How to find out your mass index. Basic formulas for calculating summary or general indices

Price index represents statistical indicator, used to calculate changes (dynamics) in prices over a certain period of time.

The price index is calculated in the following order:

  1. Objects of calculation are selected through a representative sample from various sectors of the economy;
  2. A system for weighing indicators is selected;
  3. A formula is selected for calculating indices.

Price index formula

The price index formula can be calculated in three ways:

  • According to Paasche's formula;
  • According to the Laspeyres formula;
  • According to Fisher's formula.

Laspereys price index formula shows how the prices of goods that were sold in the base period change. When calculating the Laspereys index, the cost of goods sold in the previous period (in prices of the current period) is compared with the same quantity of products in prices of the previous period.

The formula for the Laspereys price index is as follows:

Ip=∑p1q0 / ∑p0q0

p0 – price of the base period;

q0 and q1 – the amount of products that were sold in the corresponding periods.

Paasche price index formula shows how the price of goods sold in the reporting year has changed when compared with the price of the base year (period). The comparison is made with the number of products sold in the reporting year. In this case, the price index formula is as follows:

Ip=∑p1q1 / ∑p0q1

Here p1 is the price of the reporting period;

p0 – price of the base period;

q1 – quantity of products that were sold in the base period.

In our country, when calculating the price index, the Laspeyres index is used, since the Paasche price index formula does not take into account the fall in demand for the corresponding product (for example, during an economic downturn or inflation).

The Paasche price index underestimates the level of inflation, since the assortment shifts of the current period in relation to the base period are not taken into account. The Laspeyres index, on the contrary, slightly overestimates the inflation rate, since the effect of substitution of expensive products for similar cheap products is not taken into account.

To eliminate these contradictions, the Fisher price index formula is used, calculated as the geometric mean of the Laspeyres and Paasche indices:

Calculation using the Fisher formula is very labor-intensive, so the index is calculated extremely rarely using it.

Types of price indices

In accordance with the basic object of calculation, several types of indices are distinguished:

  • Industrial index, reflecting the price level for products purchased by industrial enterprises;
  • Foreign trade index showing the dynamics of prices of imported and exported products;
  • Consumer index, which takes into account the cost of the consumer basket of goods purchased on the domestic state market;
  • deflator index. Which reflects changes in macroeconomic indicators of the system of national accounts (for example, GDP, GNP, etc.) in the current year in relation to the base year (period);
  • Agricultural index, reflecting the dynamics of fluctuations in prices for agricultural products;
  • Transport tariff index, which includes the price of cargo transportation, including transit payments;
  • capital investments.

Examples of problem solving



Exercise Based on the conditions of the previous problem, calculate the price index using the Paasche and Fischer formula.
Solution The Paasche price index formula is as follows:

Ip=∑p1q1 / ∑p0q1

IP=15*80+24*70+425*50 / 10*80+27*70+655*50

Ip=(1200+1680+21250) / (800+1890+32750) = 24130/35440=0.6809 (or 68.09%)

The Fisher price index formula is the geometric mean of the Paasche and Laspeyres indices:

Ip=√ ∑p1q1 / ∑p0q1 * Ip=∑p1q0 / ∑p0q0

or Ip=√Ipaache * Ilaspeyres

Ip=√0.6809*0.7045=0.6926 (or 69.26%)

Conclusion. Using the Paasche price index formula, we see that prices in the reporting year decreased by 31.91% compared to the base year. Calculation using the Fisher formula showed that general level prices decreased by 30.74%.

Answer Ip (Paasche)=0.6809, Ip (Laspeyres)=0.6926

To put it simply, accessible language, then the body mass index shows the correspondence between a person’s height and his weight. It clearly shows underweight or obesity. That is why such a simple and accessible calculation of BMI is very popular not only in everyday life, but doctors also actively use it.

Of course, medical diagnoses cannot be made based only on this calculation. The value of body mass index is rather an average statistical reading, since it does not take into account all the nuances of the state of a particular person’s body.

But, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that the human body mass index calculated using the formula can tell you about the need to urgently consult a doctor to develop special program on weight loss if your indicators are “off the charts”.

Body Mass Index Formula

BMI= Weight (kg)
Height (m) 2

We were able to calculate the body mass index for women, but now we need to analyze the data obtained. WITH medical point In terms of vision, normal weight is considered weight in a fairly large range of values, since it takes into account all the characteristics of the human body: his gender, age, physical activity etc.

