How to understand that a conspiracy is working. How to understand that a love spell works if there is no communication

People owning magical powers, are able to fulfill any human request. Each magician has his own path and his own methods of work. Powerful magicians have the ability to change the geometry of astral fields. Magicians are able to use their power to quickly tie one person to another and create unbreakable bonds.

People are like planets, each following its own strictly planned orbit. Changes in the gravitational-astral field can instantly bend the orbit and direct people towards a meeting. These people will increasingly appear in the same places and will feel some kind of attractive connection between them. A love spell is usually a temporary measure; then everything will depend on how strong the connecting bridge will be and how active the parties will be.

How does a love spell initially work?

When the love spell begins to work, first the woman who performed it will feel that the object of her claims is now clearly more favorable towards her. They will meet more often, the man will strive to get visual contact. He begins to like everything about her, the way she speaks, the way she walks, the way she smells. A man will always, as if by obsession, go to where he can meet the woman who has bewitched him.
A woman who ordered a love spell should be aware that the beginning of the effect of a love spell is still far from being its entire effect and proof of love. To consolidate the result, you need to meet a man and establish contact with him, form a relationship. Strengthening attachment will be most effective with this sequence. First, a rendezvous in places where there are people, kisses and, in the end, sexual intercourse.

How can you tell if a love spell has started to work?
Did the ritual work? How to find out - you ask. Make sure that the sacraments are successfully performed (namely sacraments, not one living soul should not be aware except for you) you can use the signs described below:
A completely unconditional change in mood;
Unhealthy attachment to the bewitcher;
The bewitched person is unable to control his craving for the one who cast the love spell,
Problems with the heart or genitals cannot be ruled out, as this has a powerful effect on the aura;
Use narcotic substances And alcoholic drinks V large quantities;
Problems communicating with others.

The last three points are characteristic of a love spell performed using black magic. After the magician finishes casting the spells, such a love spell acquires a very special power. And a person changes right before our eyes and radically. Regardless of his desires, his life will be structured completely differently, his actions, attitude towards the world and the person who bewitched him will change. Literally, the man no longer becomes himself, but someone else, firmly attached to the one who has bewitched him.

It is extremely important to clearly determine that you want to see this particular man next to you. Will you be as happy with him as you see? This is exactly what the magician is aiming at, so that in the future your marriage will not turn out to be a torment for you.
For a love spell to work quickly and be successful, as you can see, there are many conditions. Remember, turning to a magician is a very courageous step, which most people do out of despair or for other unfavorable reasons. First of all, think about whether you really need this? After all, this ritual will forever change the life of your chosen one and your own. Maybe you look around and it turns out that there are more successful candidates willing to voluntarily build a strong family with you?

I am often asked the question of when this or that ritual will take effect.

In magic, there are certain magical numbers that govern the timing and operation of rituals; these numbers are 3, 9, 21, 40.

The first signs of the ritual's effect appear on the third, ninth, twenty-first or fortieth day after the ritual. The final implementation deadline is usually considered to be 41 days from the last completed actions.

Less often, the implementation of the ritual corresponds to these numbers in months or years. But these are large rituals, and the magician warns about such deadlines in advance. Despite this, the first response to such rituals still usually appears on the 21st or 40th day of the ritual.

If the ritual was not implemented 41 days after the last ritual actions were performed, or at least did not give a response during these days, then the ritual can be considered as rejected, i.e. the ritual did not work. The reasons may be different, such as deviation (neutralization of the ritual within 21 days from completion), ineffectiveness of the ritual, violation of the harmony and correctness of the ritual on the part of the practitioner, etc.

If you do the ceremony yourself, then also try to take these numbers into account. Be sure to take into account the day of the ceremony according to the lunar calendar.

Dark rites are most often responded to on the ninth and fortieth day after the rite, and light ones - on the third and twenty-first. Remember that on any of the above days you may receive a response from the ritual, be prepared for this.

Also be prepared to receive a backlash if you perform a dark ritual. The boomerang system operates on the same numbers. If you gave someone magic chernukha, then on days 3, 9, 21 and 40 you can expect a boomerang response. These days it is dangerous to leave the house, perform any actions, give or receive objects, and you should also be wary of accidents.

Moreover, this applies not only to you, but also to your family. By committing a dark act, you are responsible for the troubles that may happen to your loved ones. The return flight arriving these days suggests that the black rite worked.

