Stray cats before and after rescue. Cats before and after shelter: what love can do Scout was homeless and very skinny

A domestic cat brings joy and comfort to the home, but its presence next to people becomes even more special if this pet was once saved from certain death. In our review there are 15 touching stories about how people did not leave in trouble and saved cute and unfortunate cats, which in turn, after care and a huge dose of love and attention, turned into charming guardians of the hearth.

1. Bunny was found with multiple wounds after being electrocuted. On the right is him a few months later

2. The kitten was found half dead. On the right is a picture just a month later.

3. Mr. Biscuit was trying to keep warm under the hood of the car and was badly burned when the car started moving. Now he has recovered

4. Justin, saved from fire

5. Louis was found in a drain, just a couple of weeks old. Now he feels like a king at home

6. A whole box of kittens was left near the shelter, only one of which was alive, and he was half-blind. Six months later, this cat is completely healthy

7. This kitten was found completely soaked in the freezing rain. Now the cat Utopia has a warm home where she is loved

8. Kodama was found in terrible condition with a wound in which worms were already swarming. Now, 6 years later, she is a beautiful healthy cat.

9. Little Stuart on the day he was found, and after, when he was “brought to his senses”

10. Rescued cat before-and-after

11. Rescued kitten before-and-after

12. Tyrion was found with a terrible eye infection. Now this is the cutest little furball in the world

You won't envy street cats. Pets left without a home and proper care face many problems. They starve, get hit by cars, and suffer from infectious diseases. But there are lucky ones who find a new home and loving owners. Animals surrounded by attention and care change before our eyes. Below are photos of 10 cats before and after they were picked up from the street.

Justin the cat was rescued from a burning house. He's doing well today.

This is a cat named Yves. The previous owners did not treat him. After a rehabilitation course at the shelter, he was taken to a new home.

Here is another story of miraculous salvation. A small, sick, dirty kitten found new owners and turned into a well-fed snow-white purring cat.

Louis got stuck in a drainpipe when he was just two weeks old. Today he is quite happy with life.

This is another cat who was saved by kind people.

A box of kittens was dropped off at the shelter. Only one of them survived. After several months of treatment, he grew stronger and became a healthy and playful kitten.

It's amazing how animals transform when they find themselves in good conditions.

This ginger cat climbed into the car to bask near the engine. When the engine started, the cat was badly burned and lost one ear. This did not stop him from finding a home and loving owners.

Oliver was out of luck. His owners did not look after him. The cat ended up in a shelter and found a new family. Now he looks completely different.

The cat Mura was torn by the dogs, the skin on her stomach was hanging in shreds. Doctors collected the animal in parts. Today Mura is healthy and lives in Germany.

Benny was dying on the street when he was picked up by shelter employees. Thanks to their sensitive care, the cat turned into a real beauty.

People took home a wet, dirty street kitten with mats and sore paws. After long-term treatment, the cat turned into a snow-white purr satisfied with life.

When passersby discovered Kodama, she was on the verge of death. The cat had a serious wound that was infested with worms. People saved the animal and took it home. The photo on the right shows Kodama several years after his miraculous rescue.

Neglected, dirty and hungry, Jean Gabin received medical care and good food at a shelter for homeless animals. Today he looks divine. It is impossible to believe that these two photographs are of the same animal.

The seriously injured cat, Eleanor, was dying in a dumpster. Today she brings happiness to her new owners.

This cat, named Rabbit, suffered a lot of damage as a result of a strong electric shock. However, two months later he is alive and well.

Volunteers picked up a kitten with a monstrous growth on the street. Due to severe inflammation of the eyes, it was not possible to save them. Now the new owners are monitoring the cat’s health.

Little Duncan was hit by a car. However, he survived and quickly recovered. A year after the accident, the cat is healthy and full of strength.

The scout was found on the street in a neglected, extremely emaciated condition. A year later, he lives with new owners and is not in danger.