Let's calculate your body mass index and analyze the results.

Online calculator for calculating BMI



We interpret the obtained result as follows:

Severe underweight

If after calculations you get a result less than 16.5 and are not considered one of the thinnest models in the world, this is a reason to seriously think about your health. After all, a body mass index below 17.5 kg/m² is one of the diagnostic indicators of anorexia.


An indicator from 16 to 18.5 kg/m² indicates a lack of body weight. If everyone around tells a girl that she is very thin, she should determine her BMI, and if it is within this indicator, then under no circumstances should she adhere to a diet. It's too much low weight causes a variety of health problems, from anemia and bone loss to problems conceiving a child.

Normal body weight

The luckiest ones are those whose BMI is in the range of 18.5-24.99 kg/m². After all, this is an indicator of normal weight. Only those whose weight is close to the upper limit of normal, and whose waist circumference in women exceeds 81 cm, and in men - 94 cm, should only think about following a diet that is not too strict. Last numbers talk about being overweight.

Excess body weight (pre-obesity)

A body mass index of 25 to 29.99 kg/m² indicates the presence overweight. This degree is also called pre-obesity. This category includes, for example, women who, with a height of 160 cm, weigh 64-65 kg. They have a plump appearance and this doesn't seem to be a problem.

However, from a medical point of view, they are already at particular risk for developing diseases caused by excess weight, especially if they have a waist circumference of more than 80 cm. closer person approaches the upper limit of the body mass index, the higher the risk of developing such serious illnesses how heartfelt vascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus.


Indicators from 30 to 34.99 kg/m² are a signal of danger to health, because they indicate the presence of first-degree obesity. It is necessary to reduce body weight in this situation, because obesity is not a problem of beauty, but a serious disease. For first degree obesity cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension are real threats, and the larger the waist size, the higher the risk.

A body mass index from 35 to 39.99 kg/m² indicates second-degree obesity, which doctors associate with very high risk development of serious diseases.

If the body mass index is 40 kg/m² or more, this is third-degree obesity. This indicator indicates a threat not only to health, but also to life.

How to calculate body mass index: Video lesson

Body mass index will help you understand whether your height corresponds to your weight, and how close this ratio is to normal. On our website you can calculate your body mass index and understand whether anything threatens your health.

The proportions are different. Sometimes it is very difficult to calculate body weight, since often only one specific part of the body “suffers” from obesity. Then the online BMI calculator comes to the rescue, and for more accurate results– obesity calculator, which will help you find out the percentage of fat in the human body.

In the meantime, let's figure out what the mass index is and why calculate it?

The body mass index was developed by the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet back in 1869. Since then, calculating body weight has become much easier than estimating by eye or asking friends: “I haven’t gotten fat, have I?” But there are also disadvantages here: body mass index does not give a 100% result. A free online BMI calculator (which will help you calculate your body mass index) should be used exclusively in for indicative purposes. For example, athletes and those who regularly attend gym, the mass index will not be accurate because muscle literally weighs more than fat.

Interesting: normal BMI indicator different countries may differ markedly from each other. If you believe the WHO (World Health Organization) body mass index tables, it is not difficult to understand that the average is considered the norm. But this does not mean that a person with an average BMI would not be considered “overweight” in the conventional sense.

Body mass index: analysis of results

So, you have calculated your body mass index using our calculator. Our BMI calculator is maximally adapted to the characteristics of European residents. Now it's time to interpret the data and find out the results. So:

  • 16 or less – pronounced weight deficiency,
  • 16 – 17.9 – insufficient body weight,
  • 18 – 24.9 – normal weight,
  • 25 – 29.9 – overweight (preobesity),
  • 30 – 34.9 – 1st degree obesity,
  • 35 – 39.9 – 2nd degree obesity,
  • 40 or more – grade 3 obesity (morbid).

Let us remind you once again that these data are approximate. But given the magnitude of the error, certain conclusions can be drawn: body weight is normal or far from it.

Interesting: the BMI norm may change depending on standards and trends. Until 1998, in the USA, a BMI of up to 27.8 kg/m² was considered normal, but after 1998 the standards were changed, and the BMI norm recommended by doctors began to end at 25 kg/m².

Body mass index and age

Considering that BMI indicators are not ideal, WHO “does not risk” linking them to age indicators. Although, many statistical studies show that the BMI of middle-aged people is higher than that of young and elderly people.