The action of the rituals is designed for a certain period, corresponding to the magical numbers. During the ceremony, it is strongly recommended to stipulate its duration. In cases where the period is not specified, the dark ritual is valid for 40 days by default, and the light ritual is valid for 3 months.

The return “by default” (i.e. when performing a dark ritual without stipulating the time of action) ruins your life and the life of your loved ones for exactly 9 months. This is worth remembering, especially if you are planning to do the “Love Spell” spell. Let me remind you that white love spells, like white hexes and white curses, simply do not exist.

Do not believe when they say that you can divert or remove the return line. This is a lie. The magician who proposed the ritual, upon your acceptance of this ritual, completely shifts the responsibility to the customer, and the one who ordered will have to “disentangle” the return. And in a triple, or even tenfold amount.

In any case, to perform the ritual, it is recommended to contact specialists and not engage in amateur activities. Ignorance of the code of magicians does not exempt one from responsibility. Any mistake when choosing a ritual or spell can cost you your life! Be smart and careful! In cases where the problem can be solved in another way, it is better to try to solve it without magical intervention.

A bewitched person can be identified by a number of physiological signs such as fatigue, bad dream, tearfulness, depression, sentimentality and psychological instability.

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How to understand that a love spell has begun to work?

Love spell performed on professional level, bears fruit very quickly. They do not always please the customer, but one cannot expect sincere love where a magical noose was used - this ritual awakens not the feelings, but the instincts of the victim. And yet, how do you understand that a love spell has begun to work? One meeting with the object of your desires is enough for it to become clear whether it worked or not.

Love spell in action - a side view

Yesterday your loved one passed by, and today he suddenly spoke, gave a compliment, found a reason to touch. Perhaps he immediately asked for a date or was inflamed with such passion that the road to the nearest bed seemed too long. It would seem that this is unconditional happiness! But don’t be surprised if, after a stormy night, a man suddenly plunges into depression or shows sudden aggression, this is completely natural side effect love spell

Priska strengthens, first of all, the inexplicable sexual attractiveness of the “master” in the eyes of the victim, so the pinnacle, the peak of the next round of relationships becomes an act of carnal love. After this, a temporary “rollback” occurs. Passion is satisfied, and reason takes precedence over instincts for several hours. At this moment, men experience inexplicable irritation, blaming both themselves and their partner for “shameful weakness,” and girls burst into tears.

Gradually the situation is getting worse. Speaking about how a love spell manifests itself, let’s not forget - this is not a short-term effect. The victim can show character, “kick” and leave, slamming the door. But after a few hours or days, the leash will tighten again, therefore, there is another passionate date ahead, and then tears, scandals, reproaches. And so in a circle, over and over again. Dry people are often addicted to alcohol - it dulls the voice of reason, allowing them to partially come to terms with their illogical behavior.

The effect was not achieved - what is the reason?

All actions have been completed, but the result is zero. Or worse than that- the loved one has become rude, irritable, lashes out at everyone around him (including the potential “owner”), and there is still no development of the relationship. Why doesn't the love spell work? There are at least two reasons for this.

  • The ritual was performed incorrectly. This is the first thing you should think about when a love spell was performed independently, on the advice of girlfriends or random interlocutors on various thematic forums.
  • The target was too difficult. This also happens, although quite rarely - some people have a kind of immunity against magical attacks. Perhaps on them

Sometimes a person finds himself in a situation where he is endlessly attracted to someone. It seems that a person is humiliated, treated in such a way that he should hate, but there is still an irresistible craving, and it is impossible to cope with it. Or your chosen one cannot leave alone ex-love, talks about her constantly. You involuntarily begin to think about a love spell or binding.

A love spell can completely change a person's life. Mistresses often take their husbands away from the family in this way. Young girls in love bewitch the chosen one, who has no feelings for them, without even thinking about the consequences. Intervention in the energy sector always produces consequences, sometimes not the most pleasant and irreversible. But how can you find out if a person has a love spell without involving psychics and magicians?

There are several options for determining a love spell on a husband or any other person.

Human behavior

The easiest way to understand is monitor human behavior. The person will be confused, the mood will change dramatically. In five minutes a person can cry and laugh. Constantly talks about who bewitched. He reacts aggressively to any attempts to admit the presence of a love spell. If the person who ordered the love spell disappears for a long time, the person begins to feel sad and becomes depressed.