Many stray cats get injured on the street and remain disabled. Such “special” animals also have the right to life and good living conditions. When they find themselves in a loving family, they are transformed before our eyes. Pets remain loyal to their owners for life.

A domestic cat brings joy and comfort to the home, but its presence next to people becomes even more special if this pet was once saved from certain death. In our review there are 15 touching stories about how people did not leave in trouble and saved cute and unfortunate cats, which in turn, after care and a huge dose of love and attention, turned into charming guardians of the hearth.

1. Bunny was found with multiple wounds after being electrocuted. On the right is him a few months later

2. The kitten was found half dead. On the right is a picture just a month later.

3. Mr. Biscuit was trying to keep warm under the hood of the car and was badly burned when the car started moving. Now he has recovered

4. Justin, saved from fire

5. Louis was found in a drain, just a couple of weeks old. Now he feels like a king at home

6. A whole box of kittens was left near the shelter, only one of which was alive, and he was half-blind. Six months later, this cat is completely healthy

7. This kitten was found completely soaked in the freezing rain. Now the cat Utopia has a warm home where she is loved

8. Kodama was found in terrible condition with a wound in which worms were already swarming. Now, 6 years later, she is a beautiful healthy cat.

9. Little Stuart on the day he was found, and after, when he was “brought to his senses”

10. Rescued cat before-and-after

11. Rescued kitten before-and-after

12. Tyrion was found with a terrible eye infection. Now this is the cutest little furball in the world

All these animals were found on the streets, ended up in shelters and received new owners. Apparently, love and care can work miracles. Or does a cat really have nine lives?

(Total 13 photos)

1. This cat was found barely alive at the age of two weeks. His name is now Justin, but it took six months to turn him into a healthy, full-fledged cat.

2. Little Bunny suffered a severe electric shock. Now she looks much better and, most likely, will not stick her nose where it shouldn’t.

3. Trying to stay warm, a cat named Biscuit climbed into the car engine and, when the car started moving, suffered severe burns. He's much better now. True, he still lost one ear.

4. Half-dead cat. And here she is in a month.

5. This cat was found heavily infected. This is what she has become under her new owners.

6. Louis was found on the street at just two weeks old. And this is what she looks like now.

7. For a long time this cat lived on the street. Now he has found a home and owners.

8. The home of this cat, who was named Kitty, was a box in some yard. Now she is a full member of someone's family.

9. It’s unlikely that anyone would dare to pet this cat. And now?

10. Stuart Little was found on the street when he was just a few days old. Someone took him from the shelter.

A domestic cat will bring love and joy to every family who will accept it with open arms and a pure heart, but the love and gratitude of a cat will be simply limitless if you rescue it from the street. Many of these stray cats were on the verge of death when kind people picked them up and gave them care and love that worked a real miracle!

Rabbit with numerous wounds. And this is what it looks like after a few months

Justin, who survived the fire

Kitty was found half dead and here she is a couple of months later

We found a box of kittens and Shelter was the only survivor. 6 months later she is healthier than ever

Cookie was trying to warm up in a car engine and almost got burned when the car started up. Now he looks great

Louis was found in a ditch when he was two weeks old. Now he's the king of the house

Rescued cat before and after

Another happy story

Stuart Little before and after he was found

A small kitten was found in a box drenched in cold rain. Now he has a loving home

Spider was found in stock. Now he has become a real handsome man

Scout was terribly skinny when we found him. This is what he looks like a year later

Duncan was found near the road. A year later he looked much happier

Rescued Siamese cat

Eleanor was found seriously injured in a dumpster. Now she's a happy house cat

The story of this cat has a good continuation

Stray cat a year later

Penguin looks much better just a week after rescue

Bee was found on the side of the road. This is what she looks like after a month

Oliver was treated very poorly by his previous owners. This is what it looks like after 12 weeks

Cat before and after rescue

Cat before and after rescue

Yves before and after a happy rescue