern church traditions, it is indeed a holiday. People are wondering when parent’s day begins in 2017, what date, because since Easter this is the first day when you can go to the cemetery. If you are used to doing this on Easter itself or during yuletide week, then you need to change the wrong habit. On Rainbow Day, we rejoice at the coming of Easter together with our departed ancestors and loved ones. The second part of historians believes that the name of the holiday comes from the word “rejoice.”

Other memorial days after Easter

With Radunitsa, of course, there are memorial days during the Orthodox church year don't end. There will still be days when you must go to church in the morning for a service and pray for your ancestors, and then go to the cemetery to show them your respect.

We offer a calendar of parental days in 2017 (what date after Easter):
On Victory Day, the church celebrates the day of remembrance of the dead. Churches hold services in honor of people who died during wars. Especially, of course, during the Great Patriotic War. This year, All Souls Day falls on Saturday.
Before Trinity, on Saturday, there is a parenting period. This day is called: Trinity Parents' Saturday. During the service, special attention is paid to prayers. In general, this parenting day in the spring-summer period is considered the main one.
Then only in the fall, on September 11, the cemetery is visited on the eve of the Intercession holiday. At services in churches on this day they remember John the Baptist and his painful death for his faith.
The last parenting day of the year is always Dmitrievskaya Saturday. It falls on November 4, and received this name in honor of Dmitry Donskoy. On these days, during the service, special attention, just like on Victory Day, is paid to fallen soldiers.

So, within Orthodox year There is more than one parent's day to remember. But, if you are looking for the date of parent Tuesday, Radunitsa, then this year 2017 it falls on April 25. Can be prepared on this day

Parents' Day in Orthodoxy is the most important date. During this period, it is customary to remember deceased relatives, as well as all friends. To calculate what date is parent's day in 2019, you need to ask for help. As is known, many holiday and other calculations significant dates for Orthodoxy they proceed from the calculation of the date of celebration Happy Easter. The same can be said for calculating the parental day.

Celebration have a bright day Easter always happens on a Sunday. To calculate when parent's day occurs, you need to count exactly 9 dates from the holiday Sunday. Since Easter always happens on a Sunday, the parents' day of remembrance always falls on a Tuesday. If we take exact calendar data, then the celebration of Easter falls on April 28. Accordingly, Memorial Day will happen next year on May 5th.

This important event has a lot of traditions and various customs. It is customary on Memorial Day to go to cemeteries and remember there all the deceased loved ones and acquaintances.When is Parents' Day in 2019? at this moment it will be impossible to deal with pressing and everyday problems. It is important to devote this date entirely only to the dead and memories of them. The event is of significant significance for all Orthodox believers. What is the history of this important event for Christians?

The history of the memorial day

Many people know the more common name of the memorial day - Radonitsa.In ancient times, this event was called exactly that, and began the celebration of Radonitsa in honor of God - Radunitsa. God Radunitsa was an ardent protector of the souls of all dead people. God not only helped souls find the right path in the kingdom of the dead, but he also helped ensure that dead souls in Heaven found eternal peace. For all this, the pagans sacredly worshiped the god Radunitsa.

The history of parent's day 2019 goes back to ancient times. Since then, faithful traditions of celebrating this important event. Previously, believers worshiped the god Radunitsa and, in order to appease him, sacrificed various dishes. Now such a tradition has been completely preserved, the only difference is that believers give alms to all people in need. In addition, on Parents' Day it is customary to bake Easter cakes and various pies and treat them to all disadvantaged and poor people. You should take the baked dishes with you to cemeteries, and then leave various goodies on the graves of deceased relatives or friends. In this way, the memorial day was celebrated, in which the souls of all the dead took part.

It is important to note that the memorial day is in no way sad or mournful.This is a holiday of joy and the recovery of dead souls of eternity. If the living show a feeling of joy at the graves of the dead, then peace comes to the dead souls, and then they gain eternal freedom. It is important to adhere to this basis and never cry for the souls of the dead on this holiday. If tears are shed on the graves, then the dead souls are worried and cannot find freedom, which is found only in Heaven.

Parents' Day Traditions

In past times, the main obligation of the memorial day was a prayer for the reassurance of the soul of the deceased person. Theseparenting day rules have not dried up to this day. Many people on Radonitsa try to bring a huge variety to the graves delicious dishes, as well as alcoholic drinks, but this is strictly prohibited. No soul can find peace through gluttony or other bad habits. Therefore, the main ritual that must be performed on parent’s day is reading a prayer.