As for gender, then (from understandable physiological reasons) the calculated body mass index in men will be higher than the BMI in women.

Interesting: According to an Israeli study, the ideal body mass index for men is 25-27. Average duration the life of men with this BMI was maximum.

Subtle point

It is generally accepted that the average BMI should be slightly below normal so that people have something to strive for. However, there is another side to the coin. The belief that a person is much above average weight can lead to low self-esteem and even depression or other mental illnesses.

Regardless of your mass index, try to adequately assess them and take action. We sincerely hope that this online BMI calculator and calorie calculator will help you always stay in shape!

Before you fight those hated extra pounds, you should find out at what weight your body will feel comfortable in terms of health. To objectively assess your own weight, determine whether or not you have extra pounds, it is necessary to calculate the body mass index - an indicator that shows the optimal level of body weight in a particular case.

Too much or excessive weight levels contribute to the development of heart and cardiovascular diseases, as well as other serious illnesses. The body mass index, or BMI, was developed by Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Ketele in 1869. That is why this indicator is also called the Ketel index.

Body mass index (BMI) is calculated using the formula: Body mass index (BMI) = m/p 2, where

M – mass in kilograms, P – height in meters squared. For example: your height is 1.64 meters, your body weight is 60 kilograms. We square 1.64 meters - we get 2.6896 m 2. Divide 60 kilograms by 2.6896 m 2. Rounding the value, we get 22.3. This indicator will be your weight indicator. By the way, he is in in this case within normal limits.

Body mass index (BMI) calculator

Body Mass Index (BMI) Table

Classification BMI Health Risk
Anorexia nervosa, severe underweight less than 16 Very tall
Lack of weight from 16 to 16.9 High
Low body weight from 17 to 18.4 Elevated
Normal weight from 18.5 to 24.9 Absent
Overweight from 25 to 29.9 Elevated
Obesity I degree from 30 to 34.9 High
Obesity II degree from 35 to 39.9 Very tall
Obesity III degree (morbid) more than 40 Extremely high

Normal body weight is average size, that is, a value that is observed in a specific group of people (of the same height, gender, age, etc.). However, the value of normal body weight is quite individual and depends on a number of factors (constitution type, gender, race, age, height, etc.). There is no dispute about gender and height. But regarding age, according to most scientists, weight completely stabilizes around the age of twenty-five. It is at this age that the weight corresponds to the norm. And this is where controversy arises. After all, body weight is not constant; it grows by about eight percent of the norm in most people, except for people in the elderly and old age(during this period the weight decreases slightly). Therefore, the norm is considered to be the weight that is observed more often. But he's not perfect.

It has also been proven that the type of constitution greatly influences body weight. Three body types are taken into account:

  • Normosthenic type, which is characterized by proportional body sizes and harmonious development bone- muscular system.
  • The asthenic type, which is characterized by a slender body and weakness in the development of the muscular system, while, when compared with the normosthenic type, this type has longitudinal body dimensions and chest prevail over the size of the abdomen, and the length of the limbs - over the length of the body.
  • The hypersthenic type is characterized by good fatness, characterized by a long body and short limbs, and the transverse dimensions of the body and abdomen are relatively greater than the dimensions of the chest.
Naturally, all people are different; it is impossible to classify everyone only into these three standard types. For example, there are people with an unusually wide chest, highly developed muscles, very tall or short. But even in these cases, you can check your body weight by comparing height, weight, physical development and subcutaneous fat layer.

Normal body weight averages for assessing overweight and obesity are approximate. They can be calculated more accurately only by determining the percentage of fat tissue in the body. Only the muscle and fat components of total body mass can truly show that excess weight is a consequence of obesity or due to highly developed muscles. But in reality, this question arises only if there is an insignificant excess of the norm. In addition, body fat percentage standards are quite individual in nature. When calculated by any method, the indicator has a significant error.

When determining normal weight special meaning have factors such as place of birth, race, climatic conditions in which their ancestors lived (heredity). It has been proven that the concept of a biological norm for a North American differs significantly from a similar characteristic for a resident of Europe, Australia or Africa. Therefore, each population of people should focus on its own indicators of normal body weight.

Before you actively lose weight, you need to understand what you really need: you want to get rid of extra pounds or slightly correct your figure. It is important to take into account weight and the distribution of fat in different parts of the body. To do this, you need to divide the volume of your own waist by the volume of your hips in centimeters. If the obtained value is above 0.8, you need to think about it, since excess fat at the waist represents great danger than its deposits on the thighs and buttocks.