On candle and decoration

You need to take a candle and silver jewelry (it can be a ring, chain, bracelet, etc.). The candle needs to be lit right hand apply to the heart. Accordingly, there is a silver item in the left hand.

Closing your eyes, you need to try not to think about anything for about ten minutes. Throw away all the thoughts that burden you, relax.

After ten minutes, your eyes can be opened. If there is a love spell, then the candle will be restless, most likely black spots will appear.

On a chicken egg

You will need a very fresh egg. Store-bought eggs will not work. Perhaps you have friends who have chicken; you can ask them for an egg or buy it at the market. Before you start diagnosing, check yourself to see if the egg is fresh. To do this, place the egg on the table and twist it. If it rotates slowly, the egg is suitable. If it spins quickly, it means that the egg is not very fresh, and therefore it is not suitable for the ceremony.

You need to take a photo of a person who, in your opinion, may have a love spell. The egg needs to be rotated clockwise right before the photo. Then you need to take a bowl of plain water and break an egg into it. If the protein in the water is transparent, then there was no love spell - you were mistaken. But if the white is cloudy, bad smell will be present or the egg will turn out to be rotten, then it is definitely there.

On water and candle

Requires a candle, bowl and water(either river or holy). The candle should be cut into small pieces. The pieces are placed in a ladle. You need to pour water into a bowl and place it in front of the photo. If a person himself wants to check whether he has a love spell, it is better to do the ceremony in his presence instead of a photograph. The wax in the ladle should be held over the person or photograph for about three minutes. After this, the wax in the ladle needs to be melted with something and very quickly poured into the water.

Once in the water, the wax immediately hardens. Once frozen, the wax should have unusual shape. The wax needs to be taken out of the water and examined. If the piece is whole, then the person’s energy is pure. But if the piece is slightly broken and the vodka is colored, there is a love spell and it needs to be removed.

Love spell protection

Protection against love spells can be achieved using an amulet that you can make yourself. To do this you will need 6 white candles and 1 red. Regular candles will also work, but the previous option is a little more effective.

In addition, you will need a human comb and cloth (preferably white). The amulet is created on the outgoing moon from sunset to dawn.

At sunset you need to place 6 candles in a circle and one in the middle. A comb wrapped in fabric is also placed in the middle. Candles should be lit in the same order as they were placed. Afterwards, a request is made in a whisper so that all evil spirits leave the person and sadness leaves him.

From now on, the comb will be your amulet. Try not to give it. Firstly, hygiene is maintained, and secondly, now this comb stores your energy, it is better that no one gets it.

There is also a simpler option.

A simple solution

To get rid of a love spell, you need to create a person good mood. From birth, a person already had a talisman, which he abandoned over time. What kind of amulet was this? Favorite toy. The toy creates a good mood for the child, with it he feels protected. A favorite toy is something very familiar. But as we grow up, we all give up this protection.

Now is the time to return it. No, no one forces you to look for your childhood toy and carry it everywhere. You need to create a new one, with your own hands. This could be a small doll or, for example, a horseshoe. You can buy a horseshoe in a store and decorate it with something. The toy should not be heavy so that you can always carry it with you.

The main thing is not to forget that any magic can be corrected by the church. If traditional methods They don’t help, you should go there too. Surely there will be help. If church forces also do not save you, there is only one option left - contact a specialist.

For more ways to remove the spell, watch the video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

People often ask me the question - when the spell starts working, how long after can you expect specific results? Such questions are quite logical, but not always correct. It is clear that if you practice magical techniques, you want to get the effect of the action as soon as possible. But in the field of subtle energies and magic, you need to understand how everything works and give a full account of your actions. Professional magicians and shamans interact with external sources of power, and this allows them to control the process of energetic influence.

And yet, I will try to satisfy the curiosity of readers and answer the question of how long it will take to expect the results of rites and rituals. First, it’s worth understanding the difference between performing magical procedures on your own and professional magic. In the first case, the result is not guaranteed at all. It is unknown whether you were able to feel the energy during the ritual subtle world and point it in the right direction. However, if the magical effect is performed by a professional, it is quite possible to indicate the approximate time of the result. Much depends on the complexity of the situation that needs to be resolved, as well as on the effectiveness of the ritual or conspiracy being performed. There are procedures that can be completed in a few minutes, and there are those that require preliminary preparation and subsequent correction. Sometimes the ritual alone can take from 3 to 9 days.