Alltraditions of celebrating parent's day in 2019 come from old pagan times. From the very early morning or evening on the eve of the memorial holiday, housewives bake Easter cakes, pies, and paint chicken eggs. In the morning of the day of remembrance itself, you need to go to church and take part in the memorial liturgy. If there is no opportunity to visit a sacred temple, then it is important to light a sacred candle at home as a sign of respect and remembrance of the dead and read prayer words dedicated to the souls of deceased people. After the sacred liturgy has been performed, people go to the cemeteries, taking with them goodies, colored eggs, and baked dishes. It is not recommended to go to the cemetery alone; it is important for all relatives to gather and remember the deceased person. During remembrances, people eat the dishes brought, thus they share a “feast” with the souls of deceased relatives. But what is left after the funeral dinner is necessarily distributed to those who ask and needy.

On Memorial Day it is not at all necessary to perform all the above traditions. But it is important to remember deceased relatives funeral prayer and kind words.

Know the date Parents' Day necessary for every Christian who cares about his deceased relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Dates shift every year, so every year people update their calendars. So, what date is Parents' Day in 2017?

Parents day

For Orthodox Christians it is considered the most important date. Not a holiday that can be celebrated cheerfully, not important event, a must visit. It is considered more personal, because each of the people has deceased relatives, also friends or acquaintances. Life is fleeting, but in Christianity they believe in the immortality of the soul and afterlife. It is believed that through prayers the living can help the dead. Find a way, encourage them, ask the Almighty to give them peace.

When will it be for 2017? And why, in fact, are such days called “parental days”? To accurately calculate the date of the event, you need to remember Easter. Here it comes on April 16, then you need to count exactly 9 days after it. Then Parents' Day will fall on April 25th.

History of the memorial day

This event has many different traditions and customs. For example, it is customary to visit cemeteries and remember all the deceased loved ones. Not necessarily just parents, but all relatives, friends, even acquaintances who managed to leave a mark during their lifetime and now live in their memories and hearts.

You cannot do ordinary things or solve everyday issues. The date is dedicated only to the dead. You can discuss them, remember some incidents; people usually say: “remember them only with a kind word.”

The memorial day is also called Radonitsa. This is an older, first name. Once upon a time, Radonitsa was called by the name of Radunitsa, a god who among the Slavs was considered a protector, protecting the souls of dead people. God was their guide, helping them quickly find eternal peace. For this, the living pagans revered God, thanking him for his constant hard work. And they asked them to be just as merciful and attentive when their time comes.

Yes, Parents' Day has deep roots, going back to pagan times, when people worshiped the forces of nature and deified the world around us, trying to explain to myself how it works. The Sun and Moon seemed to them to be living deities, and the seasons also had their own personalities. They tried to appease many gods and brought various sacrifices and gifts. Easter, for example. After all, the pagans performed many rituals, trying to evoke spring and spend winter so that it would go away faster.

God Radunitsa also received gratitude, and delicious, varied dishes were prepared for him. A similar tradition, along with the ancient name, has been preserved; the only thing is that people then distribute the prepared dishes to those in need. Parents' Day is celebrated with delicious, fluffy Easter cakes, a variety of pies, treating all the poor and disadvantaged. Baked dishes are also taken to cemeteries, then they are left nearby on the graves of those visited by relatives and friends.

By the way, a memorial day is not at all considered a sad or mourning event. People give food to beggars, encourage others and smile. It is rather a bright, even joyful holiday, filled with memories and stories about loved ones. The day when their souls found the desired peace. It is believed that the living, on the contrary, should not cry when celebrating Radonitsa, but on the contrary, rejoice. Then the dead souls will stop worrying about the living and will be able to continue their journey there, beyond, and will find peace. After all, the connection between loved ones remains, no matter whether someone has died or is still alive.

Traditions for Parents' Day

The church warns: you should not bring a lot of delicious food and no alcoholic drinks to the cemetery. Some often go overboard, practically having a picnic among the graves. No, the dead cannot be helped to find peace in this way. Rather, it is a celebration of the living, gluttony with drinking alcohol. True remembrance: give food to the poor and be sure to read prayers. Visit the cemetery, leave some sweets. All.