According to research data, the risk group includes women whose waist circumference exceeds 88 centimeters, and men whose waist circumference exceeds 102 centimeters. But here one thing should be taken into account important point, no fat at all female body will not function normally, so there is no point in completely getting rid of fat. It's dangerous! After all, it is in this layer of fat that women have estrogens, which are responsible for their well-being and also maintain the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Many representatives of the stronger and fairer sex worry about the condition of their own figure. To determine a parameter called body mass index, the calculation formula is a medically recognized and objective method. It allows you to evaluate how well these two indicators correspond to each other. The figure calculated by the formula for body mass index within the normal range means that a person’s health is not threatened by problems associated with excess weight, and that his figure looks harmonious.

Formula for calculating body mass index

To calculate such an indicator as body mass index, the formula makes up a simple empirical relationship. Like other relative indicators, this criterion requires reservations when used in practice. The value can be significantly influenced by thickness bone tissue, body type. Depending on the absence or presence of muscle mass, the same indicator value can correspond to both a fit, athletic and a dense figure.

BMI often adequately reflects big picture, can serve as a guide in resolving issues about losing weight or gaining weight. To calculate this indicator, you need to divide your own weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. If you are characterized by flabby body, overweight, but the index value (BMI) is within the normal range, focus on playing sports. If you want to lose a few kilograms, then physical education should be combined with proper nutrition. BMI calculation is needed for the following purposes:

  • Being overweight or underweight can lead to health problems later on. For example, being underweight leads to the inability to get pregnant, lack of menstruation, and osteoporosis.
  • A normal BMI can range from 18.50 to 24.99: this figure increases with age.
  • If after the calculation you find yourself with extra pounds, there is no need to panic. There is no serious threat to your health, but you can improve your condition: choose a set of exercises, start eating right.
  • If the calculation using the formula shows that you are obese, consult your doctor.

Ideal body weight

The formula for calculating ideal body weight is designed to determine optimal weight, which is a combination of the minimum probability of dying from a number of diseases, e.g. coronary disease hearts, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, with maximum duration life. The value of this indicator, according to the formula, depends on the gender, height, and physique characteristics of a person.

The ideal weight is considered to be one that is statistically reliably combined with maximum life expectancy. But the concepts of “normal body weight” and “ideal body weight” are not identical. The latter indicator is an abstract value that is typical only for a small proportion of the population of developed countries. It depends on factors, among which the determining ones are gender, height, type of human constitution, for example, normosthenic, asthenic, hypersthenic.

If you evaluate extra pounds according to the indicator ideal mass body, most of the population will be obese varying degrees. This is a consequence of the artificially created hype around the entire industry slim body, which creates demand for various weight loss products. However, when calculating excess weight based on normal weight, obesity will be detected in a quarter of the population, which has been confirmed by numerous studies and is true. Normal weight may differ from ideal by 5-10%.

For women

Representatives of the fair sex who strive for the ideal will be interested in such an indicator as ideal body weight. It is a prerequisite for healthy, active longevity, but still remains a theoretical value. This indicator can be calculated. Famous doctor Margarita Koroleva proposes to base the calculation on the normal weight indicator using Brocca’s formula: to do this, subtract one hundred from the height in centimeters. If 10% is subtracted from the obtained value, the ideal body weight will be obtained.

For men

Ideal body weight guarantees a man high level performance, mental, emotional stability, good level physical development. The presence of excess weight is not always obvious, since there is hidden or latent fatness, which is present in people who seem slim at first glance. An objective indicator in percentage fat and bone muscle tissue is 9-15% fat for male body, 12-20% – for women. When calculating the ideal weight for men, use the following formula: BMI = height – (100 + (height -100): 20).

For children and teenagers

The ideal weight for teenagers and children is the ratio of body weight in comparison with height, which guarantees a high life expectancy. This figure may be different for boys and girls because average share muscle mass higher in males than in females. A child’s ideal weight is calculated using the formula: MI = (P x G): 240, where P is height in cm, G is chest circumference in cm, 240 is a constant coefficient.

Calculation of BMI using different methods

There are several methods for calculating body mass index using the formula. This makes it possible to find out the degree of correspondence between weight and height, whether a person has enough weight, whether there is a deficiency or excess. The indicator was developed by the Belgian Adolphe Ketele in 1869. Now the ability to calculate it has gained wide popularity due to the fact that excess weight is one of the most exciting current problems modernity. If previously obesity was considered an indicator of health, now it is a disease.