What are rituals and conspiracies?

To explore this topic more deeply, let's figure out what magical rituals, ceremonies, and conspiracies are.

There are quite a few, tens of thousands of different rituals and conspiracies for carrying out magical effects. But the essence is the same for everyone - to connect external sources of power to influence a person or situation in order to achieve desired result. The physical world is governed by four main forces - air, fire, water and earth. A conspiracy is your appeal to one or more of these forces, and a ritual is a way of merging with this force; you must definitely feel and experience this force. To do this, you need to connect your energy with an external source, for example, with fire, and act no longer as a separate person, not on your own, but on behalf of this force, becoming a part of it. Only in this case will the ritual be effective and you will get results. Therefore, if you want to learn how to practice magical rituals, learn to interact with external forces, it is not so difficult, these forces are always near us.

I very rarely use ready-made rituals; I prepare new ones for each client. After all, the situations that need to be solved are always different, each case has its own nuances. Somewhere you need to act softly and slowly, gradually increasing strength, somewhere, on the contrary, you need to use it hard and quickly, for example, to cut off negatives. And in each case, you need to connect different forces, for example, to get rid of loneliness or solve problems in relationships, the element of fire is used more, and to solve material problems, for business or career - a combination of the elements of fire and earth. The ritual must meet the requirements of the task and help attract the necessary power.

What happens after the ceremony

When the magical ritual is performed and everything is done correctly, certain mechanisms immediately turn on and the situation begins to change. At first, this happens on a subtle, energetic level; all the necessary prerequisites begin to be created. Accordingly, the result itself comes a little later. Based on personal practice, I can say that for most love spells and health, this period takes from 28 to 40 days. If during this time no progress has been made in the situation, it means that some serious obstacle has arisen and needs to be eliminated. Experienced craftsmen see this immediately and make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner. There are difficult cases when magic begins to work after a few months. Long-term effects are sometimes characteristic of amulets, talismans and other things endowed with magical powers.

However, the key number for most rituals and conspiracies is 28 days. Why this particular period? The fact is that many processes on Earth, especially magical ones, are associated with the lunar cycle. And it lasts exactly 28 days. Thus, in order for energy to do full circle and entered the next turn, must pass 1 lunar cycle. True, there are rituals that work much faster, literally within a few days. This is especially true for conspiracies for specific desires. How do you know that the ritual has begun to take effect? To do this, you need to trust your intuition and be observant. If more accidents and unusual events begin to happen in your life, this means that the situation is beginning to change for the better.

For example, if a ritual was performed to bring a loved one into your life, complete strangers may start talking to you on the street. Or suddenly long-forgotten friends or girlfriends call on the phone and offer to meet. Do not ignore such signs: this is clear evidence that magic is beginning to work. In conclusion, I will say that each ritual has its own validity period. Usually magical influence does not last more than 6-12 months. Sometimes it makes sense to repeat the ritual, in other situations there is a need to similar procedure it simply disappears because the goal has been achieved.

Why rituals don't work

There are many factors that determine whether the ritual will work and how long it will last:

  • the circumstances of the life of the person targeted;
  • his environment, social status;
  • the distance between the customer of the ritual and the goal;
  • time that has passed since the last meeting of the parties;
  • if the ritual was carried out independently, there is a direct dependence on the energy level of the person who performed the ritual.

The last point is the most important in terms of the effectiveness of “home” magic. It is also quite possible that the ritual will not work at all, since, as I already said, external forces will not be involved.

The energy level of the person at whom the ritual or love spell is aimed is also important. There are cases when magic does not work due to the protection that a person has, or high level his personal strength. In such a situation, only the help of an experienced master, magician or shaman can eliminate the existing obstacles.

A love spell ritual is unlikely to work if you are not personally familiar with the object. Only very much can do this. A long separation (a year or more) will be a serious obstacle. Mental illness and dependencies also reduce the effectiveness of the impact. Also important correct selection magical items necessary for the ritual.

In addition, you cannot tell anyone about your actions. Excessive attention from strangers will negate the effectiveness of magical practice. The emotional mood also matters. If you cannot cope with your emotions, they will take away your energy and you will not be able to prepare and successfully perform the ritual.

If you need more complete advice on magical rituals, contact me through the feedback form or through the contacts on my website. I wish you good luck and joy!