Housewives bake Easter cakes, then, other than that, nothing household work. In the morning, parishioners will definitely visit the church and take part in a special memorial liturgy. When this is not possible, you can light a special, sacred candle, read prayers, dedicating them to the souls of all deceased relatives, loved ones, acquaintances, and friends. After that, prepare some goodies and be sure to visit the cemetery. It is important to go to the graves in the company of loved ones, friends or relatives; solo visits are not welcome.

IN church calendar Many holidays revered by Orthodox Christians are celebrated. These include parents' Saturdays. Most of them depend on the calendar celebration of Easter, so they change dates from year to year.

- the time during which liturgies are served in all churches and temples, remembering the dead. For such holidays, Orthodox Christians write notes with the names of their deceased relatives so that the priests will mention them during the service. Also on these days, it is customary to visit cemeteries to pay tribute to the memory of your loved ones.

In addition to the usual ones, there are also Ecumenical Parental Saturdays. At this time, all the deceased are commemorated, including those who went missing, those who were not properly buried, as well as saints who died for the Orthodox faith.

Parents' Saturdays in 2017

February 18 - Ecumenical Meat and Eating Parents' Saturday. It is so named because of the ban on eating meat products. The holiday begins 7 days before the start of Lent before Easter. Saturday is popularly called Little Maslenitsa because it takes place a week before Maslenitsa. On this day, all Orthodox believers serve a memorial service for all the departed since the creation of the world. According to tradition, a special dish is prepared - kutya. It is a porridge with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits, smeared with honey. The special meaning of this dish is that grain, in order to produce bread, must first decay and then be reborn. Yes and human body must be buried in order for the immortal soul to continue its journey in the Kingdom of Heaven. On this day they attend church, illuminate the Kutya, and a trip to the cemetery is undesirable. In a temple or at home, it is worth praying for all the departed in order to help them ascend to the Lord:

“Lord Jesus! Your servants pray to You for the repose of all those who have now died and who live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Rest the souls of the unburied, and grant them eternal peace under Your gaze. From the beginning of the created world to this day. We pray for everyone, for everyone who died on earth and in water, in air and hollow. Amen".

March 25 is parental Saturday of the fourth week (or week) of Lent. During the period of Lent, Orthodox Christians continue to pray for the souls of their deceased relatives, visit the cemetery, where they also ask the Lord to have mercy on all the deceased. During the period of fasting, if parental Saturdays do not fall on significant church holidays, services are short. The Church has established 3 days of prayer, corresponding to each parental Saturday. Orthodox Christians carry notes with the names of everyone they want to remember, and also bring food to the canon. This ancient tradition commemoration of the deceased through the offered refreshments.

April 25 - Radonitsa. The name comes from the word “rejoice”, because the bright holiday of Easter continues. This day falls on Tuesday, and after a memorial service and Easter chants, Orthodox Christians visit the graves of their deceased relatives to commemorate and pray for their souls:

“Our Lord Almighty. We believe in You and trust in the Kingdom of Heaven. Take to yourself the souls of our relatives (names), and guide us on the true path, and deliver us from the evil one, unclean thoughts, anger and inappropriate sorrow. Let us rejoice together, so that the souls of our loved ones may ascend to You. Amen".

On May 9, all deceased soldiers are commemorated. This great day is celebrated throughout the country. Celebrating main holiday Victory in the Great Patriotic War, all Orthodox Christians pray for the souls of the defenders who fell in battle. The liturgy also mentions all military personnel who gave their lives for the human race, for its prosperity and well-being.

June 3 - Trinity Parents' Saturday. It, like meat-eating, is celebrated on the eve of Lent. On this day, a memorial service (night vigil) is held, where they pray for the souls of all departed Orthodox Christians since the creation of the world. Mention is made of the great martyrs who accepted death from unbelievers without abandoning their faith in Jesus Christ. This day also precedes the holiday of Trinity, or, as it is also called, Pentecost.

October 28 - Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday. The holiday is named in honor of Demetrius of Thessalonica, the holy great martyr. This day was originally set aside to commemorate the deceased soldiers who fought at the Battle of Kulikovo. Now Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is a day of remembrance of all deceased Orthodox Christians.

Every Orthodox Christian sacredly honors church holidays and spends time in prayer. They open their souls to the Lord, cleanse their consciousness and help them take the righteous path. Words coming from the heart always find a response in Heaven, so there is room for prayer words doesn't play a huge role. You can pray at home in front of holy images, by candlelight, or simply in a moment of weakness and doubt. We wish you happiness and don't forget to press the buttons and