Brocca's formula

French anthropologist and surgeon Paul Brocque proposed his method in the 19th century. Standard formulas do not take into account the natural change in mass over the course of life. Brokk included in the calculation data on the age category, information on body length, and the constitutional type of build to which the subject belongs. Nature intends that weight changes with age. The value that indicated extra pounds at a young age becomes over time optimal indicator.

For people under forty, the French researcher recommends using the following formula: ideal weight = height (cm) - 110. If you are over forty, the following calculation method is suitable: height (cm) - 100. In addition to age, the formula should take into account height of the subject: the taller the person, the more he will weigh. This technique recommends using the “Brock-Brugsch growth index”:

  • if you are shorter than 1.65 m, your ideal weight will be “height (cm) – 100”;
  • if a person’s height is 1.65-1.75 m, to calculate this indicator you will need to subtract the number 105 from height (cm);
  • if you are taller than 1.75 m, subtract 110 from your height (cm).

In addition to height and age, it is necessary to take into account the physique or constitutional type of a person. There are three of them - sthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic. Normostenics are considered to be those who are not too short and not very tall people with a normal ratio of limb length to height, average volumes of the head and chest. For such people, the indicator obtained using Brocca's formula is the ideal weight.

Asthenics are thin people with narrow bones, tall, pale skin. Representatives of this constitutional type should subtract 10% from the result obtained by the formula. If your appearance is more reminiscent of hypersthenics: you are a broad-boned, stocky person with developed muscles, you should add 10% to the resulting figure.

Quetelet's formula

Adolphe Quetelet was a Belgian mathematician and statistician. He proposed the BMI formula in the 19th century. Using it, you can determine the degree of obesity or malnutrition, evaluate possible risk development of diseases, which is associated with the presence excess weight. BMI according to Quetelet’s formula is calculated as follows: BMI = weight (kg) : (height (m))2. The obtained result is compared with the following data:

  • for ages 19-24, the normal index is 19-24;
  • at 25-34 years old the norm is 20-25;
  • for people aged 35-44 years – 21-26;
  • the norm for 45-54 year olds is 21-27;
  • at 55-64 years old normal value index is 21-28;
  • for people 65 years of age or older, the norm ranges from 21 to 29.

Lorentz formula

The Lorenz method of calculating BMI is considered the simplest and most well-known: you only need to know your height. His formula looks like this: ideal weight = (height (cm) - 100) – (height (cm) - 150)/2. The simplicity of this determination method is not considered the only advantage. Concept ideal weight is always relative. Every formula is derived by analyzing the results of statistical studies that compare different parameters of people. The data obtained can only serve as a rough guide.

The advantage of the Lorentz formula is that it gives an indicator that is close to the results of more complex methods calculation. However, this index does not take into account a person’s body type, of which experts distinguish three: the weight norm varies for each. The age parameter is not taken into account, and depending on age it is considered normal different weight.

Maximum permissible body weight depending on age

There is no doubt that weight depends on age. It is directly related to the course of such biological process, How carbohydrate metabolism. With age, the metabolism of energy, substances, motor activity, the volume of muscle tissue and metabolic rate decrease. All this, together with a decrease in hormone activity and energy consumption, contributes to weight gain. Its change with age is an inevitable, natural process. This dependence is clearly demonstrated by the table below, which shows the values ​​for normosthenics.

Classification of health status depending on body mass index

Health Risk

more than 25 years

Anorexia ataroxic and nervous

BMI does not reach 17.5, weight is less than 15% of normal

Treatment of anorexia and weight gain by healthy eating


Under 18.5


Excess body weight


Losing body weight by healthy diet and exercises

Obesity of the first degree


Need to reduce body weight

Obesity of the second degree

Obesity of the third degree

Very tall

Obesity of the fourth degree

40.0 or more

41.0 or more

Excessively high

Urgent weight loss required

BMI calculator

The calculator helps to quickly determine an indicator that is considered an indirect assessment of excess or underweight, and a predisposition to the development of obesity. BMI is calculated for both men and women. To determine the indicator, enter your weight (kg) and height (cm). Next, click on the “Calculate index” button and your body mass index value will appear in the “BMI” field. Compare the data obtained with the table above.